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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La loyauté dans le procès administratif / The loyalty in administrative legal proceedings

Gras, Antonin 17 December 2018 (has links)
La loyauté procédurale n’est pas consacrée dans le droit du procès administratif. Elle fait pourtant l’objet d’un débat au sein de la doctrine publiciste. Alors que la jurisprudence judiciaire et la doctrine privatiste font de la loyauté des débats essentiellement un enjeu de moralisation du procès entre les parties, le discours de la doctrine publiciste sur la loyauté vise à révéler et justifier les garanties apportées aux parties dans le procès administratif. Une démarche inductive, consistant à systématiser le discours doctrinal, permet de formuler un concept de loyauté procédurale propre au procès administratif. Celui-ci apporte une justification à certains traits de procédure, consacrés par les textes ou la jurisprudence, qui n’ont pas de fondement exprès et dont le point commun est de reconnaître des garanties aux parties. Ce concept offre une grille d’analyse du droit du procès. La circonstance que le principe de loyauté procédurale est rejeté en droit n’exclut pas, en outre, l’intérêt d’un usage conceptuel de la loyauté. Le concept de loyauté permet d’apprécier l’opportunité de consacrer certains mécanismes contentieux et d’identifier les difficultés posées par le procès administratif selon les critères de l’intégrité, de l’accessibilité et de l’efficacité à l’égard des parties. Envisagée comme un concept d’explication, la loyauté procédurale devient un concept d’analyse de la procédure suivie devant le juge administratif et suggère certaines évolutions des règles applicables au procès administratif. / The concept of procedural loyalty is not enshrined in the legal frameworks that govern administrative legal proceedings. Nonetheless, it has been subject to significant debate throughout the administrative legal doctrine. In contrast to judicial case law and civil doctrine where the concept of loyalty of debates is essentially focused on the moralization between the parties involved, the administrative doctrine on loyalty aims to disclose and justify the guaranties and safeguards given to the parties involved. An inductive approach, consistent in systematizing the doctrinal discourse, has lead to a concept of procedural loyalty that is unique to administrative legal proceedings. It provides justification over the key features of legal proceedings, features that are enshrined in either legal texts or case law but do not have explicit legal foundations and for which the common feature is to recognize safeguards afforded to the parties involved. This concept brings about a new set of legal terminology. The fact that the principal of procedural loyalty is not explicitly covered in legal frameworks, does not mean however that the conceptual usage of loyalty should be discarded. This concept allows us to acknowledge the opportunity in devoting litigation mechanisms to administrative legal proceedings, in order to identify the difficulties brought about in respect of the integrity, accessibility and efficiency with regards to all parties involved. Initially envisaged as an explanatory concept, procedural loyalty has been transformed into a conceptual analysis of the proceedings presided over by administrative judges.

Les déterminants de la fidélité des consommateurs au commerce de détail cross-canal : application au système drive / Determinants of consumer loyalty in cross-channel retailing : application to drive-in stores

