Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anchored."" "subject:"anchor.""
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Statický a konstrukční návrh rozhledny na kopci Horničí / Static and structural design of a view-tower on the Horničí hillRotroeklová, Petra Unknown Date (has links)
The object of my master‘s thesis is static and structural design of a view-tower on the Horničí hill. The combination of steel and timber was used for design. The construction was designed in two variants. Both variants were created and assessed in a software Scia Engineer. The assessment of the ultimate and serviceability limit state was made according to valid standards. Variants were compared. Engineering report, detailed structural design and drawings were prepared for the selected variant.
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Ukrainian Digital Media Activism On Instagram Stories During The War Against Russia In 2022 : An Analysis Of Kharkiv-Related Users’ Digital Activity During March 2022 / Digital Media Activism In Ukraine During The Full-Scale Russian Invasion : An Analysis of Instagram Stories Activity Among Users Related to Kharkiv city During March 2022Khardikova, Anastasiia January 2023 (has links)
This study examines digital media activism during the full-scale war in Ukraine caused by the Russian invasion in 2022, focusing specifically on Instagram content posted by users with connections to Kharkiv city between March 18-25, 2022. Kharkiv was heavily affected by bombings throughout the war. The theoretical framework combines Bennett and Segerberg’s (2009) theory of connective action with Vegh’s theory of internet activism (2013) and Earl et al.’s (2010) perspective on Vegh’s theory. Additionally, the analysis, observations, and theory review led to the development of an additional category, building upon Bennett and Segerberg’s (2009) theory of connective action. The research methodology involves a four-step toolkit comprising qualitative content analysis, semiotics (denotation and connotation), and anchorage. The analysis of patterns and classification confirms the high level of involvement in digital media activism by users and reveals differentiation based on the purpose of communication. Semiotic analysis and anchorage demonstrate the intellectual and emotional engagement of Ukrainians in digital society and their efforts to provide information and support. The study introduces a new classification of digital media activism for content analysis and establishes a new category within the theoretical framework. It expands possibilities for future research on digital media activism and online activity during war or similar life-threatening situations. Furthermore, the study presents a methodological toolkit applicable to limited content formats such as Instagram stories, Facebook Stories, and Snapchat.
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Semi-rigid action of composite jointsDavison, J.B., Lam, Dennis, Nethercot, D.A. January 1990 (has links)
The results of a pilot series of tests, designed to investigate the influence of the presence of a composite floor slab on the performance of steel beam-to-column connections, are reported. Direct comparisons against equivalent bare steel tests show improvements in moment capacity (up to 15 times), with reinforcement anchorage being the main controlling factor. Thus joints to internal columns where the deck runs parallel to the beams and relatively small numbers of bars supplement the basic mesh reinforcement may be expected to give the best performance.
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Structure and function of root systems at different altitudes of a south Ecuadorian montane forestSoethe, Nathalie 13 February 2007 (has links)
