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Los factores que influyen más en la confianza durante la elección de compra online de accesorios deportivos / The factors that most influence confidence when choosing to buy sports accessories onlineCotrina Beraun, Victor Gonzalo, Amorin Ayala, Natalia del Rocío 08 July 2021 (has links)
En este estudio se dará a conocer los factores que influyen más en la confianza como variable dependiente, durante la elección de compra online de accesorios deportivos que sean necesarios para realizar una rutina. El objetivo del presente trabajo es explicar los factores que más influyen y generan la confianza que lleva al consumidor a elegir un determinado proveedor o sitio web de comercio electrónico durante la compra en línea de artículos deportivos. El estudio es relevante porque permite entender el comportamiento del consumidor y las acciones que construyen confianza.
Entre las variables independientes se ha considerado el factor de marketing que incluye la dimensión de marca de producto, comunicación de la marca y atención del vendedor; la variable riesgos percibidos que abarca las dimensiones de riesgo de producto , riesgo de seguridad y riesgo social y la variable influencia de las personas. Asimismo, el presente estudio será dirigido a hombres y mujeres entre 20 a 40 años de NSE A y B , que hayan realizado una compra online de accesorios deportivos en el último año. / This study will reveal the factors that most influence confidence as a dependent variable, during the online purchase choice of sports accessories that are necessary to perform a routine. The objective of this work is to explain the factors that most influence and generate the confidence that leads the consumer to choose a certain supplier or e-commerce website during the online purchase of sporting goods. The study is relevant because it allows us to understand consumer behavior and the actions that build trust.
Among the independent variables, the marketing factor has been considered, which includes the product brand dimension, brand communication and seller's attention; the variable perceived risks that encompasses the dimensions of product risk, security risk and social risk, and the variable influence of people. Likewise, this study will be directed to men and women between 20 and 40 years of age of NSE A and B, who have made an online purchase of sports accessories in the last year. / Trabajo de investigación
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El Social Media Marketing en Relación con el Brand Equity y el Brand Loyalty. / Social Media Marketing in Relation to Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty.Sanchez Arrus, Mariana, Ortiz Silvestre, Rain Dayane Nicolle 08 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación realiza un análisis del comportamiento de las variables: Marketing en los Medios Sociales, Imagen de Marca, Valor de Marca, Lealtad de Marca, Conocimiento de Marca e Intención de Recompra; las cuales se relacionan entre sí, y también, se analiza los efectos que estas tienen en la relación cliente / marca. Este trabajo, se considera relevante, debido a que puede ser beneficioso para que futuras marcas puedan mejorar su imagen y la relación con los clientes presentes y futuros.
En este sentido, uno de los vacíos del estudio, es que muestra la postura desde el punto de vista de estudiantes que cumplieran con ciertas características solicitadas, más no se utilizó un público objetivo real. De esta forma, si bien los resultados brindan una perspectiva cercana a la del consumidor es necesario abarcar el punto de vista real de las marcas y la intención de compra (Almohaimmeed, 2019). Otro factor a considerar, es el lugar y las condiciones socioculturales, las cuales afectan el contexto de los resultados, por lo que no se podría generalizar los resultados según las investigaciones ya realizadas, sin embargo, si se considera una oportunidad para que pueda ser indagado en futuras investigaciones sobre el contexto sociocultural limeño. (Sehar Ashraf y Azam, 2019; Ismail, 2017). Además, el sector investigado impide que el modelo de valor de la marca se proyecte a otros rubros, ya que el tamaño de la muestra es muy limitado (Shabbir, Khan y Khan, 2017). / This research work performs an analysis of the behavior of the variables: Social Media Marketing, Brand Image, Brand Equity, Brand Loyalty, Brand Awareness and Repurchase Intention; which are related to each other, and the effects they have on the customer / brand relationship are also analyzed. This work is considered relevant, because it can be beneficial for future brands to improve their image and the relationship with present and future customers.
