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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays in experimental economics: Examining the effects of ambiguity and competition

Wozniak, David 06 1900 (has links)
x, 133 p. : ill. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / Individuals compete against each other in a variety of different settings. In labor markets they compete for promotion; in athletic tournaments they compete for fixed prizes. Important aspects of competitive choices include the probability of success, expected payoffs, the level of ambiguity regarding success, and preferences to compete. I explore the effects of biology and relative performance feedback in regard to these components in three essays. In the first essay I use a unique experiment design to measure ambiguity aversion, which can be modified to also control for risk aversion. A measure of ambiguity aversion has value as individuals in labor markets have ambiguous signals about their probabilities of success in competition. Consequently this measure may be used in future experiment designs to control for heterogeneous preferences for ambiguity and to test whether ambiguity affects behaviors differently than risk. Economic experiments have shown that when given the choice between piece rate and winner-take-all tournament style compensation, women are more reluctant than men to choose tournaments. In the second essay I replicate these findings and then show that giving relative performance feedback moves high ability women towards more competitive compensation schemes, moves low ability men towards less competitive compensation schemes, and removes the gender difference in compensation choices. I then examine differences in choices for women, across the menstrual cycle. I find that women in the low-hormone phase of their cycle are less likely to enter tournaments than women in the high-hormone phase. Men are more likely to choose tournaments than women at either stage. There are no significant selection differences between any of these groups after they receive relative performance feedback. Athletic labor markets provide a unique environment where individuals choose to compete when they have high quality information about their potential competitors. Gender differences for competition have been found to be removed when information about relative abilities is available. In the third essay, to explore the effect of information in a labor market setting, I use a unique data set of approximately 6,000 female and male competitive tennis players during the 2009 season. I focus on whether males and females choose to enter competitive tournaments differently in response to past performance. I find that males continue to compete after performing well in the previous week while females are less likely to compete if they do well. These contrasting behaviors suggest that males and females respond differently to performance feedback. / Committee in charge: William Harbaugh, Chairperson, Economics; Trudy Cameron, Member, Economics; Van Kolpin, Member, Economics; Christopher Minson, Outside Member, Human Physiology


Alonso Júnior, Hugo Fonseca 23 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:21:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Hugo Fonseca A Junior.pdf: 944929 bytes, checksum: 5f05c45d3b4d4b9bdd323e90b0049616 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Everything is and is not . This dissertation aims at analyzing some ambiguous images of God in the novel Grande Sertão: Veredas [The Devil to Pay in the Backlands]. Therefore, this analysis is an interdisciplinary attempt of reading and interpretation, where Theology and Literature are in dialogue. From the novel by João Guimarães Rosa, in the light of the literary hermeneutics critique and of theological reflection, we searched on pointing out that Guimarães Rosa s writings present God in an ambiguous way. This affirmation is possible as it is noticed in the human temporariness, poeticized by the author and personified by Riobaldo, the sine qua non trace of the way of seeing worlds mixed . When remembering and retelling stories of his life, Riobaldo opens space to the Mystery: - Nonada . In each crossing, the protagonist-narrator reflects about God through poetic speech whose diverse images suggest a very upset God . With no use of final theological and/or philosophical frameworks, Rosa provokes us when shows that the God who runs everything shows up and manages to escape in the backlands-universe, a physical-mythical place. It is in the backlands that we try to follow God s traces according to Riobaldo s iris. It is a look of constant movement between the dark and the revealed, between what is and what is not.(AU) / Tudo é e não é . Analisar algumas imagens ambíguas de Deus em Grande Sertão: Veredas foi o objetivo desta dissertação. Para tanto, essa análise é uma tentativa interdisciplinar de leitura e interpretação, em que Teologia e Literatura são interlocutoras. A partir do romance rosiano, sob à luz hermenêutica da crítica literária e da reflexão teológica, tentamos indicar que a escritura de João Guimarães Rosa apresenta Deus de modo ambíguo. Essa assertiva é possível, pois se percebeu na provisoriedade humana, poetizada pelo escritor e personificada por Riobaldo, o traço sine qua non do modo de ver mundos misturados . Ao rememorar e renarrar as estórias sua vida, Riobaldo abre espaço ao Mistério. Nonada . Em cada travessia, o protagonista-narrador reflete acerca de Deus , por meio da fala poética cujas imagens diversas sugerem um Deus muito contrariado . Sem enquadramentos teológicos e/ou filosóficos definitivos, Rosa provoca-nos ao mostrar-nos que o Deus que roda tudo revela-se e evade-se no sertão-universo. Lugar físico-mítico. É no sertão que intentamos seguir os rastros de Deus segundo a íris riobaldiana. Olhar de constante movimento entre o obscuro e o revelado, entre o é e não é.(AU)

