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Translation from Braille Music Mark-up Language to DAISYXMLJessel, Nadine Baptiste, Cubero, Javier Asensio 23 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
As result of the Contrapunctus European project the design of the Braille Music Mark-up as an XML representation of a music scores in Braille has been carried out. We propose a design of a prototype system for translating these kinds of files into spoken music encoded in DAISYXML. In this way any blind musician may be able to memorize any Braille score using a DAISY reader. Therefore the dependency of reading BMML files in front of a computer would be eliminated. This is a first work on feasibility which will be improved and managed by a working group.
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L'enseignement de mal voyants en France et en Tunisie : de la défiance visuelle au déficit pédagogique : le cas de l'enseignement des mathématiques à l'école / Education for the partially sighted in France and in Tunisia : from visual impairment to pedagogical shortcomings : the case of teaching Math in elementary schoolBen Tourkia, Slim 28 February 2018 (has links)
L’instruction des ADV (Aveugles et Déficients visuels) sous-tend leur apprentissage et leur intégration aussi bien scolaire que sociale, et est fondée sur des politiques mises en œuvre dans divers pays. En France et dans d’autres pays, sont conçues au profit des ADV des politiques d’intégration dont celles en milieu ouvert et en milieu spécialisé. Les études de terrain en France et en Tunisie montrent, qu’avec de supports et de matériels spécifiques, les ADV ont pu apprendre les mathématiques en concrétisation de ces politiques d’intégration. / Teaching the BVI (Blind and Visually Impaired) is the foundation of their learning and integration in both school and society, and is based on policies implemented in various countries. In France and in other countries, integration policies, in an open and specialized setting, are formed for the BVI. Field studies in France and in Tunisia show that with specific media and materials, the BVI were able to learn Math, thus concretizing these integration policies.
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Aquisição de discriminações auditivo-táteis e emergência de leitura recombinativa em Braille / Acquisition of auditory-tactile discriminations and the emergence of Braille recombinative readingQuinteiro, Regiane de Souza 09 December 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-12-09 / Reading is a complex ability that involves a set of discriminated operants. In exposure to discrimination teaching with printed words the elements are combined and recombined in new words that control how to read the new words (recombinative reading). The present study had the objective of investigating whether previous discoveries on recombinative reading with tactile stimuli from the Braille alphabet were replicable. It was investigated the acquisition of pseudowords printed in Braille and the combination and recombination of the textual units in recombinative reading. Four literate adults with acquired visual impairment learned auditory-tactile conditional discriminations between dictated and printed pseudowords in Roman alphabet (AB) and between dictated and printed pseudowords in Braille (AC). Periodic tests evaluated new choice relations (BC, CB, AC) and oral textual responding (CD) with taught and new words. Two experimental studies (with two sets of words) were conducted, they were composed of six teachingtesting cycles (two words in each cycle) with tactile stimuli with font size 90 (Study 1) and size 40 (Study 2). The pseudowords were created to strengthen recombinative reading: four vowels and four consonants composed 4 syllables and formed 12 dissyllable words for teaching and 14 words for tests (each syllable was presented in the first and last position of the words at the same times). The four participants learned all conditional discriminations and formed equivalence classes that included dictated and tactile words in the two modalities. All of them showed scores higher than 80% in the selection of the new words. New words Braille reading showed variability: two participants showed correct responses with scores higher than 75%; the others showed between 41 and 79%. The results replicated and expanding the previous discoveries about to Braille stimuli and their elemental control by within-syllable units can develop recombinative reading. Teaching procedure variables, stimuli modalities, and the elements overlapping in different words had an important role to generate Braille reading. / Ler é uma habilidade complexa que envolve um conjunto de operantes discriminados. Na exposição ao ensino de discriminação com palavras impressas os elementos são combinados ou recombinados em novas palavras que controlam a leitura recombinativa. O presente estudo teve como objetivo estender as descobertas prévias sobre leitura recombinativa para estímulos táteis constituintes do alfabeto Braille. Foi investigada a aquisição de leitura de pseudopalavras em Braille e a combinação e recombinação das unidades textuais na leitura recombinativa. Quatro adultos alfabetizados, com deficiência visual adquirida, aprenderam discriminações condicionais auditivo-táteis entre pseudopalavras ditadas e impressas em