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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svensk ull i textilproduktion. : En studie om vilka för- och nackdelar svenska textilföretag stött på i produktion med svensk ull. / Swedish wool in textile production. : A study on the advantages and disadvantages of Swedish textile companies experiences inproduction with swedish wool.

Nääs, Julia, Martinez, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
Majoriteten av den ull som produceras av svenska får har under flera år slängts eller bränts upp. Samtidigt importerar svenska textilföretag tonvis med ull för miljoner kronor varje år. Detta problem uppmärksammades för några år sedan och ett antal svenska företag har sedandess börjat producera produkter av den svenska ullen. I denna kvalitativa studie har en undersökning gjorts för att sammanställa för- och nackdelar med att producera textilprodukter i svensk ull. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med tio olika företag som idag jobbar med materialet. Resultatet av studien visar att det största problemet med ullproduktion inom Sverige är bristen på en strukturerad infrastruktur inom inköp och produktion. Fördelar med att producera textila produkter i svensk ull är att det är ett materialmed goda egenskaper för flera användningsområden. Det är ett hållbart materialval då ullen annars går till spillo. Närheten till materialet underlättar även kontrollen över att helavärdekedjan sköts på ett etiskt och hållbart sätt. / The majority of the wool produced by Swedish sheep has been discarded or burned for several years. At the same time, Swedish textile companies import tons of wool for millions of swedish crowns each year. This problem was brought to attention a few years ago and a number of Swedish companies have since started to produce products from the Swedish wool. In this qualitative study, an investigation was conducted to compile the pros and cons of producing textile products in Swedish wool. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with ten different companies that are currently working with the material. The results of the study show that the biggest problem with wool production in Sweden is the lack of an organized infrastructure in purchasing and production. The advantage of producing textile products in Swedish wool is that it is a material with good properties for several applications. It is a sustainable choice of material as the wool is otherwise wasted. The proximity to the material also facilitates the control of the entire value chain being managed in an ethical and sustainable way.

Djuren i kvarteret Gruvan 3, Jönköping : En studie av ett djurbensmaterial med datering från 1000-1600 v.t. / The animals in the quarter of Gruvan 3 in Jönköping : A study of an animalosteological material from AD 1000–1600

Ekström, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsen utgår ifrån en analys av 20 kilo animalosteologiskt material från kvarteret Gruvan 3 i Jönköping, vilket har daterats till medel- och stormaktstid (1000–1600 e.Kr.). Syftet har varit att undersöka förändringar i djurhållning och eventuella aktiviteter (kopplade till djurbenshantering), som ägt rum på platsen. Under analysarbetet har art och benelement bedömts. Osteologiska metoder för ålder, kön och mankhöjd har tillämpats i den mån detta varit möjligt på slaktdjuren i materialet, det vill säga nötkreatur (Bos taurus), får/get (Ovis aries/Capra hircus) och svin (Sus domesticus). Studien har visat att det förekommer vissa skillnader i artfördelning mellan slaktdjuren under periodens olika faser. Nöt har dock varit mest frekvent förekommande följt av får/get och gris. Resultatet av den osteologiska analysen har uppvisat stora likheter med andra tidigare undersökta medeltida stadsmaterial, när det gäller ålder, kön och mankhöjd hos djuren. Materialet från senare halvan av den undersökta tidsperioden har innehållit en större mängd bearbetade benfragment, vilka tolkats vara hantverksspill. / This paper is based on a study of 20 kilo animal bones, which were recovered from an excavation in 1994 in the quarter of Gruvan 3, Jönköping. The purpose of this essay was to investigate changes in animal husbandry and activity, related to animal bones, at the site during the period from AD 1000–1600. Osteological methods have been used to determine age, gender and height of the most common domestic animals, which are cattle (Bos taurus), sheep/goat (Ovis aries/Capra hircus) and pig (Sus domesticus). Some differences have been seen in the distribution of the domestic animals in the material from different time periods. Cattle has been the most common animal followed by sheep/goat and pig. The osteological material has also shown similarities with other materials from medieval Swedish towns based on the age, gender and height of cattle, sheep/goat and pig. The material from the later part of the investigated period has contained an increasing amount of bone fragments from crafting.

