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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study on the organizational climate in Hong Kong and China offices of BASF China

Chan, Kit-wan, Amy., 陳潔雲. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

寬頻影音網站之整合行銷傳播:以hiChannel北京奧運轉播為例 / IMC of Webcasters: A Case Study of Beijing Olympic Broadcasting on hiChannel

萬年生, Wan, Nien Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由寬頻影音網站脈絡出發,並以整合行銷傳播理論視野切入,透過hiChannel北京奧運轉播的個案研究,析論利益關係者(stakeholders)、內容(content)、通路(channels)、資料庫行銷(database marketing)和結果(results)等研究者歸納的整合行銷傳播重要面向。 首先就利益關係者而言,除兼論本個案行銷傳播目標,並將其區分內、外部二類。hiChannel內部利益關係者,包括負責統籌協調新媒體平臺的中華電信奧運專案辦公室(OPO)、實際落實規劃執行的數據通信分公司(HiNet)、內容整合商愛爾達科技(ELTA),和銷售廣告的中華黃頁(hiPage);外部利益關係者,則納入協助規劃執行「奧運特派員」活動的凱絡媒體、廣告主、目標閱聽眾、媒體,和三網聯播合作夥伴PChome與MSN。本論文發現,跨部門組織OPO確實賦予hiChannel適切定位,也使本個案發揮良好整合角色。 其次,研究者在內容面向共檢視行銷團隊的「可控制」(controlled)和「不可控制」(uncontrolled)二類訊息;但主要側重前者。透過業者深度訪談,及內容分析主要網站規劃、網路廣告等針對廣告主和閱聽眾的行銷傳播素材、各階段報紙報導和公關稿(press release),發現不論hiChannel的「全頻道、全賽事、免費收視」整體訴求,及特派員活動強調的「hiChannel陪你看奧運 聊運動」訊息主軸,大致均能符合執行和策略一致等整合意涵。 而在通路面向,則綜整本個案各階段側重的行銷傳播工具組合及其考量,其中奧運期間強調的網路社群操作,即和特派員活動連結;整體而言,個案確實掌握各行銷傳播工具優勢,並能透過不同組合運用,初步發揮互補的整合效果。 另本論文將資料庫行銷的概念區分為特定和廣義二者。其中特定定義,主要指結合直效行銷或關係管理的資料庫行銷;至於廣義則指,只要能運用資料庫而有助後續行銷傳播計畫的擬定、執行。研究發現,本論文個案因奧運議題知名度和目標閱聽眾均甚廣等特性,從而並無特定資料庫行銷運用的必要;僅初步透過資料庫掌握收視輪廓和族群,並據此訴求廣告主或調整策略。研究者認為,資料庫行銷不僅和產業特性、資料可得等執行的軟硬體基礎條件有關,更重要的似乎還是企業對資料庫行銷的認知,甚至運用的必要性等層面。 最後,本論文結合個案行銷傳播目標和各分析章節內容,並扣連學者提出的稽核、障礙和層級概念,共同檢視hiChannel北京奧運轉播的結果面向。研究者發現,本個案實具備良好的整合行銷傳播內涵,並至少符合較低層次的整合層級。 / This study aims to explore how the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is applied to broadcast Beijing Olympic Games on hiChannel. The author, adopting case study methodology, tries to elucidate the context of webcasters and five significant pillars of IMC. These five distinct attributes are as follows: stakeholders, content, channels, database marketing and results. 9 depth interviews are conducted to understand how hiChannel planed and used the perspectives of five pillars of IMC. Also, via content analysis, all campaigning messages of on-line activities, the print media and press release are analyzed. The major concepts of each pillar of IMC are re-examined in this case study. The findings show that the team of hiChannel informs the controlled messages such as,“free to watch all channels, all games of Beijing Olympics” and “to watch and chat about all games of Beijing Olympics at the same time” to not only advertisers but target audience. Besides, the author finds that the team in order to accomplish the commercials, website page views and other what hiChannel desired in this case study, they conveyed both executional also strategic consistency through each channels, across all tools in substance, before and during the period of Beijing Olympic Games. Last but not least, the author also finds that because Olympic Games are renowned, and tend to attract broad target audience, there is no need for the application of database marketing. Moreover, this case study also leads us to rethink the use of database marketing and other four pillars of IMC according to industry characteristics and other qualifications.

