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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att finna bilden : varför indexera bilder efter innehåll och hur bedömer man en bild? / Finding the image

Larsson, Gabriella, Pettersson, Annika January 1996 (has links)
Computerized methods for searching pictures are becoming more common. With these it ispossible to make powerful search requests using a combination of terms and search oncomprehensive descriptions of the pictures. The descriptions can encompass various aspectsof the content and allow different interpretations and levels of detail.This essay is about how you can examine and describe the content of a picture from manypoints of view. We have tried to identify differences in searching behaviour, and studiedsome methods for indexing of pictures. Our concepts are taken from the philosophy of artand from theories about the meaning of languages.In the future perhaps libraries can make pictures and illustrations in books available to thepublic, in a sophisticated system, for the purpose of providing visual documentation forstudy, research or other kinds of exploitation.

Att avsudda bilder Filtrering och iterativa metoder / Image deblurring

Kienmayer, Mattis January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats rör vid problemet med suddiga bilder och vad man kan göra för att försöka återställa den eftersökta skarpa bilden. Problemet tacklas med hjälp av linjär-algebraiska medel, både regularisering och iterativa metoder. Som resultat visar sig DFPM (dynamical functional particle method) jämförbar med både konjugerad gradient-metoden och LSQR-algoritmen (least squares QR), dock med användning av andra parametrar än de teoretiskt optimala. Utöver tidigare kända metoder presenteras och testas även ett alternativt minimeringsproblem.

En doft av man : Om makt- och genuskonstruktion i parfymreklam

Junttila, Mirkka January 2010 (has links)
<p>I denna uppsats gör jag en feministisk, samhällsvetenskaplig analys av 98 stycken reklambilder för parfym riktade till herrar, varav jag djupanalyserar 9 stycken med syftet att se på vilken bild av maskulinitet som de förmedlar. Bilderna är hämtade ur tre svenska herrmodemagasin från år 2008 och jag genomför analysen med utgångspunkten att genus, sexualitet och makt är socialt konstruerade. Till min hjälp använder jag mig av tidigare forskning kring genus, maskulinitet och media, men även en del feministisk teoribildning. Feminismen utgår från att män innehar en överordnad position i samhället som reproduceras på en strukturell nivå, och i uppsatsen undersöker jag huruvida detta är något vi kan se sker i parfymreklamen. I sitt meningsskapande använder sig reklamen av stereotyper och olika koder för att fixera innebörd och genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys identifierar jag i reklamen olika tecken, vilka kan ses som makt-positioneringar. I genomförandet av detta tar jag hjälp av semiotisk metod, men även av Erving Goffmans tematiseringar om skillnader i genusframställningar. Jag relaterar även bilderna till Diana Rohlingers 9 manstyper och finner att fyra av dessa är dominerande i mitt material: friluftsmannen, den urbana mannen, den erotiska mannen och den overksamma mannen. Genom att i analysen uppmärksamma betydelsen av kroppspositioner, blickar, omgivningar e t c, framträder i materialet ett mönster av hegemonisk maskulinitet. Där finns en framställning av vithet som norm, samt att genus och sexualitet främst avbildas inom ett heteronormativ, genom ett binärt könstänkande, men med ett utrymme för en maskulinitet med en oklar sexualitet. Även ålder och klass blir urskiljbara komponenter i framställningen av maktpositioner. Allt detta sammantaget innebär att parfymreklamen förmedlar en bild av maskulinitet vilken är avskalad många aspekter av vad som skulle kunna vara delar av en manlig identitet, så som t ex familjära eller professionella sammanhang. De olika manstyperna som förekommer i analysen bär på varierande grader av patriarkala koder, men är alla delar i att reproducera en maktordning.</p>

Borta bra men hemma bäst : En kvalitativ studie av hur det globala påverkar det kulturella i Elle Decorations hemma hos-reportage

