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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Devianz in der COVID-19 Pandemie: Erklärungen und empirische Befunde

Helbing, Alexander, Krumpal, Ivar 06 August 2024 (has links)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist es, abweichendes Verhalten in der COVID-19 Pandemie zu erklären und empirisch zu erforschen. Genauer liegt der Fokus auf Determinanten von Impfnachweisfälschungen und des Lügens in Bezug auf den eigenen Impf- und Teststatus. Es werden Daten einer Online-Befragung ausgewertet (n = 549). Mit Blick auf die Erklärung des abweichenden Verhaltens, können die aus der Rational Choice Theory abgeleiteten Hypothesen zur Sanktionswahrscheinlichkeit und Sanktionshöhe empirisch nicht bestätigt werden. Die Hypothesen zum Einfluss von sozialen Normen sind dagegen robuster. So ist das abweichende Verhalten im eigenen sozialen Umfeld ein guter Prädiktor für die eigene Impfnachweisfälschung. Zudem verhält sich eine Person eher dann abweichend, wenn sie glaubt, dass sich die Mehrheit der Gesellschaft nicht an Corona-Restriktionen hält. Schließlich zeigt die Überprüfung einer Reihe von Einstellungshypothesen, dass das Misstrauen in das Robert Koch-Institut ein robuster Prädiktor für die eigene Devianz ist. / The aim of the present study is to theoretically explain and empirically investigate deviant behavior in the COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically, our study focuses on vaccination certificate falsification and lying about one's own vaccination and test status. Data of an online survey is analyzed (N = 549). In regards to the explanation of deviant behavior, the hypothesized effects of the probability of sanctions and the severity of sanctions derived from the rational choice theory cannot be confirmed empirically. The hypotheses about the influence of social norms, on the other hand, are more robust. Deviant behavior in one's own social network is a good predictor of the falsification of vaccination certificates. In addition, deviant behavior is more likely if a person believes that the majority of society is not adhering to Corona restrictions. Finally, testing a series of attitudinal hypotheses shows that distrust in the Robert Koch Institute is a robust predictor of deviant behavior.

”Ungdomskriminell för en jacka” : En kvalitativ studie av professionellas uppfattningar om ungdomskriminalitetens riskfaktorer / “Youth criminal for a jacket” : A qualitative study on professionals' perceptions of risk factors in juvenile delinquency

Ruppel, Josefine, Wladysiuk-Repelewicz, Sebastian January 2024 (has links)
Ungdomar över hela landet hamnar år efter år i en farlig och destruktiv våldsspiral präglad av normbrytande beteenden. Att förstå sig på fenomenet ungdomskriminalitet och vägen dit, är av största vikt för att bryta denna destruktiva våldsspiral. Därför är syftet med denna studie är att genom professionellas perspektiv utforska vanligt förekommande faktorer som bidrar till att barn och unga involveras i ungdomskriminalitet. Studiens metod bestod av en kvalitativ ansats där tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Samtliga intervjuer skedde med professionella individer, som aktivt arbetade med barn och unga på uppdrag av socialtjänsten. Nio av studiens intervjuer genomfördes med en respondent per intervju, och en av studiens intervjuer genomfördes med två respondenter. I studiens resultat framkom de professionella perspektiven på problematiken. De lyfte vikten av miljö, där en ungdoms benägenhet till konformitet samt ungdomens risker för negativ exponering fungerade som starka riskfaktorer. Nästkommande riskfaktor blev sociala normer, där individens grupptillhörighet och sociala nätverk framkom som starka riskfaktorer. Sista riskfaktorn för studien blev identitet, där ett bristande välbefinnande hos en ungdom, NPF-diagnoser samt en ungdoms personliga förutsättningar framkom som omfattande riskfaktorer. Samtliga riskfaktorer framkom som omfattande utifrån de svar som förekom i studien. / Young people all over the country find themselves year after year in a dangerous and destructive spiral of violence characterized by norm-breaking behaviors. Understanding the phenomenon of youth crime and the path leading to it is crucial to break this destructive spiral of violence. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore, through the perspectives of professionals, common factors contributing to the involvement of children and young people in youth crime. The study employed a qualitative approach, conducting ten semi-structured interviews. All interviews were conducted with professional individuals actively working with children and young people on behalf of social services. Nine of the study's interviews were conducted with one respondent per interview, while one interview was conducted with two respondents. The study's results revealed the perspectives of the professionals on the issue. They highlighted the importance of the environment, where a young person's tendency towards conformity and the risks of negative exposure served as strong risk factors. The next identified risk factor was social norms, where the individual's group membership and social networks emerged as strong risk factors. The final risk factor identified in the study was identity, where a lack of well-being in a young person, neurodevelopmental disorders, and a young person's personal circumstances emerged as significant risk factors. All risk factors were found to be extensive based on the responses in the study.