胡錦濤時期的文化外交政策研究 / A study of cultural diplomacy during Hu Jintao era

歐陽群, Ouyang, Chun Unknown Date (has links)
文化外交是近年來國際關係中的一項重要議題,各國皆對外輸出軟權力來增加該國在世界上的影響力,中國自改革開放後經濟與軍事能力大幅成長,因此近年來便開始加強對外文化輸出的工作,運用文化外交的力量以達到國家政策的目標。 本研究的目的在於對胡錦濤主政時期的文化外交政策做一全面性的認識,論文首先探討文化外交的理論淵源,進而建構出文化外交的意涵;其次從總體的角度來研究胡錦濤政府文化外交政策,包括其產生原因以及訴求,並對執行此政策的各相關機構與指導方針做分析。另外在具體實踐方面,論文從孔子學院及2008年北京奧運來探討中國文化外交政策的成效,最後針對這兩項實踐以及總體文化外交政策做深入的評估。 研究發現中國的文化外交政策之興起有其內、外在環境的影響,而執行的結果雖然有達到一定的成效,但受限於部份因素的制約,使得中國的文化外交政策仍有許多待改進之處。 / Cultural diplomacy is an important issue in international relations in recent years; many countries output their soft power to increase their influences in the world. Since the success of China’s reform and open policy, its economy and military power had a large growth. Therefore, China started to strengthen the policy of cultural output, using the power of cultural diplomacy to achieve its national goal. The purpose of this research is to have a comprehensive understanding on the cultural diplomacy during Hu Jintao’s administration. In the beginning of this research, we discuss the theories of cultural diplomacy, and then to describe it’s meaning. Secondly, we analyze this policy, including the background and purpose, from the overall viewpoint, and also study on the government departments and documents related to this policy. In addition, we take Confucius Institute and Beijing Olympic Games for examples to discuss the result of China’s cultural diplomacy. At last, this research has the analysis on these two practices and the policy. This research found that the appearance of China’s cultural diplomacy is influenced by the inner and outer environments. Although this policy has its result, it is still restricted by some factors. It means there are still many places of this policy need to be improved.

Les cercles de collectionneurs et de numismates dans la région de Pékin durant la première moitié du XIXème siècle : échange des monnaies anciennes, partage des idées et renouveau des études numismatiques / A Social Network of Coin collectors and numismatists around Beijing during the first half of the 19th century : Exchanging Coins and Ideas

Jankowski, Lyce 06 November 2012 (has links)
La période qui s’étende de la fin du XVIIIe siècle à la première moitié du XIXe constitue un âge d’or de la numismatique chinoise. Suite à l’édition en 1751 du Qinding qianlu, nombreux sont les collectionneurs qui s’intéressent à la monnaie et qui s’engagent dans la publication de catalogues, de monographies ou d’études érudites. Ces publications qui s’inspirent des méthodes appliquées en littérature par le courant d’érudition appelé l’ « Ecole des vérifications et des preuves » (kaozhengxue), entraînent une révolution méthodologique dans les études numismatiques. L’œuvre la plus représentative de cette période est le Guquanhui de Li Zuoxian (1807-1876) publiée en 1864. Cet ouvrage rassemble les collections, ainsi que les idées d’une communauté de passionnés qui correspondaient régulièrement, s’échangeaient des monnaies, estampages ou encore manuscrits et se réunissaient parfois. Mettre en évidence la nature des correspondances entre membres de ce cercle et l’existence d’échanges marchands et amicaux entre passionnés à la capitale permet de comprendre dans quelle mesure les échanges informels ont contribué à l’élaboration de critères d’étude des monnaies et à faire faire un bond qualitatif sans précédent à la numismatique chinoise. Il s’agit de voir quand quelle mesure les réseaux de sociabilité existant entre collectionneurs ont contribué aux progrès significatifs de cette époque, c’est-à-dire de retracer l’apparition d’une exigence de scientificité dans le milieu des collectionneurs privés. Cette recherche questionne aussi l’articulation entre le goût de la collection et la réflexion historique savante. / The period from the late eighteenth century to the mid-nineteenth constitutes a golden age for Chinese numismatics. Following the publication in 1751 of the Qinding qianlu (The Imperially Ordered Catalogue of Coins), many collectors became interested in coins and engaged themselves in publishing catalogues, monographs, or studies. These publications using the methods employed in littérature by the « Evidential studies » (kaozhengxue), created a révolution in methods in numismatics studies. The most représentative work of this period is the Guquanhui (Catalogue of Ancient Coins) published by Li Zuoxian (1807-1876) in 1864. This book brings together the collections and the ideas of a community of collectors that met regularly, exchanged coins, rubbings or unpublished documents. These informal exchanges have contributed to the invention of criteria for the study of coins and to the qualitative leap made in Chinese numismatics. An attempt will be made to understand how social networks between collectors have conrtbuted to the significant progress of that time, and to trace the emergence of a requirement of scientific approach among coin collectors. This reserch also questions the relation betwwen the taste for collection and historical thinking.

