Spelling suggestions: "subject:"refinery,""
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Towards sustainable and efficient biofuels production:use of pervaporation in product recovery and purificationNiemistö, J. (Johanna) 18 March 2014 (has links)
Limited oil resources, environmental concerns and legislation promoting renewable energy and restricting carbon dioxide emissions have increased biofuel production in recent years. Other alternatives besides bioethanol and biodiesel are also needed to fulfil the continuously increasing transportation fuel demand. Production processes should be material, energy and resource efficient and sustainable, i.e. causing as low negative economic, environmental and social impacts as possible. There are still some limitations and development areas to be solved before feasible industrial biofuels and biochemicals production processes are obtained.
The production of biobutanol and bioethanol was studied in this work. Production processes, challenges and improvement requirements were considered especially in the case of the Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) fermentation process. In addition, the sustainability assessment of biofuels production was discussed and an indicator-based approach to sustainability evaluation for different raw materials was used. Pervaporation as a product removal and purification method was experimentally studied. Two different applications were tested: a hydrophobic composite membrane with polydimethyl siloxane and polyacrylonitrile layers was used for the separation of acetone, n-butanol and ethanol from dilute aqueous solutions on a laboratory scale, and a hydrophilic polyvinyl alcohol membrane was applied for the dehydration of bioethanol at a pilot-scale.
Results indicated that pervaporation can be used as a separation technique in biofuels production processes. New knowledge obtained during the research also promotes the efficient and sustainable production of biofuels and biochemicals and the development of industrial-scale applications. / Tiivistelmä
Rajalliset öljyvarannot, huoli ympäristöstä sekä uusiutuvaa energiaa tukeva ja hiilidioksidipäästöjä rajoittava lainsäädäntö ovat lisänneet biomassapohjaisten polttoaineiden ja kemikaalien valmistusta ja käyttöä viime vuosina. Jatkuvasti kasvavan polttoainetarpeen täyttämiseksi tarvitaan myös muita vaihtoehtoja nykyisin käytössä olevien bioetanolin ja -dieselin lisäksi. Tuotantoprosessien tulisi olla materiaali-, energia- ja kustannustehokkaita sekä kestäviä aiheuttaen mahdollisimman vähän haitallisia taloudellisia, sosiaalisia ja ympäristöllisiä vaikutuksia. Biokemiallisissa, käymisen avulla tapahtuvissa polttoaineiden valmistusprosesseissa on kuitenkin vielä rajoitteita ja kehitystarpeita, jotka tulee ratkaista kannattavan teollisen mittakaavan tuotannon mahdollistamiseksi.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin biopolttoaineiden, erityisesti biobutanolin ja -etanolin, valmistusta. Tuotantoprosesseja on esitelty työssä haasteiden ja kehitystarpeiden näkökulmasta. Lisäksi on käsitelty biopolttoaineiden tuotannon kestävyyden arviointia ja osoitettiin tapa verrata eri raaka-aineiden kestävyyttä valittujen indikaattoreiden avulla. Työn kokeellisessa osuudessa tutkittiin pervaporaatiota tuotteiden (asetoni, n-butanoli, etanoli) erotuksessa ja puhdistuksessa. Kahta eri sovellusta testattiin: hybrofobista polydimetyylisiloksaani- ja polyakrylonitriili-kerroksista koostuvaa komposiittikalvoa käytettiin asetonin, n-butanolin ja etanolin erottamiseen erilaisista vesiliuoksista laboratoriomittakaavan laitteistolla sekä hydrofiilistä, polyvinyylialkoholi-kalvoa bioetanolin vedenpoistoon pilot-mittakaavassa. Lisäksi testattiin aktiivihiilisuodatuksen käyttöä bioetanolin esipuhdistuksessa haitallisten komponenttien osalta ennen pervaporaatiota.
Koetulokset osoittavat, että pervaporaatiota voidaan käyttää biopolttoaine-sovellusten erotusmenetelmänä. Tutkimuksen aikana saatu uusi tieto edistää biomassapohjaisten polttoaineiden ja kemikaalien tehokasta ja kestävää tuotantoa ja kehitystä kohti teollisen mittakaavan sovelluksia.
