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Measuring the effect of esport sponsorships on brand equity and purchase intentions / En kvantitativ studie om hur esportkonsumenters åsikter och tankar om sponsring kan påverka varumärkeskapital och köpintentionerShaw, Kevin January 2019 (has links)
Esport har under de senaste åren vuxit enormt snabbt och kommit att bli ett globalt fenomen. Samtidigt visar de framtida prognoserna att marknaden för esport kommer växa ytterligare, vilket har gjort det attraktivt för varumärken att sponsra lag, event och organisationer. Trots detta kommer det rapporter som menar på att sponsorer fortfarande är tveksamma till att investera inom esporten då det råder en osäkerhet kring hur effektivt det faktiskt är. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur effektivt sponsorskap är inom esport. Studien har ämnat att undersöka detta från ett konsumentperspektiv i syfte att ge större verktyg till företagen för att hjälpa dem att göra medvetna val vid sponsring inom esport. Utifrån syftet har huvudfrågeställningen fastställts: Är sponsring inom esport en effektiv marknadsföringsstrategi när sponsorer vill öka sitt varumärkeskapital? Metoden har utgått från en kvantitativ forskningsdesign där empirin består av fyra olika enkätundersökningar, två nollmätningar och två eftermätningar. Totalt ingick 442 respondenter varav 192 var svenska och 250 var internationella. Respondenterna var avgränsade till att endast inkludera esportkonsumenter som hade för avsikt att titta på och/eller tittade på Dreamhack Open Winter 2018, ett evenemang inom esport som hålls varje år i Jönköping, Sverige. Utifrån resultatet har studien tagit fram slutsatser som är kopplade till frågeställningarna som utformats. Eftermätningen visade att samtliga sponsorers varumärkeskapital ökade efter eventet, vilken visar på att esport kan vara en effektiv marknadsföringsstrategi för varumärken som vill öka sitt varumärkeskapital genom sponsring. Dock har det identifierats att olika varumärken, av olika storlekar sponsrar för olika syften. Fortsättningsvis visar studien att köpintentioner endast ökade för de sponsorer som hade en hög grad av upplevd kvalité samt lojalitet, det finns således ett samband mellan dem. Avslutningsvis visar studien att det fanns en skillnad mellan svenska och internationella esportkonsumenter i deras uppfattningar av sponsorer och att detta kan bero på att svenska respondenter håller starkare och mer gynnsamma associationer gentemot en svensk arrangör som Dreamhack. / Esports have grown rapidly over the last couple of years and have now become a global phenomenon. At the same time forecasts show that the market for esports will continue to grow, which in turn has made it attractive for brands to sponsor teams, events and organizations. Despite all of this there are concerns from several reports which suggest that there are still sponsors who are hesitant to invest in esports because there is an underlying uncertainty regarding how effective it really is. The purpose of the study is to examine how effective sponsorship within esports is. The study has intended to examine this from a consumer perspective for the purpose of providing more tools for companies to help them make conscious choices when sponsoring esports. Based on the purpose of the study, the main issue was established. Are sponsorships within esports an effective marketing strategy when sponsors want to increase their brand equity? The method was based on a quantitative research design where the empirical data consists of four different surveys, two benchmark measurements and two measurements after the event. A total of 442 respondents participated in the study, 192 of them were Swedish and 250 of them were international. The respondents were limited to only include esports consumers who were either going to watch and/or watched Dreamhack Open Winter 2018, an event within esports that is held every year in Jönköping, Sweden. Based on the results, the study developed a set of empirical findings which were then connected to the issue that had been established. The measures after the event showed that the brand equity of all of the sponsors had increased. This indicates that esports can be an effective marketing strategy for brands that want to increase their brand equity through sponsorships. However, the results showed that brands of different sizes sponsor for different purposes. Further, the study found that purchase intentions only increased for the brands that had a high degree of perceived quality and loyalty, therefore it was concluded that there is a connection between them. In conclusion the study showed that there was a difference between Swedish and international esports consumers in their perception of sponsors. This could depend on the fact that Swedish respondents hold stronger and more favorable associations towards Swedish organizers such as Dreamhack.