Wassouf, Kenan 26 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour l’objectif principal d’identifier et de comprendre les facteurs clés qui contribuent à fidéliser le consommateur à un Drive dans un contexte de distribution cross-canal. Elle se compose de deux parties. Dans la première partie, nous avons d’abord mené une revue de littérature tournant autour de quatre champs de recherche : l’innovation commerciale, la stratégie de distribution cross-canal, le comportement cross-canal et la fidélité du consommateur. Elle a été combinée à une étude qualitative exploratoire. Ces deux étapes nous ont permis de proposer un modèle conceptuel de la qualité de service perçue du Drive et de ses effets sur les représentations mentales du consommateur ainsi que sur sa fidélité au Drive évalué. La deuxième partie est consacrée au teste les hypothèses, le modèle de recherche et à l’analyse des résultats. Pour cela, une enquête quantitative a été réalisée auprès de 500 utilisateurs du Drive. Les répondants ont été subdivisés en deux sous-échantillons (N1 = 150 et N2 = 350) pour réaliser les analyses factorielles exploratoires et confirmatoires. Le test du modèle général ainsi que des hypothèses de recherche a été conduit en recourant à la méthode des équations structurelles, plus précisément à la modélisation PLS-PM au moyen du logiciel XLSTAT 2017. Nos résultats confirment que dans un contexte de distribution cross-canal, l’évaluation globale du consommateur ne dépend pas d’un canal mais de l’intégration des canaux utilisés qui permet au consommateur de vivre une expérience à la fois originale, plaisants et intéressante. Cette dernière contribue à la création de la fidélité du consommateur à un Drive. / The main objective of this thesis is to identify and understand the key factors that contribute to consumer loyalty to a Drive-in in a cross-channel distribution context. It consists of two parts.In the first part, we present a literature review around four fields of research: commercial innovation, cross-channel distribution strategy, cross-channel behavior and consumer loyalty. We complete this part with an exploratory qualitative study (in-depth interviews with consumers). These two steps allowed us to propose a conceptual model of the perceived quality of service of the Drive-in and its effects on the mental representations of the consumer (perceived overall value and satisfaction) as well as on its fidelity to the evaluated Drive-in.The second part is devoted to testing the hypotheses, the research model, and the analysis of the results. For this, a quantitative survey was conducted among 500 consumers of Drive-in. Respondents were divided into two sub-samples (N1 = 150 and N2 = 350) to perform exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes. The general model test and research hypotheses were conducted using the structural equations method. In detail, to run the PLS-PM (Partial least squares) modeling, we employed XLSTAT 2017 software. Our results confirm that in a context of cross-channel distribution, the overall evaluation of a consumer does not depend on a channel, but it is related to the integration of the used channels which creates an original, pleasant and interesting experience for consumers. With the integration of channels, Drive-in consumers have an original, pleasant and interesting experience which contributes to the creation of consumer loyalty.

Impact de l'innovation dans le commerce de détail : facteurs influencant la fidélité des consommateurs au commerce par mobile / Impact of innovation in retail : factors influencing the consumer loyalty of mobile commerce

Zhang, Zhuo 26 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse considère les consommateurs du commerce mobile de vente de détail comme objet de recherche en prenant la valeur perçue du commerce mobile comme point de départ. La question fondamentale de cette recherche est : quelles sont les relations entre la valeur perçue et la satisfaction du commerce mobile sur la fidélité du consommateur. L’objectif principal de cette recherche est donc d’identifier et de comprendre les facteurs clés qui contribuent à fidéliser le consommateur au commerce mobile dans un contexte de la vente au détail. Pour cela, nous avons clarifié le contenu spécifique de la fidélité des consommateurs de commerce mobile, et construit un modèle de recherche pour expliquer la fidélisation. Pour bien préciser comment les consommateurs perçoivent et évaluent le commerce mobile, nous avons effectué une étude qualitative exploratoire via des entretiens semi-directifs et une analyse de contenu avec Nvivo11. Grace à l’analyse qualitative, nous avons pu proposer un modèle de recherche avec des variables pertinentes. Cette recherche a utilisé Partial Least Squares(PLS) pour le modèle d'équation structurelle (SEM) pour tester le modèle et les hypothèses. / This thesis considers retail consumers of mobile commerce as a research subject, takes the perceived value of mobile commerce as the starting point. And we tries to conduct the research on this fundamental question: what are the determinants mechanism of the perceived value and satisfaction of mobile and their effects on loyalty. The main objective of this research is therefore to identify and understand the key factors that contribute to consumer loyalty to mobile commerce in a retail context. For this, we clarified the specific content of mobile commerce consumer loyalty, and built a research model to explain loyalty. In order to clarify how consumers perceive and evaluate mobile commerce, we conducted a qualitative exploratory study through semi-structured interviews and content analysis with Nvivo 11. Thanks to the qualitative analysis, we proposed the research model with relevant variables. This research uses Partial Least Squares (PLS) for the Structural Equation Model (SEM) to test the research model and hypothesis.

