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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isnavigering : Finns behovet av vidareutbildning hos svenskt nautiskt befäl?

Hallman, Mattias, Hanner, Tony January 2010 (has links)
I denna undersökning har vi tittat på aktiva svenska nautiska befäls erfarenheter och åsikter om isnavigering i Östersjön. Vi har genom en kvantitativ undersökning försökt bilda oss en uppfattning om hur deras kompetensnivå är i denna speciella miljö, hur de anser attisvintrarna i Östersjön har påverkat deras arbete och om det finns ett behov av en vidareutbildning i isnavigering, samt i så fall vilka moment en sådan kurs skulle behövainnefatta. Vi har även undersökt om de anser att en renodlad isnavigeringskurs borde ingå idagens sjökaptensutbildning i Sverige. Undersökningen visar en varierande egenupplevd kompetens utifrån respondenternas erfarenhet av isvintrar. Undersökningen visar även att de som genomgått en kurs i isnavigering, oberoende av befattning och tidigare erfarenhet, anser sin kompetens vara tillräcklig. Behovet och viljan att genomgå en isnavigeringskurs är högt enligt respondenterna. Mer än hälften av de tillfrågade ville se en renodlad isnavigeringskurs redan under sjökaptensutbildningen. / The aim for this research has been to find out Swedish nautical officers’ thoughts of and their personal opinions on their competence when navigating in ice infested waters in the Baltic Sea. Through a quantitative research method we have tried to build us an understanding on how the nautical officer appreciates his or her competence in this very special environment, how they think that earlier ice winters have effected their duties at work as well as if there is a need for further training in ice navigation and which elements should be included in such training. We have also wanted to investigate active nautical officers’ opinion on including an ice navigation course, in full scale, at the Master Mariner Program in Sweden. The results show that nautical officers’ appreciation of their competence varies on the basis of their experience in years but also that attending a course in ice navigation gives officers, with little experience the appreciation of high competence in navigating ice infested waters. The will and need for a course in ice navigation, according to the results, is relatively high as well as the officers’ opinion on adding a ice navigation course to the curriculum at the Master Mariner Program in Sweden.

Isnavigering : Finns behovet av vidareutbildning hos svenskt nautiskt befäl?

Hallman, Mattias, Hanner, Tony January 2010 (has links)
<p>I denna undersökning har vi tittat på aktiva svenska nautiska befäls erfarenheter och åsikter om isnavigering i Östersjön. Vi har genom en kvantitativ undersökning försökt bilda oss en uppfattning om hur deras kompetensnivå är i denna speciella miljö, hur de anser attisvintrarna i Östersjön har påverkat deras arbete och om det finns ett behov av en vidareutbildning i isnavigering, samt i så fall vilka moment en sådan kurs skulle behövainnefatta. Vi har även undersökt om de anser att en renodlad isnavigeringskurs borde ingå idagens sjökaptensutbildning i Sverige.</p><p>Undersökningen visar en varierande egenupplevd kompetens utifrån respondenternas erfarenhet av isvintrar. Undersökningen visar även att de som genomgått en kurs i isnavigering, oberoende av befattning och tidigare erfarenhet, anser sin kompetens vara tillräcklig. Behovet och viljan att genomgå en isnavigeringskurs är högt enligt respondenterna. Mer än hälften av de tillfrågade ville se en renodlad isnavigeringskurs redan under sjökaptensutbildningen.</p> / <p>The aim for this research has been to find out Swedish nautical officers’ thoughts of and their personal opinions on their competence when navigating in ice infested waters in the Baltic Sea. Through a quantitative research method we have tried to build us an understanding on how the nautical officer appreciates his or her competence in this very special environment, how they think that earlier ice winters have effected their duties at work as well as if there is a need for further training in ice navigation and which elements should be included in such training. We have also wanted to investigate active nautical officers’ opinion on including an ice navigation course, in full scale, at the Master Mariner Program in Sweden.</p><p>The results show that nautical officers’ appreciation of their competence varies on the basis of their experience in years but also that attending a course in ice navigation gives officers, with little experience the appreciation of high competence in navigating ice infested waters.</p><p>The will and need for a course in ice navigation, according to the results, is relatively high as well as the officers’ opinion on adding a ice navigation course to the curriculum at the Master Mariner Program in Sweden.</p>