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Biomass conversion through syngas-based biorefineries : thermochemical process integration opportunitiesÅberg, Katarina January 2017 (has links)
The replacement of fossil resources through renewable alternatives is one way to mitigate global climate change. Biomass is the only renewable source of carbon available for replacing oil as a refining feedstock. Therefore, it needs to be utilized not just as a fuel but for both biochemical and thermochemical conversion through biorefining. Optimizing and combining various conversion processes using a system perspective to maximize the valorization, biomass usage, and environmental benefits is of importance. This thesis work has evaluated the integration opportunities for various thermochemical conversion processes within a biorefinery system. The aim for all evaluated concepts were syngas production through gasification or reforming. Two potential residue streams from an existing biorefinery were evaluated as gasification feedstocks, thereby combining biochemical and thermochemical conversion. Torrefaction as a biomass pretreatment for gasification end-use was evaluated based on improved feedstock characteristics, process benefits, and integration aspects. A system concept, “Bio2Fuels”, was suggested and evaluated for low-temperature slow pyrolysis as a way to achieve simultaneous biomass refinement and transport driven CO2 negativity. Syngas was identified as a very suitable intermediate product for residue streams from biochemical conversion. Resulting syngas composition and quality showed hydrolysis residue as suitable gasification feedstock, providing some adjustments in the feedstock preparation. Gasification combined with torrefaction pretreatment demonstrated reduced syngas tar content. The co-gasification of biogas and wood in a FBG was successfully demonstrated with increased syngas H2/CO ratio compared to wood gasification, however high temperatures (≥1000°C) were required for efficient CH4 conversion. The demonstrated improved feedstock characteristics for torrefied biomass may facilitate gasification of biomass residue feedstocks in a biorefinery. Also, integration of a torrefaction unit on-site at the biorefinery or off-site with other industries could make use of excess low-value heat for the drying step with improved overall thermal efficiency. The Bio2Fuels concept provides a new application for slow pyrolysis. The experimental evaluation demonstrated significant hydrogen and carbon separation, and no significant volatilization of ash-forming elements (S and Cl excluded) in low-temperature (<400°C) pyrolysis. The initial reforming test showed high syngas CH4 content, indicating the need for catalytic reforming. The collective results from the present work indicate that the application of thermochemical conversion processes into a biorefinery system, making use of by-products from biochemical conversion and biomass residues as feedstocks, has significant potential for energy integration, increased product output, and climate change mitigation.
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Reformage des huiles pyrolytiques sur un catalyseur fait d'un résidu minier fonctionnalisé au nickelBali, Amine January 2017 (has links)
Actuellement la production d’huile pyrolytique (ou bio-huile) est destinée à en faire un carburant pour les moyens de transport. Cependant, le liquide issu de la pyrolyse est de piètre qualité, il est nécessaire de faire une opération d’hydrodéoxygénation (HDO), très coûteuse et énergivore, pour aboutir à un produit ayant les spécificités d’un carburant. Une des idées proposées, plus économique, consiste à faire de la bio-huile une source de biosyngas (CO+H2) ou biohydrogène renouvelables via du vaporeformage (VR).
Ce projet de maitrise étudie le reformage à la vapeur d’eau de deux bio-huiles (MemU et WOU) sans apport externe de vapeur sur un nouveau catalyseur à base de nickel, Ni-UGSO, développé par le GRTP-C à partir du résidu minier UGSO. Les expériences de reformage ont été réalisées à pression atmosphérique, dans un réacteur différentiel et pour une durée de 500 min en faisant varier la température (750-850 °C) et la vélocité spatiale (WHSV= 1.7-7.1 g/gcat/h) en plus d’un test longue durée à 105h. Des tests supplémentaires ont été réalisés aussi avec un catalyseur commercial à titre de comparaison en plus d’un test de régénérabilité. La caractérisation du catalyseur s’est faite par DRX, MEB-FEG, BET et TPR.
Les résultats des tests de VR de l’huile MemU entre 750 et 850 °C à WHSV ~1.8 g/gcat/h montrent une bonne production de biosyngas avec une concentration entre 90-95% et une sélectivité en H2 entre 80-95%. Le VR de l’huile WOU dans les mêmes conditions a donné moins de biosyngas et de H2 en raison de la teneur élevée en eau de l’huile. Le catalyseur est resté actif pendant toute la durée des tests, la DRX et la MEB ne montrent aucune trace de carbone. Cependant à WHSV > 6 g/gcat/h du carbone filamenteux sur le catalyseur a été observé par MEB après le VR de l’huile MemU mais pas après le VR de l’huile WOU. La DRX a permis aussi de montrer qu’après le VR des huiles, les oxydes de Fe et Ni qui constituent le catalyseur se réduisent et se combinent pour donner du Ni métallique et des alliages Ni-Fe. Le test BET indique que le catalyseur a une surface spécifique, après activation, de 10 m2/g. La TPR montre qu’il y a plus d’espèces oxydées sur le Ni-UGSO après le VR de la bio-huile WOU qu’après le VR de la bio-huile MemU, d’où les faibles rendements en H2/biosyngas.
Les tests de VR réalisés avec le catalyseur commercial montrent des résultats similaires que ceux réalisés avec Ni-UGSO à faible WHSV. Cependant à WHSV élevée le catalyseur commercial a été plus résiliant et plus performant du fait de sa grande surface spécifique. Le test de régénérabilité montre que Ni-UGSO ne peut que partiellement être régénéré et sa structure initiale n’est pas retrouvée
Les résultats positifs confirment que la production de biosyngas/biohydrogène par VR de bio-huiles est viable techniquement dans une bioraffinerie. Le procédé est plus économique que l’HDO. De plus, l’huile pyrolytique se trouve être une bonne matière première pour le reformage car on a un bon rendement en biosyngas (ou H2). Le catalyseur Ni-UGSO développé par le GRTP-C a montré des performances similaires que celles de catalyseurs actuellement sur le marché mais nécessite d’être encore optimisé. / Abstract : Currently the production of pyrolysis oil (or bio-oil) is intended to be transformed to
transportation fuel. However, the produced liquid is of bad quality and it needs a
hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) process which is very expensive and lot of energy is consumed
to obtain a final product with the right fuel specifications. One of the ideas proposed, more
economical, consists on producing renewable biosyngas (CO+H2) or biohydrogen from biooil
by steam reforming (SR).