Es wurden Wurzelsysteme auf 1900, 2400 und 3000 m eines südecuadorianischen Bergregenwaldes untersucht. Ziel war es, ein besseres Verständnis über den Einfluss der Höhenstufe auf die Wurzelfunktionen Nährstoffaneignung und Verankerung sowie Speicherung von C und Nährstoffen in der Wurzelbiomasse zu erlangen. Auf 2400 und 3000 m nahmen die Wurzellängendichten (WLD) mit zunehmender Bodentiefe schneller ab als auf 1900 m. Die vertikale Verteilung der N-Aufnahme war ähnlich der Verteilung der WLD. Das Nährstoffaneignungsvermögen war also in größerer Meereshöhe deutlich mehr auf die organische Auflage konzentriert war als auf 1900 m. Nährstoffkonzentrationen in Blättern zeigten, dass auf 1900 m das Pflanzenwachstum nicht durch Nährstoffmangel limitiert war, während auf 2400 und 3000 m v. a. N, aber auch P, S und K das Pflanzenwachstum limitierten. Die schlechte Nährstoffversorgung der Pflanzen in großer Meereshöhe war vermutlich auf langsame Mineralisation organisch gebundener Nährstoffe und auf ein geringes Nährstoffaneignungsvermögen aus tieferen Bodenschichten zurückzuführen. Die Wurzelbiomasse war auf 3000 m höher als in niedrigerer Meereshöhe. Die Bedeutung des Wurzelsystems für die C-Speicherung stieg also mit zunehmender Höhenstufe. Auch Vorräte an N, S, K, Ca und Mg in den Wurzeln waren auf 3000 m am höchsten. Die Grobwurzelsysteme der Bäume wiesen auf allen Höhenstufen Verankerungs-fördernde Merkmale auf. Bäume auf 3000 m bildeten flachgründigere Wurzelteller als auf 1900 m. Wurzeleigenschaften, die die horizontale Ausdehnung des Wurzeltellers fördern, waren auf 3000 m häufiger oder ausgeprägter als auf 1900 m. Es wird gefolgert, dass eine gehemmte Tiefendurchwurzelung des Bodens in größerer Meereshöhe sowohl das Nährstoffaneignungsvermögen als auch auf die Verankerung der Bäume verringerte. Die hohe Biomasseallokation in die Wurzeln in größerer Meereshöhe weist darauf hin, dass Umweltbedingungen hier besondere Anforderungen an die Wurzelfunktionen stellen. / Root systems at 1900, 2400 and 3000 m of a south Ecuadorian montane forest were investigated. The aim of this study was to improve our knowledge on the impact of altitude on the root functions nutrient acquisition, anchorage and storage of C and nutrients in root biomass. At 2400 and 3000 m, the decrease of root length densities (RLD) with increasing soil depth was more pronounced than at 1900 m. The vertical distribution of N uptake was similar to the vertical distribution of RLD. Thus, the ability for nutrient uptake was more concentrated to the organic surface layer at high altitudes than at 1900 m. Foliar nutrient concentrations showed that plant growth at 1900 m was not limited by nutrient deficiency. In contrast, at 2400 and 3000 m especially N, but also P, S and K limited plant growth. The decreased nutritional status of plants at high altitudes was caused by low mineralization rates of nutrients as well as low ability for nutrient acquisition from deeper soil layers. At 3000 m, root biomass was higher than at low altitudes. Hence, the importance of root systems for C sequestration increased with increasing altitude. Similarly, pools of N, S, K, Ca and Mg were higher at 3000 m than at 1900 and 2400 m. At all altitudes, coarse root systems of trees showed traits that are supposed to improve anchorage. At 3000 m, root soil plates were more superficial than at 1900 m. Root traits that improve the horizontal extension of root soil plates were more pronounced or occurred more often at 3000 m than at 1900 m. It is concluded that impeded rooting in deeper soil layers at high altitudes decreased both the ability for nutrient acquisition and anchorage. At high altitudes, the high allocation of biomass to the root systems showed that at these sites, environmental conditions enhanced the requirements to the functions of roots.