Furthermore, one of the gaps in the study is that it shows the position from the point of view of students who meet certain requested characteristics, but a real target audience was not used. Although the results provide a close perspective of the consumer point of view, but it is necessary to cover the real opinion of the brands and the purchase intention (Almohaimmeed, 2019). Another factor to consider is the place and the sociocultural conditions, which affect the context of the results, so thisones could not be generalized according to the investigations already carried out, however this is considered as an opportunity for it to be investigated in future research on the Lima sociocultural context. (Sehar Ashraf and Azam, 2019; Ismail, 2017). In addition, the investigated sector prevents the brand's value model from being projected to other areas, since the sample size is very limited (Shabbir, Khan and Khan, 2017). / Trabajo de investigación
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Brand Experience en el mercado de craft beers en relación al Purchase Intention y Brand loyalty.García López, María Fernanda, Ríos Guzman, Valeria Fernanda 08 July 2021 (has links)
El trabajo presente consiste en un análisis de una gran variable denominada Brand experience y como esta se relaciona al purchase intention y brand loyalty. Además se busca identificar la correlación entre la gran variable y las variables independientes como el nivel de experiencia afectiva con una marca, la experiencia intelectual con respecto al consumo, la experiencia sensorial con la oportunidad de compra y, finalmente, la lealtad como resultado de una buena experiencia. Se propone realizar un estudio cuantitativo no probabilístico a una muestra de 400 consumidores de cerveza artesanal mediante enfoques bivariados y multivariados en SPSS y Smart Less. / The present work consists of an analysis of the variable Brand experience and how it is related to other variables such as Purchase Intention and Brand Loyalty. In addition, it seeks to identify the correlation between the large variable and the independent variables such as the level of affective experience with a brand, the intellectual experience with respect to consumption, the sensory experience and the opportunity to purchase and finally, loyalty as a result of a good experience. It is proposed to carry out a non probabilistic quantitative study to a sample of 400 craft beer consumers using bivariate and multivariate approaches in SPSS and Smart Less. / Trabajo de investigación
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Brand Awareness, Brand loyalty, Brand association y product quality en relación a la intención de compra de smartphones. / Brand awareness, brand association, brand loyalty, perceived quality in relation to the purchase intentions.Sanchez Porras, Adriana Lucero 24 June 2021 (has links)
En la última década, el uso y consumo de smartphones (teléfonos inteligentes) ha ascendido de manera constante, así mismo la manera en la que los consumidores interactúan con las marcas se ha transformado a causa del acceso a conexión internet en smartphones, por ello, es fundamental conocer los factores que podrían influir en la decisión de compra de smartphones en los consumidores. En el presente paper, mediante un análisis cuantitativo buscará identificar la relación de las variables brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality y repurchase intention en la categoría de smartphones. / In the last decade, the use and consumption of smartphones has grown steadily, likewise, the way in which consumers interact with brands has changed due to access to internet connection on smartphones. It is essential to know the factors. In that way, it is essential to know the factors that could influence the purchase intention of smartphones in consumers. In this paper, through a quantitative analysis it seeks to identify the relationship of the variables brand awareness, brand association, brand loyalty, perceived quality and repurchase intention. / Trabajo de investigación
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Brand experience y brand loyalty en relación al customer engagement en redes sociales de marcas de ropa para mujeresCanchari Benites, Francis Anahí, Malasquez Diaz, Kiara Nayelly 03 December 2020 (has links)
El propósito de esta investigación es obtener información relevante del Brand experience y Brand Loyalty en relación al Customer Engagement en redes sociales de marcas de ropa para mujeres. Esta propuesta de investigación está basada en cuatro hipótesis sobre la relación entre las variables Brand Experience y Brand Loyalty con el Customer Engagement. Por lo cual, se trabajará una investigación concluyente con enfoque cuantitativo con alcance correlacional. Las variables serán medidas bajo la escala de Likert de 5 puntos, siendo 1 Fuertemente en desacuerdo y 5 Fuertemente de acuerdo. El muestreo por conveniencia será comprenderá 400 mujeres que siguen a marcas de ropa en sus redes sociales. La evaluación de las hipótesis planteadas tendrá un enfoque estadístico a través SPSS y se emplearán regresiones lineales. / The purpose of this research is to obtain relevant information from the Brand Experience and Brand Loyalty in relation to the Customer Engagement in social networks women's clothing brands. This research proposal is based on six hypotheses about the relationship between the variables Brand Experience and Brand Loyalty with Customer Engagement. Therefore, this conclusive research will work with a quantitative approach with correlational scope. The variables will be measured under the 5-point Likert scale, with 1 Strongly disagree and 5 Strongly agree. The convenience sample will include 400 women who follow fashion brands in their social networks. The evaluation of the hypotheses will have a statistical approach through SPSS and linear regressions. / Trabajo de investigación