Via(da)gens teológicas : itinerários para uma teologia queer no Brasil

André Sidnei Musskopf 20 August 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O argumento central desta Tese é que a teologia precisa andar por outros lugares. Embora este chamado seja dirigido a todas as teologias que se sustentam em uma matriz heterocêntrica para a construção do conhecimento teológico, ele se dirige de maneira especial para a Teologia da Libertação Latino-Americana, em cuja caminhada as reflexões desta Tese se inserem. As temáticas abordadas foram selecionadas e ordenadas a partir dos caminhos percorridos pelo próprio autor, configurando-se como itinerários ao mesmo tempo percorridos e sugeridos como necessários para a construção de uma teologia queer no Brasil. Neste sentido, as reflexões são situadas em dois contextos específicos que determinam o seu recorte. Primeiro, concentrando a pesquisa no contexto brasileiro, o que se evidencia na releitura histórica dos processos de construção dos discursos e práticas em torno da religiosidade e da sexualidade no Brasil, bem como da identidade brasileira de maneira mais abrangente, e sua importância para a reflexão teológica. Segundo, porque assume os desenvolvimentos no âmbito da teologia queer como espaço privilegiado de interlocução, o que se evidencia na apresentação do surgimento e do desenvolvimento das teologias homossexual-gay-queer desde o século XIX e, de maneira especial, na segunda metade do século XX, principalmente em países de fala inglesa, mas também no Brasil e na América Latina, ainda que em espaços menos formais e geralmente invizibilizados. Destes dois contextos específicos emerge o questionamento das epistemologias teológicas tradicionais e o desafio de articular a ambigüidade como princípio epistemológico. Tal ambigüidade é, então, discutida conceitualmente a partir de diversas áreas, autores e autoras e definida a partir dos contextos de onde a necessidade de sua articulação emergiu: o contexto brasileiro e a teoria queer. Sua articulação mais pungente, no entanto, é desenvolvida em três narrativas que se configuram como "histórias sexuais" e que iniciam o processo reflexivo sobre a epistemologia teológica. Esta reflexão é organizada em três momentos "ocupar, resistir, produzir" um dos lemas mais conhecidos do Movimento de Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST). A partir de então a discussão se converte numa conversa entre as "histórias sexuais" e diversas autoras que têm se ocupado da discussão epistemológica, considerando questões de identidade e linguagem na interseção com as discussões de gênero, sexualidade, raça/etnia, classe social e ecologia. Embora os três momentos desta proposta epistemológica desenvolvida a partir da idéia de ambigüidade sejam parte de um mesmo movimento de produção do conhecimento, no último deles as propostas para a elaboração de uma teologia queer no Brasil são materializadas através do diálogo com a pintura "La venadita" de Frida Kahlo. A figura que se destaca e dá nome à pintura - um veado - e sua associação com a homossexualidade no contexto brasileiro, através de um processo de apropriação simbólica e em consonância com a discussão realizada nos capítulos precedentes, permitem definir estas reflexões como via(da)gens teológicas dando expressão concreta aos itinerários para uma teologia queer no Brasil. / The main argument of this Dissertation is that theology needs to walk other paths. Although this calling is directed to all theologies which are based on a heterocentric matrix for the construction of theological knowledge, it is especially directed to Latin-American Liberation Theology, which the reflections of this Dissertation are understood to be in continuation with. The themes that it discusses were selected and organized based on the paths crossed by the author himself, which became itineraries at the same time crossed and suggested as necessary for the construction of a queer theology in Brazil. This way, the reflections are situated in two specific contexts that determinate its approach. First, concentrating the research on the Brazilian context, which becomes evident in the historical re-reading of the processes of construction of the discourses and practices around religiosity and sexuality in Brazil, as well as the Brazilian identity in a wider sense, and their importance for the theological reflection. Second, because it takes on the developments in the area of queer theology as a privileged space of dialog, which becomes evident in the presentation of the emergence and development of homosexual-gay-queer theologies since the XIX century and, especially, during the second half of the XX century, mainly in English speaking countries, but also in Brazil and Latin America, even if in less formal spaces usually made invisible spaces. From those two specific contexts emerges the questioning of traditional theological epistemologies and the challenge of articulating ambiguity as an epistemological principle. Such ambiguity is, then, discussed conceptually from the studies in several areas and by several authors and defined from the contexts where the need for its articulation emerged: the Brazilian context and queer theory. Its strongest articulation, however, is developed in three narratives presented as "sexual stories" that start the reflexive process about theological epistemology. This reflection is organized in three moments "occupy, resist, produce" one of the most well known slogans of the Landless Workers Movement (MST). From then on the discussion turns into a conversation between the "sexual stories" and several authors who have worked on the epistemological debate, considering issues of identity and language in the intersection with the discussions on gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, class and ecology. Although the three moments of this epistemological proposal developed from the idea of ambiguity are part of the same movement of knowledge production, in the last one the proposals for the construction of a queer theology in Brazil are materialized through the dialog with Frida Kahlos painting "La venadita". The character which marks and names the painting a deer and its association with homosexuality in the Brazilian context, through a process of symbolic appropriation and in accordance with the discussion accomplished in the previous chapters, allow the definition of those reflections as via(da)gens teológicas [theological faggoting] giving concrete expression to the itineraries for a queer theology in Brazil.


