Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anchored."" "subject:"anchor.""
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Avaliação do tratamento ortopédico com mini-implantes como ancoragem esquelética em pacientes Classe III com retrusão do terço médio da face / Evaluation of orthopedic treatment using mini-implants as anchorage in Class III patients with retrusion of the middle third of the faceSouza, Ricardo Alves de 27 April 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a hipótese nula de que pacientes com maloclusão de Classe III esquelética por deficiência do terço médio da face poderiam ser tratados ortopedicamente utilizando mini-implantes ortodônticos convencionais como apoio de elásticos intermaxilares durante a protração da maxila. No grupo mini-implantes (MI) foram selecionados 12 cranças, nas quais foram instalados dois mini-implantes convencionais na região próxima à mesial das raízes dos primeiros molares permanentes e, outros dois na distal das raízes dos caninos inferiores. Foi orientado que as crianças utilizassem elásticos intermaxilares ¼\" médio, durante 24 horas por dia e força de 200g. No grupo máscara facial (MF) foi realizado o protocolo de expansão rápida da maxila e uso de máscara facial em 13 criancças. Todos os participantes estavam em fase de crescimento, e tinham entre 7 e 12 anos de idade. Através dos dados cefalométricos iniciais e finais dos casos foram realizadas análises estatísticas com Teste t de Student e Mann-Whitney para comparação de amostras independentes, Wilcoxon para amostras pareadas, e nível de significância foi de 5%. Foi possível confirmar que ambos os grupos apresentaram melhora no perfil facial com aumento da convexidade facial e correção da sobressaliência negativa na maioria das crianças, mostrando avanço da maxila, pelas superposições cefalométricas, com diferenças entre T0 e T1 significativas nas medidas SNA, ANB, Wits, Co-A, Co-Gn, NAP, A-Npog, overjet e relação molar, além de Sn-linha H, 1-NB para o grupo MI. Não houve diferença significativa estatisticamente intergrupos nas medidas cefalométricas avaliadas, mas o tempo de tratamento foi significante, sendo mais rápido para o grupo MI. Como conclusão geral, a hipótese nula foi aceita, sendo possível afirmar que mini-implantes convencionais associados a elásticos intermaxilares podem ser uma opção para tratamentos de pacientes Classe III com retrusão maxilar, principalmente em casos de falta de colaboração com o uso da máscara facial, e com reduzido grau de intervenção cirúrgica, que é característica do protocolo de instalação dos mini-implantes. / The aim of this study was to test the null hypothesis that patients with Class III skeletal malocclusion due to deficiency of the middle third of the face could be treated orthopedically with the use of conventional orthodontic mini-implants and support of intermaxillary elastics during protraction of the maxilla. In the mini-implants group (MI) with n = 12, two conventional mini-implants were inserted in the region close to the mesial area of the permanent first molar roots and another two, in the distal area of the mandibular canine roots. The children were instructed to use ¼\" medium intermaxillary elastics, throughout almost 24 hours per day and force of 200g. In the facial mask group (MF) with n = 13, the rapid maxillary expansion protocol and facial mask were performed. All participants were in the growth phase, and were between 7 and 12 years of age. Statistical analyzes were performed using the Student\'s t-test and the Mann-Whitney test for comparison of independent samples, Wilcoxon for paired samples, and a significance level of 5% was used for the initial and final cephalometric data. It was possible to confirm that both groups presented improvement in the facial profile with increase of the facial convexity and correction of the negative overjet in the majority of the children. Advancement of the maxilla was shown by means of cephalometric superimpositions, with significant differences between T0 and T1 in the following measurements: SNA, ANB, Wits, Co-A, Co-Gn, NAP, A-Npog, overjet and molar relationship, in addition to Sn-line H, and 1-NB for Group MI. There was no statistically significant intergroup difference in the cephalometric measurements evaluated, but the time of treatment was significant, as it was faster for Group MI. As a general conclusion, the null hypothesis was acepted, because it was possible to affirm that conventional mini-implants associated with intermaxillary elastics could be an option for the treatment of Class III patients with maxillary retrusion, particularly in cases of lack of cooperation with the use of the face mask. In addition, the degree of surgical intervention was reduced, which is characteristic of the protocol for the insertion of mini-implants.
