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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"95 procent av all reklam är skit" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om emotionell reklam och tittarens engagemang / "95 percent of all advertising is crap" : A qualitative interview study about emotional commercials and the viewer’s engagement

Mollie, Ekenberg, Josefine, Kinnvall January 2022 (has links)
Tv-reklam speglar nutidens samhälle, och dess kommunikativa strategier måste därför förändras med samtiden. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera vilka kommunikativa strategier i reklamfilm som skapar engagemang respektive ointresse enligt tv-tittarna. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar gjordes kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta respondenter. Respondenterna bestod av en man och en kvinna från fyra olika ålderskategorier, 18-25, 26-35, 36-55 samt 56-75 år. Ålderskategorierna ger studien en ändamålsenlig indelning och urvalet är ett genomsnitt för populationen som helhet. Denna studie använder brand equity, kommunikationsstrategi, engagement och disengagement som teoretisk ansats.  Under intervjuerna visades fyra olika reklamfilmer för respondenterna, därefter ställdes förutbestämda frågor om respondenternas uppfattningar om reklam och studiens material. Analysen resulterade i att fyra teman kunde utläsas som kommunikativa strategier: humor, tempo, relaterbart innehåll och engagemang. En klar majoritet av respondenterna ansåg att humor var mycket engagerande när det kom till reklamfilm. Resultatet visade även att relaterbart innehåll är mycket viktigt för att väcka känslor hos en tittare. Dessa känslor kan vidare påverka inställningen till ett varumärke positivt eller negativt. En upptäckt i studiens resultat var hur stor betydelse en reklamfilms tempo har på tittarens engagemang. Majoriteten av respondenterna uppgav att för snabba sekvenser, intensivt ljud och ljus gjorde tittaren stressad eller irriterad, och som en följd av detta oengagerad. / Televised advertising reflects today's society therefore its communicative strategies must adjust to the present day. The purpose of this study is to analyze which communicative strategies in commercials create engagement and disinterest according to the TV viewers. To answer the study's questions, qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight participants. The participants consisted of a man and a woman from four different age categories, 18-25, 26-35, 36-55 and 56-75 years. Each age category gives the study an appropriate division; the sample can be represented as an average for the population as a whole. This study uses brand equity, communication strategy, engagement and disengagement as theoretical approaches.   During the interviews, four different commercials were shown to the participants, after which, predetermined questions were asked about the participants' perceptions of advertising. The analysis resulted in four different themes which were then used as communicative strategies: humor, pace, relatable content and engagement. A clear majority of the participants thought that humor was an engaging attribute when it came to commercials. The result also showed that relatable content is very important for arousing emotions in a viewer. The result showed how big of importance a commercial's pace has on the viewer's engagement. The majority of the participants stated that too fast sequences, intense sound and light made them stressed or irritated, and as a result they were unengaged by the commercial.

Employer branding inom vård och omsorgssektorn : En kvalitativ studie om privata och offentliga vårdcentraler / Employer branding in the health and care sector : A qualitative study of the private and public health centers

