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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Har man en dålig dag får man ändå försöka ’gaska upp sig’” : Känsloarbete och kön inom bibliotekariens yrkesroll

Strömberg, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka om bibliotekarien upplever känsloregler i sin yrkesroll, vilket känsloarbete som i så fall utförs, hur det påverkar jaget, samt om yrkesrollen kräver något iscensättande av kön och hur det i så fall påverkar eventuellt känsloarbete i mötet med låntagare. Hochschilds teori om känsloarbete används tillsammans med teorier om performance-diskurser och olika modeller för biblioteksarbete. Materialet bestod av fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med bibliotekarier, baserade på dagböcker skrivna av tre av dem. Min studie visar att känsloarbete ingår i bibliotekarierollen. Att vara social och trevlig upplevs av mina informanter som de främsta känsloreglerna i yrkesrollen. Jag ser tre performancediskurser samexistera: yrket som en roll, yrkesrollen som uttryck för något inre och att man blir det man gör. Informanterna har inga formella riktlinjer utan känsloreglerna förhandlas istället fram dels kollegor emellan, dels gentemot låntagarna och professionella normer. Dessa förhandlingar sker utifrån såväl en marknadsmodell som bibliotekets offentliga och sociala roll. Marknadsmodellen kan leda till att låntagaren kan kräva mer, såväl social stimulans som att flörtande från kvinnliga bibliotekarier ska ingå i servicen. Det sistnämnda är dock inget som biblioteket kräver, det enda iscensättande av kön som erbjuds inom servicerollen är viss homosocialitet. Det är främst känsloarbete av typen som Hochschild tror att kvinnor fått med sig som krävs av samtliga bibliotekarier, såsom relationshantering och att se andras behov. Bibliotekarierna praktiserar såväl ytligt som djupt agerande. Det som upplevs negativt är främst känsloarbetet att behöva trycka undan känslor eller åsikter och ett misslyckande ses som en personlig brist. Ett ökat ytligt agerande verkar komma med yrkeserfarenheten för att skydda sig. Bibliotekarierna säger sig vara noga med gränsen mellan yrkesroll och privat jag, samtidigt kan de bli svåra att hålla isär. Lojalitet till biblioteket och ett stort intresse för arbetsuppgifterna bäddar för sammansmältning genom performativa handlingar.

Det är en liten isolerad utevärld som de kan kliva in i för en timme : Fängelsebibliotekariens roll

Svantesson, Louise January 2016 (has links)
This bachelor thesis analyses the role and identities of the prison librarian in three Swedish prisons in order to see how the librarians themselves understand their role and their different conditions. After interviewing and recording the three librarians I analyzed the material with the identities created by the researchers Anders Ørom and Trine Schreiber. Ørom mentions three identities which focus on the content both from the librarians´ perspective but also from the users´ perspective. A fourth one discusses the more practical work, for example cataloguing and classification. Two other ones stress the technological aspects of the librarians´ work tasks. Finally an identity is described by Schreiber which focuses on the experience the library is able to create which in some way competes with other media. It also stresses the information technology aspect of intermediation. The study shows that the more content-focused identities are mostly used by the respondents. Time and restrictions are two existent conditions which affect the possibilities to use the identities. Technology is discussed as an important part of preparing the inmates to a life after release, but is not a major focus for the respondents at the moment. The most important role according to the respondents seems to be the needs of the inmates.

Den ensidiga mångkulturen : bibliotekariers syn på litteratur i svensk översättning / The one-sided multiculture : librarians views on literature in Swedish translation

Axel, Nilsson January 2016 (has links)
This Bachelor's thesis seeks to illuminate the onesided cultural leanings in literary translations in libraries. Through semi-structured interviews it seeks to explore the view of librarians on the possibilities and obstructions in providing library users with literature of a wide cultural spectrum. In particular, this paper focuses on the dominance of Anglo-Saxon literature in comparison to literature from other geographical and cultural areas. The paper relies on the field, symbolic capital, consecration and habitus theories created by French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu in its attempt to bring light on the workings of translations, marketing and user-requests and their influence on library collections. By comparing the answers from the interviews with these theories it finds that libraries generally try to adapt their collection and modify their purchases of new media to fit their user's requests and needs. It also finds that the users themselves are generally influenced by the media. In other words, while the libraries may try to keep a broad cultural and lingual collection of literature the users do not request non-Anglo-Saxon literature in particular. Therefore it draws the conclusion that more studies are needed on the workings of user requests and on the range of literary translations provided by publishers as well as their exposure in the media.

