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Pedagogisk-psykologiske rådgiveres tilnærminger til problematferd i skolenStenberg, Oddbjørn January 2006 (has links)
Denne studien har fokus på PP-rådgiverens perspektiv på arbeid med problematferd i skolen. Jeg valgte å vinkle min prosjektbeskrivelse og det videre arbeidet mot en studie av Pedagogisk - Psykologisk tjeneste (heretter PP-tjenesten). Nærmere bestemt rettes blikket mot PP-rådgiverens erfaringer med og perspektiv på arbeid med hjelpetrengende elever i skolen, deres foresatte og lærere. Å undersøke slike perspektiv kan ha interesse fordi PP-tjenesten har et særlig godt kjennskap til skolen og det som skjer der gjennom sin rolle som skolens hjelpetjeneste. Analysen bygger på intervju av 12 Pedagogisk-psykologiske rådgivere på 4 PP-kontor i Nord-Norge 1999 -2000 og på direkte observasjon i 30 møter av ulike typer som ble gjennomført på disse kontorene. ”Grounded Theory” er brukt som metodologi og metode. Jeg utviklet 5 substantive koder: 1) ”faglig usikkerhet”, 2) ”skjønn og fagkunnskap”, 3) ”å arbeide eklektisk” 4) ”respons på antatte forventninger” og 5) ”diagnosekommunikasjon”. På basis av de substantive kodene utviklet jeg følgende substantive kode: ”å jobbe eklektisk på basis av skjønn og fagkunnskap gir ulik grad av faglig usikkerhet”. I tillegg har jeg utviklet ulike ”typer” PP-rådgivere, ”eksperten”, ”brannslukkeren” og ”analytikeren”. De teoretiske hypotesene som ble utviklet i dette arbeidet har blitt relatert og drøftet i forhold til annen relevant forskning som for eksempel Bernsteins begrep ”den pedagogiske anordning”, der diskurser og makt er sentralt.
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Friluftsliv in Swedish Physical Education – a Struggle of Values : Educational and Sociological PerspectivesBackman, Erik January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine some of the educational and sociological conditions underlying the production of teaching in friluftsliv within the Physical Education (PE) subject in Swedish compulsory school. Despite the value awarded to the Scandinavian outdoor practice friluftsliv, in both the national PE curriculum document and in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) in Sweden, it does not seem to be thoroughly implemented in compulsory school teaching. Through analyses of interviews with PE teachers and PE teacher educators, as well as of curriculum documents, using the perspectives of Basil Bernstein and Pierre Bourdieu, I explore conditions underlying the expressions of friluftsliv teaching in Swedish PE. The pedagogic discourse for friluftsliv in Swedish PE is described as a teaching that should take place in a natural setting remote from civilisation, involve risks, and require time, technical equipment, financial resources, and cooperation. This discourse for friluftsliv is shown to be similar to the values emphasised in friluftsliv education in PETE. Although proven to be difficult to implement in school, this discourse appear to form the conception of friluftsliv teaching for PE teachers in Sweden. Under the influence of the performance code, friluftsliv is transformed into outdoor activities with which the PE teachers are familiar, or is totally left out of PE teaching. A turn towards options that are seen as unthinkable in relation to the current pedagogic discourse may benefit the achievement of the aims set out in the national PE curriculum. Values such as environmental awareness, sustainable development and cultural perspectives on the landscape could strengthen the classification of friluftsliv and PE in compulsory school. Further, an increase of socially critical and constructivist perspectives during PETE could make unthinkable options in friluftsliv thinkable and contribute to a break with the reproduction of teaching practices in PE. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: In press. Paper 2: Submitted.
