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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


金, 慶美, Kim, Kyoung-mi, 伊藤, 義美, Ito, Yoshimi 25 March 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Social-emotional and behavioral development problems in 1 to 2-year-old children in Northern Finland:reports of mothers, fathers and healthcare professionals

Alakortes, J. (Jaana) 28 August 2018 (has links)
Abstract Background and aims: Growing evidence supports the existence of clinically significant problems in social-emotional/behavioral (SEB) development among infants and toddlers and the importance of early identification of these problems. There is a lack of research on the occurrence and identification of problems in the SEB domain among the Finnish general population of 1 to 2-year-old children. The present study examined these important issues. Given the dearth of earlier research knowledge, particular emphasis was focused on analyzing possible moderating effects of the assessed child’s and informant’s gender on the results. Subjects and methods: Oulu toddler (N = 208, age 18 months), Oulu infant (N = 227, age 12 months), and Oulu Province (N = 1008, age 12 months) samples were collected during 2008–2013 in collaboration with child health centers. Both mothers and fathers completed questionnaires assessing their child´s SEB development (e.g. the Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment; Briggs-Gowan & Carter, 2006) and the family’s sociodemographic characteristics. Child healthcare nurse (CHCN) worry reports concerning the children’s development and family well-being were also gathered. Main results and conclusions: In parental ratings, girls obtained higher SEB competence scores than boys, whereas boys got higher SEB problem scores than girls, particularly among the toddler sample. Thus, boys may have an elevated risk of parent-reported problem behaviors and delays in SEB competences even before the age of 2 years. Compared to fathers, mothers were prone to rate the toddlers higher in both SEB competences and problems, especially with regard to externalizing behavior problems and problems in boys. Elevated interparental rating differences were associated with relatively elevated maternal parenting stress. Therefore, it is recommended to gather data on young children’s SEB development from both parents when possible and to focus clinical attention on the issue if the parental reports differ significantly. Parents and CHCNs seldom recognized SEB problems and delays in competency as problematical in 1-year-old infants, even in the case of infants who were screened to be in the of-concern range on the age-appropriate measure of SEB development. Thus, further efforts are needed for developing the identification of early problems in SEB development by both parents and preventive child healthcare professionals in Finland. / Tiivistelmä Tausta ja tavoitteet: Kasvava näyttö tukee käsitystä, että kliinisesti merkittäviä sosioemotionaalisen ja käyttäytymisen (SEK) kehityksen ongelmia esiintyy jo vauva- ja taaperoikäisillä ja että näiden ongelmien varhainen tunnistaminen on tärkeää. SEK-kehityksen ongelmien esiintymisestä ja tunnistamisesta 1–2-vuotaiden väestössä Suomessa puuttuu tutkimustietoa. Tämä tutkimus arvioi näitä tärkeitä aiheita. Tutkimuksessa huomioitiin erityisesti sekä tutkittavan lapsen että arvioitsijan sukupuolen mahdollinen moderoiva vaikutus tuloksiin, koska aiempaa tutkimustietoa tästä näkökulmasta on vähän. Tutkittavat ja menetelmät: Oulu taapero (N = 208, ikä 18 kk), Oulu vauva (N = 227, ikä 12 kk) ja Oulun lääni (N = 1008, ikä 12 kk) -aineistot kerättiin vuosina 2008–2013 yhteistyössä lastenneuvoloiden kanssa. Sekä äidit että isät täyttivät lomakkeet, jotka arvioivat lapsen SEK-kehitystä (mm. the Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment; Briggs-Gowan & Carter, 2006) ja perheen sosiodemografisia taustatekijöitä. Myös terveydenhoitajan raportit lapsen kehitykseen ja perheen hyvinvointiin liittyvistä huolista kerättiin. Päätulokset ja johtopäätökset: Vanhempien arvioimina tytöt saivat korkeampia pistemääriä SEK-taidoissa kuin pojat, kun taas pojat saivat korkeampia pistemääriä SEK-ongelmissa kuin tytöt, etenkin taaperoaineistossa. Pojilla saattaakin olla kohonnut riski vanhempien raportoimille käytösongelmille ja SEK-kehityksen viiveille jopa ennen 2 vuoden ikää. Isiin verrattuina äidit olivat taipuvaisia antamaan korkeampia pisteitä sekä SEK-taito- että -ongelmaosioissa taaperoikäisten aineistossa, etenkin koskien ulospäin suuntautuvia käytösongelmia ja poikien ongelmia. Suurentuneet eroavaisuudet vanhempien antamissa arvioissa olivat yhteydessä suhteellisesti kohonneeseen vanhemmuuden stressiin äideillä. Onkin suositeltavaa kerätä tietoa pienen lapsen SEK-kehityksestä kummaltakin vanhemmalta, jos mahdollista, ja kiinnittää kliinistä huomiota asiaan, jos vanhempien antamat tiedot eriävät merkittävästi. Vanhemmat ja terveydenhoitajat tunnistivat SEK-ongelmia ja taitojen puutteita harvoin huolenaiheiksi 1-vuotiailla, vaikka nämä vauvat olisivat seuloutuneet huolialueelle ikätasoon soveltuvalla SEK-kehityksen mittarilla. Tarvitaankin lisätoimia, jotta vanhemmat ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset oppivat paremmin tunnistamaan varhaisia SEK-kehityksen ongelmia Suomessa.

Crianças e adolescentes com plumbemia : habilidades sociais, problemas de comportamento, funcionamento intelectual e variáveis sociodemográficas / Social skills, blood lead level, intellectual functioning and social demographics variables in children and adolescents.