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Innehållet räknas : När marknadsföring skapar varumärkestillit och varumärkeslojalitet / Content matters : When marketing creates brand trust and brand loyaltyBergh, Albin January 2019 (has links)
How and what companies publishes on social media have become more important. Different types of post generate different type of effects and if companies want to create brand loyalty and brand trust they must take this in consideration. Consumers want to be reached by content that is personal, they also want to feel that the companies deliver something of value. Content marketing deals with this aspect and focus on helping, informing and entertaining the recipients. This study examines informative, personal and entertaining posts and how they affect brand trust and brand loyalty. A quantitative method have been used in this study and a survey was used to gather data. 150 respondents answered the survey and the data was analysed with a bivariate and multivariate method in the statistic programme SPSS. The result of the study show that all three types of posts are important to use if companies publish posts on social media. The study contributes with knowledge of informative, personal and entertaining post and what effect they have on brand trust and brand loyalty. Informative and personal types of post have a significant and positive effect on brand trust. Brand loyalty is affected by all three types of post and the effects is positive. / Hur och vad företag publicerar på sociala medier har blivit allt viktigare. Olika typer av inlägg genererar olika effekter och vill företag skapa varumärkestillit och varumärkeslojalitet måste de ha detta i beaktande. Konsumenter vill bli nådda av innehåll som känns personligt och känna att företagen levererar något värdebringande. Innehållsmarknadsföring behandlar denna aspekt och fokuserar på att hjälpa, informera och underhålla mottagarna. Denna studie undersöker typerna av inlägg, informerande, personliga och underhållande och hur de påverkar varumärkestillit och varumärkeslojalitet. I studien har en kvantitativ metod använts och en enkätundersökning användes för att samla in data. 150 respondenter besvarade enkäten och data analyserades därefter med en bivariat analys samt multivariata analyser i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Studiens resultat visar att alla typerna av inlägg är viktiga att använda om företag publicerar inlägg på sociala medier. Studien bidrar med kunskap om vilka effekter informerande, personliga och underhållande inlägg har på varumärkestillit och varumärkeslojalitet. Informerande och personliga inlägg har en signifikant och en positiv effekt på varumärkestillit. När det gäller varumärkeslojalitet anses alla tre typerna av inlägg vara signifikanta samt att de har en positiv effekt på varumärkeslojalitet.
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Hantering av brand equity inom telekombranschen : En studie om värdeskapande och synergieffekter hos företag med två varumärkenKarlsson, Robin, Hübinette, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
Den svenska telekommarknaden präglas av en oligopolsituation, där de fyra största företagen utgör 97,5 procent av marknaden, och den främsta konkurrensen sker om befintliga kunder. TeliaSonera är marknadens största företag och de saluför de två operatörerna Telia och Halebop, medan Tele2 är det näst största företaget och de saluför operatörerna Tele2 och Comviq. Inom den svenska telekombranschen har operatörerna förhållandevis liknande tjänsteerbjudanden och det är därför viktigt att skapa sig ett starkt varumärke som differentierar sig ur mängden samt bidrar till att skapa synergieffekter för företag som har två varumärken. Ett varumärke kan användas för att skapa värde för både konsumenten och företaget samt etablera en relation mellan dessa parter. Det värde som företaget skapar med varumärket benämns som brand equity, vilket kan ses ur ett kundvärdebaserat respektive finansiellt perspektiv. Det finns dock oklarheter i hur detta värdeskapande faktiskt sker. Uppsatsens syftar därför till att analysera hur TeliaSonera och Tele2 hanterar brand equity samt vilka synergieffekter som kan uppnås av att använda sig utav två varumärken. Vidare har empirin frambringats genom en metodtriangulering bestående av en kvantitativ webbenkät för