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Interaktion von Leukozyten mit endothelialen Adhäsionsmolekülen und ihre Inhibition durch Expression von konkurrierenden Fusionsproteinen / Interactions of leukocytes with endothelial adhesion molecules and the inhibition by expression of competing fusion proeinsMarheineke, Sabine 25 April 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Structural assessment procedures for existing concrete bridges : Experiences from failure tests of the Kiruna BridgeBagge, Niklas January 2017 (has links)
Assessing existing bridges is an important task in the sustainable management ofinfrastructure. In practice, structural bridge assessments are usually conducted usingtraditional and standardised methods, despite knowledge that these methods oftenprovide conservative estimates. In addition, more advanced methods are available, suchas nonlinear finite element (FE) analysis, that are used for research purposes and cansimulate the structural behaviour of bridges more accurately. Therefore, it would beuseful to develop practical and reliable procedures for refined assessments using theseadvanced techniques.Focusing on the ultimate load-carrying capacity of existing concrete bridges, this thesispresents a procedure for structural assessments. The fundamental idea is to improve theassessment successively, as necessary to predict bridges’ structural behaviour adequately.The procedure involves a multi-level assessment strategy with four levels of structuralanalysis, and an integrated framework for safety verification. At the initial level (Level 1)of the multi-level strategy, traditional standardised methods are used, no failures arecovered implicitly in the structural analysis and action effects are verified using localresistances calculated using analytical models. In the subsequent enhanced levels (Levels2 – 4), nonlinear FE analysis is used for stepwise integration of the verification of flexural,shear-related and anchorage failures into the structural analysis. The framework for safetyverifications includes partial safety factor (PSF), global resistance safety factor (GRSF) andfull probabilistic methods. Within each of these groups, verifications of desired safetymargins can be conducted with varying degrees of complexity.To demonstrate and evaluate the proposed structural assessment procedure, comparativestudies have been carried out, based on full-scale tests of a prestressed concrete bridge.This was the Kiruna Bridge, located in the northernmost city in Sweden, which was duefor demolition as part of a city transformation project, necessitated by large grounddeformations caused by the large nearby mine. Thus, it was available for destructiveexperimental investigation within the doctoral project presented in this thesis. The bridgehad five continuous spans, was 121.5 m long and consisted of three parallel girders with a connecting slab at the top. Both the girders and slab were tested to failure to investigatetheir structural behaviour and load-carrying capacity. Non-destructive and destructivetests were also applied to determine the residual prestress forces in the bridge girders andinvestigate the in situ applicability of methods developed for this purpose. The so-calledsaw-cut method and decompression-load method were used after refinement to enabletheir application to structures of such complexity. The variation of the experimentallydetermined residual prestress forces was remarkably high, depending on the sectioninvestigated. There were also high degrees of uncertainty in estimated values, and thusare only regarded as indications of the residual prestress force.Level 1 analysis of the multi-level assessment strategy consistently underestimatedcapacity, relative to the test results, and did not provide accurate predictions of the shearrelatedfailure observed in the test. With linear FE analysis and local resistance modelsdefined by the European standard, Eurocode 2, the load-carrying capacity wasunderestimated by 32 % for the bridge girder and 55 % for the bridge deck slab. At theenhanced level of structural analysis (Level 3), nonlinear FE analyses predicted thecapacities with less than 2 % deviation from the test results and correctly predicted thefailure mode. However, for existing bridges there are many uncertainties, for instance,the FE simulations were sensitive to the level of residual prestressing, boundaryconditions and assumed material parameters. To accurately take these aspects intoaccount, bridge-specific information is crucial.The complete structural assessment procedure, combining the multi-level strategy andsafety verification framework, was evaluated in a case study. Experiences from theprevious comparative studies were used in an assessment of the Kiruna Bridge followingthe Swedish assessment code. The initial assessment at Level 1 of the multi-level strategyand safety verification, using the PSF method, indicated that the shear capacity of one ofthe girders was critical. The most adverse load case (a combination of permanent loads,prestressing and variable traffic loads) was further investigated through enhancedstructural analyses implicitly accounting for flexural and shear-related failures (Level 3).Nonlinear FE analysis and safety evaluation using the PSF method, several variants of theGRSF method and the full probabilistic analysis for resistance indicated that the permittedaxle load for the critical classification vehicle could be 5.6 – 6.5 times higher than thelimit obtained from the initial assessment at Level 1. However, the study also indicatedthat the model uncertainty was not fully considered in these values. The modeluncertainty was shown to have strong effects on the safety verification and (thus)permissible axle loads. The case study also highlighted the need for a strategy forsuccessively improving structural analysis to improve understanding of bridges’ structuralbehaviour. The refined analysis indicated a complex failure mode, with yielding of thestirrups in the bridge girders and transverse flexural reinforcement in the bridge deck slab,but with a final shear failure of the slab. It would be impossible to capture suchcomplexity in a traditional standardised assessment, which (as mentioned) indicated thatthe shear capacity of the girder limited permissible axle loads. However, nonlinear FEanalyses are computationally demanding, and numerous modelling choices are required.Besides a strategy for rationally improving the analysis and helping analysts to focus oncritical aspects, detailed guidelines for nonlinear FE analysis should be applied to reduce the analyst-dependent variability of results and (thus) the model uncertainty. Clearly, toensure the validity of bridge assessment methods under in situ conditions, theirevaluations should include in situ tests. This thesis presents outcomes of such tests, therebyhighlighting important aspects for future improvements in the assessment of existingbridges.