中國城市貧窮老人的壓力與抗逆力: 基於北京市的質性研究. / Stress and resilience of the urban aged poor in China: a qualitative research in Beijing / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhongguo cheng shi pin qiong lao ren de ya li yu kang ni li: ji yu Beijing shi de zhi xing yan jiu.

January 2013 (has links)
貧窮既是一種客觀況,又是一種主觀心感受。既有的研究很少關注老年人自身關於貧窮的經驗,特別是缺乏華人社會背景下貧窮老人主觀經驗的研究。本研究試圖從個體的層面考察貧窮對於中國城市老人多重面向的負面影響,以及他們如何回應這些負面影響,在此基礎上為改善與貧窮老人有關的社會政策提出適切的建議。 / 基於這一研究目的,本研究從批判老年學和抗逆力的理論視角出發,採取建構主義範式和生命故事的研究取向,以中國北京的城市貧窮老人為例,選取17位城市貧窮老人為研究物件,深入研究中國城市貧窮老人的各種壓力,以及抗逆力的內外保護性因素回應這些壓力的機制及其所起到的作用。 / 研究發現,中國城市貧窮老人面臨經濟壓力、疾病與老化的壓力、逆反哺與照顧配偶的壓力,以及貧窮恥感的壓力。貧窮在城市老人的主觀經驗裡意味著多重壓力的相迭,這從主觀經驗的角度揭示了中國城市貧窮老人的多重弱勢。 / 作為抗逆力外在保護性因素的社會支持,它的實現機制因其類型的不同而相異。代際支持對提升抗逆力的作用受到代際團結和代際張力的共同影響;其他非正式支持對提升抗逆力的作用受到互惠關係的影響;社會政策的支持對提升抗逆力的作用受到人情倫理的雙重性和代群差異的影響。這些機制共同決定了貧窮老人的非正式支援日趨弱化,而社會政策和專業服務提供的正式支援有待加強。 / 作為貧窮老人抗逆力的內在保護性因素,工具性策略由獨立性的要求所驅動,意義創造遵循追尋自我價值和重構貧窮經驗這兩條路徑。意義創造在貧窮老人的內在保護性因素中發揮著更為根本性的作用。內外保護性因素的比較有助於我們識別城市貧窮老人中更脆弱的次群體。 / 基於這一研究發現,本研究在原有研究框架的基礎上,補充了貧窮老人的多重壓力和保護性因素的實現機制,擴展了貧窮老人抗逆力研究的研究框架。文章的最後提出了社會政策的具體建議。 / Poverty is both an objective condition and a kind of subjective psychological feeling. However, existing studies pay little attention to older people’s own experience of poverty, especially lacking of studies on subjective experience of the aged poor in the Chinese context. This research attempts to explore from the individual level, the multi-dimensional negative effects of poverty on the aged poor in urban China and how they respond to these impacts. On this basis, appropriate social policies were proposed to improve the living conditions of the aged poor. / Taking the constructivist position and life story approach, this study was conducted from the perspectives of resilience theory and critical gerontology and used the urban aged poor in Beijing, China as an example. Seventeen urban aged poor were selected as the sample for in-depth interview and their multiple stresses, and the mechanisms of internal and external protective factors of resilience in response to their stresses and their functions were investigated. / Research findings show that China’s urban aged poor suffer stresses from economic pressure, diseases and aging, taking care of their spouses, inverse nurturing, and shamefulness of poverty. Poverty means a combination of multiple stresses in the subjective experience of the urban poor elderly. This perspective reveals the multiple disadvantages of the Chinese urban aged poor. / Social support as the external protective factor of resilience, its implementation mechanisms are different by its types. The intergenational support in enhancing the function of resilience is influenced by intergenational solidarity and intergenational tension. Other informal social support in enhancing the function of resilience is affected by reciprocal relationship. Formal support from social policy in enhancing the function of resilience is influenced by the dual nature of interpersonal ethics as well as cohort differentiation. These mechanisms together determine that informal social support of the urban aged poor is gradually weakened. As a result, formal social support coming from social policy and professional social service has to be strengthened. / As one of the internal protective