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Mini-implantes ortodônticos: avaliação microbiológica e quantificação de endotoxina bacteriana, citocinas pró-inflamatórias e marcadores da osteoclastogênese / Orthodontic mini-implants: microbiological evaluation and quantification of bacterial endotoxin, proinflammatory cytokines and osteoclastogenesis markersAndrucioli, Marcela Cristina Damião 20 September 2013 (has links)
Os mini-implantes ortodônticos vem sendo amplamente utilizados na prática clínica como dispositivos de ancoragem. No entanto, há casos em que ocorre sua perda durante o tratamento. Inúmeros aspectos tem sido analisados com o intuito de detectar as causas do insucesso, porém estas ainda não estão totalmente esclarecidas. Portanto, utilizando-se dois grupos de mini-implantes - com estabilidade (sucesso) e sem estabilidade (falha) -, os objetivos do presente estudo in vivo foram: 1) avaliar a contaminação microbiana, empregando sondas de DNA para 40 espécies de bactérias, por meio da técnica de biologia molecular checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization; 2) quantificar a endotoxina bacteriana presente nos mini-implantes dos dois grupos por meio do teste Limulus Amebocyte Lysate ; e 3) quantificar as citocinas pró-inflamatórias IL-1α, IL-6, IL-17 e TNF-α e proteínas marcadoras da osteoclastogênese (RANK, RANKL e OPG) por meio da técnica real-time polymerase chain reaction. Dezesseis pacientes de ambos os sexos (11-49 anos) em tratamento ortodôntico com aparelho corretivo e mini-implantes foram selecionados, sendo obtidos 19 miniimplantes com estabilidade e 10 mini-implantes sem estabilidade. O tempo médio de permanência na boca foi de 23,8 meses para os mini-implantes estáveis e 6,7 meses para os mini-implantes sem estabilidade. Foram utilizados mini-implantes da marca Neodent, com 1,6mm de diâmetro e com 7,0 ou 9,0 mm de comprimento, colocados na maxila e/ou mandíbula. Todos os mini-implantes foram instalados e removidos pelo mesmo cirurgião. No momento da remoção, foram coletados os miniimplantes e amostras de gengiva ao redor dos mesmos. Os mini-implantes foram processados para a detecção dos micro-organismos e para a quantificação da endotoxina bacteriana. As amostras de gengiva foram processadas para a quantificação das citocinas pró-inflamatórias e proteínas marcadoras da osteoclastogênese. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados por meio do teste nãoparamétrico de soma de postos de Wilcoxon, considerando-se os conglomerados, utilizando o software SAS. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Todas (100%) as 40 espécies de microorganismos foram observadas em ambos os grupos de mini-implantes, com diferentes porcentagens de ocorrência. Não foi possível observar diferença entre os grupos com relação aos complexos microbianos (azul, roxo, amarelo, verde, laranja, vermelho e outras espécies). Também não foi possível observar diferença na quantificação de endotoxina e das citocinas e marcadores da osteoclastogênese (p>0,05), com exceção da IL-6 (p<0,05). Baseado nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a contaminação microbiana e a quantidade de endotoxina nos mini-implantes, assim como a expressão das citocinas pró-inflamatórias IL-1α, IL-17 e TNF-α e dos marcadores da osteoclastogênese RANK, RANKL e OPG no tecido gengival circundante não atuaram como fatores responsáveis pela perda da estabilidade dos mini-implantes e que a maior expressão da citocina próinflamatória IL-6 pode estar diretamente relacionada à perda da estabilidade dos mini-implantes, sugerindo-se estudos adicionais. / Orthodontic mini-implants have been widely used in clinical practice as anchorage devices. However, their loss may occur during the treatment. Several aspects have been investigated to identify the causes of failure, but they are not yet completely elucidated. Therefore, using two groups of miniimplants - stable and unstable/loose - the objectives of this in vivo study were: 1) to evaluate the microbial contamination, using DNA probes for 40 bacterial species by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization biomolecular technique; 2) to quantify the bacterial endotoxin present in both groups of mini-implants by the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay; and 3) to quantify the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1α, IL-6, IL-17 and TNF-α and the osteoclastogenesis marker proteins (RANK, RANKL and OPG) by real-time polymerase chain reaction