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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Loss of outer membrane porins in clonally related clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae modifies the bacteria; resulting in altered resistance to phagocytosis by macrophages

Brunson, Debra Nickole 01 January 2017 (has links)
Klebsiella pneumoniae is an opportunistic pathogen responsible for lobar pneumoniae, liver abscess, and septicemia. Clinical isolates are found to be extended spectrum beta lactamase positive with differential expression of the two classical porins, OmpK35 and OmpK36. Porin loss is associated with increased minimum inhibitory concentrations of beta lactam, cephalosporin, and carbapenem antibiotics that target the peptidoglycan. However, little is known about how porin loss affects other aspects of the cell envelope. The focus of this study was to characterize clinical isolates exhibiting differential porin expression and determine if the cumulative changes altered the resistance to phagocytosis by macrophages. The results support the hypothesis that porin loss significantly impacts the overall cell envelope composition, which in turn alters interactions with macrophages.

Les métaux lourds dans les écosystèmes anthropisés : une pression favorisant la sélection de pathogènes opportunistes résistants à des antibiotiques ? / Heavy metals in impacted ecosystem : a pressure favoring the selection of antibiotic resistant opportunistic pathogens ?

Deredjian, Amélie 17 December 2010 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa et Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, pathogènes opportunistes majeurs, pourraient acquérir leur résistance aux antibiotiques dans l’environnement, sous la pression exercée par les métaux lourds par co-sélection de résistance. Nous avons tout d’abord évalué la distribution et l’abondance de ces espèces dans un large panel de sols d’origine géographique différente (France et Afrique) et évalué l’influence d’activités anthropiques susceptibles d’exposer les sols en éléments métalliques sur cette distribution. Alors que la présence de P. aeruginosa est sporadique et plutôt liée à un apport exogène, S. maltophilia est présente dans tous les sols étudiés, suggérant son endémicité. L’évaluation des résistances des souches isolées de ces sols a également montré des différences entre les deux espèces. Les souches environnementales de P. aeruginosa sont pour la plupart caractérisées par un phénotype sauvage alors que celles de S. maltophilia présentent une grande diversité de phénotypes en fonction des sites, parfois similaires à ceux de souches cliniques. Cette diversité peut être attribuée à l’adaptation aux conditions environnementales très différentes rencontrées mais il est difficile d‘attribuer précisément aux métaux un rôle dans la co-sélection de ces résistances. L’étude menée sur la communauté bactérienne d’un sol contaminé a également permis de mettre en évidence une forte proportion de bactéries résistantes à différents antibiotiques représentée par des espèces qualifiées de pathogènes opportunistes ainsi que la présence du gène blaIMP, permettant la résistance à l’imipénème, utilisé en milieu clinique pour le traitement de clones multi-résistants. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, two major opportunistic pathogens, could acquire antibiotic resistance in the environment under heavy metal pressure that co-selects both resistances. We first investigated the distribution and abundance of these species in a wide range of soils of different geographical origin (France and Africa) and evaluated the influence of human activities that may expose soils to metallic elements on this distribution. While the presence of P. aeruginosa is rather sporadic and could be linked to exogenous intake, S. maltophilia is present in all studied soils, that suggests its endemicity. Evaluating resistance capacities of strains isolated from these soils also showed differences between the two species. Environmental strains of P. aeruginosa are mostly characterized by a wild type phenotype, whereas those of S. maltophilia present a wide diversity of phenotypes depending on the site, sometimes similar to those of clinical strains. This diversity could be attributed to a deep adaptation to the very different environmental conditions encountered in the original niche but it is difficult to attribute specifically to metals a role in coselection of resistance. The study conducted on the bacterial community present in a contaminated soil has also highlighted a high proportion of bacteria resistant to different antibiotics represented by species qualified as opportunistic pathogens and the presence of the gene blaIMP, enabling resistance to imipenem, used in the hospital to treat infections due to multidrug-resistant clones.

