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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mind your own business-to-business : En fallstudie om hur användbarhet och användarupplevelse kan förbättras inom e-handelsportaler för B2B.

Ferreira de Alencar, Bruno, Eriksson, Isak January 2016 (has links)
Trots att business-to- business (B2B) är tydligt överrepresenterat inom dagens globala e-handel präglas e-handelsportaler designade för detta ändamål av avsevärt sämre användbarhet och användarupplevelse än de inom andra områden av e-handel. Syftet med denna studie är således att klargöra problemområden gällande användbarhet som kan identifieras i e-handelsportaler avsedda för B2B. Vidare syftar forskningen till att praktiskt redovisa hur systemutvecklingsmetoder, ramverk och designprinciper kan appliceras för att åtgärda identifierade problemområden. För att genomföra studien utfördes intervjuer med en grupp informanter med erfarenhet av e-handelsportaler inom B2B. Utöver detta analyserades en existerande e-handelsportal för B2B som sedan vidareutvecklades utifrån vald teori och tidigare forskning. Resultatet av studien presenterar en uppsättning identifierade problemområden, ett praktiskt exempel på en förbättrad e-handelsportal samt hur en specifik systemutvecklingsmetod, ett ramverk och en uppsättning designprinciper kan tillämpas för att lyfta användbarhet och användarupplevelse. / Despite the fact that business-to- business (B2B) is clearly over-represented in today's global e-commerce, the portals designed for this purpose are characterized by greatly inferior usability and user experience compared to those in other areas of e-commerce. Thus, the purpose of this study is to clarify areas of concern regarding the usability that can be identified in the e-commerce portals intended for B2B. Further the research aims to practically show how system development methodologies, frameworks and design principles can be applied to address the identified problem areas. To conduct the study, interviews were held with a group of informants with experience in e-commerce portals in B2B. In addition, an existing e-commerce portal for B2B was analyzed and re-designed based on the chosen theory and previous research. The results of the study present a set of identified problem areas, a practical example of an improved e-commerce portal as well as how a specific system development approach, framework and set of design principles can be implemented to elevate the usability and user experience.

Práva z vadného plnění v kupní smlouvě s účastí podnikatele / Rights arising from defective performance of contracts of sale involving an entrepreneur

Strakatý, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to identify and analyze problematic aspects of rights arising from defective performance in B2B sale. The analysis is set into a complex description of rights arising from defective performance. The work reflects relevant decisions of courts, national, European and international legal regulations and other texts. The thesis is divided into nine chapters including introduction and ending. The chapters are divided systematically in order to complexly introduce rights arising from defective performance to a reader, while problematic aspects of mentioned legal institute are continuously presented to a reader. In such cases those aspects are always analyzed, relevant propositions of a professional public are discussed, the author critically examines them and presents his own propositions and possible interpretation points of departure. After the introductory chapter the author defines criteria, which are deciding for a legal regime of B2B sale. At the beginning of the third chapter the author explains reasons, why he is using term obligations and rights arising from defective performance instead of a traditional term liability for defects. Then this chapter analyzes sole defective performance, a dispositive nature of obligations arising from defective performance, a...

A influência da imagem do país de origem de empresas brasileiras de alta intensidade tecnológica sobre consumidores organizacionais internacionais nas suas decisões de compra / The influence of country-of-origin\'s image of Brazilian high-tech companies over purchasing decision of B2B consumers abroad.