Dascanio, Denise 15 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:30:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4501.pdf: 2243826 bytes, checksum: ad73d0b50180de4e9bdabca2d324e1d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-15 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The World Health Organization has established that blood lead levels beyond 10μg/dl can cause neural behavior alterations in children, such as deficits in psychological development, hyperactivity, language development and cognition. This recognized group of potential hazards generated by blood lead level could lead to thinking about compromising of infantile interpersonal relations and social skills. Considering the absence of studies that explore the relation between high lead blood level, cognitive deficits and social skills, behavior problems, and parental educational practices, these seem to be important variables that deserve mensuration. As such, the general objective of this study was to evaluate the relation between the repertoire of social skills, academic and intellectual achievement, the behavior problems, as well as the parental educational practices of children and adolescents with different blood lead levels with a comparation group, without blood lead levels. The sample was composed by 105 participants, their ages varying between 8 and 17 years old, with high and low blood lead level, their respective parents or legal guardians and their teachers. The other 50 participants, with their respective parents or legal guardians and teachers, with the same social demographic characteristics, but without any history of lead intoxication, composed the sample. The participants were divided in three groups: GAP - Group with High Blood Lead Level(higher than 10μg/dl); GBP Group with Low Blood Lead Level (lower than 5μg/dl) and GC Comparation Group(without lead blood levels). The following instruments were used: Criteria of Economical Classification Brasil; Social Skills Rating SSRS-BR (child and professor version); Inventory of Social Skills for Adolescents- IHSA- Del-Prette; the Inventory of Parental Styles- IEP, child and parent version, the WISC-III and the TDE. In order to achieve the objectives proposed here, five articles were produced. One theoretical manuscript, approaching blood lead levels, risk factors and protection, public health issues and the psychology role in dealing with this issue and the effects. . Other referring to the social repertoire, intellectual and academic performance of adolescents with high and low blood levels (Manuscript II). The manuscript III that investigated the variation of social skills, behavior problems and academic competence regarding the blood lead levels, as to verify the possible protective role of social skills. Manuscript IV assessed the educational practices of children caregivers with different lead blood levels. For that, the psychometrics qualities of an inventory were tested, which evaluates the parental styles, both in the mother s perceptions and the son s, the IEP. Finally, Manuscript V, that had the objective of identifying variables (social skills, parenting practices, behavior problems and academic competence) that distinguish the children with and without intoxication by the metal lead and the possible protective role of social skills on behavioral problems in both groups. In general lines, the results showed more losses (more behavior problems, less academic competence and less social skills, when evaluated by the teacher) for the participants with high and low blood lead levels when compared to the group without blood lead levels. In regards to social skills, it has found a discrepancy between the autoevaluation and the teacher s evaluation. In selfevaluation perspective, the infected children evaluated their social skills more positively than their teachers. Research and practical questions are discussed from these results. / A Organização Mundial da Saúde estabelece que níveis de plumbemia acima de 10μg/dl podem causar alterações neurocomportamentais em crianças, tais como déficits no desenvolvimento psicológico, da linguagem e cognição e hiperatividade. Esse conjunto reconhecido de danos gerados pela plumbemia poderia levar a pensar em comprometimentos das relações interpessoais e das habilidades sociais infantis. Considerando a ausência de estudos que explorem a relação entre alta plumbemia, déficits cognitivos e habilidades sociais, problemas de comportamento e práticas educativas parentais, essas parecem serem variáveis importantes de serem mensuradas. Com isto, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi avaliar a relação entre o repertório de habilidades sociais, o desempenho acadêmico e intelectual, os problemas de comportamento, bem como as práticas educativas parentais de crianças e adolescentes com diferentes níveis de plumbemia com um grupo de comparação, sem plumbemia. A amostra foi composta por 105 participantes entre 8 e 17 anos, com alta e baixa plumbemia, seus respectivos responsáveis e seus professores. Outros 50 participantes, com seus respectivos responsáveis e seus professores, com as mesmas características sociodemograficas, porém sem histórico de intoxicação por chumbo, compuseram a amostra, totalizando 155 participantes. Os participantes foram divididos em três grupos: GAP Grupo com Alta Plumbemia (superior a 10μg/dl); GBP Grupo com Baixa Plumbemia (inferior a 5μg/dl) e GC Grupo de Comparação (sem plumbemia). Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil; Sistema de Avaliação de Habilidades Sociais SSRS-BR (versão criança e professor); Inventário de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes IHSA-Del-Prette; o Inventário de Estilos Parentais IEP, versão pais e filhos, o WISC-III e o TDE. Para alcançar os objetivos aqui propostos, cinco artigos foram escritos. Um Manuscrito teórico, abordando a plumbemia, fatores de risco e proteção, questões de saúde pública e a atuação da psicologia em relação a esse fenômeno e seus efeitos. Outro referente ao repertório social, desempenho intelectual e acadêmico de adolescentes com alta e baixa plumbemia (Manuscrito II). O Manuscrito III investigou como variam as habilidades sociais, problemas de comportamento e competência acadêmica em função da plumbemia, de modo a verificar o possível papel protetor das habilidades sociais. Manuscrito IV avaliou as práticas educativas de cuidadores de crianças com diferentes níveis de plumbemia. Para isso, foram testadas as qualidades psicométricas de um inventário que avalia os estilos parentais tanto na percepção das mães como na dos filhos, o IEP. Por fim, o Manuscrito V teve o objetivo de identificar as variáveis (habilidades sociais, práticas parentais, problemas de comportamento e competência acadêmica) que diferenciam as crianças contaminadas das não contaminadas e a possível função protetora das habilidades sociais sobre problemas de comportamento em ambos os grupos. Em linhas gerais, os resultados mostraram mais comprometimentos (mais problemas de comportamento, menos competência acadêmica e menos habilidades sociais, quando avaliadas pelo professor) para os participantes com alta e baixa plumbemia quando comparados ao grupo sem plumbemia. Em relação às habilidades socais, encontrou-se divergência entre a autoavaliação e a avaliação do professor. Na perspectiva autoinforme, as crianças contaminadas avaliaram suas habilidades sociais mais positivamente do que seus professores. São discutidas questões práticas e de pesquisa a partir desses resultados.

