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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Can I see my Daddy?": child and adult family members as visitors in the adult intensive care unit

Chalifour, Emma E. 07 January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to supply preliminary insights into improving the support of visiting families with children who are minors during the intensive care unit stay (ICU) of an adult family member. Hospitals often restrict children from visiting in ICUs; however, a review of the literature revealed that despite the prevalence of this policy, there has been little research into whether visiting is harmful or supportive (Liu et al., 2013; Manici & Ghillani, 2018). Although family-centred care (FCC) is considered beneficial for adult family members (Davidson et al., 2012; Eggenberger & Nelms, 2007), there is little evidence that policymakers have considered the involvement of children during an ICU stay (Knutsson & Bergbom, 2007). In this study, seven families shared their experiences of the critical illness of a loved one. Using a constructionist lens, this study explored the interaction between the gathered stories and the policies and practices associated with child and adult family members visiting adult critical care contexts in British Columbia (BC), Canada. This study found that the involvement of children in a family illness event is important and that tailoring involvement to the individual preferences of the child, and their family, is crucial. While navigating an ICU stay, families may benefit from a collaborative approach between the child, their caregiver/s, and a member of the ICU team. The goal of this research is that it will resonate with its readers and move people to deeper curiosity and further study. This exploratory study led to a list of seven preliminary recommendations that could inform the interdisciplinary policies and practices associated with supporting child and adult family members as visitors in an ICU. Further research is needed to explore the experiences of families with children more fully, and to understand the systems that need to be in place to support them during the critical illness of a loved one. / Graduate / 2021-12-16

Who are the visitors to the National Museum in Stockholm?Sweden's museum of art and design

Mbuyi, Ruddy January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the research study was to find about who the National Museum visitors are and what is their five reasons and motives to visit the National Museum. To get a better understanding about finding out who are the National Museum visitors a qualitative method was used in the form of a questionnaire that dealt with questions about the respondent’s demographic background and open questions related to finding out more details about the respondents’ reasons to visit the National Museum that is an art and design museum. The data that was gathered from the questionnaire was analysed through the use of a thematic analysis to find specific themes based on the female and male respondent’s answers. The results indicate that most of the respondents who took part in the questionnaire on the 5th of April 2019 at the National Museum are a mix of female and male between the age 20-72 years from Sweden and other countries, all of them have a higher education (High School, Bachelor and Master Degree) and have studied art, history of art or design. The reason that many of the respondents choose to visit the museum and what attracted them to the National Museum was foremost for they all share an interest in art and design. The National Museum itself is an interesting place to be at because many of the female and male respondents have an appreciation in the art and design collections and exhibitions that is displayed at the museum. The National Museum offers a free admission and entry so many of them could visit the museum either by themselves or with a companion, and many of the respondents like how the National Museum teaches history about the art and design.