This master project study the steam reforming of two bio-oils (MemU and WOU) without
external steam addition over a new nickel based catalyst, Ni-UGSO, developed by the
GRTP-C from the mining residue UGSO. The reforming tests were carried out at
atmospheric pressure in a differential reactor during 500 min varying the temperature (750-
850 °C) and the weigh hourly space velocity (WHSV= 1.7-7.1 g/gcat/h), a long term test of
105h was also performed. In addition, Supplementary tests were done with a commercial
catalyst in order of comparison plus one regenerability test. The catalyst characterization
was done by XRD, FEG-SEM, BET and TPR.
Test results of bio-oil MemU SR at 750-850 °C and WHSV ~ 1.8 g/gcat/h show a good
production of biosyngas with a concentration range of 90-95% and a H2 selectivity of 80-
95%. The SR of bio-oil WOU in the same conditions resulted in less biosyngas and H2
produced because of high water content in the bio-oil. The catalyst was active for the whole
duration of tests, XRD and SEM indicate that no carbon deposit was formed. However at
WHSV > 6 g/gcat/h filamentous carbon was observed on the catalyst by SEM after the SR of
bio-oil MemU but not after the SR of bio-oil WOU. The XRD showed also that after biooils
SR Fe and Ni oxides that constitute the catalyst are reduced to metallic Ni and Ni-Fe
alloys. BET test indicate that after activation the catalyst has a specific area of 10 m2
/g. TPR
shows that more oxidized species are present in Ni-UGSO after bio-oil WOU SR than after
bio-oil MemU SR which explains low H2/biosyngas yield.
The tests of SR performed with the commercial catalyst show similar results as those
performed with Ni-UGSO at low WHSV. However, at high WHSV the commercial catalyst
was more resilient and better due to its high specific area. Regenerability test shows that NiUGSO
is partially regenerated but its initial structure is not recovered.
The positive results confirm that the production of biosyngas/biohydrogen from SR of biooils
is technically viable for a biorefinery. The process is economically better than the HDO.
The pyrolysis oil is a good feedstock for the reforming, we obtain an appreciable yield of
biosyngas (or H2). The catalyst Ni-UGSO developed by the GRTP-C exhibits similar
performances than commercial catalysts actually available in the market but needs more
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Production of biopolymers and synthons from lignocellulosic wastes / Production de biopolymères et synthons à partir de résidus lignocellulosiquesOriez, Vincent 29 January 2019 (has links)
Les résidus forestiers et agricoles, également appelés résidus lignocellulosiques, constituent de par leur quantité et leur structure un potentiel unique pour la production d’énergie et de molécules d’origine renouvelable, afin de pallier à la raréfaction des hydrocarbures fossiles ainsi qu’aux problèmes environnementaux liés à l’utilisation de ceux-ci. Les biomasses lignocellulosiques sont constituées principalement de cellulose, hémicelluloses et lignines. Le fractionnement et la purification de ces trois constituants est nécessaire à leur valorisation comme produits de substitution des hydrocarbures fossiles. Cette étude s’est tout d’abord attachée à la description et la compréhension des fractionnements chimiques acides et alcalins de la lignocellulose et aux voies de purification qui leur sont actuellement associées. Les travaux expérimentaux ont été réalisés à partir de deux matières premières : la bagasse de canne à sucre et le tourteau de tournesol. Une caractérisation fine de ces matières premières ainsi que des extraits acides et alcalins obtenus à partir de ces matières a été réalisée. Les étapes de purification se sont focalisées sur l’extrait alcalin de bagasse obtenu en conditions douces. En effet, la bagasse de canne à sucre peut être considérée comme un bon modèle de biomasse lignocellulosique, et la purification d’extraits alcalins lignocellulosiques obtenus en conditions douces a été peu étudiée malgré l’intérêt de ce procédé de fractionnement. La filtration membranaire et la chromatographie d'élution sur résine échangeuse de cation ont été évaluées séparément puis en association, afin de séparer les cinq grandes familles de molécules constitutives de l’extrait : des oligomères de lignines, des oligomères de sucres, des monomères phénoliques, de l’acide acétique et des sels inorganiques. Des essais d’ultrafiltration sur plusieurs membranes en faisant varier divers paramètres de filtration ont permis de déterminer que les oligomères de lignine et de sucres, récupérés dans le rétentat, sont séparés des monomères phénoliques, de l’acide acétique et des sels inorganiques, récupérés dans le perméat. Une membrane en fibres creuses de 10 kDa en polysulfone a présenté les meilleures performances de séparation et a été retenue pour les essais suivant en mode concentration et diafiltration. Des essais de chromatographie d'élution avec de l’eau pour éluant en testant plusieurs résines cationiques fortement acides ont montré qu’une fraction très pure d’oligomères de lignines et de sucres peut être obtenue avec une résine de type macroporeuse, alors qu’une résine de type gel a permis la séparation de monomères phénoliques entre eux en fonction de la présence ou non dans leur structure d’une fonction carboxyle. A partir d’extrait alcalin de bagasse, un procédé intégré de purification a été développé combinant de la filtration membranaire puis de la chromatographie sur le perméat et de la précipitation par ajout d’acide sur le rétentat. Il en a résulté l'obtention de quatre fractions purifiées : les monomères phénoliques avec fonction carboxyle, les sels inorganiques et les monomères phénoliques sans fonction carboxyle, les oligomères de lignine, et les oligomères de sucres. / Agricultural and forestry residues, also known as lignocellulosic residues, have a unique potential based on their quantity and structure for the production of renewable energy and molecules, inorder to solve the issues raised by the increasing scarcity of fossil hydrocarbons and the environmental