privatpersoner med ett kvalitativt inslag som är baserad på viktiga variabler relaterade till brand equity, djupintervjuer med företagsrepresentanter för TeliaSonera och Tele2, samt intervju med en marknadskommunikatör. Uppsatsen visar att de studerade företagen använder sig av två varumärken på olika sätt, där TeliaSonera skiljer sina operatörer i syfte att nå olika kundsegment, medan Tele2 skiljer dessa genom att fördela dem mellan kontantkort och abonnemang. Överlag visade sig branschen svag på att förmedla budskap till kunderna, vilket kan ses som en brist då det är viktigt för att kunden ska kunna identifiera sig med varumärket. Då operatören Halebop konkurrerar med Tele2 och Comviq om priskänsliga kunder, samtidigt som Halebop har ett högre kundupplevt värde gällande flera centrala variabler är detta något som Tele2 och Comviq måste hantera strategiskt. Då de båda företagen har flertalet ansvariga inom olika avdelningar som arbetar med olika typer av brand equity bör de inrätta en roll för en brand equity manager som kan integrera dessa olika personer och avdelningar, vilket kan skapa en högre effektivitet och synergieffekter för företaget och dess varumärken. / The Swedish telecommunications market is characterized as an oligopoly, where the four largest firms represent 97.5 percent of the market, and the main competition takes place regarding existing customers. TeliaSonera is the market's largest company who promotes the two operators Telia and Halebop, while Tele2 is the second largest company who promotes Tele2 and Comviq. Due to the Swedish telecom operators have relatively similar offerings, it is important to create a strong brand which differentiates itself from the crowd and helps to create synergies for companies that have two brands. A brand can be used to create value for both consumer and companies, and establish a relationship between these parties. The value that the company creates with the brand is referred to as brand equity, which could be viewed from a customer based or financial perspective. However, there is ambiguity in how this value creation is actually occurring. Therefore this paper regard to analyze how these companies handle brand equity, and study the synergies that can emerge from using two brands. Furthermore the empirical data has been generated by method triangulation, consisting a quantitative online survey with a qualitative element for consumers, that is based on key factors related to brand equity, along with interviews with representatives of the companies TeliaSonera and Tele2, and also with a market communicator. The study shows that the two companies are using two kinds of brands in separated ways, where TeliaSonera distinguish their operators in order to meet different customer segments, while Tele2 distinguishes them by distributing them between prepaid cards and subscriptions. Overall the industry was weak in transmission messages to customers, which can be seen as a weakness because it is important for customers to identify themselves with the brand. The operator Halebop competes with Tele2 and Comviq to price-sensitive customers, and regarding to that Halebop has a higher customer perceived value regarding several key factors, this is something that Tele2 and Comviq have to manage strategically. The two companies have multiple people in different departments working with brand equity, and they should therefore establish a role for a brand equity manager who can integrate the assignments, which can create greater efficiency and synergies for the company and its brands.
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The market orientation of proudly South African companies : students' perceptionsThoola, Tebello Paul January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Marketing)-Dept. of Marketing, Durban University of Technology, 2007
xvi, 156 leaves / The aim of this research is to evaluate students’ perceptions toward the market orientation of Proudly South Africa companies at Durban University of Technology. The Proudly South African campaign is currently very topical, having become a visible brand in its own right within the period of ten years, with the primary objective of creating job opportunities, supporting local companies by buying products that are produced within the boundaries of South Africa and to initiate nationalism among South Africans.