Barns besök på IVA ur barnets och sjuksköterskans perspektiv : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Björklund, Angeliqa, Norgren, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Barns besök inom intensivvården har tidigare varit förbjudet. En bristande kompetens beskrivs av sjuksköterskor kring att möta barn som närstående vilket resulterar i att sjuksköterskor lättare exkluderar barn. Barn upplever blandade känslor kring besök på IVA och uttrycker ett behov av involvering.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva barns besök på IVA ur barnets och sjuksköterskans perspektiv.  Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med kvalitativa, kvantitativa och semikvalitativa studier analyserades med en integrativ granskningsmodell. Databassökningarna i Pubmed och Cinahl resulterade i fjorton artiklar.  Resultat: Mötet med en betydelsefull person gav blandade känslor hos barn och skapade utrymme för fantasi. Fantasi var ett sätt att hantera situationen när allvaret kröp nära inpå. Mötet berörde barn på olika sätt och utgången av mötet var olika beroende på förutsättningarna. Barn beskrev vikten av involvering och hur bristande involvering påverkade och att ges plats var av vikt för barns välmående. Det fanns faktorer som styrde och påverkade tillgången till sin närstående vilket utmanade delaktigheten för barn. Vid en kris beskrev barn vikten av att få vara barn och vad det innebär, de beskrev samtidigt känslor av ansvar och vilket lidande det genererade. Barn eftersträvar en normal vardag när en närstående blir sjuk. Vid sjukdom och kris växer barns utsatthet, där mänskliga faktorer påverkar. Närvaro och delaktighet skapar en betydelsefullhet.  Slutsats: Det är viktigt för barn att få vara delaktiga när en närstående är kritiskt sjuk och vårdas på IVA. Barn som exkluderas lider och löper risk för en långsiktig psykisk ohälsa. Frustration ses hos barn när de inte blir sedda och respekterade som närstående och när sjuksköterskor uppvisar brister i bemötandet upplever barn känslor av minskad involvering och att inte bli sedda. Sjuksköterskor behöver och efterfrågar därför utbildning och stöd i att inkludera barn. Vidare finns ett stort behov av modern forskning då erfarenheter kring barn som närstående till patient på IVA saknas vilket utgör en risk för vidare utveckling av området. / Background: Children has historically been restricted to visit the intensive care unit. Nurses describe a lack of competence in meeting children as close relatives which results in nurses more easily excluding children. Children experience mixed feelings about visits to the ICU and express a need for involvement.  Aim: The aim was to examine child visits to the ICU from the child's and the nurse's perspective.  Method: A systematic literature study with qualitative, quantitative and semi-qualitative studies was analyzed with an integrative review model. The database searches were performed on Pubmed and Cinahl and resulted in fourteen articles.  Result: The meeting with a significant other gave mixed feelings in children and created space for imagination. Imagination was a way of dealing with the situation when the seriousness elevated. The meeting affected children in different ways and the outcome of the meeting was different depending on the conditions. Children described the importance of involvement and how lack of involvement affected them and being given space was important for children's well-being. There were factors that affected the children's access to their loved ones, which challenged the participation of the children. In a crisis, children described the importance of keeping their childhood intact, they also described feelings of responsibility and that it generates suffering. Children strive for a normal everyday life when a close relative becomes ill. In case of illness and crisis, children's vulnerability grows, and human factors affect the outcome. Attendance and participation create meaning.  Conclusion: It is important for children to be able to participate when a close relative is critically ill and cared for at ICU. Children who are excluded suffer and are at risk of long-term mental illness. Children experience frustration when they don't get any attention or respect as close relatives and when nurses show a lack om caring children experiences reduced involvement and not being seen. Nurses therefore need and demand education and support in including children. Furthermore, there is a large need for modern research on children’s experience as close relatives to a patient in ICU, which constitutes a development of the area.

Överturism som ett fenomen: Fallet Gamla Stan : En kvalitativ undersökning av fenomenet överturism

Deibl, Hind, Papadogiannakis, Minos, Wilkon, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Syftet och målet med denna studie var dels att undersöka fenomenet överturism genom att titta närmare på större europeiska städer såsom Barcelona och Venedig. Men även gå på djupet med hur detta fenomen har uppstått och ifall det kan appliceras på vår egen hemstad Stockholm, och specifikt Gamla Stan. Genom att genomföra kvalitativa intervjuer med både näringsidkare och lokalbefolkning hoppas vi få en bättre förståelse för hur avtrycket av turister manifesterar sig i överturism och ifall det finns en generell attityd gentemot detta. Vi bör ha i åtanke att, generellt sett så kommer turister till Gamla stan (som är en huvudattraktion för de miljoner besökare Sverige årligen tar emot) med all säkerhet att spendera tid på ön, på grund av dess centrala läge och möjligheten att gå igenom stan på så pass kort tid. Utöver det ekonomiska avtryck som detta medför har det också en påverkan på lokalbefolkningen, som möts av ett ökande antal besökare för varje år, särskilt under de tre sommarmånaderna. Medan fler ur lokalbefolkningen ser turisterna som orörliga objekt och i vissa fall störningsmoment så erkänner näringsidkare turisternas betydelse för deras verksamhet, och att affärsrörelser på något sätt är beroende av turister då de säkrar deras överlevnad. / The purpose and aim of this study is to through carefully examining the phenomenon of overtourism by looking closely at other major European destinations such as Barcelona, Venice, Dubrovnik and Santorini, go in depth with how this phenomenonhas appeared and perhaps if it can be applied to our home city of Stockholm, and specifically the Old Town, “Gamla Stan”. By conducting qualitative interviews with both business owners and residents we hope to get a better understanding of how the impact of tourists applies itself and if there is a certain attitude towards this. Not only is it clear that this phenomenonhas brought changes to many destinations over the last few years. In Barcelona the attitude towards tourist has reached almost violent levels, with some cases of locals attacking tourists and targeting traveling group with slogans etc, We have to consider that in general, people that visit Gamla Stan, which is a major attraction for the millions of tourists that travel to Stockholm every year, almost certainly will spend at least some time on this island because of its central location and convenient walk-through possibilities. Besides the economic imprint this also affects the local residents, who are faced with a growing number of visitors, especiallyin the three summer months.