disorder caused by their use. Lignocellulosic biomasses are essentially made ofcellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. Fractionation and purification of these three compounds are necessary for their valorization as substitutes of fossil hydrocarbons. In the first place, this studydescribed the chemical fractionation of lignocellulose under acidic and alkaline conditions, and their related purification pathways. The experimental work was carried out on two raw materials:sugarcane bagasse and sunflower oil cake. A thorough characterization of the raw materials as well as the acid and alkaline extracts produced from these materials was performed. The purification steps focused on the sugarcane bagasse mild alkaline extract. Indeed, sugarcane bagasse can be considered a model lignocellulosic biomass and the purification of lignocellulosicmild alkaline extract has not been widely studied despite the numerous assets of this fractionation process. Membrane filtration and elution chromatography on strong acid cationic exchange resins were assessed individually then combined, for the separation of the five main pools of molecules that constitute the extract: lignin oligomers, sugar oligomers, phenolic monomers, acetic acid and inorganic salts. Ultrafiltration trials run on several membranes under various filtration conditions showed that lignin and sugar oligomers, recovered in the retentate, were separated from phenolicmonomers, acetic acid and inorganic salts, recovered in the permeate. A hollow fiber membrane of 10 kDa in polysulfone exhibited the best separation performance and was selected for further trials in concentration and diafiltration modes. Elution chromatography tests using water as eluent and various strong acid cationic exchange resins resulted in the production of a very pure lignin andsugar oligomers fraction with a macroporous-type resin, whereas a gel-type resin led to the separation of phenolic monomers from each other depending on the presence or absence in their structure of a carboxyl group. From a sugarcane bagasse mild alkaline extract, an integrated purification process was developed combining membrane filtration then chromatography on the permeate and precipitation by acid addition on the retentate. It resulted in the production of four purified fractions: phenolic monomers with a carboxyl group, inorganic salts and phenolicmonomers without carboxyl group, lignin oligomers, and sugar oligomers
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Experimental Evaluation of Solids and Ash Removal Pathways of Fast Pyrolysis Bio-oilsMazerolle, Dillon 27 November 2019 (has links)
Biomass liquefaction by fast pyrolysis is considered to be a key technology in future biorefineries for the production of low-carbon renewable liquids. These liquids may be used as a fuel for heat and power, as an intermediate for catalytic upgrading to distillate transportation fuels (such as renewable diesel or biojet) and as a raw material for advanced bioproducts. With the estimated supply of bioenergy required to meet international GHG reduction targets, the use of high ash (mineral-containing) biomass sources, such as harvest residues, hog fuels, and other unmerchantable wood sources is also expected to increase.
However, the elevated presence of suspended char particulate (solids), as well as minerals and other ash components contained in pyrolytic liquids resulting from the conversion of these lower quality biomass residues may create new challenges for end-users. In light of this, two treatment pathways were investigated in this work: biomass pretreatment through sieving and acid washing, and post-condensation microfiltration of fast pyrolysis bio-oils. Selection of these two pathways was prioritized based on scarcity of published data, as well as the technical potential of both approaches for suspended char particulate and ash reduction in fast pyrolysis bio-oils.
For biomass sieving and acid washing carried out at pilot scale, it was found that removing up to 80% of the ash contained in a hog fuel feedstock was possible by sieving out a fraction of the fines and subsequently washing with 0.1M nitric acid provided up to 40% increase in organic liquid yield after fast pyrolysis. Reaction water in the product was minimized when acid leaching was performed, while the solids content and ash content of the produced liquids were reduced by up to 80% and 87%, respectively.
Cross-flow microfiltration of fast pyrolysis bio-oils produced principally from non-pretreated mill and harvest residues in the 1-40 µm range was performed. Microfiltration was found to remove between 80-95% of suspended solid particles, while only removing 4-45% of ash, presumably in the solid phase. To achieve high ash removal (>90%), microfiltration was combined with use of solid-phase adsorbents, such as Amberlyst 15, to remove cationic ash elements such as magnesium, calcium, iron, etc.
The flux profiles from bio-oil cross-flow microfiltration were analyzed and consistently demonstrated a transient rapid and intermediate decline operating region, followed by a pseudo steady-state operating region. It was found that the initial flux of permeate in the transient operating region ranged from 100-1000 L m-2 h-1, while the pseudo steady-state flux ranged from 20-50 L m-2 h-1 for the experimental trials included in this study. It was determined that bio-oil temperatures of 50-60 ˚C, transmembrane pressures less than 1 bar and the addition of diluent solvents provided the highest pseudo steady-state fluxes of such a process. To improve the throughput of the process, different fouling remediation strategies were experimentally evaluated. The use of permeate, solvent and air backflushing confirmed that on-line cleaning strategies are suitable for active flux remediation, as fouling was found to be reversible over continuous operating periods up to 10 hours. Furthermore, it was found that the use of non-optimized on-line air backflushing resulted in increased throughput of low solids fast pyrolysis bio-oil from cross-flow microfiltration by 100%.
