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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Festal apologetics : Syriac treatises on the Feast of the Discovery of the Cross

Bryant, Kelli Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
This thesis argues that the Feast of the Discovery of the Cross offered an occasion to refute religious opposition to the cross and crucifixion in the diverse socio-political contexts encountered by Syriac Christians between the fourth and the ninth centuries. At its inception, the Feast of the Cross promoted the cult of the True Cross, Old Testament typology, and the expansion of the Christian faith, and these features were sufficiently malleable to meet new religious challenges and political contexts. John of Dara's ninth-century homily On the Cross is a lengthy exposition on the veneration of the cross, and it showcases how the feast could be used for apologetic ends. The first chapter focuses on the relic of the True Cross and the theologies of the cross of Eusebius of Caesarea, Cyril of Jerusalem, and Ephrem the Syrian, which shaped later festal celebrations. The second chapter traces the development of the legend of Helena's Invention of the Cross and introduces the most popular Syriac invention legends, the Protonike and Judah Kyriakos legends. The third chapter analyses themes in pre-Arab Conquest Syriac homilies for the Feast of the Cross by Narsai, David Eskolaya, Jacob of Serugh, Severus of Antioch, and Pseudo-Chrysostom. The fourth chapter provides an overview of the dramatic changes of the seventh century during the reign of Heraclius and following the Arab Conquest. Chapter five compares inter-religious debate concerning the cross and crucifixion between Christians and Jews and between Christians and Muslims between the seventh and ninth centuries. Chapter six introduces John of Dara's homily for the Feast of the Cross, which uses the traditional themes, together with apologetic topics, to defend the veneration of the cross. Chapter seven explores the influence of John of Dara's homily on later Syrian Orthodox writers, Moshe bar Kepha and Dionysius bar Ṣalībī.

The sacred and the secular with special reference to Francis Schaeffer's thinking

Potgieter, Raymond Michiel 11 1900 (has links)
Francis Schaeffer presented a Christian world and life-view encompassing the totality of reality as an alternative to a fragmented view of reality. Refinements of dualism are examined from within a theological context giving substance to his understanding of modern world and life-view trends. Dualisms may be traced from the dawn of history of religion. It was Thomas Aquinas who profoundly influenced Western thought into a secular compartment through a synthesis of Christian dogma with Aristotelian presuppositions. The reign of the sacred diminished and a predominantly secular pathway may be traced through disciplines such as philosophy, arts, science and theology. This dissertation suggests that a dualistic analysis of reality is limited in its application. A model is suggested which traces all of reality to its ultimate source, God. The Fall brought about a dialectic which is found within the totality of a Christian world and life-view. / Philosophy, Practical and Sytematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology.

Le corps dans tous ses états. Le corpus poétique, polémique et apologétique de John Donne / What does body mean in the poems, sermons and polemical works of John Donne’s ?

Foucher, Gérard 14 November 2008 (has links)
Dans le corpus, "le corps dans tous ses états" évoque d’emblée l’Incarnation. Mais celle-ci présuppose le corps vivant du fidèle. C’est lui qui donne corps aux semblables sensibles et intelligibles par amour. En retour, ceux-ci le poussent à faire corps avec eux en s’y assimilant. Tel est le Christ, l’Homme-Dieu qui épouse la condition terrestre et donne corps à la métaphore. Son corps est ainsi le milieu qui conjugue les dissemblables du monde en semblables mystiques. Comme les époux qui se fondent en un corps autre, son corps est donc d’un genre troisième et mystérieux. Tout cela prend corps grâce au lecteur, que le corpus suscite car il en partage la langue qui fait corps avec la voix intérieure. Telle est la chair du corpus où s’incarnent le Verbe divin et les métaphores. / John Donne is a Christian. Therefore all his works center around the Incarnation. However, the divine assuming a human body out of love requires first that a living believer should give rise to couples of persons and beings alike though different. Then the believer strives to assimilate himself to the other couple member, as is the rule in a good metaphor. Such is Christ, who is both God and Man as well as a living metaphor. He is a third type of being, made visible in marriage. This is achieved through bodies sharing in the same innate interior words, which starts with the mere act of reading John Donne’s corpus. Finally, the body means Verbum embodied in language.

キリスト教弁証の課題としての教会論 : 大木英夫神学に対するS.ハワーワス、J.H.ヨーダー、H.ナウエンの意義 / キリストキョウ ベンショウ ノ カダイ トシテノ キョウカイロン : オオキ ヒデオ シンガク ニタイスル S ハワーワス J H ヨーダー H ナウエン ノ イギ / キリスト教弁証の課題としての教会論 : 大木英夫神学に対するSハワーワスJHヨーダーHナウエンの意義

徳田 信, Makoto Tokuda 08 September 2022 (has links)
博士(神学) / Doctor of Theology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Die heilsgeschichtliche Theologie Erich Sauers im Kontext missionarischer Verantwortung