technique. Sixteen patients of both sexes (11 to 49 years old) under orthodontic treatment with corrective appliance and mini-implants were selected, obtaining 19 stable mini-implants and 10 unstable/loose mini-implants. The mean time of permanence in the mouth was 23.8 months for stable mini-implants and 6.7 months for unstable/loose mini-implants. The mini-implants (1.6 mm diameter x 7.0 or 9.0 mm long; Neodent) were placed in the maxilla and/or mandible. All mini-implants were placed and removed by the same surgeon. At the moment of removal, the mini-implants and periimplant gingival tissue samples were collected. The mini-implants were processed for detection of microorganisms and quantification of bacterial endotoxin, while the gingival tissue samples were processed for quantification of proinflammatory cytokines and osteoclastogenesis protein markers. The results were analyzed statistically by the nonparametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test, considering the conglomerates, using SAS software. A significance level of 5% was adopted for all analyses. All (100%) 40 microbial species were observed in both groups of mini-implants, with different percentages of occurrence. No differences could be observed between the groups with respect to the microbial complexes (blue, purple, yellow, green, orange, red and other species). There was no significant difference either in the quantification of endotoxin and cytokines and osteoclastogenesis markers (p>0.05), except for IL- 6 (p<0.05). Based on the obtained results, it may be concluded that neither the microbial contamination and amount of endotoxin in mini-implants, nor the expression of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1α, IL-17 and TNF-α and osteoclastogenesis markers RANK, RANKL and OPG in the periimplant gingival tissue acted as factors responsible for the loss of stability of the mini-implants, and that the higher expression of the IL-6 proinflammatory cytokine may be directly associated with the loss of stability of the mini-implants, suggesting additional studies.
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Du parcours du monde à son invention. Géographies tsiganes en Amérique du Nord des années 1880 aux années 1950 / From traveling the world to inventing it. Gypsy geographies in North America from the 1880s to the 1950sSutre, Adèle 12 June 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la mobilité de familles tsiganes originaires d’Europe centrale et orientale ayant quitté l’Europe à partir de la fin du 19ème siècle pour l’Amérique du Nord. L’enjeu est de comprendre les modalités de circulation de ces groupes familiaux des années 1880 aux années 1950 dans l’espace nord-américain et, plus largement, à l’échelle du monde. Ce travail s’inscrit dans une démarche pluridisciplinaire : tout en étant résolument ancré en géographie, il comprend également une forte dimension historique. Il s’agit de contribuer à une vision renouvelée de l’histoire des sociétés romani en portant le regard sur le déploiement de réseaux transnationaux à l’échelle mondiale. Dans cette perspective, des sources d’une grande diversité, tant par leur nature que par leur localisation, sont convoquées.Dans un premier temps, l’analyse porte sur les modalités de circulation de ces familles en s’appuyant sur la reconstitution de leurs itinéraires à travers le monde, reconstitution qui fait l’objet d’un travail cartographique. L’enjeu est de saisir les logiques de mobilité et d’ancrage territorial à l’échelle mondiale. Il s’agit également de s’intéresser plus particulièrement à l’espace de la frontière et à ce que signifie son passage pour les familles. Dans un second temps, ce travail s’attache à montrer que la mobilité des groupes tsiganes étudiés va au-delà d’un simple mouvement sur la surface terrestre et qu’elle participe à la transformation d’espaces en territoires. Le parcours du monde devient invention de mondes, c’est-à-dire élaboration de cartographies singulières qui constituent autant de lectures du monde différentes mais aussi d’écritures. Les familles tsiganes qui sillonnent le monde construisent leur propre grille de lecture en fonction des opportunités économiques et des relations sociales tissées au fil de leurs voyages. Elles s’inscrivent également durablement dans les territoires par leurs pratiques et les représentations qu’elles élaborent et qu’elles suscitent. / This research focuses on the mobility of gypsy families from Eastern and Central Europe who left