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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Foster Parents' Attachment Style as a Moderator of Children's Negative Behaviors and Placement Disruption

Araiza, Alicia 01 January 2017 (has links)
There is a demonstrated association between children's negative behaviors, placement disruption, and foster parents' attachment style in early childhood; however, there is an absence of research examining this relation among foster children in middle childhood. Researchers have found that in early childhood, children respond more favorably to foster parents with a secure attachment style, while greater placement disruption is associated with foster parents having an insecure attachment style. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between foster children's negative behaviors, placement disruption in foster children during middle childhood, and foster parents' attachment style. Bowlby's and Ainsworth's attachment theory was the theoretical framework of this quantitative study. Thirty-six foster parent-child dyads from 2 foster care organizations in Texas formed the convenience sample. Participants completed the Behavior Assessment System for Children, the Parent Rating Scale (predictor variable), the Revised Adult Attachment Scale (moderator variable), and a postbaseline telephone call (criterion variable). The results of a binary logistic regression analysis indicated that children's negative behavior was not significantly related to placement disruption. A moderated regression analysis was not conducted to test if foster parents' attachment style had a moderating effect between children's negative behavior and placement disruption due to the low number of respondents in the insecure style. These findings provide insight into the influence of foster parents' attachment style to children's behaviors. Social change implications could promote attachment theory in the development of training programs for foster parents which may help increase placement stability.

The Effects of Yoga on Symptoms Associated with Conduct Disorder with Callous Unemotional Traits as a Moderator

McCabe, Kym M. 12 December 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the additive therapeutic effects of a yoga intervention on the anxiety, depression and behavioral problems of conduct-disordered male adolescents in residential treatment. In addition, the moderating effects of callous-unemotional (CU) traits on outcome measures were assessed. The program consisted of a four-week intervention program in which participants were randomly assigned to either the yoga group (n=25), in which they practiced yoga with an instructor, or the control group (n=19), in which they met for a supervised study hall. The study included pre-testing on symptoms of anxiety, depression and CU traits, and post-testing on anxiety and depression measures only. Behavioral data were unavailable due to unanticipated program changes. A repeated measures MANOVA was utilized to investigate the benefits of yoga practice on a combined mental health variable that consisted of two dependent variables, anxiety and depression. A significant effect for time, but not for the interaction between time and group, was found. This indicated that both groups' scores decreased over time on the depression and anxiety variables, but that there was no statistically significant difference between the treatment groups' depression and anxiety scores over time. In spite of non-significant results, additional exploratory analysis was conducted. Results indicated a trend towards significantly greater decreases in anxiety outcomes for the yoga group vs. the control group over time. The moderating effects of CU traits on the relationships among the treatment conditions and anxiety outcomes were found to be non-significant. Limitations of the present research, including low sample size and statistical power, are discussed.

An Investigation Of Social Competence And Behavioral Problems Of 5- 6 Year - Old Children Through Peer Preference, Temperament And Gender

Oneren Sendil, Cagla 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to investigate differences in peer preference, gender and temperamental characteristics of 5 and 6 year old children on their social competence and behavioral problems. More specifically, the present study examined whether being boy or girl, being more preferred peer or less preferred and different temperamental characteristics differentiates children&rsquo / s social competence, anger- aggression and anxiety withdrawal related behaviors. Peer preference was determined by the &ldquo / Picture Sociometry Scale&rdquo / which was an implementation conducted with children. Teachers were asked to fill the &ldquo / Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Scale&rdquo / for each child participated in the study in their classrooms. Moreover, parents of children participated in the study were requested to complete &ldquo / Short Temperament Scale for Children&rdquo / . The participants of this study consisted of 42 5- 6 year old children from one private pre- school in Ankara. Results of this study revealed that, children with higher peer preference showed more social competence. Moreover, children with higher persistence and approach as temperamental characteristics revealed higher social competence while children with higher reactivity as a temperamental characteristic had also higher anger- aggression behavioral problems. However, gender of children did not differentiate children&rsquo / s social competence, anger- aggression and anxiety withdrawal related behaviors.