Afflerbach, Horst 01 December 2004 (has links)
This dissertation makes an attempt to scientifically investigate Erich Sauer's theology of salvation history for the first time. Sauer grew up in a vital missionary context in the setting of the Open Brethren fellowship and the Alliance Bible School in Berlin. He studied history, philology and theology at the Humboldt University in Berlin, with the goal of promoting missions. Because of an acute eye ailment he was forced to discontinue his studies. He was invited to Wiedenest, where he found his life's work in the Bible School, which had moved in 1919. Here he worked for almost forty years as a teacher and a writer and travelling unceasingly to preach, lecture and hold biblical seminars on the topic of salvation history and missions. His theology, which is indebted to the theory of revelation history, was influenced by federal theology, theology of salvation history and the scientific, exegetic theology of German theological positivism. Sauer derives the authority of Scripture from history and develops a complex, salvation historical model, which is characterised by the classic structure of protology, soteriology and eschatology. His pre-millennial character is not dispensationally restricted, but has, rather, its own independent formation, that allows for the universal dimensions of God's completion act, without supporting a universal redemption theory. Through the high rating that he gives the position of the ecclesia in salvation history, Sauer has achieved a programmatic missions concept, which sees a missions-oriented church within every local church. With this paradigmatic theory, Sauer contributed to a revival of missions in German Brethren congregations, in conjunction with his professional colleague Schrupp. / Christian Spirituality, Church Hist and Missiology / D.Th.

Die Plausibilisierung des christlichen Glaubens in einer postmodernen Gesellschaft : eine kritische Auseinadersetzung mit dem apologetischen Ansatz von Heinzpeter Hempelmann / Making Christian faith plausible in a postmodern society : a critical discussion of Heinzpeter Hempelmann's apologetic approach

Langenegger, Roland 07 1900 (has links)
Text in German / We live in a time of postmodern influence which proclaims that there are no absolute values and all opinions are equal. Consequently it is thought that no one can judge whether something is right or wrong. But, according to the Bible`s instructions, that is exactly what we should do. We shouldn’t conform to the world, but let God change our thinking and being. This is the only way to recognize right or wrong (Romans 12:2). As Christians we have been commissioned by Jesus to carry the gospel into all the world and to lead people to become his followers. For this reason we have to ask the question in this age of how the gospel can be made plausible in a postmodern context and how Christian values can be made understood. H-P Hempelmann has already dealt with such questions intensively. For this reason, this thesis will, among other things, examine his apologetic method. / Wir leben in einer Zeit postmoderner Einflüsse, in der dafür eingetreten wird, dass es keine absoluten Werte gibt und alle Meinungen gleichwertig sind. Dies hat zur Folge, dass angeblich keiner mehr beurteilen kann, ob etwas richtig oder falsch ist. Doch genau dies sollen wir nach den Anweisungen der Bibel tun. Wir sollen uns nicht der Welt anpassen, sondern unser Denken und Wesen von Gott verändern lassen. Nur auf diese Weise ist es möglich, zu erkennen, was richtig oder falsch ist (Röm 12,2). Als Christen haben wir von Jesus Christus den Auftrag erhalten, das Evangelium in alle Welt hinauszutragen und Menschen in seine Nachfolge zu führen. Aus diesem Grund stellt sich in der heutigen Zeit die Frage, wie das Evangelium im postmodernen Kontext plausibilisiert werden kann und wie christliche Werte verständlich gemacht werden können. Heinzpeter Hempelmann hat sich bereits sehr intensiv mit solchen Fragen auseinandergesetzt. Deshalb wird in dieser Arbeit u.a. sein apologetischer Ansatz überprüft. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

On the Problem of Common Ground: Van Til, Dooyeweerd and Thomas Kuhn

Lee, Joongjae January 2001 (has links)
Permission from the author to digitize this work is pending. Please contact the ICS library if you would like to view this work.

Har dagens vetenskap och religion förutsättningar att berika varandra? : en studie utgående från en dialog hos John Templetonstiftelsen

Madfors, Ingela January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats består av en studie av en dialog mellan vetenskap och religion hos den amerikanska filantropiska John Templetonstiftelsen. Syftet har varit att utreda värdet av denna dialog och att få en uppfattning om värdet av dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion i allmänhet i fråga om aktualitet och fruktbarhet för deltagarna, publiken och den allmänna debatten. Den studerade dialogen visade brister i definition och riktlinjer, val av deltagare och diskussionsämne. Argumentationen utgick ifrån deltagarnas personliga tro eller icke-tro och inte utifrån deras kompetensområden inom vetenskap eller religion. Dialogens olika bidrag visade inte på någon större grad av nytänkande, med undantag för två korta essäer som diskuterade nya Gudsdefinitioner. Dessa resonemang fördes dock inte vidare till de debatter som också ingick i dialogen. Trots många brister, där många borde ha kunnat undvikas, visade den studerade dialogen på en vilja till möte mellan oliktänkande och på ett intresse från allmänheten. Med tydliga definitioner och riktlinjer och ett mer aktuellt ämnesval borde därför dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion ha en framtid.</p> / <p>This essay is a study of a dialogue between science and religion at the John Templeton foundation. The aim has been to investigate the value of this specific dialogue and also to get an understanding of the value of dialogues between science and religion in general regarding actuality and fruitfulness for the participants, the audience and the public debate. The study of the Templeton dialogue revealed shortcomings regarding definitions and guidelines, choice of participants and of topic. Furthermore, the argumentation was based on the individual participants belief or non-belief rather than their professional competence areas. The different contributions to the dialogue did not show any higher degree of fresh ideas, apart from two short essays describing new definitions of God. These thoughts were, however, not brought to the debates that were also a part of the dialogue. Despite the shortcomings, where many should have been possible to avoid, the studied dialogue showed willingness from people of different perspectives to meet and the dialogue also gained an interest from the general public. The conclusion of this study is that with clear definitions and guidelines and a well-considered choice of topic, the dialogue between science and religion should have a future.</p>

