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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les portes de l'enceinte antique d'Autun et leurs modèles (Gaule, Italie, provinces occidentales de l'Empire romain) / City gates of Augustodunum and their architectural models (Gaul, Italy, Western Provinces of the Roman Empire)

Barriere, Vivien 07 December 2012 (has links)
Augustodunum, civitas Aeduorum, fondée à l’époque augustéenne, fut dotée de quatre portes urbaines : la porte d’Arroux et la porte Saint-André qui sont les mieux conservées, la porte Saint-Andoche dont il ne reste qu’une tour de flanquement et la porte de Rome, depuis longtemps disparue. L’étude stratigraphique du bâti des portes et la réflexion sur le fonctionnement du chantier de construction des portes urbaines d’Autun constituent le cœur de ce travail. Par ailleurs, antiquaires, voyageurs et artistes ont laissé depuis le XVIème siècle de nombreux témoignages de leur visite des portes romaines d’Autun. Ce fonds documentaire considérable, constitué de sources écrites et iconographiques, n’avait jusqu’alors pas été étudié de manière globale. Il a fallu mettre en série les sources textuelles afin de comprendre la part des emprunts aux travaux antérieurs. Un travail semblable de critique des représentations iconographiques des portes urbaines a également été effectué. Complément indispensable de l’étude stratigraphique des élévations conservées, l’étude de cette documentation ancienne a permis de proposer une hypothèse de restitution de l’histoire longue des portes d’Augustodunum de leur construction à nos jours. Le dernier volet de ce travail a consisté à replacer les portes d’Autun dans la série des portes urbaines monumentales de l’Occident romain construites entre le IIème siècle av. J.-C. et le IIème siècle ap. J.-C. mais aussi à présenter de nouvelles propositions de restitution du projet architectural, du plan des portes et de l’organisation interne de leurs tours de flanquement. / Augustodunum, civitas Aeduorum, roman city founded under the reign of Augustus, was equipped with four roman city gates : the gate of Arroux and the gate of Saint André, both well preserved, the gate of Saint Andoche which sole remaining part is a flanking tower, and the gate of Rome, destroyed long ago.The heart of this study lies in the stratigraphic reading of those gates structure and in thoughts about the building site of Autun’s city gates operating process. Moreover, since the 16th century, antiquaries, travelers and artists have described in many ways their visits to the roman city gates of Autun. These accounts constitute a major documentary collection of written and iconographical sources that had never been studied as a whole before. A classification of written sources was necessary in order to understand the borrowings from previous works. A similar work of critical study has been realized for the iconographical representations of the gates. As an essential complement of the stratigraphic reading of remaining elevations of the gates, the ancient archeological documentation study was indispensable to propose a restoration hypothesis of Augustodunum’s city gates long term history from their construction time to nowadays. The last section of this study aims to locate Autun’s city gates in the series of monumental city gates built in Western Roman Empire between the 2nd century BC and the 2nd century AD. Furthermore, that section presents new propositions for the restoration of the architectural project, of the gates plan and of the inner organization of these gates flanking towers.

On the sacramentality of marriage : the divergence of canon law and theology and the inability to maintain the presumption of facere quod facit ecclesia