An Investigation of Iron Age to Classical Animal Bone Deposits in Northern Greece (Macedonia) : Argilos, Karabournaki and Kastri Thassos

Gkotsinas, Angelos 12 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, la recherche zooarchéologique en Macédoine, dans le nord de la Grèce, s’est principalement concentrée sur des matériaux provenant de sites du Néolithique et de l’Âge du Bronze. Ainsi, les données disponibles rendent notre compréhension de l’élevage au premier âge du Fer et aux périodes archaïque et classique dans cette région assez fragmentaire. Cette recherche doctorale vise à combler ces lacunes, en étudiant — pour la première fois dans son ensemble — la question de l’élevage, un domaine crucial de l’économie primaire, en Macédoine du premier âge du Fer à l’époque classique. L’étude est basée sur des ensembles de données primaires de restes d’ossements animaux récupérés dans trois établissements bien fouillés, deux sur le continent (Argilos, Karabournaki) et un sur l’île de Thassos (Kastri). Les données analysées permettent d’explorer l’exploitation animale dans ces trois établissements, en étudiant la gestion des animaux, les techniques de cuisson de la viande et les stratégies de consommation et de rejet, après avoir reconstitué tous les modes de dépôt potentiels ayant abouti à la formation des assemblages. De plus, les données sont comparées aux données publiées pour la Grèce du Nord afin d’éclairer les particularités de chaque assemblage par rapport à la gestion de la faune domestique et sauvage. Les résultats permettent d'alimenter les discussions animées qu'ont déclenché de récentes analyses paléoenvironnementales et isotopiques sur la question de savoir dans quelle mesure l’environnement a affecté les stratégies d’élevage et d’alimentation des animaux dans cette région. Les stratégies de gestion des principaux animaux domestiques en Macédoine mises en évidence par ce travail suggèrent un profil plutôt hétérogène entre les établissements, très probablement en raison des différentes priorités économiques, conditions environnementales régionales et contraintes géomorphologiques. Il s'avère cependant que les besoins nutritionnels et en matières premières ont été complétés partout par l’exploitation de la faune sauvage, comprenant une variété d’espèces terrestres et marines. Des pratiques similaires d’élimination des carcasses et des déchets sont également attestées dans tous les sites, révélant des aspects de l’organisation intracommunautaire. De plus, durant l’ère archaïque et classique, les pratiques d’enterrement des animaux suggèrent l’existence de conceptions communes parmi les sociétés locales, sauf en matière de sacrifice rituelles, où il semble y avoir une différenciation marquée entre les divers groupes de population. Pour terminer, les résultats obtenus pour la Macédoine au cours des sept premiers siècles du premier millénaire avant J.-C. sont discutés dans le cadre plus vaste du bassin égéen. Ils contribuent ainsi à la discussion des problématiques actuelles, soit générales comme l'exploitation des ressources naturelles, la gestion des animaux, la mobilité de l'élevage, le degré d'intégration entre élevage et agriculture, soit spécifiques, comme la question du sacrifice olympique. / Over the past decades, the zooarchaeological research in the Macedonian region of Northern Greece, has mostly focused on materials from Neolithic and Bronze Age sites. Thus, the available data render our understanding of animal husbandry in the Early Iron Age, Archaic and Classical periods in this area rather fragmentary. This doctoral research aims to address these gaps, investigating – for the first time as a whole – the issue of animal husbandry, a crucial domain of the primary economy, in the region of Macedonia from the Early Iron Age to the Classical era. The study is based on primary datasets of animal bones remains recovered from three well- excavated settlements, two in the mainland (Argilos, Karabournaki) and one in the island of Thassos (Kastri). The analysed data provide an opportunity to explore the animal exploitation in these three settlements, investigating animal management; cooking techniques; consumption and discard strategies, having first disentangled all potential depositional pathways to the formation of the sample assemblage. Additionally, the data are compared to the available published data from the Macedonian region in order to enlighten the peculiarities of each assemblage in relation to the management of domestic and wild fauna. Moreover, relevant paleoenvironmental and isotopic analyses have triggered a vivid discussion regarding the extent to which the environment affected the animal herding and feeding strategies in this area. The management strategies of the main domestics in the area under study, suggest a rather heterogenous profile between the settlements, most probably due to the economic priorities, the regional environmental conditions, and the geomorphological restrictions. The nutritional and the raw material needs were complemented by the exploitation of the wild fauna, including a variety of both terrestrial and marine species. Similar carcass and discarding practices were observed within all settlements, revealing aspects of intra-communal organization. Moreover, during the Archaic and Classical era, common practices in animal burials suggest the existence of somehow common perceptions among the local societies, however, in terms of ritual sacrifices, seemed to be a distinct differentiation between the population groups. The results are discussed in the frame of the Aegean basin, contributing to the ongoing discussion regarding animal management, the mobility of livestock husbandry, the degree of integration between herding and arable farming, the Olympic sacrifice, and the exploitation of natural resources during the first seven centuries of the first millennium BC.