Har dagens vetenskap och religion förutsättningar att berika varandra? : en studie utgående från en dialog hos John Templetonstiftelsen

Madfors, Ingela January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats består av en studie av en dialog mellan vetenskap och religion hos den amerikanska filantropiska John Templetonstiftelsen. Syftet har varit att utreda värdet av denna dialog och att få en uppfattning om värdet av dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion i allmänhet i fråga om aktualitet och fruktbarhet för deltagarna, publiken och den allmänna debatten. Den studerade dialogen visade brister i definition och riktlinjer, val av deltagare och diskussionsämne. Argumentationen utgick ifrån deltagarnas personliga tro eller icke-tro och inte utifrån deras kompetensområden inom vetenskap eller religion. Dialogens olika bidrag visade inte på någon större grad av nytänkande, med undantag för två korta essäer som diskuterade nya Gudsdefinitioner. Dessa resonemang fördes dock inte vidare till de debatter som också ingick i dialogen. Trots många brister, där många borde ha kunnat undvikas, visade den studerade dialogen på en vilja till möte mellan oliktänkande och på ett intresse från allmänheten. Med tydliga definitioner och riktlinjer och ett mer aktuellt ämnesval borde därför dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion ha en framtid. / This essay is a study of a dialogue between science and religion at the John Templeton foundation. The aim has been to investigate the value of this specific dialogue and also to get an understanding of the value of dialogues between science and religion in general regarding actuality and fruitfulness for the participants, the audience and the public debate. The study of the Templeton dialogue revealed shortcomings regarding definitions and guidelines, choice of participants and of topic. Furthermore, the argumentation was based on the individual participants belief or non-belief rather than their professional competence areas. The different contributions to the dialogue did not show any higher degree of fresh ideas, apart from two short essays describing new definitions of God. These thoughts were, however, not brought to the debates that were also a part of the dialogue. Despite the shortcomings, where many should have been possible to avoid, the studied dialogue showed willingness from people of different perspectives to meet and the dialogue also gained an interest from the general public. The conclusion of this study is that with clear definitions and guidelines and a well-considered choice of topic, the dialogue between science and religion should have a future.


LUIZ CLAUDIO MORAES CORREIA 13 June 2018 (has links)
[pt] O tema do testemunho cristão é o foco principal deste trabalho. Segundo Salvador Pié-Ninot, na sua Teologia Fundamental, o testemunho se apresenta como a nova via empírica, isto é, o novo caminho que, através da vida cotidiana da Igreja com suas experiências diversas, por vezes até paradoxais, se apresenta como motivo coerente e plausível para se crer. Afinal, o testemunho é como que uma condição primeira necessária à credibilidade da fé. Isso é importante na tarefa apologético-dialogal da Teologia Fundamental. Dentro desta, na parte da Eclesiologia Fundamental, o testemunho é tido como elemento-chave de credibilidade na Igreja e passa a ser conhecido como via testimonii, por ser o caminho mais enfático, notório e coerente para a evangelização. A perspectiva do testemunho que, segundo Pié-Ninot é sempre teológico, dá-se no testemunho eclesial como mistério envolto em paradoxo. O testemunho cristão conduz à tarefa apologética, facilitando o diálogo na Igreja, quer pessoal (pela oração a Deus e Liturgia), quer com os irmãos (diálogo ecumênico e inter-religioso); e na diaconia do serviço de amor ao próximo. / [en] The theme of Christian testimony is the main focus of this work. According to Salvador Pié-Ninot on his Fundamental Theology, testimony is presented as the new empirical way. It means a new way in which the daily life of the Church with its various experiences, sometimes even paradoxical ones, presents itself as a coherent and plausible reason to believe. After all, testimony is a first condition required to the credibility of the faith. It is important in the apologetic-dialogical task of Fundamental Theology. Within this, in the part of Fundamental Ecclesiology, testimony is considered as a key element of Church s credibility. It is known as via testimonii, because it is the most emphatic, notorious and coherent way for evangelization. In the perspective of testimony, according to Pié-Ninot, testimony is always theological; it is an ecclesial testimony like a mystery wrapped in paradox. Thus, Christian s testimony drives us to an apologetic task, making Church s dialogue easy. It can be personal dialogue (through prayer to God and in the Liturgy) or with the brothers (in an Ecumenical Dialogue or an Interreligious one). It can also be in a perspective of diakonia in the service of love to our brothers.

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