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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les Ombres de la Partition dans les romans indiens et pakistanais de langue anglaise / The Shadows of Partition in Indian and Pakistani novels in English

Soukaï, Sandrine 26 November 2016 (has links)
Le roman indien et pakistanais de langue anglaise est habité par le trauma de la Partition à travers des tropes de l’esthétique moderniste comme la fragmentation et l’ellipse. Il est aussi structuré par des métaphores de mutilation, de déracinement, d’exil, ainsi que par la figure symbolique du réfugié. Non exploré jusqu’ici, le trope visuel et poétique des ombres inscrit en creux dans la fiction la violence inexprimable de la Partition. Signes prémonitoires de la rupture cataclysmique de 1947, dans le roman Twilight in Delhi (1940), les ombres dramatisent les conséquences dévastatrices de la modernité coloniale sur la haute culture musulmane de l’Inde. Dans quatre romans publiés après la fracture du sous-continent – Sunlight on a Broken Column (1961), Clear Light of Day (1980), The Shadow Lines (1988), Burnt Shadows (2009) –, les ombres sont les traces-mémoires indélébiles, poreuses, et instables qui imprègnent la cartographie régionale et les psychés individuelles. Associée aux tropes ambivalents du fantôme et du miroir, l’ombre subvertit l’historiographie officielle en ouvrant un espace mémoriel dans lequel les souvenirs d’individus et de familles subalternes, transmis sur plusieurs générations, lient la Partition à d’autres traumas internationaux à travers des nœuds de mémoire multidirectionnelle. Par sa dimension visuelle, l’ombre produit une mémoire corporelle qui implique le lecteur dans une sémiotique empathique et réflexive du regard. / Partition inhabits the Indian and the Pakistani novel in English through modernist tropes such as ellipsis and fragmentation, metaphors of mutilation, dislocation and exile, and the symbolic figure of the refugee. The unspeakable violence of this trauma is also embedded within the narrative through the visual and poetic trope of the shadows, which has not been examined yet. In the novel Twilight in Delhi (1940), the shadows are premonitions of the cataclysm of 1947 as they stage the devastating impacts of colonial modernity on the high Muslim culture of India. In four novels published after the division of the subcontinent – Sunlight on a Broken Column (1961), Clear Light of Day (1980), The Shadow Lines (1988), Burnt Shadows (2009) –, the shadows are indelible, porous and unstable memory-traces that permeate the regional cartography and individual psyches. Together with the dual motives of the ghost and the mirror, these shadows subvert the official historiography and open up a discursive space in which the memories of subaltern individuals and families, transmitted over several generations, connect Partition to other international traumas via knots of multidirectional memory. Through their visual dimension, the shadows shape a body memory which involves the reader in an empathic and reflexive semiotics of the gaze.

Matumizi Mema ya Viakifishi katika Uimarishaji wa Mawasiliano katika Lugha ya Kiswahili: Mfano wa Riwaya ya Mkamandume