Från manskap till befäl : en studie om att ta steget inom samma verksamhet

Brandt, Henry, Andersson, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work was to investigate how it is to move in hierarchy from crew to officer within the seafaring profession and how to be affected by this. How you are perceived by the crew when going from to represent a part of a system to represent a different part of the same system and if you are ready to assume the responsibilities of the new role entails? This is relevant and interesting as we will soon is facing at this transition. The work is based on a qualitative approach. The choice of this method gave the information needed for a perfect result. Interviews were conducted through personal meetings with active officers which also provided the opportunity to ask follow-up questions and the respondents were given the opportunity to share their experiences. The results showed that the transition from crew to command seems to be something individual from person to person but consistently has been the feeling that it is a major challenge of excitement and some nervousness. The largest portion prior to having been men from before is that it felt familiar with the safety procedures on board and to have a basic sense of security regarding departures and mooring, loading and unloading. Most felt that it was difficult to give orders to his old sailor colleagues but afterwards it felt more natural.

Kvinnors möjligheter i Försvarsmakten : En studie om faktorer som påverkade det svenska försvarets riktning under 1972–1981 / Women’s opportunities in the Armed Forces : A study of factors that affected the direction of the Swedish defence during 1972-1981

Karlsson, Thea January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to study how the attitude of giving women increased opportunities to get employment as a commander in the Swedish Armed Forces changed during the period 1972-1981. The aim is to show which arguments that dominated the debate in the political parties and in government investigations that affected the outcome of the decisions that were taken in 1978 and 1981 regarding women’s increased opportunities within the Armed Forces. The following three defence branches: the air force, the army and the navy are investigated. A combination of a qualitative and a quantitative method are used with the source material in the form of political decisions and government investigations to answer this study’s questions. The result of this paper shows that the main argument that motivated the change towards giving women increased opportunities to get employment as a commander in the different branches of defence was equality. The second argument is that other western countries have given women better opportunities and increased their possibilities to get employment within the Armed Forces. The third argument is that by giving women increased opportunities to get employment as a commander within the three defence branches could lead to a domino effect and spread equality in other working areas that still are closed for women. The fourth argument is that this may result in loosening up the traditional gender division of labour. The decisions taken in 1978 and 1981 shows that there was a consensus among the parties and there was not any difference in voting when it comes to gender.

Stressade och pressade situationer : En studie om hantering av stressade och pressade situationer ombord utifrån ett ledarskapsperspektiv / Stressed and pressured situations : A study on handling stressed and pressured situations on board from a leadership perspective

Sternemo, Felicia, Musika, Alexander January 2024 (has links)
Studien undersökte hanteringen av stressade och pressade situationer inom sjöfarten genom intervjuer med sex nautiska sjöbefäl. Syftet var att undersöka hur nautiska befäl upplever stressade och pressade situationer ombord på fartyg, vilka metoder och strategier som används för att hantera dessa situationer samt hur erfarenheter kan bidra till framtida ledarskap. Öppna semistrukturerade intervjuer i en neutral miljö användes för att dokumentera sjöbefälens erfarenheter och beteenden i stressade och pressade situationer. Resultaten visar att checklistor och gruppdynamik spelar en viktig roll för att effektivt lösa stressade och pressade situationer. Denna studie betonar vikten av närvaro, snabb problemlösning och övning på checklistor för att förbereda sig för potentiella nödsituationer. Genom att förstå de faktorer som påverkar befälens beslutsfattande och självinsikt under stressade och pressade incidenter, kan slutsatserna dras om hur upplevelsen av sådana incidenter formar framtida ledare. / The study examined the management of stressed and pressured situations within the maritime industry through interviews with six nautical officers. The aim was to investigate how nautical officers experience stressful and pressured situations on board ships, which methods and strategies are used to handle these situations, and how experiences can contribute to future leadership. Open semi-structured interviews in a neutral environment were used to document the experiences and behaviors of maritime officers in a stressful and pressured situation. The results indicate that checklists and group dynamics play a crucial role in effectively resolving stressful and pressured situations. This study emphasizes the importance of presence, rapid problem-solving and practice with checklists to prepare for potential emergencies. By understanding the factors influencing officers decision-making and self-awareness during stressful and pressured incidents, conclusions can be drawn about how the experience of such incidents shapes future leaders.