Dynamique des maladies dans les systèmes sociaux complexes : émergence des maladies infectieuses chez les primates / Disease dynamics in complex social systems : the emergence of infectious diseases in primates

Benavides, Julio 04 May 2012 (has links)
Comprendre l'émergence et la propagation des maladies infectieuses chez les animaux sauvages est devenue une priorité en santé publique et en conservation. En combinant la collecte de données et le développement de modèles épidémiologiques, cette thèse s'est focalisée sur la compréhension de deux phénomènes clés: (i) étudier comment l'hétérogénéité au niveau des individus, des groupes, de la population et de l'environnement influence la propagation de parasites et (ii) quantifier la transmission de bactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques depuis l'homme vers les animaux sauvages dans trois aires protégées d'Afrique (Tsaobis NP- Namibie, Lopé NP-Gabon et Dzanga-Ndoki NP- République Centrafricaine). Les principaux résultats de ce travail montrent que : (1) De multiples facteurs incluant la température, la pluie, l'utilisation du territoire, le genre, l'âge et la condition physique influencent la richesse spécifique de parasites gastro-intestinaux chez le babouin chacma, (2) Les contacts entre animaux autour des points d'attractions de l'habitat peuvent influencer de manière importante la propagation spatio-temporelle d'une maladie, (3) La transmission d'entérobactéries résistantes semble avoir lieu depuis les humains ou le bétail vers les animaux sauvages dans des zones où le contact entre ces populations est élevé, (4) Le gradient de densité de gorilles produit par la chasse peut générer une augmentation de prévalence d'un parasite avec la distance au point d'introduction. Les conclusions de ce travail ouvrent de nouvelles possibilités pour l'étude des maladies émergentes chez les animaux sauvages. / Understanding the emergence and spread of infectious disease in wild animal populations has become an important priority for both public health and animal conservation. Combining the collection of empirical data with the development of epidemiological models, this thesis focuses on understanding two key issues of wildlife epidemiology: (i) how heterogeneity at the individual, group, population and landscape level affects parasite spread (ii) investigating whether transmission of antibiotic resistant bacteria from humans to wildlife is occurring within three protected areas of Africa (Tsaobis NP-Namibia, Lope NP-Gabon and Dzanga-Ndoki NP-Central African Republic). The main findings of this work indicated that: (1) multiple-scale factors including temperature, rainfall, home range use, sex, age and body condition influence gastro-intestinal parasite richness among wild baboons; (2) animal contacts around ‘habitat hotspots' can substantially influence the spatio-temporal dynamics of a disease; (3) antibiotic resistant enterobacteria seem to be spreading from humans/livestock to wildlife when the territory overlap between these two populations is expected to be high; (4) gradients in gorilla density created by bushmeat hunting can reverse the expected pattern of decreasing parasite prevalence with distance to human-spillover. The conclusions of this work open new possibilities for studying the mechanisms explaining the spread of emerging infectious diseases among wild animals.

Det post-antibiotiska köket : En dystopisk designspekulation om framtidens köksobjekt / The Post-Antibiotic Kitchen : A dystopic design speculation about the future objects of the kitchen