Deviance and moralisiation as portrayed in selected post-independence Shona novels and short stories

Wasosa, Wellington 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is an exegesis of the portrayal of deviance in selected post-independence Shona fictional works. The analysis is done within the context of moralisation in Shona literature. The forms of deviant behaviour discussed include prostitution, homosexuality, crime and violence and negligence of duty within families. The fictional works are Mapenzi (1999), Totanga Patsva (2003), Ndozviudza Aniko? (2006), Ndafa Here? (2008), and Makaitei? (2008). All the fictional works are set during the period of the Zimbabwe Crisis and this becomes the context of the criticism of the manner in which deviance is handled by the writers. Particular attention is paid on the causes and solutions to deviance, images of deviants and the implications of such images in attempting to understand the realities of deviant behaviour. The research adopts an eclectic approach through a combination of literary and sociological theories to unpack issues concerning the litigious subject of deviance. The research fully acknowledges that deviance is a fluid and controversial concept as it varies with cultural frameworks and historical periods of certain societies. Thus the research has endeavoured to locate deviance with the ambit of Shona existential philosophy and the period of the Zimbabwe crisis. The research advances the argument that no human being is inherently deviant but there are certain circumstances and eventualities that are responsible for the development of such a personality. Therefore deviance herein is viewed as a response to the situation and in the case of this research it is the crisis which then is responsible for nurturing the people into deviance. In most of the situations, deviance is shown to be essentially a survival strategy by those who engage in it. Prostitution, homosexuality and crime have been shown to be largely economic necessities as the collapsing economy during the period of the crisis came with amorphous challenges and people resorted to anti-social behaviour in an attempt to live contenting lives. With regards to prostitution, homosexuality and crime, the writers have to a larger extent been able to contextualise deviance in terms of the crisis although Mabasa has been shown to display some ambivalence in his treatment of prostitutes in Mapenzi and Ndafa Here? There are instances he castigates prostitutes as social renegades which somehow weakens his vision. Apart from this, it has also been argued that deviant behaviour can be a result of the frustrations people face as they battle the vagaries of life. Violence and negligence of duty within families is argued to be a consequence of the frustrations from the poverty brought by the crisis and the movement into the diaspora as this has its own challenges that disempower people to carry out their duties as sanctioned by culture. Also, the research advances the argument that oral literature continues to impact on written literature and one such area is that of moralisation which continues to be a major priority of the writers. Except for the authors of the short stories in Totanga Patsva, moralisation on issues to do with deviance has been done in an enlightening way as the writers unearth the underlying causes of deviant behaviour and these are found in society and not individuals. The writers of the short stories have shown to be largely influenced by feminism and erroneously blame male deviants for the problems faced by women instead of explaining men`s behaviour in the context colonialism and neo-colonialism which brought various challenges related to gender relations in Africa not experienced hitherto. The direction in terms of qualitative development which Shona literature is taking in post-independence era is positive as the writers are shown to be tackling sensitive political, social and economic issues and their impact on the human condition. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil.

An analysis of tacit knowledge sharing behaviour, within a social capital framework, in a business environment of a South African, University of Technology