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Store awareness, store loyalty, store perceived quality y store image en relación a la intención de compra en tiendas departamentalesAperrigue Garay, Vivian Gardenia, Cortez Rojas, Lucila Miriam 03 December 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación se enfoca en analizar la relación de las variables del store equity: store awareness, store loyalty, store perceived quality y store image. Asimismo, la investigación evaluó que tanto una variable influye en las otras, y cuál de estas influye más en la intención de compra en las tiendas departamentales. Como primer resultado, se encontró que el store awareness es una pieza clave del store equity. Asimismo, se encontró que el store awareness y el store image influyen en el store loyalty. Además, este estudio muestra evidencia de que todas las variables del store equity influyen en la intención de compra, pero no con la misma intensidad. El estudio para esta investigación fue realizado en Lima (Perú), utilizando una metodología cuantitativa con una muestra de 400 clientes de tiendas departamentales. / This research focuses on analyzing the relationship of store equity variables: store awareness, store loyalty, store perceived quality and store image. Also, the investigation evaluated how much one of these variables influences the others, and which of these influences the most on the purchase intention of department stores. As the first result, it was found evidence that the store awareness is a key element of the store equity. Also, it shows that the store awareness and the store image influences the store loyalty. In addition, this study shows evidence about how all the variables of store equity influence purchase intention, but not with the same intensity. The study for this investigation was made in Lima (Peru), using a quantitative methodology with a sample of 400 customers of department stores. / Trabajo de investigación
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Är alla broar brända? : En studie om skandalers påverkan på modeföretag och influencers / Are all bridges burned? : A study on the impact of scandals on fashion companies and influencersHansson, Lovisa, Trolle, Therese January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt cancelkulturen på sociala medier och hur detta påverkar företag respektive influencers. Syftet var att identifiera och skapa bättre förståelse för konsumenters interaktioner efter en varumärkesskandal och således jämföra konsekvenserna för de olika typerna av varumärken. Genom dessa insikter ämnar studien att öka kunskapen kring hur företag och influencers borde förebygga och hantera kriser. I undersökningen användes metoder av både kvalitativt och kvantitativt slag. En enkät med 200 respondenter genomfördes, där frågor kring användandet och agerandet på sociala medier samt deras inställningar till olika typer av skandaler besvarades. Efter insamlat material från enkäten skapades en fokusgrupp med sex respondenter, där kompletterande frågor ställdes och djupare diskussioner hölls. Resultaten från undersökningarna analyserades och kategoriserades för att belysa likheter och skillnader, dels mellan respondenternas interaktion gentemot varumärken efter en skandal, dels hur konsekvenserna ser ut för företag respektive influencers. Vi kunde utifrån resultatet identifiera att influencer drabbas hårdare av skandaler. De ansågs enklare att byta ut, då deras innehåll främst är underhållningsbaserat och utbudet av underhållning redan är stort. Företag, till skillnad från influencers, visade sig svårare att ta avstånd från, då motsvarigheter i utbud upplevdes besvärligt att finna, vilket ledde till att deras vanor övervann moralen. Influencer marketing som marknadsföringsmodell har börjat ifrågasätts på grund av misstro och brist på genuinitet, vilket hotar hållbarheten av affärsmodellens och branschens framtid. / This study has investigated the cancel culture on social media and how this affects companies and influencers respectively. The aim was to identify and create a better understanding of consumer interactions after a brand scandal and thus compare the consequences for the different types of brands. Through these insights, the study aims to increase knowledge about how companies and influencers should prevent and manage crises. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in the investigation. A survey with 200 respondents was conducted, where questions about the use and actions on social media as well as their attitudes to different types of scandals were answered. After collecting material from the survey, a focus group was created with six respondents, where supplementary questions were asked and deeper discussions were held. The results from the surveys were analyzed and categorized to highlight similarities and differences, partly between the respondents' interaction with brands after a scandal, partly how the consequences affect companies and influencers respectively. Based on the results, we could identify that influencers are more negatively affected by scandals. They were considered easier to replace, as their content is mainly entertainment based and the range of entertainment is already large. Companies, unlike influencers, proved more difficult to disassociate from, as equivalents in supply were perceived as difficult to find, which led to their habits overcoming morality. Influencer marketing as a marketing model has begun to be questioned due to distrust and lack of authenticity, which threatens the sustainability of the business model and the future of the industry.