Ultimately, the data produced from this work is intended to be used to generate design parameters and associated cost estimates for biomass washing and post-condensation microfiltration as processing strategies to generate high quality bio-oils from low cost biomass feedstocks.
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How do biogas solutions influence the sustainability of bio-based industrial systems?Hagman, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Biomass is a valuable and limited resource that should be used efficiently. The potential of replacing fossil-based products with bio-based ones produced in biobased industrial systems is huge. One important aim of increasing the share of biobased products is to improve the sustainability of systems for production and consumption. Therefore, it is important to evaluate what solutions are available to improve the sustainability performance of bio-based industrial systems, and if they also bring negative impacts. The thesis focuses on assessing the role of biogas solutions in developing sustainable bio-based systems. Such assessments are often quite narrow in their scope and focus on quantitative environmental or economic aspects. This thesis aims at also including feasibility related aspects involving the contextual conditions that are assessed more qualitatively. Biogas solutions are identified as a versatile approach to treat organic materials which are generated in large volumes in bio-based industrial systems. The results show that biogas solutions in bio-based industrial systems (i) improve circular flows of energy and nutrients, (ii) are especially viable alternatives when the quality of the by-product streams become poorer, and (iii) may improve the profitability of the bio-based industrial system. To perform better assessments of these systems, it seems valuable to broaden the set of indicators assessed and include feasibility-related indicators, preferably through the involvement of relevant stakeholders as they contribute with different perspectives and can identify aspects that influence the sustainability in different areas. Future studies could benefit from applying those broader assessments on more cases to build on a more generalisable knowledge base.
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Mikroalgbaserad biogas - ett raffinerat bidrag till en hållbar stadsutvecklingHedenfelt, Eva January 2011 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöks möjligheterna att använda mikroalger som råvara för produktion avbiogas, både genom en litteraturstudie och genom en förstudie för hur en pilotanläggning förhållbar odling av mikroalger för biogasproduktion skulle kunna initieras. Utgångspunkten ärhållbarhet, vilket innebär att odlingen av mikroalgerna baseras på befintliga, outnyttjadesamhällsflöden. Avloppsvatten och koldioxidutsläpp är exempel på flöden som kan orsakanegativ miljöpåverkan i form av klimatförändringar, övergödning och försurning. Om dessaresurser istället får utgöra närings- och kolkällor vid odling av mikroalger för produktion avbiogas utnyttjas dessa resurser istället till att generera hållbart producerad energi. Närbiogasen ersätter fossila bränslen ökar miljövinsten ytterligare. Det är dock grundläggande attproduktionen är ekonomiskt hållbar, och litteraturstudien visar att detta inte är fallet vidmikroalgbaserad produktion av endast biogas. Därför krävs tillämpning av ettbioraffineringskoncept, där inte bara biogas produceras av mikroalgerna utan även andraprodukter som till exempel vätgas, enzymer, värme och elektricitet. I förstudien beskrivs hurett projekt kan planeras för att utreda om ett sådant system kan bli hållbart. Det delas upp ifyra delprojekt: 1) systemdesign och hållbarhetsanalys; 2) en projektplan för delprojekt 3 och4; 3) laboratorietester; och 4) tester i pilotskala. Endast det första delprojektet, där systemetsom beskrivs i litteraturstudien definieras och hållbarhetsanalyseras, diskuteras i detalj iförstudien. Genomförandet av delprojekten ingår inte i detta arbete. / This paper examines the possibility of using microalgae as raw material for the production ofbiogas. This was achieved through studies of relevant literature as well as through a basicproject plan regarding the initiation of a pilot plant. The theory of sustainable microalgaecultivation is based on the utilization of existing resource flows that are currently unutilized insociety, such as waste water and flue gas emissions. These resources can cause environmentalissues such as climate change, eutrophication and acidification. However, they can alsoprovide the nutrients necessary for effective microalgal growth, and the microalgae can inturn be utilized as a sustainable energy source for production of biogas. Replacing fossil fuelswith microalgal biogas may lead to environmental benefits. A review of literature, however,shows that when biogas alone is produced from the microalgae the process is noteconomically sustainable. Hence, a biorefinery concept is suggested where products such ashydrogen, enzymes, heat and power make the system sustainable. A basic project plandiscribes one possible scenario for the initiation of sustainable cultivation of microalgae andthe subsequent biorefining process for the production of biogas. The project is divided intofour phases: 1) system design and sustainability analysis; 2) a feasibility study for phase 3 and4; 3) laboratory tests; and 4) pilot scale tests. Only the initial phase of the project, whichdefines the system design described in the literature study and provides a sustainabilityanalysis over the defined system, is discussed in detail. None of the project phases will beimplemented as part of this study.