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Knowledge, Truth, and Schooling for Social Change: Studying Environmental Education in Science ClassroomsTan, Michael 07 January 2013 (has links)
While recent research trends in science education have focussed the collective attention at utilizing the science curriculum as a means towards positive social change, such efforts have largely been predicated on understandings of the nature of knowledge and truth as socially constructed entities. Through this lens of social constructivism, knowledge is said to bear the signature of individuals and institutions in power, and therefore extant knowledge is considered to be the vehicle for further oppression of disadvantaged groups. There are at least two ways in which this argument is deeply flawed—social constructivism accords to itself epistemic positions it denies others, and an intellectually honest application of its principles leads to a position where there is no way to distinguish between better or worse positions on issues. In contrast, the principle of social realism takes a ‘middle path’, acknowledging the social reality of knowledge construction but disavowing the relativism of social constructivism. Through this epistemological foundation, implications arise for curriculum theory—how is it that we may discriminate forms of knowledge for in/ex-clusion into the school curriculum? In this study, I consider the curriculum changes in the Ontario elementary science anxd technology curriculum. I ask two key questions: (i) What are the effects of the curriculum revisions on the knowledge content of the science curriculum? and: (ii) What are the characteristics of science pedagogy in fulfilment of these curriculum changes? I develop instruments to analyze curriculum documentation, and classroom pedagogy. The major findings of this project include: (i) the curriculum revisions have added environmental knowledge expectations with varying degrees of disconnection from the scientific content knowledge; (ii) knowledge expectations removed to accommodate environmental expectations constituted important scientific principles; (iii) environmental pedagogy in science classrooms reflected the disconnection between science and environmental knowledge, most obviously in the upper grades where the degree of boundary maintenance between knowledge forms was strongest; (iv) this disconnection between environmental and scientific knowledge forms inhibited the cumulative modality of knowledge (re)production. A discussion of results and the general principles of the importance of knowledge concludes the project.
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Inégalités de Markov-Bernstein en L2 : les outils mathématiques d'encadrement de la constante de Markov-BernsteinSadik, Mohamed 18 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux de recherche de cette thèse concernent l'encadrement de la constante de Markov Bernstein pour la norme L2 associée aux mesures de Jacobi et Gegenbauer généralisée. Ce travail est composé de deux parties : dans la première partie, nous avons développé une généralisation de l'algorithme qd pour les matrices symétriques définies positives à largeur de bande $\ell$ et nous avons construit l'algorithme qd pour les matrices de Jacobi par blocs. Ensuite, nous l'avons généralisé aux cas des matrices par bloc à largeur de bande $\ell$. Ces algorithmes nous permettent de trouver un majorant de la constante. Enfin, nous avons développé le déterminant caractéristique d'une matrice symétrique définie positive pentadiagonale, ce qui nous permet d'obtenir un minorant de la constante en utilisant la méthode de Newton. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'application de tous les outils développés à l'encadrement de la constante de Markov Bernstein pour la norme L2 associée à la mesure de Gegenbauer généralisée.
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Knowledge, Truth, and Schooling for Social Change: Studying Environmental Education in Science ClassroomsTan, Michael 07 January 2013 (has links)
While recent research trends in science education have focussed the collective attention at utilizing the science curriculum as a means towards positive social change, such efforts have largely been predicated on understandings of the nature of knowledge and truth as socially constructed entities. Through this lens of social constructivism, knowledge is said to bear the signature of individuals and institutions in power, and therefore extant knowledge is considered to be the vehicle for further oppression of disadvantaged groups. There are at least two ways in which this argument is deeply flawed—social constructivism accords to itself epistemic positions it denies others, and an intellectually honest application of its principles leads to a position where there is no way to distinguish between better or worse positions on issues. In contrast, the principle of social realism takes a ‘middle path’, acknowledging the social reality of knowledge construction but disavowing the relativism of social constructivism. Through this epistemological foundation, implications arise for curriculum theory—how is it that we may discriminate forms of knowledge for in/ex-clusion into the school curriculum? In this study, I consider the curriculum changes in the Ontario elementary science anxd technology curriculum. I ask two key questions: (i) What are the effects of the curriculum revisions on the knowledge content of the science curriculum? and: (ii) What are the characteristics of science pedagogy in fulfilment of these curriculum changes? I develop instruments to analyze curriculum documentation, and classroom pedagogy. The major findings of this project include: (i) the curriculum revisions have added environmental knowledge expectations with varying degrees of disconnection from the scientific content knowledge; (ii) knowledge expectations removed to accommodate environmental expectations constituted important scientific principles; (iii) environmental pedagogy in science classrooms reflected the disconnection between science and environmental knowledge, most obviously in the upper grades where the degree of boundary maintenance between knowledge forms was strongest; (iv) this disconnection between environmental and scientific knowledge forms inhibited the cumulative modality of knowledge (re)production. A discussion of results and the general principles of the importance of knowledge concludes the project.