Pothier, Glen Joseph 11 1900 (has links)
The CIC/83, the living law (ius vigens) of the Latin Catholic Church, contains 110 canons on marriage in cc. 1055 – 1165. [The 1990 Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches contains a similar section, cc. 776 – 866]. The sacred canons, in general, are a compilation of theological statements that are presented in juridical terms. The canons on marriage, like those of the other sacraments, commence with a theological statement defining the essence of the sacrament. The first canon, c. 1055, states that (§1) the marriage covenant, for the baptized, has been raised to the dignity of a sacrament by Christ the Lord and that (§2) a valid marriage contract cannot exist between baptized persons without being a sacrament. A requirement of c. 1099 is that one must not be in error (error iuris) concerning the unity, indissolubility, or the sacramental dignity of marriage. Additionally, c. 1101, §2 states that when by a positive act of the will one excludes marriage itself or an essential element or an essential property, that marriage is invalid. The expectation of cc. 1099 and 1101, therefore, is that sacramentality be included at the time of exchange of consent. From the time of the scholastics, contract and sacrament have been identified as one for the baptized, hearkening to a time when civil legislation attempted to subvert the authority and oversight of the Church regarding (sacramental) marriage. At the Second Vatican Council, the constitution Gaudium et spes reinterpreted marriage as a covenantal relationship between man and woman. A covenant and a contract are not identical terms. More importantly, marriage was again seen as a covenant, and as a covenant, for the baptized, it Father Glen J. Pothier 2 is sacramental. Sacrosanctum Concilium, which set forth principles for the reform of the sacramental and liturgical life of the Latin Church, stated that sacraments presuppose faith. The International Theological Commission identified that there are members of the baptized faithful, Catholic or non- Catholic, who are unbelievers, who may have been baptized as children but have had no further faith elucidation, or, as members of non-Catholic ecclesial communities, do not believe in the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church, or, in particular, that marriage is a sacrament. Such persons would not, then, understand that sacramentality must be exchanged on the day of marriage. Rotal jurisprudence has reflected this change. In addition to the presumption that sacraments require faith, another presumption exists when the Church expects that the baptized marry according to the mind of the Church (the mens Ecclesiae), that is, facere quod facit Ecclesia, ([by] doing what the Church does). But in a society that is weakened by divorce, secularism, and a lack of understanding of what the Catholic Church understands by the sacrament of marriage, this presumption needs to be reexamined. Through research on the historical development of theological and canonical principles, and by means of independent studies of large groups of baptized Catholics and non-Catholics, it becomes increasingly clear that the theologico-juridico principles of c. 1055 and the sacramentality of marriage must be revisited. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics)

On the sacramentality of marriage : the divergence of canon law and theology and the inability to maintain the presumption of facere quod facit ecclesia

Pothier, Glen Joseph 11 1900 (has links)
The CIC/83, the living law (ius vigens) of the Latin Catholic Church, contains 110 canons on marriage in cc. 1055 – 1165. [The 1990 Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches contains a similar section, cc. 776 – 866]. The sacred canons, in general, are a compilation of theological statements that are presented in juridical terms. The canons on marriage, like those of the other sacraments, commence with a theological statement defining the essence of the sacrament. The first canon, c. 1055, states that (§1) the marriage covenant, for the baptized, has been raised to the dignity of a sacrament by Christ the Lord and that (§2) a valid marriage contract cannot exist between baptized persons without being a sacrament. A requirement of c. 1099 is that one must not be in error (error iuris) concerning the unity, indissolubility, or the sacramental dignity of marriage. Additionally, c. 1101, §2 states that when by a positive act of the will one excludes marriage itself or an essential element or an essential property, that marriage is invalid. The expectation of cc. 1099 and 1101, therefore, is that sacramentality be included at the time of exchange of consent. From the time of the scholastics, contract and sacrament have been identified as one for the baptized, hearkening to a time when civil legislation attempted to subvert the authority and oversight of the Church regarding (sacramental) marriage. At the Second Vatican Council, the constitution Gaudium et spes reinterpreted marriage as a covenantal relationship between man and woman. A covenant and a contract are not identical terms. More importantly, marriage was again seen as a covenant, and as a covenant, for the baptized, it Father Glen J. Pothier 2 is sacramental. Sacrosanctum Concilium, which set forth principles for the reform of the sacramental and liturgical life of the Latin Church, stated that sacraments presuppose faith. The International Theological Commission identified that there are members of the baptized faithful, Catholic or non- Catholic, who are unbelievers, who may have been baptized as children but have had no further faith elucidation, or, as members of non-Catholic ecclesial communities, do not believe in the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church, or, in particular, that marriage is a sacrament. Such persons would not, then, understand that sacramentality must be exchanged on the day of marriage. Rotal jurisprudence has reflected this change. In addition to the presumption that sacraments require faith, another presumption exists when the Church expects that the baptized marry according to the mind of the Church (the mens Ecclesiae), that is, facere quod facit Ecclesia, ([by] doing what the Church does). But in a society that is weakened by divorce, secularism, and a lack of understanding of what the Catholic Church understands by the sacrament of marriage, this presumption needs to be reexamined. Through research on the historical development of theological and canonical principles, and by means of independent studies of large groups of baptized Catholics and non-Catholics, it becomes increasingly clear that the theologico-juridico principles of c. 1055 and the sacramentality of marriage must be revisited. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics)

