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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lokal tidning och lokal demokrati : En undersökning om kommunjournalistiken i Lindesberg 1995-2013

Tegnér, Jenny January 2013 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om lokaljournalistik i Lindesberg, en ort i norra delen av Örebro län. Uppsatsen är inriktad på bevakningen av den kommunala myndigheten för att på så sätt kunna diskutera de lokala mediernas betydelse för demokratin i Lindesberg. Till grund för uppsatsen ligger en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 227 kommunrelaterade artiklar publicerade vecka 6 och vecka 7 i Bergslagsposten åren 1995 och 2001 samt vecka 6 och vecka 7 i Nerikes Allehanda åren 2007 och 2013. Det teoretiska avsnittet tar avstamp i fyra olika medieideologier, och landar genom dessa i journalistikens demokratiska uppgifter. De demokratiska uppgifterna är födda ur ett synsätt att medierna har en avgörande betydelse för att demokratin ska fungera. Med utgångspunkt i det teoretiska avsnittet, och med hänvisning till tidigare forskning, handlar diskussionen om att antalet kommunrelaterade artiklar har blivit färre vilket gör det svårare att uppfylla de demokratiska uppgifterna. I diskussionen konstateras även att det finns en gråzon i att granska makthavare; det är ofta tjänstemännen som får representera kommunen eftersom de har ett stort inflytande, men det är politikerna som är de som egentligen är folkvalda och kan röstas bort. Slutligen förs en diskussion om hur den studerade bevakningen förhåller sig till olika idealtyper av demokrati.

Partiskhet i pressen : En kvantivativ studie av Nerikes Allehandas och Aftonbladets rapportering av Miljöpartiet, Kristdemokraterna och Sverigedemokraterna

Falk, Anna, Mannersjö, Isabelle January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med vår uppsats är att undersöka Aftonbladet och Nerikes Allehandas rapportering av Sverigedemokraterna, Kristdemokraterna och Miljöpartiet. Vi vill ta reda på om rapporteringen är partisk eller ej och i så fall vem som gynnas eller missgynnas. Vi har utgått ifrån att Sverigedemokraterna får en viss särbehandling då det anses vara ett främlingsfientligt parti. Vi har valt att använda oss av en kvantitativ metod då vi vill undersöka frekvenser och utrymme. Det vi vill ha svar på är hur Nerikes Allehanda respektive Aftonbladet rapporterar om partierna. Vi vill även veta vem som får representera partiet i artiklarna. Vår undersökning pekar på att Sverigedemokraterna gynnas i form av stor medial bevakning. Det är det parti som oftast står i förgrunden, det vill säga att artikeln huvudsakligen handlar om partiet, men får sällan komma till tals. Kristdemokraterna är det parti som oftast får komma till tals och de får ofta uttala sig i frågor som ligger utanför deras hjärtefrågor. Miljöpartiet får också komma till tals och uttrycka sig i olika sakfrågor. Det förekommer betydligt fler politiska analyser om SD än om de andra partierna. Vilket innebär att många försöker utvärdera Sverigedemokraternas politik medan de andra partierna har representanter som svarar för deras politiska åsikter.

Det tilltagande tyckandet i tidningen : En undersökning om opinionsmaterialets utveckling mellan 1986 och 2013

Börjesson, Sofia, Martinsson, Robert January 2013 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen undersöks opinionsmaterialets utveckling och förändring mellan 1986 och 2013 i de fyra tidningarna Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Metro och Nerikes Allehanda. De år som har undersökts i nämnda period är 1986, 1995, 2004 samt 2013. Genom kvantitativa undersökningar har vi studerat hur mycket opinionstexterna har ökat i antal, hur placeringen på tidningssidan har förändrats, vilka ämnesområden som har bevakats och hur många kvinnliga respektive manliga skribenter som har skrivit texterna. En kompletterande kvalitativ undersökning har också gjorts för att undersöka hur argumentationen i opinionstexterna har förändrats genom åren. För att komma fram till det har vi använt oss av Aristoteles retorikbegrepp ethos, pathos och logos, och applicerat dem på ett urval av krönikor från olika år och tidningar. Undersökningen visar att antalet opinionstexter utanför ledarplats har ökat och att majoriteten av skribenterna är män. Undersökningen visar även hur den populära spalten så sakteligen har börjat bytas ut mot andra placeringar på nyhetssidan. Sport och kultur har varit de två mest populära genrerna genom åren, värt att notera är även de opinionsbildande ekonomitexternas kraftiga ökning sedan 1986.