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Anàlisi del discurs regulatiu a l'ensenyamentEscofet Roig, Anna 09 November 1995 (has links)
Aquesta tesi és un estudi sobre el discurs regulatiu en els centres d'ensenyament primari i secundari de Catalunya. L'òptica des de la qual partim i que emmarca teòricament aquesta investigació és la teoria creada per Basil Bernstein els anys seixanta, i desenvolupada fins a l'actualitat. Aquesta teoria s'inscriu en el camp de la sociologia de l'educació i fa una anàlisi del sistema educatiu com eix fonamental de transmissió cultural, cosa que permet explicar les complexes relacions entre escola i societat. Aquest és, si més no el nostre interès.Per aconseguir el nostre propòsit ens basem en les teoritzacions de Bernstein i en estudis pràctics de col.laboradors i deixebles d'aquest sociòleg. Al llarg de l'explicació dels fonaments teòrics es veuran referències concretes a aquests autors.L'interès que té aquest projecte es pot explicar a més d'un nivell. Primer de tot, la investigació que es planteja pretén ampliar els coneixements dins de la teoria bemsteniana de la construcció social del discurs pedagògic, fent èmfasi en una part no gaire treballada pels continuadors i deixebles del sociòleg, el discurs regulatiu. Això permetrà aprofundir en la teoria esmentada, poc coneguda encara al nostre país, ni a nivell teòric ni a nivell de possibles aplicacions a l'escola, malgrat que ja fa un cert temps que va ser creada.Un segon punt d'interès resideix en el mateix estudi. La divisió que es fa del discurs pedagògic i de les seves pràctiques -instruccional i regulativa-, l'estudi concret del discurs i les pràctiques regulatives, permet ampliar la visió que tenim de l'escola i ens pot fer reflexionar sobre un punt, que no per obvi, de vegades deixem de costat. L'estudi que es pot fer de la producción de la subjectivitat de l'alumne i de les relacions verticals i horitzontals que es donen a qualsevol lloc (físic i temporal) de l'escola hauria de permetre repensar la pràctica pedagògica des d'aquesta perspectiva.Per aconseguir el nostre propòsÍt, la tesi plantejarà una investigació sociològica per estudiar la tipologia del discurs i de les pràctiques regulatives a les escoles d'ensenyament primari í secundari de Catalunya.En primer lloc, hi ha la Part.Primera que pretén centrar a nivell teòric la nostra òptica de treball. Aquesta part està dedicada en la seva totalitat a la descripció de la teoria bernsteiniana, i més concretament, als desenvolupaments teòrics centrats en la descripció del sistema educatiu com a eix de transmissió cultural.La Part Segona parteix dels pressupostos teòrics exposats per iniciar una investigadó sociològica centrada en l'anàlisi de la tipologia dels discursos i pràctiques educatives dels centres d'ensenyament primari i secundari públic de Catalunya. Aquesta investigació té dues parts diferenciades. Una primera està basada en el pas d'un qüestionari als equips directius d'aproximadament 650 centres públics de primària i secundària catalans. Aquest qüestionari pretén caracteritzar el tipus de discurs educatiu de cada un dels centres estudiats, amb l'objectiu d'arribar a construir una taxonomia que categoritzi les diferents tipologies que podem trobar. A més, el mateix qüestionari s'ha passat a un grup de centres d'ensenyament privat i a un grup de centres d'ensenyament públic andalusos, que actuen com a grups de control.La segona part de la investigació té com a objectíu l'estudi de la tipologia de les pràctiques educatives dels mateixos centres, amb el doble objectiu de veure les coincidències entre el discurs teòric de cada centre i la realitat de la pràctica a l'aula, en primer lloc; i en segon, per poder estudiar en profunditat la relació de la pràctica educativa i les característiques socials d'educands i educador. En aquesta part també s'inclouen els resultats dels grups de control dels centres d'ensenyament privat i dels centres d'ensenyament públic andalusos.Per acabar, la tesi inclou un apartat denominat Conclusions, Reflexions i Suggeriments, que vol ser la cloenda de les reflexions que amb aquesta tesi no fan més que iniciar-se i que esperem poder continuar desenvolupant. / This thesis is a study of regulative discourse in educational centres. The theoretical basis of this investigation is the theory created by Basil Bernstein. This theory, in the field of sociology of education, sets out to analyze the educational system as the fundamental axis of cultural transmission.The thesis proposes a sociological investigation to study the form of regulative discourse and regulative practices in Primary and Secondary Schools in Catalonia.The investigation has two distinct parts. The first is based on a questionnaire given out to the heads of approximately 650 public