alfabeto romano (AB) e entre pseudopalavras ditadas e impressas em Braille (AC). Testes periódicos avaliaram novas relações de seleção (BC, CB, AC) e a leitura oral (CD) de palavras ensinadas e novas. Dois estudos foram conduzidos (com conjuntos de palavras específicos), empregando seis ciclos de ensino-teste (duas palavras por ciclo) com estímulos táteis nos tamanhos 90 (Estudo 1) e 40 (Estudo 2). As pseudopalavras formadas visaram potencializar a leitura recombinativa: quatro vogais e quatro consoantes compuseram 4 sílabas e formaram 12 palavras dissílabas para ensino e 14 palavras para testes (cada sílaba ocupou a posição inicial e final em igual número de palavras). Os quatro participantes aprenderam as discriminações condicionais e formaram classes de equivalência entre as palavras ditadas e impressas nas duas modalidades. Todos apresentaram escores maiores que 80% de acertos na seleção de palavras novas. A nomeação oral de palavras novas em Braille apresentou variabilidade: dois participantes acertaram acima de 75% e os outros dois acertaram entre 41 e 79%. Os resultados replicaram e estenderam para estímulos em Braille as descobertas prévias de que o controle elementar por unidades intrassilábicas favorece a leitura recombinativa. Variáveis de programação de ensino, as modalidades de estímulos, e a sobreposição de elementos em diferentes palavras tiveram papel relevante para gerar leitura em Braille.
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Do toque ao som = o ensino da musicografia Braille como um caminho para a educação musical inclusiva / From touch to sound : teaching of Braille music notation as a path to an inclusive musical educationBonilha, Fabiana Fator Gouvea 02 October 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Claudiney Rodrigues Carrasco / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T21:39:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O presente trabalho foi motivado pela experiência pessoal de sua autora como musicista com deficiência visual e representa a continuidade da Dissertação de Mestrado intitulada "Leitura musical na ponta dos dedos: caminhos e desafios do ensino da musicografia braille na perspectiva de alunos e professores", defendida no Departamento de Música,do Instituto de Artes da Unicamp. Nele são abordados aspectos relativos ao ensino e à difusão do código musical em braille, enfatizando-se, sobretudo,as concepções subjacentes à Educação Inclusiva. Esta pesquisa possui um enfoque qualitativo, pois visa apreender as percepções dos indivíduos frente aos desafios da alfabetização musical em braille. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio do acompanhamento e estudo de três casos, nos quais três sujeitos experienciaram o processo de aprendizado da notação musical desenvolvida para os cegos. Além disso, foi realizada uma investigação acerca dos meios utilizados para a transcrição de partituras em Braille, delineando-se as peculiaridades desse processo. Na análise dos dados coletados, discute-se o papel do educador musical, do aluno com deficiência visual e do especialista em aplicações da musicografia braille. Como desdobramentos deste trabalho, há a produção de um áudio-documentário que retrata o desenvolvimento da pesquisa e a implantação de um acervo musical que contém obras em braille. São, por fim, levantadas questões relevantes, que podem resultar em novas investigações sobre o tema e na implementação de iniciativas favoráveis ao ensino e a difusão da musicografia braille. A pesquisa contou com o apoio da FAPESP e com a infraestrutura do Laboratório de Acessibilidade da Biblioteca Central Cesar Lattes da UNICAMP / Abstract: The current study was motivated by the author's life experience being both blind and a musician. It covers different aspects of Braille Music teaching and diffusion, emphasizing the concept of an inclusive education. Using a qualitative approach, three cases were studied and followed, in which three people experienced the process of Braille music learning. The resources available for Braille music transcription were also investigated, and it supported the creation of a Braille music collection. In the data analysis, the roles of music educator, of blind students and of experts are discussed. An audio documentary was developed as a representation of this study. Some questions are also placed in order to favour future investigations / Doutorado / Doutor em Música
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Design do livro tátil ilustrado: processo de criação centrado no leitor com deficiência visual e nas técnicas de produção gráfica da imagem e do texto / Design tactile illustrated book: creation process focused the reader with visual impairment and the graphic production techniques image and textElizabeth Romani 28 April 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda o design do livro tátil ilustrado, uma obra que possibilita a inclusão do leitor com deficiência visual. A investigação está centrada no modo como a mensagem é expressa no texto e na imagem, a partir do entendimento da tipografia, da diagramação, da linguagem empregada na ilustração e da produção gráfica. O objetivo da pesquisa é discutir sob a ótica do design a produção atual desta categoria de livro, entendendo-se que o livro tátil ilustrado configura-se como um objeto multissensorial que explora, principalmente, a