Penningtvätt : Påverkas kunderna i Dalarna av penningtvätt? / Are customers affected by money laundering in Dalarna?

Ahlqvist, Emelie, Vinblad, Jennie January 2019 (has links)
Under våren 2019 drabbades bankvärlden av nyheten om att penningtvätt förekommit under en längre tid i en av de svenska storbankerna. Diskussionerna i media har varit många och frågan har ställts hur banken ska gå vidare från missödet. Något som inte uppmärksammats i media är hur kunderna påverkas, som är bankens inkomstkälla, av en sådan händelse. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om bankkunderna i Dalarna påverkas vid bankkrisen penningtvätt. Tidigare forskning indikerar att en bankkris påverkar kunder så pass mycket att förtroendet minskar och de väljer att byta bank. För att undersöka om penningtvätt har liknande inverkan på kunderna utformades en enkät som totalt 95 respondenter besvarade. Resultatet togs fram med hjälp av statistiska metoder och en av slutsatserna som kunnat dras är att förtroendet påverkas om det förekommer penningtvätt inom banken, men inte tillräckligt mycket för att byta bank. / In the spring of 2019, the world received the news that one of the major Swedish banks had been laundering money for quite some time. There has been discussion in the media over the last year about how the bank will be able to move forward after this. A question that has not yet been addressed in the media is how this crisis affects the opinions and actions of the bank’s customers in Dalarna. Earlier research indicates that a crisis in the banking world affects a bank’s credibility to the extent that the customers choose to change banks. To find out if this crisis regarding money laundering has a similar effect, a survey was created, and a total of 95 people answered. Statistical methods were used to get the results, and they show that the general opinion regarding the bank’s credibility indeed was affected, but not enough to make the customers change banks.

Vi vill se dig igen... : En studie om serviceinnehållets betydelse för relationer inom optikbranschen

Andersson, Elise, Olsson, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad serviceinnehållet i en verksamhet inom detaljhandel betyder för möjligheterna att skapa lojala relationer i takt med digitaliseringens utveckling. En fallstudie på optikerbranschen bildar utgångspunkt för en överföring till detaljhandeln. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och ansatsen grundas utifrån deduktiv karaktär med induktiva inslag. Det empiriska materialet är insamlat genom nio semistrukturerade intervjuer av representanter inom optikbranschen i Sverige. Resultatet av studien tyder på att serviceinnehållet med dess extratjänster kan resultera i att företag utvecklar långsiktiga relationer och erhåller lojala kunder. Vidare har det framkommit att aktiviteterna i serviceinnehållet är värdeskapande, men dess betydelse varierar mellan olika företag och branscher. Slutligen har vi kommit fram till att extratjänster kan verka som konkurrensfördel och samtidigt visa att kunden är i företagets fokus. / The purpose of this study is to investigate what the service content of a retail business means for the opportunities to create loyal relationships in line with the evolution of digitization. A case study in the optics industry is the starting point for a transfer to the retail trade. The study is based on a qualitative research method and the approach is based on deductive character with inductive elements. The empirical material has been collected through nine semi-structured interviews of representatives in the optics industry in Sweden. The result of the study indicates that the service content with its additional services can result in companies developing long-term relationships and receiving loyal customers. Furthermore, it has emerged that the activities in the service content are value-creating, but its importance varies between different companies and industries. Finally, our conclusion is that extra services can serve as a competitive advantage and show that the customer is in the company's focus.