Smith, Carol 21 May 2014 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Doctor of Technology: Business Administration, Durban University of Technology, 2014. / This thesis integrates social capital and ‘reasoned action’ theory to construct a theoretical model for investigating the factors which predict an individual’s intention to share tacit knowledge in a University of Technology. It utilizes Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998: 243) definition and conception of social capital. They define social capital as “the sum of the actual and potential resources embedded within, available through, and derived from the network of relationships possessed by an individual or social unit”. This study examined tacit knowledge sharing behaviour (i.e., knowledge that is shared between individuals) within the context of social capital. The specific type of tacit knowledge that is being studied relates to work experience ‘know-what’ and ‘know-how’. ‘Know-what’ refers to the basic mastery of a discipline that professionals achieve through education and training. ‘Know-how’ refers to procedural knowledge about a business process and the individual’s capability to perform an action with an understanding of why the action is appropriate in the particular context, (i.e., action skill or applied competence). Specifically, this study examines the relationship between the structural, relational and cognitive dimensions of social capital and the individual’s attitude towards the sharing of tacit knowledge. It further examines the relationship between the individual’s attitude towards tacit knowledge sharing, their perceived norms and perceived behavioural control over the sharing of tacit knowledge (mediating variables) and their intention to share tacit knowledge. It is a case study which consists of a mixed methods research design, incorporating nine research interviews and five hundred and fifty four self administered questionnaires. The theoretical model is examined using structural equation modeling (SEM) and as a result of the findings, the initial model is revised into a set of theoretical models, which are tested using SEM and found to be consistent with the data (i.e., a good fit). The direct, indirect and total effects of the identified predictor (social capital) and mediating variables (‘reasoned action’) on the individual’s intention to share tacit knowledge, in each model, is examined and the results are presented. Each dimension of social capital is found to be significant for predicting the criterion variable ‘attitude towards tacit knowledge sharing’. The individual’s attitude towards tacit knowledge sharing is found to be highly significant for predicting the individual’s intention to share tacit knowledge but the ‘reasoned action’ variables are found to be not as significant, particularly perceived behavioural control over the sharing of tacit knowledge. The results of this study enrich our collective understanding regarding social capital and tacit knowledge sharing behaviour. / Academy of Management, National Research Foundation, Durban University of Technology

Alcohol marketing and young people's drinking : the role of perceived social norms

Kenny, Patrick January 2014 (has links)
There has been substantial scientific debate about the impact of alcohol marketing on consumption. Relying mainly on econometric studies, the alcohol industry has traditionally maintained that alcohol marketing does not influence consumption, but is merely limited to brand level effects. Public health advocates, on the other hand, point to consumer-level research that shows a relationship between exposure to marketing and alcohol consumption, especially amongst the young. Recent longitudinal research has firmly established a causal relationship between alcohol marketing and alcohol consumption, giving the upper hand to the public health critics of alcohol marketing. The new consensus forged by these recent cohort studies has led to two separate, but related, debates. In the first instance, having answered the question of whether marketing influences drinking behaviour, there is a need to establish how and when such effects occur. Secondly, in the face of the mounting longitudinal evidence on the effects of marketing, representatives of the alcohol industry have sought to move the debate away from marketing by explicitly highlighting peer influence as a more significant causal factor in problematic youth alcohol consumption. This thesis tackles both of these new questions simultaneously by harnessing insights developed from social norms theory. An online survey (N = 1,071) was administered to undergraduates of the Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland, and mediation relationships were tested with logistic and multiple linear regression methods as appropriate. Amongst other findings, the main contributions of this thesis are: (1) that marketing may play a key role in establishing perceived social norms around alcohol consumption, and that these perceived norms may act as an indirect pathway for the influence of marketing on behaviour and (2) that the association between alcohol marketing and consumption may increase as levels of engagement with marketing increase; this engagement appears to be at its most potent when marketing facilitates simultaneous interaction between the consumer, the brand and the consumer’s peers in an online social media environment. This thesis helps to move the field of alcohol marketing scholarship beyond questions of whether marketing influences alcohol consumption to how and when that influence occurs. By showing how peers may act as perpetuators and magnifiers of marketing influence it also undermines the argument that peers matter more than marketing, and suggests that peer norms can act as a powerful marketing tool.

Využití metod experimentálních her ke studiu kooperace, altruismu a férovosti a jejich biologických prediktorů / Utilization of experimental games' methods in the study of cooperation, altruism and fairness and their biological predictors

Nováková, Julie January 2015 (has links)
Cooperative, altruistic and fairness-exhibiting behavior is an important topic in evolutionary and behavioral biology and the mechanisms leading to its evolution, ultimate as well as proximate precursors, are subject of much research in biological as well as social sciences, theoretical as well as experimental work. In light of the life history theory, I focused on the connection of one's health state and cooperative behavior in humans and tested the hypothesis that more healthy individuals would manifest more cooperative tendencies (as they would have more opportunities of future interactions and long-term benefits), and conversely. The data, obtained from a sample of university students engaged in experimental games (Dictator Game, Ultimatum Game, Expanded Ultimatum Game, Trust Game, and Reversed Dictator Game) and a health and personality-focused questionnaire, did not corroborate this hypothesis. My other hypotheses - that better memory and lower temporal discounting would be related to more cooperative behavior (stemming from the conditions for reciprocal cooperation) - were supported by the data, albeit only partially in the case of memory. I also used the data from the five experimental games to briefly describe the proportions of different types of behavior (self-regarding, altruistic,...