Björklund, Charlie, Odebäck, Karl January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hela vård och omsorgssektorn har idag stor personalbrist och svårigheter att rekrytera personal. Enligt statistik kommer det krävas ökad personal inom vården ända fram till år 2035. Vilket blir en stor utmaning för en bransch som redan idag lider av stora svårigheter att attrahera personal till verksamheterna. För att lyckas med denna utmaning kan en lösning vara att arbeta med sin employer branding strategi för att bli en mer attraktiv arbetsgivare. Ett begrepp som hjälper organisationerna att lättare attrahera rätt personal och behålla befintlig. Något som blir oerhört viktigt för vården att applicera och arbeta med för att möjliggöra förbättringar gentemot personalbristen. Syfte: Studien vill undersöka hur vård och omsorgssektorn ska skapa en mer attraktiv arbetsplats som gör att man kommer till rätta med personalproblemet. Studien vill också jämföra privat och offentlig sektor för att se vad som skiljer dem åt och hur respektive sektor arbetar med employer branding för att attrahera och bibehålla personal. Metod: Studien har använt en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer där fyra anställda på den privata sektorn respektive offentliga har intervjuats. En metod som användes för att få fram likheter och skillnader sektorerna emellan men också få en helhetssyn på vad hela vården behöver göra för att bli mer attraktiv som arbetsgivare. Slutsats: Resultaten i studien påvisade att det är viktigt för båda sektorerna att arbeta med framtagna faktorer för att skapa ett starkt varumärke. Studien visade att ju mer det arbetas med dessa faktorer inom verksamheterna så skapas ett rykte och personal attraheras automatiskt till arbetsplatserna. Studien fann också att chef och ledarskapet har en viktig betydelse för att skapa ett varumärke som får personal att trivas och stanna i verksamheterna. Mellan den privata och offentliga vårdcentralen arbetade ingen specifikt med employer branding som strategi. Men indirekt var de huvudsakliga skillnaderna att privata sektorn erbjöd ett mer öppet arbetsklimat men hade samtidigt större fokus på ekonomin. Den offentliga hade istället mer fokus på patienten men marknadsförde en bättre bild av verksamheten än vad de kunde erbjuda. / Background: The entire care and social care sector today has a large staff shortage and difficulties in recruiting staff. According to statistics, there will be a need for increased personnel in healthcare right up to the year 2035. Which will be a major challenge for an industry that already today suffers from great difficulties in attracting personnel to the operations. To succeed in this challenge, one solution may be to work with your employer branding strategy to become a more attractive employer. A concept that helps organizations more easily attract the right personnel and retain existing ones. Something that will be extremely important for care to apply and work with to enable improvements against the staff shortage. Purpose: The study wants to investigate how the care and social care sector can create a more attractive workplace that allows you to deal with the personnel problem. The study also wants to compare the private and public sector to see what separates them and how each sector works with employer branding to attract and retain staff. Method: The study has used a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews where four employees in the private sector and the public respectively have been interviewed. A method that was used to bring out similarities and differences between the sectors, but also to get a holistic view of what the entire care needs to do to become more attractive as an employer. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that it is important for both sectors to work with developed factors to create a strong brand. The study showed that the more work is done with these factors within the operations, a reputation is created, and personnel are automatically attracted to the workplaces. The study also found that managers and leadership have an important role in creating a brand that makes staff feel comfortable and stay in the business. Between the private and public health center, no one worked specifically with employer branding as a strategy. But indirectly, the main differences were that the private sector offered a more open working climate but at the same time had a greater focus on the economy. The public one instead had more focus on the patient but marketed a better image of the business than what they could offer.

Stratégie de marque de société et création de richesse pour les actionnaires / Corporate branding and creation of wealth for shareholders

Hosseini, Reza Hirad 07 June 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche teste de manière empirique la valeur d'une marque de société pour ses actionnaires et les propriétés de la marque en réduisant les risques à un niveau corporatif. Ce processus s'opère indépendamment des récessions économiques. Les études précédentes, ayant établi une relation entre les activités de marketing et la création de la valeur pour les actionnaires, se concentrent principalement sur les marques des produits plutôt que la valeur d'une marque de société et négligent le contrôle des autres variables financières et de performance de marché. Cette recherche est fondée sur la théorie du positivisme. La théorie du positivisme postule que la seule connaissance authentique est celle basée sur l’expérience et la réalité. L’échantillonnage aléatoire des données a été choisi pour la partie quantitative de cette étude et pour la section qualitative de cette recherche, l’auteur a choisi l’échantillonnage et la technique principale de recueillir des données est l’observation.La contribution principale de cette étude à la littérature est précisément la marque commerciale, ses caractéristiques de mélange du risque et de la création de richesse pour les actionnaires, et l'utilisation des contrôles financiers et de marché, tout en vérifiant les relations entre contrôles financiers et contrôles de marché. En utilisant les données annuelles du sondage Interbrand entre 1994 et 2008, l’auteur trouve une preuve forte pour les entreprises qui possèdent une ou plusieurs marques globales très connues et la richesse pour les actionnaires. Ce résultat est cohérent avec la théorie actuelle de la marque qui postule que les efforts liés au développement d'une marque ajoutent de la valeur à l’entreprise et démontrent des caractéristiques12de variation du risque. Les résultats demeurent solides à la suite de l'analyse factorielle et de la régression multivariée. Dans la partie qualitative de la recherche, l’auteur présente des cas relativement notoires de marques corporatives – leur histoire et la raison expliquant leur succès ainsi que les différentes politiques de marque sont soulignées. Cette section peut être considérée la validation qualitative des résultats quantitatifs. Il s'agit donc d'une méthodologie de triangulation. Les cadres conceptuels et les modèles théoriques ont été monopolisés afin d’analyser davantage les cas qualitatifs de cette recherche. Cette perspective additionnelle a renforcé et mis en valeur nos résultats quantitatifs. / This research tests to analyze if solid corporate brands create wealth for shareholders; and have risk reducing properties. Previous studies that were relating marketing with the creation of shareholder value worked on product brands. This research is based on theory of positivism; positivism states that true knowledge is based on verification. Random sampling was chosen for the quantitative part of this study, and for the qualitative section of this research we chose purposive sampling. Observation is used as the main data collection technique.13The most important contribution of this research to the field of branding is precisely the focus on corporate brand, its risk reducing and creation of wealth for shareholders. Using data between 1994 and 2008, we find strong evidence that corporations that own superior corporate brands create wealth for stakeholders of companies. Later in the qualitative part of this research we went through some fairly known cases of corporate brands – their stories and how they managed to succeed were explained and some of their branding policies were highlighted. This part is seen as qualitative validation of quantitative results through triangulation method. Conceptual frameworks and theoretical models were implemented to further analyze the qualitative cases for this research; this added perspective reinforced and supported our quantitative findings.