Analysis of the visitors' profile of the islands Ilha do Superagüi e Ilha do Mel - Marketing as an instrument for sustainable tourism

Niefer, Inge Andrea 05 1900 (has links)
The objectives of this work were to analyze and to compare the visitors of the immediate surroundings of two protected areas in the State of Paraná: the National Park of Superagüi and the Ecological Station “Ilha do Mel”, both islands. There was applied a questionnaire with 37 qualitative and quantitative questions. The questionnaire consisted of five parts: sociodemographic characteristics; trip characteristics; environmental conscience and attitudes; favorite activities and motivation; and perception of the destiny. The data were collected through personal interviews that in the average took from 20 to 30 minutes. 327 questionnaires were applied in Superagüi; in the period of December of 1998 to May of 2000, and 392 on the Ilha do Mel, in the period of April of 2000 to June of 2000. There are significant differences among the visitors of the two islands, this practically in all the researched characteristics. The public of the Ilha do Mel is significantly younger, what influences in several other variables, such as: civil status; education degree; and employment situation. 84% of the visitors of Ilha do Mel heard about it through friends/family, while in Superagüi only 67%. Ilha do Mel, for being a tourist destiny already for a longer time and the easy access, receives a larger number of people with repeated visits. Tourism was trip objective to a larger portion of the visitors of Ilha do Mel; in compensation they were observed significantly more researchers in Superagüi. Visitors’ environmental conscience can be considered high on both islands, but the one of the visitors of Ilha do Mel was inferior to Superagüi. Fewer respondents knew that the place they visited is a protected area. The value of the entrance fee that they are willing to pay was significantly smaller, as well as the disposition to follow the rules in favor of the conservation of nature. The interest in social and environmental subjects was significantly higher among the visitors of Superagüi. They were also willing to pay more for the use of environmental sane techniques than the respondents on Ilha do Mel. The interest in practicing the 25 tourist activities was significantly different between the two places. The comparison of the visitors’ attitude towards to problems showed that a part of the interviewees in Superagüi is much less inconvenienced with problems linked to the infrastructure that reduce the comfort during the stay, confirmed this fact by the smaller importance they give to items of tourist infrastructure. Among the visitors of Superagüi there was an accentuated concern with the improvement of the quality of the host community's life, fact not noticed on Ilha do Mel. In terms of motivation, it was shown that the visitors of Superagüi have larger appreciation to the natural and cultural values and the escape of the stress of the city than the ones of Ilha do Mel. There was also accomplished a benefit segmentation, showing that it is possible to identify distinct segments among the visitors of the same place. In Superagüi they were identified the following clusters: 1) the indifferent ones; 2) the non-sociable adventurers; 3) the sociable adventurers; 4) the enthusiasts; and 5) the non-sociable naturalists. On Ilha do Mel there were identified five different clusters: 1) the sociable adventurers; 2) the pure naturalists; 3) the enthusiasts; 4) the indifferent ones; and 5) the cultural naturalists.