percepção tátil, sendo esta um recurso também utilizado no despertar da curiosidade do leitor em fase de alfabetização. Para o leitor, principalmente, o cego, é importante desenvolver a sensibilidade tátil ainda na infância, por isso o livro físico como uma fonte de informação é instrumento fundamental de formação perceptiva. Grande parte da produção do livro tátil ilustrado está vinculada a conhecimentos oriundos da pedagogia, desenvolvidos nos centros de assistência à pessoa com deficiência visual, muitas vezes, sem a participação integral do designer no projeto. Por esta razão, no Brasil, os livros oriundos de diferentes iniciativas assemelham- se e são caracterizados pela produção tradicional, seguindo a concepção de material didático para cegos. Recentemente, uma nova concepção de livros multissensoriais para crianças tem sido elaborada por um número restrito de editoras, fundamentalmente as europeias, que exploram diferentes técnicas de acabamento na obtenção da imagem tátil. Esta pesquisa parte da hipótese que grande parte das imagens presentes nos livros táteis ilustrados produzidos no Brasil não são interpretadas pelo cego. São apresentados os desdobramentos desta questão relacionados ao entendimento da imagem e do texto. Entre eles, indaga-se: a linguagem dos desenhos táteis estaria condizente com o leitor cego? A técnica de obtenção do relevo interfere no processo de leitura? O texto auxilia no entendimento da imagem? A composição rígida das páginas favorece a leitura? A ausência de estudos específicos sobre o livro tátil ilustrado no campo do design e as restritas publicações bibliográficas no âmbito da leitura háptica conduziram para o levantamento de campo: visita às escolas especializadas, visita aos museus acessíveis e leitura mediada junto ao público de interesse. Além disso, realiza-se a análise de seis obras com diferentes concepções de ilustrações táteis, sendo três nacionais: O Chapeuzinho vermelho, de Bia Villela, Abraço de urso, de Cláudia Cotes, Adélia sonhadora, de Lia Zatz; e três importadas: Ruvidino in piscina, do Istituto dei Ciechi di Milano, Des vers de travers, de Anette Diesen, e Petit souffle de vent, de Elisa Lodolo. As leituras têm o propósito de discutir a compreensão da imagem, do texto e a composição do livro. Esses livros são analisados a partir de referências do design gráfico e da percepção visual, com maior ênfase nas obras de Bruno Munari e Rudolf Arnhein. Por fim, produz-se uma série de trabalhos práticos de caráter experimental a partir de narrativas que suscitam ampliar a discussão do processo de projetar um livro tátil ilustrado. Os resultados mostram que grande parte das imagens táteis presentes nas publicações brasileiras não são compreendidas pelos leitores cegos, sendo que um conjunto de fatores associados corrobora para este resultado, entre eles, identifica-se a linguagem das ilustrações, a técnica de produção e ausência do concreto na relação do texto com a imagem. / This research addresses the tactile illustrated book design, a work that enables the inclusion of the reader with visual impairments. The research is centered on how the message is expressed in the text and the image, from the understanding of typography, the layout, the language used in the illustration and mass production. The aim of the research is to discuss from the viewpoint of design the current production of this book category, on the understanding that the illustrated tactile book figure as a multi-sensory object that explores mainly the tactile perception, this being a feature also used to arouse the reader\'s curiosity in the literacy phase.For the reader, especially the blind, it is important to develop a tactile sensitivity in its childhood, therefore the physical book as a source of information is a fundamental tool of perceptual training. A great part of the production of illustrated tactile book is tied to knowledge originating from pedagogy, developed at the assistance centre for visually impaired and very often without the full involvement of the designer in the project. For this reason, in Brazil, books from different initiatives are similar and are characterized by traditional production, in accordance with didactic material for the blind. Recently, a new concept of multi-sensory books for children have been developed by a limited number of publishers, primarily European, exploring different finishing techniques in obtaining the tactile image. This research starts from the assumption that most of the images presented in the illustrated tactile books produced in Brazil are not interpreted by the blind. Will be presented the developments on this issue related to the understanding of image and text. Amongst them: the language of tactile drawings would be consonant with that of the blind reader? The embossing technique interferes in the reading process? The text assists in the understanding of the image? The rigid composition of the pages stimulate the reading? The absence of specific studies regarding the tactile illustrated book in the field of design and the strict bibliographic publications within the haptic reading led to the field survey: visits to specialized schools, visits to acessible museums and reading mediated by the target public. In addition, the analysis of six books, each one with different conceptions of tactile illustrations, was carried out, being three