Um programa para aprimorar envolvimento paterno : impactos no desenvolvimento do filho

Cia, Fabiana 20 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:44:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2353.pdf: 1825552 bytes, checksum: 42c0ba32f0a2b93a8843a7750f3cc642 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-20 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Children who do not have a positive, secure and affectionate relationship with their fathers, or whose fathers use rigid disciplinary practices, provide inadequate supervision and have infrequent or poor quality interactions with their children, are at greater risk for developing socio-emotional problems and for remaining at lower levels of academic achievement. However, the majority of fathers have little understanding of the importance of their involvement with their children. As such, the primary objective of this study was to evaluate a program designed to improve father involvement and to stimulate the use of parenting practices that foster children s pro-academic behaviors, using measures obtained before and after the intervention as well as one year later (follow-up). The specific objectives included: (a) the comparison of indicators of work conditions, personal and family wellbeing, father involvement and the parents social skills on the pre, post and follow-up tests among the Experimental Group 1 (EG1 composed of fathers who were randomly selected to participate in the intervention program), Experimental Group 2 (EG2 composed of randomly selected mothers who participated in the intervention program) and a Control Group (the remaining, waitlisted parents); (b) comparison of the academic achievement, self concept, behavior problems and social skills of their children at the time of the pre, post and follow-up tests, for those in the EG1, EG2 and CG; (c) examination of the strength of the correlations among these variables, and (d) analysis of parent evaluations of the topics that were addressed and the procedures used in the intervention program. At the times of the pre and post-tests, parent participants included 97 father-mother pairs (29 in the EG1, 34 in the EG2 and 34 in the CG) and 82 of these father-mother pairs at the time of the follow-up tests (24 in the EG1, 29 in the EG2 and 27 in the CG). At the time of the pre and post-tests, data were also obtained from 99 children (there were two sets of twins) 29 from the EG1, 36 from the EG2 and 34 from the CG. At the time of the pretest, these children were eight years old, on average, and 78,8% of them were in Grade 2 while the others were in Grade 1. At the time of the follow-up tests, 84 of these children were re-evaluated (24 from the EG1, 31 from the EG2 and 27 from the CG). In addition, in the first year of the study, 20 teachers (85% of whom had completed university studies) participated in the pre and pos-test phases and a second set of 12 teachers (all of whom had completed university studies) participated in the follow-up phase, given that the children had advanced to the next grade between the post-test and the follow-up. Data were collected with children from three different, public elementary-schools. The intervention program was conducted with the parents during 12 weekly sessions that were 90 120 minutes long, with the GE1 fathers and GE2 mothers. To address the objectives of this study: (a) the parents evaluated their work conditions, their personal and family wellbeing and their social skills repertoire; (b) both parents and their child evaluated the father s level of involvement as a parent; (c) the children s academic achievement, self concept and social skills were assessed; (d) both parents evaluated their child s behavior problems and social skills repertoire; (e) the teachers evaluated the children s academic achievement, behavior problems and social skills, and (f) the fathers from the EG1 and the mothers from the EG2 evaluated the intervention program. Statistical testes (ANOVA and MANOVA) were used to compare the data obtained in the three different phases of the study, for each of the three different types of informants (parents, children and teachers). Pearson correlations were used to examine the bivariate relationships among these variables. With respect to the first objective, comparisons of the results on the pre and post-intervention tests revealed that the fathers in the EG1 were significantly less stressed and there was a significant decrease in the number of disagreeable behaviors that their children presented; both the GE1 and GE2 fathers presented greater satisfaction with respect to their family-role performance, higher frequency of communication with their child, greater frequency of participation in school, cultural and leisure activities with their child, greater participation in school meetings concerning their child, more frequent contact with their child s teacher and listed a greater number of their child s behaviors that pleased them. In terms of the children s gains, a comparison of the pre and post-test results indicate that children in the EG1 presented: (a) higher scores on the Academic Achievement Test (AAT) with respect to the reading sub-test and their overall score, along with higher teacher evaluations of their academic performance; (b) a lower number of internalizing behavior problems (according to their fathers), externalizing and total problems (according to both parents); (c) social skills that were more adequate with respect to self control (for both self and father ratings) and self defense (according to the teachers), and (d) more positive teacher evaluations, across various indicators. Similarly, in comparison with the pre-test, on the post-test, children in the EG2 presented: (a) higher scores on the Academic Achievement Test (AAT) with respect to the reading sub-test and their overall score, along with higher teacher evaluations of their academic performance; (b) a lower number of externalizing and total problems (according to both parents); (c) social skills that were more adequate with respect to Cooperativeness and Self control (according to their fathers) Assertiveness in their coping strategies (according to their mothers), and Cooperation with peers (according to the teachers), and (d) more positive teacher evaluations, across various indicators. The majority of the gains obtained by the fathers and their children by the end of the intervention program were maintained or further improved at the time of the follow-up tests, with the exception of the children s self-evaluations of their social skills on the Self control factor, for which there was a significant decline between the post-test and follow-up test. With respect to the third objective, father involvement was significantly correlated with the children s academic performance, self concept, externalizing behavior problems and social skills, and measures involving the children were significantly inter-correlated. Finally, in general, the intervention program helped the fathers (EG1) and mothers (EG2) in bringing up their children. For example, some parents (22,2%) commented that it became easier for them to deal with the difficulties of parenting, while others (19%) were better able to handle their children s behavior problems, occurring either at home or at school. The parents attributed various important contributions to the intervention program: 27% changed their parenting behaviors, 19% were giving greater importance to their child s opinions and 15.9% commented that their child was more obedient. With respect to the parents acquisition of new social educational skills, 31.7% said that they learned about the importance of respecting their child s opinion and 30.2% said that they learned to