Silva, Marcus Vinicius Costa de Melo e 06 August 2014 (has links)
Empresas brasileiras que desejam conquistar novos mercados exportando precisam estar atentas aos diversos atributos analisados por compradores corporativos internacionais, alavancando sua competitividade em um cenário de disputa acirrada. Um desses atributos é a imagem do país de procedência dos produtos. Apesar de esse tema já ser abordado há quase cinco décadas na literatura mundial, os estudos a respeito da influência da imagem do país nas transações entre empresas (ditas business-to-business, B2B, ou organizacionais) são ainda em pequena quantidade, no Brasil e no mundo. O objetivo desta dissertação foi analisar a influência que a imagem do Brasil pode exercer sobre consumidores organizacionais de outros países, especificamente no segmento de alta intensidade tecnológica - o setor que mais investe em pesquisa e desenvolvimento no Brasil. Esta pesquisa, empregando o método exploratório de estudos multicasos com três empresas, envolveu seus próprios executivos e compradores internacionais, e traz contribuição à literatura acadêmica, que dispõe de poucas fontes sobre negócios B2B associados com o efeito país-de-origem. A pesquisa foi qualitativa e exploratória, e entrevistas em profundidade foram realizadas em duas etapas, com profissionais de empresas brasileiras que exportam e, em seguida, com consultores, agentes de vendas e compradores de outros países. Algumas entrevistas foram pessoais, e outras, via telefone ou internet. Das cinco proposições do estudo, duas foram confirmadas, uma confirmada parcialmente e duas não foram confirmadas. Encontrou-se que a imagem do país traz impacto à decisão de compra, mas com ressalvas, como o fato de a situação ser ou não de recompra, e dependendo de qual país está comprando. O Brasil foi bem visto especificamente no segmento de aviação civil comercial, a ponto de a Embraer trazer, a quem atua neste segmento, uma imagem positiva do Brasil como desenvolvedor de tecnologias aeronáuticas. O país foi visto negativamente no segmento de automação, nas situações de recompra em que houve experiências negativas com empresas brasileiras vendendo na Europa; positivamente em automação pelo mercado colombiano e de forma neutra por compradores que participam de processos complexos no segmento de energia nuclear - desde que, nesse caso, os requisitos técnicos sejam cumpridos. Para alguns entrevistados do segmento de automação, o Brasil precisa divulgar mais suas tecnologias por meio de incentivos das iniciativas pública e privada, e as empresas brasileiras devem participar de grupos de usuários de suas tecnologias, além de desenvolver parceiros no exterior. Caracterizaram-se como limitações da pesquisa o número de casos e segmentos de alta intensidade tecnológica estudados, assim como questões técnicas relacionadas à má compreensão de trechos das entrevistas pelo telefone ou devido à conexão de internet, quando estes meios foram utilizados. / Brazilian companies which intend to reach new markets abroad need to be conscious to the several cues analyzed by their international buyers, concerning their products. By taking this care, it is possible to leverage their competitiveness in a fierce market scene. One of these cues is the country of origin of the products. Although this theme had been addressed for almost five decades in the world literature, the research related to the country\'s image influence over the transactions between organizations (business-to-business or B2B transactions) is still narrow - in Brazil and in the whole world. This qualitative research targets the influence of Brazil\'s image over international buyers, specifically in the high-technology industries. It uses the exploratory multi-case technique with three Brazilian companies and in-depth interviews with their executives, external consultants and international customers. Some of the interviews were in person, others by internet or telephone. Five propositions are presented, two of which confirmed, other two not confirmed and one of them confirmed partially. The results show that Brazil\'s image brings impact over the purchasing decision of organizational buyers from abroad, but with reservations. It depends on the purchasing situation, if it is a new process or a repurchase. Depending on the country where the interviews were conducted, different opinions appeared, like negative or neutral ones in countries from Europe, and positives in Colombia. Whether bad experiences in the past happened with European buyers, re-purchasing situations bring a negative image to Brazil. It was founded that in case of more complex situations - like the purchase of nuclear power plants items - technical issues were strongly more important than country\'s image, reducing COO effect or almost making it disappear. In addition, Brazil has a positive image in the aviation industry, and Embraer raises the country\'s evaluation as an aeronautical developer to the eyes of organizational buyers from abroad. For some of the interviewees from the automation industry, Brazil needs to disclose its technologies via public or private agencies, and its companies need to be present at technical groups of study and discussion of other countries. The number of cases and industries studied were limitations to this research, and technical issues like the comprehension of some parts of the interviews made via internet or telephone.

Využití event marketingu jako součásti marketingové komunikace společnosti / The use of event marketing as a part of company's marketing communication

Topičová, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the use of event marketing in the communications strategy of OBO Bettermann Praha which operates in business-to-business market in electrical engineering. The first part looks into event marketing from a theoretical point of view. The second part firstly introduces the company OBO Bettermann Praha and its marketing communications. Subsequently is the influence of event marketing on the company's business relations with its customers and business partners explored (currently the main pillar are theater evenings). The survey is conducted by online quantitative questioning of event's participants and qualitative in-depth interview with the director of the company. The survey results are evaluated in the final chapter of the thesis.