Grahn, Ebba January 2019 (has links)
I examensarbetet Det post-antibiotiska köket har samhällsfrågan om antibiotikaresistens undersökts ur ett designperspektiv. Detta för att uppmärksamma och sprida kunskap om problemet med den ökande resistensen och den nutida konsumtionen av läkemedlet. Designmetoden som använts är spekulativ design och syftet har varit att tillverka fem objekt som skall påverka och motivera en publik till att förändra den aktuella användningen av mirakelmedicinen. Genom grundliga efterforskningar om problematiken och om en framtid utan antibiotika har ett scenario formulerats. Detta scenario utspelar sig 30 år framåt i tiden, år 2049, i en värld där det inte längre finns fungerande antibiotika. Hur utförs en vardagsaktivitet, som att laga spagetti och köttfärssås, när ett litet sår kan leda till en dödlig infektion? Baserat på efterforskningar, workshops och samtal kunde köksobjekten fastställas; en kniv som minskar risken för stick- och skärskador, skyddande handskar, halkfria skor, en ansiktsmask och bakteriekryddor. Objekt som kan bli en del av det post-antibiotiska köket och vardagslivet om vi inte ändrar vårt nutida beteende. / In the degree work The Post-Antibiotic Kitchen the societal issue concerning antibiotic resistance has been explored through design. The purpose of the project has been to bring attention and spread knowledge about the growing resistance and current consumption of antibiotics. Speculative design has been the used design method and the goal has been to create five objects that will influence and motivate an audience to change the present usage of antibiotics. Through thorough research on the issue and on a future without antibiotics, a scenario has been formulated. The scenario takes place 30 years in the future, in 2049, in a world where there are no longer any functioning antibiotics. How will a day to day activity, such as cooking a meal, be performed when a small cut could lead to a deadly infection? Based on research, workshops and conversations five objects were created; a knife to prevent cut- and stab injuries, protective gloves, non-slip shoes, a face-guard and bacteria spices. Five objects that could be a part of the post-antibiotic kitchen and the daily life unless we change our current behavior today. / <p>Posten kompletterad 20190813 med uppdaterad version av uppsatsen.</p>

Utvärdering av direktresistensmetod på urinodlingar gentemot EUCAST diskdiffusionsmetod

Andersson, Jelena January 2019 (has links)
Urinvägsinfektioner är den näst vanligaste anledningen till antibiotikaförskrivning i Sverige. För diagnos av UVI i urinkultur med standardmetoden krävs 18 - 48 timmar och ytterligare 24 timmar i odling tills resultaten för antimikrobiell känslighetstestning är tillgängliga. Direktresistensmetoden ger svar 24 timmar tidigare än standardmetoden. Studiens syfte var att utvärdera direktresistensmetoden (in-housemetod) från mikrobiologiska laboratoriet Unilabs, Skövde på urinodlingar från patientprover och jämföra den med EUCAST-diskdiffusionsmetod. I denna studie användes 334 bakteriestammar från urinodlingar; E. coli (n=211) E. faecalis (n=45), Klebsiella spp (n=37), P. mirabilis (n= 17) och övriga gramnegativa bakteriestammar (n=24). Direktresistensmetoden och EUCAST diskdiffusionsmetod har utförts parallellt på alla bakteriestammar och sex olika antibiotikatyper testades. Hämningszonernas diameter lästes av och placerades i rätt S, I, R kategori för respektive antibiotikum. Från sammanlagt 1674 testade antibiotikalappar hittades 23 avvikelser där E. coli representerade 13 av dessa. Mecillinam var det antibiotikum där flest avvikelser noterades, totalt tio stycken. Överensstämmelsen mellan de två metoderna var 98,6% från 1674 testade antibiotikalappar. Direktresistensmetoden leder till att patienten få ett svar 24 timmar tidigare än med EUCAST diskdiffusionsmetoden där svaret inkluderar även resistensbestämning. / Urinary tract infections are the second most common reason for prescription of antibiotics in Sweden. Diagnosis of UTIs in urine culture by the standard method requires 18 to 48 hours and an additional 24 hours until antimicrobial testing is available. The direct resistance method provides answers 24 hours earlier than the standard method. The aim of the study was to evaluate the direct resistance method (in-house method) from the microbiological laboratory Unilabs, Skövde on urine cultures from patient samples and compare it with the EUCAST disc diffusion method. For this study, 334 bacterial strains from urinary cultures were used; E. coli (n = 211) E. faecalis (n = 45), Klebsiella spp (n = 37), P. mirabilis (n = 17) and other gram-negative rods (n = 24). The direct resistance method and the EUCAST disk diffusion method were performed in parallel on all bacterial strains and six different types of antibiotics were tested. The diameter of the inhibition zones was measured and categorized according to S, I, R for each antibiotic. From a total of 1674 tested antibiotics 23 discrepancies were found where E. coli represented 13 of these. Mecillinam was the antibiotic where most discrepancies were noted, a total of ten. The agreement between the two methods was 98,6% from 1674 tested antibiotics. The direct resistance method allows a response to the patient 24 hours earlier than the EUCAST disc diffusion method.