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數位電視體育頻道之創新特質與品牌忠誠度研究─以愛爾達體育台為例 / A Study of Innovation Attributes and Brand Loyalty of IPTV Sports Channel: Case Study for ELTA Sports王于齊, Wang, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
2012年愛爾達體育台取得倫敦奧運的台灣區獨家媒體版權,並與中華電信合作推出「多螢一雲」服務,讓使用者能夠透過中華電信MOD、Hichannel網站與行動載具上的Hami App收看賽事直播。根據尼爾森於奧運會後所進行之媒體研究指出,愛爾達體育台的觀眾廣度雖僅略微成長,但是觀眾的收視忠誠度則明顯升高。本研究以科技接受模型為主要研究架構,結合創新事物特質與品牌忠誠度,探討愛爾達體育台的多平台服務之特質,是否影響到使用者的採用意願,甚至更進一步提升對該頻道的忠誠度。研究結果顯示,愛爾達體育台的「多螢一雲」服務之創新特質,確實會透過影響使用者的認知有用性、認知易用性與態度,而提升採用意願,並增強收視後的頻道忠誠度。 / In 2012, ELTA Sports obtained the exclusive London Olympics media rights in Taiwan and launched “Three Screens and A Cloud” service with Chunghwa Telecom, which enabled users to watch sports live-broadcasting through Chunghwa Telecom MOD, Hichannel website and Hami App. According to AGB Nielson Media Research, although the breadth of audience grew slightly, the brand loyalty to ELTA Sports had an obvious increase after London Olympics. This research takes Technology Acceptance Model as the main structure and combines Attributes of Innovations and Brand Loyalty to discuss whether the attributes of ELTA’s multi-platform service affects users’ adoptive intention and even increases loyalty to the channel or not. As a result, the attributes of “Three Screens and A Cloud” service indeed enhance the audiences’ adoptive intention and brand loyalty to ELTA Sports through affecting their Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Attitude toward Using.
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The market orientation of proudly South African companies : students' perceptionsThoola, Tebello Paul January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Marketing)-Dept. of Marketing, Durban University of Technology, 2007
xvi, 156 leaves / The aim of this research is to evaluate students’ perceptions toward the market orientation of Proudly South Africa companies at Durban University of Technology. The Proudly South African campaign is currently very topical, having become a visible brand in its own right within the period of ten years, with the primary objective of creating job opportunities, supporting local companies by buying products that are produced within the boundaries of South Africa and to initiate nationalism among South Africans.
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Understanding brand loyalty and disloyalty formation among consumers’ of short life-cycle productsRamachandran, S. (Sunder) 26 October 2015 (has links)
This study examines the formation of brand loyalty and disloyalty behaviours among consumers of short life-cycle technology products. Today, the life cycle of technology products have become shortened due to rapid pace of innovation leading to introduction of new and innovative products at shortened intervals. Such technological changes create a dynamic market, induce uncertainties among the consumers in the usage leading to stress and anxiety and development of coping strategies to deal with such situations. This study attempts at an understanding of the formation of brand loyalty and brand disloyalty behaviours from the consumer’s lived consumption experiences. The importance of loyalty and disloyalty have long been recognized in marketing, by academic and practitioners alike and assumes even more salience in today’s highly dynamic and competitive market environment.
This study adopts the qualitative approach based on a constructivist and interpretive perspective using narrative strategy of inquiry through semi-structured and open-ended interviews to bring forth the experiences and meanings emanating from the consumption narratives. A theoretical framework was developed and employed to aid in the analysis of the empirical data. Based on the lines of the theoretical framework, three different phases of consumption, pre-adoption, adoption and post-adoption were examined which brought forth rich details of consumption experiences and outcomes during each consumption phase.
This study interestingly finds consumers to be more brand loyal than disloyal. This supports a school of thought which endorses the existence of brand loyalty and contradicts another school of thought which profess the decline of brand loyalty. The study also reveals the factors which cause brand loyalty, brand disloyalty, divided brand loyalty and no brand loyalty tendencies in the context of short life-cycle technology products providing insights to both practitioners and academics. And more interestingly, this study finds short life-cycle products influencing the brand disloyalty and divided brand loyalty tendencies significantly, if not most significantly. This is important in view of today’s highly changed, dynamic and competitive marketplace and in the context of short life-cycle technology products. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan brändilojaaliuden ja -epälojaaliuden kehittymistä teknologiaintensiivisten kuluttajatuotteiden käyttäjien keskuudessa. Sellaisten tuotteiden käyttöikä on lyhentynyt uusien tuoteinnovaatioiden ja -ratkaisujen tullessa markkinoille yhä nopeammalla tahdilla. Teknologiamuutokset johtavat dynaamisiin markkinoihin ja samalla kuluttajien huoli ja pyrkimykset hoitaa tuotteiden valinta- ja käyttötilanteita kasvavat. Tutkimuksessa pyritään ymmärtämään ja tulkitsemaan brändilojaaliuden ja -epälojaaliuden muodostumiseen liittyviä tekijöitä. Se on yhä tärkeämpää paitsi tutkijoille, myös liiketoiminnan harjoittajille.