[pt] As relações amorosas são revestidas por diversos paradoxos, podendo ser encaradas como um dos maiores dilemas com os quais o ser humano precisa lidar. As ambiguidades existentes nas relações amorosas podem ser amplamente encontradas na temática da fidelidade e infidelidade. O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral investigar como os jovens adultos solteiros concebem e vivenciam a questão da fidelidade em seus relacionamentos amorosos. Para atingir esses objetivos, foram entrevistados dez jovens adultos solteiros, universitários, das camadas médias da população carioca, sendo cinco homens e cinco mulheres heterossexuais. Os sujeitos são independentes, e possuem entre 18 e 25 anos de idade. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, com a realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Da análise das entrevistas, feita através do método de análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 2011), emergiram diversas categorias. Constatou-se que os sujeitos concebem as relações amorosas na atualidade como superficiais, passageiras, vazias e banais. Os mesmos consideram a fidelidade um aspecto fundamental da relação e esperam que seus parceiros sejam fiéis. Uma pessoa é reconhecida como fiel quando é transparente e sincera, e quando cumpre os acordos preestabelecidos com o parceiro. Alguns sujeitos destacam a existência de uma infidelidade consigo mesmos, e muitos têm dificuldades em estabelecer os limites entre o que é fidelidade ou infidelidade. Conclui-se que, apesar das diversas transformações sociais, a fidelidade continua sendo um aspecto fundamental dos relacionamentos amorosos e os jovens esperam que seus parceiros sejam fiéis. Ser fiel significa não somente manter a exclusividade sexual, como também a transparência, a honestidade e a sinceridade com o parceiro. / [en] Romantic relationships are characterized by several paradoxes and can be understood as one of the biggest dilemmas that human beings must deal with. Romantic relationships ambiguities can be broadly found in the theme of fidelity and infidelity. This study aims to investigate the way young single adults conceive and experience fidelity in their romantic relationships. To this end, we interviewed five heterosexual men and women. The subjects of the study were middle class single college students living in Rio de Janeiro, between the ages of 18 and 25. Qualitative method and semi-structured interview (Bardin, 2011) were used. We found that the subjects conceive romantic relationships in the present as superficial, temporary, empty, and trivial. They also consider fidelity a pivotal trait in any relationship and expect fidelity from their partners. One is perceived to be faithful when he/she is transparent and sincere, and when pre-established agreements with the partner are met. Some subjects highlight that they are unfaithful to themselves, and many have difficulties in establishing boundaries between fidelity and infidelity. It was concluded that, despite the many social transformations, fidelity remains a key aspect of romantic relationships, and young people expect their partners to be faithful. Being faithful means not only maintain sexual exclusivity, as well as transparency, honest and sincerity with partner.