Europe for North America at the end of the 19th century. It aims at a better understanding of the way these family groups move in North America and beyond from the 1880s to the 1950s.This study falls within a multidisciplinary approach: while it is firmly settled in geography, it also contains a strong historical dimension. It intends to contribute to a renewed perspective on the history of romani societies. That’s why very diverse sources have been used, both by their nature and their localization. In a first phase, the analysis deals with the way these families move by reconstructing their itineraries around the world and by mapping them. This work aims to understand the logic of their mobility and their anchorage on a global scale. It also focuses on borders and on how families cross them. In a second phase, this research enlightens the fact that the mobility of these gypsy groups goes far beyond a mere movement on the surface of the Earth. It takes part in the transformation of spaces into territories. Traveling around the world becomes inventing worlds. This means the creation of specific mappings, which constitute different ways of reading the world but also of writing it. Gypsy families who travel around the world build their own reading grid depending on the economic opportunities and on the social relationships forged during their travels. They also settle in territories through their practices and the images they convey.
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Distalização da arcada dentária superior ancorada em mini implantes na crista infrazigomática : estudo clínico e análise de elementos finitos /Ayub, Priscila Vaz January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Dirceu Barnabé Ravelli / Resumo: Introdução:. A correção da classe II por meio da distalização de toda arcada dentária superior, sem exodontias e ancorada em mini implantes, já foi descrita como relatos de casos isolados. Objetivo: este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da distalização da arcada dentária superior ancorada em mini implante extra alveolar na crista infra zigomática, por meio de análise de elementos finitos (AEF) e clinicamente, meio de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC), em dois diferentes grupos. Material e Método: Para análise de elementos finitos, foi construído um modelo CAD maxilar, com braquetes em toda a arcada, fio retangular de aço .019x.025” e mini implante na crista infrazigomática, a 10mm do arco de nivelamento. Ganchos estavam localizados entre caninos e primeiro pré-molares em diferentes alturas de 2mm (Grupo1), 10mm (Grupo 2) e 12mm (Grupo 3). Foi aplicada uma força de retração de 2,5N, bilateralmente. Para achados clínicos, dois diferentes grupos foram avaliados. Grupo aparelho autoligado estético (Grupo ALE) foi composto por 15 mini implantes instalados na crista infrazigomática de 10 pacientes (37a03m DP±9.62) que receberam braquetes autoligado estético. Grupo aço inoxidável (Groupo AI) foi composto por 15 mini implantes instalados na crista infrazigomática de 10 pacientes (32a46m DP±16.73) que receberam braquetes metálicos. Tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico foi realizada antes da instalação dos mini implantes (T1) e após a correção da classe... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Introduction: Skeletal anchorage was also successfully correlated with case reports of maxillary dentition distalization without premolar extraction and with reduced treatment time. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluated the effects of maxillary dentition distalization with extra-alveolar miniscrews placed in infrazygomatic crest (IZC) area, using finite element method (FEM) and clinically, using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), comparing two different groups. Methods: For finite element analysis, a maxillary CAD model was constructed with full mouth brackets, a 0.019×0.025-in stainless steel archwire and a miniscrew at infrazygomatic crest, 10mm from the archwire. The power arm was located between canine and first premolar and had different height levels of 2mm (Group 1), 10mm (Group 2) and 12mm (Group 3). A retraction force of 2.5N was applied bilaterally. For clinical responses, two different groups were evaluated. Esthetic self-ligating group (ESL Group) consisted of 15 miniscrews placed in IZC of 10 patients (37y03m DP±9.62) who received esthetic self-ligating brackets. Stainless steel group (SS Group) comprised of 15 miniscrews placed in IZC of 10 patients (32y46m DP±16.73) who received conventional stainless steel brackets. Cone beam computed tomography was made before miniscrew placement (T1) and after class II correction was obtained (T2). Were evaluated treatment time, bracket influence, molar and incisor inclination and distalization, root resorptio... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Análise numérica da ancoragem em ligações do tipo viga-pilar de extremidade / Numerical analysis of the anchorage in the exterior beam-column connectionsEdson Costa de Assis Júnior 14 October 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma contribuição ao estudo da ancoragem de barras de aço da armadura longitudinal em ligações de elementos fletidos de concreto armado em edifícios usuais. São investigadas importantes pesquisas que mostram os avanços em relação ao entendimento do tema nas últimas décadas. É proposto um método de aferição dos modelos constitutivos dos materiais, concreto e aço, no programa de elementos finitos ADINA para verificações de projeto seguindo recomendações da NBR 6118:2003 e MC CEB-FIP 1990. São realizadas análises numéricas de modelos bidimensionais em ligações viga-pilar de extremidade os quais são comparados a modelos experimentais e retirados de projetos já existentes. Os parâmetros de análise são o momento de fissuração e a força de tração a ancorar na seção mais solicitada da viga, conferidos com valores calculados por métodos analíticos e/ou expressões normativas, as tensões e deformações máximas em pontos ao longo do trecho ancorado das armaduras de longitudinais da viga e a influência da força normal. Os resultados revelam que as simplificações e hipóteses assumidas para a concepção dos modelos numéricos são consistentes / This work contributes to the study of anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement steel bars in connections of flexural elements in reinforced concrete buildings. Some important researches are investigated showing the advances of the subject in the last decades. An evaluation method of materials constitutive models, steel and concrete, using the Finite Element Analysis in the software ADINA is proposed, to project verifications according to NBR 6118:2003 and MC CEB-FIP 1990 recommendations. Comparisons between numerical analysis by using a two-dimensional model of exterior beam-column connections and experimental analysis and using existing projects are made. The analysis parameters are the cracking moment and the anchored steel bar tension force in the most requested beam section, compared to the values calculated by analytical methods and/or design expressions, the maximum stresses and strains in points along to anchored steel bar of the beam longitudinal reinforcement and the influence of the normal force. The results show that the assumed simplifications and hypothesis for the numerical model conception are consistent
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Análise numérica da ancoragem em ligações do tipo viga-pilar de extremidade / Numerical analysis of the anchorage in the exterior beam-column connectionsAssis Júnior, Edson Costa de 14 October 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma contribuição ao estudo da ancoragem de barras de aço da armadura longitudinal em ligações de elementos fletidos de concreto armado em edifícios usuais. São investigadas importantes pesquisas que mostram os avanços em relação ao entendimento do tema nas últimas décadas. É proposto um método de aferição dos modelos constitutivos dos materiais, concreto e aço, no programa de elementos finitos ADINA para verificações de projeto seguindo recomendações da NBR 6118:2003 e MC CEB-FIP 1990. São realizadas análises numéricas de modelos bidimensionais em ligações viga-pilar de extremidade os quais são comparados a modelos experimentais e retirados de projetos já existentes. Os parâmetros de análise são o momento de fissuração e a força de tração a ancorar na seção mais solicitada da viga, conferidos com valores calculados por métodos analíticos e/ou expressões normativas, as tensões e deformações máximas em pontos ao longo do trecho ancorado das armaduras de longitudinais da viga e a influência da força normal. Os resultados revelam que as simplificações e hipóteses assumidas para a concepção dos modelos numéricos são consistentes / This work contributes to the study of anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement steel bars in connections of flexural elements in