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Smysl života v díle Karla Čapka / Meaning of life in the work of Karel ČapekHodinková, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The thesis named "Sense of Life in the Work of Karel Čapek" treats the problems of raison- d'etre of life seen by Karel Čapek. At first this thesis is preoccupied by Čapek's personality and character of his era. Karel Čapek is characterized as an author in whose works were projected his philosophical views influenced mainly by pragmatism. The thesis analyses Čapek's works treating issues of sense of life. Particularly these are two proses by Čapek "Obyčejný život" (Common Life) and "Život a dílo skladatele Foltýna "(The Life and Work of Composer Foltýn). These two novels are at first analyzed separately and then compared.
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Estudo tomográfico na região da crista infrazigomática para instalação de mini parafusos ortodônticos em diferentes tipos faciais / Tomographic study in the region of the infrazigomatic crest in different facial types for the installation of mini orthodontic screwsLima Junior, Almir 18 January 2019 (has links)
Os dispositivos de ancoragem temporária têm sido amplamente utilizados como auxiliares de ancoragem esquelética no tratamento de má oclusões mais severas. Para a instalação de mini parafusos na crista infrazigomática é necessário o conhecimento anatômico desta região e suas possíveis variações. Na literatura são descritos diferentes tipos faciais que diferem na predominância em relação ao padrão de crescimento facial vertical ou horizontal configurando conformações ósseas distintas. Com isso o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar se há diferença na espessura óssea na região de crista infrazigomática em cada o tipo facial. Para este estudo retrospectivo foi selecionada uma amostra composta por 86 tomografias computadorizadas por feixe cônico de indivíduos dos gêneros masculino e feminino, adultos, com idade entre 18 e 40 anos. As imagens foram avaliadas no software Dolphin® (versão 11.0, Dolphin Imaging and Manegement Solutions, Chatsworth, CA - EUA). As tomografias foram divididas em três grupos de acordo com o tipo facial, sendo: 24 do tipo facial Hiperdivergente, 30 do tipo facial Neutro e 32 do tipo facial Hipodivergente. Para atender aos objetivos do estudo, as medidas foram realizadas nas regiões entre segundo pré-molar e primeiro molar superior até região de raiz distal de segundo molar superior em alturas de 5 7, 9 e 11 mm a partir da crista alveolar. Os resultados mostraram que no grupo hiperdivergente os locais considerados seguros para a instalação dos mini parafusos foram entre primeiros e segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar, na região das raizes mesiais dos segundos molares superiores a partir de 9 mm da crista alveolar e em região das raizes distais dos segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar. No grupo neutro os locais considerados seguros para a instalação dos mini parafusos foram entre primeiro e segundo molar em 11 mm da crista alveolar do lado direito e em região das raizes mesiais dos segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar. Para o grupo hipodivergente observou-se como locais considerados seguros, entre primeiros e segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar e em região das raizes mesiais dos segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar. Baseados nos resultados obtidos consideramos que existe uma diferença de espessura entre os tipos faciais e que este fator deve ser considerado durante o planejamento para instalação de mini parafusos de ancoragem ortodôntica, no entanto para todos os grupos o local mais adequado é na região de raiz mesial dos segundos molares superiores em 11 mm da crista alveolar. / Temporary anchoring devices have been widely used as skeletal Anchorage in treatment of more severe malocclusions. The anatomical knowledge of this region and its possible variation are necessary for the installation of mini screws in the infrazygomatic crest. In the literature diferente facial types are described that differ in the predominance in relation to the vertical or horizontal facial growth pattern configuring different bone conformations. Therefore, the purpose os this study is to evaluate if there is difference in bone thickness in the region os the infrazigomatic crest in each facial type. For this retropective study, a sample composed fo 86 computed tomography scans of individuals of the masculine and feminine adults aged between 18 and 40 years, was selected. The images were evaluated in