Vertentes do viver : a estrutura trágica de "Grande sertão : veredas"

Silva, Viviane Elizabete da January 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma tentativa de análise da estrutura de Grande sertão: veredas, de João Guimarães Rosa, a partir do conceito de tragédia apresentado por Aristóteles em sua Poética. Nesse livro, Aristóteles diz que, na tragédia, a estrutura interna do texto - a "composição dos fatos", o mythos - aponta para a "peripécia", o desenlace, na qual acontece o "reconhecimento trágico": a passagem do ignorar ao saber, a partir dos sentimentos trágicos, "terror e piedade", gerados pela trama dos acontecimentos, das imagens poéticas. Em Grande sertão: veredas, a elaboração do tema da "matéria vertente", ligada à tentativa de "armar o ponto dum fato", dá à estrutura do livro uma caracterização trágica no sentido aristotélico. Riobaldo narrador conta a um interlocutor, o senhor, suas experiências de jagunçopersonagem, encontrando dificuldades de narrar ao esbarrar nos aspectos ambíguos, vertentes das coisas de que fala. A ambigüidade presente em todo o livro é a trama dos fatos de Grande sertão: veredas que representa a figura ambígua de Diadorim e que anuncia a reviravolta final, a morte dele e a descoberta de seu segredo: com o desenlace é que há o reconhecimento que a ambigüidade não é só tema, mas estrutura da obra, ou seja, Riobaldo tem sua maneira de narrar mergulhada em uma visão de mundo marcada pela experiência de dor e de prazer com Reinaldo-Diadorim. Assim, a ambigüidade, em Grande sertão: veredas, analisada sob o ponto de vista de estruturação trágica, é forma de construção que vincula estrutura e sentido interno do texto. / This work tries to analyze the structure of Guimarães Rosa's Grande sertão: veredas (GSV) based on Aristotle's Poetics concept of tragedy. In his book Aristotle argues that the internal structure of a tragic text - the "the arrangement of incidents", the mythos or plot - points to a "peripeteia", a reversal of the protagonist's fortune, in which there is a "tragic recognition": the passage from ignorance to knowledge by the tragic feelings of "terror and pity" generated by the structure of incidents, of poetic images. In GSV, the elaboration of the theme of the "pouring matter" (matéria vertente) related to the attempt to "set the point of a fact" gives the structure of the book a tragic character in the Aristotelian sense. Riobaldo-narrator tells an interlocutor, sir, his experiences as jagunço (ruffian or kind of hired-assassin) character, finding it difficult to tell the story because of the ambiguous aspects, "pouring" from the things he tells. The ambiguity present along the book is the structure of incidents of GSV that represents the ambiguous character of Diadorim and that announces the final reversal, his death and the revealing of his secret: the resolution brings along the recognition that the ambiguity is not only the theme, but the structure of the text, that is, Riobaldo has his way of telling embedded in a way of seeing the world marked by experiences of pain and pleasure with Reinaldo-Diadorim. This being so, the ambiguity in Guimarães Rosa's GSV, from the point of view of the tragic structuring, is a form of construction that links structure and internal meaning of the text.

Egalitarian Socialization and Subjective Well-Being in Multiracial Individuals: A Moderated Mediation Analysis

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Scholarly interest in racial socialization is growing, but researchers' understanding of how and when racial socialization relates to subjective well-being is underdeveloped, particularly for multiracial populations. The present study investigated the possibility that the relationship of racial socialization to subjective well-being is mediated by racial identification and that this mediation depends on physical racial ambiguity. Specifically, the proposed study used a moderated mediation model to examine whether the indirect relation of egalitarian socialization to subjective well-being through racial identification is conditional on physical racial ambiguity among 313 multiracial individuals. Results suggested egalitarian socialization was positively correlated with subjective well-being. The results provided no support for the moderated mediation hypothesis. The present study examined the complex interaction between racial socialization, racial identification, physical racial ambiguity, and subjective well-being among multiracial individuals. Despite receiving no support for the moderated mediation hypothesis, this research helped to further explicate a distinct pathway through which egalitarian socialization impacts well-being through racial identification for multiracial individuals independent of physical racial ambiguity. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Counseling Psychology 2016

Career Decision Ambiguity Tolerance: A Longitudinal Examination of its Relation to Career Indecision