Deviance and moralisiation as portrayed in selected post-independence Shona novels and short stories

Wasosa, Wellington 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is an exegesis of the portrayal of deviance in selected post-independence Shona fictional works. The analysis is done within the context of moralisation in Shona literature. The forms of deviant behaviour discussed include prostitution, homosexuality, crime and violence and negligence of duty within families. The fictional works are Mapenzi (1999), Totanga Patsva (2003), Ndozviudza Aniko? (2006), Ndafa Here? (2008), and Makaitei? (2008). All the fictional works are set during the period of the Zimbabwe Crisis and this becomes the context of the criticism of the manner in which deviance is handled by the writers. Particular attention is paid on the causes and solutions to deviance, images of deviants and the implications of such images in attempting to understand the realities of deviant behaviour. The research adopts an eclectic approach through a combination of literary and sociological theories to unpack issues concerning the litigious subject of deviance. The research fully acknowledges that deviance is a fluid and controversial concept as it varies with cultural frameworks and historical periods of certain societies. Thus the research has endeavoured to locate deviance with the ambit of Shona existential philosophy and the period of the Zimbabwe crisis. The research advances the argument that no human being is inherently deviant but there are certain circumstances and eventualities that are responsible for the development of such a personality. Therefore deviance herein is viewed as a response to the situation and in the case of this research it is the crisis which then is responsible for nurturing the people into deviance. In most of the situations, deviance is shown to be essentially a survival strategy by those who engage in it. Prostitution, homosexuality and crime have been shown to be largely economic necessities as the collapsing economy during the period of the crisis came with amorphous challenges and people resorted to anti-social behaviour in an attempt to live contenting lives. With regards to prostitution, homosexuality and crime, the writers have to a larger extent been able to contextualise deviance in terms of the crisis although Mabasa has been shown to display some ambivalence in his treatment of prostitutes in Mapenzi and Ndafa Here? There are instances he castigates prostitutes as social renegades which somehow weakens his vision. Apart from this, it has also been argued that deviant behaviour can be a result of the frustrations people face as they battle the vagaries of life. Violence and negligence of duty within families is argued to be a consequence of the frustrations from the poverty brought by the crisis and the movement into the diaspora as this has its own challenges that disempower people to carry out their duties as sanctioned by culture. Also, the research advances the argument that oral literature continues to impact on written literature and one such area is that of moralisation which continues to be a major priority of the writers. Except for the authors of the short stories in Totanga Patsva, moralisation on issues to do with deviance has been done in an enlightening way as the writers unearth the underlying causes of deviant behaviour and these are found in society and not individuals. The writers of the short stories have shown to be largely influenced by feminism and erroneously blame male deviants for the problems faced by women instead of explaining men`s behaviour in the context colonialism and neo-colonialism which brought various challenges related to gender relations in Africa not experienced hitherto. The direction in terms of qualitative development which Shona literature is taking in post-independence era is positive as the writers are shown to be tackling sensitive political, social and economic issues and their impact on the human condition. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil.

Port du voile : représentations et pratiques du corps chez les femmes tunisiennes / Vailing : representations and body practices of tunisian women

Matri, Khaoula 15 April 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche portant sur Port du voile : représentations et pratiques du corps chez les femmes tunisiennes vise à comprendre les processus qui président à la conversion des femmes tunisiennes, réputées parmi les plus modernes et les plus émancipées du monde musulman, au port de l'une ou l'autre des formes du voile dit islamique. Elle a adopté pour cela une démarche combinant (1) l'analyse socio-anthropologique concernant la production sociale du « corps féminin », l'adoption-adaptation des normes relatives à la conduite féminine dans les sociétés de traditions islamiques, (2) les approches historiques, théologiques et politiques relatives au port du voile dans le contexte actuel de la mondialisation et des crispations identitaires qui en sont le corollaire, (3) l’étude empirique sur la base d’une enquête qualitative auprès de femmes converties au port du voile, pour comprendre leurs motivations, leurs stratégies, les usages qu'elles en font dans différent espaces publics qui leur étaient interdits par les traditions qu'elles mobilisent pour le justifier. Ce travail a permis de saisir, par delà les références et les motivations idéologiques partagées par les adeptes du voile, la diversité du phénomène au niveau de ses formes comme au niveau de ses usages et des significations qui lui sont associées par les acteurs, que ce soit en termes de rapports entre modernité et tradition, sécularisation et réactivation des formes de religiosité, libération et aliénation, affirmation individuelle et réflexe grégaire. / This research sheds lights on veiling: representations and body practices among Tunisian women. the target of this research is to understand the process which reigns the perception of Tunisian women- who are renewed to be the most modern and the most emancipated in the Islamic world – of different forms of veil which is associated to Islam.In order to carry out this research ,she has opted an approach that combines (1) the socio-anthropological analysis concerning the social production of the "female body", adoption, adaptation of standards related to women’s behavior in the societies of Islamic traditions, Historical approaches, theology and policies focusing on veiling in the current context of globalization and identity crises .(3) the empirical study is based on a qualitative survey of women converted to veiling; the main target of this research is to understand their motivations, their strategies, and the practices which are getting different in public spaces. In fact, many practices were forbidden by the traditions are no longer forbidden today and veiled women tend to justify them. This research has allowed us to find out the references and the ideological motivations shared by veiled women and their followers;The research has also shed lights on The diversity of the phenomenon at the level of its forms as well as the uses and the meanings associated to it by the social actors, whether in terms of the relationship between modernity and tradition, secularism and reactivation of religion forms or in terms of liberation and alienation , self-assertion and gregarious reflex.

