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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de qualidade de vida e problemas de comportamento de crianças e adolescentes com Charcot-Marie-Tooth / Evaluation of quality of life and behavioral problems of children and adolescents with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

Oliveira, Maria Carolina Fontana Antunes de 22 September 2017 (has links)
O diagnóstico de uma doença crônica na infância, como é o caso da doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), pode desencadear grandes mudanças em aspectos físicos, psicológicos e sociais, comprometendo a qualidade de vida e podendo desencadear problemas de comportamento. Neste sentido, este estudo buscou avaliar a qualidade de vida e indicadores comportamentais de pacientes com CMT. Foram avaliadas 34 crianças com CMT através dos instrumentos CHQPF-50 e SDQ e constatou-se que as crianças com CMT apresentaram uma qualidade de vida significativamente inferior a seus pares saudáveis não apenas nos aspectos físicos, mas também em aspectos emocionais. Em relação aos indicadores comportamentais, verificou-se uma taxa elevada de problemas tanto internalizantes quanto externalizantes das crianças com CMT. Características da própria doença, tais como realização de tratamento e gravidade da neuropatia, foram fatores que influenciaram diretamente tanto na qualidade de vida quanto nos problemas de comportamento das crianças. As variáveis antecedentes familiares e tipo de CMT não impactaram a qualidade nem acarretaram dificuldades de comportamento nas crianças deste estudo. Os resultados evidenciam a necessidade de se pensar em estratégias de saúde mental, que favoreçam a identificação de condições emocionais associadas ao quadro de saúde física destas criança. / The diagnosis of a chronic illness in childhood, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), can bring changes in physical, psychological and social aspects, decreasing the quality of life and result in behavioral problems. This study intends to evaluate the quality of life and behavior aspects of patients with CMT. Thirty-four children with CMT were evaluated through the CHQPF-50 and SDQ instruments. The results showed that children with CMT had a significantly lower quality of life than their healthy peers, not only in physical aspects but also in emotional aspects. Children with CMT presents both internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems. Characteristics of the disease, such as treatment and severity of neuropathy, were factors that impacts quality of life and behavioral problems in children. To have relatives with this disease and type of CMT did not affect the quality of life or behavior of the children of this study. The results leads to think about mental health strategies that improves the identification of emotional conditions associated to the physical health of these children

Enable Emergent Literacy by Including ICT in Preschool class : A socio cultural approach to ensure a positive learning atmosphere

Berglund, Shashi-Rekha January 2011 (has links)
A comparative study between old school which is considered to be boring and out of context by (many student) to new school of teaching where divers IT and ICT gadgets are used and their implications in creating a positive teacher student relationship from the very start to promote emergent literacy within preschool class. This ethnographic study examines how two preschool class teachers incorporate both old and new methods to create interest for learning and meaningfulness among their students in accordance with the national goals for education and lifelong learning. How does IT and ICT promote teaching and learning in preschool class? In what ways do teachers incorporate into classroom experiences? What are the group dynamics between teacher- student, and student- and their peers during a classroom scenario with the conventional paper and pen and technological aid?  With these central questions the study was conducted as an participant observation which resulted in preschool class children find it lot easier to communicate not only with teachers but also with their classmates during classroom activities where IT and ICT is incorporated than when teachers take on the role what they call old school which tends to become one-sided.  The results show that creating meaningfulness among ones students is largely based upon the teachers own interest in the focus group. From a socio-cultural perspective, it is evident that terms such as interaction, meaningfulness, symbols and artifacts become central. Results from the study shows even though many in-service teachers and principals are very much for including IT and ICT as teaching resource. Ambiguity of national norms and goals when we talk of preschool classes in the nation could be one the many reasons why they fail to meet their students expectations and demands. This in turn could be one of the considerable reasons for the depression in high school students failing to meet the national educational standards. / Utgångspunkten i detta examensarbete är en jämförande studie mellan gamla skolan och dess undervisningsätt vilken anses vara tråkig och utan sammanhang bland många elever och nya skolans undervisning med IT och IKT som didaktisk undervisningsmetod. Dess konsekvenser för att skapa en positiv relation mellan lärare och elev från första början för att främja framväxande och skrivkunnighet inom förskoleklass.En etnografisk undersökning av hur två förskoleklasslärare gagnar både de gamla och nya metoderna för att skapa intresse för lärande och meningsskapande bland sina elever i enlighet med nationella målen för ett livslångt lärande och hållbar utveckling. Hur främjar IT och IKT lärandet i förskoleklassen? På vilka sätt införlivar lärare upplevelser i klassrummet. Vad är gruppdynamik mellan lärare och elev, samt gruppdynamik mellan eleverna i ett klassrumsscenario med den konventionella papper/penna och tekniska stöd? Med dessa centrala frågor genomfördes studien som en deltagande observation. Detta resulterade i att förskoleklassbarnen tycker att det är mycket lättare att kommunicera inte bara med lärare utan även med sina klasskamrater under klassrumsaktiviteter där IT och IKT ingår än när lärare tar på sig rollen i den så kallade gamla skolan som tenderar att bli ensidig. Resultaten visar att skapa meningsfullhet bland elever till stor del baseras på lärarnas eget intresse i fokusgruppen. Ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv är det uppenbart att begrepp som interaktion, meningsfullhet, symboler och artefakter blir central. Resultaten från studien visar att det finns ett stort intresse och ambitioner från rektor och lärare att införa bland annat IT och IKT i undervisningen. På grund av tvetydigheten i de nationella målen och normer när man talar om förskoleklass har detta orsakat många lärare och skolor att misslyckas med att uppfylla elevernas förväntningar och krav, vilket i sin tur kan vara en av de stora orsakerna till det ökande antalet gymnasieelever som inte uppfyller de nationella kunskapsmålen i Sverige.

