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Group intervention to modify undesirable behavior in children who have experienced parental lossWestover, Frances Marie 01 January 1996 (has links)
This study uses a cognitive group intervention approach in an attempt to alter anti-social behavior in elementary school children who experienced parental loss. The findings demonstrate improvement in some behaviors and worsening in others.
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Psychopathy in Male and Female Offenders: Validating the CAPP-IRS and Investigating the Impact of Gender Role ConformityCarter, Rachel M. 12 1900 (has links)
Recent conceptualizations of psychopathy are moving toward more inclusive, purely trait-based models. However, researchers continue to heavily rely on assessments of psychopathy that include categorical behavioral elements. The newly developed Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality – Institutional Rating Scale appears to be a promising interview-based measure of psychopathy, but research on its reliability and validity is in its infancy. As a second issue, the vast majority of research on psychopathy, particularly in offender populations, is conducted with male participants. Nonetheless, the growing body of literature involving incarcerated females suggests gender differences in the prevalence and manifestation of psychopathic traits. Reasons for these differences are unclear, but some have proposed socialized gender roles as a contributing factor. With a sample of 52 female 49 male offenders recruited from a large, metropolitan jail, this dissertation evaluated the construct validity of the CAPP-IRS and examined the effect of gender role conformity on the manifestation of psychopathic traits. Results indicated that a three-factor model of psychopathy represented by antagonistic interpersonal relations, restricted emotions, and disinhibited behavior best fit the data. Findings further suggested convergent and discriminant validity for the CAPP-IRS. Additionally, masculine and feminine gender role conformity differentially related to psychopathy, but generally accounted for a small proportion of the variance in psychopathic traits. Recommendations for future research on the CAPP model and its assessment as well as implications for the clinical assessment of psychopathy in women are discussed.
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Differential Associations between Psychopathy Factors and Shooter Bias in the Police Officer's DilemmaRoy, Sandeep 08 1900 (has links)
The current study assessed abnormal attention in 71 undergraduate men, approximately half of which displayed elevated psychopathic traits, as they attended to cues on the Police Officer's Dilemma. In the computerized task, participants are instructed to shoot men holding guns and not shoot men holding neutral objects. However, research has shown that irrelevant racial cues in the task can influence participants to shoot unarmed Black men more frequently than unarmed White men; a phenomenon termed shooter bias. Contrary to expectations, individuals with elevated psychopathic traits tended to erroneously shoot unarmed Black men more frequently compared to those with low psychopathy scores. Additional analyses indicated that the interpersonal and lifestyle facets were associated with more interference in determining unarmed Black men as not threatening relative to unarmed White men and the affective domain was associated with faster responses to shooting armed Black men relative to armed White men. Additionally, prejudicial attitudes (i.e., social dominance orientation) moderated the relationship between the affective psychopathic traits and shooting armed Black men by increasing the number of armed Black men identified as threatening relative to armed White targets. These findings are discussed in the context of the relationship between psychopathic traits and prejudicial attitudes and recent refinements to etiological theories of psychopathy.