Andersson, Matilda, Hallén, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte/problemställningar: </strong>Att med en kvalitativ undersökning studera om det tydligt via text och bild går att urskilja några globala och kulturella influenser i utvalda reportage från magasinet <em>Elle Decoration,</em> från fem olika länder. Vi studerar även skiljelinjerna mellan vad som är privat och vad som är offentligt genom framställningen av hemmet och dess inredning.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Teori: </strong>Birgit Öbergs kulturperspektiv, John Tomlinsons globaliseringsperspektiv, Anja Hirdman, Madeleine Kleberg och Kristina Widestedts teorier kring intimiseringen av journalistiken och Jürgen Habermas offentlighetsteori.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Semiotisk bildanalys och textuell diskursanalys.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Resultat och slutsats: </strong>Via undersökningen har vi kommit fram till att det globala kan ses som ett nytt ideal inom heminredning där en gemensam underliggande mall ligger till grund för hemmens utformning och framställning. Personvalet för hemma hos-reportaget påverkar uppfattningen av reportaget genom att det endast blir en form av elit som porträtteras. Detta i sin tur bidrar till att upprätthålla magasinets profilering som ett exklusivt heminredningsmagasin. Någon tydlig skiljelinje mellan vad som anses vara privat eller offentligt syns inte mellan de olika ländernas utgåvor. Det går genom framställningen av alla de utvalda hemma hos-reportagen att via text och bild se hur globaliseringen verkar på mikronivå. Framställningen av hemmet har kommit att bli en plats för representation, mer än en privat sfär.</p><p><strong> </strong></p>

Diversifying Demining : An Experimental Crowdsourcing Method for Optical Mine Detection / Diversifiering av minröjning : En experimentell crowdsourcingmetod för optisk mindetektering

Andersson, David January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores the concepts of crowdsourcing and the ability of diversity, applied to optical mine detection. The idea is to use the human eye and wide and diverse workforce available on the Internet to detect mines, in addition to computer algorithms.</p><p>The theory of diversity in problem solving is discussed, especially the Diversity Trumps Ability Theorem and the Diversity Prediction Theorem, and how they should be carried out for possible applications such as contrast interpretation and area reduction respectively.</p><p>A simple contrast interpretation experiment is carried out comparing the results of a laymen crowd and one of experts, having the crowds examine extracts from hyperspectral images, classifying the amount of objects or mines and the type of terrain. Due to poor participation rate of the expert group, and an erroneous experiment introduction, the experiment does not yield any statistically significant results. Therefore, no conclusion is made.</p><p>Experiment improvements are proposed as well as possible future applications.</p> / <p>Denna rapport går igenom tanken bakom <em>crowdsourcing</em> och mångfaldens styrka tillämpad på optisk mindetektering. Tanken är att använda det mänskliga ögat och Internets skiftande och varierande arbetsstyrka som ett tillägg för att upptäcka minor tillsammans med dataalgoritmer.</p><p>Mångfaldsteorin i problemlösande diskuteras och speciellt ''Diversity Trumps Ability''-satsen och ''Diversity Prediction''-satsen och hur de ska genomföras för tillämpningar som kontrastigenkänning respektive ytreduktion.</p><p>Ett enkelt kontrastigenkänningsexperiment har genomförts för att jämföra resultaten mellan en lekmannagrupp och en expertgrupp. Grupperna tittar på delar av data från hyperspektrala bilder och klassifierar andel objekt eller minor och terrängtyp. På grund av lågt deltagande från expertgruppen och en felaktig experimentintroduktion ger inte experimentet några statistiskt signifikanta resultat, varför ingen slutsats dras.</p><p>Experimentförbättringar och framtida tillämpningar föreslås.</p> / Multi Optical Mine Detection System

Camera Based Navigation : Matching between Sensor reference and Video image

Olgemar, Markus January 2008 (has links)
<p>an Internal Navigational System and a Global Navigational Satellite System (GNSS). In navigational warfare the GNSS can be jammed, therefore are a third navigational system is needed. The system that has been tried in this thesis is camera based navigation. Through a video camera and a sensor reference the position is determined. This thesis will process the matching between the sensor reference and the video image.</p><p>Two methods have been implemented: normalized cross correlation and position determination through a homography. Normalized cross correlation creates a correlation matrix. The other method uses point correspondences between the images to determine a homography between the images. And through the homography obtain a position. The more point correspondences the better the position determination will be.</p><p>The results have been quite good. The methods have got the right position when the Euler angles of the UAV have been known. Normalized cross correlation has been the best method of the tested methods.</p>

Den föreställda oskuldsfullheten : En semiotisk bildanalys av Sally Manns <em>Immediate Family</em>

Engdahl, Sofie, Törnelius, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>En semiotisk bildanalys av fem bilder från Sally Manns fotografibok <em>Immediate Family</em></p>

