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LOSC graikų - romėnų imtynininkų rengimas metinių treniruočių ciklu / LOSC Greek-Romans wrestlers training in annual exercises cycleAntoščenkov, Oleg 07 June 2005 (has links)
Contemporary Greco-Roman wrestling has been rapidly developing – competition among sportsmen has increased, sportsmen s selection system and technologies of athletes preparation of many countries have improved, sporting results have been becoming better, thus all these things stimulate the interest of searching for scientifically approved methods, means and forms of training’s of sportsmen preparation. The study comprises the analysis of the cycle of annual training’s (years 2003-2004) for Greco-Roman wrestlers of the Lithuanian Olympic Sports Centre. The structure of the annual preparation of sportsmen, volume of training’s, intensity, specification, change of physical and functional capacity during the annual cycle of training sessions have been analyzed. The research has shown the content of separate periods of the wrestlers' annual preparation cycle to be too monotonous. A similar number of competitions in terms of percentage in all the periods, comparatively small amount of time spent for general and special physical preparation, almost unchanged intensity of training sessions have been revealed. This is confirmed by wrestlers'minor change of physical and functional capacity in the cycle of annual training sessions. The conclusions of this study allow us to presume that the programme of annual training cycle for Greco-Roman wrestlers at Lithuanian Olympic sports centre must be improved.
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Argumentavimo technika šiuolaikiniame rusų ir lietuvių politiniame diskurse (remiantis metiniais 2000-2007 m. prezidentų kreipimaisis) / Argumentation Technique in Contemporary Political Russian and Lithuanian Discourse (based on the presidents’ annual speeches 2000-2007)Makarova, Viktorija 04 February 2010 (has links)
Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo aprašyti argumentavimo technikos ypatumus metiniuose Rusijos prezidento Vladimiro Putino ir Lietuvos prezidento Valdo Adamkaus kreipimųsi tekstuose nuo 2000 iki 2007 m. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: a) remiantis tyrimo medžiaga nustatyti kognityvines argumentacijos struktūras, b) aprašyti argumentacinio diskurso elementų realizacijas (tezės pateikimo tekste būdus, argumentų, kuriais grindžiama tezė, turinį ir apimtį).
Darbe naudoti šie tyrimo metodai: kognityvinė analizė − ideologinio teksto kūrėjo sąmonės struktūroms nustatyti; loginė ir retorinė analizė − įtikinimo loginiam ir neloginiam aspektams ištirti; lyginamasis metodas − gautiems rezultatams palyginti.
Tyrimo naujumas argumentuojamas tuo, jog darbe iškelta problema nėra išsamiai nagrinėta: tai pasakytina ir apie tyrimo medžiagą (argumentacijos klausimams lietuvių politiniame diskurse iki šiol nebuvo skiriama pakankamai dėmesio), ir apie argumentacijos analizės metodus (vis dar nėra sukurta išsami politinio diskurso argumentacijos analizės metodika).
Disertacijai ginti teikiami šie teiginiai:
1. Prezidento kreipimasis yra hibridinio tipo kalbėjimo aktas, kuriame dera aprašomojo, vertinamojo bei argumentacinio kalbėjimo aktų savybės.
2. Tezė prezidento kreipimesi neeksplikuojama; klausytojas turi ją suprasti loginės indukcijos būdu, apibendrindamas pavyzdžius, kurie atlieka argumentų vaidmenį.
3. Kognityvinių struktūrų realizacija yra prezidentų kreipimųsi argumentacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goal of the present research was to describe the peculiarities of argumentation technique in Russian and Lithuanian Presidents’ (Vladimir Putin and Valdas Adamkus, respectively) annual speeches covering the period of 2000-2007. In attempt to achieve the goal of the research, the following objectives have been pursued: a) what cognitive structures operate in particular argumentation, b) how the elements of argumentative discourse are realized (i.e. the ways of introducing a thesis statement into the text; the content and volume of arguments supporting the thesis).
The methods employed are cognitive analysis (to distinguish the speaker’s structures of the conscious in attempt to generate an ideological text), logical-rhetorical analysis (to imply logical and illogical ways of persuading) and contrastive method (to examine and compare the findings).