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: The current study investigated the dynamic interplay of career decision ambiguity tolerance and career indecision over three assessment times in a sample of college students (n=583). While the previous research has repeatedly shown an association of career decision ambiguity tolerance with career indecision, the direction of this association has not been adequately assessed with longitudinal investigation. It was hypothesized in this study that there is a reciprocal pattern of career decision ambiguity tolerance leading to subsequent career indecision and career indecision leading to subsequent career decision ambiguity tolerance. Using a cross-lagged panel design, this study found support for the reciprocal pattern that aversion with ambiguity led to increased negative experience, choice anxiety, and lack of readiness in career decision making, while negative experience, choice anxiety, and lack of readiness led to increased aversion with ambiguity as well. Additionally, this study revealed that choice anxiety and readiness for career decision making led to increased interests in new information. The key findings were discussed with respect to the theoretical and clinical implications for career counseling along with limitations and suggestions for future research. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Counseling Psychology 2017

Invented exoticism : the development of artistic forms and inlaid colouring technique to explore the aesthetics of the cultural uncanny in an individual's visual experience with glass

Choi, Keeryong January 2016 (has links)
This practice led research explores the possibility of cultural dislocation intrinsic to my glass art practice. The research on cultural dislocation is explored through both my practice and viewers’ interaction with the major works created during the investigation. The development of Korean glass art in the late 1980s provides an important example of the influence of a universalised culture in the course of adopting, adapting, and assimilating it, and why the artistic medium of glass is still perceived as ‘foreign’ by some artists and viewers in Korea. The artistic aim in creating a vase form, by combining porcelain and glass, is deeply inspired by the history of the materials in Western and Eastern cultures, including the history of European (or Western) imperialism and the influence of the colonial legacy on the development of glass art in Korea. By creating a formal visual vocabulary that informs the possibility of expressing the cultural ambiguity of the material, the resulting artworks were made to deliberately not fit into either Korean or British visual culture. Instead the works were created to fit into a pseudo Korean-British or British-Korean image intended to challenge the individual’s projected expectation of another culture (derived from cultural stereotypes). This research addresses the possibility of highlighting the individual’s cultural stereotypes, cultural relocation and bicultural identity in art. Applying the results related to these findings to the ‘aesthetics of the cultural uncanny’ present in my creative practice, the research was directed by the following research aims: - To extend the discourse about the uncanny to my artistic approaches by identifying what the exotic implies for individuals, both in Britain and Korea. - To develop the use of the experience of the uncanny as an expressive tool within my own creative practice through the medium of glass introducing an unexpected juxtaposition by combining English manufactured porcelain elements. - To develop an artistic language with respect to cultural stereotypes within contemporary glass art by analysing individuals’ engagement with my artwork.

Les Gnawa du Maroc : intercesseurs de la différence ? étude ethnomusicologique, ethnopoétique et ethnochoréologique / Gnawa of Morocco : intercessors of difference ? ethnomusicological, ethnopoetical and ethnochoreological study

Pouchelon, Jean 28 January 2015 (has links)
Les Gnawa sont présents dans toutes les grandes villes du Maroc (Oujda, Tanger, Casablanca, Fès, Meknès, Rabat, Marrakech, Essaouira, Agadir etc.). Musiciens, officiants et adeptes se rassemblent dans un rituel nocturne baptisé la lîla (litt. "une nuit") lequel célèbre à la fois, Dieu, son prophète Muhammad, l'Afrique subsaharienne ainsi que de nombreux autres entités invisibles réparties en sept familles. La musique, la danse et la transe sont omniprésentes dans cette célébration. Cette thèse analyse l'identité des Gnawa, leurs représentations, leurs instruments rituels, leurs performances, leur musique, les textes chantés, leurs danses et leurs transes. L'examen de ces différents champs d'activité révèle que les Gnawa jouent avec l'ambiguïté de manière systémique et à plusieurs niveaux. Leur perception par la société marocaine, leur "panthéon", leurs rythmes, leurs danses et leurs transes, tous ces aspects des actions et de la pensée des Gnawa sont actés avec ambiguïté. Confrérie hybride qui a autant perpétué la mémoire de ses racines subsahariennes qu'assimilé les influences mystiques et politiques de sa société d'exil, les Gnawa - des noirs mais aussi des métis et des blancs - ont érigé en art le fait de réconcilier des imaginaires potentiellement conflictuels dans la société marocaine. Mais paradoxalement, ils se doivent de cultiver ésotérisme et étrangeté pour conserver leur légitimité d'experts de l'invisible. / Gnawa are living in all the big towns of Morocco (Oujda, Tanger, Casablanca, Fes, Meknes, Rabat, Marrakech, Essaouira, Agadir etc.). Musicians, officiants and adepts gather in a night ritual called the leela (litt. "one night") which celebrates at the same time God, his prophet Muhammed, Sub-Saharan Africa and other many invisible entities divided in seven families. Music, dance and trance are ubiquitous in this ceremony.This thesis gives the analysis of Gnawa identity, of their representations, their ritual instruments, their performances, their music, their sung texts, their dances and their trances. The examination of these differents fields reveals that Gnawa play with ambiguity in a systemic way and at many levels. The way Moroccan society see them, their "pantheon", their rhythms, their dances and trances, all these aspects of their actions and thought are acted with ambiguity.Hybrid brotherhood which has both carried on the memory of its Sub-Saharan roots and integrated the mystic and political influences of its society of exile, the Gnawa - Blacks but also Mixed and White - have raised in art the fact to bring back imaginaries potentially contentious together in the Moroccan society. But paradoxically, they have to maintain esotericism and otherness to preserve their legitimacy of experts of the unseen.