set limits for their children. These results indicate the importance of educational interventions for maximizing parental involvement and, as a consequence, improving their children s social emotional development and classroom behavior. / Crianças que não possuem uma relação positiva, segura e afetuosa com o pai ou cujo pai usa práticas disciplinares rígidas, oferece supervisão inadequada e mantém baixa qualidade ou freqüência de interação com seu filho, possuem elevado risco de apresentar problemas no seu desenvolvimento socioemocional e de ter menor desempenho acadêmico. No entanto, a maioria dos homens tem pouco conhecimento da importância do seu envolvimento com seus filhos. Este estudo teve por objetivo principal avaliar uma intervenção que visava aprimorar o envolvimento do pai e estimular seu uso de práticas parentais favorecedoras de comportamentos próacadêmicos por parte dos filhos, comparando medidas obtidas antes e depois da intervenção e um ano depois (follow-up). Os objetivos específicos foram: (a) comparar alguns indicadores das condições de trabalho, do bem-estar pessoal e familiar, do envolvimento paterno e do repertório de habilidades sociais dos pais, nas fases do préteste, pós-teste e follow-up, entre o Grupo Experimental 1 (GE1 composto pelos pais que foram aleatoriamente selecionados para participar da intervenção), Grupo Experimental 2 (GE2 composto pelas mães que participaram da intervenção, com possibilidade de impactos indiretos sobre os pais) e o Grupo Controle (GC composto pelos demais pais interessados, mantidos num grupo de espera); (b) comparar o desempenho acadêmico, o autoconceito, os problemas de comportamento e o repertório de habilidades sociais das crianças, no pré-teste, no pós-teste e no follow-up, entre o GE1, GE2 e GC; (c) avaliar a força das correlações entre essas variáveis e (d) analisar a avaliação dos pais sobre os temas abordados e os procedimentos adotados na intervenção. Participaram deste estudo 97 pares de pais e mães (29 do GE1, 34 do GE2 e 34 do GC) no pré-teste e no pós-teste e 82 destes pares no follow-up (24 do GE1, 29 do GE2 e 27 do GC). Na época dos pré- e pós-testes, dados também foram coletados com 99 crianças, contando com dois pares de gêmeos (29 do GE1, 36 do GE2 e 34 do GC). Na época do pré-teste, estas crianças estavam com média de idade de oito anos, sendo que 78,8% estavam na 2ª série e as demais na 1ª série. Na época do follow-up, 84 destas crianças participaram novamente (24 do GE1, 31 do GE2 e 27 do GC). Além disso, no primeiro ano foram participantes desta pesquisa 20 professoras (85% com 3º grau completo), nas fases do pré-teste e pós-teste e um segundo conjunto de 12 professoras (todas com 3º grau completo) no follow-up, uma vez que as crianças haviam mudado de série entre o pós-teste e o follow-up. A coleta de dados ocorreu com crianças de três escolas públicas de ensino básico. Realizou-se a intervenção com os pais em 12 sessões, com encontros semanais de 90 a 120 minutos de duração, participando os pais do GE1 e as mães do GE2. Para responder aos objetivos: (a) os pais avaliaram suas condições de trabalho, seu bem-estar pessoal e familiar e seu repertório de habilidades sociais; (b) ambos os pais e seu filho avaliaram o grau de envolvimento paterno por parte dos pais; (c) as crianças foram avaliadas em relação ao seu desempenho acadêmico, autoconceito e repertório de habilidades sociais; (d) ambos os pais avaliaram os problemas de comportamento e o repertório de habilidades sociais de seus filhos; (e) as professoras avaliaram o desempenho acadêmico, os problemas de comportamento e o repertório de habilidades sociais das crianças e (f) os pais do GE1 e as mães do GE2 avaliaram o programa de intervenção. Para comparar os dados obtidos nos três momentos do estudo, para cada um dos três tipos de informantes (os pais, as crianças e as professoras), foram utilizados testes estatísticos (ANOVA, MANOVA); para verificar as relações bivariadas entre estas variáveis, usou-se correlações de Pearson. Em relação ao primeiro objetivo, ao comparar os resultados dos pré e póstestes, verificou-se que os pais do GE1 tiveram uma diminuição no nível de estresse e apontaram um menor número de comportamentos do filho que os desagradavam; os pais do GE1 e do GE2 apresentaram maior satisfação quanto ao desempenho no papel familiar, maior freqüência de comunicação com o filho, maior freqüência de participação nas atividades escolares, culturais e de lazer do filho, maior participação nas reuniões escolares do filho, maior freqüência de contato com a professora do filho e listaram um maior número de comportamentos do filho que os agradavam. No que diz respeito aos ganhos obtidos pelas crianças, ao comparar os resultados entre o pré e pósteste, verifica-se que as crianças do GE1 apresentaram: (a) melhores resultados no Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE) em relação ao sub-teste de leitura e à pontuação total, junto com avaliações melhores do seu desempenho acadêmico, por parte das professoras; (b) menor índice de problemas de comportamento internalizantes (segundo os pais, mas não as mães), externalizantes e total (segundo ambos os pais); (c) um repertório de habilidades sociais mais adequados em termos de Autocontrole (segundo as crianças e os pais) e Autodefesa (segundo as professoras) e (d) avaliações mais positivas por parte das professoras, em vários indicadores. De forma parecida, em comparação com o pré-teste, no pós-teste, as crianças do GE2 apresentaram: (a) melhores resultados no Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE) em relação ao sub-teste de leitura e à pontuação total, junto com avaliações melhores do seu desempenho acadêmico, por parte das professoras; (b) menor índice de problemas de comportamento externalizantes e total (segundo ambos os pais); (c) um repertório de habilidades sociais mais adequados em termos de Cooperação e Autocontrole (segundo os pais), Asserção de enfrentamento (segundo as mães) e Cooperação com pares (segundo as professoras) e (d) avaliações mais positivas por parte das professoras, em vários indicadores. A maioria dos ganhos adquiridos pelos pais e pelas crianças, após o programa de intervenção, se mantiveram ou aumentaram mais ainda na fase de follow-up, com exceção da avaliação das crianças, quanto ao próprio repertório de habilidades sociais, no fator Autocontrole, em que houve uma queda significativa de repertório entre as fases de pós-teste e follow-up. Respondendo ao terceiro objetivo, o envolvimento paterno estava significativamente correlacionado com o desempenho acadêmico, o autoconceito, os problemas de comportamento externalizantes e o repertório de habilidades sociais das crianças e as medidas envolvendo as crianças estavam correlacionadas entre si. Por fim, de modo geral, o programa de intervenção ajudou os pais (GE1) e as mães (GE2) na educação dos filhos. Por exemplo, alguns (22,2%) comentaram que passaram a tratar com mais facilidade os problemas enfrentados na educação dos filhos e outros (19%) estavam lidando melhor com os problemas de comportamento dos filhos, ocorrendo em casa ou na escola. Os pais atribuíram várias contribuições importantes ao grupo de intervenção: 27% deles mudaram a maneira de educar o filho, 19% passaram a respeitar mais as opiniões do filho e 15,9% apontaram que o filho estava sendo mais obediente. Quanto ao aprendizado de novas habilidades socioeducativas, 31,7% comentaram que aprenderam a importância de respeitar a opinião do filho e 30,2% que aprenderam a impor limites aos seus filhos. Esses dados mostram a importância de realizar intervenções educativas para maximizar o envolvimento parental e, conseqüentemente, melhorar o desenvolvimento socioemocional e comportamento dos alunos em sala de aula.