Musotsi, Eliud Teyie, Miruka, Frida Akinyi, Okal, Bernard Odoyo 30 May 2022 (has links)
Lugha ni nyenzo muhimu katika mchakato wa mawasiliano, hali inayoifanya nyenzo hii kuweza kuchanganuliwa kwa njia mbalimbali. Katika jitihada za kuichunguza na kuichanganua lugha, imebainika kwamba kuna uhusiano wa ufaano kati ya miundo ya lugha na dhima yake. Huu ndio uhusiano ambao hutumiwa na wasanii kifasihi kuunganisha mifumo ya lugha inayotumika katika matini na kuafikia ruwaza zao. Hali hii inatokana na uwezo wa kufulikana kwa lugha kama chombo cha mawasiliano ambao pia unaipa lugha uwezo wa kusukwa tofauti kwa mujibu wa dhima tofauti na hivyo basi kuendeleza grafolojia. Grafolojia ni mojawapo ya viwango vya uchanganuzi wa kiisimu kimtindo. Hata hivyo, umuhimu na nafasi ya grafolojia kama kiwango cha uchanganuzi wa matini hudhihirika katika umitindo na mbinu mseto. Kwa hali hiyo, watalaam wengi wakiwemo Halliday, McIntosh na Strevens (1964) wamefanya utafiti kuhusu jinsi mchepuko wa kigrafolojia unavyoathiri ufasiri kimaana na kuzalisha athari zingine za kiujumi katika matini. Miongoni mwa vipengele vya kigrafolojia ambavyo wamevitaja kwamba vinaibua athari tofauti katika matini ni viakifishi. Ingawa uandishi wowote, uwe wa jadi au wa leo unahitaji kuzingatia matumizi mema ya viakifishi, hivi leo kumeshuhudiwa ukiukaji wa matumizi ya vipengele hivi katika shughuli za kijamii. Ni kwa ajili hii ndiposa makala haya yameandaliwa yakilenga kuchanganua aina mbalimbali za viakifishi, herufi kubwa na mchango wa alama hizi katika uimarishaji wa mawasiliano katika lugha ya Kiswahili. Aidha makala haya yametayarishwa kwa kuchanganua yaliyomo katika riwaya ya kisasa ya Mkamandume (2013) huku nadharia ya Sarufi Amilifu Mfumo (SAM) iliyoasisiwa na Halliday ikiongoza utafiti huu. / Language is an important tool in communication. In an effort to explore and analyze language, it has been observed that there is a correlation between language structures and stylistic choices. Also used by literary artists who integrate these principles of in their text, graphology is one of the standards of linguistic analysis in style. However, its importance and place as a standard for textual analysis is manifested in a variety of styles and techniques. In this context, many scholars including Halliday, McIntosh and Stevens (1964) have done research on how grammatical “abnormalities' affect interpretation and produce other metaphorical effects in texts. This article aims at analyzing the different types of signs and conventions, abbreviations, practices of capitalization and the contribution of these symbols in strengthening communication in Swahili. In addition, this article uses the content of the novel Mkamandume (2013) and refers back to the basics of 'Sarufi Amilifu Mfumo' (SAM) developed by Halliday.

"Det måste vara lättsamtoch enkelt” : en kvalitativ studie om förskollärares upplevelserav ett jämställdhetsmaterial

Nordin, Ulrika January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to explore how one goes from theory to practice ina gender equality work in preschool by examining how preschool teachers havereceived and worked with a support- and inspiration material that a groupwithin the education administration in Umeå township has developed. I haveconducted qualitative interviews with four preschool teachers with a focus onan equal conversation in order to advocate that research is created ininteraction with others. With the analytical method InterpretivePhenomenological Analysis (IPA), the preschool teachers' experiences andfeelings have been analyzed and then interpreted with the help of institutionaltheory and Sara Ahmed's (2012) phenomenological theories about diversitywork within institutions.The results show that preschool teachers believe that it is important to work forgender equality in preschool. They also believe that there are benefits toworking more broadly and including more social categories than gender, andalso critically examining norms in preschool. Furthermore, the results showthat there are difficulties and obstacles within the organization that affect howthe support- and inspiration material has been received and worked with. Theseinclude challenges in going from theory to practice, fear of conflict withcolleagues, uncertainty about, and different interpretations of the concept ofgender equality and lack of leadership. In summary, it can be said that it takesmore than just distributing a gender equality material to create change in thedirection of increased gender equality in preschool. / <p>2022-06-02</p>


Larsson, David January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsen utgår ifrån Sara Ahmeds bok “Queer Phenomenology – Orientations, Objects, Others”. I uppsatsen diskuteras  hur vi människor upplever världen genom föremålen som omger oss och hur detta orienterar oss på olika sätt. På samma sätt som vissa förmål orienterar oss och gör att vi följer normativa linjer så kan andra föremål, eller föremål i andra situationer bryta dessa linjer och desorintera oss. Konst skulle kunna ses som sådana desorienteringsföremål som låter oss se världen på nya sätt. Uppsatsen innehåller också en diskusion kring induktiva resonemang i realtion till att förstå och navigera sig i välden och hur dessa år både nödvändiga och otillräckliga.

Vem vänds av vindarna? : Om kropp, kroppslighet och riktningar i Stina Aronsons Den fjärde vägen.

Pedersen, Ann-Sofie January 2017 (has links)
This essay examines the body in Stina Aronsons Den fjärde vägen, and is based on theories from Sara Ahmed who writes about how the body is orientated toward and away from objects and others. The essay also intend to examine the way the character inhabit the room from a bodily experience and how this affect the way they feel and act against each other and themselves.  My method is close reading, in which I approach parts of the book that refers to the body from different angles. In that way I read the book from a gender oriented perspective as well as a social perspective— in which the characters are related to different norms that causes expectations of how they should act in a certain kind of way.