Hästtjejen och Konststudenten : En kritisk diskursanalys av styckmördare i två svenska lokaltidningar och Expressen. / The horse girl and the art student : A critical discourse analysis of three Swedish newspapers coverage of two murders

Karlsson, Emil, Larsson Sposito, Miriam January 2019 (has links)
This study was conducted with the motive to analyze and demonstrate the differences and similarities of three Swedish newspapers’ coverage about two different murders. The main focus of the study was to compare and contrast the newspapers’ descriptions of one male and one female murderer. Through the study we also aimed to answer the question “Is it possible to apply the Chivalry Hypothesis in the newspapers descriptions of the murderers?” The Chivalry Hypothesis proclaims that women get treated in a more lenient way than men in the judicial system of America. A study from 2006 discovered that a specific newspaper in USA did in fact not treat criminal women in a more lenient way than criminal men. Our most important theoretical standpoints was that of discourse; as discourse analysis in the way Norman Fairclough preferred it was the method that was used. As we compared differences between the sexes gender studies was also a major theoretical part of the study. The result of our empirical analysis showed that a man and a woman which had committed similar murders during the same time period was partially treated and described different from each other in the articles. The result also showed partial support for the thesis about the Chivalry Hypothesis being translatable to Swedish news-press.

"Hästtjejen som blev en styckmördare" : En kvalitativ studie om representationen av en kvinnlig gärningsman i Aftonbladet och Nerikes Allehanda / “The horse girl who became a murderer who dismembered her victim”

Maric, Julia, Killgren, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine how crime journalism relates to gender by exploring how a female perpetrator is constructed in Swedish news media. We examined a specific case where a female perpetrator murdered and dismembered her victim in Askersund, Örebro. The questions examined were; How are the female perpetrator represented in the tabloid Aftonbladet and the local newspaper Nerikes Allehanda and what are the differences and similarities between Aftonbladet’s and Nerikes Allehanda’s representation of her? We made a discourse analysis of eighteen news articles. The result shows that the female perpetrator is represented as a non-ideal female perpetrator, a heartbroken and weak victim and an ordinary woman who suddenly transforms. Aftonbladet and Nerikes Allehanda also represent the female perpetrator as an evil and insensitive murderer and like a jealous madman. Both Aftonbladet and Nerikes Allehanda describe that the female perpetrator saw her victim as a rival. At the beginning, mainly Nerikes Allehanda, represent the female perperator as a part of the community by representing her as a kind and innocent girl who loves horses. Then the representation is changing and the female perpetrator is represented as an intruder in the community. This representation also appears in Aftonbladet. However the tabloid mostly represents the female perpetrator with attributes like vicious, callous, jealous and mad. Our study also shows that the distance between the newspapers and the place where the crime occurred, influences the representation of the female perpetrator.

Konstruktionen av invandring och invandrare -En kritisk diskursanalys av artiklar i Västerbottens-Kuriren och Ystads Allehanda maj-september 2018

Ekstrand, Julia, Hall, Alva January 2019 (has links)
In recent years, Sweden together with big parts of Europe have become more political right-oriented than before. Compared to previous years, the support for the Swedish Democrats increased significantly in the parliamentary election in 2018, and there were major regional differences. In this essay we examine how the construction of "immigration" and "immigrants" appears in the local newspapers in the areas where the Swedish Democrats received the highest and lowest electoral support. Using critical discourse analysis, it also examines if there are any differences between the areas. Previous research shows that media plays a significant role when it comes to affect people's perception and attitude towards immigration and immigrants. This study, which is based on articles from the Swedish newspapers Västerbottens-Kuriren and Ystads Allehanda in a period of May-September 2018, shows that "immigration" is more often constructed negatively, while the construction of "immigrants" are generally more positive. It also appears that there are regional differences in the construction of immigration and immigrants when comparing the two newspapers. In Västerbottens-Kuriren the construction of the concepts is more often positive while in Ystads Allehanda the negative aspects of immigration and immigrants are more often in focus.