The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the research question has not been analysed in depth so far, i.e. neither the research subject (the issue of argumentation in Lithuanian political discourse has not received much attention yet), nor working out the methods of argumentation analysis (effective methods of argumentation analysis in political discourse have not been fully developed so far) were much of linguists interest.
The claims of the dissertation:
1. Presidential annual speeches seem to be a hybrid type of a speech act which incorporates the qualities of descriptive, evaluative and argumentative speech acts.
2... [to full text]
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Analys av revisionsarbetet på Forsmarks kärnkraftverk / Analysis of planned maintenance work at theForsmark nuclear power plantMattsson, Erik January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is the final part of bachelors program of Nuclear Engineering at UppsalaUniversity (program code KKI1). The work has been carried out in cooperation withForsmark Kraftgrupp AB. The topic studied deals with possible improvements ofefficiency at the planning department at block 2 in Forsmark i.e. FMP2. FMP2 plans and coordinates over 3,000 operations which is carried out during theannual overhaul of block 2 in Forsmark. Inspections, fuel replacement and repairs areincluded in the annual overhaul. The overhaul shall contribute to secure and reliableoperation of the block. The overhaul shall mitigate the risk of unplanned downtime. Also accidents, financiallosses and damage to reputation among public and the Regulators (i.e. SSM and IAEA)shall be avoided. The time for overhaul depends on actions that must be executedand the complexity of the work. Normally, the overhaul time last for a number ofweeks and in rarely cases it can last for months. One topic in the thesis has been to find and describe a way for the planningdepartment (FMP2) to improve status control in ongoing overhaul activities and toincrease the planning department efficiency i.e. to save time for the planningdepartment. With better status control and faster work in the planning departmentthe total overhaul time can be expected to be shortened. Additionally the thesisdiscusses the importance of reliable and secure nuclear power management with therespect to society. The thesis is partly based on examine of current work practices, a literature studyand interviews with employees. The literature study addresses interaction betweenhumans and technology and how to accomplish good decisions. The interviews havebeen made to gather experiences from earlier used working methods. This report shows that FMP2 's current working model is good, although not perfect.It is probable that efficiency improvements at the individual level can be reached thatincreases employed personnel working capacity. Enhanced efficiency can also bereached by using better computer programs that manages the functions that currentlyrequire several separate IT-systems. A number of recommendations are given in thereport for how operations can be improved. Among other things, a proposal toexplore how extraordinary working efforts shall be rewarded. The nuclear power energy importance for the Swedish electricity power balance hasbeen discussed. The conclusion is that customers, electricity generators and thepublic benefits from reliable and secure nuclear power management.
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Vienmečių gėlių vystymosi tarpsnių ypatumai / Peculiarities of development stages of annual plantsPetkevičiūtė, Vaida 02 August 2011 (has links)
Nemažai yra pateikiama literatūros šaltinių, kuriuose aprašomi vienmečių gėlių vystymosi tarpsniai.
Šio bakalauro darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti žemoms temperatūroms pakančių vienmečių gėlių vystymosi tarpsnių ypatumus, esant skirtingam sėjos laikui. Darbo tikslui pasiekti iškelti šie darbo uždaviniai: apibūdinti vienmečių gėlių sėklų dygimo trukmę pagal skirtingą sėjos laiką;
išanalizuoti vienmečių gėlių vystymosi tarpsnius esant skirtingam sėjos laikui; palyginti tyrimo metu gautus rezultatus su pateikiamais duomenimis literatūros šaltiniuose; nustatyti abiejų sėjų vienmečių gėlių vegetacijos trukmę nuo sėklų sudygimo iki augalo apmirimo.
Darbo objektu pasirinktos vienmetės gėlės pakančios žemoms temperatūroms. Šios grupės gėlių sėklos gali būti tiesiai sėjamos į gruntą iš rudens ir/ar pavasario. Tyrimas atliktas Šilalės rajono, Naujojo Obelyno kaimo sodyboje, kurioje dirbamos žemės sklype buvo atliktos dvi 8 vienmečių gėlių sėjos: pirma sėja 2010 m. gegužės 1 dieną, antra sėja 2010 m. gegužės 10 dieną. Darbe naudota stebėjimo metodika ir duomenų analizavimas. Stebėjimai buvo vykdomi iki 2010 m. lapkričio 5 dienos – augalų vegetacijos pabaigos (nuėmus sėklų derlių).
