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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Children’s dental general anaesthesia:reasons and associated factors

Rajavaara, P. (Päivi) 05 March 2019 (has links)
Abstract General anaesthesia (GA) is a widely used sedation method in dentistry. It is usually used for patients with an extensive dental treatment need, most often related to dental caries, and limited coping skills to consider conventional dental care. These patients are often small children or persons with dental fear. Using dental general anaesthesia (DGA) is expensive, special equipment and trained staff are needed, and it is not without risks for patients. The aim of this study was to investigate factors associated with children’s DGA. In addition to dental caries and dental fear, general health status, oral health behaviours, family-related factors, as well as dental attendance after DGA were in focus. The thesis is composed of five independent studies. There were three different study populations ‒ one in specialised and two in primary health care. There was also an age- and gender-matched comparison group for one of the study populations. Questionnaires were used in three of the studies, and two of the studies were based on patient files. According to the results, DGA is more common among medically compromised children than among healthy children. Medically compromised children have more often a history of DGA treatments compared with their healthy peers. Dental caries and dental fear were the main reasons for DGA in all of the studies. Dietary and drinking habits, as well as oral hygiene behaviours were distinctly poorer among children undergoing DGA than among those treated in a normal dental setting. A history of DGA in the family, a large number of siblings and male gender were important background factors associated with DGA. Patients treated under DGA were prone to miss or cancel their upcoming appointments. In conclusion, DGA is necessary in some cases, but it could be avoided if factors associated with DGA were taken into account in treatment plans. DGA in itself does not have an enhancing effect on oral health over the long term. / Tiivistelmä Yleisanestesia on hammashoidossa yleisesti käytetty sedaatiomenetelmä vaikeahoitoisille potilaille. He ovat usein pieniä lapsia, hammashoitopelkoisia tai sellaisia potilaita, joiden hoidontarve on liian laaja ja haastava tavanomaiseen hammashoitoon. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää lasten nukutushammashoitoon liittyviä tekijöitä. Karieksen ja hammashoitopelon lisäksi tutkimuksen kohteena oli yleisterveydellisiä seikkoja, suunterveystottumuksia, perheeseen liittyviä tekijöitä sekä hammashoitopalvelujen käyttö nukutushammashoidon jälkeen. Tämä väitöskirja koostuu viidestä erillisestä osajulkaisusta. Tutkimusjoukkoja oli kolme: yksi erikoissairaanhoidosta ja kaksi perusterveydenhuollosta. Yhdelle tutkimusjoukolle oli ikä- ja sukupuolivakioitu vertailuryhmä. Kyselylomakkeita käytettiin kolmessa osajulkaisussa ja kaksi osajulkaisua perustui potilaspapereihin. Nukutushammashoito oli yleisempää yleissairailla kuin terveillä lapsilla. Yleissairailla lapsilla oli myös useammin nukutushammashoitohistoriaa kuin terveillä lapsilla. Karies ja hammashoitopelko olivat pääsyyt nukutushammashoitoon kaikissa tutkimuksissa. Juoma- ja ruokatottumukset, kuten myös suuterveystottumukset, olivat selkeästi huonommat nukutushammashoidossa hoidetuilla lapsilla kuin niillä lapsilla, jotka hoidettiin normaalisti hereillä. Perheen nukutushammashoitohistoria, suuri määrä sisaruksia ja miessukupuoli olivat merkittäviä nukutushammashoitoon yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Nukutushammashoidossa hoidetut potilaat jättivät usein tulematta nukutushammashoidon jälkeisille hammashoitokäynneilleen tai peruivat aikansa. Nukutushammashoito on välttämätön tietyissä tilanteissa, mutta se voitaisiin välttää, jos siihen liittyviä tekijöitä huomioitaisiin paremmin hoitosuunnitelmissa. Nukutushammashoidolla sinänsä ei ole suunterveyttä parantavaa pitkäaikaisvaikutusta.