Understanding guest retention : an examination of New Zealand accommodation establishments : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Management, Massey University

Barnett, Shirley Jean January 2007 (has links)
Abstract The importance of customer retention has become a major theme in the literature since the 1990s when empirical studies showed that retaining 5% of customers could lead to an increase in profits ranging from 25% to 85%. However, customer retention does not appear to have moved from the theoretical into the practical world. Specifically, there were few empirical studies which focused on customer retention and none were identified in the New Zealand accommodation sector. The travel and tourism industry contributes approximately 9% to New Zealand’s GDP, and 10% of all spending by travellers and tourists is in the accommodation sector. Impacts, such as seasonality, characterise the accommodation sector and many establishments have occupancy rates which can fluctuate from 90% to 30% in the off-season. With average annual occupancy rates for New Zealand hotels and motels hovering around 55%, retention is a strategy that owners and managers could implement in order to increase occupancy and profits. In this study the research question was based on a review of the literature and the a priori knowledge and experience of the researcher. To ensure the research question framing this study was answered in the most exhaustive and comprehensive manner a seven step research process based on work by Bourgeois (1979) was followed. Data was gathered using both deductive and inductive methods in order to nullify the two main research problems raised by Bourgeois (1979). First, that theories are cast at a high level which is removed from reality and second that empirical studies often result in just a description of the data. In the deductive phase of this study a survey was mailed to New Zealand accommodation establishments that provided accommodation and meals, and had a liquor licence. The main focus of this survey was to learn what owners and managers understood about guest retention and to answer the first research objective. It was discovered that New Zealand accommodation managers: actively work to retain their guests; know the value of guest retention; understand the links between guest satisfaction, loyalty and retention; understand the specific reasons behind guest defections; understand the importance service recovery; and understand how loyalty schemes lead to guest retention. The second phase was a case study involving three accommodation establishments. These findings added depth to the study and allowed for new knowledge to be extrapolated from the findings. It was discovered that in two establishments the focus was guest satisfaction and building relationships with customers. Whilst the resort hotel did have a strategy to encourage lapsed business to return this wasn’t measured or monitored. Thus the second research objective was answered. In the penultimate chapter an amended profit chain has been proposed which included ‘Building Customer Relationships’ as the link between satisfaction and profitability. This is based on the finding that the case establishments saw retention as a proxy for satisfaction and, therefore, focused on satisfying guests and building personal relationships as methods of guest retention. The research question framing this study can be answered by saying that the strategies used by owners and managers in New Zealand accommodation establishments to manage guest retention tend to be related to guest satisfaction and building personal relationships. However, this is not because they do not understand guest retention but see it as part of the bigger picture involving the building of relationships with guests.

Strategies for establishing a new successful brand on the Swedish market / Strategier för att etablera ett nytt framgångsrikt varumärke på den svenska marknaden

Maluszynska, Anna, Torstensson, Kristina January 2004 (has links)
<p>Background: Companies establishing a new brand on the Swedish market have to face competition from already established brands. This makes it interesting to investigate which branding strategies companies use in order to establish a new successful brand. </p><p>Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to investigate which branding strategies companies should use in order to establish a new successful brand on a competitive Swedish market. </p><p>Research method: The study was realized with the help of five qualitative interviews. These interviews were conducted at five diverse companies possessing recently established brands on a competitive Swedish market. </p><p>Results: Our investigation has lead to the formation of a model, which depicts the most important factors for the strategies that companies should use in order to establish a new successful brand on a competitive Swedish market. We have found that the starting point for these strategies should be the brand motto for product brands and the business concept for corporate brands, from which the core values and the positioning strategies should be derived. In order to communicate the brand to the market, the brand name is an important factor which should preferably be unique. The distribution is also an important factor for this communication, since the distributor is the ambassador who mediates the brand to the customer. The market communication in turn should in the first place consist of unconventional channels such as editorial text when possible. For companies possessing a large marketing budget, brand building commercial, for instance TV-commercial should also be invested in. The marketing communication serves as a means to gain good customer relationships. Finally, it is important to have a consistent branding strategy as well as an internal loyalty toward the brand.</p>

