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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effekten av att använda GeoGebra med arbetsblad för att undervisa gymnasieelever om andragradsfunktioner : En kvasiexperimentell interventionsstudie / The Effect of Using GeoGebra with Worksheets to Teach Upper Secondary Students about Quadratic Functions : A Quasi-Experimental Interventional Study

Gahnfelt, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
GeoGebra är ett dynamiskt matematikprogram, ett slags digitalt verktyg, som kan användas i matematikundervisningen. Tidigare forskning tyder på att undervisning med GeoGebra är mer effektiv än traditionell undervisning sett till elevers kunskapsutveckling, men motsvarande svensk forskning saknas. Denna interventionsstudies syfte är att undersöka om detsamma gäller på en svensk gymnasieskola. Deltagarna i studien är gymnasieelever (N=51) från två klasser, uppdelade i en interventionsgrupp (GeoGebra med arbetsblad) och en kontrollgrupp (traditionell undervisning). Under tre lektioner genomfördes förtest, intervention och eftertest inom området andragradsfunktioner. Materialet skapades utifrån kursplan, tidigare forskning och läromedelsanalys med ramverket ATD och teorin om praxeologier. Resultatet visar att båda elevgrupperna förbättrade sina resultat signifikant från förtestet till eftertestet, med stor effekt. Däremot fanns inga signifikanta skillnader mellan gruppernas eftertestresultat, inte heller på enskilda uppgifter. Interventionens effekt visade sig vara obefintlig. Resultatet ger förvisso belägg för att använda GeoGebra som alternativ till den traditionella undervisningen, men resultatets avvikelse från tidigare forskning gör att vidare studier är önskvärda. / GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics program, a kind of digital tool, which can be used in mathematics education. Previous research indicates that teaching with GeoGebra is more effective than a traditional teaching method in terms of students' knowledge development. However, corresponding Swedish research is absent. This interventional study is performed to investigate whether the same applies at a Swedish upper secondary school. The participants in the study are upper secondary school students (N=51) from two classes, divided into an intervention group (GeoGebra with work- sheets) and a control group (traditional teaching). During three lessons, a pre-test, an intervention, and a post-test were carried out around quadratic functions. The material was created based on syllabus, previous research, and content analysis of the mathematics textbook with the ATD framework and the theory of praxeologies. The result shows that both student groups improved their results significantly from the pre-test to the post-test, with a large effect. However, there were neither significant differences between the groups' post-test results, nor differences with respect to the separate tasks in the tests. The effect of the intervention turned out to be non-existent. The result certainly provides support for using GeoGebra as an alternative to the traditional teaching method, but the result's deviation from previous research makes further studies desirable.

Lower Extremity Anthropometry, Range of Motion, and Stiffness in Children and the Application for Modification and Validation of the Anthropomorphic Test Device

Boucher, Laura C. 18 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Biomechanical Response of Human Volunteers and Surrogates in a Variety of Loading Regimes

Beeman, Stephanie Marie 08 January 2016 (has links)
Unintentional injuries present a major threat to the health and welfare of humans. Over 120,000 deaths and over 30,000,000 non-fatal injuries are estimated annually in the United States. The leading causes of nonfatal injuries vary with age, but falls, motor vehicle collisions (occupants), and being struck by or against are among the top 4 leading causes of unintentional injury for all ages. The loading mechanism that cause forces to be transmitted to the body during these events can cause a wide assortment of injury types with a range of severities. Understanding the biomechanical response to loading in these environments can facilitate efforts in injury mitigation. Biomechanical responses can be quantified by performing controlled laboratory experiments with human volunteers and surrogates, such as anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) and post mortem human surrogates (PMHSs). The overall objective of this dissertation is to quantify the biomechanical response to loading regimes present in motor vehicle collisions, falls, and when being struck by or against an object using human volunteers and surrogates. Specifically, the research will achieve the following: quantify the dynamic responses of human volunteers, Hybrid III ATD, and PMHSs in low-speed frontal sled tests; quantify the neck response of human volunteers and PMHSs in low-speed frontal sled tests; quantify the kinetic and kinematic responses of PMHSs and the Hybrid III ATD in high-speed frontal sled tests; characterize thoracic loading as a result of same level falls using a Hybrid III ATD; and quantify the ability of children to swing sword-like toys and the human kinematic response that could be anticipated as a result of forceful impact using a Hybrid III 6-year old head and neck. / Ph. D.