Vaikų emocinių ir elgesio problemų kitimas, taikant žaidimų terapiją (pagal A.Adler teoriją) / The variations of children’s emotional and behavioral problems after participating in Play Therapy (as per A. Adler theory)

Valytė, Laura 28 August 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti vaikų emocinių ir elgesio sunkumų kitimo ypatumus, taikant individualią Adlerietišką žaidimų terapiją. Tyrime dalyvavo 22 šešerių - vienuolikos metų amžiaus vaikai (13 berniukų ir 9 mergaitės), kuriems buvo taikoma Adlerietiška žaidimų terapija dėl elgesio ar emocinių sunkumų, kuriuos nurodė tėvai. Trylikai vaikų (t.y. 59 proc. vaikų) žaidimų terapija buvo taikoma mokykloje, kurioje jie mokosi (mokytojų ar tėvų, globėjų prašymu), likusiems devyniems, t.y. 41 proc., (žr. 1 pav.) – psichoterapiniame centre (visi interesantai, šiuo atveju, buvo tėvai). Tiriamieji dalyvavo individualios žaidimų terapijos užsiėmimuose, kurių trukmė variavo nuo 6 iki 42 užsiėmimų. Užsiėmimai vykdavo kartą per savaitę, sutartu laiku, neskaitant atostogų ar ypatingų atvejų, dėl kurių tiriamasis į terapinius užsiėmimus atvykti negalėdavo. Kiekvieno žaidimų terapijos užsiėmimo trukmė – 50 min. individualaus darbo su vaiku. Užsiėmimai buvo vedami remiantis A.Adler teoriniais principais: pagarba vaikui, šilti ir draugiški santykiai, vaiko jausmų pripažinimas ir jų atspindėjimas tokiu būdu, kad tai padėtų vaikui suprasti save ir aplinkinį pasaulį, vadovavimo žaidimui nebuvimas, apribojimų, kurie reikalingi susieti žaidimų kambarį su realiu pasauliu, sukūrimas. Terapijos pradžioje ir pabaigoje vaikų tėvų buvo prašoma užpildyti klausimynus apie vaikų nusiskundimus. Terapijos metu terapeutas įvertindavo vaiko stipriąsias puses (bendrumo jausmą, savęs reikšmingumą, kompetencijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to assess the variation of children’s emotional and behavioral problems after participating in individual Play Therapy. The subjects of the study were 22 children who have participated in Adlerian individual Play Therapy, aged 6-11 years old. For thirteen children (59%) an Adlerian Play Therapy was held in their school (on parents, foster-parents or teachers application), while nine children (41%) used to attend play therapy in a Psychotherapy Center (on parents application). The clients were attending Play Therapy for minimum 6 and maximum 42 sessions. Play Therapy was held every once a week, except the occasions when it was a holiday or some other serious reasons for client to miss a session. Each session lasted for 50 minutes. The therapeutic work was based on A. Adler Theory principles: respect for a child, warm and friendly relationship with a child, reflections upon child’s feelings in a way he could understand, set up only the necessary limits, letting the child to link the play room with the real world. In the beginning as well as at the end of the play therapy children’s parents were asked to fulfill the questionnaires about the child’s health problems. Meanwhile the specialist fulfilled the questionnaire about the child’s inner strengths. The results of the study showed that a play therapy had a positive coherence with children’s emotional and behavioral problems variations. Hyperactivity / impulsivity problems in the end of a play... [to full text]

9-10 klasių mokinių emocinių ir elgesio sunkumų sąsajos su jų mokytojų profesiniu pervargimu / Relations between emotional and behavioral problems among 9th -10th grade students and teacher burnout