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Exploring the relevance of uncertainty in the life cycle assessment of forest productsRøyne, Frida January 2016 (has links)
The role of forest biomass as a replacement for fossil fuels and products is becoming increasingly prominent as a means to mitigate climate change. To guide a sustainable transition towards a forest-based bio-economy, it is important that advantages and disadvantages of forest products are assessed, to ensure that the products deliver environmental impact reduction. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has become heavily relied upon for assessing the environmental impact of bio-based products. However, LCAs of similar product systems can lead to results that differ considerably, and the method is, thus, associated with uncertainties. It is, therefore, necessary to explore the relevance of uncertainties, to build knowledge about enablers and challenges in using LCA for assessing forest products. Three important challenges in the context of uncertainty in LCA are the focus of this thesis: 1) system boundaries, 2) climate impact assessment practice, and 3) allocation. More specifically, the relevance of a) including and excluding life cycle phases, b) potentially important climate aspects, and c) applying different allocation methods, was assessed. Case studies involved a chemical industry cluster, a biorefinery, and single product value chains for a plastic box, a fuel, and a building. In summary, the thesis demonstrates that: A major share of the environmental impact related to the production of an industry cluster can occur outside the cluster gates, so when strategies involving a transition to forest biomass feedstock are developed and evaluated, a life cycle perspective reveals the full environmental impact reduction potential. For bio-based products differing in functional properties from the fossil products they are meant to replace, material deterioration in the use phase can contribute substantially to overall environmental performance. This is acknowledged if all life cycle phases are regarded. As climate aspects commonly not assessed in forest product LCAs could influence results greatly, and even affect the outcome of comparisons between forest and non-forest products, the climate impact of forest products is uncertain. It is, therefore, important that this uncertainty is acknowledged and communicated, and that appropriate methods and guidelines are developed. The choice of allocation method in the LCA of biorefinery products can have a major influence on results, especially for physically non-dominant products and in consequential studies. In these cases, scenario analysis is especially valuable to show the possible range of results. LCA provides useful guidance for forest product development and production as the life cycle approach reveals causes of environmental impact throughout the product value chain. Proper identification, estimation, and management of uncertainties strengthen the provision of reliable decision support. / Att ersätta fossila bränslen och produkter med skogsbiomassa blir ett allt viktigare sätt att försöka minska klimatförändringen. För att säkerställa en hållbar övergång till en skogsbaserad bioekonomi är det viktigt att fördelarna och nackdelarna med skogsprodukter bedöms, för att klargöra att de faktiskt ger minskad miljöpåverkan. Livscykelanalys (LCA) är en flitigt använd metod för att bedöma miljöpåverkan från biobaserade produkter. Dock kan LCA:er på snarlika produktsystem komma fram till resultat som skiljer sig avsevärt. Metoden är således förknippad med osäkerheter. Det är därför nödvändigt att undersöka betydelsen av osäkerheter och därigenom bygga upp kunskap om förutsättningar för och utmaningar i användningen av LCA för bedömning av skogsprodukters miljöprestanda. Avhandlingen fokuserar på tre viktiga utmaningar som alla rör osäkerheter i LCA: 1) systemgränser, 2) praxis vid bedömning av klimatpåverkan, och 3) allokering. Närmare bestämt bedöms betydelsen av a) inkluderandet och exkluderandet av livscykelfaser, b) potentiellt viktiga klimataspekter och c) olika allokeringsmetoder. Fallstudier har gjorts på ett kemiskt industrikluster, ett bioraffinaderi och produktvärdekedjorna för en plastlåda, ett fordonsbränsle samt en byggnad. Sammanfattningsvis visar avhandlingen att: En stor del av miljöpåverkan relaterad till ett industriklusters produktion kan uppstå utanför klustrets grindar. När strategier som innebär en övergång till skogsbasserat råmaterial utvecklas och utvärderas är det således viktigt att använda ett livscykelperspektiv, så att den fulla potentialen för minskad miljöpåverkan synliggörs. För biobaserade produkter som skiljer sig i funktionella egenskaper från de fossila produkter de är avsedda att ersätta riskerar materialförsämring i användningsfasen att väsentligt minska den övergripande miljöprestandan. Om detta är fallet framgår tydligt om alla livscykelfaser beaktas. Klimataspekter som vanligtvis inte bedöms i LCA-studier på skogsprodukter kan påverka resultatet kraftigt och även påverka resultatet av jämförelser mellan skogs och icke-skogsprodukter. Således är den faktiska klimatpåverkan av skogsprodukter osäker. Det är därför viktigt att osäkerheten uppmärksammas och kommuniceras samt att lämpliga metoder och riktlinjer för bedömning av klimatpåverkan från skogsprodukter utvecklas. I LCA av bioraffinaderiprodukter kan val av allokeringsmetod ha en stor inverkan på resultaten. Detta gäller särskilt för fysiskt icke-dominanta produkter och i konsekvensanalyser. I dessa fall är scenarioanalys speciellt värdefullt att använda för att visa möjliga skillnader i resultat. LCA ger värdefull vägledning för utveckling och produktion av skogsprodukter, då livscykeltänkandet beaktar orsakerna till miljöpåverkan i produkternas hela värdekedjor. Korrekt identifiering, uppskattning och hantering av osäkerheter stärker tillförlitligheten av beslutsunderlaget.