Barnbibliotekarier och Yrkesidentiteten : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur barnbibliotekarier arbetar med flerspråkiga barn / Children's librarians and the professional identity : A qualitative interview study about how children's librarians work with bi- and multilingual children

Bladby, Emma, Lundgren, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of the subject which is about children's librarians and how they look at their professional identity when it comes to the work they do with bi- and multilingual children. This comes mainly from what we have read in earlier publications that exists in the subject as a whole. The analytical framework for the thesis is based upon Anders Ørom and Treine Schreibers professional identities written in the 1990's. The method for the thesis is made up of six semistructured interviews with children's librarians. The main results we got out of this thesis are that all of the professional identities could be found in the respondents for this study. We also found that several of the identities coexisted in parallel within the respondents.

Bibliotekarier och lärares samarbete : En diskursanalytisk studie om bibliotekariers subjektspositioneringar i utsagor om samarbetet med lärare

Ström, Cecilia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att utforska bibliotekariers utsagor om samarbete med lärare och hur dessa bidrar till olika positionskategorier. Genom en onlineundersökning via webbforumet EasyQuest inbjöds bibliotekarier genom Facebookgrupper och nätverk via epost att delta, förutsatt att de är eller har varit anställda på bibliotek inom de senaste 5 åren. Resultatet kom att bestå av 67 utsagor som bearbetades enligt en femstegsanalys inspirerad av Burr (2003) och Willig (2013) utifrån Foucaults maktperspektiv. Två diskurser synliggjordes genom bibliotekariernas utsagor om samarbete och deras upplevelse av det senaste tillfälle som ett möte med en lärare skett. Dels Den praktiskt målfokuserade diskursen dels Den stöttande serviceinriktade diskursen. Gemensamma uttryck sorterades fram och genererade tre subjektspositioneringar. Det var den integrerade bibliotekarien, den serviceinriktade bibliotekarien och till sist den strävande bibliotekarien. Den integrerade bibliotekarien har ett vi-perspektiv, den serviceinriktade bibliotekarien ett de-perspektiv och den strävande bibliotekarien har ett vi OCH de perspektiv. De möjligheter och begränsningar dessa bidrog till synliggjordes genom reflektioner kring hur bibliotekarierna uppfattade sig själva under det senaste mötet med en lärare. Genom att synliggöra och diskutera de maktförhållanden som diskurser och subjektspositioneringar kan leda till kan bibliotekarier medvetengöra sig om följder och konsekvenser. Detta kan på sikt leda till nya förändringsprocesser inom samarbete mellan lärare och bibliotekarier.

Journalister och bibliotekarier : två yrkesgrupper - ett samarbete / Journalists and librarians : two professions in collaboration

Augustsson, Anna-Karin January 1996 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to investigate collaboration between journalists and librarians.These two groups meet in the archives of the modern newspapers.The theoretical part deals with the functions which society has given journalism and the libraries. A comparison is made between the two groups and the author notes resemblance anddifferences.The practical part is an investigation of some journalists at Boras Tidning, a Swedish newspaper. They have answered questions about their usage of the archive which has an educatedlibrarian. As this has not been the case for more than four years, the work of the journalists haschanged in different ways. Advantages and disadvantages are presented.

Biblioteksbloggen : en studie om realisering av bloggverksamheter vid folkbibliotek / The library blog : a study on the realization of public library blogs