Straukaitė, Reda 11 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti 9-10 klasių mokinių emocinių ir elgesio sunkumų sąsajas su jų mokytojų profesiniu pervargimu. Tyrime dalyvavo 100 keturių Kauno miesto ir rajono vidurinių mokyklų mokytojų (13 vyrų ir 87 moterys) ir 245 tų pačių mokyklų 9-10 klasių mokiniai (146 vaikinai ir 99 merginos). Tyrimo metu buvo naudoti metodai: Kopenhagos profesinio pervargimo klausimynas (CBI), Mokinių elgesio modelių skalė (PBP), Stresogeninių įvykių skalė, 11-18 metų jaunuolio savęs vertinimo klausimynas (ASEBA – YRS 11/18), Mokytojų elgesio vertinimo skalė ir socialiniai – demografiniai klausimai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad mokyklų, kurių mokytojai patiria didesnį profesinį pervargimą, 9-10 klasių vaikinai turi daugiau su emocine būsena susijusių somatinių nusiskundimų, o merginos – didesnį nerimastingumą/depresiškumą nei mokyklų, kurių mokytojai patiria mažesnį profesinį pervargimą, mokiniai. Taip pat nustatyta, kad didesnį profesinį pervargimą patiriantys mokytojai patiria daugiau stresogeninių įvykių, susijusių su santykiais su kolegomis ir su mokiniais, jų tėvais ir mokyklos administracija, nei mažesnį profesinį pervargimą patiriantys mokytojai. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad didesnis mokytojų profesinis pervargimas yra susijęs su didesniais mokinių emociniais ir elgesio sunkumais mokytojų vertinimu: mokinių nepagarbumas yra susijęs su mokytojo darbine veikla susijusiu pervargimu; mokinių nedėmesingumas susijęs su mokytojų asmeniniu pervargimu; mokinių asocialumas atvirkščiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study is to identify the relations between 9th – 10th grade students’ emotional and behavioral problems and their teachers’ burnout. The subjects of the study are 100 teachers and 245 9th-10th grade students from four secondary schools located in the city of Kaunas and its district. The survey employs such methods as Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI), Pupil Behavior Patterns Scale (PBP), Stressogenic Events Scale, Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment – Youth Self-Report (ASEBA – YRS 11/18), Teachers‘ Behavior Assessment Scale and demographic characteristics. The results of the study show that the schools where teachers have a higher burnout level, 9th -10th grade boys have more somatic complains related with their emotional state, and girls are more anxious/depressed than the ones in schools with less teacher burnout. Also, the survey reveals that the teachers with a higher burnout level experience more stressogenic situations while dealing with colleagues and students, parents and school administration than the teachers with less burnout. The results clearly demonstrate that higher teacher burnout is related with more emotional and behavioral problems in students when it’s evaluated on teachers: students’ disrespect is related with teachers’ client-related burnout; students’ inobservance is related with teachers’ personal burnout; and students’ unsociable behavior is inversely related with teachers’ personal burnout. Person who experience... [to full text]

Caracterização de relacionamentos conjugais quanto a comunicação e afeto e sua relação com a parentalidade, problemas de comportamento infantil e depressão materna / Characterization of conjugal relationships regarding communication and affection and its relation with parenting, children behavior problems and maternal depression