Considérer l’expérience du visiteur, une clé pour la gestion intégrée des forêts

Robert, Cécile 01 1900 (has links)
Les forêts occidentales sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus prisées pour la pratique d’activités récréatives en milieu naturel. Dès lors, la mise en place d’une gestion intégrée des forêts est plus que jamais indispensable au maintien des conditions nécessaires à la pratique de l’ensemble des activités sur le territoire. Le Québec s’est doté d’une nouvelle législation pour répondre aux nombreux enjeux qui touchent le milieu forestier, notamment en ce qui a trait à l’harmonisation entre les activités récréatives et la production ligneuse. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous nous sommes intéressés au concept d’expérience du visiteur comme moyen de faciliter cette harmonisation. Il s’agissait à la fois de caractériser l’expérience de visite des utilisateurs d’un parc régional et de se questionner sur son opérationnalisation dans l’aménagement forestier. Deux méthodes qualitatives complémentaires ont été utilisées : d’une part, l’analyse de récits inscrits dans des livres d’or placés dans différents hébergements et d’autre part, des entrevues ont été conduites auprès de visiteurs rencontrés sur le site. Les résultats révèlent la pertinence de considérer l’expérience du visiteur pour favoriser une utilisation plurielle et harmonieuse du territoire forestier. Son étude permet une compréhension fine des composantes communes et spécifiques des expériences, en fonction des visiteurs. Par ailleurs, l’étude témoigne de la possibilité de mettre en relation des typologies d’expériences recherchées et les modalités d’harmonisation. Enfin, au-delà de l’expérience, le suivi de la perception de la foresterie et des représentations peut également s’avérer pertinent pour les gestionnaires. / The practice of outdoor recreational activities in western forests is becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, the implementation of integrated management with regards to publicly-owned forests is more important than ever in order to maintain conditions necessary for all activities on the territory. The province of Québec which has recently adopted a new Forestry Act is following this trend by addressing the numerous forest management issues such as harmonizing of various uses which represents a major challenge, particularly with regards to recreation and timber production. Throughout this research, we focused on the concept of visitors’ experience as a means to facilitate harmonization. The objectives were to identify the attributes of visitors’ experiences in a regional park and to assess how it can be useful in forest management. Two complementary qualitative methodologies were applied: on the one hand, we analyzed the comments written by visitors on guest books, and on the other hand, we interviewed visitors we met on the site. Results indicate the relevance of using visitors’ experiences to promote a plural and harmonious use of forest lands. The study allows for an in-depth understanding of experience components, both common and specific, which vary according to visitors. Moreover, the study reveals that it’s possible to connect certain experience profiles with harmonization terms. Finally, beyond the mere experience, it appears that forest managers who are aware of the perception and image of forest management will certainly benefit from this information.

Les visites nocturnes, l’impact de la nuit sur l’expérience de visite : le cas de la cour Marly au musée du Louvre / Museum late opening : the case of the cour Marly in the Louvre museum