Den oförutsägbare privatresenärens köpbeteende : inom flygtransportbranschen

Nyström, Martin, Wahlman, Anna January 2005 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Flygtransportbranschen är hårt konkurrensutsatt genom stark etablering av lågprisbolag. Därtill har händelser såsom terrordådet i New York och SARS påverkat marknaden negativt; branschen har dessutom drabbats av förändrat kundbeteende, bland annat hos privatkunder, och flygbolagen finner det allt svårare att förutse kundernas köp. En medvetenhet om att resenärerna ser priset som en primär faktor vid val av flygbolag finns, men det har visat sig svårt att identifiera andra faktorer.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för privatresenärers köpbeteende vid val av flygbolag. Vidare skall vi genom detta dra slutsatser om faktorer som påverkar kundtroheten inom flygtransportbranschen.</p><p>Genomförande: Uppsatsen bygger på kvalitativ metod, där empirisk rådata har insamlats genom 48 intervjuer med privatresenärer, fyra intervjuer med anställda på marknadsavdelningen på Scandinavian Airlines Sverige AB och en oberoende intervju med en professor vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm.</p><p>Resultat: Våra resultat bekräftar prisets betydelse vid val av flygbolag, men utöver detta har vi kunnat se ett antal för privatresenären värdeskapande faktorer, bland annat personalens bemötande, som påverkar valet av flygbolag. För att beskriva privatresenärernas köpbeteende har vi utvecklat en anpassad behovshierarki för flygtransportbranschen baserat på Maslow, där olika värdeskapande faktorer beskrivs. Studien visar att privatresenären, i huvudsak, ser flygresan inrikes och inom Europa som en transport och efterfrågar därmed främst en enkel, smärtfri och billig resa. Vid interkontinentala flygresor får andra värden en större vikt. Studien har även visat att privatresenärernas motiv för att återkommande efterfråga ett flygbolag inte går att beskrivas på ett generellt plan. Av den anledningen har vi utvecklat lojalitetsbegreppet genom identifiering och beskrivning av sju olika typer av lojaliteter, vilka utvärderas i relation till troheten till företaget, engagemanget till köpprocessen och engagemanget till företaget.</p> / <p>Background: The commercial airline business is facing keen competition from low fares airlines. Air transport has also been effected by incidents like terrorist attacks and SARS. On top of this, the airlines are seeing a change in their customers’ behaviours, which makes it harder to foresee their purchases. The airlines know that the primary factor for choosing an airline is price, but it has proven to be difficult to identify other factors.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of our master thesis is to increase the comprehension about leisure travellers’ buying behaviour, when choosing a specific airline. Further, we shall draw conclusions about factors that have an effect on loyalty within the commercial airline business.</p><p>Research method: The master thesis is based on an empirical study. 48 interviews have been conducted with leisure travellers, and four with staff members from the marketing department at Scandinavian Airlines Sverige AB; one independent interview with a professor at Stockholm School of Economics was also conducted.</p><p>Results: Our study confirms the importance of price when choosing a specific airline, but we have also seen that other value-based factors have an influence on the choice; among other things kind treatment from the airline staff. To be able to describe the leisure travellers’ buying behaviour, we developed a suited hierarchy of needs for the commercial airline business, based on Maslow, where you can find different value-based factors. Our results show that the leisure traveller sees the flight only as a transport, when travelling domestic or within Europe, and therefore searches for an easy way of travelling to the best price available. When travelling on intercontinental flights, customers attach more importance to other values. The study has also shown that the leisure travellers’ motives for repurchasing from the same airline cannot be described on a general level. We have therefore developed the concept of loyalty by identifying and describing seven types of loyalties. All are being evaluated in relation to the loyalty to the company, the commitment to the buying process and the commitment to the company.</p>

Facebooka med dina kunder : <em>En studie i hur svenska dagligvaruföretag kan stärka sina kunders varumärkeslojalitet genom sociala medier</em> / Facebook with your customers : A study in how Swedish grocery chains can strengthen their customers brand loyalty through social media