Combinatoire du polynôme de Tutte et des cartes planaires / Combinatorics of the Tutte polynomial and planar maps

Courtiel, Julien 03 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le polynôme de Tutte, étudié selon différents points de vue. Dans une première partie, nous nous intéressons à l’énumération des cartes planaires munies d’une forêt couvrante, ici appelées cartes forestières, avec un poids z par face et un poids u par composante non racine de la forêt. De manière équivalente, nous comptons selon le nombre de faces les cartes planaires C pondérées par TC(u + 1; 1), où TC désigne le polynôme de Tutte de C. Nous commençons par une caractérisation purement combinatoire de la série génératrice correspondante, notée F(z; u). Nous en déduisons que F(z; u) est différentiellement algébrique en z, c’est-à-dire que F satisfait une équation différentielle polynomiale selon z. Enfin, pour u ≥ -1, nous étudions le comportement asymptotique du n-ième coefficient de F(z; u). Nous observons une transition de phase en 0, avec notamment un régime très atypique en n-3 ln-2(n) pour u ϵ [-1; 0[, témoignant d’une nouvelle classe d’universalité pour les cartes planaires. Dans une seconde partie, nous proposons un cadre unificateur pour les différentes notions d’activités utilisées dans la littérature pour décrire le polynôme de Tutte.La nouvelle notion d’activité ainsi définie est appelée Δ-activité. Elle regroupe toutes les notions d’activité déjà connues et présente de belles propriétés, comme celle de Crapo qui définit une partition (adaptée à l’activité) du treillis des sous-graphes couvrants en intervalles. Nous conjecturons en dernier lieu que toute activité qui décrit le polynôme de Tutte et qui satisfait la propriété susmentionnée de Crapo peut être définie en termes de Δ-activités. / This thesis deals with the Tutte polynomial, studied from different points of view. In the first part, we address the enumeration of planar maps equipped with a spanning forest, here called forested maps, with a weight z per face and a weight u per non-root component of the forest. Equivalently, we count (with respect to the number of faces) the planar maps C weighted by TC(u + 1; 1), where TC is the Tutte polynomial of C.We begin by a purely combinatorial characterization of the corresponding generating function, denoted by F(z; u). We deduce from this that F(z; u) is differentially algebraic in z, that is, satisfies a polynomial differential equation in z. Finally, for u ≥ -1, we study the asymptotic behaviour of the nth coefficient of F(z; u).We observe a phase transition at 0, with a very unusual regime in n-3 ln-2(n) for u ϵ [-1; 0[, which testifiesa new universality class for planar maps. In the second part, we propose a framework unifying the notions of activity used in the literature to describe the Tutte polynomial. The new notion of activity thereby defined is called Δ-activity. It gathers all the notions of activities that were already known and has nice properties, as Crapo’s property that defines a partition of the lattice of the spanning subgraphs into intervals with respect to the activity. Lastly we conjecture that every activity that describes the Tutte polynomial and that satisfies Crapo’s property can be defined in terms of Δ-activity.

Adding life to years : understanding barriers to healthy eating in a group of older single-living New Zealand men : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Human Nutrition at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