The Effects Of Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus On Cognitive Functioning, Learning Difficulties, And Behavioral Problems In Children

Akay, Sinem 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) on the cognitive functioning, learning difficulties, and behavioral problems in children between the ages of 7 and 12. The sample was composed of elementary school children living in Ankara, Turkey. Data was collected by administering demographic information form, Children&rsquo / s Depression Inventory (CDI), Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children&ndash / Revised (WISC-R), and Specific Learning Disability Scale. One-way ANOVAs were employed to examine the differences among the levels of parental education, income, school achievement, and child&rsquo / s adherence to IDDM in terms of WISC-R scores, learning difficulty related variables, behavioral problems, and depression. Results revealed that children with low adherence to IDDM were more likely to experience behavioral problems and depression. T-tests were conducted to examine the mean differences between IDDM and control groups in terms of WISC-R scores, and the variables related to learning difficulties, behavioral problems, and depression. As compared to control group, children with IDDM had lower WISC-R information, similarities, arithmetic, and total scores. Also, children with IDDM had lower achievement in several arithmetic, reading, and writing tasks. Furthermore, hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to test the effect of IDDM adherence, age of onset, and illness duration on cognitive functioning, learning, and behaviors. The results did not reveal any significant effect of IDDM related variables on children&rsquo / s cognitive functioning, learning, or behaviors. Findings were discussed with reference to the relevant literature. Implications of the study were discussed and future research topics were suggested.

Kūdikių emocijų ir elgesio sunkumai bei juos prognozuojantys veiksniai / Infant emotional and behavioral problems and their predictive factors

Širvinskienė, Giedrė 14 July 2014 (has links)
Disertacijoje analizuojami pusantrų metų amžiaus kūdikių emocijų ir elgesio sunkumai bei juos prognozuojantys biomedicininiai, psichologiniai bei socialiniai veiksniai. Atliktas perspektyvusis kohortinis kūdikių, gimusių 2009 m. gegužės – rugsėjo mėnesiais LSMU ligoninėje Kauno klinikose, tyrimas. Duomenys surinkti vykdant tris tyrimo etapus: (1) ligoninėje surinkti biomedicininiai duomenys bei atlikta anketinė motinų apklausa, (2) atlikta anketinė motinų apklausa kūdikiams sulaukus trijų mėnesių amžiaus ir (3) anketinė motinų apklausa kūdikiams sulaukus pusantrų metų amžiaus. Pusantrų metų amžiaus kūdikių emocijų ir elgesio sunkumai buvo įvertinti naudojant Vaiko elgesio aprašo (CBCL/1½–5) (Achenbach, Rescorla, 2000) Lietuvoje adaptuotą ir standartizuotą versiją (Jusienė, Raižienė, 2006). Emocijų ir elgesio sunkumai buvo labiau išreikšti kūdikiams, kurie gimė atliekant cezario pjūvį bei kurių fiziologinė būklė po gimimo nebuvo optimali. Tyrimas atskleidė tokių psichologinių ir socialinių veiksnių svarbą prognozuojant emocijų ir elgesio sunkumus, kaip sudėtingas motinos emocinis nėštumo priėmimas, negatyviai motinos vertinami santykiai su vyru / partneriu nėštumo metu, dažnas motinos negatyvių emocijų patyrimas, dideliu nerimu dėl vaiko pasižymintis motinos pogimdyminis prieraišumas ir nelanksčios, į tėvus orientuotos motinos nuostatos kūdikio auginimo atžvilgiu. Disertacijoje taip pat analizuojamos ir aptariamos tirtų biomedicininių, psichologinių ir socialinių veiksnių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Dissertation analyses infants’ emotional and behavioral problems at the age of 1.5 years and their predictive biomedical and psychosocial factors. The Dissertation is based on data from prospective birth-cohort study. Study participants were infants born in the Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS) Kauno Klinikos from May to September in 2009. The analysis included the data from three stages of the study: (1) biomedical data during and after childbirth and a questionnaire survey given to mothers 2 to 3 days after childbirth in hospital, (2) questionnaire survey of mothers three months postpartum, and (3) questionnaire survey of mothers 1.5 years postpartum. Emotional and behavioral problems were more expressed in infants born via caesarean section and whose physiological functioning after birth was not optimal. Study also revealed the importance of such psychosocial predictors of emotional and behavioral problems as complicated emotional acceptance of pregnancy, poor couple’s relationship during pregnancy, frequent negative maternal emotions, maternal postpartum attachment characterized by high anxiety regar¬ding child, and inflexible and parent-oriented attitudes toward infant-rearing. The associations between biomedical and psychosocial factors are also analyzed and discussed.