Germain, Floriane 25 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse examine l’influence de la nuit sur la réception d’une visite de musée. Elle propose d’envisager le paramètre horaire comme participant de la construction de l’expérience et plus largement du sens donné à sa visite. Or, ce rapport de la nuit à l’expérience de visite est encore peu interrogé malgré les nombreuses occasions qui permettent de visiter de nuit des institutions culturelles telles que les musées ou les monuments historiques. L’analyse phénoménologique et sémiotique de cette situation de réception permet de comprendre ce que les visiteurs vivent et ressentent au cours d’une visite nocturne. Elle révèle une variation du sens qui se construit autour de l’émergence de la nuit à la fois comme donnée physique, naturelle, dans l’exposition et comme donnée mentale dans l’état d’esprit des visiteurs. À travers l’étude comparative de la réception de la cour Marly au musée du Louvre, de jour et de nuit, c’est l’univers du discours des visiteurs qui est mis en question. Les interactions entre la nuit, les visiteurs et l’exposition marquent, par rapport à la journée, un processus de transformation du sens donné par le message de l’exposition et du sens reçu par les visiteurs. Autrement dit, le changement lumineux intervenant entre jour et nuit influence la recomposition du discours de l’exposition par les visiteurs de nocturnes. La dimension émotionnelle ainsi que la fantasmatique de la nuit interviennent dans l’interprétation du discours de l’exposition et le transforment. / The aim of this work is to analyse the impact of the night on the visitors’experience. Here, the time of the day is considered as a parameter of the processof meaning building within the visitor’s experience.The link between visitors’ experience and night has not yet been thouroughlyresearched although a lot of cultural events take place at night time and provideand occasion for visiting museums.The phenomenological and semiotic analysis of the night impact, and perception,lead to the understanding of the emotional experience of the visitors during anight time visit. It reveals a variation of the meaning created by the apparition ofthe actual night in the museum and of the idea of night in the visitors’ mind.A night and day comparison of the reception of the cour Marly, in the musée duLouvre, questions the visitors’ speeches. It shows a network of interactionsbetween the night, the visitors and the exhibition which initiates a transformationof the meaning given by the exhibition and received by the visitors.In other words, the lighting modification between night and day affects thereconstruction of the exhibition’s message operated by the visitors at night. Theemotional aspect as well as the night phantasmagoria partake in the interpretationof the exhibition’s message and change it.Key words: night - reception - visitors’ experience - interpretation - - - - - phantasmagoria - night visit

Caracterização da visitação, dos visitantes e avaliação dos impactos ecológicos e recreativos do planalto do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia. / Visit and visitors charactheristics and ecological and social impact assessment at Itatiaia National Park Plateau.