factors of resilience of the aged poor, the instrumental strategies are driven by the demands of independence. The other one of the internal protective factors, the creation of meaningfulness, develops towards two paths, one of which is in search of self-worthiness and the other reconstruction of experience of poverty. The significance of creation of meaningfulness in the internal protective factors of the aged poor exerts a more fundamental function. A combination of the internal and external protective factors can help us differentiate the more disadvantaged sub-group among the urban aged poor. / Based on the findings of the study, the original conceptual framework is reconstructed by supplementing the multiple stresses and the operating mechanisms of protective factors. This has expanded the research framework of studying resilience of the aged poor. Finally, some specific recommendations of social policy are provided. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 陳岩燕. / Thesis subitted: December 2012. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 456-499) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Chen Yanyan. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 研究背景 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究目的與研究意義 --- p.11 / Chapter 第三節 --- 本文的結構 --- p.13 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文獻回顧 --- p.14 / Chapter 第一節 --- 貧窮老人研究的回顧 --- p.14 / Chapter 第二節 --- 與老年貧窮相關的社會政策與研究發現 --- p.49 / Chapter 第三節 --- 與貧窮老人相關的理論解釋 --- p.80 / Chapter 第四節 --- 現有研究的不足 --- p.125 / Chapter 第三章 --- 研究設計 --- p.132 / Chapter 第一節 --- 概念框架 --- p.132 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究方法 --- p.143 / Chapter 第四章 --- 中国城市貧窮老人的多重壓力 --- p.183 / Chapter 第一節 --- 經濟壓力 --- p.183 / Chapter 第二節 --- 老化和疾病的壓力 --- p.187 / Chapter 第三節 --- 逆反哺和照顧配偶的壓力 --- p.202 / Chapter 第四節 --- 貧窮恥感的壓力 --- p.226 / Chapter 第五節 --- 多重壓力相疊 --- p.237 / Chapter 第五章 --- 貧窮老人與非正式社會支持 --- p.240 / Chapter 第一节 --- 貧窮老人與代際支持 --- p.240 / Chapter 第二節 --- 貧窮老人與擴展家庭的支持 --- p.259 / Chapter 第三節 --- 貧窮老人與鄰里支持 --- p.271 / Chapter 第四節 --- 貧窮老人與其他非正式支持 --- p.291 / Chapter 第六章 --- 貧窮老人與正式社會支持 --- p.297 / Chapter 第一節 --- 貧窮老人與社會政策的支持 --- p.297 / Chapter 第二節 --- 貧窮老人對待社會政策支持的例外個案 --- p.319 / Chapter 第三節 --- 社會政策基層執行者的支持 --- p.325 / Chapter 第四節 --- 其他的正式社會支持 --- p.336 / Chapter 第七章 --- 貧窮老人的工具性策略與意義創造 --- p.347 / Chapter 第一節 --- 貧窮老人的工具性策略 --- p.348 / Chapter 第二節 --- 貧窮老人的意義創造 --- p.372 / Chapter 第八章 --- 討論 --- p.410 / Chapter 第一節 --- 多重壓力:中國城市貧窮老人的多重弱勢 --- p.411 / Chapter 第二節 --- 外在保護性因素:社會支持的再審視 --- p.414 / Chapter 第三節 --- 內在保護性因素 --- p.435 / Chapter 第四節 --- 對貧窮老人抗逆力理論框架的補充 --- p.441 / Chapter 第九章 --- 社會政策的啟示 --- p.445 / Chapter 一、 --- 優勢為本的社會政策 --- p.445 / Chapter 二、 --- 支持家庭的社會政策 --- p.446 / Chapter 三、 --- 雙重權利系統的社會政策 --- p.447 / Chapter 四、 --- 適度普惠的社會政策 --- p.448 / Chapter 第十章 --- 總結 --- p.450 / Chapter 第一節 --- 總結 --- p.450 / Chapter 第二節 --- 本研究的貢獻與局限 --- p.453 / p.456 / 附錄 --- p.500 / Chapter 附錄1: --- 200-2050年中國各年齡段男、女性人口增長趨勢 --- p.500 / Chapter 附錄2: --- 北京市歷年社會保障相關標準(1994-2011) --- p.501 / Chapter 附錄3: --- 受訪者的訪談時間與合計訪談時長 --- p.502 / Chapter 附錄4: --- 2009年11月第一次訪談大綱 --- p.504 / Chapter 附錄5: --- 2010年9月第二次訪談大綱 --- p.507

Civil society and power of professional groups in China: a case study of Beijing Municipal Lawyers' Association.