Les espaces du catholicisme francais contemporain : dynamiques communautaires polarisées et recompositions d’un paysage religieux éclaté : (1980-2013) / The aeras of contemporary French catholicism : polarized community dynamics and recompositions of a fragmented religious scene : (1980-2013) / Espacios del catolicismo contemporáneo francés : recomposiciones y dinamicas de un paisaje religioso fragmentado : (1980-2013)

Herbinet, Vincent 03 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à analyser dans la contemporanéité (1980-2013) la trajectoire du catholicisme, dans le sillage de la microhistoire, par l’étude de ses acteurs, de ses territoires et de ses communautés, des modes de gouvernement ecclésial. Nous mettrons en lumière le paradoxe du tissu de l’Eglise locale qui se dilate et se morcelle, mais aussi se contracte et se polarise, obligeant l’Ordinaire, dans son gouvernement, à penser un changement de paradigme : passer du défi de la proximité à celui de l’unité, compte tenu de la pluralité des communautés et des territoires associés. Nous étudierons, pour appuyer nos analyses, les diocèses de Rennes, Autun et Fréjus-Toulon. Un glissement de la logique d’enclos à la dynamique de pôles centralisateurs sera appréhendé, parfois en tensions, par les acteurs d’Eglise, à la lumière de quatre enjeux structurant l’argumentation : le « biotope » (rural/urbain), la diversité communautaire, le militantisme et la question de l’identité (statuts des clercs, coresponsabilité, modalités de l’évangélisation, communautarisme…).L’histoire et la géographie sociale permettront de renouveler les problématiques de l’appartenance spatiale et religieuse en partant d’interrogations sur le territoire selon des indicateurs précis : réseaux de fidèles et des militants, apport des nouvelles communautés (effectifs, choix pastoraux, gouvernement), options épiscopales en faveur de tel territoire ou tel groupe ecclésial… Pour l’historien, l’espace peut être considéré comme un outil heuristique, dans lequel des changements d’échelle se sont imposés dans le temps court. En délimitant nos recherches (1980-2013), nous voulons nous attarder à l’intérieur d’espaces qui ne possèdent plus la relative homogénéité que l’histoire leur prêtait avant le XXème siècle.Nos recherches s’inscrivent dans une structure en trois parties. La première partie se veut avant tout contextuelle, à la lumière de la postmodernité et de la sécularisation qui modifient les modes d’appartenance à une religion déclarée par beaucoup en soins palliatifs. Nous analyserons les liens étroits entre le catholicisme et ses modes d’insertion territoriale (rural/urbain) à partir de nos diocèses de référence. Nous présenterons les dé/recompositions des formes de militantisme dans le diocèse de Rennes, terreau d’Action catholique de plus en plus stérile et laissant la place à une militance familialiste très urbaine.La seconde partie de la thèse abordera les enjeux de la gouvernance ecclésiale dans les trois diocèses d’étude. Nous étudierons, dans le temps court, l’évolution du « munus regendi » des évêques et des prêtres avec le croisement des générations, avec le principe de coresponsabilité et le développement différencié selon les diocèses du diaconat permanent et des laïcs en mission ecclésiale. Nous développerons tout particulièrement le cas toulonnais pour lequel peu d’études approfondies ont été réalisées.Enfin, la troisième partie mettra l’accent sur la problématique du développement croissant d’un catholicisme attestataire polarisé en quête de visibilité. Nous analyserons la genèse du Renouveau et sa trajectoire dans le diocèse de Rennes. Nous nous pencherons particulièrement sur la communauté de l’Emmanuel, sur sa promotion de la nouvelle évangélisation et l’intégralisme de ses modes pastoraux. Ensuite, fort d’une certaine fécondité sacerdotale et d’un dialogue chaotique avec Rome (Motu proprio en 1988 et 2007), la galaxie traditionaliste très hétéroclite reste le cadre de mutations contemporaines que nous étudierons dans les diocèses de Rennes et d’Autun. Enfin, nous changerons d’échelle en nous focalisant sur la ville-sanctuaire de Paray-le-Monial, pôle militant et laboratoire incubateur d’un « nouveau catholicisme », sur l’articulation entre les différents territoires (ville, sanctuaire, paroisse) et les acteurs en place. / This thesis aims at analysing, in