Rädsla i det offentliga rummet : En undersökning av samband mellan media och rädsla för överfallsvåldtäkt

Westerlund, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning       Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att analysera och diskutera hur rädsla utvecklas i samband med överfallsvåldtäkter, och undersöka samband mellan media och kvinnors rädsla. Syftet har också varit att relatera rädslans betydelse i förhållande till jämställdhet.   Den övergripande problemfrågan har varit: - Finns det samband mellan medias nyhetsförmedling och kvinnors rädsla för överfallsvåldtäkt? Följande undersökningsfrågor har använts: - Hur ser forskningen på problemet med kvinnors rädsla för brott och våldtäkt? - På vilket sätt kan nyhetsklippen i Nerikes Allehanda ha påverkat utvecklingen av rädsla för överfallsvåldtäkter i Örebro?   Undersökningen har gjorts i två delar. Först genom en undersökning av vad tidigare forskning kommit fram till om kvinnors rädsla för brott och våldtäkt. Sedan genom en textanalys av nyhetsklipp i Nerikes Allehanda, och hur dessa kan ha påverkat rädsla för överfallsvåldtäkter i Örebro. Tidsrummet sträcker sig från september 2009 till september 2010. Som utgångspunkt för textanalysen har Göran Bergström och Kristina Boréus metodbok Textens mening och makt använts. Jag har utgått från en teori om att medierna sätter dagordningen för vilka frågor som blir viktiga.   Genomgående har analyserna genomförts från ett genusperspektiv, som utgår från att män och kvinnor har olika positioner i förhållande till våldtäkt. Ett tema om kvinnors tillgång till det offentliga rummet har en central plats i uppsatsen. För att relatera resultaten till ett vidare jämställdhetsperspektiv har Susan Brownmillers teori, om våldtäkt som uttryck för makt och social kontroll, använts.   Slutsatsen är att det verkar finnas samband mellan medias nyhetsförmedling och kvinnors rädsla för överfallsvåldtäkt. Nerikes Allehandas nyhetsklipp är utformade på ett sätt som kan verka uppskrämmande på många kvinnor. Det gäller t.ex. signalerande nyheter, som är utformade på ett sätt som varnar kvinnor att de kan bli serievåldtäktsmannens nästa offer. Det sker också genom varningar från polisen, medierade genom media. Samspelet mellan Nerikes Allehandas kriminaljournalistik och polisen som huvudsaklig källa till nyhetsartikarna, har troligen haft en central roll i genererandet av en genuskodad rädsla, utan att varken polis eller Nerikes Allehanda haft något syfte att skrämma kvinnor. Ett sätt varigenom rädslan kunnat föras vidare är genom ett kulturellt narrativ, som skapas genom nyhetsklippen. / Abstract   The aim of this essay has been to analyze and discuss how fear develops in the context of rape attacks and investigate the relationship between media and women's fear. The aim has been to relate the importance of fear to gender equality. The overall question has been: - Is there a connection between media coverage and women's fear of sexual assault? The research issues that have been used: - How does research regard questions concerning women's fear of crime and rape? - How can newspaper articles in Nerikes Allehanda have influenced the development of fear of rape attacks in Örebro? The study was conducted in two parts. The first part was carried out as an examination of what previous research has concluded on women’s fear of crime and rape. Then through a textual analysis of newspaper articles in Nerikes Allehanda and how these may have affected the fear of rape attacks in Örebro. The time span is September 2009 to September 2010. Göran Bergström and Kristina Boréus method book Textens mening och makt was used as a basis for the text analysis. My point of departure has been a theory that the media set the agenda for what issues are important. The analysis was conducted from a gender perspective that assumes that men and women have different positions in relation to rape. A theme about women's access to public space has a central place in the essay. In order to relate the results to a wider gender equality perspective, Susan Brownmiller's theory of rape as an expression of power and social control has been used. The conclusion is that news media and women's fear of assault and rape seems to be linked. Newspaper articles in Nerikes Allehanda are designed in a way that may seem frightening to many women. This applies, for instance, to signaling news stories designed to warn women that they may become the next victim of a serial rapist. It also applies to warnings from the police, mediated through the media. The interaction between the crime coverage of Nerikes Allehanda and the police, as the main source of the news stories, probably played a central role in the generation of a gender-coded fear, without neither the police nor Nerikes Allehanda having any intent to scare women. A way that fear seems to have been passed on is through the creation of a cultural narrative that is created by the design of news articles.