Lägg märke till varumärket : En kvantitativ undersökning kring hur varumärket Hollister jobbar med kommunikation för att stärka sitt varumärke. / Mind the brand : A quantitative case study on how the brand Hollister is working with communications to enhance their brand.

Leijonklo, Lovisa January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the case study is to research whether the brand Hollister can establish themselves to their target audience working with communication. To achieve the goal with the study, the following theories has been applied: brand building, visual communication, two-way symmetrical communication and communication channels. The study was conducted by a quantitative online questionnaire survey. The online survey was aimed at teenagers aged 15-18 years old living in Täby or Umeå where one question was "What difference can be discerned between Täby, where there is a shop, and Umeå where there is no shop". The material was collected during a period of eight days between december 11th to december 19th 2013. The online survey was answered by 90 units which means a response rate of 90 percent. The results of the study showed that it differed somewhat between the cities and above all it showed that the units from Täby had more knowledge about the brand's visual identity, and visited the store to a larger extent. The analysis also showed that branding is an important part to reach out and influence Hollister’s target audience where the work of visual communication is vital. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka om varumärket Hollister kan etablera sig hos sin målgrupp med hjälp av kommunikation. För att uppnå syftet har följande teorier tillämpats: varumärkesbyggande, visuell kommunikation, tvåvägs-symmetrisk kommunikation samt kommunikationskanaler. Studien har genomförts genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning på webben. Webbenkäten riktade sig till tonåringar i åldern 15-18 år som bor i Täby eller Umeå då bland annat en frågeställning har varit ”Vilken skillnad går att utläsa mellan Täby, där det finns en butik, respektive Umeå där det inte finns någon butik”. Materialet samlades in under en period på åtta dagar mellan 11-19 december 2013. Webbenkäten svarades av 90 enheter vilket innebär en svarsfrekvens på 90 procent. Resultatet av studien visade att det skiljde en del mellan städerna framförallt går det att utläsa att enheterna från Täby hade mer kännedom kring varumärkets visuella identitet samt besökt butiken i större utsträckning. Analysen visade även att varumärkesbyggande är en viktig del för att nå ut och påverka sin målgrupp och bland annat att arbetet med den visuella kommunikationen är betydelsefull.