Bowden, Jennifer Amy Unknown Date (has links)
New Zealand’s population, like the global population, is ageing. An important element of successful ageing is the maintenance of optimal nutritional status, which is linked to general health and quality of life. The purpose of this mixed methods study, guided by qualitative descriptive methods, was to identify barriers to healthy eating in a group of older single-living New Zealand men. Understanding the men’s perspectives on meal procurement and preparation, in essence walking in their shoes, was a key part of identifying barriers to healthy eating. A cohort of 12 men participated, each completing a semi-structured interview as well as a nutrition knowledge and nutritional risk assessment questionnaire. Data from the semi-structured interviews was analysed using a general inductive approach. The results of the questionnaire were used to enrich description in this mixed methods study. Three core themes emerged from the data which were ‘Individual Circumstances’; ‘Nutrition Knowledge and Skills’; and ‘Food-Related Values’. Potential barriers to healthy eating, in terms of individual circumstances, were limited finances, limited mobility and a lack of personal transport. These barriers were partially ameliorated by effective, reliable social and support networks. A diverse range of shopping, cooking and gardening skills, as well as nutrition knowledge, existed amongst the men. Poor nutrition knowledge and limited cooking skills were possible barriers to healthy eating. Strong beliefs the men held about how food procurement and preparation should occur, termed food-related values, were also potential barriers to healthy eating. Values identified were ‘the importance of healthy eating’; ‘structure in food-related activities’; ‘convenience’; and ‘like it or not, it has to be done – shopping and cooking’. Depending on the prioritisation of values by the individual, they could develop into barriers. For example, prioritising ‘convenience’ over ‘the importance of healthy eating’ led to decisions that negatively impacted dietary intake. This study highlighted the diversity of experiences, circumstances, skills and priorities of older single-living men. Interventions aimed at improving the dietary behaviours of older single-living New Zealand men must recognise the heterogeneity of this population and support the values they hold in regards to food-related activities.

Influencing the boss : correlates of upward influence strategies

Byrne, Ros, n/a January 1994 (has links)
The research reported in this thesis examines some aspects of upward influence behaviours at work, and in particular, the relationship between type of influence behaviours used and a number of potential correlates, including sex of agent, sex of target, sex-role identity, locus of control, job level, job type (secretarial worker or not) and educational level of agent. To examine these relationships. 64 male and 173 female white-collar workers (at AS01 to AS06 levels, or equivalent) in three large organisations in Canberra (A.C.T.) were surveyed, with a questionnaire containing measures of influence behaviours, attitudes to influencing upwards at work, a measure of sex-role identity, and a measure of locus of control beliefs, as well as demographic information. The data gathered from this survey was analysed using univariate, bivariate. and multivariate methods. Results showed limited support for stereotypical differences between males and females in influence behaviours used, and no support for hypotheses involving sex of target, sex-role identity, or secretarial workers. Influence behaviours previously identified as having positive outcomes for the agent were found in this study to be significantly associated with job level and educational level; influence behaviours previously identified as having negative outcomes for the agent were significantly associated with the tendency to explain outcomes in terms of control by powerful others, and with a sex-role identity characterised by negative masculinity traits. These findings suggest the importance of both structural and personal factors in choice of upward influence strategies at work. Suggestions for further research are provided.

An examination of culture as a protective mechanism against gender based violence: a case study in Mt Bosavi, Papua New Guinea : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy (Development Studies), Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Dogimab, Mirriam Adang January 2009 (has links)
Development literature has not accorded sufficient attention to culture as a positive aspect of development until recently. Hence, in terms of using culture as a protective mechanism against gender-based violence, not much has been investigated or reported, since most studies on gender-based violence have focused more on cultural influences as the cause or effect of violence against women. However, in the case of Papua New Guinea (PNG) culture has always been the focus in regards to genderbased violence, portrayed as the cause of violence against women. Occasionally sources state there are traditional customs or beliefs that protect women from violence, but further explanation is not provided. Hence, this research investigated the question, “How can culture address gender-based violence in contemporary, rural Papua New Guinea?” This study offers an opportunity to view PNG culture as a solution to a problem, instead of as merely a problem to be solved. To investigate how culture can be used positively as a strategy to address genderbased violence, a case study was conducted among the Sulamesi people of Mt Bosavi in the Southern highlands province of PNG. This research was conducted in a rural area because in general Papua New Guineans perceive people living in the villages as the ones living a traditional lifestyle, where established cultural norms and behaviours prevail. Using a qualitative research approach, the research investigated whether there were any traditional protective mechanisms in PNG used to address gender-based violence. This thesis concludes that through the identification of culture-driven protective mechanisms, it can be demonstrated that culture can be used as a strategy to address gender based violence. However, caution must be applied, since not all the protective mechanisms identified are desirable or constructive.