Efeitos de uma intervenção com monitores de Organização Não-Governamental para minimizar problemas de comportamento em crianças

Costa, Carolina Severino Lopes da 23 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:44:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2993.pdf: 2011345 bytes, checksum: f77b5072d3f4355c6fd100c83c98c439 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-23 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Considerando que os problemas de comportamento trazem conseqüências indesejáveis para os indivíduos que os apresentam e para os diferentes contextos em que vivem, o presente estudo teve por objetivo geral avaliar os efeitos de uma intervenção com monitores de uma Organização Não-Governamental (ONG), direcionada ao atendimento de crianças de risco, para minimizar problemas de comportamento das mesmas. Participaram do estudo seis monitores, 24 crianças com idades variando entre oito e onze anos, e pelo menos um de seus responsáveis. O estudo foi realizado nas dependências físicas de uma ONG, situada em uma cidade de médio porte do estado de São Paulo. Para avaliação dos problemas de comportamento infantis foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: a) Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ), respondido por pais e monitores; b) Social Skills Rating Sistem BR (SSRS), versão para professores; e c) Protocolo de observação dos problemas de comportamento infantil (POPCI). Para identificação do repertório de práticas educativas dos monitores foram utilizados: a) Questionário das Relações Interpessoais (QRI); b) Protocolo de Observação dos Comportamentos do Monitor em Relação à Classe (POCMC). Foi utilizado o delineamento Pré-teste e Pós-Teste, tanto com os dados das crianças como com os dos monitores. A intervenção consistiu em duas fases, sendo a primeira denominada de capacitação, objetivando ensinar práticas educativas aos monitores para lidar com problemas de comportamento infantil. A segunda fase, chamada de consultoria, visou aprimorar características dos serviços prestados pela ONG. De modo geral, os resultados mostraram que o presente estudo produziu impactos positivos sobre a diminuição dos índices (quantitativos) dos problemas de comportamento das crianças e maximização dos índices ligados ao repertório de habilidades sociais e comportamento pró-social. Além disso, obteve-se também resultados positivos sobre características da atuação dos monitores com relação às crianças, por meio de aumento na freqüência de categorias comportamentais positivas e diminuição de categorias comportamentais negativas dos monitores. Adicionalmente, foi possível identificar contribuições positivas desse estudo, no sentido de aprimorar algumas características dos serviços prestados pela ONG à sua população-alvo, como reformulação das diretrizes de funcionamento interno e modificação no horário e rotina. Sugere-se que estudos futuros sejam realizados para validar os resultados da presente pesquisa, por exemplo, replicando-o com maior tamanho da amostra e/ou utilizando um delineamento experimental (grupos randomizado). Considera-se, relevante também a realização de estudos de caracterização da população-alvo de ONGs e de suas necessidades, para possibilitar que as mesmas possam adequar os serviços prestados. Tudo leva a crer que a ONG com funcionários capacitados tenha um desempenho importante ao contraturno escolar, diminuindo problemas de populações de risco psicossocial.

Psicologia e inclusão escolar: novas possibilidades de intervir preventivamente sobre problemas comportamentais