Avaliação aprofundada da enurese e tratamento com alarme associado à uroterapia / Not informed by the author

Paula Ferreira Braga Porto 05 February 2015 (has links)
Uma vez que atraves do uso do alarme de urina nem todas as criancas com enurese obtem os criterios definidos para o sucesso (14 noites secas consecutivas), buscou--se investigar procedimentos complementares para potencializar o seu efeito: a) o diario miccional, utilizado como um instrumento de avaliacao diagnostica da enurese e como uma medida dos efeitos de tratamentos e b) a uroterapia, que consiste de um conjunto de medidas comportamentais que tem como objetivo corrigir dificuldades provavelmente relacionadas a enurese nao corrigidas pelo uso do alarme. O diario miccional e o registro do volume de liquidos ingeridos e eliminados no periodo de dois dias pela crianca, que pode indicar, dentre outros padroes, urgencia miccional, hiperatividade detrusora, poliuria, bem como ingestao irregular de liquidos. As medidas comportamentais que compoe a uroterapia podem ser exemplificadas por: miccoes em horarios regulares; aumento da ingesta de liquidos e evitacao de irritantes vesicais. Neste estudo participaram 65 criancas e adolescentes com enurese distribuidas em dois grupos de tratamento. O primeiro grupo foi exposto a uroterapia e ao tratamento com alarme (grupo Uroterapia), enquanto o segundo grupo foi exposto somente ao tratamento com alarme (grupo Alarme). Por volta de 70% dos participantes de ambos os grupos obtiveram sucesso no tratamento, independentemente da realizacao da uroterapia. Os participantes do grupo Uroterapia apresentaram uma melhora mais acentuada no inicio do tratamento, mas esta nao se manteve como tendencia ao longo do tempo. Os participantes de ambos os grupos tiveram um aumento significativo da porcentagem da capacidade volumetrica da bexiga utilizada. Os participantes do grupo Uroterapia tiveram um aumento significativamente maior dos volumes de ingesta de liquidos e miccional / Not all children with enuresis reach 14 consecutive dry nights thought the use of the bell and pad alarm. That considered, we aimed to investigate additional procedures to enhance its success rate: a) the voiding diary, used as a diagnostic tool for evaluating enuresis and to measure overall treatments effects and b) urotherapy, consisting of a set of behavioral measures that aims at problems probably related to enuresis not corrected by the use of the bell and pad alarm. The voiding diary is a two--day record of fluid intake and micturition habits. It may indicate, among other patterns, urgency, detrusor overactivity, polyuria and irregular fluid intake. Urotherapy is composed of behavioral measures such: voiding at regular times; increased fluid intake; and avoidance of bladder irritants. 65 children and adolescents participated in this study. They were assigned to two treatment groups. The first group was exposed to urotherapy and to an alarm treatment (Urotherapy group), while the second was exposed only to an alarm treatment (Alarm group). Around 70% of participants became dry, regardless of the group they were assigned to. Participants from the Urotherapy group showed a more marked improvement early in treatment, but this trend was not maintained over time. Participants from both groups had a significant increase in the percentage of volumetric bladder capacity used and participants from the Urotherapy group had a significantly greater increase of fluid intake and voided volume