Le transfert horizontal de gènes chez les mycoplasmes : de l'acquisition de l'antibiorésistance à la dynamique des génomes. / Horizontal gene transfer in mycoplasmas : from acquisition of antibiotic resistance to genomes dynamics.

Faucher, Marion 08 November 2018 (has links)
Les mycoplasmes sont des bactéries atypiques, dépourvues de paroi et souvent considérées comme des cellules minimales du fait de la taille réduite de leur génome. De nombreuses espèces sont pathogènes et ont un impact économique important dans les filières d'élevage, notamment pour les ruminants. Les mycoplasmes n'échappent pas au phénomène mondial de la résistance aux antibiotiques. Contrairement à la plupart des autres bactéries, les mycoplasmes ne contiennent pas de plasmides conjugatifs souvent incriminés dans la dissémination horizontale de gènes de résistance, la base moléculaire principalement décrite étant la mutation chromosomique des gènes cibles. De façon générale, le transfert horizontal de gènes (HGT) chez les mycoplasmes a longtemps été sous-estimé. Récemment, deux mécanismes de HGT ont été décrits chez Mycoplasma agalactiae : le transfert d'élément conjugatif et intégratif (ICE), et le transfert non-conventionnel de régions chromosomiques par conjugaison appelé MCT (Mycoplasma Chromosomal Transfer). Nos travaux se sont attachés à explorer ce dernier mécanisme et à évaluer son impact sur l'acquisition de la résistance aux antibiotiques. Une analyse de génomique comparative a été conduite à partir du séquençage de nombreux mutants spontanément résistants et de transconjugants générés par des expériences de mating et sélectionnés pour leur résistance. Nos résultats montrent que le MCT conduit de façon distributive au transfert simultané de nombreux fragments. En une seule étape de conjugaison impliquant deux souches, ce phénomène génère une population variée de génomes hautement mosaïques. Il accélère la dissémination de l'antibiorésistance, permettant l'acquisition de plusieurs mutations distantes associées à la résistance en un seul événement. De par les multiples possibilités de réassemblage génomique qu'il produit, le MCT pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes sur d'autres processus adaptatifs comme la virulence ou la spécificité d'hôte. Enfin, les modalités distributives et l’ampleur du MCT expliquent l'origine des transferts de gènes précédemment détectés in silico entre de nombreux mycoplasmes. Ce phénomène pourrait donc avoir eu des répercussions importantes sur l'évolution de ces bactéries minimales et être un facteur clé de leur persistance et virulence actuelles. / Mycoplasmas are wall-less bacteria often portrayed as minimal cells because of their reduced genomes. Several species are pathogenic and have a significant economic impact on livestock production, especially for ruminants. Mycoplasmas are also concerned with the worldwide increase in antibiotic resistance. In contrast to the majority of bacteria, these simple bacteria are deprived of conjugative plasmids that are frequently implicated in the horizontal dissemination of resistance genes: in mycoplasmas antibiotic resistance mainly relies on chromosomal mutations in target genes. In Mycoplasmas, the horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has long been underestimated. Recently, two conjugative mechanisms of HGT were described in Mycoplasma agalactiae: the transfer of an integrative and conjugative element (ICE), and the unconventional transfer of chromosomal DNA further designed by “MCT” for Mycoplasma Chromosomal Transfer. Our current study focused on exploring MCT mechanisms and on estimating its impact on antibiotic resistance dissemination. Comparative genomic analyses were performed from the sequencing (i) of spontaneous resistant mutants and (ii) of transconjugants selected by mating experiments and selected based on their resistance. Data revealed that MCT generated the simultaneous transfer of multiple, unrelated donor-fragments following a distributive process. In one conjugative step involving two strains, MCT generated a variety of highly mosaic genomes. This phenomenon was also shown to accelerate the dissemination of antibiotic resistance, by allowing in one step the acquisition of multiple and dispersed mutations associated with resistance. Due to the limitless ability of this phenomenon in reshuffling genomes, MCT may offer a valuable contribution in other adaptive processes such as virulence or host specificity. Finally, the distributive nature and the extent of MCT explain the origin of genes transfers detected in silico in several mycoplasma species. MCT is certainly a major player in the evolution of these minimal bacteria and a key factor of their persistence and virulence.

