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Adorno : jazz, industrie culturelle et idéologieTremblay, Benoît 07 1900 (has links)
La critique adornienne du jazz fait parfois l’objet de débats. Ces derniers ont généralement pour objet la nature dite élitiste de ses propos. Cette position critique par rapport au jazz et à la culture de masse, qu’Adorno nomme Kulturindustrie, ainsi que sa théorie esthétique semblent être à l’origine de cette accusation d’élitisme. Ce mémoire a pour objet de mettre en lumière le fondement de cette critique d’élitisme qui s’avère être une incompréhension du rôle que joue sa critique du jazz pour sa philosophie. Il est impératif d’analyser la critique adornienne du jazz en lien avec la dialectique de la raison ainsi que sa théorie esthétique afin d’en saisir la nature exacte. Une analyse de la dialectique de la raison ainsi que les concepts de l’idéologie, de mimésis, d’autonomie et de Kulturindustrie révèle le non fondement de la critique faite à l’égard des propos d’Adorno à l’endroit du jazz. / Adorno’s critique of jazz music is subject of a debate regarding his elitism or lack thereof. More often than not, Adorno is considered to be elitist on account of his aesthetic theory and his critical position on jazz and mass culture which he refers to as Kulturindustrie. This memoir posits that the allegations of elitism directed towards Adorno are the result of a misunderstanding of Adorno’s overall philosophy and the role which his critique of jazz music plays within this whole. The fact of the matter is that Adorno’s critique of jazz can best be analyzed by a philosophical approach that includes an analysis of his dialectic of reason as well as his concept of ideology which Adorno links to his concept of Aufklärung. Furthermore, an analysis of the concept of autonomy and its importance for his critique of jazz and the Kulturindustrie as well as his aesthetic theory is essential to this end. Such an analysis leads to the conclusion that the accusation of elitism is inadmissible.
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Contribution à la conception d'émetteur-récepteur pour microcapteurs autonomesTerrasson, Guillaume 24 November 2008 (has links)
L’étude des réseaux de microcapteurs sans fil met clairement en évidence la contrainte principale de l’autonomie en énergie. En effet, ces microcomposants autonomes et communicants appelés aussi nœuds du réseau sont dispersés dans des lieux parfois peu ou pas accessibles. L’objectif de notre travail est de proposer une méthode de conception d’un émetteur-récepteur adapté à ce type de réseaux. Partant d’une modélisation au niveau système mettant en relief la part prépondérante du module radiofréquence sur la consommation moyenne d’un nœud, nous avons développé trois nouveaux outils de conception correspondant à différents niveaux de modélisation de la chaine de communication. Leur utilisation conjointe et les résultats de simulations obtenus nous offrent la possibilité de mettre en relation les spécifications et les performances d’un module radiofréquence avec la consommation. L’association de ces outils dans une méthode de conception itérative nous a permis de dimensionner une chaine de communication en fonction d’une contrainte de consommation. Finalement, nous avons conçu, fabriqué et testé, un amplificateur faible bruit (LNA ou Low Noise Amplifier) à 868 MHz qui présente des caractéristiques très intéressantes en termes de consommation. / Survey on wireless microsensor networks highlights the main constraint of energy autonomy. In fact, these autonomous and communicating microcomponents named network nodes are scattered into few or not open environment. The goal of our work is to propose a transceiver design method adapted to microsensor networks. After a demonstration of predominant part of RF into the mean power consumption of a microsensor node, we developed three new simulation tools which correspond to different level of transceiver modelling. Their use and obtained simulation results demonstrate the relation between transceiver specifications and performances with power consumption. The association of these tools was used to propose a new design method under power consumption constraint. Finally, we designed, produced and tested a 868 MHz Low Noise Amplifier which presents interesting power consumption characteristics.
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Smluvní volnost v pracovněprávních vztazích / Freedom to contract in employment relationshipSlabý, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the actual extent of contractual freedom in labor law relations from the theoretical perspective and from the perspective of its specific consequences in labor law as well. Therefore the thesis consists of two main parts. In part one, the thesis defines the legal principle concept and continues with the autonomy of the will characteristic, from which the contractual freedom principle derives, and then it describes its restrictions as a reset of both the principle of equality and the principle of protection of the weaker party to contract. As follows, the thesis deals with the position of labor law within the private law area, its historical development, the influence of the Constitutional Court decision no. 116/2008 Coll. and the adoption of the new Civil Code in terms of the labor law contractual freedom extent. The ending of the first part is dedicated to the modern "flexicurity" system that seeks to reach the balance between contractual freedom on one hand and an employee protection within labor law on the other hand. In its second part, the thesis aims to analyze particular appearances of contractual freedom within chosen labor law aspects as it both, shortly describes them and assesses them in terms of the space that they provide to contractual freedom and the amount of...