Silva, Aline Maira da 13 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:44:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3165.pdf: 2756281 bytes, checksum: 7a58a21f1ce7b83bb593cd96b8f6be06 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-13 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Expectations on inclusive education have demanded the creation of new staff roles in schools. In an inclusive school environment, an important aspect of the role of educational psychologists that seems to be a promising picture in this profession is to promote and develop strategies and guidelines for consideration and adoption of the Collaborative Consultation in the Schools, building partnership with teachers and families. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a preventive intervention program, based in the principles of the Collaborative Consultation in Schools and the Positive Behavior Support models, designed to prevent and minimize behavior problems. The study has been conducted in three 1st. grade classrooms in a public elementary school located within the state of São Paulo, assessing three teachers of these classrooms, fifty-five pupils, and eighteen families participation. The study has been carried out in four phases. In Phase 1, the ethical procedures were followed to contact the school. In Phase 2 at the pre-test stage, participating families were asked to complete the Parenting Styles Inventory (PSI) instruments as well as the teachers were requested to complete the Child and Youth Behavior Inventory (6-18 years)/Teacher Report Form (TRF). In Phase 3, the preventive intervention program was implemented, targeting and focusing on teachers, pupils, and participating families. Finally, in Phase 4, at post-test stage, both instruments were repeated and moreover individual focal groups meetings were held with teachers and families in order to examine the social validity of the study as well as it was gathered qualitative data to analyze the effects of the previously applied intervention program. To assess the impact of the intervention, MANOVA test was applied to the results obtained with the PSI and the TRF. Regarding parenting styles, there was a statistically significant increase in the parenting style index, with respect to the positive monitoring and moral behavior, and a statistically significant decrease in relaxed discipline, and in the negative monitoring. In relation to student behavior, according to reports from teachers, there was a statistically significant decrease either in internalizing or externalizing problems, or in total problems. The results of the focal group meetings held with the families provided information about favorable and unfavorable aspects of the intervention; it was noticed positive changes in child and family behavior; it was evaluated the position of a psychologist within the school. Finally, the meetings with the teachers allowed to gather information about the characteristics of the collaboration that were included in the developed intervention; favorable and unfavorable aspects of the intervention; positive changes related to student behavior at school and their quality of life; degree of applicability of the developed strategies; evaluation of the position of a psychologist at the school. / A perspectiva da inclusão escolar tem demandado novos papéis para os profissionais da escola. Um papel que parece promissor para o psicólogo no ambiente escolar inclusivo é o de prestar Consultoria Colaborativa Escolar, atuando em parceria com professores e familiares. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de um programa de intervenção preventiva, baseado nos modelo de Consultoria Colaborativa Escolar e Suporte Comportamental Positivo, voltado para prevenir e minimizar problemas comportamentais. O estudo foi realizado em três salas de aula do primeiro ano de uma escola municipal de ensino fundamental, localizada no interior do estado de São Paulo, e contou com a participação das três professoras de sala, 55 alunos e 18 familiares. O estudo foi conduzido em quatro etapas. Na Etapa 1, foram realizados os procedimentos éticos e foi efetuado o contato com a escola. Na Etapa 2, fase de pré-teste, foram aplicados os instrumentos Inventário de Estilos Parentais (IEP), junto aos familiares participantes, e o Inventário dos Comportamentos de Crianças e Adolescentes 6-18 anos/Relatório para Professores (TRF), junto às professoras. Na Etapa 3, o programa de intervenção preventiva foi implementado e teve como alvo as professoras, os alunos e os familiares participantes. Por fim, na Etapa 4, fase de pós-teste, os dois instrumentos foram reaplicados e foram realizadas reuniões de grupo focal com as professoras e os familiares, separadamente, com o objetivo de verificar a validade social do estudo assim como levantar dados qualitativos sobre os efeitos do programa de intervenção realizado. Para avaliar o impacto da intervenção, foi aplicado o teste MANOVA nos resultados obtidos por meio do IEP e do TRF. Quanto aos estilos parentais, houve aumento estatisticamente significativo no índice de estilo parental (iep), no que diz respeito à monitoria positiva e ao comportamental moral, e diminuição estatisticamente significativa na disciplina relaxada e na monitoria negativa. Em relação ao comportamento dos alunos, segundo relato das professoras, houve diminuição estatisticamente significativa nos comportamentos do tipo internalizante, externalizante e nos problemas totais. As reuniões de grupo focal realizadas com os familiares permitiram levantar dados sobre aspectos favoráveis e desfavoráveis da intervenção; mudanças positivas observadas no comportamento das crianças e dos familiares; avaliação sobre a presença do psicólogo na escola. Finalmente, as reuniões com as professoras possibilitaram levantar informações sobre as características da colaboração que estavam presentes na intervenção desenvolvida; aspectos favoráveis e desfavoráveis da intervenção realizada; mudanças positivas relacionadas com o comportamento dos alunos na escola e com a qualidade de vida dos mesmos; grau de aplicabilidade das estratégias desenvolvidas; avaliação sobre a presença do psicólogo na escola.

Treinamento de professores no manejo comportamental de cinco alunos com transtornos do espectro do autismo na condição de inclusão escolar / A training program for teachers about behavior manegeament to autism spectrum disorder in a regular school

Khoury, Laís Pereira 19 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:40:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lais Pereira Khoury.pdf: 1166537 bytes, checksum: 47ffa610b4fcac7a9ba674bc09cfa04f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by heterogeneous signs and symptoms that significantly affect the psychosocial adaptation of the patient. For instance, the absence of joint attention, communication deficit, social interaction, initiation of joint social attention, solicitation behaviors and behavior problems. Similar to other development disorders, children with ASD develop special educational needs (SEN) due to specific behavioral, cognitive, language and social adaptation clinical conditions. In Brazil there is a specific legislation that associates this clinical frame to the condition of a person with SEN. The set of all behavioral, communication, and language alterations observed in autism interferes in the insertion and adaptation of patients in the school environment. Scientific evidence about intervention strategies indicate that the behavioristic approach is one of the most beneficial to the improvement and appeasing of several problems typically associated with ASD (behavior problems, social skills, daily life skills, social communication, among others). The general objetctive of this study was to develop, implement and assess the efficiency of a training program for teachers on behavior management strategies for students with ASD. The project was developed in five elementary schools from the city of Barueri. The sample was composed of five students with ASD, age range 6 to 10 years old, enrolled in elementary schools in Barueri, and their respective teachers, totalizing 10 participants. The following tools were used: a) Wechsler 34 Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC III), b) Brazilian version of The Behavior Problems Inventory (BPI/01), c) Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC), d) Report of behavior observation, e) Questionnaire to verify teachers general knowledge on ASD. The study was carried out in three steps, Step I: initial assessment through the use of the aforementioned tools; Step II: intervention; Step III: post-intervention. The main results indicate a reduction of behavioral problems in all children, according to both behavioral assessment tests and according to behavioral problems rates recorded before and after the intervention. The indicators of behavioral problems that had the most reduced rates were aggressiveness, self-aggressiveness, and stereotypies. At the post-intervention step, new adequate and adaptive behaviors were recorded in the classroom setting. Teachers improved qualitatively their knowledge on ASD and, according to the results, they seem to have started the use of adequate behavioral management strategies with these students. The orientation guide proved to be efficient to the management of low cost contingencies. Data, though restricted to the sample, show that the use of the guide is feasible in the classroom setting. / O Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) se caracteriza por uma heterogeneidade de sinais e sintomas que afetam consideravelmente a adaptação psicossocial da pessoa acometida. Por exemplo, ausência de atenção compartilhada, déficits de comunicação, interação social, iniciação de atenção social compartilhada, comportamentos de solicitação e problemas de comportamento. Assim como outros transtornos do desenvolvimento, crianças com TEA desenvolvem necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE) devido às condições clínicas comportamentais, cognitivas, de linguagem e de adaptação social que elas apresentam. No Brasil existe uma legislação específica que associa este quadro clínico à condição de pessoa com NEE. O conjunto de todas as alterações comportamentais, de comunicação e de linguagem presentes no autismo interfere na inserção e adaptação no ambiente escolar de alunos com esse transtorno. Evidências científicas em relação às estratégias de intervenção apontam para a abordagem comportamental como uma das modalidades que mais contribui com a melhora e amenização de diversos problemas tipicamente associados ao TEA (problemas de comportamento, habilidades sociais, habilidades da vida diária, comunicação social, dentre outras). O objetivo geral do estudo foi desenvolver, aplicar e avaliar a eficácia de um programa de treinamento para professores sobre estratégias de manejo comportamental de alunos com TEA. O projeto foi desenvolvido em cinco escolas de Ensino Fundamental I da secretaria municipal da cidade de Barueri. A amostra foi composta por cinco alunos com TEA na faixa etária de 6 a 10 anos regularmente matriculados em escolas do Ensino Fundamental I (EF I) do município de Barueri e seus respectivos professores totalizando por 10 participantes. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: a) Escala de inteligência de Wechsler para crianças (WISC III), b) Versão brasileira do Inventario de Problemas Comportamentais 32 (BPI/01), c) Inventário de Comportamentos Autísticos (ABC), d) Registro de observação de comportamentos, e) Questionário para verificação do nível geral de conhecimentos que o professor tem sobre TEA. O estudo foi realizado em três fases: Fase I: avaliação inicial mediante uso dos instrumentos acima; Fase 2 Intervenção; Fase III: Pós-intervenção. Os principais resultados mostraram caso-a-caso que todas as crianças, diminuíram os problemas de comportamento conforme ambos os instrumentos padronizados de avaliação comportamental e de acordo com as taxas de problemas de comportamento registradas antes e após a intervenção. Os indicadores problemas comportamentais que mais diminuíram as frequências foram a agressividade, autoagressividade e estereotipias. Na fase pós-intervenção foram registrados novos comportamentos adequados e adaptativos no contexto de sala de aula. Os professores melhoraram qualitativamente os conhecimentos sobre TEA e, conforme os resultados obtidos parece ser que passaram a utilizar estratégias adequadas de manejo comportamental desses escolares. Conclui-se que o guia de orientações desenvolvido mostrou uma tentativa eficaz para o manejo de contingências de baixo custo. Os dados, embora restritos à amostra do estudo, mostram viabilidade de uso do guia desenvolvido no contexto de sala de aula.