Barros, Maria Isabel Amando de 11 August 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivos descrever e avaliar as condições atuais dos impactos ecológicos e recreativos em trilhas e áreas de acampamento, além de obter conhecimentos sobre a visita e os visitantes do Planalto do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia (PNI). Com base nas informações obtidas, procurou-se compreender as relações uso-impacto e explorar as diretrizes para um programa de educação do visitante voltado para a prática de técnicas de mínimo impacto que contribuísse para atenuar os danos identificados. As informações sobre a visita e os visitantes foram obtidas através da aplicação de um questionário a 605 pessoas entre os meses de Fevereiro a Agosto de 2002. A avaliação das condições das trilhas e áreas de acampamento foi feita através do levantamento detalhado de indicadores de impactos ecológicos e recreativos. A partir de 1996 o número de visitantes no Planalto teve um aumento relativo maior do que na parte baixa do Parque, demonstrando que a demanda por atividades ligadas a caminhadas, ascensão de picos, escalada e acampamento aumentou. Entretanto os dados obtidos mostram que cerca de 84% das pessoas que visitam o Planalto do PNI concentram suas atividades em três lugares: o Pico das Agulhas Negras, o Pico das Prateleiras e o Abrigo Rebouças. A concentração do uso nas trilhas citadas possivelmente contribuiu para a ocorrência de valores significativamente diferentes encontrados para os indicadores de impactos relacionados à largura total, à profundidade do canal e à área transversal das trilhas estudadas. O nível educacional dos visitantes do Planalto é alto, com 72% das pessoas cursando ou com nível universitário completo. Esse dado, aliado ao fato de que 90% dos visitantes mencionaram que as ações de manejo do uso público presentes atualmente no Planalto não alteraram ou melhoraram a qualidade da sua visita é um indicativo de que os visitantes são receptivos a uma maior presença de ações de manejo da visitação e da aceitação de um programa de educação do visitante. A avaliação dos indicadores de impacto das áreas de acampamento mostrou que todos os indicadores sofreram uma diminuição nos valores entre os anos de 1998 e 2002, com exceção da área de solo nu, como resultado do fechamento das áreas após um incêndio no maciço das Prateleiras em Julho de 2001. O levantamento detalhado dos impactos nas áreas de acampamento mostrou que os problemas mais graves estão relacionados ao uso público e são resultado da falta de informação e conhecimento técnico dos visitantes sobre a magnitude dos impactos causados pela atividade de camping e as formas de minimizá-los. Com base nos resultados encontrados foram elaboradas diretrizes que poderão compor um programa de educação sobre técnicas de mínimo impacto para o Planalto do PNI. Elas devem incluir técnicas relacionadas aos seguintes temas: deteriorização das trilhas estabelecidas, abertura de trilhas secundárias, deteriorização de áreas de acampamento estabelecidas, proliferação de áreas de acampamento, lixo, dejetos humanos e aglomerações. / The goals of this research were to describe and evaluate the current ecological and social impact on trails and campsites, as well as to characterize the visit and visitors of upper Itatiaia National Park (INP). Based on this information, it was intended to understand impact-use relationships and to explore the guidelines of a visitor education program designed to encompass minimum impact techniques that would contribute to minimize the problems found. A questionnaire was applied to 605 people from February to August 2002 in order to get information about visit and visitors. Trails and campsites conditions were assessed through ecological and social indicators. After 1996 the number of visitors at the Park’s upper lands was comparatively higher than the number of visitors at the lower Park. This demonstrates that there was an increase of interest about activities related to climbing, camping and hiking. Meanwhile around 84% of people that visit PNI highlands are concentrated at the two main peaks of the area, Agulhas Negras and Prateleiras, besides Rebouças Hut. The fact that the use is concentrated on the two mentioned trails possibly contributes to the values significantly different found in the impacts related to total trail width, trail depth and trail transversal area. The educational level of visitors is high, since 72% are in college or have a college degree. This and the fact that 90% of visitors mentioned that the presence of management actions did not disturb or contributed to their experience, is an indicator that PNI visitors are receptive to a higher presence of recreation management and would accept a visitor education program. The campsite impact assessment revealed that from 1998 to 2002 all indicators were reduced, with the exception of total bare area. That is the result of the campsites closure after a fire at Prateleiras Area in July 2001. The detailed assessment of campsite areas shows that the most important problems are related to use and result from lack of information and technical knowledge about impacts caused by camping activities and about ways to minimize them. Based on the results found guidelines of a visitor education program about minimum impact techniques were designed. They should include techniques related to the following issues: deterioration of constructed trails, development of undesired user-created trails, proliferation of campsites, deterioration of established campsites, litter, human waste and crowding.

Mecanismos reprodutivos em Physalis angulata l.