Tutkimukseen otetaan konstruktiivinen mutta tulkitseva ote, perustuen kuluttajien kertomiin kokemuksiin, joita kerättiin sekä avoimilla että puoliavoimilla haastatteluilla. Hankittu narratiivinen tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin aiempien tutkimusten perusteella muodostetun teoreettisen viitekehyksen avulla niin, että tuotteen valinta, hankinta ja käyttö jaettiin kolmeen periaatteelliseen vaiheeseen. Ne ovat käyttöön omaksumista edeltävä, käytön omaksumisen ja käyttöön omaksumisen jälkeinen vaihe. Tutkimusaineistosta saatiin kehikon avulla analysoituna esille rikas tuotteen valintaan ja käyttöön liittyvä kulutuskokemusten joukko koskien brändilojaaliutta ja -epälojaaliutta.
Tutkimuksen mielenkiintoinen tulos on, että kuluttajien brändilojaalius on suurempi kuin epälojaalius. Se vahvistaa näkemyksen, että brändilojaaliuden merkitys ei ole vähentynyt eikä etenkään loppunut. Tutkimuksesta tulee silti esiin myös tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat lojaaliuden ohella jakaantuneeseen lojaaliuteen tai lojaaliuden puuttumiseen lyhytikäisten kuluttajatuotteiden tapauksessa. Kaiken kaikkiaan tekijöiden jäsentäminen, näkyväksi tekeminen ja analysointi tarjoavat kiinnostavia näkemyksiä tutkijoille, liiketoiminnan harjoittajille ja muille tahoille. Erityisesti jakaantuneeseen lojaaliuteen ja epälojaaliuteen vaikuttavat tekijät ovat tärkeitä lyhytikäisille teknologiaintensiivisille kuluttajatuotteille, joiden markkinat ovat erittäin dynaamiset ja kilpaillut.
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台灣電信業消費者品牌參與之實證研究 / An empirical study on consumer brand engagement in the context of mobile service providers in Taiwan葉秋焱, Jendrzejczyk, Michalina Unknown Date (has links)
While the focal point in marketing discussion is moving away from goods and getting closer towards service, highlighting the importance of consumer experience and the significant role of customers as value co-creators, the notion of consumer brand engagement and consumer engagement in general, are receiving attention both among scholars and brand decision makers. However, despite the growing attention, the empirical research on the antecedents and consequences of CBE is limited and provides inadequate proof of the substantial role that CBE plays in building customer brand loyalty. This paper investigates the drivers and outcomes of consumer brand engagement among the consumers of mobile service brands in Taiwan. It explores the influence of satisfaction, trust, commitment, involvement, participation and self-expressive brand on the increase or decrease in loyalty and the mediating role of CBE dimensions, including cognitive processing, affection and activation. By validating existing conceptual framework and proposing a new conceptual model, this paper provides empirical evidence of the CBE impact on brand loyalty. Also, this papers aims to provide a useful managerial insight for marketing professionals seeking to enhance firm’s business performance via establishing strong relationships with their customers.