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Biodigestão anaeróbia termofílica de vinhaça em sistemas combinados do tipo acidogênico-metanogênico para potencialização da recuperação de bioenergia em biorrefinarias de cana-de-açúcar de primeira geração / Thermophilic anaerobic biodigestion of vinasse in combined acidogenic-methanogenic systems to enhance bioenergy recovery in first generation sugarcane biorefineriesFuess, Lucas Tadeu 13 March 2017 (has links)
A produção de biocombustíveis apresenta-se como uma eficiente alternativa para superar as limitações econômico-ambientais inerentes à comercialização e utilização de combustíveis fósseis. O etanol caracteriza-se como um dos principais biocombustíveis alternativos, sendo as destilarias de cana-de-açúcar importantes exemplos de biorrefinarias, as quais, analogamente à indústria do petróleo, objetivam a obtenção de um espectro de (bio)produtos e/ou bioenergia a partir da biomassa vegetal. Embora nas atuais biorrefinarias de cana-de-açúcar a matéria-prima seja convertida em etanol, açúcar e eletricidade, uma fração considerável da energia da cana (como matéria orgânica) ainda é perdida na vinhaça. Potenciais impactos negativos da fertirrigação, i.e., aplicação direta da vinhaça no solo agrícola, também constituem outra relevante limitação do atual gerenciamento desta água residuária no Brasil. A biodigestão anaeróbia apresenta grande potencial de aplicação no tratamento da vinhaça, objetivando-se a redução de sua carga orgânica poluente concomitantemente à recuperação de bioenergia a partir do biogás. Embora tal processo potencialize a extração de energia da cana-de-açúcar na biorrefinaria, a literatura de referência ainda é escassa em termos da definição de parâmetros que viabilizem a implantação da biodigestão nas destilarias brasileiras. Neste contexto, neste estudo apresenta-se um panorama holístico da aplicação da biodigestão anaeróbia no tratamento da vinhaça de cana-de-açúcar, definindo-se condições operacionais para uma eficiente e estável conversão da matéria orgânica em hidrogênio e metano em sistemas em duas fases (acidogênico + metanogênico) termofílicos (55ºC). Diferentes cenários para produção de energia a partir do biogás também foram estudados a partir da aplicação de ferramentas de simulação, buscando-se fornecer aspectos técnicos, econômicos e ambientais da implantação das plantas de biodigestão da vinhaça na indústria sucroalcooleira brasileira. Em termos experimentais, os resultados mostraram a habilidade do reator acidogênico para manter produções contínuas de biohidrogênio em longo prazo (240 dias), sendo a aplicação de estratégias operacionais específicas, p.ex. controle do pH e da concentração de biomassa no reator, imperativa para recuperação dos sistemas submetidos a perdas de desempenho. Na fase metanogênica, a aplicação de cargas orgânicas crescentes (até 30 kgDQO m-3 d-1) em um reator convencional de manta de lodo e um reator de leito fixo estruturado indicou um desempenho muito superior do sistema com células aderidas, especialmente em termos da estabilidade operacional em longo prazo (240 dias). Finalmente, com relação à avaliação tecnológica da biodigestão, demostrou-se a viabilidade do escalonamento dos sistemas anaeróbios com separação de fases para o tratamento da vinhaça nas biorrefinarias de cana-de-açúcar, independentemente do tipo de uso proposto para o hidrogênio: não recuperação, venda como produto de valor agregado, produção de biohythane ou injeção no reator metanogênico. Os resultados também apontaram o papel determinante da alcalinização dos sistemas para melhorar o desempenho econômico ambiental da biodigestão, podendo superar efeitos da redução dos custos de investimento em alguns casos. Em suma, espera-se que os resultados apresentados neste trabalho sirvam como referência aos tomadores de decisão da indústria sucroalcooleira, suprindo lacunas de informações e destacando a viabilidade da implantação da biodigestão como tecnologia central para o processamento da vinhaça nas biorrefinarias de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil. / The production of biofuels comprises an efficient alternative to overcome the economicenvironmental drawbacks inherent to the trade and use of fossil fuels. Ethanol is one of the main alternative biofuels, with sugarcane distilleries characterized as important examples of biorefineries, which, similarly to the oil industry, aim to obtain a spectrum of (bio)products and/or bioenergy from the vegetal biomass. Although the raw material is converted into ethanol, sugar and electricity in the current sugarcane biorefineries, a considerable fraction of the energy from sugarcane (as organic matter) is still wasted in vinasse. Potential negative impacts from fertirrigation, i.e., the direct application of vinasse into the agricultural soil, also comprise another relevant drawback of the current management of this wastewater in Brazil. Anaerobic biodigestion has great potential of application in the treatment of vinasse, aiming to reduce its polluting organic load concomitantly to the bioenergy recovery from biogas. Although this process enhances the energy extraction from sugarcane in the biorefinery, the reference literature still lacks on the definition of parameters that encourage the implementation of biodigestion in Brazilian distilleries. In this context, this study presents a holistic overview of the application of biodigestion in the treatment of sugarcane vinasse, defining operating conditions for an efficient and stable conversion of the organic matter into hydrogen and methane in two-phase (acidogenic + methanogenic) thermophilic systems (55ºC). Different scenarios for the production of bioenergy from biogas were also studied by using simulation tools, aiming to provide technical, economic and environmental aspects of the implementation of vinasse biodigestion plants in the Brazilian sucro-alcohol industry. In experimental terms, the results showed the ability of the acidogenic reactor to maintain a continuous long-term (240 days) biohydrogen production, characterizing the application of specific operating strategies, e.g. control of the pH and biomass concentration inside the reactor, as imperative for the recovery of systems subjected to performance losses. In the methanogenic phase, the application of increasing organic loadings (up to 30 kgCOD m-3 d-1) to a conventional sludge blanket reactor and a structured-bed reactor indicated a much superior performance of the adhered cell system, especially in terms of the long-term operating stability (240 days). Finally, regarding the technological assessment of the biodigestion, the feasibility of scaling-up anaerobic systems with phase separation to the treatment of vinasse in sugarcane biorefineries was demonstrated, regardless of the type of use proposed for hydrogen: non-recovery, sale as a value-added product, biohythane production or injection into the methanogenic reactor. The results also pointed out the determining role of the alkalinization of the systems to improve the economic-environmental performance of biodigestion, in order to overcome the effects of the reduction of investment costs in some cases. In short, it is expected that the results presented in this study will serve as reference to decision-makers in the sucro-alcohol industry, filling information gaps and highlighting the feasibility of implementing biodigestion.