Bullying, problemas de comportamento e adversidade familiar em adolescentes de escolas públicas paulistas / Bullying, behavior problems and family adversity in youth from public school

Felipe Alkmin-Carvalho 13 May 2014 (has links)
Sofrer bullying na infância e na adolescência se configura como fator de risco para a instalação e manutenção de problemas de comportamento e de transtornos psiquiátricos. A adversidade familiar, por sua vez, contribui para o envolvimento em situações de bullying. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: (1) avaliar e comparar os escores de problemas de comportamento em dois grupos (vítimas e não vítimas de bullying), obtidos por meio do autorrelato e do relato dos professores e (2) verificar correlações entre os escores de adversidade familiar e de problemas de comportamento nos dois grupos. Participaram 154 adolescentes, dos quais 31 (20,1%) foram identificados como vítimas de bullying, por meio da Escala de Violência Escolar (EVE) e da versão traduzida do Peer Assessment. Para avaliar os problemas de comportamento foram utilizadas as versões brasileiras do Youth Self Report/11-18 (YSR) e do Teacher Report Form (TRF). O índice de adversidade familiar (IAF) avaliou o nível de adversidade familiar entre as famílias. Mais adolescentes vítimas de bullying foram avaliados com problemas de comportamento internalizantes, externalizantes e totais em nível clínico, quando comparados ao grupo de não vítimas. As maiores diferenças entre grupos foram verificadas na subescala de Depressão e Ansiedade, a partir do relato dos adolescentes, e na escala de Comportamento Agressivo, de acordo com os professores. Os alunos alvos de bullying relataram mais problemas de comportamento internalizantes (F=13,3 e p=0,001) e menos problemas de comportamento externalizantes (F=6,63 e p=0,013), quando comparados ao relato de seus professores. A presença de discórdia conjugal foi mais frequente em famílias de alunos vítimas de bullying, atingindo diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos ( 2 =4,2 e p=0,04). Houve correlação positiva e ligeira entre os escores de problemas de comportamento, relatados pelos alunos, e os escores de adversidade familiar (=0,288 e p=0,001). Embora os escores de problemas de comportamento, sobretudo internalizantes, relatados por vítimas de bullying tenham sido significativamente superiores aos relatados por não vítimas, e tenham atingido níveis clínicos, os professores parecem não estarem sensíveis a estes indicadores. Identificar problemas de comportamento e características familiares adversas associadas à vitimização, assim como avaliar a percepção dos próprios envolvidos e de seus professores, contribui para o desenvolvimento de medidas preventivas de bullying em escolas brasileiras / Being bullied in childhood and adolescence is configured as a risk factor for the installation and maintenance of behavioral problems and psychiatric disorders. Family adversity, in turn, contributes to involvement in bullying situations. The aims of the study were: (1) to evaluate and compare the scores of behavior problems in two groups (victims and non-victims of bullying), obtained by self-report and by teachers report, and (2) examine correlations between the scores of family adversity and behavior problems of the two groups. Participated 154 adolescents, of whom, 31 (20.1%) were identified as victims of bullying, through the School Violence Scale (EVE) and through the translated version of the Peer Assessment. To assess the behavioral problems, the Brazilian versions of the Youth Self Report/11-18 (YSR) and the Teacher Report Form (TRF) were used. The family adversity index (LAI), from Rutter, assessed the level of family adversity among the families. Most adolescent victims of bullying were assessed with internalizing problems, externalizing, and total behavior at a clinical level, when compared with non-victims. The biggest differences between groups were found in the subscale of Depression and Anxiety, according to the teenagers and the Aggressive Behavior scale, according to teachers. The target of bullying students reported more internalizing behavior problems (F = 13.3, p = 0.001) and fewer externalizing behavior problems (F = 6.63, p = 0.013), when compared with their teachers. The presence of interparental conflict was more frequent in families of students bullied, reaching statistically significant difference between groups ( 2 = 4.2, p = 0.04). There was a slight and positive correlation between the scores of behavioral problems reported by students and the family adversity scores ( = 0.288, p = 0.001). While scores of behavior problems, especially internalizing, reported by victims of bullying were significantly higher than those reported by non-victims, and have reached clinical levels, the teachers do not seem to be sensitive to these indicators. Identify behavior problems and family characteristics associated with victimization, and to evaluate the perception of the involved and their teachers contribute to the development of preventive measures of bullying in Brazilian schools