Išanalizavus gautus tyrimo duomenis, nustatyta, kad antros sėjos gėlių sėklų sudygimas prasidėjo 4 dienomis anksčiau ir 3 dienomis buvo trumpesnis, nei pirmos sėjos augalų. Tačiau pastebėta, kad anksti pasėtos vienmetės gėlės žydėjo ilgiau nei, kad vėlyvesnės sėjos. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There are lot of literature sources describing development stages of annual flowers.
The aim of this Bachelor - to analyze the peculiarities of low temperature tolerant annual flowers development for a phased taking into account the different times of sowing. In order to reach the aim, the following tasks are set: to describe germination of annual flower seeds during different times of sowing; to analyse annual flower development periods at different sowing time; compare obtained results with literature sources; to establish vegetation duration from seed germination till plant mortification of the annual flowers from both sowings.
Low temperature tolerant annual flowers have been selected as object in this work. Seeds of such group of flowers can be sown into soil from autumn and/or spring. The research was performed in Šilalė district, Naujasis Obelynas rural homestead, where in the plot of arable land two sowings of 8 annual flowers were done: the first sowing in 1st of May 2010 and the second 10th of May 2010. In the work were used for the monitoring methodology and data analysis. Observations were carried out till 2010 5 November – the end of plant vegetation (after seeds were harvested).
After analyzing the data it was concluded that germination of seeds from second sowing started 4 days sooner and was shorter by 3 days than the first sowing crops. However, it was noticed that blooming of flowers from first sowing lasted longer than those from the second sowing. The... [to full text]
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Irkluotojų aerobinio pajėgumo kaita skirtingais metinės treniruotės etapais / Rowers aerobic capacity change at different stages of the annual trainingJustinavičienė, Kristina 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – irkluotojų aerobinis pajėgumas.
P. Karoblio (2003) teigimu talentingų sportininkų paieška, jų atranka ir sportinis rengimas – viena svarbiausių šiuolaikinio sporto problemų. Svarbiausia yra sudaryti palankias sąlygas siekti aukštų sportinių pasiekimų, todėl turėtų būti tinkamai projektuota sportininkų rengimo sistema: treniruočių metodika, organizavimas, kontrolė ir valdymas.
Irklavime varžomasi klasikinėje 2000m distancijoje. Distancijos įveikimo trukmė nuo 5 min. 20 s iki 9 min, priklausomai nuo valčių klasės, meistriškumo ir nuo oro sąlygų. Irklavime sportinius rezultatus sąlygoja sportininkų fizinio ir funkcinio pajėgumo lygmuo. Funkcines irkluotojų galimybes ir jų realizavimą lemia daugelis jų veiksnių: organizmo aerobiniai ir anaerobiniai gebėjimai, techninis ir taktinis bei psichologinis parengtumas (Skernevičius, 1997).
Kintant socialinėms, ekonominėms sąlygoms, plėtojant sportą, didėjant konkurencijai iškyla problema, kaip tobulinti Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo irkluotojų rengimą, kad jų meistriškumas pasiektų tarptautinį lygį, leistų iškovoti medalius svarbiausiose varžybose, dėl to svarbu stebėti sportininkus, atliekant fiziologinius testavimus. Tačiau mažai analizuotas Lietuvos irkluotojų rengimas metiniu ciklu, kurie ruošiasi olimpinėms žaidynėms: apie jų treniruočių fizinius krūvius, organizmo fizinių ir funkcinių galių kaitą ir raidą nėra daug informacijos. Kadangi Lietuvoje irkluotojams mažai atliekami fiziologiniai testavimai, siekiant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object – rowers‘ aerobic capacity.
P. Karoblis (2003) according to the talented athletes in the selection and preparation of sports one of the most important problems of modern sport. The key is to facilitate the achievement of high sports achievements and should be properly designed by athletes training system: training methods, organization, control and management.