Caracterização, pesquisa dos genes de virulência e beta-lactamases em Aeromonas hydrophila provenientes de esgoto e lodo tratados / Characterization, investigation of virulence Genes and beta-lactamases in Aeromonas hydrophila from treated wastewater and sludge

Oliveira, Danielle Escudeiro de 12 September 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Bactérias do gênero Aeromonas estão presentes em ambientes de água doce, salgada e salobra. O isolamento destes microrganismos já foi relatado em água de abastecimento público e alimentos. Algumas espécies podem ser patogênicas ao homem, causando gastrenterites e outras infecções. Isolados de Aeromonas de fontes diversas expressam resistência a antimicrobianos, especialmente a -lactâmicos, devido à presença de enzimas -lactamases. A patogenicidade das espécies se deve à virulência multifatorial, que compreende a produção de enterotoxinas (Act, Alt e Ast), de elastase, presença de flagelo, entre outros. Objetivo: Isolar, identificar e quantificar Aeromonas hydrophila isoladas de esgoto e lodo tratado; pesquisar a ocorrência dos genes de virulência e resistência a -lactâmicos. Material e Métodos: A detecção e quantificação de Aeromonas hydrophila foram realizadas por meio da técnica de membrana filtrante e meio de cultura específico; a identificação foi realizada por meio da PCR utilizando um par de primers específicos para a espécie. Após a confirmação da espécie foi realizado o antibiograma para conhecer o perfil de resistência aos antibióticos; a pesquisa dos genes de virulência act, alt, ast, ela, lip e fla e genes de resistência a -lactâmicos foi realizada por meio da PCR e seqüenciamento. Resultados: Foram analisadas 15 amostras (seis de esgoto tratado e nove de lodo tratado). Destas, somente nove foram positivas para A. hydrophila, obtendo-se 441 colônias típicas, das quais 348 foram positivas, por PCR para identificação do gênero e 209 para identificação da espécie. Os 209 isolados, sendo 92 do esgoto tratado e 117 do lodo tratado, apresentaram os seguintes valores na pesquisa dos genes de virulência: 36 por cento (act), 40 por cento (ast), 78 por cento (alt), 82 por cento (fla), 86 por cento (lip) e 87 por cento (ela) e 100 por cento dos isolados apresentaram pelo menos um dos genes. Para os testes de sensibilidade aos antibióticos todos os isolados foram resistentes a pelo menos um dos antibióticos. A produção de enzimas MBL, ESBL e AmpC foi detectada em isolados. Também foram encontrados genes de resistência cphA, bla TEM e bla MOX, enquanto que os genes bla VIM, bla IMP, bla e bla não foram detectados. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que A. hydrophila pode resistir ao processo de tratamento de esgoto e lodo, além disso, pode apresentar diversos genes de virulência e resistência a antibióticos, motivos pelos quais A. hydrophila pode ser uma ameaça a Saúde Pública, uma vez que estas amostras são reutilizadas para fins urbanos ou agrícolas / Introduction: Bacteria of the genus Aeromonas are present in fresh, brackish and salty waters. The isolation of these microorganisms has been reported in public water supplies and foods. Some species can be pathogenic to humans, causing gastroenteritis and other infections. Aeromonas isolates from different sources express resistance to antimicrobials, especially -lactams, due to the presence of lactamase enzymes. The pathogenicity of the species is due to the multifactorial virulence, wich includes the production of enterotoxins (Act, Alt and Ast) of Elastase and presense of flagello, among others. Objectives: Identify and quantify Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from treated wastewater and sludge, to investigate the occurrence of virulence genes and resistance to -lactams. Material and methods: The detection and quantification of A. hydrophila were made through the membrane filter technique and specific culture medium, the identification was performed by PCR using a pair of primers specific for the species. After confirming the species sensitivity was performed to know the profile of antibiotic resistance, the survey of virulence genes act, alt, ast, ela, lip, fla and resistance to -lactams gene was performed by PCR and sequencing. Results: We analyzed 15 samples (six of nine treated wastewater and sludge). Of these only nine were positive for A. hydrophila, resulting in 441 typical colonies, of wich 348 were positive by PCR to identify the genus and 209 for species identification. The 209 isolates, being 92 and 117 of treated wastewater and treated sludge showed the following values in the study of the virulence genes: 36 per cent (act), 78 per cent (alt), 82 per cent (fla), 86 per cent (lip), 87 per cent (ela) and 100 per cent of the isolates had at least one of the genes. For antibiotic susceptibility testing all isolates were resistant to at least one antibiotic. The production of MBL, ESBL and AmpC enzyme was detected in isolates. It was also found resistance genes cphA, bla TEM and bla MOX, while genes bla VIM , bla IMP , bla and bla FOX CTX-M were not detected. Conclusion: The results suggest that A. hydrophila can resist the process of treating of wastewater and sludge, moreover, may have different virulence genes and antibiotic resistance, which is why A. hydrophila can be a threat to public health, since these samples are reused for agricultural or urban purposes. , bla SHV