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Informovaný souhlas pacienta - srovnání české a anglické právní úpravy / Informed consent - comparison of Czech and English lawPham, Bich Ngoc January 2014 (has links)
Informed consent is a basic institution of health services. This work aims at comparison of the basic components of informed consent in the Czech and English law. The beginning is dedicated to the development and the current relationship between patient and doctor. The traditional paternalistic approach that was prevailing until recently in the health care will be examined more in detail. Furthermore, the work deals with the concept of informed consent as such. The components of the informed consent will be specified as well as the form of the informed consent. Disclosure of the risks and other information must precede for the informed consent to be valid and the consent also have to meet the requirements of legal actions. Text will also focus on informed consent of the minors. Finally, an advance decision will be examined including its conditions of validity. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Estetická revoluce a subjektivita / The aesthetic revolution and subjectivityMagid, Václav January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to the question of relation of Schlegel's conception of the "progressive universal poetry" to the principle of the aesthetic autonomy as the central feature of the modern notion of art. Against the opinion of J. M. Bernstein the point of view is defended, according to which Schlegel's theory doesn't undermine but advances the aesthetic autonomy. The interpretation of romantic philosophy in work of Manfred Frank serves as a base for the argument. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first two of them offer the basic outline of the problem of the aesthetic autonomy as the context in which Schlegel's romantic aesthetic is to be examined. The third and the forth chapters introduce the main elements of this theory. The fifth chapter summarizes Frank's interpretation of the philosophy of Friedrich Schlegel. The sixth chapter contains the resume and subsequent challenging of the argument of J. M. Bernstein, who argues that the conception of the "progressive universal poetry" leads to the "philosophical disenfranchisement of art". On the background of its criticism the alternative position is offered, which holds, that Schlegel advances the doctrine of the aesthetic autonomy by replacing the view of an artwork as an actual binding of nature and freedom with the notion of the...
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L'état face à la question des universités : analyse comparative des politiques universitaires en Russie et en France / State and University : comparative analysis of public policy in Russia and FranceYastrebtseva, Anastasia 03 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est destinée à examiner les débats sociaux et philosophiques en leur liaison avec l'actualisation de la « question de l’Université » dans la politique interne de la Russie dans les XIXe et XXe siècles. L'idée de l'Université a été transférée en Russie d'abord de l'Allemagne, puis de la France, tout comme la philosophie russe a été un produit intellectuel passionnant mais emprunté, né de la rationalité occidentale. Cependant l'appareil philosophique occidental n’avait en Russie qu’un caractère instrumental et il a été utilisé en priorité pour la solution de problèmes non philosophiques mais plutôt sociaux, religieux et culturels. L'analyse comparative des politiques universitaires russe et française sous le prisme des discours philosophiques propres à ces deux traditions intellectuelles, permet d'éclaircir l'originalité des modèles d'enseignement général et surtout des modèles universitaires dans leur liaison avec les finalités politiques de ces deux pays. / This thesis examines socio-philosophical discussions related to actualization of « University » as part of Russian public policy in XIX - XX centuries. The University as an idea was brought to Russia from the outside just as Russian philosophy was engendered by Western European rationality. Although a product of the western thought, Russian philosophy was mostly applied focusing on social, religious and cultural problems of the Russian society. Comparative analysis of Russian and French public policy seen through the prism of their respective philosophical discourse reveals unique characteristics of educational and university models and their connection to the policy goals.- Key words: university, nationalism, multiculturalism, academic freedom, autonomy, academic ethics, tolerance
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Autonomizační snahy v Zakarpatské oblasti Ukrajiny po rozpadu Sovětského svazu / Efforts for autonomy in Zakarpattia Oblast of Ukraine after dissolution of Soviet UnionTomčíková, Nelly January 2010 (has links)
Zakarpattia Oblast of today's Ukraine has been a part of Hungarian Kingdom, Czechoslovakia, Soviet Ukraine and then, after collapse of Soviet Union, Ukraine. The main goal of this thesis is to deal with the efforts of Rusins to gain the autonomy since 1848, the economic and social potential to become the autonomous part of Ukraine today and to deal with the question whether Rusins could be considered as the nation or not. Due to isolation of this peripheral part of the state by Carpathian Mountains, Zakarpattia has always been the center of autonomic tendences. According to M. Hroch term "nation" should have its objective (by which he meant language, history, culture etc.) and subjective traits (to realize themselves as a part of the nation). There is rusin language, history and culture, but the national consciousness of beeing Rusin is still missing.