January 2005 (has links)
Zhang Yanan. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 93-95). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Acknowledgement / Chapter Chapter One --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter Two --- Literature Review --- p.6 / Chapter Chapter Three --- Methodology --- p.26 / Chapter Chapter Four --- Introduction of the Beijing Municipal Lawyers' Association (BMLA) and its Professional Supervisory Agency: the Beijing Municipal Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice --- p.29 / Chapter Chapter Five --- Power BMLA enjoys in Professional Education and Training --- p.36 / Chapter Chapter Six --- Power BMLA enjoys in Community Code-making and Culture Building --- p.50 / Chapter Chapter Seven --- Power BMLA enjoys in Participating in Social Activities --- p.63 / Chapter Chapter Eight --- Power BMLA enjoys in Professional Autonomy --- p.77 / Chapter Chapter Nine --- Conclusion --- p.83 / References --- p.92 / Appendix

Maternal mediation of writing in young children: a comparison between Hong Kong and Beijing. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2009 (has links)
In Study 2, I further refined these scales and created an additional measure of commentary mediation, reflecting, in part, socio-emotional-regulation aspects of the writing interaction process. Across both Hong Kong and Beijing, these three measures of literate mediation, print mediation, and commentary mediation, were examined in relation to cognitive/metalinguistic awareness skills and Chinese reading and writing skills in three groups of children and their mothers. These groups included 63 Hong Kong third year kindergartners, 43 Beijing third year kindergartners, and 49 Beijing first graders. Results of Study 2 showed that mothers of kindergarten children tended to use lower level mediation strategies, such as stroke and component segmentation, and allowed less autonomy during the joint writing process. In contrast, mothers of first graders tended to use higher level mediation strategies, such as character level mediation, and allowed more autonomy, during this process. Results of the commentary mediation analyses demonstrated that Hong Kong mothers offered more negative than positive responses compared to Beijing mothers, particularly for kindergartners. In addition, the literate mediation and print mediation scale scores were significantly correlated with Chinese reading and writing in both Hong Kong and Beijing K3 children, but not in Beijing first graders. Scores on the literate mediation scale explained 11% to 25% unique variance in literacy skills in Beijing K3 children and reading skills in Hong Kong K3 children, even with maternal education, nonverbal reasoning, visual skills and metalinguistic awareness statistically controlled. In Hong Kong K3 children, children's orthographic awareness partially mediated the relation between literate mediation and Chinese word reading. Of all commentary mediation measures included, only the process mediation measure, focused on specific comments toward children's effort or strategies, was found to be uniquely associated with Chinese word reading and writing in Hong Kong K3 children and significantly related to Chinese word reading in Beijing K3 children with children's age, nonverbal reasoning and maternal education statistically controlled. Study 3 extended and tested the maternal mediation measure to Pinyin writing in Beijing K3 children. Maternal Pinyin mediation was uniquely associated with Chinese word reading even apart from children's general cognitive skills, maternal education, and phonological awareness. / The present research was among the first attempts to analyze the nature of maternal mediation of writing in Chinese and its association with literacy skills. The findings highlight the importance of maternal mediation of writing in preschool children's independent literacy development in Chinese across Hong Kong and Beijing. / This dissertation consisted of three studies investigating the nature of maternal mediation of writing among kindergarten and first grade children and their mothers across the two prominent Chinese societies of Hong Kong and Beijing and further examined the associations of maternal mediation of writing with cognitive /metalinguistic abilities and literacy skills in Chinese cross-culturally. In Study 1, two scales of literate mediation and print mediation based on mother-child writing interactions were created and refined. These scales, developed following work on Hebrew by Aram and Levin (2001; 2004), were modified and tested among 67 Hong Kong mother-child dyads from three grade levels---second year kindergarten, third year kindergarten, and first grade. The results showed that mothers' use of lower-level memorization strategies tended to be negatively associated with their children's reading skills, whereas mothers' higher level analytic scaffolding strategies were positively correlated with reading skills, even with age, grade level, nonverbal reasoning, and maternal education statistically controlled. / Lin, Dan. / Adviser: Catherine McBride-Chang. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 72-11, Section: A, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 148-163). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese; some appendices include Chinese characters.