Microbiota comensal de animais de companhia como reservatório de genes codificadores de b-lactamases de espectro estendido (ESBLs) e resistência a quinolonas mediada por plasmídeos (PMQR). / Commensal microbiota of companion animals as reservoirs of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) and Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance (PMQR) genes.

Melo, Luana Claudino de 27 August 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo visou determinar a prevalência de bactérias Gram-negativas produtoras de produzem b-lactamases de amplo espectro (ESBL) e resistência adquirida a quinolonas mediada por plasmídeos (PMQR) em animais de estimação, investigando o potencial papel destes hospedeiros como portadores assintomáticos. Em 2012, foram coletadas 216 amostras (fezes e saliva) de 108 animais de companhia (29 gatos e 79 cães) abrigados em casas de família, um centro de acolhimento de animais abandonados, e no Centro de Controle de Zoonoses da Cidade de São Paulo. Do total de cepas estudadas, 85% apresentaram fenótipo sugestivo de PMQR; enquanto que 62% dos isolados exibiram um fenótipo característico e sugestivo para produção de ESBL, sendo na sua maioria identificadas como E. coli. Dentre os isolados, 14 carregaram variantes do gene blaCTX-M, 9 foram positivos para o gene blaTEM, e 6 foram positivos para blaSHV. Em relação às cepas resistentes às Q/FQ, 56% (n= 43) foram positivas para a presença do gene qnr, o qual foi identificado em 11 espécies diferentes. Os resultados apresentados demostram que animais de companhia podem ser portadores assintomáticos de cepas produtoras de ESBL e PMQR. / The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of Gram-negative bacteria producing b-lactamases producing broad-spectrum (ESBL) and acquired resistance to quinolones mediated by plasmids (PMQR) in pets, investigating the potential role of these hosts as asymptomatic carriers. In 2012, 216 samples (feces and saliva) of 108 companion animals (29 cats and 79 dogs) housed in shelters or a Zoonosis Control Center were collected from São Paulo city. Of the total strains studied, 85% had a phenotype suggestive for PMQR; while 62 % of the isolates exhibited a characteristic phenotype and suggestive for ESBL-producing genes, with the most identified as E. coli. Among the isolates, 14 carried variants blaCTX -M gene 9 were positive for blaTEM gene, and 6 were positive for blaSHV. Regarding resistant Q/FQ isolates, 56% (n = 43) were positive for the presence of qnr gene, which was identified on 11 different species. The results presented demonstrate that pets can be asymptomatic carriers of ESBL producing strains and PMQR.