Dolphin® software (version 11.0, Dolphin Imaging and Manegement Solution, Chastworth, CA - USA). The CT scans were divided into three groups according to the facial type: 24 of the facial type Hyperdivergent, 30 of the facial type Neutral and 32 of the facial type Hipodivergent. To meet the study objectives, the measurements were performed in the regions between the second pre-molar and the first molar superior to the region of the upper second molar distal root at heights of 5, 7, 9 and 11 mm from the alveolar crest. The results showed that in the hyperdivergent group the sites that was considered safe for the installation of the mini screws were between the first and second maxillary molars in 11 mm of the alveolar crest, in the region of the mesial roots of the second maxillary molars from 9 mm of the alveolar crest and in the region of the distal roots of the second maxillary molars 11 mm from the alveolar crest. In the neutral group, the sites considered safe for the installation of mini screws were between the first and second molars in 11 mm of the alveolar ridge on the right side and in the region of the mesial roots of the maxillary second molars in 11 mm of the alveolar ridge. For the hypodivergent group, were considered safe places between the first and second maxillary molars were observed in 11 mm of the alveolar crest and in the region of the mesial roots of the maxillary second molars in 11 mm of the alveolar crest. Based on the results obtained, we consider that there is a difference in thickness between facial types and that this factor should be considered during planning for installation of mini orthodontic anchor bolts, however for all groups the most appropriate place is in the mesial root region of the upper second molars.
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Mobilités et ancrages dans les quartiers populaires de la périphérie de Mexico : une approche de la maturation urbaine / Mobility and anchorages in Colonias Populares on the outskirts of Mexico-city : an approach to urban maturation / Movilidades y anclajes en las colonias populares de la periferia de la Ciudad de México : un enfoque de la maduración urbanaValette, Jean-François 01 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les recompositions des colonies populaires périphériques de la zone métropolitaine de Mexico depuis vingt ans. Les liens entre les mobilités spatiales, les espaces de vie des habitants dans des quartiers illégaux à l’origine, et les stratégies de régularisation physique et juridique sont interrogés au regard des évolutions sociales, démographiques et politiques. Le caractère dynamique et divers des colonies populaires a été examiné à travers deux outils conceptuels de l’étude des territorialités urbaines : l’ancrage, point de vue sur les expériences des individus ; la maturation, pour analyser les changements des contextes résidentiels. Les trajectoires de maturation ont été comprises à partir de l’analyse de données sociodémographiques systématiques et d’un travail empirique dans quatre quartiers. Une fois le cadre de travail présenté, les contextes de la maturation ont été observés selon trois entrées : sociale, relative aux mobilités, et politico-juridique. Les trajectoires plurielles de cette maturation ont ensuite été analysées du point de vue de l’ancrage, en tentant de comprendre les chemins ayant conduit à la diversité visible aujourd’hui : il s’est agi de décrire les itinéraires résidentiels des habitants, leurs expériences citadines, en particulier par rapport aux ressources de la proximité, les dynamiques de régularisation foncière et urbanistique dans leur complexité et les évolutions de la division sociale de l’espace. Au final, ces quartiers deviennent de plus en plus hétérogènes et « banals » par rapport au reste de la ville, révélant l’obsolescence d’une lecture unique en termes de pauvreté ou de marginalité juridique. / This doctoral thesis explores the recomposition of colonias populares on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of Mexico-City for twenty years. Links between spatial mobility, living spaces of residents in informal settlements and strategies of physical and legal regularization are enlightened though social, demographic and political evolutions. The dynamic and heterogeneous characteristics of colonias populares was examined through two conceptual tools for the study of urban territoriality: the anchorage, as a point of view on the experiences of people; maturation, in order to analyze changes in residential settings. The trajectories of maturation have been understood from the analysis of systematic demographic data