Tack för kaffet! : - en analys av konsumentbeteende hos Premium Coffees potentiella kunder

Holmberg, Niclas, Frank, Richard January 2010 (has links)
<p>Hur resonerar potentiella kunder kring inköp av produkten som ens företag tillhandahåller? En av de främsta frågorna hos en marknadsförare, men också en fråga som är aktuell i vår marknadsekonomi i stort. Konsumentbeteende är därför ett givet fält inom företagsekonomin. Men hur går det till när konsumenten är ett företag? Vilka aspekter är viktiga och varför? Vilka marknadsföringsinsatser bör genomföras utifrån denna adderade förståelse? Det är utgångspunkten för denna uppsats. För att kunna svara på dessa frågor har en ny konsumentbeteendemodell utarbetats, vilket skett utifrån befintliga teorier inom konsumentbeteende och då särskilt den så kallade svarta lådan-modellen. Målet med modellen är att kasta ljus över relevanta aspekter och processer som beaktas och gås igenom i samband med inköp inom ett företag.</p><p>Studien avser inköp av kaffemaskiner avgränsat till potentiella kunder för kaffe- och kaffemaskinleverantören Premium Coffee och dess produkt Nespresso, med betoning på större företag i Stockholmsområdet. Informationsinsamlingen har skett med hjälp av enkäter per mail.</p><p>Utifrån vår empiri och analys av denna har vi gjort antagandet att priset är den absolut mest styrande faktorn för gruppen. Det verkar dock som om man kan tänka sig att betala mer om detta ”mer” är konkret och efterfrågat. Hit verkar inte en godare smak och möjligheter till varumärkesbyggande finnas utan snarare värden som miljövänlighet, kvalité och hållbarhet. Vidare kan vi också anta att inköp nästan alltid sker via anbud.</p><p>Utifrån detta kan man dra slutsatser kring vilka insatser som skulle kunna genomföras. Hit hör att berättiga sitt ändå högre pris, men också utforma ett bättre svar på miljöfrågorna och en uppväxling av positioneringsaktiviteterna.</p> / <p>How do potential customers reason concerning the purchase of a product supplied? This is one of the main issues for a marketer, but also an issue that is current in our market economy at large. Consumer behaviour is a given field of business economy. But how does this work when the consumer is a company? What marketing efforts should be implemented based on these new findings? This is the starting point of this essay. To answer these questions, a new consumer model, has therefore, been developed, which is based on existing theories of consumer behaviour and in particular the so-called black box model. The goal of the model is to shed light on the relevant aspects and processes that are reviewed and considered in connection to the purchase of an enterprise.</p><p>The study relates to the purchase of coffee machines to the limited prospects for the coffee and coffee machine supplier Coffee Premium, with an emphasis on large companies in the Stockholm region. Information has been collected using questionnaires by mail.</p><p>Based on our empirical data, we can assume that price is the absolutely most governing factor for the group. They are however willing to pay for more if this "more" is defined and demanded. It does not seem as a better taste and the ability to strengthen the brand are aspects considered as such but rather aspects as quality and durability. Furthermore, we can also assume that the purchase is almost always done through tenders.</p><p>Based on this we are able to draw a number of conclusions about what actions that could be implemented. These include, for example, to review the pricing, combined with the aim to justify the higher prices, but also design a better response to environmental issues and an up shift of positioning activities.</p>

Tack för kaffet! : - en analys av konsumentbeteende hos Premium Coffees potentiella kunder