Ocorrência e diversidade de bactérias gram-negativas multirresistentes em ambientes aquáticos públicos no estado de São Paulo. / Ocurrence and diversity of multidrug-resistant gram-negative bactéria in public aquatic environments in southeastern Brazil.

Nascimento, Tatiane 25 May 2015 (has links)
Atividades antropogênicas relacionadas ao uso massivo de antibacterianos tem favorecido para que ambientes aquáticos sejam importantes locais para seleção e/ou disseminação de bactérias multirresistentes (MR). O objetivo do estudo foi monitorar a ocorrência de bactérias MRs em ambientes aquáticos públicos no estado de SP, caracterizando genótipos de resistência adquirida. Foram analisados 50 isolados de bactérias gram-negativas, recuperadas de amostras de água, sendo que 70% dos isolados apresentaram perfil de MR, identificando-se os genes blaCTX-M-2 (n= 5), blaCTX-M-9 (n= 1), blaCTX-M-15 (n= 2), blaKPC-2 (n= 3), qnrB (n= 1), oqxA (n= 3), oqxB (n= 3) e, aac(6)1b-cr (n= 7). Destaca-se a primeira detecção de A. calcoaceticus produtora de KPC-2. Ambientes aquáticos de acesso público podem ser importantes fontes para a disseminação e/ou transmissão de uma ampla variedade de espécies bacterianas MRs tanto para seres humanos como para ecossistemas associados, sendo que a presença de genótipos endêmicos sugere contaminação por esgoto doméstico e/ou hospitalar. / Anthropogenic activities related to the massive use of antibacterial has contributed to the selection and spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR) into the aquatic environment. This study aimed to monitor the occurrence of MDR bacteria in public aquatic environments, in the state of São Paulo, characterizing genotypes of acquired resistance. Of the 50 gram-negative isolates, recovered of water samples, 70% exhibited a MDR profile. Indeed, blaCTX-M-2 (n= 5), blaCTX-M-9 (n= 1), blaCTX-M-15 (n= 2)-, blaKPC-2 (n= 3)-, qnrB (n= 1)-, oqxA (n= 3)-, oqxB (n= 3)- and aac(6)-1b-cr (n = 7) genes were identified. Noteworthy is the first the detection of KPC-2-producing Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. Aquatic environments, with public access, may be important sources for the dissemination and/or transmission of a wide variety of MDR bacterial species to both humans and associated ecosystems. Moreover, the presence of endemic genotypes suggests contamination by domestic and/or hospital sewage.

Fatores de transcrição da família MarR e resistência a antibióticos em Chromobacterium violaceum / MarR family transcription factors and antibiotic resistance in Chromobacterium violaceum