reinforced concrete buildings. Some important researches are investigated showing the advances of the subject in the last decades. An evaluation method of materials constitutive models, steel and concrete, using the Finite Element Analysis in the software ADINA is proposed, to project verifications according to NBR 6118:2003 and MC CEB-FIP 1990 recommendations. Comparisons between numerical analysis by using a two-dimensional model of exterior beam-column connections and experimental analysis and using existing projects are made. The analysis parameters are the cracking moment and the anchored steel bar tension force in the most requested beam section, compared to the values calculated by analytical methods and/or design expressions, the maximum stresses and strains in points along to anchored steel bar of the beam longitudinal reinforcement and the influence of the normal force. The results show that the assumed simplifications and hypothesis for the numerical model conception are consistent
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Professionnalisation et mondialisation du rugby à XV : entre modèles sportifs et ancrages territoriaux / Professionalization and globalization in rugby union : between sporting models and territorial anchorageLe lay, Yvonnick 30 November 2018 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail de recherche est de s’interroger sur la dialectique entre la professionnalisation et la mondialisation du rugby à XV et l’évolution des ancrages territoriaux qui en découle, en fonction du modèle sportif qui est propre à chaque terrain d’investigation sélectionné : la Bretagne, le Munster et la Géorgie. L’enjeu est de démontrer dans quelle mesure la professionnalisation des organisations et des acteurs sportifs est le moteur à la fois de la globalisation rugbystique et de nouvelles logiques oligopolistiques de différentiation territoriale du rugby, aux différentes échelles spatiales. S’étant diffusée au sein des championnats domestiques amateurs, cette professionnalisation provoque des dynamiques au profit des territoires sportifs les plus compétitifs et les mieux intégrés au reste du monde rugbystique globalisé, tout en étant le vecteur d’identités territoriales spécifiques. Le choix des trois terrains d’enquête résulte de la pertinence de s’interroger sur l’articulation entre les modèles sportifs et les ancrages territoriaux pour appréhender chaque modèle de production d’espace rugbystique, et sur les formes spécifiques d’ancrage territorial de la pratique du rugby, en considérant celui-ci comme un médiateur territorial. Pour chaque terrain d’enquête, tout en procédant par itération, la mise en oeuvre de la méthode de la triangulation permet d’approfondir et de mettre à l’épreuve les concepts mobilisés. Trois grandes approches de l’analyse socio-spatiale du sport sont privilégiées : l’approche structurelle, l’approche systémique, et celle qui donne de l’importance au rôle des acteurs. / The aim of this research work is to wonder about the dialectic between the professionalization and the globalization of the rugby union, and the evolution of the resulting territorial anchorages, depending on the specific sporting model of the investigation lands that have been selected: Brittany, Munster and Georgia. The issue is to demonstrate to what extent the professionalization of the organizations and the sporting actors is at the same time the driving force of the rugby globalization and of new rugby territorial differentiations’ oligopolistic logics, on various levels in geographic terms. Being diffused into the domestic amateur championships, this professionalization stimulates dynamics in favor of the much competitive sporting territories and the best integrated to the rest of the globalized world, while being the vector of specific territorial identities. The selection of the three investigation lands stems from the relevantness of the interrogation on the link between the sporting models and the territorial anchorages to comprehend each model of rugby territorial production and the specific forms of the territorial anchorage of the rugby practice, considering this sport as a territorial mediator. For each investigation land, while proceeding by iteration, the triangulation method implemented allows to go deeper and to test the concepts that have been mobilized. Three major socio spatial analysis approaches have been focused: the structural approach, the systemic approach and the approach that highlights the actors’ role.