Contextualização no ensino de física à luz da teoria antropológica do didático: o caso da robótica educacional / Contextualization in the teaching of physics in the light of the anthropological theory of didactics: the case of educational robotics

Schivani, Milton 10 October 2014 (has links)
Um ensino de física contextualizado é fortemente identificado no discurso de professores, educadores e pesquisadores da área, reforçado também pelos próprios documentos oficiais do Ministério da Educação do Brasil. Entretanto, a própria noção de contextualização apresenta diferentes vertentes, algumas das quais têm uma visão simplista e acrítica sobre a contextualização no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Defendemos, contudo, uma contextualização que passe pela problematização e modelização dos saberes disciplinares, partindo de objetos (abstratos ou concretos) de uma dada realidade ou de uma prática social de referência, permitindo ao indivíduo revisitar e perceber o mundo ao seu redor de modo diferenciado, com novas perspectivas e possibilidades de ação. Tal abordagem tende a exigir múltiplas estratégias metodológicas e recursos didático-pedagógicos, dentre os quais destacamos a Robótica Educacional (RE), a qual encontra no ensino de ciências um campo novo de aplicações ainda por ser explorado, seja no cenário nacional seja no internacional. Nossa hipótese é a de que materiais dessa natureza potencializam o desenvolvimento de atividades com problematizações que permeiam uma vasta gama de práticas sociais, possibilitando que a realidade seja percebida e se transforme em objeto de reflexão. Ressaltamos que a RE não se justifica por si só, contar com novos e emergentes recursos oferecidos pelas novas tecnologias não necessariamente implica enriquecimento das aulas, é preciso pensá-las vinculadas às necessidades de formação. Especialmente no ensino de física, é necessário atentar-se ao saber-fazer, práxis, sem se esquecer do discurso lógico que o permeia e auxilia na compreensão desse saber-fazer, o logos. Com foco na Robótica Educacional para fomentar a contextualização, analisamos quatro atividades que fazem uso de kits da Lego no ensino de física. Dessas quatro atividades, duas foram aplicadas para estudantes do primeiro ano do ensino médio em uma escola pública do estado da Bahia, Brasil. Fundamentamos nossa investigação com base na Teoria Antropológica do Didático (TAD), a qual permite modelar o conhecimento por meio de uma Organização Praxeológica (OP) e analisar processos de estudo através dos Momentos Didáticos. Constatamos, dentre outras coisas, que a análise praxeológica gera indicadores que auxiliam numa possível reestruturação e desenvolvimento de sequências didáticas para fomentar o processo de contextualização no ensino de física, tais como os níveis de ressonância, podendo ser interno, um diálogo entre o bloco prático-técnico com o tecnológico-teórico da OP didática, e externo, denominado de Verossimilhança Praxeológica (VP), um diálogo entre a OP didática e a OP de referência. Isso foi feito em termos de tarefas, técnicas, tecnologias e teorias, bem como através da investigação da relação do indivíduo (X) com os objetos (O) contidos em diferentes práticas mas centradas em um mesmo bloco tecnológico-teórico. Assim, esperamos contribuir com soluções e reflexões sobre o desenvolvimento e estruturação de atividades didáticas para melhor contextualizar uma dada realidade na perspectiva que adotamos, além de compreender os limites e possibilidades da robótica nesse cenário educacional. / A physics teaching contextualized is strongly identified in the discourse of teachers, educators and researchers in the area, reinforced also by own official documents of the Ministry of Education of Brazil. However, the very notion of contextualization presents different aspects, some of which have a simplistic and uncritical about the background on the teaching and learning process. We advocate, however, a contextualization that pass by questioning and modeling of disciplinary knowledges, starting from objects (abstract or concrete) of a given reality or a social practice of reference, allowing the individual \"revisit\" and perceive the world around them in different ways, with new perspectives and opportunities for action. Such an approach tends to require multiple methodological strategies and didactic resources educational, among which we highlight the Education Robotics (ER), which is in the teaching of science a new field of applications still to be explored, is the scenario national or international. Our hypothesis is that materials of this nature potentiate the development of activities with problematization that permeate a wide range of social practices, enabling the reality is perceived and become object of reflection. We emphasize that the ER does not in itself justify, rely on new and emerging resources offered by new technologies does not necessarily imply in enrichment classes, it is necessary to conceive them linked to the training needs. Especially in the teaching of physics, you need to pay attention to know-how, praxis, not forgetting the logical discourse that permeates and assists in the understanding of this know-how, the logos. With a focus on Education Robotics to promote the contextualization, we analyzed four activities that make use of kits from Lego in physics teaching. Two activities were applied to students of the first year of high school in a public school in the state of Bahia, Brazil. We have considered the research on the basis of Anthropological Theory of Didactic (ATD), which allows you to model the knowledge through a Praxeological Organization (PO) and analyze processes of study through the Didactics Moments. We found, among other things, that the praxeological analysis generates indicators that assist in a possible restructuring and development of didactic sequences to promote the process of contextualization in physics teaching, such as the levels of resonance, which can be internal, a dialog between the block practical-technical with the technologytheoretical of the didactics PO, and external, called Verisimilar Praxeology (VP), a dialog between the didactics and reference PO. This was done in terms of tasks, techniques, technologies and theory, investigating also the relation of the individual (X) with objects (O) contained in different practices, but focusing on a same block technological-theoretical. Thus, we hope to be able to contribute with solutions and reflections on the development and structuring of didactic activities to better contextualize a given reality in the perspective that we have adopted, as well as understand the limits and possibilities of robotics in this educational scenario.