Rowing competed classic 2000 m distance. Superable time of distance is 5 minutes 20 seconds to 9 minutes depending on boat class, craftsmanship and the weather. Rowing sports performance athletes causes physical and functional capacity level. Rowers functional capabilities and their realization is determined by many factors: the body's aerobic and anaerobic capacity, technical and tactical and psychological maturity (Skernevičius, 1997).
Changing social, economic conditions for the development of the sport increasing competition there is a problem how to improve the elite rowers of Lithuanian preparing, their mastery of reach international level, would win medals in major competitions conditions, it is important to monitor athletes during physiological stress. However, Lithuania rowers are few analyzed preparing the annual cycle of preparing for the Olympics: their physical training load, the organism physical and functional abilities change and evolution is not a lot of information. Since Lithuania rowers made few physiological stress to control and monitor the fitness of athletes, we believe, that this... [to full text]
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Definitions of Clear-sky Fluxes and ImplicationsVerma, Abhishek 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Clear-sky top-of-atmosphere (TOA) fluxes are important in estimating the impact of clouds on our climate. In this study, we quantitatively compare the clear-sky fluxes measurements of the Clouds and the Earths Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument to clear-sky fluxes from two reanalysis, NASA's Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Application (MERRA), and the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecast Interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim). In the first comparison, we compare observed fluxes from individual cloud-free field-of-
views to the reanalyses. In the second comparison, we compare monthly averaged observed clear-sky fluxes to those from the reanalyses. Monthly clear-sky fluxes are
calculated by averaging fluxes from cloud-free regions.
In both comparisons, the fluxes generally agree within +/- 10 W/m^2. Finally, we show that, while the differences between the fluxes of observations and the reanalyses are several W/m2, the inter-annual anomalies agree much better, with zonal and global average inter-annual anomalies typically agreeing within 1 W/m^2. The longwave clear-sky anomalies show excellent agreement even when comparing individual grid points, whereas the shortwave clear-sky anomalies are generally smaller at individual grid points.
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Determinants of voluntary disclosure in Swedish corporate annual reportsThoresson, Alexander, Niléhn, Pontus January 2014 (has links)
This study examines if three hypothesized variables affect the extent of corporate strategic information, i.e. voluntary information, in corporate annual reports, specifically in Sweden in the year of 2012. The variables deemed appropriate to the Swedish environment, i.e. firm size, ownership dispersion and performance, were retrieved from previous disclosure research conducted in a Swedish context (Cook, 1989; Adrem, 1999), as well as relevant theoretical consideration. The statistical analysis conducted in this thesis suggests that firm size is significantly positively related to the extent of strategic corporate information in Swedish listed firms’ corporate annual reports. The result hence confirms the expectation that larger listed firms to a larger extent disclose strategic corporate information, i.e. voluntary information, in their corporate annual reports. No positive relation was found between the variables performance or ownership dispersion and the extent of strategic corporate information. The results of this thesis are interpreted to suggest that asymmetric information and agency costs are important determinants of the extent of strategic corporate information, i.e. voluntary information, in Swedish corporate annual reports. Larger firms seem to reduce agency costs and narrow the information asymmetry by increasing the level of information disclosed.
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Det privata sparandet inför pensionen : En empirisk studie om faktorer som kan påverka individers pensionsplanering / Private saving for retirement : An empirical study on the factors that may influence individuals' retirement planningDehghan, Siavash January 2014 (has links)
Pensionen är en viktig del av en individs framtida liv som mycket väl kan innebära skillnaden mellan ett lyckligt eller miserabelt liv som pensionerad. I vardagen kan vi höra om pensionen och var vi bör vända oss, vare sig det gäller media, affischer eller annan reklam, men vet vi tillräckligt för att kunna pensionsplanera? Denna kvantitativa studie använder sig av data från en norsk enkätundersökning på internet, för att ta reda på vilka faktorer som kan påverka individers pensionsplanering i form av privat sparande. Studien lyckas bekräfta en positiv relation mellan privat sparande och fyra variabler; årsinkomst, åldersgrupp, tankar kring pension samt sysselsättning. / The pension is an important part of an individual’s future life which could very well be the difference between a happy or a miserable life as a retired individual. In everyday life we hear about retirement and where we should turn, whether it is media, posters or other advertising, but do we know enough to be able to forge a retirement plan? This quantitative study uses data from a Norwegian internet based survey, to find out what factors can influence individuals’ retirement planning in the form of private savings. The study succeeds confirm a positive relationship between private saving and four variables; annual income, age cohort, thoughts on retirement and employment.