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Darování pro případ smrti / Donation mortis causaDrachovský, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
Donation mortis causa Abstract Inheritance law, in its broader concept donation mortis causa falls, is being referred to as the hearth of civil law since it interconnects both proprietary (contractual) and personal (family) aspects. Czech civil law recodification meant significant change of inheritance law legislation, including renaissance of wide range of legal institutions including donation mortis causa. This thesis aims to comprehensively and critically assess legal regulation of donation mortis causa in the Czech Civil Code. The emphasis is primarily put on problematic aspects of this regulation. The submitted thesis endeavours to find answer to the question of practical usability of the donation mortis causa. Its author attempts to provide a reasonable interpretation of provisions of lex lata concerning the subject matter of this thesis. The solution of the most serious legislative problems is proposed within the summary of the submitted text. As for the structure, this diploma thesis is divided into six parts, with each part being split in chapters and sub-chapters. The first part depicts the genesis and further evolution of the legal institution of donation mortis causa. The second part defines the terms fundamental for the thesis. This part also includes the answer to the ancient question, how to...
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Enjeux sociaux, culturels et éducatifs de la pratique autonome des musiques amplifiées chez les adolescents / Social, cultural and educational implications of the autonomous practice of amplified musics for young people.Bonzon, Catherine 14 November 2011 (has links)
De nombreux jeunes « héritiers » aux pratiques culturelles diversifiées empruntent les nouveaux cursus d’apprentissage institutionnalisés des « musiques actuelles », d’autres en revanche, persistent à rester en marge, persuadés que l’esprit de contre-culture des années cinquante à soixante-quinze (du rock au punk) ou plus récemment de subculture spécifique au rap et aux musiques électroniques (house, techno…) ne sauraient suivre les chemins d’un enseignement formel et sous contrôle de l’adulte éducateur sans risquer de perdre leur âme et leur essence. C’est à ces adolescents que cette étude s’intéresse. Nous nous proposerons d’analyser les enjeux culturels, sociaux et éducatifs liés à leur pratique à travers leurs trajectoires, leurs intérêts et leurs stratégies par une approche articulant la théorie et le processus biographique. Nous appréhenderons les interactions qui se jouent en situation de pratique de la musique en groupe autonome et nous nous demanderons si cette dernière induit un « autre » mode de socialisation ou si elle participe encore à travers le refus des jeunes musiciens à entrer dans un système de scolarisation, à la désocialisation annoncée. Nous verrons que si les pratiques musicales issues du rock et de l’underground furent historiquement un moyen pour la jeunesse de s’opposer au monde adulte à travers la remise en question du modèle de la société de masse, elles participent aujourd’hui d’une esthétisation de la vie, d’une quête d’authenticité et d’identité à travers le groupe, autant que d’une appropriation du monde que l’on infiltrera plus qu’on ne le combattra en utilisant en particulier les nouveaux outils de communication. Cette étude décrit comment la pratique de groupe des musiques amplifiées pour peu qu’elle se déroule dans un cadre de jeu libre, peut influer sur le processus de formation identitaire de l’adolescent et permettre son inscription dans le monde social dans sa double dimension de verticalité (rapport à la tradition et à la socialisation primaire) et d’horizontalité (rapport à la culture générationnelle). Nous nous demanderons d’une part quelles sortes de compétences techniques et musicales, le fait de « jouer de la musique ensemble » permet d’élaborer et d’autre part quels sont les enjeux de l’expérience de cette émancipation intellectuelle et musicale. Cette recherche articule ainsi la dimension de singularité et d’universalité dans la construction de l’individu au regard de son expérience pragmatique de l’art. / “Modern musics”, aesthetics with moving out lines excluded until today from the national musical training centers are for a short time put in the middle of a process of institutionalization with their becoming in the music schools and beyond that, in the “schoolish form” through their assimilation of customs, rites and codes although adapted to this new styles still pledge allegiance to a normative légitimation system, source of stipulated or prohibited behaviors. More and more young “heirs” with diversified cultural practices choose these degree courses for amateur or professional musicians, others on the other hand still stay cut off from the system. In this study, we will take an interest in those who develop their practices of “modern musics” out off formal schoolish educational surroundings and we suggest to analyze the cultural, social and educative stakes of the type(s) through their trajectories, interests and strategies out from the institutionalized and didactical form. We try to find through an ethno methodological approach which will allow us to understand as the interactions between the characters as the musical practices staid until today cut off the cultural legitimity, if these practices introduce “another socialization form”.
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L'autonomie professionnelle à l'épreuve de la vie en couple : étude du droit haïtien à la lumière du droit français / The professional autonomy in the trial of life in couple : study of the right Haitian in the light of the French lawDespinos, Kiria 20 March 2014 (has links)
Étude comparative de l'autonomie professionnelle dans le couple marié en droit français et en droit Haïtien. L'autonomie, consacrée puis méconnue en droit haïtien, est l'exemple d'une intégration ambigüe du droit français dans le droit de la famille en Haïti. Par ailleurs, l'autonomie professionnelle se révèle être une "coutume", qui justifie de revoir la problématique dans un ordre juridique renouvelé. / Comparative study of professional autonomy in the married couple in French law and Haitian law. Autonomy, then devoted unknown in Haitian law, is an example of an ambiguous integration of French law in family law in Haiti. In addition, professional autonomy appears to be a "custom", which justifies a review of the issue in a legal renewed.
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