Guibadj, Abdenacer 28 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'enjeu de cette recherche est l'étude des couches tampons CeO2 et La2Zr2O7 pour supraconducteurs destinés au transport de l'énergie. Nous avons utilisé des méthodes douces et peu onéreuses pour l'élaboration des couches CeO2/SrTiO3 et La2Zr2O7/LaAlO3 tel que la méthode MOD (Metal Organic Deposition) qui s'avère bien adaptée pour la fabrication des couches tampons pour les supraconducteurs déposés (coated conductors). La comparaison de différents précurseurs de Cérium a été faite dans le but d'obtenir le précurseur adéquat pour le processus MOD. Le spin coating a été utilisé pour faire des dépôts de solution de précurseurs Ce(EH)3 et LZ(propionique) sur différents substrats. Les analyses thermogravimétriques des différents précurseurs ont permit la détermination du mode de décomposition (perte de masse en fonction de la température), d'estimer l'humidité absorbée par les précurseurs, de déterminer la température de cristallisation de l'oxyde et de discuter de la nature mixte ou pas du proprionate de lanthane-zirconium. L'analyse de microstructure et de la texture des films CeO2 et La2Zr2O7 est faite par diffraction des rayons X (balayages -2, -scan, -scan et figures de pôles). L'AFM et le MEB ont permis d'étudier la rugosité, la topologie et la morphologie de la surface. Le traitement thermique des couches tampons Ce(EH)3/SrTiO3 et (La(prop)3+ Zr(prop)4)/LAO sous différentes atmosphères nous a permis de différentier la croissance poly cristalline de la croissance épitaxiale. L'élimination du carbone résiduel dans les joints de grains bloquant la croissance des grains a été réalisée par le contrôle de la pression partielle d'oxygène lors du palier de cristallisation ; cette étape permet d'améliorer la texture des couches tampons. La vitesse de montée en température a une influence sur la nucléation dont l'influence a été étudiée. L'augmentation de la vitesse de montée favorise la nucléation hétérogène et diminue le nombre de nucléus, favorisant la naissance de grains épitaxiés plus gros. Finalement, on a réalisé des multicouches CeO2/La2Zr2O7/LaAlO3 et YBaCuO/CeO2/YSZ/IBAD pour valider les différents résultats obtenus.