Investigações sobre o impacto da modernização do GNSS no Posicionamento

Polezel, Wesley Gildo Canducci [UNESP] 25 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:22:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:09:31Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 polezel_wgc_me_prud.pdf: 1240950 bytes, checksum: 142fe3cb11a3c5af3d674c07f9b8cc46 (MD5) / Com a inclusão de novos sinais nos satélites GPS e o advento do sistema Galileo, o posicionamento por satélite entrará em uma nova era, trazendo inovações tecnológicas e científicas, principalmente nas combinações entre diferentes sistemas. Logo, verifica-se a importância de analisar a qualidade dos novos sinais, quantificando suas contribuições na acurácia do posicionamento. Visando contribuir com essa demanda, este trabalho tem o intuito de dar continuidade às pesquisas no Brasil sobre a qualidade advinda da modernização do GNSS utilizando os novos sinais transmitidos pelos satélites. O GNSS engloba o GPS, o GLONASS, o Galileo, o SBAS, o Beidou e o LAAS. Entretanto, neste trabalho apenas os sistemas GPS, GLONASS e Galileo serão abordados. Com esses três sistemas é possível realizar combinações lineares para integrá-los no posicionamento por ponto e relativo. Alguns problemas nessa combinação foram detectados com indicações de soluções para os efeitos não modelados. No que concerne aos efeitos da ionosfera, uma combinação ion-free utilizando três freqüências foi apresentada, permitindo eliminar os efeitos de primeira e segunda ordem da ionosfera. Apresenta-se também uma revisão bibliográfica do estado da arte da solução da ambigüidade utilizando esses três sistemas. Além disso, foi realizado um experimento a fim de analisar a qualidade do novo sinal L2C. Nas análises, tal como esperado, os satélites modernizados apresentaram melhores resultados do que os satélites não modernizados. Como o sistema Galileo ainda não está operacional, foi implementado no software GPSeq a interoperabilidade dos sinais GPS e GLONASS e realizadas análises comparando tais sistemas no posicionamento relativo. Além disso, comparou-se os resultados do software GPSeq com softwares comerciais. Os resultados, em alguns momento... / With the addition of new signals in GPS satellites and the advent of Galileo system, the satellite positioning will start a new era, which will require technologic and scientific innovations mainly in combinations of these systems. Therefore, analyzing the new signal quality and quantifying their contribution in the positioning accuracy are very important. Thus, this research points out the importance of continuing investigations in Brazil about GNSS modernization using the new signals transmitted by the satellites. The GNSS include GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS, Beidou and LAAS. However, in this work only GPS, GLONASS and Galileo system are taken into account. In order to integrate these three systems it is possible to accomplish linear combinations in absolute and relative positioning. Some problems in these combinations were detected and solutions for the unmodeled effects were recommended. For the ionospheric effect, an ion-free combination using three frequencies was performed. This combination can eliminate the ionosphere effects of first and second order. In this paper a bibliographical revision of the ambiguity solution using three systems is accomplished. Furthermore, an experiment was carried out to analyze... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

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