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O fortalecimento das explicações naturais para os fenômenos sociais ligados ao crime / The strengthening of natural explanations for social phenomena linked to crimeBorzuk, Cristiane Souza 15 May 2014 (has links)
O propósito deste trabalho é investigar a natureza das pesquisas que tem como objeto o Transtorno de Personalidade Antissocial e o Comportamento Criminoso no Brasil. Partimos da hipótese de que nestas pesquisas há uma tendência a atribuir a fatores endógenos os motivos que fazem com que o crime seja cometido, excluindo a dimensão histórica. Centramo-nos na produção científica, pois entendemos que a ciência responde às necessidades objetivas de cada época e, sobretudo, pelo fato de que ela não é alheia aos processos postos em desenvolvimento pela totalidade social, sendo um elemento valioso para a compreensão da sociedade em que é produzida. Foram selecionados no Banco de Teses da CAPES os resumos de teses de doutorado e de dissertações de mestrado identificados a partir dos descritores Comportamento Criminoso, Transtorno de Personalidade Antissocial e Psicopatia. A amostra consistiu em 47 resumos, sendo nove teses de doutorado e 36 dissertações de mestrado. Destes 47 resumos, foram escolhidos dois para o estudo da pesquisa completa. O procedimento adotado foi a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicaram a existência de duas tendências importantes. A primeira, monadológica, demonstra que nestas pesquisas o crime e a criminalidade foram relacionados a fatores individuais. Implicada nesta tendência foi possível verificar que: a. o comportamento criminoso foi associado, frequentemente, a alterações anatômicas e/ou funcionais do cérebro; b. há uma tendência a associar o crime ao diagnóstico de Transtorno de Personalidade Antissocial; c. há o desenvolvimento e a validação de instrumentos voltados para a identificação de indivíduos supostamente predispostos a cometer crimes. A segunda tendência, menos expressiva numericamente, mas também importante, é a economicista. A centralidade destes trabalhos está na correlação entre problemas econômicos e o aumento ou diminuição nos índices de criminalidade. Nestes casos, a ênfase recai em aspectos microeconômicos, não havendo referência aos fatores estruturais do modo de produção. Também houve trabalhos que desenvolveram críticas vigorosas à tendência monadológica. Isto indica a existência de um potencial de resistência a ela. O referencial teórico-metodológico é a Teoria Crítica da Sociedade, particularmente os escritos de Theodor Adorno / Investigating the nature of researches that aims the Antisocial Personality Disorder and Criminal Behavior in Brazil is the scope of this study. We came from the hypothesis that there is a tendency in these studies which assign to endogenous factors the reasons for crimes to be committed, not including the historical dimension. We focused on scientific production because we understand that science responds to the objective needs of each epoch, and especially by the fact that it is not indifferent to the processes that are put into action by the social totality, being so a valuable element to understanding the society in which it is formed. PhD theses abstracts and MSc dissertations, identified from the descriptors Criminal Behavior, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy were selected in the CAPES Bank of Theses. The sample consisted of 47 abstracts, nine PhD theses and 36 MSc dissertations. Out of these 47 abstracts we have selected two for the study of full research. The procedure adopted was content analysis. The results pointed to the existence of two important tendencies. The first one, monadological, shows in those researches that crime and criminality were related to individual factors. Implicated in this tendency, it was also observed that: a. criminal behavior has been often associated with anatomical and/or functional changes in the brain; b. there is a tendency to associate crime to the diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder, c. there is the development and validation of instruments intended to identify individuals predisposed to supposedly commit crimes. The second tendency, less significant numerically, but also important, is the economistic. The centrality of these studies is in the correlation between economic problems and the increase or decrease in crime rates. In these cases, the emphasis is on microeconomic aspects, there is no reference to structural factors of the production mode. There have also been studies that developed vigorous criticism to the monadological tendency. It indicates the existence of a potential for resistance to it. The theoretical-methodological framework is the Critical Theory of Society, particularly the writings of Theodor Adorno
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Comparação de traços psicopáticos entre jovens infratores e não-infratores / Comparison of psychopathic traits between young offenders and non-offendersCastellana, Gustavo Bonini 11 July 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A prática de atos infracionais e comportamento antissocial entre jovens podem estar associados a traços psicopáticos constitucionais (primários) ou ambientais (secundários) presentes no desenvolvimento desses indivíduos. O comportamento antissocial também está associado com a resposta autonômica diminuída diante de estímulos com saliência emocional. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as diferenças de traços psicopáticos primários e secundários entre jovens infratores e jovens da comunidade com nível socioeconômico semelhante. Foi também objetivo a comparação dos padrões de resposta autonômica frente a estímulos visuais agradáveis, neutros e desagradáveis entre os grupos. Métodos: A escala Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) foi utilizada para identificar se jovens infratores do sexo masculino, que cumpriam medida socioeducativa de internação nas unidades da Fundação Centro de Atendimento Socioeducativo ao Adolescente (CASA) em São Paulo, apresentavam diferenças na sua pontuação total, e especificamente no fator 1 ou fator 2 da escala, quando comparados com outros jovens da comunidade, em condições socioeconômicas semelhantes. Para isso foram excluídos da amostra os jovens que apresentavam critérios para Transtornos mentais ou Retardo mental de acordo com a Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) e escala Wechsler de inteligência para adultos (WAIS- III), respectivamente. Foram também excluídos da comparação aqueles que apresentaram pontuação condizente com o critério de psicopatia no Brasil (igual ou maior que 23 pontos na escala PCL-R). A resposta autonômica foi avaliada por meio das medidas de latência, amplitude e labilidade da atividade elétrica da pele (AEP) diante de imagens agradáveis, neutras e desagradáveis do International Affective Picture System (IAPS). Resultados: 39 infratores e 31 jovens do grupo controle foram comparados em relação aos traços psicopáticos. Os grupos apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,01) na pontuação média do PCL-R, sendo 13.4 a pontuação média entre infratores e 2.1 entre não-infratores. Foram encontradas também diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos quando analisadas separadamente as médias de pontuação no fator 1 (p < 0,01) e fator 2 (p < 0,01) da PCL-R. Apesar dos grupos terem apresentado diferença estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,01) nos níveis educacionais, a ANCOVA realizada para comparar os resultados da média de pontuação na PCL-R entre os grupos, controlando para nível educacional, mostrou que a diferença nos resultados da PCL-R permaneceu estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,01). Na comparação da resposta autonômica foi possível a inclusão de 33 infratores com os mesmos 31 do grupo controle. Foram também encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,01) na amplitude da AEP, sendo que o grupo de infratores apresentou maior ativação autonômica para estímulos agradáveis, porém menor ativação autonômica para estímulos desagradáveis. Conclusões: nesta amostra, tanto a presença de traços psicopáticos primários - associados a características constitucionais - quanto de traços psicopáticos secundários - associados a características ambientais, foram maiores entre infratores. No entanto a proporção de cada um destes fatores foi a mesma entre os grupos, com predominância dos traços secundários em ambos os grupos. Portanto não se pode atribuir a delinquência juvenil nesta amostra a nenhum fator especificamente - constitucional ou ambiental-, ainda que os fatores ambientais tenham contribuído de forma mais significativa para os traços psicopáticos na amostra como um todo. Os padrões de ativação autonômica entre infratores indicam que as respostas emocionais destes jovens diante dos estímulos agradáveis e desagradáveis do ambiente são diferentes dos outros jovens da comunidade, apontando características singulares da reação emocional de jovens infratores. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de intervenções amplas, não restritas a aspectos socioeconômicos, na abordagem da delinquência juvenil / Introduction: The perpetration of infractional acts and display of antisocial behavior among young people may be associated with constitutional (primary) or environmental psychopathic traits (secondary) present in their development. Antisocial behavior is also associated with impaired autonomic response to emotionally charged stimuli. The aim of this study was to analyze the differences in primary and secondary psychopathic traits among young offenders and youngsters with similar socioeconomic status in a community. Another objective was to compare the patterns of autonomic response to pleasant, unpleasant and neutral visual stimuli between groups. Method: The Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) scale was used to identify whether male young offenders, who were detained at the units of Fundação Centro de Atendimento Socioeducativo ao Adolescente (CASA) at São Paulo, exhibited total score differences, and specifically for factor 1 or factor 2 of this scale, when compared with other young people in similar socioeconomic conditions from the community. To this end, young people who met the criteria for mental disorders or mental retardation were excluded, ased on the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) and Wechsler adult intelligence scale (WAIS- III), respectively. The comparison also excluded those who presented scores consistent with the criteria for psychopathy in Brazil (equal to or greater than 23 points on the PCL-R). The autonomic response was evaluated by means of latency, amplitude and lability of electrodermal activity (EDA) when presented with pleasant, unpleasant and neutral images from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS). Results: 39 offenders and 31 nonoffenders were compared in relation to psychopathic traits. The groups presented statistically significant differences (p < 0.01) in PCL-R score averages, being 13.4 the average score in the group of offenders and 2.1 in the non-offender group. Significant differences between the groups were also detected when factor 1 (p < 0.01) and factor 2 (p < 0.01) PCL-R score averages were analyzed separately. Although the groups presented statistically significant difference in educational level, the ANCOVA used to compare the PCL-R scores averages between the groups, controlling for educational level, showed that the difference in PCL-R scores remained statistically significant (p < 0,01). In the comparison of autonomic response, it was possible to include 33 offenders with the same 31 from the control group. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.01) in EDA amplitudes were also found, and the group of offenders showed greater autonomic activation to pleasant stimuli, but less autonomic activation to unpleasant stimuli. Conclusions: in this sample, both the presence of primary psychopathic traits (due to inherited characteristics) and secondary psychopathic traits (due to environmental factors) was greater among young offenders. However, the proportion of each of these factors was the same between groups, with predominance of secondary traits in both groups. Therefore, one cannot specifically attribute juvenile delinquency in this sample to any factor - constitutional or environmental - although the environmental factors contributed more significantly to psychopathic traits in the sample as a whole. Patterns of autonomic activation among offenders indicate that the emotional responses of these young people when presented with pleasant and unpleasant stimuli in the environment are different from the other youngsters of the community, indicating particular features in the emotional response of young offenders. These results suggest that addressing juvenile delinquency requires far-reaching interventions, not solely restricted to socieconomic factors
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"Identificação do ponto de corte para a escala PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist Revised) em população forense brasileira: caracterização de dois subtipos de personalidade; transtorno global e parcial" / Identifying the Brazilian PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist Revised) cut-off score for forensic population : characterizing two personality subtypes; global personality disorder (GPD) and Partial personality disorder (PPD)Morana, Hilda Clotilde Penteado 14 January 2004 (has links)
MORANA, HCP. Identificação do ponto de corte para a escala PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist Revised) em população forense brasileira : caracterização de dois subtipos de personalidade ; transtorno global e parcial. São Paulo, 2003. 178p. Tese (Doutorado) Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. No Brasil, não existem até o momento, na esfera jurídico-penal, instrumentos padronizados que permitam a identificação de sujeitos que possam vir a reincidir em crimes, principalmente os de natureza violenta e cruel. O PCL-R, já amplamente utilizado e institucionalizado em diversos países, preenche esta lacuna. Este estudo visa discriminar, através da análise da personalidade, sujeitos considerados psicopatas e não psicopatas, correlacionados neste estudo como transtorno global (TG) e parcial (TP) da personalidade, respectivamente. O grupo de estudo é composto por 56 sujeitos denominados de POPULAÇÃO FORENSE, sendo: 33 sujeitos identificados como TG e 23 sujeitos identificados como TP. Todos os 56 sujeitos foram analisados através dos dados clínicos, institucionais, da Prova de Rorschach e do PCL-R. Esta população foi comparada a 30 sujeitos denominados de POPULAÇÃO CONTROLE, e que também foram avaliados pelos mesmos instrumentos do grupo de estudo. A personalidade, de ambos os grupos da população forense, se relaciona a condutas anti-sociais, mas apresenta diferenças quanto à dinâmica psíquica e às repercussões sobre o comportamento. A correta identificação de tais sujeitos apresenta implicações diversas para o sistema forense e penitenciário e pode vir a contribuir para diminuir os índices de reincidência criminal e de violência no país. A validação do instrumento (PCL-R) e identificação do ponto de corte para a condição de psicopatia (TG em nossa notação) foi realizada através do uso concorrente entre ambos os instrumentos e resultou no valor de 23 (IC=21,61 a 24,05). A média encontrada foi de 28,63 (IC=26,78 a 30,48). O valor da medida da sensibilidade foi de 84,8% e a confiabilidade entre ambos os instrumentos, medida através do índice Kappa, foi considerada elevada, resultando no valor de 0,8735. / MORANA, HCP. Identifying the Brazilian PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist Revised) cut-off score for forensic population : characterizing two personality subtypes; global personality disorder (GPD) and Partial personality disorder (PPD). São Paulo, 2003. 178p. Tese (Doutorado) Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. In Brazil, there have been no standardized instruments in the legal and penal field so far that enable-identifying subjects who may relapse into crime, mainly those crimes of violent and cruel nature. The PCL-R, broadly used and institutionalized in several countries, fills such gap. The goal of the present study is to discriminate, through in-depth personality assessment, subjects considered psychopathic and non-psychopathic, correlated in this study to individuals specified as having global personality disorder (GPD) and partial personality disorder (PPD), respectively. The sample is composed of a random sample of 56 male subjects referred to as forensic population, these being: 33 subjects identified as GPD and 23 subjects identified as PPD. All 56 subjects have been assessed on the light of clinical data, judicial records, the Rorschach Test and the PCL-R. This population was compared to 30 subjects referred to as non-criminal population, and who have also been assessed via the same instruments as the sample. The personality of both forensic population groups fulfills ICD-10 criteria for antisocial personality disorder, but differences in terms of their psychic dynamics and personality determinants can be clearly identified, which impacts upon their social behavior in different ways. The accurate identification of such subjects presents multiple implications to the forensic and penitentiary system, and may contribute to reduce recidivism rates as well as violence levels in the country. Validation of the instrument (PCL-R) and identification of the cut-off score for the psychopathic condition (GPD in our notation), for the sample drawn from the Brazilian forensic population has been conducted through the concurrent analysis of both instruments of assessment, resulting in a 23 cut-off score (CI = 21.61 to 24,05). The average value is 28,63 (CI= 26,78 to 30, 48). Sensitivity outcome is 84,8%. Specificity is 100%. The reliability rates found for both instruments were high (Kappa = 0.8735).