Élaboration, caractérisation et modélisation des phénomènes de luminescence du monoaluminate de strontium dopé à l'europium et au dysprosium SrAl<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>

Beauger, Christian 02 December 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail est consacré à l'étude d'un pigment phosphorescent (luminophore), le monoaluminate de strontium dopé à l'europium et au dysprosium : SrAl<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> : Eu, Dy. Il a abouti à la modélisation de la luminescence de ce composé (fluorescence & thermoluminescence (TL)), exposée à l'aide du schéma des bandes d'énergie usuellement employé pour décrire ces phénomènes (chapitre IV). Ce système s'est révélé se comporter comme une pile, stockant, sous l'effet de la lumière du jour, de l'énergie sous forme de paires électron/trou dissociées. Chaque partie, piégée par les défauts du luminophore, est libérée par activation thermique a température ambiante. Elles se recombinent ensuite libérant le surplus d'énergie sous forme d'une émission lumineuse verte (525 nm). L'explication de ces mécanismes optoélectroniques à nécessité la compréhension du rôle de chacun des composants du système : la matrice (SrAl<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>) et les éléments dopants (Eu & Dy) identifié séparément. La première partie de ce travail (chapitre II) à pour cela été dédiée à l'étude de la matrice et a permis de mettre au point un mode de synthèse par réaction solide/solide, sous atmosphère contrôlée, entre le carbonate de strontium et l'alumine gamma. L'influence des différents paramètres de synthèse (stœchiométrie des réactants, durée, température et atmosphère de calcination) a permis de caractériser les propriétés optoélectroniques de la matrice (Emission de fluorescence bleue a 440 nm & 3 pics de TL à - 170, -70 et 0°c). Le rôle du dysprosium, puis de l'europium et enfin leur interaction ont fait l'objet d'une étude particulière (chapitre III). L'émission verte à 525 nm a ainsi pu être attribuée à l'europium divalent (Eu<sup>2+</sup>), l'interaction Eu-Dy étant quant à elle responsable du phénomène de phosphorescence.

A (n?o) assun??o da responsabilidade enunciativa em livros did?ticos de l?ngua portuguesa dos 4? e 5? anos