of them national: O Chapeuzinho vermelho, by Bia Villela, Abraço de urso, by Cláudia Cotes, Adélia sonhadora, by Lia Zatz; and three from abroad: Ruvidino in piscina, by Istituto dei Ciechi di Milano, Des vers de travers, by Anette Diesen and Petit souffle de vent, by Elisa Lodolo. The readings are meant to discuss the understanding of image, text and the book\'s composition. These books are analyzed based on references brought from graphic design and visual perception, with greater emphasis on the works of Bruno Munari and Rudolf Arnhein. Finally, it was produced a series of practical work of an experiential nature from narratives which intend to broaden the discussion about the process of designing a tactile illustrated book. The results demonstrated that the majority of tactile images present at Brazilian publications are not understood by blind readers - a set of associated factors corroborates to this result: the illustration language, the reproduction technique and absence of concrete in the relation between text and image.
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Translation from Braille Music Mark-up Language to DAISYXMLJessel, Nadine Baptiste, Cubero, Javier Asensio January 2010 (has links)
As result of the Contrapunctus European project the design of the Braille Music Mark-up as an XML representation of a music scores in Braille has been carried out. We propose a design of a prototype system for translating these kinds of files into spoken music encoded in DAISYXML. In this way any blind musician may be able to memorize any Braille score using a DAISY reader. Therefore the dependency of reading BMML files in front of a computer would be eliminated. This is a first work on feasibility which will be improved and managed by a working group.
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"Jag önskar att jag kunde få vara bara elev" - Om punktkriftsläsares litteraturtillgång i högre studier / "I wish I could be nothing but a student" - About braille readers’ access to litterature in higher educationWallsten, Anna January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to explain the experiences that individuals with visual impairments in higher education undergo. In this study, I focus on people who consider themselves braille readers, as my objective is not only to investigate the reality regarding the process of acquiring accessible literature but also to understand the importance of braille literacy in a broader sense. I also want to show the connection and interdependency between education, citizenship, and disability in contemporary Sweden but also in historical retrospect.My study shows that there is an inequality in access to course literature and education in Sweden. The literature is not always available on time and is often inaccessible for individuals who are braille readers, though accessibility is required through laws and regulations that demand that every citizen be treated equally and have the same opportunities, disregarding disabilities. The conclusion is that authorities, including universities, have a lot of work to do to follow regulations such as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Discrimination Act. One of the solutions to this problem is to increase the status of the braille language.
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The Effects of Constant Time Delay in Teaching Recognition of Braille WordsHardin, Toni R. 01 January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the use of a constant time delay procedure to teach core content words in braille to a student with a visual impairment. A multiple probe (conditions) across behaviors design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the training and follow-up sessions. The results showed the procedure was effective in teaching core content braille words within a resource setting and the student was able to generalize the information to an inclusive setting.
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Localização e orientação "indoor" com recurso à tecnologia RFIDNeiva, Jorge Peixoto Barbosa January 2012 (has links)
Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Electrotécnia e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2012
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A program of instruction in braille music for teachers of visually impaired studentsClark, Margaret Ann, University of Western Sydney, Nepean, Faculty of Education January 1992 (has links)
This project describes the processes and procedures used in planning and writing a braille music program specifically to assist teachers of visually impaired students instruct their students in basic braille music notation. The experiment was conducted over two terms of the school year with an Itinerant Teacher and her 9 year old braille student. The program was based on a direct instruction model, and material included a Teachers Manual (in print and braille), plus examples and exercises recorded on tape. The recordings emphasised and developed aural skills in pitch and rhythm, ensuring that the subject matter was learned musically. The experiment was a single-case study (A-B-A design) using pre-tests, probes and post tests. The final post test was administered six weeks after the completion of the program. / Master of Education
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