Holmberg, Niclas, Frank, Richard January 2010 (has links)
Hur resonerar potentiella kunder kring inköp av produkten som ens företag tillhandahåller? En av de främsta frågorna hos en marknadsförare, men också en fråga som är aktuell i vår marknadsekonomi i stort. Konsumentbeteende är därför ett givet fält inom företagsekonomin. Men hur går det till när konsumenten är ett företag? Vilka aspekter är viktiga och varför? Vilka marknadsföringsinsatser bör genomföras utifrån denna adderade förståelse? Det är utgångspunkten för denna uppsats. För att kunna svara på dessa frågor har en ny konsumentbeteendemodell utarbetats, vilket skett utifrån befintliga teorier inom konsumentbeteende och då särskilt den så kallade svarta lådan-modellen. Målet med modellen är att kasta ljus över relevanta aspekter och processer som beaktas och gås igenom i samband med inköp inom ett företag. Studien avser inköp av kaffemaskiner avgränsat till potentiella kunder för kaffe- och kaffemaskinleverantören Premium Coffee och dess produkt Nespresso, med betoning på större företag i Stockholmsområdet. Informationsinsamlingen har skett med hjälp av enkäter per mail. Utifrån vår empiri och analys av denna har vi gjort antagandet att priset är den absolut mest styrande faktorn för gruppen. Det verkar dock som om man kan tänka sig att betala mer om detta ”mer” är konkret och efterfrågat. Hit verkar inte en godare smak och möjligheter till varumärkesbyggande finnas utan snarare värden som miljövänlighet, kvalité och hållbarhet. Vidare kan vi också anta att inköp nästan alltid sker via anbud. Utifrån detta kan man dra slutsatser kring vilka insatser som skulle kunna genomföras. Hit hör att berättiga sitt ändå högre pris, men också utforma ett bättre svar på miljöfrågorna och en uppväxling av positioneringsaktiviteterna. / How do potential customers reason concerning the purchase of a product supplied? This is one of the main issues for a marketer, but also an issue that is current in our market economy at large. Consumer behaviour is a given field of business economy. But how does this work when the consumer is a company? What marketing efforts should be implemented based on these new findings? This is the starting point of this essay. To answer these questions, a new consumer model, has therefore, been developed, which is based on existing theories of consumer behaviour and in particular the so-called black box model. The goal of the model is to shed light on the relevant aspects and processes that are reviewed and considered in connection to the purchase of an enterprise. The study relates to the purchase of coffee machines to the limited prospects for the coffee and coffee machine supplier Coffee Premium, with an emphasis on large companies in the Stockholm region. Information has been collected using questionnaires by mail. Based on our empirical data, we can assume that price is the absolutely most governing factor for the group. They are however willing to pay for more if this "more" is defined and demanded. It does not seem as a better taste and the ability to strengthen the brand are aspects considered as such but rather aspects as quality and durability. Furthermore, we can also assume that the purchase is almost always done through tenders. Based on this we are able to draw a number of conclusions about what actions that could be implemented. These include, for example, to review the pricing, combined with the aim to justify the higher prices, but also design a better response to environmental issues and an up shift of positioning activities.

A model to measure and increase customer perceived relationship quality: A case study / En modell för mätning och förbättring av kunduppfattad relationskvalité: en fallstudie

Nelson, Petter January 2011 (has links)
The competitive market of today is characterized by globalization, increased demands from customers and similarities of products and services. High demands are thus put on organizations ability of differentiating themselves from competitors acting on the same market. Within this area, the customer relationship itself has turned out being an efficient tool. In addition, a high quality customer relationship is considered as an important factor when creating loyal customers, growth, profitability and competitive advantages. In order to reach high quality customer relationships, an ability of identifying and validate actions aimed for relationship quality improvements is needed as well as clear guidelines and managerial support regarding creation of value adding activities supporting such process. This thesis is supposed to, by the creation of a model, make improvement processes of customer perceived relationship quality in a B2B context possible. The model consists of actions and tools aimed for measurement of customer perceived relationship quality and identification of value adding activities from a customer perspective. The developed model is encapsulated by three steps, take-off, investigation and action/evaluation. The developed model was tested in a case study and it turned out to be practically applicable. It had a positive effect on the customer perceived relationship quality and additionally on the dyad´s transaction costs. / Dagens konkurrensutsatta marknad karaktäriseras av globalisering, ökade kundkrav och likheter mellan aktörers produkter och tjänster. Stora krav ställs således på företags förmåga att differentiera sig själva gentemot konkurrenter på samma marknad. Inom detta område har själva kundrelationen och dess kvalité visat sig vara ett effektivt verktyg. En högkvalitativ kundrelation anses vara en viktig faktor i skapandet av lojala kunder, tillväxt, lönsamhet samt konkurrensfördelar. För att driva en organisation i en riktning mot högkvalitativa kundrelationer krävs förmågan att identifiera och validera förbättringsåtgärder samt tydliga riktlinjer för skapande av värdeskapande aktiviteter i ett sådant syfte. Den här rapporten syftar till att genom skapandet av en modell, möjliggöra mätning av den kunduppfattade relationskvalitén samt genomföra förbättringsprocesser av den kunduppfattade relationskvalitén via identifiering av värdeskapande aktiviteter utifrån ett kundperspektiv. Tillvägagångssättet är uppdelat i tre steg med en förberedande fas, följt av en undersöknings samt en implementering/utvärderings – fas. Dess praktiska relevans är testad genom en fallstudie där processen visade sig vara tillämpbar. Vid modellens test visade den sig ha positiv effekt på den kundupplevda relationskvalitén samt även relationens transaktionskostnader.