Sedation With Xylazine Hydrochloride Decreases the Stress Response in Merino Meat Sheep During Routine Hoof Trimming in a Tilt Table

Amin, Safaa, Wagner, Romy, Fieseler, Helena, Rizk, Awad, Schmicke, Marion, Spilke, Joachim, Mielenz, Norbert, Baumgartner, Walter, Schären-Bannert, Melanie, Starke, Alexander 22 January 2024 (has links)
We hypothesized that the hoof trimming in sheep in dorsal recumbency implicates a short but intensive stress situation and that the sedation with xylazine causes a decrease in the stress response in this situation. Ten healthy female merino meat sheep were randomly divided into two groups receiving either xylazine hydrochloride (0.1 mg/kg body mass (BM) applied intramuscularly) or a placebo treatment with 0.9% NaCl. Routine hoof trimming was performed in a tilt table and vital signs (rectal temperature (RT), heart rate (HR), and respiratory rate (RR)), 33 different behavioral traits and blood cortisol concentrations were recorded throughout the experiment at six different time points (total of 55min). The procedure itself elicited a clear stress response (increase in the RR, RT, defensive movements, lip twitching, swallowing, and flight behavior). Parallelly, the blood cortisol concentrations were increased, reaching their maximum with 81.5 ng/ml in the control group when the sheep were tilted back into a standing position. In the sedated sheep, no increase in the RR and RT and a decrease in the HR were observed. In addition, the behavioral signs showed a decrease in flight, defensive, and general stress behavior (decrease in licking,movement of head and legs, and sitting on knees), complemented by the serum cortisol concentrations showing 2.28 times reduced concentration at the end of the procedure, compared to the control sheep. The results confirm our hypothesis and support the conduction of future trials investigating the feasibility and benefit of a sedation of sheep prior to routine hoof trimming under practical circumstances.

Tier-Technik-Beziehung bei der automatischen Milchgewinnung

Umstätter, Christina 04 June 2002 (has links)
Durch die zunehmende Automatisierung der Tierhaltung gewinnt die Tier-Technik-Beziehung zunehmend an Bedeutung. Es besteht ein wachsendes Interesse am Tierverhalten, den Möglichkeiten des Lernens der Tiere und den Anpassungsstrategien. In der Dissertation untersuchte ich die Melk-, und Milchparameter und das Tierverhalten bei der automatischen Milchgewinnung. Die Messungen haben gezeigt, dass auf die Milchabgabe einzelner Individuen und insbesondere auf deren Euterviertel sehr differenziert einzugehen ist. Das Automatische Melksystem (AMS) vermag auf die speziellen Unterschiede der einzelnen Viertel, im Sinne einer verbesserten Tiergerechtheit, Rücksicht zu nehmen. Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt die Tiergerechtheit zu verbessern ist es, eine zuverlässige Prozesskontrolle durchzuführen. Dazu muss zunächst einmal festgestellt werden, wie sich die natürliche Variationsbreite der einzelnen Parameter darstellt, um pathologisch bedingte Abweichungen signifikant erkennen zu können. Die Gewinnung von verlässlichen Aussagen über den Gesundheitszustand von Kühen im AMS setzen voraus, dass verschiedene interdependente Parameter so verknüpft oder deren Messungen sooft wiederholt werden, bis ein intelligentes Entscheidungssystem seine Schlüsse ziehen kann. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass stark auffällige Werte ein hohes Maß an Information haben, aber eine entsprechend geringe Verlässlichkeit aufweisen. Sich wiederholende Werte haben hingegen einen geringen Informationsgehalt, dafür aber ein hohes Maß an Redundanz bzw. Verlässlichkeit, soweit sie nicht durch systematische Fehler entstehen. Für eine zuverlässige Prozesskontrolle kann es manchmal vorteilhafter sein, eine automatisierte Datengewinnung zu installieren, auch wenn der einzelne Parameter (z. B. die Leitfähigkeit) zwar wenig aussagekräftig, dafür aber die Durchführung deutlich zuverlässiger ist als bei Tests, die von Menschen manuell durchgeführt werden. Ähnliches gilt für die Haltungsumwelt von Tieren. Eine durch Automation dominierte Umwelt kann für Tiere deutlich berechenbarer und damit zuverlässiger gestaltet werden. Das bedeutet, dass für die Individuen weniger Stresssituationen mit den für sie unabsehbaren Folgen entstehen. Es sollte aber dabei beachtet werden, dass es zwingend ist, auf die Lerngeschwindigkeit der einzelnen Tiere, in Abhängigkeit von ihrer jeweiligen Lernsituation, einzugehen, um zuverlässige Umweltbedingungen für die Kühe mit einem AMS bereitzustellen. Es konnte weiterhin festgestellt werden, dass das Melken in einem AMS bei den Kühen nicht als belastender Stressfaktor identifiziert werden kann, wenn man die Herzfrequenz als Indikator heranzieht und diese über eine längere Zeit analysiert. Der zunehmende Einsatz von Technik in der Milchviehhaltung kann einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu leisten, die Haltungsumwelt der Kühe human und tiergerecht zu gestalten. / Relationship between animal and technology in automatic milk production: Due to the fact of the increasing automation in husbandry systems becomes the relationship between the animal and the technology more and more important. There is a growing interest to know more about animal behaviour, the ability of learning and the coping strategies in such systems. In the thesis I investigated the parameter of milking, of milk and of animal behaviour in an Automatic Milking System (AMS). The measurement has shown that the milk yield differs very much between the quarters of the udder. An AMS has the possibility to take such differences into consideration. This is one step towards more animal welfare. Another improvement of animal welfare is a better control of the process. For that, it is important to have a certain knowledge about the natural variation of different parameters, such as electrical conductivity of the milk, milk ingredients or milk yield. This makes the basis of the identification of anomalies depending on pathological problems. To get a reliable declaration about the state of health one has to connect different interdependent parameters and/or the measurement has to be repeated so often until an intelligent decision system can draw conclusions. Besides it is important to know, that a conspicuous value is highly informative, but it is less reliable, otherwise is an often repeatable value less informative but highly redundant, if there is no systematic failure. For a control of the process it is important to get reliable information, so it is sometimes better to automat the tests, instead of using human knowledge, which is often more informative, but less reliable (i.e. electrical conductivity). There is a similarity in husbandry systems because an automated system can be much more reliable and calculable for animals. That means less stressing situations because of incalculable reactions. For such a reliable environment in an AMS it is necessary to give every cow their individual time to learn the facts about the AMS. The milking in an AMS cannot be identified as a negative stress factor, if one uses the measurement of heart rate for identification. The increasing automation in the dairy husbandry can be an important contribution to create a humane environment for dairy cows and improve animal welfare.