Den fiktiva läsaren i dagstidningar : En undersökning om skapandet av fiktiva läsare i tre tidningar 1890

Carleson, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
This essay researches how newspapers created fictional reader identities through their content. Three newspapers have been studied from the week first to eight of February 1890, Nya Dagligt Allehanda, Dagens Nyheter and Stockholms Nyheter. The question that the essay is attempting to answer is which fictional readers were created. This is done through both a content analysis and a deeper language analysis of the newspapers. The text is seen as an active agent, creating the identity of the reader that they imagine when they write, an ideal reader. The content analysis compares the three newspapers with each other and studies the type of news that were reported. The differences between which occurrences and what kind of news are being reported shows the differences between the fictional readers that were created. The deep analysis studies one article from each newspaper more closely to see which words were used and how the newspapers used language to create a fictional reader. Criticism were often used to shows which group and opinions the fictional reader were identified with and which were the opponents. The fictional readers were quite political since a lot of the content was about politics or held political views. The newspapers transferred their political views to the fictional reader through the content. NDAs fictional reader was politically right-wing, interested in the other European countries and against socialism. DNs fictional reader was liberal and interested in political debates, the tariff issue and the rights for freedom of speech. Their opponent was the conservative and protectionist. SNs fictional reader had political opinions, but little interest in how the government worked and more in the doings of ordinary people. The fictional reader often criticized the authority and voiced it's opinion strongly.

Litografiskt Allehanda 1859-1865 : Konsten att skapa ett album för svensk konst

Lidman, Charlotte January 2016 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to study the release and the project of Litografiskt Allehanda, an art magazine covering contemporary Swedish art and artists, published from 1859 to 1865. My purpose is to look at the choice of the published material for Litografiskt Allehanda, the influence the contributing artists, how the work with advertisement and subscriptions was made and if it fulfilled its own purpose. Through a social and communicative perspective I am studying the relations between the different actors like the publicists, the artists, the subscribers and also the interaction between the lithographs and the texts.  Litografiskt Allehanda was the first successful lithographic work produced in Sweden, and the release lasted for six years. The printer and lithographer Axel Jacob Salmson, who was the founder of the magazine, led the printing work for two years before Sigfrid Flodin, a bookseller, took over and continued the work for another four years. The idea with Litografiskt Allehanda was to reach out to people all over Sweden and give everyone an opportunity to enjoy art, something that usually was exclusively for the upper class in the big cities. The analysis shows that there were people in smaller cities that subscribed to the magazine and also that the amount increased every year. Every volume contained 48 lithographic posters with a diversity of genres, from portraits and landscapes to some with more ethnographic character and ancient Nordic motives. The content became more Swedish with every year and letters show that the participating artists had quite a big influence over the published material. Every poster was accompanied by a text, which didn’t necessary had anything to do with the image, but was meant to create some entertainment for the reader. Some of these essays were written by special authors, while some were written by the artists themselves. Even if Litografiskt Allehanda is mentioned in almost every reference as being of great importance for the development of lithography and its proliferation in Sweden, there is nothing written that is just about the magazine.

Dagstidningar och damidrott : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av genusrepresentationen på sportsidorna i Sveriges största lokala- och regionala dagstidningar

Fredriksson, Johan, Borg, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
According to earlier studies, men dominates the sports pages in Swedish newspapers. The gender balance is far from equal and the purpose of this thesis is therefore to look into how Swedish local and regional newspapers covered gender in their sports pages during the year of 2013. The study also examines the news values of men’s and women’s sports, whether there are any differences compared to previous studies and whether there are any differences across the country. The study uses a quantitative content analysis and the result is based on editorial material from six randomly selected newspapers in 18 randomly selected days. We have analyzed 2005 separate units in 108 copies of newspapers. The study shows, as in previous studies, that the news feed is mainly concentrated on sports practiced by men, and it isn’t any significant differences across the country regarding the coverage of gender. Sports practiced by men also have a higher newsworthiness since it gets more space and are more promoted on the frontpages of the newspapers. The conclusion is therefore that sports practiced by women are marginalized as a deviation from the male norm.

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