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Etude des relations entre les dimensions de la qualité de service du point de vente, l'image de l'enseigne, la satisfaction des clients et la fidélité : un modèle pour une chaîne de distribution iranienne / Survey of Relations between Store Quality Dimensions (SQD), Corporate Image (CI) and Customer Satisfaction (CS) in order to building the Loyalty Model in chain stores of IranKazemi, Ali 08 July 2011 (has links)
Aujourd'hui l'image de marque des chaînes de distribution est un élément central deleur succès. La plupart d'entre elle ont des programmes destinés à mesurer lesdifférentes dimensions de leur performance au niveau du point de vente, de lasatisfaction de leur client, de la qualité de leur relation-client et de leur image demarque.Ces facteurs sont supposés contribuer à la fidélité des clients. La question est d'enconnaître le poids relatif. L'objet de cette recherche est d'en proposer un modèleintégré et d'en tester la valeur empirique, dans le cas d'une chaîne de distributioniranienne, sur la base d'un échantillon de 500 consommateurs. La qualité des pointsde vente, la satisfaction des consommateurs, l'image de marque de l'entreprise, et laqualité de la relation sont intégrés dans un modèle explicatif de la fidélité desconsommateurs. Effort rarement fait, la littérature ayant testé séparément lesdifférentes hypothèses. / Today, the most successful corporate image in the world are retailing and chain stores. Most chainstores and retailing companies have research programs designed to measure Point of Sale (Store),Customer Satisfaction (Experience), Brand Image (Corporate Image) and Quality of relationship.Such programs are designed to allow management to measure store (POS) constructs and relationswith corporate image, satisfaction, quality of relationship and store loyalty. This constructs provideessential information to guide efforts to increase the excellent variability in stores and will help toensure there continued loyalty and patronage. There is evidence as to the link between store qualityand excellence chain store performance and chain store –level data suggests as link between higherstore quality, higher corporate image, higher customer satisfaction, higher loyalty and improved themarket share, customer share and profitability.The survey effect of Store Quality Dimensions as a POS toward Customer Satisfaction and LoyaltyDimensions, to creating the loyal customers is one of the most important in literature of this thesis.There have been different but homogenous approach for considering research constructs. Thecustomer - based approach, the financial approach and combination approach. While this studyfocus on customer approach and survey the effective process of “SQD ---CS---LD path” in chainstore industry.This constructs used to operationalization of customer loyalty as target objective of model .we usedthe store quality as an antecedent of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and called “SQDbased-LD” approach. The contribution of this study is formulating and development of aconceptual framework that integrates the constructs of model and extraction of SQD – LD Modelin Iran chain stores.
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Online Brand experience en relación al E-Satisfaction y E-Loyalty en el sector de banca online / Online brand experience in relation to e-satisfaction and e-loyalty in online bankingCarnero Cáceres, Angelo Diego Marcelo, Bosmediano Machaca, Victor Antonio 21 March 2021 (has links)
El presente estudio desarrolla y evidencia el online brand experience con relación al e-satisfaction y e-loyalty en usuarios de banca online en el mercado peruano. Para la investigación del presente estudio se empleó una metodología cuantitativa, en donde se utilizaron encuestas virtuales para recolectar información. La información obtenida de 400 encuestas realizadas a usuarios de bancas online en el Perú, las cuales serán analizadas mediante el sistema de IBM SPSS AMOS 21.0.
Los hallazgos obtenidos denotan que el online brand experience tiene un impacto positivo sobre las otras dos variables: e-satisfaction y e-loyalty; así como la relación entre la online brand experience y e-loyalty es mediada por la variable de e-satisfaction. Este estudio se enfoca en la importancia de la experiencia virtual de la marca y el efecto de esta en los sectores que ofrecen servicios en línea.
Asimismo, este estudio aporta conceptos básicos y posibles estrategias para las bancas peruanas que buscan desarrollar un online brand experience único a través del e-satisfaction y e-loyalty; principalmente en este contexto de incertidumbre global (SARS-CoV2), donde la transformación digital es un paso imprescindible en todo tipo de negocio. / This study develops and evidences the online brand experience in relation to e-satisfaction and e-loyalty in online banking users in the Peruvian market. A quantitative methodology was used for the research of this study, where virtual surveys were used to collect information. The information obtained from 400 surveys of online banking users in Peru will be analyzed using the IBM SPSS AMOS 21.0 system.
The findings show that the online brand experience has a positive impact on the other two variables: e-satisfaction and e-loyalty; as well as the relationship between the online brand experience and e-loyalty is mediated by the e-satisfaction variable. This study focuses on the importance of the virtual brand experience and its effect on the sectors that offer online services.
Likewise, this study provides basic concepts and possible strategies for Peruvian banks seeking to develop a unique online brand experience through e-satisfaction and e-loyalty; mainly in this context of global uncertainty (SARS-CoV2), where digital transformation is an essential step in all types of business. / Trabajo de investigación
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