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Comparação de traços psicopáticos entre jovens infratores e não-infratores / Comparison of psychopathic traits between young offenders and non-offendersGustavo Bonini Castellana 11 July 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A prática de atos infracionais e comportamento antissocial entre jovens podem estar associados a traços psicopáticos constitucionais (primários) ou ambientais (secundários) presentes no desenvolvimento desses indivíduos. O comportamento antissocial também está associado com a resposta autonômica diminuída diante de estímulos com saliência emocional. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as diferenças de traços psicopáticos primários e secundários entre jovens infratores e jovens da comunidade com nível socioeconômico semelhante. Foi também objetivo a comparação dos padrões de resposta autonômica frente a estímulos visuais agradáveis, neutros e desagradáveis entre os grupos. Métodos: A escala Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) foi utilizada para identificar se jovens infratores do sexo masculino, que cumpriam medida socioeducativa de internação nas unidades da Fundação Centro de Atendimento Socioeducativo ao Adolescente (CASA) em São Paulo, apresentavam diferenças na sua pontuação total, e especificamente no fator 1 ou fator 2 da escala, quando comparados com outros jovens da comunidade, em condições socioeconômicas semelhantes. Para isso foram excluídos da amostra os jovens que apresentavam critérios para Transtornos mentais ou Retardo mental de acordo com a Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) e escala Wechsler de inteligência para adultos (WAIS- III), respectivamente. Foram também excluídos da comparação aqueles que apresentaram pontuação condizente com o critério de psicopatia no Brasil (igual ou maior que 23 pontos na escala PCL-R). A resposta autonômica foi avaliada por meio das medidas de latência, amplitude e labilidade da atividade elétrica da pele (AEP) diante de imagens agradáveis, neutras e desagradáveis do International Affective Picture System (IAPS). Resultados: 39 infratores e 31 jovens do grupo controle foram comparados em relação aos traços psicopáticos. Os grupos apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,01) na pontuação média do PCL-R, sendo 13.4 a pontuação média entre infratores e 2.1 entre não-infratores. Foram encontradas também diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos quando analisadas separadamente as médias de pontuação no fator 1 (p < 0,01) e fator 2 (p < 0,01) da PCL-R. Apesar dos grupos terem apresentado diferença estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,01) nos níveis educacionais, a ANCOVA realizada para comparar os resultados da média de pontuação na PCL-R entre os grupos, controlando para nível educacional, mostrou que a diferença nos resultados da PCL-R permaneceu estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,01). Na comparação da resposta autonômica foi possível a inclusão de 33 infratores com os mesmos 31 do grupo controle. Foram também encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,01) na amplitude da AEP, sendo que o grupo de infratores apresentou maior ativação autonômica para estímulos agradáveis, porém menor ativação autonômica para estímulos desagradáveis. Conclusões: nesta amostra, tanto a presença de traços psicopáticos primários - associados a características constitucionais - quanto de traços psicopáticos secundários - associados a características ambientais, foram maiores entre infratores. No entanto a proporção de cada um destes fatores foi a mesma entre os grupos, com predominância dos traços secundários em ambos os grupos. Portanto não se pode atribuir a delinquência juvenil nesta amostra a nenhum fator especificamente - constitucional ou ambiental-, ainda que os fatores ambientais tenham contribuído de forma mais significativa para os traços psicopáticos na amostra como um todo. Os padrões de ativação autonômica entre infratores indicam que as respostas emocionais destes jovens diante dos estímulos agradáveis e desagradáveis do ambiente são diferentes dos outros jovens da comunidade, apontando características singulares da reação emocional de jovens infratores. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de intervenções amplas, não restritas a aspectos socioeconômicos, na abordagem da delinquência juvenil / Introduction: The perpetration of infractional acts and display of antisocial behavior among young people may be associated with constitutional (primary) or environmental psychopathic traits (secondary) present in their development. Antisocial behavior is also associated with impaired autonomic response to emotionally charged stimuli. The aim of this study was to analyze the differences in primary and secondary psychopathic traits among young offenders and youngsters with similar socioeconomic status in a community. Another objective was to compare the patterns of autonomic response to pleasant, unpleasant and neutral visual stimuli between groups. Method: The Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) scale was used to identify whether male young offenders, who were detained at the units of Fundação Centro de Atendimento Socioeducativo ao Adolescente (CASA) at São Paulo, exhibited total score differences, and specifically for factor 1 or factor 2 of this scale, when compared with other young people in similar socioeconomic conditions from the community. To this end, young people who met the criteria for mental disorders or mental retardation were excluded, ased on the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) and Wechsler adult intelligence scale (WAIS- III), respectively. The comparison also excluded those who presented scores consistent with the criteria for psychopathy in Brazil (equal to or greater than 23 points on the PCL-R). The autonomic response was evaluated by means of latency, amplitude and lability of electrodermal activity (EDA) when presented with pleasant, unpleasant and neutral images from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS). Results: 39 offenders and 31 nonoffenders were compared in relation to psychopathic traits. The groups presented statistically significant differences (p < 0.01) in PCL-R score averages, being 13.4 the average score in the group of offenders and 2.1 in the non-offender group. Significant differences between the groups were also detected when factor 1 (p < 0.01) and factor 2 (p < 0.01) PCL-R score averages were analyzed separately. Although the groups presented statistically significant difference in educational level, the ANCOVA used to compare the PCL-R scores averages between the groups, controlling for educational level, showed that the difference in PCL-R scores remained statistically significant (p < 0,01). In the comparison of autonomic response, it was possible to include 33 offenders with the same 31 from the control group. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.01) in EDA amplitudes were also found, and the group of offenders showed greater autonomic activation to pleasant stimuli, but less autonomic activation to unpleasant stimuli. Conclusions: in this sample, both the presence of primary psychopathic traits (due to inherited characteristics) and secondary psychopathic traits (due to environmental factors) was greater among young offenders. However, the proportion of each of these factors was the same between groups, with predominance of secondary traits in both groups. Therefore, one cannot specifically attribute juvenile delinquency in this sample to any factor - constitutional or environmental - although the environmental factors contributed more significantly to psychopathic traits in the sample as a whole. Patterns of autonomic activation among offenders indicate that the emotional responses of these young people when presented with pleasant and unpleasant stimuli in the environment are different from the other youngsters of the community, indicating particular features in the emotional response of young offenders. These results suggest that addressing juvenile delinquency requires far-reaching interventions, not solely restricted to socieconomic factors
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Early maladaptive schemas and cognitive distortions in psychopathy and narcissismTorres, Cristian, Cristian.Torres@act.gov.au January 2003 (has links)
Personality disorders have traditionally been considered refractory to psychological interventions. Two of the most common, and potentially harmful personality disorders are antisocial personality disorder / psychopathy, and narcissism. Although a great deal of conceptual overlap exists between psychopathy and narcissism, the empirical study of these constructs has proceeded largely independently of one another. Further complicating the discrimination of these constructs is the identification of the bi-factorial nature of psychopathy - conceptualised as primary and secondary psychopathy - as well as the identification of two distinct forms of narcissism, overt and covert. The recent resurgence of interest in the sub-clinical manifestations of these two constructs has led to the development of a number of easily administered instruments to measure each of the psychopathy and narcissism constructs, as dimensional traits, within normal populations. This has provided empirically validated and reliable instruments to further explicate these two overlapping constructs. The first of the two studies reported sought to discriminate between psychopathy and narcissism through the recharacterisation of these constructs in terms of the early maladaptive schemas outlined in Youngs early maladaptive schema theory (Young, 1999). Two hundred and ninety one participants completed questionnaires measuring primary and