Matvägran hos barn : En medicinsk översikt och kritisk analys samt fallstudier / Food refusal in children: medical review, critical analysis and case studies

Leander, Kajsa January 2012 (has links)
Ätproblem hos barn är relativt vanliga och existerar både hos i övrigt friska barn och hos barn med andra sjukdomar och diagnoser. I vissa fall är ätproblemen så allvarliga att de leder till malnutrition. Ofta delas ätproblem in i kategorier beroende på om man tycker sig se en medicinsk orsak eller inte, man skiljer därmed på organiska och icke-organiska problem. Detta arbete fokuserar främst på det som i litteraturen brukar kallas matvägran. Syftet var att belysa området i stort genom att presentera och diskutera aktuell litteratur och forskning om matvägran samt att kritiskt granska olika förklarings-modeller och begrepp. Tre fall av barn med matvägran beskrivs också. Beskrivningarna är baserade på information som lämnats av barnens mödrar i intervjuer och syftar till att beskriva hur naturalförloppet vid matvägran kan se ut samt att undersöka föräldrarnas attityder och känslor kring problemet i sig och kring vårdkontakter. Gemensamma drag var bland andra att barnen haft problem med att äta redan från början och att de alla kräkts frekvent. Mödrarna i de tre fallen beskriver också att de är besvikna över vården av deras barn. Genomgången av etiologi och orsaksteorier pekar mot att matvägran sannolikt är en komplex samverkan mellan en rad olika fysiologiska, psykologiska och miljömässiga faktorer. Att kalla besvären antingen organiska eller icke-organiska kan vara missvisande. Huruvida barnet uppvisar en ovilja eller aversion mot att äta borde vara avgörande för val av behandling och behandlingen bör utformas så att barnets integritet respekteras. / Feeding problems in children are common and exist both in otherwise healthy children and in children with medical conditions. In some cases the feeding problems are severe enough to cause malnutrition. A distinction is often made between organic feeding problems, which are thought to be caused by a medical condition and non-organic problems, where no obvious medical reason can be found. This study was primarily focused on what is referred to as food refusal. The aim of the study was to illuminate the area by presenting and discussing current research as well as critically view common terminology and theories. Three case studies of children with food refusal are also posed. The descriptions are based on information extracted from interviews of their mothers and aim to describe how the natural course of food refusal can present itself as well as to explore parental attitudes and feelings around the problem itself and around contacts with the health care system. Some of the common denominators were that the children all exhibited feeding problems from the beginning and that they have suffered frequent vomiting. The mothers have been disappointed with the care that their children have received. The review of etiology and theories points towards food refusal being a complex interplay between physiological, psychological and environmental factors. To label the problem as being either organic or non-organic can be misleading. Weather the child exhibits an aversion or unwillingness to eat should be an important aspect in choosing treatment form and respecting the child´s integrity should be a priority in treatment.

Tipo de familia y problemas de conducta escolar en estudiantes de primaria de un centro educativo estatal de Lima / Type of family and school behavior problems in elementary students of an educational center in Lima

Salas Pinedo, Silvana 19 May 2020 (has links)
Se estudió la relación entre los tipos de familia y los problemas de conducta escolar en una muestra de 105 niños entre 7 y 9 años pertenecientes a un centro educativo estatal de Lima. Para lograr el objetivo del presente estudio correlacional-causal se administró el Cuestionario de Evaluación de Problemas de Conducta (Bravo, 1976) y la Escala Tipo de Familia según criterio psicopedagógico (Cerda, 1995). Ambos evidenciaron óptimas propiedades psicométricas (validez de constructo y confidencialidad). Los resultados mostraron una correlación significativa entre el tipo de familia insegura y los problemas de conducta escolar; así como, una correlación no significativa entre el tipo de familia segura y los problemas de conducta escolar, lo que indica que se acepta la hipótesis planteada en la presente investigación. / The relationship between family types and school behavioral problems was studied in a simple of 105 children between 7 and 9 years old that attend a public educational center in Lima. In order to achieve the objective of the present correlationalh-causal study, the Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Behavioral Problems (Bravo, 1976) and the Family Type Scale (Cerda, 1995) was administered according to psychopedagogical criteria. Both showed optimal psychometric properties (construct validity and reliability). The results showed a significant correlation between the insecure family type and school behavioral problems; as well as, a non-significant correlation between the safe family type and school behavioral problems, which indicates that the hypothesis proposed in the present investigation is accepted. / Tesis