Organic dust from pig environment induces activation of human T cells /

Müller-Suur, Charlotte January 1900 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol, inst., 2002. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Role zvířat ve vybraných dílech J.M. Coetzee / Role of Animals in the Selected Works of J.M. Coetzee

Pragrová, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to examine the way in which J. M. Coetzee employs animal imagery in his three fictional works - the novel Disgrace, the novella The Lives of Animals and the short story "The Old Woman and the Cats". A historical overview of the development of the human-animal relationship is provided as the theoretical basis for the practical part, along with an explanation of the term speciesism. The overview will help to comprehend why and how has the relationship of humans to animals changed throughout time and what is the reason of its contemporary shape. It will also serve as a theoretical basis for the interpretation of the portrayal of animals in the selected works. A description of the author's life and the analysed works will be given along with a brief presentation of the situation in post-apartheid South Africa and its historical events which will serve as a basis for a later analysis of the portrayal of animals in connection with political issues. The analytical part will therefore be based on the interpretation of the role of animals in the selected works and will examine its connection with both ethical and political issues, and its function as a language and educational tool. KEY WORDS literature, South-African literature, Coetzee, speciesism, human-animal relationship, human...

Isotope Analysis on the Great Hungarian Plain: An Exploration of Mobility and Subsistence Strategies from the Neolithic to the Copper Age

Giblin, Julia Irene 27 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Vikten av våra älskade husdjur : En studie i produktionen och konsumtionen av animalprodukter i Västergarn på Gotland under sen vikingatid och tidig medeltid / The importance of our beloved pets : A study of the production and consumption of animal products in Västergarn on Gotland during the late Viking Age and early Middle Ages