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Redovisning av jämställdhet i större svenska revisionsbyråers års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar / Larger swedish auditing firms reporting on gender equality in annual and sustainability reportsLindelöf, Stina, Stensson, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Jämställdhet är ett aktuellt ämne som diskuteras bland både forskare och medier. Revisionsbranschen anses som en jämställd bransch samtidigt som undersökningar visar att kvinnor i de större företagen inte uppfattar den så jämställd som den genom könsfördelningen verkar vara. Forskare menar att det är viktigt att följa hur information om kvinnor och män redovisas i företags års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar för att se hur uppfattningar förändras över tid. Studier har genomförts i syfte att se hur företag redovisar sociala faktorer, såsom jämställdhet, men dessa finnes underrepresenterade i Sverige vilket leder fram till studiens problemformulering: Vad redovisar större svenska revisionsbyråer om jämställdhet i sina års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar och hur har denna redovisning förändrats från räkenskapsår 2007/2008 till och med räkenskapsår 2011/2012? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att identifiera och beskriva vad större revisionsbyråer i Sverige redovisar om jämställdhet i sina års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar för att få bättre insikt i denna redovisning. Delsyftet är även att beskriva hur denna redovisning har förändrats från räkenskapsår 2007/2008 till och med räkenskapsår 2011/2012 för att se hur engagemanget i frågan utvecklats. Metod: Års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar från de fyra största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige studerades från räkenskapsår 2007/2008 till och med räkenskapsår 2011/2012. Den metod som användes för att samla in informationen var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där en undersökningsmall som följde Weberprotokollet utformades. Resultat och slutsatser: Endast ett av företagen redovisade ett uppsatt mål om jämställdhet i sina rapporter men företagen uttryckte istället jämställdhet som en strävan eller utmaning. Företagen redovisade lagstadgad könsuppdelad statistik och frivilliga upplysningar om jämställdhet. Däremot var redovisningen om jämställdhet bristfällig hos några av företagen vilket gjorde att det var svårt att identifiera tydliga förändringar. De redovisade frivilliga upplysningar vilket skulle kunna förklaras med att de redovisar detta i syfte att skapa legitimitet gentemot sina intressenter. Nyckelord: Jämställdhet, legitimitet, intressenter, redovisning, årsredovisningar, hållbarhetsredovisningar / Background and problem: Gender equality is a current topic discussed among researchers and the media. The audit industry is considered as an equal branch while surveys show that women in the larger companies do not perceive it as equal as gender balance appears to be. Researchers believe that it is important to monitor how information about women and men is reported in the company's annual and sustainability reports to see how perceptions change over time. Research has been carried out to see how companies report on social factors such as gender, but these studies are underrepresented in Sweden, which leads to the study´s question: What do major Swedish auditing firms report about gender equality in their annual and sustainability reports and how has this reporting changed between 2007/2008 – 2011/2012? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify and describe what the major auditing firms in Sweden report on gender equality in their annual and sustainability reports to gain a better understanding of this reporting. Another purpose is to describe how this report has changed between 2007/2008 – 2011/2012 to see how the involvement has developed. Method: Annual and sustainability reports from the four largest auditing firms in Sweden were studied between 2007/2008 – 2011/2012. The method used to collect the information was a qualitative content analysis where a list that followed the Weber protocol was created. Results and conclusions: Only one company reported a goal of equality in its reports, but all companies expressed equality as an ambition or challenge. The companies reported statutory gender statistics and voluntary disclosures. The results showed, however, that the reporting of equality was deficient in some of the companies that made it difficult to identify changes. They reported voluntary disclosures, which could be explained by that they report this in order to create legitimacy to their stakeholders. Keywords: Gender equality, legitimacy, stakeholders, accounting, annual reports, sustainability reports
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Tätigkeitsbericht / Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig14 July 2014 (has links)
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