Identité ethnoculturelle, bien-être psychologique et performance académique de jeunes adultes issus de couples mixtes au Québec

Tardieu, Régine 08 1900 (has links)
L’on observe de plus en plus d’unions mixtes tant au Canada (Milan, Maheux & Chui 2010) qu’ailleurs dans le monde (Cooney & Radina, 2000 ; Kalmijn, 2010 ; Neyrand, 2006 ; Shih & Sanchez, 2005); toutefois la recherche sur ces couples mixtes et leurs enfants demeure peu développée, et elle est tout aussi rare au Québec. Ces études dépeignent généralement un tableau négatif mettant en évidence des problèmes d’identité, de santé mentale, de comportements problématiques et de difficultés scolaires (Hud-Aleem & Countryman, 2008 ; Udry, Richard, Rose, & Hendrickson-Smith, 2003 ; Unterreiner, 2011). Notre étude vise à comparer le vécu de jeunes adultes dont un des parents est québécois d’origine et l’autre immigrant, avec de jeunes adultes dont les deux parents sont québécois d’origine, comme groupe contrôle. Nous nous sommes intéressés tout particulièrement à leur identification ethnoculturelle et l’influence que cela pourrait avoir sur leur bien-être. Nous avons également voulu évaluer les aspects du bien-être psychologique de ces jeunes en tenant compte principalement de l’estime de soi, de la détresse psychologique et des comportements problématiques. Pour terminer, nous avons également voulu investiguer la performance académique de ces jeunes afin de voir si l’un ou l’autre groupe obtient de meilleurs résultats. / There are more and more mixed couples throughout Canada (Milan, Maheux & Chui 2010) and elsewhere in the world (Cooney & Radina, 2000 ; Kalmijn, 2010 ; Neyrand, 2006 ; Shih & Sanchez, 2005) ; however, research on mixed couples and their offsprings is still scarce, and even more so in Quebec. These studies generally portray a negative picture emphasizing identity problems, mental health issues, behavioral problems and educational problems (Hud-Aleem & Countryman, 2008 ; Udry, Richard, Rose, & Hendrickson-Smith, 2003 ; Unterreiner, 2011). Our study aims to compare the experiences of young adults with one parent is of Quebec descents and the other parent immigrant, with young adults of which both whose parents are from Quebecois origine, for our control group. We focused our interest on their ethnocultural identification, the potential stress linked to that identification and it’s effect on their well-being. We also wanted to evaluate different aspects of the psychological well-being of these young adults, especially regarding self-esteem, psychological distress and problematic behavior. And finally, we wanted to investigate the academic performance of these young adults and see if one group has better results than the other one.

Comportements sexuels problématiques : évaluation d'un modèle conceptuel axé sur les traits d'insensibilité émotionnelle