Renmarker, Emmi January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar att utröna om indikationer på produktion av animalprodukter kan observeras i det osteologiska materialet från fastigheten Snauvalds 1:2, Västergarn, Gotland. Dessa produktioner kan vara kött-, mejeri- eller ullproduktion. Undersökningen ämnar även ge en inblick i den dåtida ekonomin genom handeln med animalprodukter. I den osteologiska analysen används ålders- och könsbedömningar samt artidentifiering för att skapa en bild av fördelningen i materialet. Resultaten från analysen har sedan tolkats ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv för att dra slutsatser kring handeln med och betydelsen av animalprodukter. Resultaten visade att nötkreaturen sannolikt har använts för både mejeri- och köttproduktion. Fåren har troligtvis främst använts för produktion av ull, men även kött. Svinen har enbart fötts upp för sitt kött. Utöver detta dras slutsatsen att varupengar sannolikt varit en viktig del av ekonomin på platsen. Slutligen konstateras det att denna typ av undersökningar ger en unik inblick i det dåtida vardagslivet genom kosthållning och sysselsättning. / This thesis aims to deduce whether indications of the production of animal products can be observed in the osteological material from the property Snauvalds 1:2, Västergarn, Gotland. These productions can consist of meat-, dairy- or wool production. It also aims to provide an insight into ancient economy through the trade in animal products. In the osteological analysis age and sex assessment as well as species identification are used to establish a pattern of distribution. The results from the analysis have then been interpreted from an economic perspective to draw conclusions about the trade in and importance of animal products. The results showed that the cattle have likely been used for both dairy and meat production. The sheep were probably mainly used to produce wool, but also meat. The pigs were raised solely for their meat. In addition to this, it’s concluded that commodity money likely was an important part of the economy at the site. Lastly, it’s stated that this type of research provides a unique insight into everyday life through dietary choices and occupation.

La vie rurale en Syrie centrale à la période protobyzantine (IVe-VIIe siècle). / Rural life in Central Syria in the early Byzantine period (4th-7th century).

Rivoal, Marion 15 March 2011 (has links)
La Syrie centrale connaît au début de la période byzantine, et en particulier au Ve et au VIe siècle, un fort mouvement d’expansion des sédentaires vers l’est, qui coïncide avec une importante mise en valeur de ces nouveaux territoires. Comme pour d’autres régions de Syrie et du Proche-Orient à la même époque, un optimum climatique – pourtant déclinant – semble avoir permis la conquête et l’exploitation agricole de nouveaux terroirs dans une zone marginale qui n’avait jusqu’alors connu qu’une occupation sédentaire ponctuelle. La Syrie centrale est caractérisée par des milieux aux potentiels agronomiques très différents, souvent imbriqués. Le peuplement et la mise en valeur y sont soumis à la double contrainte de l’aridité climatique et édaphique, qui s’exerce avec une prégnance croissante vers le sud et l’est. Ces conditions, qui s’améliorent localement à la faveur de niches écologiques, ont permis à des politiques de mise en valeur et à des économies distinctes, souvent complémentaires, de voir le jour.Dans une région où les cités paraissent en grande partie absentes, l’économie repose d’abord sur les villages et sur quelques bourgs qui possédaient manifestement une orientation commerciale spécifique. Aux côtés des agglomérations, et souvent d’autant plus nombreux que les conditions d’implantation sont délicates, des fermes et des monastères s’affirment comme des acteurs économiques apparemment indépendants et souvent prospères. Des entités géographiques relativement homogènes ont donné lieu à une répartition des différentes formes de peuplement et à des économies microrégionales spécifiques. Si l’agriculture vivrière reste la règle, il semble bien cependant qu’on observe une spécialisation locale des productions : culture du blé et accessoirement plantations à l’ouest, oléiculture et peut-être viticulture dans les plateaux basaltiques du nord-ouest et vraisemblablement un élevage spéculatif, qu’on doit probablement attribuer à des populations sédentaires, dans les secteurs sud et est. / In Late Antiquity, especially between the 5th and 6th centuries, Central Syria witnessed a strong expansion of sedentary settlements eastward, which coincided with a significant agricultural development of these new territories. As for other areas in Syria and Near-East at the same period, a waning climatic optimum seems to have allowed byzantine population to settle down in marginal areas which barely experienced hitherto sedentary occupation and farm nearly unbroken lands.Central Syria is made up of various landscapes, sometimes deeply nested, with contrasted agricultural potential. Settlements and agricultural exploitation are affected by an increasingly significant climatic and edaphic aridity eastward and southward. These conditions, which may locally improve thanks to ecological niches, enabled specific and often complementary substance strategies to develop.In a country whence cities are virtually absent, villages and a few market towns seem to be at the very root of the regional economy. Along with agglomerations, scattered habitats – namely farmsteads and monasteries –, more numerous under heavy bioclimatic constraints, would appear as independent and apparently prosperous economic players.Homogeneous geographic areas led to specific settlement patterns and different economic orientations. Food-producing agriculture remains the rule, but a local productive specialization may be noticed: mainly wheat production and incidentally plantations westward, olive-growing and maybe wine-growing as well in the north-west basaltic plateaus and presumably speculative livestock exploitation eastward and southward, probably mostly due to sedentary populations.

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