Jales, Adriana Morais 20 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-05-03T22:20:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AdrianaMoraisJales_TESE.pdf: 7183959 bytes, checksum: f56640be800712641ef32815539b8ab9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-04T19:36:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AdrianaMoraisJales_TESE.pdf: 7183959 bytes, checksum: f56640be800712641ef32815539b8ab9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-04T19:36:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AdrianaMoraisJales_TESE.pdf: 7183959 bytes, checksum: f56640be800712641ef32815539b8ab9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / O livro did?tico de L?ngua Portuguesa vem sendo o foco de muitas investiga??es, apesar disso, o tema ainda tem muito a ser discutido, refletido e ampliado. Essa convic??o nos mobilizou a realizar essa investiga??o, buscando responder tr?s perguntas: (1) Como o autor do livro did?tico induz o aluno a se posicionar em quest?es de compreens?o de texto do livro did?tico de L?ngua Portuguesa? (2) Que elos enunciativos s?o usados pelo autor do livro did?tico em quest?es de compreens?o do texto no que diz respeito ? assun??o da responsabilidade enunciativa? e (3) Que elos enunciativos s?o usados pelo autor do livro did?tico em quest?es de compreens?o do texto no que diz respeito ? n?o assun??o da responsabilidade enunciativa? Nessa dire??o, estabelecemos como objetivos identificar, descrever, analisar e interpretar como se materializa em livros did?ticos de L?ngua Portuguesa a (n?o) assun??o da responsabilidade enunciativa. A tem?tica encontra eco nas orienta??es dos Par?metros Curriculares Nacionais - PCN (1998; 2001), que assumem que ?toda educa??o comprometida com o exerc?cio da cidadania precisa criar condi??es para que o aluno possa desenvolver sua compet?ncia discursiva? (BRASIL, 1998, p. 23). Essa assertiva dos PCN (1998; 2001) tem estreita rela??o com nosso objeto de pesquisa, tendo, pois, corroborado para a realiza??o do estudo. Assim, analisamos quest?es de compreens?o de texto elaboradas por autores dos livros did?ticos de L?ngua Portuguesa do 4? e do 5? ano, trabalhados nas escolas p?blicas do munic?pio de Natal - RN, em 2010. Nossa ancoragem te?rica circunscreve-se nos postulados da An?lise Textual dos Discursos - ATD e da Lingu?stica Enunciativa. Subsidiamo-nos, principalmente, em estudos de Adam (2011), N?lke (1994; 2001; 2006; 2009; 2012), N?lke, Fl?ttum e Nor?n (2004), Rabatel (2004; 2005; 2008; 2009), Guentch?va (1994; 1996). A an?lise dos dados revelou que autores de livros did?ticos de L?ngua Portuguesa exploram a compreens?o de texto, induzindo os alunos a responderem quest?es que podem ser, assim, categorizadas: (1) indu??o para a assun??o da responsabilidade enunciativa, (2) indu??o para a n?o assun??o da responsabilidade enunciativa, (3) orienta??o para o estudo do l?xico e da gram?tica e (4) orienta??o de temas extras. Pelos resultados decorrentes da compara??o entre os livros de 4?. e 5?. anos das duas cole??es analisadas, observamos, atrav?s dos elos de (n?o) responsabilidade N?lke (1994; 2001; 2006; 2009; 2012), N?lke, Fl?ttum e Nor?n (2004), que em 79% das quest?es, os autores induzem a decodifica??o de um conte?do objetivamente inscrito no texto. Nesse sentido, a no??o de compreender um texto fica comprometida, uma vez que se limita ? c?pia de conte?dos ou exerc?cios de transcri??o, deixando de contemplar o uso interativo da l?ngua, ou melhor, deixando de ampliar o conhecimento do aluno na (re)constru??o dos sentidos do texto. Isso evidencia que ainda falta um trabalho com o texto que contemple os recursos textual-discursivos nas atividades de leitura nos livros did?ticos de L?ngua Portuguesa. Evocamos, nessa dire??o, os trabalhos de Marcuschi (2005), Antunes (2003, 2005), Bunzen e Rojo (2008), entre outros autores que muito contribu?ram para orientar a escolha de livros