Circulating Emotions in James Baldwin’s Going to Meet the Man and in American Society

Cassel, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
This essay explores how James Baldwin’s short story Going to Meet the Man depicts racist attitudes toward African-Americans in American society. Further, this essay also shows how racism is linked to a circulation of emotions that unconsciously generates a xenophobic nation affecting even those who implicitly are regarded as genuine citizens of that community. By using two theoretical perspectives, Sara Ahmed’s theory of affective economies and some of Freud’s concepts from psychoanalysis, this essay analyzes Baldwin’s text and discovers how the American nation needs to accept and recognize its racist history, just as a child needs to acknowledge his or her fear when experiencing traumatic events. Baldwin’s narrative reinforces racist stereotypes while at the same time using the text to write back to a society that at the time of writing had not expected, but indeed needed, an African-American man to publish a book from a white man’s perspective.

Konsten att vara kvinna : En etnologisk studie av hur kvinnliga konstutövare gör motstånd.

Andersson, Karin January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

En värdegrundsanalys av fyra skönlitterära läromedel / An analysis of constitutive values in four educational fiction books

Ettelman, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka värden som kan utläsas i fyra skönlitterära läromedel för mellanstadiet samt hur dessa värden överensstämmer med den värdegrund som framhålls i Lgr 11. För att uppfylla syftet besvaras följande frågeställningar: Vilka värden relaterade till demokrati, mänskliga rättigheter, jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män, mångkulturalism samt respekt för vår gemensamma miljö kan urskiljas i undersökta läromedels historia? Hur stämmer de värden som går att utläsa i de undersökta läromedlen överens med den värdegrund som framhålls i Lgr 11? Dessa besvaras med hjälp av litteraturanalys som metod. Resultatet kopplas till Lgr 11 samt relevant litteratur rörande värdegrund, demokrati, mänskliga rättigheter, jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män, mångkulturalism samt respekt för vår gemensamma miljö. I resultatet framkommer det att de värden som kan utläsas i de undersökta läromedlen i flera avseenden inte överensstämmer med den värdegrund som framhålls i Lgr 11. Därför bör sådana läromedel bearbetas genom reflektion och diskussion rörande värden och värdegrund av lärare och elever.

Le MTLD, le Mouvement pour le triomphe des libertés démocratiques : 1947-1954 : Algérie /

Simon, Jacques, January 2003 (has links)
Extr. de: Th. doct.--Hist.--Paris 3, 1995. Titre de soutenance : Messali Hadj, une passion de l'Algérie libre : 1898-1954. / En appendice, choix de documents. Bibliogr. p. 305-312. Notes bibliogr.

Making Space: Disorientating bodies in trans and queer spaces of support

Matthews, Evan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores young people’s transgenderings through negotiations of language, bodies and experiences of different peer and community-based support spaces in Aotearoa New Zealand. It critically examines what ‘support’ means for young people in relation to developing subjectivities and embodiments shaped by being both young and transgender/ gender non-conforming. While these perspectives are varied, I argue that the production of community and peer-based support for those who are both young and transgender or gender non-conforming has been undergoing a period of significant change, reflecting queer and postmodern shifts which have worked to re-conceptualise the ways queer and transgender communities and peers are imagined, incorporating a greater inclusive focus on diversity. Utilising Sara Ahmed’s concept of queer phenomenology and post-structuralist theory, the thesis thinks beyond binary approaches to gender and support, to consider support and gender non-conformity through the process of ‘disorientation’. Throughout this project both ‘gender’ and ‘support’ are positioned as being subjective, embodied and discursive knowledges and actions, represented in multiple and contradictory ideas, identities and expressions of the different participants. The study utilises in-depth qualitative interviews with participants who are young people (aged 16-30 years) and support providers and developers of transgender/queer based support in Aotearoa New Zealand. Working with young people and support providers, this research provides an analysis of support development for transgender and gender non-conforming young people in Aotearoa New Zealand, arguing that all participants in support (both providers and recipients) are shaping its provision.

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