Analysis of a Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP) Inhibitor in a Treatment-resistant Depression Model in the Rat

Coleman, Joshua B., Gill, Wesley Drew, Maxwell, Allee C., Brown, Russell W. 08 May 2020 (has links)
Over 16 million people in the US suffer from major depressive disorder (MDD) each year. Approximately 1/3rd of MDD patients (~5 million) obtain only partial remission or no benefit after trials with multiple drugs or drug combinations. Recently, Ordway and colleagues have reportedelevated levels of DNA oxidation and upregulated gene expression of the base excision repair enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP1) in postmortem brain from donors who had MDD at the time of death, as compared to age-matched psychiatrically normal control donors. This study was designed to test whether an inhibitor of PARP, 3-aminobenzamide (3-AB), may be effective to alleviate depressive-like behaviors in a rodent model of treatment-resistant depression. Male rats were ip administered lipopolysaccharide (LPS;100ug/kg) daily for 28 days, and administered a chronic unpredictable stressor on each day. All rats were also administered saline, 3-AB (40 mg/kg), or the serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) fluoxetine (trade name: Prozac; 10 mg/kg) on each day, approximately 30 min after LPS treatment. During the 28 day period of LPS treatment, animals were behaviorally tested 5 times on sucrose preference (a test of anhedonia). At the end of the 28 day period, rats were behaviorally tested on a test of acute stress, the Porsolt swim test. Results revealed that 3-AB alleviated anhedonia and the response to acute stress in the Porsolt swim test superior to the fluoxetine group, demonstrating the utility of a PARP inhibitor to alleviate depressive-like behavior in this model. In addition, fluoxetine produced a loss of weight which recovered over days, but not to control levels, and 3-AB did not produce this effect. This study shows that PARP inhibitors may be effective in treatment-resistant depression.


17 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] A literatura vem mostrando a forte influência da família e suas interações sobre o desenvolvimento das crianças. Este estudo tem como foco compreender a importância da família para o desenvolvimento infantil, especificamente a influência do clima familiar e das características familiares na ocorrência de problemas emocionais e comportamentais nas crianças. Para compreender a relação do clima familiar com os problemas emocionais e comportamentais das crianças, utilizou-se como aparato teórico a Abordagem Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano e pesquisas semelhantes com o tema. Com esse intuito, investigou-se, em uma amostra de crianças da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a relação entre o clima familiar, as características sociodemográficas da família e os problemas emocionais e comportamentais na infância. Participaram 237 famílias, dentre os respondentes, 168 mães, 39 pais e 30 cuidadores das crianças, entre 7 e 13 anos, matriculadas em escolas do Ensino Fundamental do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados por meio do Inventário de Clima Familiar (ICF), do Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL 6/18), e de um questionário sociodemográfico. O clima familiar apresentou associação com renda familiar, saúde mental e escolaridade dos pais. Correlações de Pearson e regressões lineares múltiplas indicaram associação negativa entre apoio e coesão familiar e problemas emocionais/comportamentais infantis. Além disso, conflito e hierarquia relacionaram-se positivamente com estes problemas. Os resultados apontam para importância dos processos proximais, em especial do clima familiar, como fatores protetivos para o desenvolvimento infantil. / [en] Literature has been showing the family s strong influence and its interactions over children s development. This study has focused on comprehending the importance of family to children s development, specifically the influence of family climate and family characteristics in occurrence of emotional and behavioral problems in children. To comprehend the relation between family climate and emotional and behavioral problems in children, the Bioecological Approach to Development was used as theoretical apparatus, so as similar researches about the theme. With this purpose, a sample of children from Rio de Janeiro was investigated surrounding the relation between family climate, the family’s sociodemographic characteristics and emotional and behavioral problems during childhood. Within the respondents of the 237 families who participated, 168 were mothers, 39 fathers and 30 caretakers for children, between 7 and 13 years old, registered in elementary schools in Rio de Janeiro. Data were collected through the Family-Climate Inventory, the Child Behavior Checklist and a socio-demographic questionnaire. The family climate had association with the family income, mental health and educational level of parents. Pearson s correlations and multiple linear regressions indicated a negative association between family support and cohesion and children s emotional/behavioral problems. Thus, conflict and family hierarchy were positively association with these problems. The results show the importance of the proximal processes, and especially the family climate, as an important source of protection for children s development.

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