did?ticos de L?ngua Portuguesa. Por fim, entendemos que o estudo sobre o fen?meno da responsabilidade enunciativa em livros did?ticos de L?ngua Portguesa oferece, sobretudo, ferramentas para que os interlocutores identifiquem os elementos presentes na enuncia??o e os efeitos que esses elementos trazem para a (re)constru??o dos sentidos nos textos que eles leem e escrevem na sala de aula. / Portuguese textbook has been the focus of many investigations, nevertheless, the theme still has much to be discussed, reflected and broadened. This conviction mobilized us to perform this research, seeking to answer three questions: (1) how does the author of the textbook induce the student to give his opinion in comprehension questions of text in Portuguese textbook of 4th and 5thgrade? Which enunciative links are used by the author of the textbook in comprehension questions of text concerning to the assumption of enunciative responsability? And (3) Which enunciative links are used by the author of the textbook in comprehension questions of text concerning to the non assumption of enunciative responsability? In this direction, we define as objective to id entify, describe, analyze and interpret how the (non) assumption of enunciative responsibility materializes itself in Portuguese textbooks. The theme is echoed in the guidelines of the Par?metros Curriculares Nacionais PCN (1998; 2001), who assume that all education committed to citizenship need to create conditions in order the student can develop his discursive competence" (BRAZIL, 1998, p. 23). This assertion of PCN (1998; 2001) is closely related to our research object, and therefore, it has corroborated to the accomplishment of this study. So, we analyze the comprehension questions of the texts that are elaborated by the authors of Portuguese textbooks of the 4th and 5th grade, used at public schools in the city of Natal-RN in 2010. As a theoretical basis, we have considered the postulates of Textual Analysis of Discourses ATD and Enunciative Linguistics. Our research was mainly based on the studies of Adam (2011), N?lke (1994; 2001; 2006; 2009; 2013), N?lke, Fl?ttum e Nor?n (2004) Rabatel (2004; 2005; 2008; 2009), Guentch?va (1994; 1996). Our data analysis revealed that the authors of Portuguese textbooks explore the reading comprehension, inducing students to answer questions that may be categorized like: (1) induction to the assumption of enunciative responsibility, (2) induction for non assumption the enunciative responsibility, (3) orientation for the study of vocabulary and grammar and (4) orientation of extra themes. The results from the comparison of the books of 4th and 5th grade of the two analyzed collections, we observed through the links of (non) responsability N?lke (1994; 2001; 2006; 2009; 2013), N?lke, Fl?ttum e Nor?n (2004), which in 79% of the questions, the authors induce the decoding of a content objectively inscribed in the text. In this sense, the notion of understanding a text is compromised, since it is limited to copying contents or transcription exercises, failing to consider the interactive use of language, or rather, failing to expand the student's knowledge in the (re)construction of the text of the meanings. This shows that there is a lack in the deal with the text that includes the textual discursive resources in the reading activities in Portuguese textbooks. We recall, in this direction, the works of Marcuschi (2005), Antunes (2003, 2005), and Bunzen Rojo (2008), among others authors who contributed greatly to orient the choice of Portuguese textbooks. Finally, we believe that the study about the enunciative responsibility phenomenon in Portuguese texto oks offers, above all, instruments in order to the interlocutors identify the elements present in the enunciation and the effects that these elements bring to the (re) construction of the meanings in texts that they read and write in the classroom.