Chaves, Mariana Carvalho 29 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-07-11T22:03:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIANA CHAVES - Dissertacao Mariana Chaves_ DEFINITIVA.pdf: 1571122 bytes, checksum: 655c891bef9d1aa8432a75b67d4a75e7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-11T22:03:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIANA CHAVES - Dissertacao Mariana Chaves_ DEFINITIVA.pdf: 1571122 bytes, checksum: 655c891bef9d1aa8432a75b67d4a75e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Physalis angulata L. (Solanaceae) is a traditional medicinal species that can be found all over Brazil. The medicinal utility attributed derives from the production of complex substances of pharmacological interest as: vitaesteroids, fisalinas, flavonoids, steroids, fatty acids, carotenoids, ascorbic acid and alkaloids. For pharmaceutical production, the pharmaceutical industry requires a large amount of raw material, which would be very expensive and would generate significant impacts on the natural environment. In this way, it is necessary to develop breeding programs aimed at medicinal plants, in order to ensure the industrial production of special metabolites. In order to initiate the genetic improvement of a species it is necessary to obtain accurate information on several fundamental questions and one of them is the reproductive system. In this sense, the objective of this work was to carry out a study on the reproductive system of Physalis angulata, identifying the preferential crossing system through experiments of controlled pollinations, viability tests and pollen grain germination and floral visitors observations. All variables evaluated to estimate the preferential cross-breeding system of P. angulata indicated that this is a self-compatible species, and according to the egg pollen ratio it presents a facultative autogamous system. The dyes used to estimate pollen viability did not differ statistically. The pollen viability was high using the colorimetric method, however, there was no germination of the pollen tubes using the in vitro germination method, and further studies and adjustments of the culture medium were necessary. The hour factor influenced the viability of the pollen grains and reached 96% at 14 hours using the tetrazolium dye. The anthesis of the flowers of P. angulata lasted on average two days, they began the opening at 6 in the morning and the closure began at 14 o'clock in the field conditions; on the second day they reopen and close at the same time. In a greenhouse, the flowers opened at the same time, but the closure occurred around 5 pm and reopened the next day. The most frequent insects were of the order Hymenoptera (Apis mell?fera). / Physalis angulata L. (Solanaceae) ? uma esp?cie medicinal tradicional podendo ser encontrada em todo o territ?rio brasileiro. A utilidade medicinal atribu?da decorre da produ??o de subst?ncias complexas de interesse farmacol?gico como: vitaester?ides, fisalinas, flavon?ides, ester?ides, ?cidos graxos, caroten?ides, ?cido asc?rbico e alcal?ides. Para a produ??o de f?rmacos, a ind?stria farmac?utica requer uma grande quantidade de mat?ria-prima, o que seria muito dispendioso e geraria impactos expressivos no ambiente natural. Desse modo, faz-se necess?rio o desenvolvimento de programas de melhoramento voltados para plantas medicinais, visando assegurar a produ??o industrial de metab?licos especiais. Para iniciar o melhoramento gen?tico de uma esp?cie ? necess?rio obter informa??es precisas sobre v?rias quest?es fundamentais e uma delas ? o sistema reprodutivo. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar um estudo sobre o sistema reprodutivo de Physalis angulata, identificando o sistema de cruzamento preferencial por meio de experimentos de poliniza??es controladas, testes de viabilidade e germinabilidade dos gr?os de p?len e observa??es dos visitantes florais. Todas as vari?veis avaliadas para estimar o sistema preferencial de cruzamento de P. angulata indicaram que se trata de uma esp?cie auto-compat?vel, e segundo a rela??o p?len ?vulo apresenta um sistema aut?gamo facultativo. Os corantes utilizados para estimar a viabilidade pol?nica n?o diferiram estatisticamente. A viabilidade pol?nica foi alta utilizando o m?todo colorim?trico, entretanto n?o houve germina??o dos tubos pol?nicos utilizando o m?todo de germina??o in vitro, sendo necess?rios mais estudos e ajustes dos meios de cultura. O fator hora influenciou a viabilidade dos gr?os de p?len e alcan?ou 96% ?s 14 horas utilizando o corante tetraz?lio. A antese das flores de P. angulata durou em m?dia dois dias, iniciaram a abertura ?s 6 da manh? e o encerramento iniciou ?s 14 horas em condi??es de campo; no segundo dia reabrem e fecham no mesmo hor?rio. Em casa de vegeta??o, as flores abriram no mesmo hor?rio, mas o fechamento ocorreu por volta das 17 horas e reabriram no dia seguinte. Os insetos visitantes mais frequentes foram da ordem Hymenoptera (Apis mell?fera).

Caracterização da visitação, dos visitantes e avaliação dos impactos ecológicos e recreativos do planalto do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia. / Visit and visitors charactheristics and ecological and social impact assessment at Itatiaia National Park Plateau.