An examination of culture as a protective mechanism against gender based violence: a case study in Mt Bosavi, Papua New Guinea : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy (Development Studies), Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Dogimab, Mirriam Adang January 2009 (has links)
Development literature has not accorded sufficient attention to culture as a positive aspect of development until recently. Hence, in terms of using culture as a protective mechanism against gender-based violence, not much has been investigated or reported, since most studies on gender-based violence have focused more on cultural influences as the cause or effect of violence against women. However, in the case of Papua New Guinea (PNG) culture has always been the focus in regards to genderbased violence, portrayed as the cause of violence against women. Occasionally sources state there are traditional customs or beliefs that protect women from violence, but further explanation is not provided. Hence, this research investigated the question, “How can culture address gender-based violence in contemporary, rural Papua New Guinea?” This study offers an opportunity to view PNG culture as a solution to a problem, instead of as merely a problem to be solved. To investigate how culture can be used positively as a strategy to address genderbased violence, a case study was conducted among the Sulamesi people of Mt Bosavi in the Southern highlands province of PNG. This research was conducted in a rural area because in general Papua New Guineans perceive people living in the villages as the ones living a traditional lifestyle, where established cultural norms and behaviours prevail. Using a qualitative research approach, the research investigated whether there were any traditional protective mechanisms in PNG used to address gender-based violence. This thesis concludes that through the identification of culture-driven protective mechanisms, it can be demonstrated that culture can be used as a strategy to address gender based violence. However, caution must be applied, since not all the protective mechanisms identified are desirable or constructive.

An investigation into the relationship between organisational commitment and the intention to quit within a Financial Services division in the Western Cape

Lodewyk, Faatiemah January 2011 (has links)
Consent for the research study was obtained from the divisional executive of the financial services division being researched and all ethical factors were clarified. All potential participants were engaged in a divisional communication session where participation was advised to be voluntary and anonymity and confidentiality was assured. The results of the study revealed that there was no statically significant relationship between intention to quit and organisational commitment but a statically significant relationship between organisational commitment and age, tenure, marital status and staff with dependants respectively were revealed. Further to that, a statistically significant relationship between intention to quit and age, tenure, marital status was also revealed. Therefore, based on the understanding gained, and the relationship it had with respect to the biographical factors used in the study, it presents organisations with the insight and opportunity to better retain staff. Clear understandings of the limitations of the findings presented are also discussed and additional recommendations for future research are also provided.