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Från linjär till cirkulär : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska modeföretag kan stärka sitt varumärke med hjälp av second hand-försäljning / From linear to circular : A qualitative study on how Swedish fashion businesses can strengthen their brand through second hand salesKarlsson Rydermark, Olivia, Åmark, Jennifer, Haagen, Zanna, Falk, Hilda January 2023 (has links)
Modeindustrin har historiskt sett låtit människor uttrycka sin kreativitet och personlighet genom kläder, men den har också bidragit till överkonsumtion och negativa miljö- och sociala konsekvenser. För att skapa en mer hållbar modeindustri har cirkulära affärsmodeller utvecklats, där återanvändning och återvinning av kläder spelar en viktig roll. Second hand-försäljning möjliggör att kläder får ett nytt liv och minskar efterfrågan på nya produkter. Idag finns olika alternativ för second hand-försäljning, inklusive traditionella välgörenhetsorganisationer, second hand-butiker och digitala peer-to-peer plattformar. Studiens syfte är att fylla en viktig kunskapslucka genom att undersöka vilken varumärkesbyggande potential det finns med second hand-försäljning av sitt eget varumärke. I studien har både Aakers och Kellers varumärkesmodeller använts som en guide för den analysmodell som legat till grund för analys av resultatet. En tematisk analys har utförts för att analysera transkriberingen av de semistrukturerade intervjuerna som genomförts med både konsumenter samt medelstora svenska modeföretag. Resultatet av denna studie visar på att det finns betydande varumärkesbyggande potential med second hand-försäljning hos svenska modeföretag. Genom att fokusera på hållbarhet, kvalitet och bekvämlighet kan företagen skapa positiva varumärkesassociationer och attrahera olika kundsegment. Genom att involvera kunderna i cirkulära affärsmodeller kan företagen bygga och upprätthålla varumärkeslojalitet och skapa en stark gemenskap med sina kunder. / The fashion industry has historically allowed people to express their creativity and personality through clothing, but it has also contributed to overconsumption and negative environmental and social consequences. To create a more sustainable fashion industry, circular business models have emerged, where clothing reuse and recycling play a crucial role. Second hand sales give clothes a new life and reduce the demand for new products. Today, there are various options for second hand sales, including traditional charities, thrift stores, and digital peer-to-peer platforms. The purpose of the study is to fill a significant knowledge gap by investigating the brand building potential that could be achieved through second hand sales. Both Aaker's and Keller's brand models have been used as a guide for the analysis framework based on the thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with both consumers and medium-sized Swedish fashion companies. The results of this study demonstrate significant brand-building potential through second hand sales for Swedish fashion companies. By focusing on sustainability, quality, and convenience, companies can create positive brand associations and attract different customer segments. By involving customers in circular business models, companies can build and maintain brand loyalty and create a strong community with their customers.
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The Development of Brand Loyalty within Online Motorsport Brand CommunitiesHedlund, Alexander, Sundelius, Simon January 2023 (has links)
The use of online brand communities and its effect on brand loyalty has been heavily researched in previous studies. However, online brand communities in the context of motorsport, which is inherently different from other sports, has not been thoroughly researched previously and currently remains unknown. The study aims to understand how motorsport followers become brand loyal within their brand communities and if their identification with the brand has an influence on the process. The following research questions were developed to find these answers: RQ1: "How does involvement in online brand communities affect brand loyalty among motorsport fans?" RQ2: "How do online brand communities influence brand identification for motorsport enthusiasts?" RQ3: "How does member participation in online brand communities contribute to the connection between online brand communities and brand loyalty in motorsport?" A quantitative research design was followed, using a survey with questions developed based on previous research. The final sample size was 403 after the data was cleaned. The findings from the survey suggest that concepts such as brand community engagement had a direct effect on the development of brand loyalty. Other findings also showed that brand identification had a mediating role between certain brand community belonging characteristics and brand loyalty. Additionally, the study found that brand community participation had no moderating effect between brand community belonging characteristics and brand loyalty, however did have a direct link between brand identification and brand loyalty. Further research includes testing the study’s model