B2B Application Integration : Why companies choose or not choose to implement B2BAI

Tullgren, Melike, Uyanik, Viktoria January 2006 (has links)
<p>The global business environment of today requires companies to be flexible, in order to quickly react and respond to the ever-changing market. Business-to-business application integration (B2BAI) can be seen as a tool which enables companies to stay competitive and it is often regarded by the theory as a must for survival in today’s fierce business environment. Eventhough the employment of a B2BAI strategy can generate a lot of advantages and opportunities for companies operating within today’s global business environment, there are still many challenges and problems to overcome in order to have a successful B2BAI solution.</p><p>Based on this we found it highly interesting to see whether the theories positive outlook on B2BAI could be supported by an empirical research. In this essay we have therefore studied and identified the underlying reasons and the contributing factors to why or why not companies choose to integrate externally, from the perspective of IT-consulting agencies. Besides this, a description and an explanation regarding the concepts covered by the field of B2BAI have been made in order to facilitate the understanding for the reader. As our intention primarily was to investigate the reasons behind and the contributing factors to why or why not companies choose to integrate, we chose to make qualitative interviews. This, as we were in need of information which described the course of events and expressed individual opinions, in order to achieve the purpose of the essay. Regarding the selection of research objects for the research, the population consists of all IT-consulting agencies in Sweden. The research has however been delimited to a selection of the population, where the sample consists of three IT-consulting agencies located in Jönköping, with experience of B2BAI.</p><p>One of the most interesting discoveries we have made in this research is that the empirical findings agree with the theory in regards of that globalization is a central factor contributing to why companies chose to invest in B2BAI. However, the respondents do not discuss all the advantages of B2BAI mentioned in the theory and emphasize slightly different underlying reasons for choosing to employ a B2BAI strategy. The most central reason for not choosing to employ a B2BAI strategy was according to the respondents due to the lack of knowledge regarding issues relating to the phenomenon and this have not been discussed in the theoretical framework. The challenges with B2BAI stated in the theory, were on the other hand not regarded as issues contributing to not choosing to implement B2BAI. We are under the impression that the advantages and the oppor-tunities with B2BAI carry more weight then the challenges, as the essays empirical findings indicate that the demand for B2BAI today is high and constantly growing.</p> / <p>Dagens globala affärsvärld kräver att företag ska vara flexibla för att snabbt kunna reagera och anpassa sig till den ständigt föränderliga marknaden. Business-to-business application integration (B2BAI) kan ses som ett verktyg som hjälper företag att vara konkurrenskraftiga och i teorier som behandlar ämnet beskrivs det ofta som ett måste för att överleva i dagens tuffa affärsklimat. Trots att tillämpandet av en B2BAI strategi kan generera ett flertal fördelar så finns det fortfarande många utmaningar och problem att bemästra för att kunna få en framgångsrik B2BAI lösning.</p><p>Baserat på detta fann vi det högst intressant att undersöka huruvida teorins positiva bild av B2BAI kunde stödjas av en empirisk studie. I denna uppsats har vi därför undersökt och identifierat de underliggande skälen och de bidragande faktorerna till varför företag väljer eller inte väljer att integrera externt, utifrån ett IT-konsultföretag perspektiv. Utöver detta ges en beskrivning av och förklaring till de begrepp som kunskapsområdet B2BAI innefattar för att underlätta förståelsen för läsaren. Eftersom vår avsikt huvudsakligen var att undersöka skälen bakom och de bidragande faktorerna till varför företag väljer eller inte väljer att integrera, valde vi att genomföra kvalitativa intervjuer. Detta då vi hade ett behov av information som beskrev händelser och uttryckte personliga åsikter för att kunna uppfylla syftet med denna uppsats. Vad gäller urvalet av undersökningsobjekt består populationen av alla IT-konsultföretag i Sverige. Undersökningen har dock avgränsats till tre IT-konsultföretag belägna i Jönköping med erfarenhet av B2BAI.</p><p>En av de mest intressanta upptäckterna vi har gjort i denna undersökning är att empirin överensstämmer med teorin beträffande att globaliseringen är en central bidragande faktor till varför företag väljer att investera i B2BAI. Respondenterna diskuterar dock inte alla fördelar med B2BAI som omnämns i teorin och framhåller delvis andra underliggande skäl till varför företag väljer att använda an B2BAI strategi. Det mest centrala skälet till varför företag inte väljer att implementera en B2BAI strategi var enligt respondenterna på grund av bristande kunskaper beträffande frågor relaterade till fenomenet och detta har inte diskuterats i det teoretiska ramverket. Utmaningarna med B2BAI omnämnda i teorin ansågs emellertid inte vara bidragande faktorer till att inte välja att implementera B2BAI. Vi har fått intrycket att de fördelar och möjligheter som B2BAI medför är av större vikt för företag än de utmaningar och problem som existerar, då uppsatsens empiriska studie pekar på att efterfrågan för B2BAI är stor idag och kon-stant växande.</p>