Företagsbloggen som det upprätthållande kommunikationsverktyget : En kvalitativ studie om företagsbloggar som kommunikationsverktyg

Zahirovic, Emir, Imamovic, Ines January 2017 (has links)
Trovärdigheten för traditionella medier har minskat vilket har lett till att det blivit svårare att kommunicera med kunder och lett till en ökad konkurrens bland företag. I takt med utvecklingen av internet och Web 2.0 blev digitala dagböcker populära som kommunikationsverktyg för företag. Digitala dagböcker har, utifrån problemdiskussionen, identifierats som företagsbloggar bland företag och har inom ramen för Public relations ansetts en lösning på problemet med att kommunicera med kunder. Detta då företagsbloggar präglas av faktorer i form av bland annat förmågan att föra god kommunikation med publiken, skapa relationer, bygga varumärket, differentiera företag från konkurrenter samt som ett bra verktyg för sökmotoroptimering. Vad som dock inte framgår är vilka faktorer som är viktiga för företag att upprätthålla en skapad företagsblogg. Syftet med denna studie är att ur ett företagsperspektiv undersöka och få förståelse för vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att företag ska upprätthålla sin företagsblogg som ett kommunikationsverktyg och syftet leder till frågeställningen: “Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att företag ska upprätthålla sin företagsblogg som ett kommunikationsverktyg?” Studiens urval grundar sig på företag som driver en företagsblogg och är verksamma inom tjänstebranschen och där inom marknadsstrategin business-to-business. Studien består av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod som har genomförts via semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem företag inom ramen för urvalet. Intervjufrågorna formades efter studiens teoretiska ramverk som stod som grund för forskningen och hade huvudspår inom företagsblogg som kommunikationsverktyg, Public relations, relationsmarknadsföring och varumärkesbyggande. Slutligen analyserades empirin och kopplingar gjordes med relevanta teorier. Resultatet visar att kommunicera ut kunskap och information samt att skapa relationer är viktiga faktorer för att företag ska upprätthålla sin företagsblogg som ett kommunikationsverktyg. Resterande faktorer kan variera och beror på företagets storlek och affärsinriktning. / The credibility of traditional media has diminished over the years which has made it harder for companies to communicate with customers as well as it has increased the competition among companies. In line with the development of the internet and Web 2.0, digital diaries became popular as a communication tool for companies to use. Digital diaries have been identified as corporate blogs among companies and has been identified, within the frame of Public relations, as a solution to the communication problem with consumers that companies can deal with. Corporate blogs are characterized by factors such as the ability to communicate with the audience, create relationships, branding, differentiation as well as a good search engine optimization tool. What is not evident, however, is which are the factors that are important to maintain a corporate blog.  The purpose of the study is to, from a business perspective, examine and understand which factors that are important for companies to maintain their corporate blog as a communication tool and the purpose leads to the question at issue: “Which factors are important for companies to maintain their corporate blog as a communication tool?" The selection of the study is based on companies that are running an corporate blog and that are active in the service business industry within the business-to-business marketing strategy. The study consists of a qualitative study and the used method is semi-structured interviews with five companies within the selection of the study. The interview questions were formed in accordance with the theoretical framework of the study, which formed the basis for the research and had headlines in corporate blog as a communication tool, Public relations, relationship marketing and brand building. Finally, the results were analyzed and connections were made with relevant theories of the study. The results show that to communicate knowledge and information, as well as building relationships, are important factors for companies to maintain their corporate blog as a communication tool. The remaining factors may vary and depend on the size of the company and what business orientation the company has.

Problematika pirátství značek. / Brand piracy problematics

Kučerová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with problems of brand piracy. The main objective is to evaluate the current situation in the various types of piracy, focusing on product piracy especially in the forms of counterfeiting and product imitation. The work consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The first chapter of this part concentrates on the general overview of brand policy. The important role and the value of the brands very much influence the purchasing behavior of consumers and support the presence of non-original products. The second theoretical part is further dedicated to the different types of piracy and legal protection of brands falling under the scope of intellectual property rights. To achieve a more comprehensive view, the practical part considers attitude, shopping behavior and opinions of Czech consumers on this issue.