Silveira, Aline Marco de 21 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Aline de Marco Silveira (am.silveira@unesp.br) on 2018-11-20T23:04:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Aline de Marco - CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE RELACIONAMENTOS CONJUGAIS QUANTO A COMUNICAÇÃO E AFETO E SUA RELAÇÃO COM A PARENTALIDADE, PROBLEMAS DE COMPORTAMENTO INFANTIL E DEPRESSÃO MATERNA - corrigido.pdf: 1820297 bytes, checksum: 326bdd2ab8bffc53c34badcccd6933dc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Lucilene Cordeiro da Silva Messias null (lubiblio@bauru.unesp.br) on 2018-11-21T11:29:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silveira_am_me_bauru.pdf: 1820297 bytes, checksum: 326bdd2ab8bffc53c34badcccd6933dc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-21T11:29:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silveira_am_me_bauru.pdf: 1820297 bytes, checksum: 326bdd2ab8bffc53c34badcccd6933dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O relacionamento conjugal consiste em uma das principais interações para o círculo familiar e a satisfação conjugal pontua como primordial para o bom desenvolvimento marital. Problemas com a parentalidade, com o comportamento infantil e a depressão materna acabam por favorecer condições de insatisfação na conjugalidade. Assim sendo, a partir de uma amostra de 130 mulheres, casadas, mães de crianças com e sem problemas de comportamento, o presente trabalho é composto por dois estudos que têm por objetivo geral realizar uma comparação entre aspectos da relação conjugal, práticas parentais positivas e negativas, depressão materna, ocorrência de problemas de comportamento infantil e habilidades sociais infantis. Para tal foram desenvolvidos dois estudos: Estudo I-) objetivou realizar uma comparação entre comunicação e afeto na relação conjugal, com parentalidade e indicativo de depressão materna; Estudo II-) objetivou realizar uma comparação entre comunicação e afeto na relação conjugal, considerando a ocorrência de problemas de comportamento infantil e habilidades sociais infantis. Para a realização do primeiro estudo, foram utilizados os instrumentos de análise Questionário de Relacionamento Conjugal, Entrevista de Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais e Questionário Sobre a Saúde do Paciente-9 obtendo, de modo geral, que tanto o grupo de mulheres com práticas parentais positivas quanto o grupo de mulheres com baixa frequência de práticas parentais negativas tem alta frequência de comunicação no relacionamento conjugal. Casais com práticas positivas comunicam-se mais positivamente e se relacionam de modo mais afetuoso que casais com práticas negativas. Quanto à depressão materna, obteve-se que o grupo de mães sem indicativo de depressão demonstrou expressar e receber com maior frequência afeto e comunicação em seu relacionamento. O mesmo grupo comunica-se tanto de forma positiva quanto de forma negativa com o cônjuge e interage tanto de forma positivamente afetuosa quanto de forma negativamente afetuosa. No entanto, a maior quantidade de mães deste grupo afirma estar satisfeita com seu relacionamento conjugal. Para o Estudo II foram utilizados os instrumentos Questionário de Relacionamento Conjugal, Entrevista de Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais e Child Behavior Checklist e, de maneira geral, obteve-se que o grupo de mães de crianças sem problemas de comportamento descrevem relacionamentos com maior frequência de comunicação e afeto, apresentando relações com mais comunicação positiva, no entanto, também descreveram comunicação negativa e afeto negativo na relação. Contudo, a maior quantidade de mães de crianças sem problemas de comportamento ainda descreveram estar satisfeitas com seu relacionamento. No que concerne às comparações referentes às habilidades sociais infantis, obteve-se que o grupo de mães de crianças sem déficits para habilidades sociais apresentou maior frequência de comunicação em seu relacionamento, comunicando-se de forma mais negativa, no entanto, agindo de forma mais positivamente afetuosa na interação com o cônjuge. Como contribuição para o presente estudo, destaca-se as relações entre a satisfação conjugal e a parentalidade, bem como entre a satisfação conjugal e problema de comportamento infantil e habilidades sociais infantis, considerando sua relação com a depressão materna. / The marital relationship consists in one of the main interactions to the family circle and the marital satisfaction points out as primordial to thegood marital development. Problems with parenthood, child behavior and maternal depression tend to favor conditions of dissatisfaction in conjugality. Thus, from a sample of 130 women, married, mothers of children with and without behavioral problems, the present research is composed of two studies that have as general objective to make a comparison between aspects of the conjugal relationship, positive and negative parental practices, maternal depression, occurrence of child behavior problems and children's social skills. For that, two studies were developed: Study I) aimed to comparing communication and affection in the conjugal relationship, with parenting and indicative of maternal depression; Study II) aimed to make a comparison between communication and affection in the conjugal relationship, considering the occurrence of children's behavior problems and children's social skills. In order to carry out the first study, the instruments of analysis used was the Questionário de Relacionamento Conjugal, Entrevista de Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais and Questionário Sobre a Saúde do Paciente-9, obtaining, in general, that both the group of women with positive parental practices and the group of women with low frequency of negative parental practices have a high frequency of communication in the marital relationship. Couples with positive practices communicate more positively and relate more affectionately than couples with negative practices. Regarding as to maternal depression, the group of mothers with no indication of depression was able to express and receive affection and communication more frequently in their relationship. The same group communicates both positively and negatively with the spouse and interacts affectively both positively and negatively. However, the higher number of mothers in this group affirms that they are satisfied with their marital relationships. For the Study II, it was used the instruments “Questionário de Relacionamento Conjugal” , “Entrevista de Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais” and “Child Behavior Checklist” and, in general, it was obtained that the group of mothers of children without behavioral problems describe relationships with greater frequency of communication and affection, presenting relationships with more positive communication, however, also described negative communication and negative affection in the relationship. However, the greater number of mothers of children without behavioral problems still described being satisfied with their relationship. Concerning the comparisons related to children's social skills, it was obtained that the group of mothers of children without social skills deficits presented a higher frequency of communication in their relationship, communicating more negatively, however, acting more positively affectionate in the interaction with the spouse. As contributions to the present study, the relationship between marital satisfaction and parenthood, as well as between marital satisfaction and child behavior problem and child’s social skills, is highlighted, considering its relation to maternal depression. / CAPES: 1577273