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Étude de faisabilité de la valorisation en bioraffinerie de biomasses issues de phytotechnologies : cas d’une plante hyperaccumulatrice (noccaea caerulescens) et d’un ligneux (salix viminalis) / Study of the feasibility of converting biomass from phytotechnology into biorefinery : Case of a hyperaccumulator plant (Noccaea caerulescens) and a woody plant (Salix viminalis)Menana, Zahra 21 December 2018 (has links)
La phytoremédiation est un concept pour la dépollution et de réhabilitation des sols et/ou de friches industrielles contaminés par des éléments traces métalliques (ETMs), utilisant les végétaux pour absorber ou immobiliser les contaminants en présence des organismes microbiens de la rhizosphère. Cette technique a pour conséquence une production de biomasse plus ou moins contaminée qu’il est nécessaire de traiter et également de valoriser. Cependant, la présence d’ETMs peut être problématique dans une approche de conversion en bioraffinerie. Pour répondre à cette question, deux espèces ont été étudiées : une plante herbacée hyperaccumulatrice (Noccaea caerulescens) et un ligneux (Salix viminalis). Deux prétraitements ont été sélectionnés pour cette étude : les prétraitements par explosion vapeur et organosolv, en appliquant différentes conditions opératoires, afin (1) de suivre la distribution des ETMs au cours du traitement, (2) de purifier la matière lignocellulosique et (3) d’évaluer l’effet des ETMs sur les étapes ultérieures d’hydrolyse enzymatique et de fermentation. Pour le prétraitement organosolv la majeure partie des ETMs est récupérée dans le résidu solide cellulosique alors que par explosion à la vapeur, les ETMs sont extraits en grande partie dans les effluents aqueux du traitement. La présence d’ETMs dans les pâtes cellulosiques et les hydrolysats ne montre pas d’effet significatif sur la cinétique d’hydrolyse enzymatique et de fermentation. Concernant spécifiquement Noccaea caerulescens des teneurs relativement importantes en pectines ont été observées, ce qui ouvre des perspectives intéressantes pour la valorisation de cette plante par la production d’un biopolymère d’intérêt industriel. Finalement, les résultats obtenus montrent qu’il serait possible de combiner réhabilitation des sols et valorisation en bioraffinerie de biomasses issues de phytotechnologies soit pour la production du bioéthanol ou la production de molécules plateforme / Phytoremediation is a concept for the depollution and rehabilitation of soils and/or industrial wastelands contaminated by metal trace elements (MTEs), using plants to absorb or immobilize contaminants in the presence of microbial organisms in the rhizosphere. This technique results in a more or less contaminated biomass production that must be treated and also recovered. However, the presence of MTEs can be an issue in a biorefinery conversion approach. To address this question, two species were studied: an hyperaccumulator herbaceous plant (Noccaea caerulescens) and a woody plant (Salix viminalis). Two pre-treatments were selected for this study: steam explosion and organosolv pre-treatments, applying different operating conditions, in order to (1) monitor the distribution of MTEs during the process, (2) purify lignocellulosic material and (3) evaluate the effect of MTEs on subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation steps. For organosolv pretreatment, most of the MTEs are recovered in the solid cellulosic residue while by steam explosion, MTEs are mostly extracted in the aqueous effluents of the treatment. The presence of MTEs in cellulosic pastes and hydrolysates does not show a significant effect on the kinetics of enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation. Concerning specifically Noccaea caerulescens, the plant contains relatively high levels of pectins, which opens up interesting prospects for the valorization of this plant through the production of a biopolymer of industrial interest. Finally, the results obtained show that it would be possible to combine soil rehabilitation and biorefinery valorization of biomasses from phytotechnologies for either bioethanol production or the production of platform molecules
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