Tremblay, Marie-Jeanne 08 1900 (has links)
Les comportements sexuels problématiques (CSP) chez les enfants représentent une problématique complexe tant sur le plan de la recherche que de l’intervention clinique. L’hétérogénéité des enfants qui présentent des CSP est un défi sur les plans conceptuel et méthodologique. Alors que la recherche sur les facteurs associés aux CSP présentés par les enfants apparaît quelque peu limitée, plusieurs indices laissent supposer une association entre les CSP et les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle. Ces traits sont caractérisés par un affect superficiel ainsi qu’un manque d’empathie et de remords. Seulement quelques études à ce jour ont exploré cette association et aucune n’a porté spécifiquement sur les enfants âgés de 6 à 12 ans. Les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle sont importants à considérer puisqu’ils sont associés à la gravité des gestes d’agression chez les jeunes et à une résistance accrue à l’intervention. Objectifs. L’objectif général de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre les facteurs associés à la variété des CSP. Plus précisément, nous voulons comprendre si et dans quelle mesure les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle sont associés aux CSP. Nous avons donc proposé un modèle conceptuel adapté qui tient compte des traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle. Méthode. Notre échantillon est constitué de 90 dyades parent-enfant (M âge enfant = 9,1 ans ; É-T = 2,2 ; 36,7% filles) ayant reçu des services de psychothérapie pour leurs CSP au Centre d’expertise Marie-Vincent entre 2006 et 2010. Les participants ont complété une batterie d’évaluation incluant plusieurs instruments de mesure qui permettent de refléter l’ensemble des dimensions du modèle conceptuel. Un score de traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle a été dérivé à partir de divers instruments mesurant le comportement des enfants. Un modèle de régression linéaire hiérarchique a été élaboré afin d’estimer l’influence des traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle, en prenant en compte l’influence des autres variables individuelles et familiales. Résultats. Les résultats ont révélé que les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle ne sont pas associés aux CSP des enfants lorsque leurs comportements extériorisés sont également pris en compte. Par ailleurs, la présence de comportements extériorisés et l’exposition à un cumul d’expériences de victimisation, excluant la victimisation sexuelle, étaient des facteurs associés à la variété des CSP. Il n’y avait également pas d’association significative entre la victimisation sexuelle et la variété des CSP. Conclusion. Les résultats appuient en partie le modèle conceptuel proposé. Des recherches reposant sur de plus grands échantillons devraient être effectuées pour mieux comprendre l’association entre les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle et les CSP. Les résultats suggèrent néanmoins que les comportements extériorisés et les expériences de victimisation non sexuelles contribuent davantage à expliquer la variété des CSP chez les enfants référés pour une intervention que la victimisation sexuelle. / Sexual behavior problems (SBP) in children represent a complex issue both in terms of research and clinical intervention. The heterogeneity of children with SBP is a conceptual and methodological challenge. While research on the factors associated with SBP presented by children appears somewhat limited, there is some ground of belief in an association between SBP and callous-unemotional traits (e.g., superficial affect and lack of empathy and remorse). Few studies to date have explored this association, and none has focused specifically on children aged between 6 and 12 years old. These traits are important to consider because they are associated with the severity of aggression behaviors in youth and an increased resistance to intervention. Objectives. The main objective of this Masters’ thesis is to foster our understanding of the factors associated with the variety of SBP. Specifically, we want to understand if and to what extent callous-unemotional traits are associated with SBP. We have therefore proposed an adapted conceptual model that takes into account callous-unemotional traits. Method. Our sample consists of 90 parent-child dyads (M child’s age = 9.1 years ; SD = 2.2 ; 36.7% girls), who received psychotherapy services for SBP at the Marie-Vincent Center between 2006 and 2010. Participants completed an assessment battery including several instruments that reflect all the dimensions of the conceptual model. A score of callous-unemotional traits was derived from various instruments measuring children's behavior. A hierarchical linear regression model was developed to estimate the influence of callous-unemotional traits, taking into account the influence of the individual and family variables. Results. Results revealed that callous-unemotional traits were not associated with children's SBP when their externalized behaviors were taken into account. In addition, the presence of externalized behaviors and exposure to a combination of victimization experiences, excluding sexual victimization, were associated with the variety of SBP. There was also no significant association between sexual victimization and the variety of SBP. Conclusion. The results partially support the proposed conceptual model. Research with larger samples should be done to better understand the influence of callous-unemotional traits on SBP. The results suggest, however, that externalized behaviors and non-sexual victimization experiences are more important in explaining the variety of SBP of children referred for an intervention than sexual victimization.

Association entre le risque génétique et l’agression physique à l’âge scolaire : le rôle médiateur des comportements externalisés et des expériences adverses précoces

Bouliane, Mélanie 05 1900 (has links)
Il y a consensus qu’approximativement la moitié des différences individuelles liées à l’agression physique sont héritées. Cependant, les premières manifestations comportementales et sociales de cette propension génétique demeurent inconnues. Cette étude vise à tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle, les scores polygéniques liés à l’agression (SPGAG) et au trouble du déficit de l’attention/hyperactivité (TDAH; SPGTDAH), tous deux ayant précédemment été associés à l’agression physique à l’âge scolaire, se manifesteraient d’abord par des comportements externalisés et des expériences adverses à la petite enfance. Les données génétiques de 718 participants (44,6 % garçons) de l’Étude longitudinale du développement des enfants du Québec (ELDEQ) ont été utilisées pour estimer les SPGs. L’agression physique à l’âge scolaire a été rapportée à six reprises entre 6 et 13 ans par des enseignants indépendants. Les mères ont rapporté les comportements externalisés (agression physique, hyperactivité, opposition) et les expériences adverses (difficultés avec les pairs, pratiques parentales hostiles et coercitives) à trois occasions entre l’âge de 3½ et 5 ans. Les résultats indiquent que ces deux SPGs prédisent l’agression physique à l’âge scolaire. Néanmoins, seules les difficultés avec les pairs expliquent l’association entre le SPGAG et l’agression physique. L’hyperactivité, l’opposition et les pratiques parentales hostiles et coercitives sous-tendent toutes, de façon séparée, l’association entre le SPGTDAH et l’agression physique à l’âge scolaire, bien que seule l’hyperactivité ait une contribution unique lorsque ces construits sont examinés simultanément. Ces résultats contribuent à décrire comment l’étiologie génétique liée à l’agression physique se manifeste à la petite enfance, identifiant ainsi des cibles précoces d’intervention. / There is now a consensus in the literature suggesting that approximately half of the individual differences related to physical aggression (PA) are inherited. However, the behavioral and social early manifestations of this genetic propensity remain unknown. This study aims to test the hypothesis that polygenic scores related to aggression (PGSAGG) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; PGSADHD), both of which were previously shown to be associated with PA during school-age, would be first phenotypically expressed as externalized behaviors and adverse experiences in early childhood. The genetic data of 718 participants (44,6% boys) from the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD) were used to estimate the SPGs. PA in school age was reported up to six times between 6 and 13 years old by independent teachers. Externalized behaviors (PA, hyperactivity, opposition) and adverse experiences (difficulties with peers, harsh and coercive parenting practices) were reported by mothers on three occasions between the ages of 3½ and 5 years old. Results indicate that both SPGs predicted PA in school age. However, only difficulties with peers explain the association between PGSAGG and PA. Hyperactivity, opposition, and harsh and coercive parenting practices in early childhood all separately partially mediated the association between PGSADHD and PA in school age, although only hyperactivity has a unique contribution when these constructs are examined simultaneously. These findings contribute to describing how PA measured genetic etiology ascertained by the PGS come to be first phenotypically expressed in early childhood, identifying early intervention targets for interventions.

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