Youth Receiving Treatment Service in the Juvenile Justice System: An Examination of Funding Sources and Recidivism

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: The dissertation examines treatment services received by youth on probation in the Maricopa County, Arizona. The project focuses on three primary issues: 1) the factors associated with receiving treatment services while on probation, 2) the factors associated with receiving treatment services through different funding streams, and 3) whether treatment services and specific characteristics of treatment services, particularly the funding source, influence recidivism outcomes of youth. To answer these questions the research used data obtained from the Maricopa County Juvenile Probation Department from July 2012 thru August 2014. Multivariate regression, along with statistical techniques to control for selection bias, were used to identify the factors associated with receiving treatment services, the factors associated with the funding source of treatment services, and the effect of treatment services on recidivism. The findings from the current dissertation suggest that the receipt of treatment services is not equal across groups, and particularly that minorities are less likely to receive treatment services compared to their White counterparts. Additionally, the findings reveal that certain characteristics of youth and the type of treatment service received influence the funding source, but the source of funding does not influence the effectiveness of the treatment services. Finally, using propensity score matching, the current dissertation found that treatment services were effective in reducing recidivism while under probation supervision and 6 months after probation supervision has ended. Implications for policy and research are discussed in light of these findings. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Criminology and Criminal Justice 2015

Child Psychopathology, Parental Problem Perception, and Help-Seeking Behaviors

Hankinson, Jessica Curley 13 March 2009 (has links)
Service underutilization is a major problem facing children with emotional and behavioral problems. In addition, parents are often the ones most responsible for seeking help for their children. However, many children do not receive adequate help because parents do not perceive a problem or do not recognize that a child is in need. The present study examined parental thresholds for problem perception and subsequent help-seeking decisions based on children's behaviors presented in a vignette. It was hypothesized that the type of child behavior, child and parent gender, and other parental characteristics would be associated with different thresholds for problem perception and seeking professional help. Participants were 160 mothers and 63 fathers recruited via email using the snowball method and a university participant pool. It was found that mothers sought higher levels of services than fathers and that externalizing and comorbid internalizing and externalizing behaviors were rated as more serious and in need of higher levels of services than internalizing behaviors. In addition, exposure to child psychopathology, parenting stress, and tolerance for behavioral problems were associated with different thresholds for problem perception and help-seeking decisions. Treatment acceptability was also found to partially mediate between parental problem perception and seeking mental health services. In addition, parental characteristics were also found to contribute to differential help seeking decisions. These results are discussed in relation to how parents view their child's emotional and behavioral problems and what factors contribute to their decision to seek formal and informal services. Implications for clinical practice, limitations, and future directions of this research are also discussed.