Barroso, Kelly Cristina Martins 09 November 2017 (has links)
A resistência aos antibióticos é um problema de saúde pública global com sérias consequências para o tratamento de várias infecções bacterianas. Os fatores de transcrição da família MarR têm sido descritos controlando resistência a antibióticos e vários outros processos em bactérias. Neste trabalho, estudamos mecanismos de resistência a antibióticos em Chromobacterium violaceum, uma bactéria Gram-negativa ambiental que pode atuar como um patógeno oportunista em humanos. A estratégia envolveu a varredura de um painel de treze linhagens mutantes de fatores de transcrição da família MarR de C. violaceum disponíveis, por testes de susceptibilidade a 24 antibióticos. Estes ensaios revelaram que apenas o mutante ?emrR apresentou resistência aumentada ao antibiótico ácido nalidíxico em relação à linhagem selvagem. Esta resistência aumentada do mutante ?emrR ao ácido nalidíxico foi revertida em uma linhagem complementada deste mutante, conforme verificado por ensaios de viabilidade, ensaios de difusão em disco e concentração inibitória mínima (MIC). O fenótipo de diminuída produção de violaceína deste mutante, observado em meio líquido, também foi complementado. Além disso, foi realizado o isolamento de mutantes espontâneos de C. violaceum resistentes a ácido nalidíxico com mutação pontual em emrR. Os ensaios de microarranjo de DNA mostraram que EmrR reprime algumas dezenas de genes, incluindo o operon emrCAB, o qual codifica a bomba de efluxo EmrCAB. Os ensaios de Northern blot confirmaram que o EmrR reprime o operon emrCAB, e que a expressão desta bomba é induzida por salicilato, mas não outros compostos, como ácido nalidíxico ou brometo de etídeo. Os ensaios de alteração de mobilidade eletroforética (EMSA) mostraram que a proteína EmrR purificada se liga diretamente às 8 regiões promotoras de emrR, emrCAB e vários outros genes do regulon EmrR, para exercer uma regulação negativa direta sobre esses genes. Um mutante nulo ?emrCAB foi obtido, mas a ausência desta bomba de efluxo não tornou C. violaceum mais susceptível ao ácido nalidíxico, sugerindo que ela é importante somente em condições nas quais é induzida. Estas condições indutoras talvez incluam estresse oxidativo, uma vez que enzimas antioxidantes são parte do regulon de EmrR e a proteína EmrR formou dímeros covalentes na presença de agentes oxidantes in vitro. Portanto, nossos dados revelam que mutações pontuais ou moléculas como salicilato abolem a atividade repressora do fator de transcrição EmrR sobre o operon emrCAB, levando a superexpressão da bomba de efluxo EmrCAB e aumentando a resistência ao ácido nalidíxico em C. violaceum. / Antibiotic resistance is a global public health problem with serious consequences for the treatment of various bacterial infections. MarR family transcription factors have been described controlling antibiotic resistance and several other processes in bacteria. In this work, we studied mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in Chromobacterium violaceum, an environmental Gramnegative bacterium that can act as a human opportunistic pathogen. The strategy involved a screening of an available collection of thirteen C. violaceum mutant strains of MarR family transcription factors, by susceptibility testing for 24 antibiotics. These assays revealed that only the ?emrR mutant showed increased resistance to the antibiotic nalidixic acid in relation to the wild-type strain. This increased resistance of the ?emrR mutant to nalidixic acid was reversed in a complemented strain of this mutant, as verified by viability, disk diffusion, and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays. The phenotype of decreased violacein production of this mutant, observed in a liquid medium, was also complemented. In addition, it was performed the isolation of spontaneous mutants of C. violaceum resistant to nalidixic acid with a point mutation in emrR. DNA microarray assays showed that EmrR represses a few dozen of genes, including the emrCAB operon, which encodes the EmrCAB efflux pump. Northern blot assays confirmed that EmrR represses the emrCAB operon and that the expression of this pump is induced by salicylate, but not other compounds, such as nalidixic acid or ethidium bromide. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) showed that the purified EmrR protein binds directly to the promoter regions of emrR, emrCAB and several other genes of the EmrR regulon, to exert a direct negative regulation of these genes. A ?emrCAB null mutant strain was obtained, but the absence of this efflux pump did not make C. violaceum more susceptible to nalidixic acid, suggesting that it is important only under conditions in which it is induced. These inducing conditions may include 10 oxidative stress since antioxidant enzymes are part of the EmrR regulon and the EmrR protein has formed covalent dimers in the presence of oxidizing agents in vitro. Therefore, our data reveal that point mutations or molecules such as salicylate abolish the repressive activity of the EmrR transcription factor on the emrCAB operon, causing overexpression of the EmrCAB efflux pump and increasing the resistance to nalidixic acid in C. violaceum.

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