Leadership for Quality, Effectiveness and Health

Larsson, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Leadership, quality, effectiveness and health are important factors in the achievement of organisational success. Three questions are addressed to study these elements: 1. How do leadership values relate to leadership behaviours, quality methodologies and health in organisations? 2. How do leadership behaviours relate to effectiveness and health in organisations? 3. How can leadership tools be designed and used to promote health in organisations? The research is based on five studies from three research projects. This research is reported in five papers. Study I concerned eight organisations in the middle of Sweden; the focus was on leadership values and behaviours. Study II concerned three successful organisations that received the award, ‘Sweden’s number one workplace’. Focus in this study was mainly on leadership behaviours. Study III combined results from Studies I and II with a focus on successful leadership behaviours. Study IV concerned the eight organisations in Study I. A leadership tool in the form of a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model was developed and evaluated. Study V was of two organisations in Sweden; the focus in that work was on the use of a leadership tool control chart designed to give managers statistically valid early warning signals about health in their organisations. Theory X and Y together with the three-dimensional leadership behaviour theory were used to assess leadership values and behaviours. The theory surrounding PDSA and control charts were used to develop leadership tools. The dimension of health is defined from a salutogenic humanistic perspective; which emphasizes individual well-being. The dimension of quality is defined as the ability to satisfy or exceed needs and expectations. Effectiveness is defined as the extent to which externally and internally defined objectives are fulfilled. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. Interviews, seminars with employees, collection of human resource and effectiveness figures, and questionnaires completed by managers and subordinates were used to collect data. Managers with more Theory Y-oriented leadership values were rated by subordinates as high concerning quality methodologies and leadership behaviour dimensions. The subordinates of these managers tended to be healthier. Two of the studies identified common groups of leadership behaviours in effective and healthy organisations: strategy and vision, communication and information, authority and responsibility, learning culture, worker conversations, plainness and simplicity, humanity and trust, walking around and reflective personal leadership. These leadership behaviours fit into a leadership profile where all three of the dimensions of structure, relation and change are present. Of the three, the relation dimension is strongest and concluded to be a universal dimension. The developed PDSA model seems to be a leadership tool that influences both leadership values and behaviour, particularly in the area of relation-oriented leadership behaviours. An early warning system built on CUSUM- and Shewhartcharts concerning the health indicators of self-assessed general health and new sickcases per employee was also found to be a powerful and usable leadership tool. For future research, the explorative research findings can be quantitatively tested using representative and preferably cross-national data, with a longitudinal design. / Ledarskap, kvalitet, effektivitet och hälsa är viktiga faktorer för en organisations framgång. Tre forskningsfrågor är ställda: 1. Hur relaterar ledarskapsvärderingar till ledarskapsbeteenden, arbetssätt för kvalitet samt hälsa i organisationer? 2. Hur relaterar ledarskapsbeteenden till effektivitet och hälsa i organisationer? 3. Hur kan hälsofrämjande ledarskapsverktyg utformas och användas i organisationer? Forskningen är baserad på fem studier med empirisk bas i tre forskningsprojekt. Resultaten är avrapporterade i fem artiklar. Studie I inkluderar åtta organisationer i mellansverige; fokus är på värderingar och beteenden inom ledarskapet. Studie II inkluderar tre framgångsrika organisationer som har erhållit utmärkelsen “Sveriges bästa arbetsplats” och fokus är framförallt på ledarskapsbeteenden. Studie III är en kombination av resultat från Studie I och II och fokuserar på framgångsrikt ledarskap. Studie IV inkluderar organisationerna från Studie I, och ett ledarskapsverktyg i form av en PDSA modell är utvecklad och utvärderad. Studie V inkluderar två organisationer och fokuserar på ledarskapsverktyget styrdiagram med målet att ge chefer statistiskt säkerställda tidiga varningar rörande medarbetarnas hälsa. Teori X och Y är, tillsammans med den tredimensionella ledarskapsbeteendeteorin, teoribas för analys av värderingar och beteenden inom ledarskapet. Teorier rörande PDSA och styrdiagram är använda för att utveckla ledarskapsverktyg. Hälsa är definierad med ett salutogent humanistiskt perspektiv som betonar det individuella välbefinnandet. Kvalitet som en produkts förmåga att tillfredsställa eller helst överträffa kundernas behov och förväntningar. Effektivitet som både intern och extern måluppfyllelse. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa forskningsmetoder är använda i studierna. Intervjuer, gruppseminarier med medarbetare, insamling av personaladministrativa data och effektivitetsindikatorer samt frågeformulär till chefer och medarbetare är använda som datainsamlingsverktyg. Chefer med mer Teori Y-orienterade värderingar bedöms av medarbetare ha höga värden rörande arbetssätt för kvalitet, ledarskapsbeteenden samt tendenser till bättre hälsa bland medarbetarna. Gemensamma grupper av ledarskapsbeteenden från två studier hos framgångsrika organisationer är identifierade; Den strategiska och visionära ledarskapsrollen, Kommunikation och information, Ansvar och befogenheter, Lärande kultur, Medarbetardiskussioner, Enkelhet, Humanitet och förtroende, Vara synlig i organisationen och Personligt reflektivt ledarskap. Dessa beteenden motsvarar en ledarskapsprofil inkluderande de tre dimensionerna struktur, relation och förändring. Tydligast i resultaten är relationsdimensionen och slutsatsen är att den är universell. Den utvecklade PDSA modellen verkar vara ett tillämpbart ledarskapsverktyg som influerar både ledarskapsvärderingar och ledarskapsbeteenden, framförallt ökad relationsorientering. Ett tidigt varningssystem innehållande hälsoindikatorerna självskattat allmänt hälsotillstånd och nya sjukfall per anställd med styrdiagrammen CUSUM och Shewhart är ett kraftfullt och användbart ledarskapsverktyg. I fortsatt forskning kan de explorativa resultaten testas kvantitativt med representativa, helst internationella, data utifrån en longitudinell design.