educational centres, in an attempt to classify the different typologies of educative discourses found. The second part of the investigation aims to study the typology of educative practices in the same centres with two main objectives: Firstly, to find out if similarities exists between the theoretical discourse in each centre and the real practices in the classroom; Secondly, to study in depth the relationship between the educational practice and the social characteristics of the pupils and teachers.Summarizing the results obtained, we have to say that the closed values, in general, in the regulative and instructional educational practices correspond to the closed values of the institutional educational discourse in these centres. Furthermore, the results obtained have allowed us to affirm that there is an influence at the level of teaching in the type of educational practice carried out in the classroom. We have also been able to observe that the instructional educational practice and the regulative educational practice are closely related in such a way that when one presents open values the other does the same and vice versa.Lastly, we have been unable to find out whether the social characteristics of pupils influence the type of educational practice in the classroom. We have also been unable to clearly establish, although certain tendencies can be observed, whether the social characteristics of the teaching staff influence the educational practice in the classroom.We consider these results to be of considerable interest and open to further investigation.
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The secondary school teacher in New Zealand, 1945-2000 : teacher identity and education reform : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in History at Massey UniversityCouling, Donald F Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis aims to show how the secondary teacher in New Zealand was constituted in discourse through an examination of two major recontextualisations of education, the changes resulting from the Thomas Report (1944), and the Picot Report (1988), and of the collective identity of secondary teachers. Both reports redirected government education policy and regulation and had fundamental implications for teachers' work and the role they were expected to play in education. Secondary teachers resisted both reforms, and in doing so they revealed elements of their conservative, pragmatic and defensive collective identity, which changed in only one significant respect in the time period considered in this study. It took twenty years before the central tenets of the Thomas Report were even close to being universally accepted. Even then, the child-centred philosophy and practice propounded by the Thomas Report, supported by the Currie Report in 1962 and supervised by the gentle discipline of the Department of Education, was likely to have been more honoured in the breach than in the observance by many New Zealand secondary school teachers. In more recent times, the 'neo-liberal', market-driven view of education and teachers, as expressed in the reforms which followed the Picot Report, were stoutly resisted despite the much more rigorous disciplinary techniques employed by the Ministry of Education. This thesis will show that the dominant discourses which constituted the secondary teacher were those of the collective identity of secondary teachers and that these effectively frustrated attempts to impose change on New Zealand secondary teachers and on secondary education.
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Resonant ion heating in a helicon plasmaKline, John L. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--West Virginia University, 1998. / Title from document title page. "Fall 1998." Document formatted into pages; contains iii, 28 p. : ill. (some col.). Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 27-28).
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Republikanischer Sozialismus Positionen von Bernstein, Kautsky, Jaurès und BlumLemke, Matthias January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Vechta, Hochsch., Diss., 2007
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"We'll find a new way of living" racism in Showboat, South Pacific, the King and I, and West Side story /Florjancic, Linda M. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M. Mus.)--University of Akron, School of Music, 2005. / "August, 2005." Title from electronic thesis title page (viewed 11/28/2005). Advisor, Brooks Toliver; Faculty Reader, Michele Tannenbaum; School Director, William Guegold; Dean of the College, Mark S. Auburn; Dean of the Graduate School, George R. Newkome. Includes bibliographical references.
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