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A Simplified Model for Lateral Response of Caisson FoundationsVarun 20 November 2006 (has links)
Caisson or pier foundations are encountered as part of the foundation system of tall structures such as bridges, transmission towers, heliostats, etc, and correspond to rigid blocks of length-to-diameter (D/B) ratio on the order of D/B = 2-6. As a result of their geometry and stiffness characteristics, the mechanisms of load transfer from the superstructure to the surrounding soil and their kinematic response to seismic wave propagation are governed by a complex stress distribution at the pier-soil interface, which cannot be adequately represented by means of simplified Winkler models for shallow foundations or flexible piles. Continuum model solutions, such as 3D finite elements (FE) cannot be employed frequently in practice for the design of non-critical facilities due to the cost and effort associated with these analyses. The objective of this work is to develop a Winkler-type model for the analysis of transversely-loaded caissons, which approximately accounts for all the main soil resistance mechanisms mobilized, while retaining the advantages of simplified methodologies for design at intermediate levels of target accuracy. Investigation of the governing load-transfer mechanisms and development of complex spring functions is formulated on the basis of 3D FE simulations. Initially, the soil-structure stiffness matrix is computed by subjecting the pier to transverse static and dynamic loading at the top, and numerically estimating the response. Complex frequency-dependent functions are next developed for the spring constants by equating the stiffness matrix terms to the analytical expressions developed for the four-spring model. Sensitivity analyses are conducted for optimization of the truncated numerical domain size, finite element size and far-field dynamic boundary conditions to avoid spurious wave reflections. Simulations are next conducted to evaluate the transient response of the foundation subjected to vertically propagating shear waves, and results are compared to the response predicted by means of the 4-spring model. Finally, the applicability of the method is assessed for soil profiles with depth-varying properties. While the methodology developed is applicable for linear elastic media with no material damping, the expressions of complex spring functions may be extended to include hysteretic damping, nonlinear soil behavior and soil-foundation interface separation, as shown in the conclusions.
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Verbundversagensmechanismen im Verankerungsbereich von textilbewehrten FeinbetonverstärkungsschichtenOrtlepp, Regine, Brückner, Anett, Lorenz, Enrico 03 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Experimentelle Untersuchungen an Plattenbalken zeigen, dass Querkraftverstärkungen auch außerhalb der Biegedruckzone verankert werden können. Entscheidend dabei ist, dass alle in der Verbundfuge von Altbeton und Verstärkung auftretenden Beanspruchungen durch die Haftzug- und Scherfestigkeit des Alt- und Feinbetons übertragen werden können. Ein Verbundversagen führt durch das Ablösen der Verstärkungsschicht zu deren Ausfall. Der Beitrag befasst sich mit den Beanspruchungen und Versagensmechanismen des Verankerungsbereiches, die anhand von Versuchsergebnissen dargestellt werden. Als Versagenskriterium für die Verankerung sind zwei flächige Versagensarten – der Altbetonuntergrund und die Ebene der textilen Bewehrung – zu berücksichtigen. Als weiteres Versagenskriterium der Verankerung ist der innere Verbund zwischen den Multifilamentgarnen und der sie umgebenden Feinbetonmatrix zu betrachten. Für die Bemessung des Verankerungsbereiches einer Verstärkung wird der jeweils ungünstigste Wert dieser drei Versagensarten maßgebend.
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Structural performance of ASR/DEF damaged prestressed concrete trapezoidal box beams with dapped endsLarson, Nancy Anne, 1986- 20 December 2010 (has links)
Across the State of Texas and many other areas of the world, relatively young concrete structures have developed signs of premature concrete deterioration. Large cracks form on the surface of the concrete due to expansive forces from alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and delayed-ettringite formation (DEF). The goal of this project is to assess the effect of ASR/DEF on the trapezoidal box beam bridges in the US 59 corridor and Katy Central Business District (CBD) HOV lanes in Houston, TX. Five dapped-end beams were rejected during the casting process and have been in storage at a local precast
yard for nearly fifteen years. These beams have been subject to accelerated deterioration and represent the potential severity of the ongoing ASR/DEF distress within the dapped end regions of the in-service trapezoidal box beams. The results from five load tests,
corresponding strut-and-tie models, and forensic investigation are used to provide insights into the relationship between the severity of the deterioration and the capacity margin. / text
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