Grapensparr, Josephine, Johansson, Malin January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to gain a deeper understanding of and examine how library blogs are realized at public libraries together with the views among librarians regarding the realization of library blogs.The questions we wanted to answer were: – How is the library blog realized at the public libraries in this study? – What are the views among the librarians in this study regarding the realization of the library blogs?The analytical model in this thesis is Connie Crosby’s six steps on how libraries successfully can realize their blogs. Four of the six steps were selected: planning, implementation, marketing and measures of success. The methodology used for this study was semi-structured interviews. Two interviews were conducted with three librarians that have partial responsibility of their respective library blogs.The results of the study show that the process of the library blog can look different in different libraries, and that the respondents had clear views on how the realization of a blog should be done. An improvement in both of the library blogs could be made by a better dialogue between the librarians. Together they should, formally, discuss, motivate and document problems, opportunities and visions with the blog. Development and improvement can also occur if the librarians in the realization of the blog perform a more fundamental study on the target audience, marketing and other key features of the blog. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Bibliotekarier och sjuksköterskor i samarbete med patientinformation : En intervjuundersökning vid sjukhusbiblioteket på Mölndals sjukhus / Libarians and nurses in collaboration with supplying of consumer health information : A field survey of The Hospital Library at The Mölndal Hospital, Sweden

Jacobsson, Jonas January 1996 (has links)
A qualitative study about collaboration between librarians and nurses in the supplying of consumer health information (CHI) at The Hospital Library of The Mölndal Hospital in Mölndalnear Gothenburg, Sweden.The staff were interviewed about how their work is affected by the collaboration between thetwo occupational groups. The purpose of the study is to find out if there exists a strugglebetween the groups about the influence on and the control over the handling of this kind ofinformation. Despite some problems with the permission to do as many interviews as needed,the study shows some positive effects with the collaboration. The study gives a short backgroundto the development of CHI services in USA, the UK, Denmark and Sweden. Fourfurther CHI service centres in Sweden are shortly presented and one member of each staffwas interviewed by telephone.

Bibliotekarier och användare i sociala medier : en diskursanalys / Librarians and Users in Social Media : a discourse analysis

Brown, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to examine how librarians talk about users in social media. Using a method of discourse analysis based on Ernesto Laclau’s and Chantal Mouffe’s theoretical concepts it seeks to answer the following questions: How do librarians describe and comment on users in social media? In which contexts do librarians talk about users in social media? Which ideas of the relationship between the librarians and the users do the user discourses present?The study focuses on a Facebook page called “Arga Bibliotekstanten” (The Angry Library Lady) and all its posts and comments during the period of January to June 2013. This is an “open” page available for anyone to follow; at the time of the study it had approximately 1800 “followers” and 4000 “friends”, both librarians and users.The results show that librarians talk about the users in a variety of ways, but mainly concerning money, behavior and task. There is a high tolerance for negative comments about users on the page, and the dominating discourse is that of the user as a problem. In combination with the other two discourses found: the user as a task, and the user as in need of help, the idea of the relationship between the librarians and the users is one of inequality. The librarian’s role is presented either as edifying towards a badly behaved and/or badly instructed public, or as a reluctant servant obliged to cater to the user’s every need. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Bibliotekariers och ungdomars bild av sociala medier En kvalitativ studie av bilden av sociala medier hos bibliotekarier och ungdomar, och hur man kan förbättra bibliotekarieprofessionens förmåga att förmedla sig själv inom ett digitalt rum / Librarians and young people's view of Social Media : A study of the picture of social media by librarians and young people and how to improve the librarian profession's ability to convey themselves in a digital room

Araviadis, Christofer January 2014 (has links)
Social media have become a bigger and bigger aspect of daily life for many ages and especially within the youth culture growing from digital interactions. At the same time libraries seems eager to use this medium to reach out to the youth to inform and to educate. But do we know enough about how these two groups’ views each other to be effective at this work? And is it even something that is wanted? What’s the image of social media from their point of view?The goal of this study is to investigate the image of social media from the point of view of two groups, librarians and youth. The study is based on a qualitative approach with a random selection of candidates. A semi-structured interview is the main method of collecting the data from these candidates, as it will give the best material matching the goal of the study.The paper has found that many of the candidates for the study, “even” though they think there will be a clear future for library use of social medias, still value the physical aspects of the library and more interactions face to face. In fact many of them think one can lose parts of what makes libraries and the library space so appreciated by youth, if they put too much of their resources into a digital format. However the results in this paper have been based on a sample study of a smaller group of candidates and so are in no way onclusive for the majority of the people within these two groups. Hopefully this study will nspire future studies into the interactions between these groups. / Program: Bibliotekarie

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