屬性組合影響B2B網路廣告效果之研究-以關鍵字廣告及橫幅廣告為例 / How Attributes Combination Affects the Advertising Effect of B2B Internet Marketing-The Case of Advertising Copies and Banner Advertisements

歐陽而美, Ouyang, Erh Mei Unknown Date (has links)
2009年全球廣告總量將會降低 6.9%,而網路則會是唯一廣告量成長的媒體。網路廣告中又以關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)所佔總體網路廣告營收的比例最高。關鍵字廣告為當網路使用者搜尋資訊時,鍵入關鍵字,文字廣告即會出現在搜尋結果的網頁中,與網路使用者的搜尋意圖互相連結;而橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)為靜態或動態之圖像式廣告,網路使用者點擊後可連至廣告主網頁。 本研究探討屬性組合如何影響關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)之廣告效果,與B2B企業研華股份有限公司(Advantech Corporation)之數位行銷中心(Digital Marketing Center)合作,配合Google AdWords平台進行廣告投放之實證研究,觀察廣告之點擊率。為了解屬性組合如何影響廣告效果,本研究分為兩個部分:關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)。關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)部分,以「文化差異」與心理學理論之「自由需求(自由感)」之有無為自變項;橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)部分以「廣告尺寸」、「訴求導向」與「廣告主題」為自變項,兩種類型廣告之研究皆以廣告「點擊率」為應變項,試圖觀察不同屬性組合之下的廣告效果,以供B2B企業在執行網路行銷時之參考。 研究結果發現,在具「文化差異」之國家下投放「自由需求(自由感)」之有無的關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy),其廣告點擊率具顯著差異;而「廣告尺寸」、「訴求導向」與「廣告主題」此三屬性組合下,「方型(300 x 250) x 應用領域資訊 x USP」此一廣告屬性組合獲得最佳之廣告點擊率。透過研究觀察,B2B企業可以此為未來關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)文案撰寫與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)文案設計之方向。 / Internet has become the second large media in recent years. For B2B company, Internet Advertising is an important channel to promote brand image and products as well. The most popular formats of Internet Advertising, according to Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), are Ad Copies and Banner Ads, which the revenue accounts for 43% and 19% respectively in 2013. The purpose of this study is to explore, for B2B company, how attributes combination affects the advertising effect. We cooperated with Advantech Corporation, a leading B2B company in providing innovative embedded and automation products and solutions, and used Google AdWords platform to advertise. In this study, we have two parts: Ad Copy and Banner Ad. For Ad Copy, we proposed two attributes: cultural differences and free-will choices; for Banner Ad, we selected three: banner size, appeal orientation, and advertising theme as attributes to verify the effects on ads clicking behavior. Click-through Rate dada were collected and analyzed from Google AdWords tracking system and campaign report. The results showed that Ad copies with free-will choices targeted in both Western and Eastern countries, Banner Ads with rectangle design, solution-oriented and unique selling point created better advertising effects. Furthermore, we also had discussion on the impact from product features and Ad positions to advertising effects. Finally, based on our findings, we provided B2B company marketers further suggestions for Ad Copy and Banner Ad execution and Ad content design.

Digitální marketing na B2B trhu. / Digital marketing on the B2B market.

MARTINÁK, Petr January 2018 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis was to design a digital campaign for Atos IT Solutions and Services, s.r.o., which offers solutions in the B2B market. In the theoretical part of the thesis I have described the concepts related to marketing, digital marketing, the tools used in this field and the steps that the digital campaign goes through, Market analysis, SWOT analysis, campaign goals, target group, campaign budget. In the analytical part, I introduced Atos IT Solutions and Services, s.r.o. company, which operates in the IT sector and offers digital solutions to other companies that are active on the Czech market. At the beginning of this chapter, I analyzed the company's existing marketing activities so that we could, if necessary, build on the company's current activities.

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