Tillämpning av utkik enligt TSFS 2012:67 : En studie om hur seniorbefäl tolkar och förhåller sig till kraven om utkik ombord på ett urval svenska passagerarfartyg.

Storm, Willy, Wessman, Marcus January 2013 (has links)
Denna studie berör de regler och reglementen som behandlar ett passagerarfartygs utkik, som återfinns i Transportstyrelsens författningssamling TSFS 2012:67. Dessa regler är framtagna av Transportstyrelsen och ska gälla för samtliga fartyg som seglar under svensk flagg. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på hur fartygens seniorbefäl tolkar och förhåller sig till ovannämnda regler. Undersökningen har genomförts genom intervjuer ombord på fem passagerarfartyg. Respektive intervju utfördes med ett seniorbefäl ombord på vardera fartyg. För att få en så rättvisande studie som möjligt har intervjuer också utförts med personal på Transportstyrelsen. Frågorna som ställdes ombord på fartygen speglar de svar vi fått under mötet med personal på myndigheten. Resultatet av vad vi kom fram till påvisar att medvetenheten är hög vad gäller föreskrifterna. Undersökningen visar också att avsteg görs från att följa reglerna, normalt sett efter bedömning om huruvida det är säkert eller inte. Rutiner ombord är ofta utformade efter två parametrar, till största delen med hänsyn tagen till regelverket men också för att arbetet ombord ska löpa så smidigt som möjligt. De dagliga arbetsrutinerna anses inte få styras av regelverket så till den grad att befälhavarna upplever regelverket som ett hinder. Sammanfattningsvis påvisar studien att kombinationen av att tillgodose samtliga krav vad gäller utkik, samt utföra ett arbete som löper så smidigt som möjligt är svårt att uppfylla. / This study treats the rules and regulations which concern a passenger vessel look out, given in the regulations TSFS 2012:67. These regulations are imposed by the Swedish transport agency and cover all vessels sailing under the Swedish flag. The purpose of this study is to find out how senior deck officers on board Swedish passenger vessels interpret and apply the above mentioned regulation. We have completed this study through interviews on board five passenger vessels which are sailing under the Swedish flag. To receive a fair study the Swedish transport agency has been interviewed, and the questions asked on board the vessels have been designed with the information received by the transport agency in mind.  The result of the study shows that the knowledge about the regulations is high among the senior deck officers. Despite this, the study also shows that deviations from these regulations sometimes are made, usually after a risk assessment made by the officer on watch or the captain. The routines on board are formed mostly with the regulations in mind but the routines are also formed in such way that the work on board can proceed as smooth as possible. The daily work routines are not considered to be governed by the regulations to the extent that the masters perceive the regulations as an obstacle. In conclusion, the study shows that the combination of meeting all the requirements in the terms of look out and do a job which runs as smoothly as possible is hard to meet.

Fartygsbefäls upplevelser av övningar sett till intresse och motivation / Ship's officers' experiences of drills in regards to interest and motivation