Contextualização no ensino de física à luz da teoria antropológica do didático: o caso da robótica educacional / Contextualization in the teaching of physics in the light of the anthropological theory of didactics: the case of educational robotics

Milton Schivani 10 October 2014 (has links)
Um ensino de física contextualizado é fortemente identificado no discurso de professores, educadores e pesquisadores da área, reforçado também pelos próprios documentos oficiais do Ministério da Educação do Brasil. Entretanto, a própria noção de contextualização apresenta diferentes vertentes, algumas das quais têm uma visão simplista e acrítica sobre a contextualização no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Defendemos, contudo, uma contextualização que passe pela problematização e modelização dos saberes disciplinares, partindo de objetos (abstratos ou concretos) de uma dada realidade ou de uma prática social de referência, permitindo ao indivíduo revisitar e perceber o mundo ao seu redor de modo diferenciado, com novas perspectivas e possibilidades de ação. Tal abordagem tende a exigir múltiplas estratégias metodológicas e recursos didático-pedagógicos, dentre os quais destacamos a Robótica Educacional (RE), a qual encontra no ensino de ciências um campo novo de aplicações ainda por ser explorado, seja no cenário nacional seja no internacional. Nossa hipótese é a de que materiais dessa natureza potencializam o desenvolvimento de atividades com problematizações que permeiam uma vasta gama de práticas sociais, possibilitando que a realidade seja percebida e se transforme em objeto de reflexão. Ressaltamos que a RE não se justifica por si só, contar com novos e emergentes recursos oferecidos pelas novas tecnologias não necessariamente implica enriquecimento das aulas, é preciso pensá-las vinculadas às necessidades de formação. Especialmente no ensino de física, é necessário atentar-se ao saber-fazer, práxis, sem se esquecer do discurso lógico que o permeia e auxilia na compreensão desse saber-fazer, o logos. Com foco na Robótica Educacional para fomentar a contextualização, analisamos quatro atividades que fazem uso de kits da Lego no ensino de física. Dessas quatro atividades, duas foram aplicadas para estudantes do primeiro ano do ensino médio em uma escola pública do estado da Bahia, Brasil. Fundamentamos nossa investigação com base na Teoria Antropológica do Didático (TAD), a qual permite modelar o conhecimento por meio de uma Organização Praxeológica (OP) e analisar processos de estudo através dos Momentos Didáticos. Constatamos, dentre outras coisas, que a análise praxeológica gera indicadores que auxiliam numa possível reestruturação e desenvolvimento de sequências didáticas para fomentar o processo de contextualização no ensino de física, tais como os níveis de ressonância, podendo ser interno, um diálogo entre o bloco prático-técnico com o tecnológico-teórico da OP didática, e externo, denominado de Verossimilhança Praxeológica (VP), um diálogo entre a OP didática e a OP de referência. Isso foi feito em termos de tarefas, técnicas, tecnologias e teorias, bem como através da investigação da relação do indivíduo (X) com os objetos (O) contidos em diferentes práticas mas centradas em um mesmo bloco tecnológico-teórico. Assim, esperamos contribuir com soluções e reflexões sobre o desenvolvimento e estruturação de atividades didáticas para melhor contextualizar uma dada realidade na perspectiva que adotamos, além de compreender os limites e possibilidades da robótica nesse cenário educacional. / A physics teaching contextualized is strongly identified in the discourse of teachers, educators and researchers in the area, reinforced also by own official documents of the Ministry of Education of Brazil. However, the very notion of contextualization presents different aspects, some of which have a simplistic and uncritical about the background on the teaching and learning process. We advocate, however, a contextualization that pass by questioning and modeling of disciplinary knowledges, starting from objects (abstract or concrete) of a given reality or a social practice of reference, allowing the individual \"revisit\" and perceive the world around them in different ways, with new perspectives and opportunities for action. Such an approach tends to require multiple methodological strategies and didactic resources educational, among which we highlight the Education Robotics (ER), which is in the teaching of science a new field of applications still to be explored, is the scenario national or international. Our hypothesis is that materials of this nature potentiate the development of activities with problematization that permeate a wide range of social practices, enabling the reality is perceived and become object of reflection. We emphasize that the ER does not in itself justify, rely on new and emerging resources offered by new technologies does not necessarily imply in enrichment classes, it is necessary to conceive them linked to the training needs. Especially in the teaching of physics, you need to pay attention to know-how, praxis, not forgetting the logical discourse that permeates and assists in the understanding of this know-how, the logos. With a focus on Education Robotics to promote the contextualization, we analyzed four activities that make use of kits from Lego in physics teaching. Two activities were applied to students of the first year of high school in a public school in the state of Bahia, Brazil. We have considered the research on the basis of Anthropological Theory of Didactic (ATD), which allows you to model the knowledge through a Praxeological Organization (PO) and analyze processes of study through the Didactics Moments. We found, among other things, that the praxeological analysis generates indicators that assist in a possible restructuring and development of didactic sequences to promote the process of contextualization in physics teaching, such as the levels of resonance, which can be internal, a dialog between the block practical-technical with the technologytheoretical of the didactics PO, and external, called Verisimilar Praxeology (VP), a dialog between the didactics and reference PO. This was done in terms of tasks, techniques, technologies and theory, investigating also the relation of the individual (X) with objects (O) contained in different practices, but focusing on a same block technological-theoretical. Thus, we hope to be able to contribute with solutions and reflections on the development and structuring of didactic activities to better contextualize a given reality in the perspective that we have adopted, as well as understand the limits and possibilities of robotics in this educational scenario.