Bengtsson, Carolina, Claesson, Sophie January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med avhandlingen var att få fram konkreta förslag på hur svenska dagligvaruföretag kan arbeta med Facebook i sin marknadsföring för att öka både befintliga och nya kunders varumärkeslojalitet till företaget.</p><p>Teorikapitlet innehåller teorier kring ämnena varumärke, märkeslojalitet, kommunikation, Internet, sociala medier och Facebook. Ytterligare information har även samlats in genom intervjuer med tre experter inom sociala medier för att styrka teorierna kring sociala medier.</p><p>Studien visade att svenska dagligvaruföretag idag inte använder sig av Facebook i dess fulla kapacitet. Genom att använda sig av en kombination av grupper, sidor, applikationer och event kan företag stärka sina kunders varumärkeslojalitet. Det handlar om att använda dessa olika verktyg för att skapa en relation med kunden och en kanal för dialog. Kan företaget sedan besvara kundens frågor och funderingar på ett bra och snabbt sätt genom denna nya mediekanal kan en långvarig relation skapas mellan kunden och företaget som i sin tur leder till varumärkeslojalitet hos kunden.</p><p> </p> / <p>The purpose of this thesis is to come up with concrete</p><p>suggestions how Swedish grocery chains can work with</p><p>Facebook in their marketing to increase both existing and</p><p>potential costumers brand loyalty towards the company.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p>The theorysection contains theories concerning following subjects:</p><p>brand, brand loyalty, communication, Internet, social media and</p><p>Facebook. Further information has been collected through</p><p>interviews with three experts in social media marketing to</p><p>strengthen the theories concerning social media.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p>The study has shown that Swedish grocery chains at the moment</p><p>are not using the full potential of Facebook. By using a</p><p>combination of groups, pages, applications and events the</p><p>companies can strengthen their customers brand loyalty. It is all</p><p>about using the available Facebooktools to create a relationship</p><p>and a dialog with the costumers. If the company is able to answer</p><p>the questions and thoughts of the customer in a quick and good</p><p>way a long term relationship can be created. This long term</p><p>relationship between the customer and the company will open up</p><p>for brand loyalty.</p>

Hur arbetar charterföretagen för att stärka sitt varumärke?

Komujuni, Ernest, Aenehband, Parisa January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och utreda hur tjänsteföretag inom charterbranschen arbetar för att stärka sitt varumärke, samt att utreda hur och vilka associationer som skapas kring varumärket.</p><p>Metod: Försöka implementera en modell för att få en klarare bild över hur charter företag arbertar för att stärka sina varumärken, författarna använder sig olika litteratur käller samt emperiska studier.</p><p>Resultat: Resultaten visar hur viktigt det för företag att hitta nya metoder för att stärka sitt varumärke, samt betydelsen för tjänsteföretag av att hitta sin egen plats i en konkurrenskraftig marknad.</p><p>Avgränsning: Genom att begränsa vår undersökning valde vi att koncentrera oss på endast två charterföretag, detta för att skapa en bättre och djupare inblick på vår frågeställning. De två charterföretagen som vi har valt att undersöka och utgå ifrån är; Apollo och Ving. Anledningen till detta är att de är marknadsledande och har lyckats skapa ett starkt varumärke.</p><p>Nyckelord: Varumärkeskapital, kärnvärde av tjänst, postionering, märkesidentitet, marknadskommunikation, intern märkeslojlitet, associationer.</p> / <p>Purpose: The purpose with this study is to evaluate how leading companies in the “charter branch” create brand equity and associations related to the brand.</p><p>Methodology: To test the anticipated model in the context of how charter companies work to establish a stronger brand, the authors use data collected from different literature sources and empirical findings.</p><p>Findings: The results underline the importance of always finding new methods to establish a strong brand, and the value for service companies have to find their own place on a competitive market.</p><p>Research limitations: We choose to limit our study by choosing two different charter companies, this choice made it able for us to get deeper understanding to our purpose. The two companies that we choose to investigate where: Apollo and Ving. The reason was because these two companies are market leaders and they have managed to create a strong brand.</p>

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