Acting creatively for enhanced performance : Challenges for Swedish manufacturers in an age of outsourcing

Dabhilkar, Mandar January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation aims to contribute to the discourse on the future of manufacturing in Sweden. It is argued that the real threat does not come from lower wages in Eastern Europe and Asia. Rather it comes from an inability to make the most of existing manufacturing systems. The joint contribution of the underlying studies that this dissertation is based on provides compelling support for corroborating this line of thought. More important, however, is that in addition to showing that there is room for improvement, a lot of input is provided on how to act creatively for enhanced performance. The discussion on how to act mainly focuses on three research issues. First, enhancing continuous improvement capability. The continuous improvement abilities considered most important for Swedish manufacturers to develop are pointed out. That is, the ability to adopt a systematic and strategic approach to continuous improvements, the ability to lead the way towards continuous improvements, and finally the ability to involve customers and suppliers in continuous improvements. Furthermore, the likely positive performance impact of accomplishing this is clarified. Second, adopting the principles of lean manufacturing. Rather than reinforcing Taylorism, it is shown that lean manufacturing seems to contribute to the creation of sustainable work systems in Sweden. However, a broad process of change awaits the many companies that might aspire to transform their operations in this direction. In order to reap the full potential of this strategy, the work organisation, as well as management accounting and remuneration systems, must change, not only manufacturing processes. Third and finally, making more effective outsourcing decisions. It is shown that any positive effects of outsourcing manufacturing are more likely to be realized if concurrent initiatives are taken to develop the capability of the manufacturing function. The analysis also indicates a potential for taking a more strategic approach to outsourcing, i.e., outsourcing in order to increase focus on core manufacturing activities and take advantage of the supplier’s higher innovation capability. Moreover, a potential for selecting suppliers more appropriately is also indicated, such as by trying to achieve greater economies of scale. The chosen methodological approach has been to combine two large-scale surveys of representative samples of Swedish engineering industry companies with two multiple case studies. The surveys measured continuous improvement behaviours, lean manufacturing and outsourcing, and provides descriptive statistics as well as tests of theoretical assumptions. The case studies provide a deeper understanding of researched issues. One was designed to illustrate how the Balanced Scorecard may enhance the continuous improvement capability level, and the other, to hearing some voices of the empirical field. / QC 20100525

Local model predictive control for navigation of a wheeled mobile robot using monocular information

Pacheco Valls, Lluís 30 November 2009 (has links)
Aquesta tesi està inspirada en els agents naturals per tal de planificar de manera dinàmica la navegació d'un robot diferencial de dues rodes. Les dades dels sistemes de percepció són integrades dins una graella d'ocupació de l'entorn local del robot. La planificació de les trajectòries es fa considerant la configuració desitjada del robot, així com els vértexs més significatius dels obstacles més propers. En el seguiment de les trajectòries s'utilitzen tècniques locals de control predictiu basades en el model, amb horitzons de predicció inferiors a un segon. La metodologia emprada és validada mitjançant nombrosos experiments. / In this thesis are used natural agents for dinamic navigation of a differential driven wheeled mobile robot. The perception data are integrated on a local occupancy grid framework where planar floor model is assumed. The path-planning is done by considering the local desired configuration, as well as the meaningful local obstacle vertexes. The trajectory-tracking is implemented by using LMPC (local model predictive control) techniques, with prediction horizons of less than one second. Many experiments are tested in order to report the validity of the prosed methodology.

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