Maria Isabel Amando de Barros 11 August 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivos descrever e avaliar as condições atuais dos impactos ecológicos e recreativos em trilhas e áreas de acampamento, além de obter conhecimentos sobre a visita e os visitantes do Planalto do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia (PNI). Com base nas informações obtidas, procurou-se compreender as relações uso-impacto e explorar as diretrizes para um programa de educação do visitante voltado para a prática de técnicas de mínimo impacto que contribuísse para atenuar os danos identificados. As informações sobre a visita e os visitantes foram obtidas através da aplicação de um questionário a 605 pessoas entre os meses de Fevereiro a Agosto de 2002. A avaliação das condições das trilhas e áreas de acampamento foi feita através do levantamento detalhado de indicadores de impactos ecológicos e recreativos. A partir de 1996 o número de visitantes no Planalto teve um aumento relativo maior do que na parte baixa do Parque, demonstrando que a demanda por atividades ligadas a caminhadas, ascensão de picos, escalada e acampamento aumentou. Entretanto os dados obtidos mostram que cerca de 84% das pessoas que visitam o Planalto do PNI concentram suas atividades em três lugares: o Pico das Agulhas Negras, o Pico das Prateleiras e o Abrigo Rebouças. A concentração do uso nas trilhas citadas possivelmente contribuiu para a ocorrência de valores significativamente diferentes encontrados para os indicadores de impactos relacionados à largura total, à profundidade do canal e à área transversal das trilhas estudadas. O nível educacional dos visitantes do Planalto é alto, com 72% das pessoas cursando ou com nível universitário completo. Esse dado, aliado ao fato de que 90% dos visitantes mencionaram que as ações de manejo do uso público presentes atualmente no Planalto não alteraram ou melhoraram a qualidade da sua visita é um indicativo de que os visitantes são receptivos a uma maior presença de ações de manejo da visitação e da aceitação de um programa de educação do visitante. A avaliação dos indicadores de impacto das áreas de acampamento mostrou que todos os indicadores sofreram uma diminuição nos valores entre os anos de 1998 e 2002, com exceção da área de solo nu, como resultado do fechamento das áreas após um incêndio no maciço das Prateleiras em Julho de 2001. O levantamento detalhado dos impactos nas áreas de acampamento mostrou que os problemas mais graves estão relacionados ao uso público e são resultado da falta de informação e conhecimento técnico dos visitantes sobre a magnitude dos impactos causados pela atividade de camping e as formas de minimizá-los. Com base nos resultados encontrados foram elaboradas diretrizes que poderão compor um programa de educação sobre técnicas de mínimo impacto para o Planalto do PNI. Elas devem incluir técnicas relacionadas aos seguintes temas: deteriorização das trilhas estabelecidas, abertura de trilhas secundárias, deteriorização de áreas de acampamento estabelecidas, proliferação de áreas de acampamento, lixo, dejetos humanos e aglomerações. / The goals of this research were to describe and evaluate the current ecological and social impact on trails and campsites, as well as to characterize the visit and visitors of upper Itatiaia National Park (INP). Based on this information, it was intended to understand impact-use relationships and to explore the guidelines of a visitor education program designed to encompass minimum impact techniques that would contribute to minimize the problems found. A questionnaire was applied to 605 people from February to August 2002 in order to get information about visit and visitors. Trails and campsites conditions were assessed through ecological and social indicators. After 1996 the number of visitors at the Park’s upper lands was comparatively higher than the number of visitors at the lower Park. This demonstrates that there was an increase of interest about activities related to climbing, camping and hiking. Meanwhile around 84% of people that visit PNI highlands are concentrated at the two main peaks of the area, Agulhas Negras and Prateleiras, besides Rebouças Hut. The fact that the use is concentrated on the two mentioned trails possibly contributes to the values significantly different found in the impacts related to total trail width, trail depth and trail transversal area. The educational level of visitors is high, since 72% are in college or have a college degree. This and the fact that 90% of visitors mentioned that the presence of management actions did not disturb or contributed to their experience, is an indicator that PNI visitors are receptive to a higher presence of recreation management and would accept a visitor education program. The campsite impact assessment revealed that from 1998 to 2002 all indicators were reduced, with the exception of total bare area. That is the result of the campsites closure after a fire at Prateleiras Area in July 2001. The detailed assessment of campsite areas shows that the most important problems are related to use and result from lack of information and technical knowledge about impacts caused by camping activities and about ways to minimize them. Based on the results found guidelines of a visitor education program about minimum impact techniques were designed. They should include techniques related to the following issues: deterioration of constructed trails, development of undesired user-created trails, proliferation of campsites, deterioration of established campsites, litter, human waste and crowding.

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