in other brand communities within the motorsport context to provide more information into this unknown field of sport and its members. / Användningen av online varumärkesgemenskaper och dess effekt på varumärkeslojalitet har undersökts noggrant i tidigare studier. Online varumärkesgemenskaper inom motorsport, som är fundamentalt annorlunda från andra sporter, har dock inte tidigare undersökts ingående och är för närvarande okända. Studien syftar till att förstå hur motorsportföljare blir varumärkeslojala inom sina varumärkesgemenskaper och om deras identifiering med varumärket har inflytande i processen. Följande forskningsfrågor utvecklades för att hitta dessa svar: FF1: "Hur påverkar deltagande i online varumärkesgemenskaper varumärkeslojalitet bland motorsportfans?" FF2: "Hur påverkar online varumärkesgemenskaper varumärkesidentifiering för motorsportentusiaster?" FF3: "Hur bidrar medlemsdeltagande i online varumärkesgemenskaper till kopplingen mellan online varumärkesgemenskaper och varumärkeslojalitet inom motorsport?" En kvantitativ forskningsdesign följdes med hjälp av en enkät med frågor utvecklade utifrån tidigare forskning. Den slutliga provstorleken efter att data rengjorts var 403. Resultaten från undersökningen tyder på att begrepp som engagemang i varumärkesgemenskap hade en direkt effekt på utvecklingen av varumärkeslojalitet. Andra resultat visade också att varumärkesidentifiering hade en medierande roll mellan vissa egenskaper för varumärkesgemenskap och varumärkeslojalitet. Dessutom visade studien att deltagande i varumärkesgemenskap inte hade en modererande effekt mellan egenskaper för varumärkesgemenskap och varumärkeslojalitet, men hade en direkt länk mellan varumärkesidentifiering och varumärkeslojalitet. Vidare forskning inkluderar att testa studiemodellen i andra varumärkesgemenskaper inom motorsportkontexten för att tillhandahålla mer information om denna okända sport och dess medlemmar.
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Emotionell anknytning och dess påverkan på köpbeteende : En kvalitativ studie om hur emotionell varumärkesanknytning påverkar konsumenters köpprocess och strävan efter självförverkligande / Emotional Brand Attachment and Consumer Purchasing Behavior : A qualitative study investigating the impact emotional brand attachment has on consumer purchasing behavior and self-actualisationSennerman, Ellen, Fogdestam, Clara, Brännberg, Tilda January 2024 (has links)
Utvecklingen av marknadsföringsstrategier inom mode över tid visar att dagens konsumenter önskar ett ökat engagemang från varumärken, samt en mer fördjupad anknytning. För att möta konsumenters efterfrågan om engagemang och fördjupad varumärkesanknytning så använder varumärken olika marknadsföringsstrategier. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur emotionell anknytning till klädvarumärken påverkar unga kvinnliga konsumenters köpbeteende. I studien har Maslows behovstrappa, Kellers brand equity modell, samt en modell för konsumenters köpbeslutsprocesser använts för att analysera resultatet. En tematisk analys har genomförts för att analysera och identifiera teman i de semistrukturerade intervjuerna som utförts med konsumenter. Resultaten från studien betonar den djupgående effekt som emotionell anknytning har på köpprocessen inom klädindustrin och utmanar till reflektion kring hur ekonomiska faktorer kan påverka processen. Dessutom kan det observeras att informanterna genom köp från varumärket strävar efter att identifiera sig med den identitet och livsstil som varumärket de känner emotionell anknytning till signalerar. Denna studie bidrar även till forskningen inom emotionell varumärkesanknynting och beteende kring konsumenters köpprocess genom ytterligare förståelse inom ämnet. / The evolution of marketing strategies in fashion demonstrates that the consumers of today have an increased desire for engagement from brands and that they seek a deeper emotional attachment to brands. In order to meet the consumer demand for engagement and deeper brand connectedness, brands have to adjust their marketing strategies. The aim of this study is to investigate how emotional attachment to brands influences the purchasing behaviour of young female consumers. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Keller’s Equity Model and a model of consumer decision-making processes have been used to analyse the results. A thematic analysis was conducted to examine and identify different themes from the semi-structured interviews that were conducted with consumers. The findings of the study highlight the significant effect that emotional brand attachment has on the purchasing process of fashion related products and encourage consideration of how economic factors could influence the process. Additionally, it is observed that through purchasing from the brand the consumers feel emotional attachment to, consumers strive to identify with the identity and lifestyle that the brand they feel emotionally attached to signifies. This study contributes to research within the field of emotional brand attachment and consumer behaviour related to the purchasing process through further knowledge within the subject.
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