secondary psychopathy, overt and covert narcissism, and early maladaptive schemas. Findings are consistent with the hypothesis that psychopathy and narcissism are discriminable in cognitive-interpersonal terms, as operationalised by early maladaptive schemas. Findings also call into question the earlier observed hierarchical structure of the Young Schema Questionnaire. The current analysis identified a two-factor structure to the schema questionnaire, rather than the previously stated 5-factors. Having demonstrated the usefulness of understanding psychopathy and narcissism in cognitive-interpersonal terms, the second study sought to further clarify the association between psychopathy and narcissism through the reconceptualisation of these constructs in cognitive terms, through the identification of the cognitive distortions operative in each disorder. One hundred and thirty two participants completed a cognitive distortions questionnaire developed by the author, along with the same measures of primary and secondary psychopathy, and overt and covert narcissism, as those administered in study 1. Findings were interpreted as providing support for the notion of psychopathy representing a sub-category of narcissism. Findings also provide further supportive evidence for the validity of the primary / secondary psychopathy, and overt / covert narcissism distinctions. The further clarification of the factor structure of the Young Schema Questionnaire, and the replication of the reliability and construct validity of the measure of cognitive distortions developed for this research are highlighted as areas for future research.
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Examining the incremental validity of psychopathy versus antisocial personality disorder in understanding patterns of criminal behaviorBraithwaite, Erika 08 1900 (has links)
La psychopathie et le trouble de personnalité antisociale sont deux syndromes reliés qui ont été identifiés comme prédicteurs importants de comportements violents et de criminalité. Cependant, la recherche indique que les facteurs de la psychopathie centrés sur la personnalité ne sont pas des prédicteurs fiables de récidive violente chez les personnes atteintes de maladies mentales. Toutefois, peu d’études se sont centrées sur l’identification des facteurs associés au patron des antécédents criminels. Les 96 hommes de l’étude ont été déclarés non criminellement responsables en raison de troubles mentaux. Ils ont été évalués quant au trouble de la personnalité antisociale ainsi qu’à la psychopathie. Les dossiers criminels de la Gendarmerie Royale du Canada ont également été consultés afin de reconstituer l’histoire criminelle. Les résultats suggèrent que ni les traits de personnalité antisociaux, ni les facteurs de la psychopathie ne démontrent une validité prédictive incrémentielle les uns sur les autres quant au nombre ou à la sévérité des délits. La présence d’un grand nombre de traits antisociaux est associée à un plus grand nombre et à une plus importante sévérité d’actes criminels non-violents. Les résultats sont discutés en termes de l’utilité d’une classification du trouble de personnalité antisociale, et de la pertinence du construit de la psychopathie pour les personnes atteintes de maladies mentales graves. / Psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder are two related yet clinically distinct syndromes both coined as important predictors of violence and criminality. Among the mentally ill, there is increasing evidence that only the behavioral aspects of psychopathy are related to criminality. Studies have shown that the personality-oriented facets of psychopathy add little to the prediction of future violence among the mentally ill. However, few studies have sought to examine whether a lifetime of crime shows the same pattern. A total of 96 men who had been declared not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder participated in this study. Trained interviewers assessed antisocial personality and psychopathy among participants. Official RCMP criminal records were consulted in order to ascertain criminal history. Results suggest that neither antisocial personality disorder traits nor psychopathy facets evidenced incremental validity one over the other regarding a lifetime pattern of offending. A higher number of antisocial traits were related to a greater number and higher severity of non-violent offenses. Results are discussed with regards to the usefulness of the antisocial personality disorder classification, and the applicability of conceptual models of psychopathy to individuals with a severe mental illness.
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Étude de l’association entre la consommation de cocaïne par épisode de binge et les troubles de santé mentaleJuteau, Louis-Christophe 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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