Le processus de création de liens sociaux entre les joueurs de jeux vidéo multijoueurs en ligne

Thomas, Alban 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Consumer behavior, household production and shadow prices : applications to the allocation of time and to social interactions / Comportement du consommateur, production domestique, et prix virtuels : applications à l'allocation du temps et aux interactions sociales

Alpman, Anil 07 December 2016 (has links)
Certaines ressources ne peuvent pas être échangées sur le marché mais elles peuvent être valorisées par les prix virtuels. Je dérive théoriquement 3 types de prix virtuels dont j'estime structurellement la valeur au niveau individuel afin d'analyser leurs effets sur le comportement et le bien-être des individus. J'apparie statistiquement les enquêtes Consumer Expenditure et American Time Use en utilisant une procédure d'appariement qui résout les faiblesses des procédures standards. Premièrement, j'estime le prix virtuel du temps qui nécessite des étapes permettant l'estimation d'une fonction d'utilité, qui dépend du temps et des biens marchands, que j'utilise comme une nouvelle mesure de bien-être. Les résultats montrent que la réallocation du temps a permis d'absorber 30% de l'effet néfaste de la Grande Récession. Je calcule ensuite le prix virtuel de 5 activités (produites par le consommateur), telles que le loisir et l'alimentation, afin d'estimer les élasticités des utilisations du temps (y compris l'offre de travail) et de la demande d'activité par rapport au revenu complet, au prix virtuel du temps, au prix virtuel des activités, au salaire, et au prix des biens marchands. Le troisième prix virtuel que j'aborde fournit le coût du sous-emploi/chômage en fonction de caractéristiques individuelles. Cela permet d'évaluer le coût d'opportunité des politiques d'emplois et de déterminer le niveau des allocations chômage. Finalement, je propose une reformulation de la théorie des normes sociales où j'analyse les déterminants de la désobéissance aux normes sociales ; et l'effet de la désobéissance sur les prix virtuels, le comportement individuel et, enfin, sur la croissance. / Many resources cannot be exchanged and priced on the markets but they can be valued by shadow prices. In this thesis, I theoretically derive 3 kinds of shadow prices and structurally estimate them at the individual level to analyze their effects on the behavior and the welfare of individuals. I combine the consumer expenditure and the American time use surveys (2004-2012) using a statistical matching procedure that overcomes the shortcomings of standard procedures. I first estimate the shadow price of time, which involves several steps where a utility function is estimated as a proxy for a new kind of well-being measure that depends on the amounts of time and market goods: it is shown that the reallocation of the forgone market work hours absorbed 30% of the Great Recession's negative welfare impact. Then, I compute the shadow prices of 5 home-produced activities (e.g., leisure and food) to estimate the elasticities of the time allocation functions (including the labor supply) and the demand elasticities of the activities with respect to the full income, the shadow price of time, the shadow price of the activities, the wage rate, and the price of market goods. The third shadow price addressed in this thesis yields the costs of under/unemployment as a function of demographic characteristics, which is essential for evaluating the opportunity cost of unemployment policies and for setting the level of unemployment benefits. Finally, I propose a reformulation of the theory of social norms where I analyze the determinants of the disobedience level to social norms along the effects of the disobedience on shadow prices, individuals' behavior, and, eventually, on economic growth.

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