Validation and Repeatability Testing of a New Hybrid III 6-year-old Lower Extremity

Ryu, Yeonsu 30 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Proportionalitetsbegreppet i den svenska gymnasiematematiken : en studie om läromedel och nationella prov

Lundberg, Anna, L., V. January 2011 (has links)
Proportionalitet är ett centralt begrepp i skolmatematiken. Begreppet introduceras i de lägre stadierna och återkommer i så gott som samtliga kurser från årskurs 9 tillsista kursen på gymnasiet. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur det matematiska begreppet proportionalitet hanteras i den svenska gymnasieskolan. En generell problematik kopplad till detta syfte är hur skolans styrdokument realiseras i läromedel och nationella prov. Fokus för denna avhandling har varit hur proportionalitet hanteras i det svenska gymnasiet i kursen Matematik A i några läromedel och nationella prov. För att undersöka detta utvecklades ett analysverktyg utifrån det teoretiska ramverket i ATD (Anthropological Theory of the Didactic). Av intresse är här relationer mellan de olika nivåerna i den didaktiska transpositionen, som berör just hur skolans styrdokument realiseras i läromedel och nationella prov. För det empiriska studiet av materialet användes från ATD begreppet matematisk organisation, genom att använda ett analysverktyg för att granska typer av uppgifter om proportionalitet, lösningstekniker och teoretiska modeller för proportionalitetsbegreppet. De data som presenterats i denna studie ger en ganska ostrukturerad bild av de matematiska organisationer av begreppsområdet proportionalitet som presenteras i läromedel och i nationella prov och de ser även olika ut när det gäller hur proportionalitet hanteras i läromedlen respektive det nationella provet för Matematik A. Resultatet visar att ungefär var fjärde uppgift i de studerade kapitlen och de nationella proven berör proportionalitet men att begreppet hanteras ensidigt vad avser uppgiftstyp. Skillnader observerades mellan läromedel och nationella prov när det gäller hur lösningstekniker rekommenderas för olika typer av proportionalitetsuppgifter. De två teoretiska modeller för proportionalitet som har undersökts, dvs. statisk och dynamisk proportionalitet, finns representerade i ungefär lika omfattning i både läromedel och nationella prov. Vid uppgifter inom geometri handlar det dock ofta om statisk proportionalitet medan det inomområdet funktioner är vanligare att använda dynamisk proportionalitet. Lärare bör få kunskap om skillnader mellan läromedel och läroplaner, och hur dessa tolkas i nationella prov, så att de i sin verksamhet kan välja det undervisningsinnehåll, inklusive övningsuppgifter, som ger en god variation för eleven kopplat till kursplanernas mål / Proportionality is a key concept in school mathematics. It is introduced in the primary grades, and reappears in almost all mathematics courses from Grade 9 to the last course in upper secondary school. The overall aim of this study is to investigate how the mathematical concept of proportionality is handled in the Swedish upper secondary school. A general problem connected to this end is how the national curriculum is realised in textbooks and national examinations. The focus of this thesis is on how proportionality is handled in the first Swedish upper secondary course in mathematics in some textbooks and national examinations. To examine this an analysis tool based on the theoretical framework of the ATD (Anthropological Theory of the Didactic) was developed. Of interest here are relations between the different levels in the didactic transposition, concerned with exactly how the national curriculum is realised in textbooks and national examinations. For the empirical study of the material the ATD concept of mathematical organisation was used, employing an analytical tool to examine the types of tasks dealing with proportionality, techniques for solving these tasks, and theoretical models for the concept of proportionality. The data presented in this study gives a fairly unstructured picture of the mathematical organisations of the conceptual field of proportionality, as presented in textbooks and in the national tests. They also look different when it comes to how proportionality is handled in the textbooks and the national test for "Matematik A". The result shows that about every fourth task of the chapters and the national tests studied involved proportionality, but that there was a low variation in terms of types of tasks. Differences were observed between textbooks and national tests in terms of how solution techniques are recommended for different types of proportionality tasks. The two theoretical models of proportionality that were studied, ie. static and dynamic proportionality, are represented to approximately the same extent in both textbooks and national examinations. In geometry, it is often static proportionality, while in the field of functions it is common to use dynamic proportionality. Teachers should have access to knowledge of the differences between textbooks and curricula, and how they are interpreted in the national tests, so that they can make deliberate choices in their teaching activities, including exercises, to support a good variety for students linked to curriculum objectives.

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