Perinatal Outcomes of Marijuana use on Opioid Exposed Pregnancy

Turner, Emmitt, Shah, Darshan, Duvall, Kathryn L, Wood, David L, Bailey, Beth 12 April 2019 (has links)
The prevalence of opioid use has increased in many populations including pregnant women, which has led to a substantial rise in infants born dependent on opioids due to in utero exposure. Many women use multiple substances aside from opioids during pregnancy, and their infants therefore present with a variety of symptoms. With increasing legalization and changing perception of marijuana, it has become one of the most commonly used substances during pregnancy. Few studies have evaluated concomitant use of marijuana and opioids in pregnancy despite both being implicated in adverse newborn outcomes. The primary aim of this study was to determine the association between marijuana use and pregnancy outcomes in opioid-exposed pregnancies. The secondary aim was to identify, in a sample of women already using opioids, maternal characteristics associated with marijuana use during pregnancy. A retrospective chart review was conducted from July 2011 to June 2016 of all births from 6 delivery hospitals in South-Central Appalachia to determine pregnancy and neonatal outcomes of pregnancies exposed to any form of opioid and positive urine drug screen for marijuana at the time of delivery. 2375 pregnancies met the inclusion criteria with 108 pregnancies positive for marijuana. Student t-test and Chi-Square test were used for group comparison for presence and absence of marijuana. Logistic regression was done for significant confounding variables to find aOR for marijuana exposure for neonatal abstinence syndrome diagnosis, premature birth, and low birth weight. Among opioid using women, marijuana positive women were more likely to be unmarried, nulliparous, and use tobacco and benzodiazepines. Infants born to the marijuana users were likely to be of earlier gestational age (3 days), lower birth weight, and preterm; with preterm birth and low birth weight (mean difference = 265 gms) increased two fold even after controlling for parity, marital status, tobacco and benzodiazepine use with aOR of 2.35 (1.30-4.23) and 2.02 (1.18-3.47) respectively. Ultimately, prenatal use of marijuana in opioid-exposed pregnancies carries significant risk of prematurity and low birth weight. For pregnant women continuing their American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommended medical assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, providers should counsel women to abstain from marijuana during pregnancy.

Effekter av föräldrastödsprogram på föräldrar och barn

Alexandersson, Åsa, Murto, Minna Maria January 2021 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund: Föräldrar har en viktig roll i att främja barns hälsa, och har som vårdnadshavare ett ansvar för barnets utveckling. Föräldraförmåga och relation till barnet är faktorer som påverkar utvecklingen. Positivt föräldraskap handlar om att skapa en god relation mellan föräldrar och barn genom att använda positiv förstärkning och beröm i uppfostran samt logiska och naturliga konsekvenser av olika beteenden. Föräldraskapsstil har betydelse för förekomst av beteendeproblem hos barn och föräldrars olika beteende och föräldrastrategier påverkar barnets språk- och framtida utveckling. Samhället har en viktig roll i att erbjuda föräldrastöd.  Syfte: Syftet var att belysa effekter av olika evidensbaserade föräldrastödsprogram till föräldrar och barn upp till skolålder. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Tjugofem artiklar med kvantitativ design RCT eller CRT granskades med kvalitetsmall från Forsberg och Wengström (2015) och resultatet sammanställdes till olika kategorier. Resultat: De ingående programmen var främst från USA, det var tidiga interventioner i spädbarns- eller i förskoleålder och mestadels mammor deltog. Sex olika typer av kategorier identifierades i resultatet, tre om effekter på föräldrar och tre på barn. Förbättringar sågs i föräldrarnas språkbruk gentemot sina barn, i positiva föräldraskapsstrategier och föräldrarnas mående samt i förbättringar av barnens språk, beteendeproblem och utveckling. Slutsats: Föräldrastöd i form av tidiga interventioner kan ge positiva effekter på barns hälsa och utveckling. Studiens resultat genererar kunskap till distriktssköterskans preventiva arbete med föräldrar och barn som att stödja språkutveckling, positiva uppfostringsstrategier och lyhördhet. / ABSTRACT Background: Parents have an important role in promoting their child's health and as caregivers they have the responsibility for their child's development. The capability as a parent and the relationship with the child are factors impacting child development. Positive parenting means to create a good relationship between the parent and the child by using positive reinforcement and praise, and to use logical and natural consequences for different behaviors. The parenting style has an effect on the occurrence of a child's behavioral problems, and different parenting behaviors and strategies affect the child's language and future development. The society has an important role in offering parent support. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of evidence-based parenting programs for parents of infants up to school age. Method: The study was performed as a literature review. Twenty-five articles with a quantitative RCT or CRT-design were examined regarding their quality using a template from Forsberg and Wengström (2015) and the results were analysed and divided into different categories. Results: The included programs were mainly from the US, all were early interventions for infants or preschoolers and mostly mothers attended. Six different categories were identified in the results, three categories about parents and three about children. Improvements were seen concerning parents' use of language towards their child, in positive parenting strategies, and parents' wellbeing, and in children's language production, problem behavior and development. Conclusion:  Parental support in the form of early interventions can have a positive effect on children's health and development.  The study generated new knowledge for district nurses’ preventive work with parents and children in regard to the support of language development, positive parenting strategies and parental sensitivity.

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