控制與協同: 一家高科技企業組織文化的民族志報告. / Control and commitment: an ethnographic study on organizational culture in a high-tech corporation / Ethnographic study on organizational culture in a high-tech corporation / 一家高科技企業組織文化的民族志報告 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Kong zhi yu xie tong: yi jia gao ke ji qi ye zu zhi wen hua de min zu zhi bao gao. / Yi jia gao ke ji qi ye zu zhi wen hua de min zu zhi bao gao

January 2004 (has links)
This study explores the creation of the control system in a hi-tech corporation that seeks to be modern and efficient, to see how managers create a new managerial system by combining Western theories with the Chinese context. All social action is constituted by a multiplicity of discourses and meanings. Understanding this action requires knowledge of the ways in which people in specific circumstances connect these discourses and negotiate their complex meanings. Here the concept of organizational culture is seen as a process rather than a stable structure or system. This case study views corporate management as a complex and uneven historical process that entails heterogeneous cultural practices shaped by diverse meanings, sentiments, and representations. In the study I find the managerial practice is presented and constructed through the manipulation, interpretation, and discourse of socio-cultural meanings. Thus it concludes that the managerial practice in the hi-tech company actually involves the integration of a constructed cultural tradition with an idealized managerial modernity. / This study explores the socio-cultural meanings behind the managerial behavior of the hi-tech corporation and how it is presented and practiced in people's daily-life. As a kind of social phenomenon, managerial control and management's attempt to seek the commitment of employees towards the organizations is universal, but in daily practice, it takes on different forms and content due to the different cultural context. This study can help better understand how China's socio-cultural traditions influence the managerial practice and the cultural discourse in contemporary Chinese corporations. / This thesis is an ethnographic study of the organizational behavior and managerial culture in China's Silicon Valley, Zhongguancun Hi-Tech Park, located in northwestern Beijing. It focuses on one corporation to explore how a scientific, effective and standardized managerial system is being created, interpreted and practiced. The study is based upon nearly one year of fieldwork in two corporations that manufacture mobile communication equipment. / 田宏亮. / Adviser: Joseph Rosco. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-09, Section: A, page: . / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-231). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / School code: 1307. / Tian Hongliang.

經濟改革與家庭變遷: 對北京市"一家兩制"家庭的社會學分析. / Jing ji gai ge yu jia ting bian qian: dui Beijing shi "yi jia liang zhi" jia ting de she hui xue fen xi.