and from empirical work in four areas. Once the framework presented, the contexts of maturation were observed in three inputs: social, mobility, and political. Plural trajectories of this maturation were analyzed from the point of view of the anchorage: we tried to understand the pathways leading to the actual visible diversity. We described the residential routes of inhabitants, their urban experiences, more particularly in relation to the resources of the area, the complex dynamics of land and planning regularization and changes in the social division of space. Finally, these neighborhoods are becoming increasingly heterogeneous and "common" compared to the rest of the city, revealing the obsolescence of a single reading in terms of poverty or legal marginality. / En esta tesis de doctorado, se analiza la recomposición de las colonias populares de la periferia de la Zona Metropolitana de México desde veinte años. Los vínculos entre la movilidad espacial, los espacios de vida de los residentes de los asentamientos irregulares, y las estrategias de regularización legal y física se examinan a la luz de factores sociales, demográficos y políticos. El rasgo dinámico y diverso de las colonias populares se examinó a través de dos herramientas conceptuales para el estudio de la territorialidad urbana: el anclaje, para tener un punto de vista de las experiencias de los individuos; la maduración, para analizar los cambios en entornos residenciales. Las trayectorias de maduración son entendidas a partir del análisis sistemático de los datos demográficos y del trabajo empírico en cuatro grupos de colonias. Después de la presentación del marco de estudio, se observaron los contextos de la maduración con tres entradas: social, sobre la movilidad, y política. Las trayectorias plurales de esta maduración se analizaron desde el punto de vista del anclaje, tratando de entender las vías que conducen a la diversidad visible hoy. Llegamos a describir a las rutas residenciales de los habitantes, sus experiencias urbanas, particularmente en relación con los recursos de la zona, la dinámica compleja de la regularización del suelo y de la planificación, y los cambios en la división social del espacio. Al final, estas colonias son cada vez más heterogéneas y "triviales" en comparación con el resto de la ciudad, dejando al descubierto la obsolescencia de una sola lectura en términos de pobreza o marginalidad.
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Estudo tomográfico da região do Shelf mandibular em diferentes tipos faciais / Tomographic study of the mandibular buccal Shelf on different facial typesRibeiro, Annelise Nazareth Cunha 14 September 2018 (has links)
A ancoragem ortodôntica tem sido motivo de preocupação para os ortodontistas desde o inicio da prática ortodôntica. Os dispositivos transitórios de ancoragem esquelética (miniparafuso) definiram um novo conceito de ancoragem em Ortodontia. A colocação dos dispositivos em uma região extra-alveolar mandibular permite o uso de parafusos de maior diâmetro que podem ser inseridos paralelamente à inclinação axial de molares inferiores sem interferir com as raízes dos dentes que serão movimentados. Na literatura são descritos diferentes tipos faciais que diferem na predominância em relação ao padrão de crescimento facial vertical ou horizontal configurando conformações ósseas mandibulares distintas entre os tipos faciais. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar se há diferença na espessura do osso vestibular na região do shelf mandibular entre os tipos faciais. Para este estudo retrospectivo foi selecionada uma amostra composta por 84 tomografias computadorizadas por feixe cônico (TCFC) de indivíduos dos gêneros masculino e feminino, adultos, com idade entre 18 e 40 anos. As imagens foram avaliadas no software Dolphin® (versão 11.0, Dolphin Imaging and Management Solutions, Chatsworth, CA - EUA). As tomografias foram divididas em três grupos de acordo com o tipo facial, determinado por meio de reconstruções bidimensionais em norma lateral para realização do traçado da análise cafalométrica proposta por Bjork-Jarabak, sendo: 28 do tipo facial hiperdivergente (Grupo1), 28 do tipo facial neutro (Grupo 2) e 28 do tipo facial hipodivergente (Grupo 3). Para atender aos objetivos do estudo, as medidas foram realizadas nas seguintes regiões: 1- Vestibular da raiz mesial do primeiro molar inferior dos lados esquerdo e direito; 2 - Vestibular da raiz distal do primeiro molar inferior dos lados esquerdo e direito; 3 - Vestibular entre o primeiro e segundo molar inferior dos lados esquerdo e direito; 4 - Vestibular da raiz mesial do segundo molar