Andersson, Oscar, Hedberg, Nathanael January 2024 (has links)
Säkerhetsövningar på fartyg är en central del i verksamheten ombord. Genom övningar kan besättningen förbättra sina kunskaper, och vara beredd på eventuella nödsituationer. Studien syftar till att undersöka och finna faktorer som påverkar besättningens intresse samt motivation kopplat till övningar. Studien genomförs som en kvalitativ intervjustudie med sex svenska nautiska befäl inom handelssjöfarten. Studien använder sig utav ett experturval, detta ansågs vara fördelaktigt då urvalsgruppen bidrar till relevant information för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. I studien har det framkommit att motivationsbrist kan vara ett problem under övningar, vilket är något som måste tas i åtanke när en övning planeras och genomförs. Motivationsbristen kan exempelvis bero på att besättningsmedlemmen upplever att övningar är repetitiva, görs på besättningsmedlemmens lediga tid och att den som håller i övningen också kan vara omotiverad. Befälen spelar en viktig roll i hur utfallet av övningen blir, beroende på deras inställning till övningarna. Med förståelse om att problemet existerar finns det enligt befälen tekniker för att öka motivationen, till exempel ett quiz eller en tipspromenad. Resultaten av studien förväntas medverka till att ge en större förståelse kring motivationens faktor när det kommer till övningar. Med en större förståelse kring motivationens inverkan, kan övningar utvecklas för att öka motivationen och deltagandet hos besättningen. / Ship safety drills are a central part of shipboard operations. Through drills, the crew can improve their knowledge and be prepared for possible emergencies. The study aims to investigate and find factors that affect the crew's interest and motivation linked to drills. The study is conducted as a qualitative interview study with six Swedish nautical officers in merchant shipping. The study uses an expert sample, this was considered advantageous as the sample group contributes to relevant information to answer the study's questions. The study has shown that lack of motivation can be a problem during drills, which is something that must be considered when a drill is planned and carried out. The lack of motivation may, for example, be due to the crew member feeling that drills are of a repetitive nature, are done in the crew member's free time, and that the person conducting the drill may also be unmotivated. The officers play an important role in the outcome of the drill, depending on their attitude towards the exercises. With the understanding that the problem exists, there are, according to the officers, techniques to increase motivation, for example a quiz or a point walk. The results of the study are expected to contribute to a greater understanding of the factor of motivation when it comes to shipboard drills. With a greater understanding of the impact of motivation, exercises can be developed to increase the motivation and participation of the crew.

När larmen tystnar : En fältstudie av ett fartygs brygglarm och dess kausalitet på befälen / Silence of the alarms : A field study of a ships bridge-alarms and their causality on the nautical officers

Carenfelt, Carl Sebastian Robert January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att utforska nautiska befäls attityder till larmen de kan ställas inför på sin brygga och den eventuella kausaliteten. Tidigare forskning inom larm och forskning inom optimering av brygglayouter presenterade ett problematiskt fenomen vilken av Papastavrou och Lehto kallas för cry-wolf. Detta fenomen beskriver att operatörer av system med larm, till exempel sjöfartsofficerare, tenderar att ignorera larmen om de utsätts för en hög frekvens av larm, denna höga frekvens kallar Al-Dabbagh och Tongwen för alarm-floods. Denna studie kommer fram till att cry-wolf fenomenet existerar ombord det fartyg studien utfördes på. Datainsamlingen utfördes med den kvalitativa forskningsmetodiken, främst genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer kompletterades sedan med ostrukturerade observationer vilka utfördes under en nio dagar lång fältstudie. Studiens primärdata analyserades genom innehållsanalyser och detta gjordes ur det hermeneutiska perspektivet. Studien fann att befälen tenderar att ignorera larmen om larmen inte klassas som nödlarm. Vidare presenteras två potentiella lösningar som ämnar ge tillbaka den tyngd larmen borde associeras med. Utöver detta presenteras också en hypotes vilken syftar till att ta reda på om ett givet fartyg påverkas av cry-wolf fenomenet. Denna hypotes måste valideras innan den kan godtas som gångbar för sjöfarten som helhet. / The main purpose of this thesis was to explore nautical officer’s attitudes towards the alarms they may encounter on the bridge and the eventual causality between the officers and their actions concerning the alarms. Earlier research into alarms and research regarding optimization of bridge-layouts presented a problematic theory which Papastavrou and Lehto call cry-wolf. Wherein the operators of systems, or ships, with advanced alarms tend to ignore the alarms if they are subjected to a high frequency of alarms, or alarm-floods as Al-Dabbagh and Tongwen calls it. This study shows that, on board the vessel which the study was conducted, the cry-wolf phenomena exist. The study was conducted on board a Swedish vessel from the hermeneutical perspective. The data collection was done with the qualitative method, primarily through semi-structured interviews and these were then enriched with data from unstructured observations which were made during a nine-day stay aboard said vessel. The collected data has been analysed through content analysis from the hermeneutical perspective and the study reveals that the officers tend to ignore the alarms, unless they are classified as emergency alarms. This study proposes two potential fixes for how to make the alarms less overwhelming and how to give back the importance of the alarms. Furthermore, the study presents a hypothesis which aims to find whether or not a given vessel is subject to the cry-wolf phenomena. This hypothesis needs to be proven in future research before it can be proclaimed as a valid hypothesis.

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