Topics in Content Based Image Retrieval : Fonts and Color Emotions

Solli, Martin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Two novel contributions to Content Based Image Retrieval are presented and discussed. The first is a search engine for font recognition. The intended usage is the search in very large font databases. The input to the search engine is an image of a text line, and the output is the name of the font used when printing the text. After pre-processing and segmentation of the input image, a local approach is used, where features are calculated for individual characters. The method is based on eigenimages calculated from edge filtered character images, which enables compact feature vectors that can be computed rapidly. A system for visualizing the entire font database is also proposed. Applying geometry preserving linear- and non-linear manifold learning methods, the structure of the high-dimensional feature space is mapped to a two-dimensional representation, which can be reorganized into a grid-based display. The performance of the search engine and the visualization tool is illustrated with a large database containing more than 2700 fonts.</p><p>The second contribution is the inclusion of color-based emotion-related properties in image retrieval. The color emotion metric used is derived from psychophysical experiments and uses three scales: <em>activity</em>, <em>weight </em>and <em>heat</em>. It was originally designed for single-color combinations and later extended to include pairs of colors. A modified approach for statistical analysis of color emotions in images, involving transformations of ordinary RGB-histograms, is used for image classification and retrieval. The methods are very fast in feature extraction, and descriptor vectors are very short. This is essential in our application where the intended use is the search in huge image databases containing millions or billions of images. The proposed method is evaluated in psychophysical experiments, using both category scaling and interval scaling. The results show that people in general perceive color emotions for multi-colored images in similar ways, and that observer judgments correlate with derived values.</p><p>Both the font search engine and the emotion based retrieval system are implemented in publicly available search engines. User statistics gathered during a period of 20 respectively 14 months are presented and discussed.</p>

Computer Assisted Coronary CT Angiography Analysis : Disease-centered Software Development

Wang, Chunliang January 2009 (has links)
<p>The substantial advances of coronary CTA have resulted in a boost of use of this new technique in the last several years, which brings a big challenge to radiologists by the increasing number of exams and the large amount of data for each patient. The main goal of this study was to develop a computer tool to facilitate coronary CTA analysis by combining knowledge of medicine and image processing.Firstly, a competing fuzzy connectedness tree algorithm was developed to segment the coronary arteries and extract centerlines for each branch. The new algorithm, which is an extension of the “virtual contrast injection” method, preserves the low density soft tissue around the coronary, which reduces the possibility of introducing false positive stenoses during segmentation.Secondly, this algorithm was implemented in open source software in which multiple visualization techniques were integrated into an intuitive user interface to facilitate user interaction and provide good over¬views of the processing results. Considerable efforts were put on optimizing the computa¬tional speed of the algorithm to meet the clinical requirements.Thirdly, an automatic seeding method, that can automatically remove rib cage and recognize the aortic root, was introduced into the interactive segmentation workflow to further minimize the requirement of user interactivity during post-processing. The automatic procedure is carried out right after the images are received, which saves users time after they open the data. Vessel enhance¬ment and quantitative 2D vessel contour analysis are also included in this new version of the software. In our preliminary experience, visually accurate segmentation results of major branches have been achieved in 74 cases (42 cases reported in paper II and 32 cases in paper III) using our software with limited user interaction. On 128 branches of 32 patients, the average overlap between the centerline created in our software and the manually created reference standard was 96.0%. The average distance between them was 0.38 mm, lower than the mean voxel size. The automatic procedure ran for 3-5 min as a single-thread application in the background. Interactive processing took 3 min in average with the latest version of software. In conclusion, the presented software provides fast and automatic coron¬ary artery segmentation and visualization. The accuracy of the centerline tracking was found to be acceptable when compared to manually created centerlines.</p>

Three dimensional object recognition for robot conveyor picking

Wikander, Gustav January 2009 (has links)
<p>Shape-based matching (SBM) is a method for matching objects in greyscale images. It extracts edges from search images and matches them to a model using a similarity measure. In this thesis we extend SBM to find the tilt and height position of the object in addition to the z-plane rotation and x-y-position. The search is conducted using a scale pyramid to improve the search speed. A 3D matching can be done for small tilt angles by using SBM on height data and extending it with additional steps to calculate the tilt of the object. The full pose is useful for picking objects with an industrial robot.</p><p>The tilt of the object is calculated using a RANSAC plane estimator. After the 2D search the differences in height between all corresponding points of the model and the live image are calculated. By estimating a plane to this difference the tilt of the object can be calculated. Using the tilt the model edges are tilted in order to improve the matching at the next scale level.</p><p>The problems that arise with occlusion and missing data have been studied. Missing data and erroneous data have been thresholded manually after conducting tests where automatic filling of missing data did not noticeably improve the matching. The automatic filling could introduce new false edges and remove true ones, thus lowering the score.</p><p>Experiments have been conducted where objects have been placed at increasing tilt angles. The results show that the matching algorithm is object dependent and correct matches are almost always found for tilt angles less than 10 degrees. This is very similar to the original 2D SBM because the model edges does not change much for such small angels. For tilt angles up to about 25 degrees most objects can be matched and for nice objects correct matches can be done at large tilt angles of up to 40 degrees.</p>

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