inferior dos lados esquerdo e direito; 5 - Vestibular da raiz distal do segundo molar inferior dos lados esquerdo e direito. As medidas foram realizadas a 3, 6 e 9 milímetros a partir da junção amelocementária (JAC) dos primeiros e segundos molares, em direção apical, no corte axial, estendendo-se do ponto médio das raízes mesial e distal até a borda mais externa da cortical óssea alveolar adjacente. Os resultados mostraram que, com relação à idade e gênero, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. As medidas do Grupo 1 mostraram que na vestibular da raiz distal do 2º molar a 9mm da JAC apresentaram, em média, valores maiores de 5mm, sendo considerada possível de instação de miniparafuso nesta região, em ambos os lados. No grupo 2 observou-se espaço suficiente para instalação de miniparafuso na vestibular da raiz distal do 2º molar a 6 mm e 9 mm da JAC. Para o Grupo 3 observou-se medidas acima de 5 mm na vestibular da raiz mesial dos segundos molares a 9 mm da JAC e na vestibular da raiz distal a 6 mm e 9 mm da JAC. Baseados nos resultados obtidos, consideramos que existe uma diferença de espessura entre os tipos faciais e que este fator deve ser considerado durante o planejamento para instalação de miniparafusos de ancoragem ortodôntica, no entando para todos os grupos a região mais adequada é na vestibular da raiz distal dos segundos molares inferiores. / Orthodontic anchorage has been of concern to orthodontists since the beginning of orthodontic practice. The transitory anchorage devices (miniscrew) have defined a new concept of anchorage in Orthodontics. Placement of the devices in a mandibular extra alveolar region allows the use of larger diameter screws that can be inserted parallel to the axial inclination of lower molars without interfering with the roots of the teeth that will be moved. The literature describes different facial types that differ in the predominance in relation to the vertical or horizontal facial growth pattern, configuring different mandibular bone conformations between the facial types. Thus, the objective of this study is to evaluate if there is difference in the thickness of the buccal bone in the MBS region between the facial types. For this retrospective study, a sample composed of 84 Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) of males and females adults, aged between 18 and 40 years, was selected. The images were evaluated in Dolphin® software (version 11.0, Dolphin Imaging and Manegement Solutions, Chatsworth, CA - USA). CT scans were divided into three groups according to the facial type, pre-determined by two-dimensional reconstructions in lateral norm for tracing cephalometric analysis proposed for Bjork-Jarabak\'s: 28 of the hyperdivergent facial type (Group 1), 28 of the neutral facial type (Group 2) and 28 of the hypodivergent facial type (Group 3). To respond the objectives of the study, the measurements were performed in the following regions: 1- Mesial root vestibular of the first lower molar of the left and right sides; 2 - Vestibular of the distal root of the first lower molar of the left and right sides; 3 - Vestibular between the first and second lower molars of the left and right sides; 4 - Vestibular mesial root of the second lower molar of the left and right sides; 5 - Vestibular of the distal root of the second lower molar of the left and right sides. Measurements were made at 3, 6 and 9 millimeters from the amelocemental junction of the first and second molars, apically in the axial cut, extending from the midpoint of the mesial and distal roots to the external border of the alveolar cortical bone adjacent. The results showed that, regarding age and gender, there was no significant statistical difference between the groups. The measurements of Group 1 showed that in the distal root of the 2nd molar to 9mm of the JAC presented, in average, values greater than 5mm, being considered possible of insertion of miniscrew in this region, in both sides. In group 2, sufficient space was observed for the installation of a miniscrew in the distal root of the 2nd molar to 6 mm and 9 mm of the JAC. For Group 3, measurements above 5 mm in the mesial root of the 2nd molars were observed at 9 mm from the JAC and in the distal root of 2nd to 6 mm and 9 mm of the JAC. Based on the results obtained, we consider that there is a difference in thickness between the facial types and that this factor should be considered during the planning for installation of orthodontic miniscrew, whereas for all groups the most suitable region is the vestibular of the distal root of second molars.
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