January 1996 (has links)
曹美英. / 論文(哲學碩士) -- 香港中文大學硏究院社會學學部, 1996. / 參考文献 : leaves 64-72. / Cao Meiying. / Chapter 第一部 --- 分硏究背景與硏究方法 / Chapter 第一章 --- 導言 --- p.5 / Chapter 第二章 --- 改革開放前的社會制度考察 --- p.7 / Chapter 一、 --- 五十年代以來中國的所有制結構變遷 --- p.7 / Chapter 二、 --- 公有制結構下的勞動就業制度 --- p.7 / Chapter 三、 --- 公有制結構下的勞動工資制度 --- p.8 / Chapter 四、 --- 小結 --- p.10 / Chapter 第三章 --- 當代中國城市家庭槪況 --- p.11 / Chapter 一、 --- 單位制度下的中國城市家庭 --- p.11 / Chapter 二、 --- 中國城市家家庭結構掃描 --- p.12 / Chapter 1、 --- 核心家庭中國城市家庭的主要形 式 --- p.12 / Chapter 2、 --- 城市家庭的小型化 --- p.13 / Chapter 三、 --- 城市家庭關係的變化 --- p.13 / Chapter 四、 --- 小結 --- p.14 / Chapter 第四章、 --- 中國的三次“下海´ح潮及“下海´ح研究綜述 --- p.15 / Chapter 一、 --- 三次´ب下海´ح潮 --- p.15 / Chapter 二、 --- “下海´ح硏究綜述 --- p.16 / Chapter 第五章 --- 研究方法 --- p.17 / Chapter 一、 --- 訪問對象的選擇 --- p.17 / Chapter 二、 --- 訪問對象的基本特點 --- p.18 / Chapter 三、 --- 訪問過程 --- p.20 / Chapter 四、 --- 小結 --- p.21 / Chapter 第二部 --- 分硏究結果 / Chapter 第六章 --- “一家兩制´ح的形成原因 --- p.23 / Chapter 一、 --- “下海´ح:尋找新的機會 --- p.23 / Chapter 1、 --- 家庭經濟的困境 --- p.23 / Chapter 2、 --- 公有制體制的流弊 --- p.27 / Chapter 3、 --- 個人動機 --- p.29 / Chapter 二、 --- “留守´ح:把握既得利益 --- p.31 / Chapter 1、 --- 住房:對社會主義優越性的依戀 --- p.31 / Chapter 2、 --- “摸著石頭過河´ح-對政策穩定性的疑慮 --- p.33 / Chapter 3、 --- 個人和家庭因素 --- p.35 / Chapter 4、 --- 小結 --- p.36 / Chapter 第七章 --- 協商過程:走向“一家兩制´ح --- p.38 / Chapter 一、 --- “誰下海´ح ? “誰留守´ح ? --- p.38 / Chapter 二、 --- 協商對象 --- p.41 / Chapter (一)、 --- 配偶協商 --- p.41 / Chapter (二) 、 --- 父母協商 --- p.44 / Chapter (三)、 --- 親友協商 --- p.48 / Chapter 四、 --- 小結 --- p.49 / Chapter 第八章 --- “一家兩制´ح給家庭帶來的影響 --- p.50 / Chapter 一、 --- 家庭經濟狀況的改善 --- p.50 / Chapter 二、 --- 個人價値的實現 --- p.51 / Chapter 三、 --- 婦女的雙重角色 --- p.53 / Chapter 四、 --- 新的社會問題 --- p.56 / Chapter 五、 --- 小結 --- p.59 / Chapter 第九章 --- 結論北京市“一家兩制´ح家庭的特征及對社會的影響 --- p.60 / 參考書目 --- p.62

Towards more effective approaches in teaching oral English to Chinese students in EFL teaching

Wang, Ning, n/a January 1984 (has links)
This study examines the problems involved in oral English teaching in the Chinese tertiary institution Erwai (the Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute). In the study the author analyses oral English teaching in China based on his experience as a teacher of English in China, his two-year study experience as a student in Australia, interviews with colleagues, and class observation of oral English teaching by Australian teachers in the C.C.A.E. Special English Programme. Some materials from Erwai are also drawn on in the study, such as Erwai-compiled textbooks and the Erwai teaching curriculum. During the study the author has referred to many books and journals on TESOL in various libraries in Canberra. The theoretical knowledge and teaching techniques learned in the TESOL Programme at the Canberra College of Advanced Education have also helped the author carry out this study. Chapter One introduces the background to the problems which exist in oral English teaching in China. It emphasises the importance of Chinese teachers' having a clear understanding and a good command of a wide range of techniques in teaching oral English. Chapter Two examines some approaches now used in oral English classes at Erwai. This chapter also analyses students' motivation to learn oral English, the teachers' performance in oral English classes as well as when and how to correct students' mistakes in their oral English. Some practical oral activities which Erwai has arranged for present students and is thinking of arranging for future students are also discussed in this chapter. Chapter Three identifies and analyses in more detail theories of teaching oral English such as the audiolingual method, counselling learning, the direct method and the eclectic approach. In Chapter Four some activities are suggested to make oral classes more enjoyable. In second year oral English classes, repetition and situational dialogue are far from enough for teaching oral English. Short plays and skits can be used to enrich the oral English classes. This chapter also discusses the observation of oral English classes by Australian teachers in the C.C.A.E. Special English Programme. Chapter Five considers the choice of materials and the application of materials in class. Oral English materials used at Erwai at the moment mainly come from two sources: home-produced materials compiled by Erwai or other foreign language institutes in China, and some commerciallypublished materials imported from foreign countries. There is another source which can be used in teaching oral English - materials compiled on the basis of authentic materials such as excerpts from magazines and newspapers. In the conclusion it is pointed out that many suggestions have been made in the study about oral English teaching techniques and materials. It is hoped that such suggestions have practical value in improving the level of oral English in China in line with the country's present needs. At the same time new techniques require ample opportunity for trying out in practice before their full effectiveness will become apparent.

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