the contemporary world (1980-2013), the trajectory of catholicism, in the wake of microhistory, through the study of its actors, its territories and its communities, the modes of ecclesial government. We will highlight the paradox of the fabric of the local Church which expands and fragments, but also contracts and polarizes, forcing the Ordinary, in his government, to think of a paradigm shift: from the challenge of proximity to the one of unity, taking into account the plurality of communities and associated territories. To support our analyses, we will study the dioceses of Rennes, Autun and Frejus-Toulon. A shift from the logic of enclosures to the dynamics of a centralizing pole will be apprehended, sometimes in tension, by Church actors, in the light of four issues structuring the argument: « biotope » (rural/urban), community diversity, activism and the question of identity (status of clerics, co-responsibility, modalities of evangelization, communautarism...).History and social geography will enable us to renew the problems of spatial and religious belonging by starting from questions about the territory according to precise indicators: networks of the faithful and militants, the contribution of new communities (numbers, pastoral strategies, government), episcopal options in favour of a particular territory or ecclesial group... For the historian, space can be considered as a heuristic tool, in which changes of scale have been imposed in short time. By delimiting our research (1980-2013), we want to focus on the interior of aeras that no longer possess the relative homogeneity that history lent them before the 20th century.Our research are presented in a three-part structure. The first part is intended above all to be contextual, in the light of postmodernity and secularization, which modify the modes of belonging to a religion declared by many in palliative care. We will analyse the close links between Catholicism and its modes of territorial integration (rural/urban) from our dioceses of reference. We will present the recompositions of the forms of militancy in the diocese of Rennes, a breeding ground for Catholic Action that is increasingly sterile and leaving room for very urban familyist militancy.The second part of this thesis will address the issues of ecclesial governance in our three dioceses of study. We will study, in the short time, the evolution of the « munus regendi » of bishops and priests with the crossing of generations; with the principle of co-responsibility and the differentiated development according to the dioceses of the permanent diaconate and of the laity in ecclesial mission. We will particularly develop the Toulon case for which few in-depth studies have been carried out.Finally, the third part will focus on the problem of the growing development of a polarized Catholic witness in search of visibility. We will analyze the genesis of the Renewal and its trajectory in the diocese of Rennes. We will look particularly at the Emmanuel community, its promotion of the new evangelization and the fundamentalism of its pastoral modes. Then, with a certain priestly fruitfulness and a chaotic dialogue with Rome (Motu proprio in 1988 and 2007), the very heterogeneous traditionalist galaxy remains the framework of contemporary mutations that we will study in the dioceses of Rennes and Autun. Finally, we will change scale by focusing on the city-sanctuary of Paray-le-Monial, militant pole and laboratory incubator of a « new Catholicism », on the articulation between the various territories (city, sanctuary, parish) and the actors in place. / La modernidad desafía "parroquia civilización". Los cambios en espacial e institucional llevada a cabo por la Iglesia católica, entre ellos diócesis, son simples adaptaciones renovadas o por el contrario, inauguran un proceso de desarrollo en el centro de nuevas áreas de distribución, en particular con el creciente impacto de los nuevos jugadores? Las iglesias se vacían todas partes en Francia, pero las comunidades y diócesis han recuperado algunos lugares para hacer los pilares de las nuevas formas de práctica religiosa, si es posible, la supervivencia no sólo de la institución, sino también la transmisión de la fe. ¿Cuál es el proceso? ¿Es sostenible en el tiempo? ¿Con qué herramientas?

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