Estratégias de construção e comunicação de marca: um estudo de casos múltiplos do mercado brasileiro de cervejas especiais

Morettini, Rafael 28 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Rafael Morettini (rafaelmorettini@gmail.com) on 2018-09-18T15:00:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FGV_MPA_Dissertação_RafaelMorettini_3.pdf: 587393 bytes, checksum: 8b68f37dd1ece569ba24bbfeed8272f1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Mayara Costa de Sousa (mayara.sousa@fgv.br) on 2018-09-18T15:03:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FGV_MPA_Dissertação_RafaelMorettini_3.pdf: 587393 bytes, checksum: 8b68f37dd1ece569ba24bbfeed8272f1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Mayara Costa de Sousa (mayara.sousa@fgv.br) on 2018-09-18T15:18:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FGV_MPA_Dissertação_RafaelMorettini_3.pdf: 587393 bytes, checksum: 8b68f37dd1ece569ba24bbfeed8272f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-18T15:18:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FGV_MPA_Dissertação_RafaelMorettini_3.pdf: 587393 bytes, checksum: 8b68f37dd1ece569ba24bbfeed8272f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-28 / Este trabalho tem como tema central as diferentes estratégias de construção e comunicação de marcas de cervejas especiais no Brasil. Apesar do mercado cervejeiro nacional ser maduro, antigo e internacionalmente competitivo, ainda existe uma carência de estudos no que se refere às suas marcas. Muito pouco se sabe sobre as diferentes estratégias utilizadas para a idealização e sustentação das marcas locais nesse segmento. Por isso, o objetivo desse estudo é o de identificar e estudar as principais estratégias de construção e posicionamento de marca de três empresas no segmento de cervejas especiais atuantes no mercado brasileiro, Cervejaria Dádiva, Cervejaria Eisenbahn e Cerveja Praya, além de avaliar como estes planos são concebidos pela alta administração dessas empresas. Através de revisão da literatura, o primeiro passo dessa pesquisa para atingir o seu objetivo é a contextualização do tema, para depois, através da base teórica, termos a definição exata do que é marca, como é feita a construção da mesma, o que é segmentação, posicionamento e posicionamento premium. A etapa seguinte compreende o estudo de caso das três cervejarias citadas, de modo a entender como elas estruturaram ou aplicaram as suas marcas em nosso território. Para depois fazermos uma análise comparativa entre as mesmas, que avalie missão, valores, personalidade de marca, posicionamento, comunicação e gestão de marcas, de modo a relacionar como a teoria é utilizada para dar significado ao mundo real. Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir com informações relevantes e atuais sobre o estudo de marcas de bebidas brasileiras. Para a prática empresarial, acredita-se que esse estudo possa auxiliar todos aqueles que, em futuros projetos, necessitem da criação de marca para o lançamento de novos produtos, especialmente dentro do mercado de cervejas. / This research has as central theme the different strategies of brand building and communications for premium beers in Brazil. Despite the fact that the Brazilian market is mature, traditional and internationally competitive, there is still a lack of studies regarding its brands. Little is known about the different strategies used to idealize and sustain local brands in this segment. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify and study the main strategies of brand building, positioning and communications of the companies in the segment of special beers operating in the Brazilian market, Cervejaria Dádiva, Cervejaria Eisenbahn and Cerveja Praya, besides evaluating how these plans are designed by the top management of the selected companies. Through a literature review, the first step of this research to reach its objective is the contextualization of the theme, and then, through the theoretical framework, have the exact definition of what is a brand, how it is constructed, what is brand positioning, and premium positioning. The next step comprises the case study of the three mentioned breweries, in order to understand how they structured and applied their brands in our territory. Then there is a comparative analysis, which evaluates mission, values, brand personality, positioning, communications and brand management, in order to relate how the theory is used to give meaning to the real world. It is expected that this work can contribute with relevant and current information about the study of Brazilian beverage brands. For the business practice, it is believed that this study can help future projects that need to brand building for new products, especially in the beer market.

Strategie budování značky podniku / Strategic Brand Development of Company

Holešovský, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with the strategy of building the Daflex System brand. The thesis is divided into three parts. The theoretical part defines the theoretical basis for creating a brand building strategy. Next part, the analytical part is based on the knowledge and methodology of the theoretical part. This section describes the basic information about brand Daflex System. The thesis continues with analyzes of customers, suppliers and competitors. These analyzes then lead to the evaluation of the findings and the creation of recommendations in the last part.

ICA likes you, do you like ICA?

Lundberg, Johanna, Ullman, Caroline January 2015 (has links)
Idag finns det begränsade teorier som behandlar det postmoderna konsumtionssamhället utifrån ett medie- och kommunikationsvetenskaligt perspektiv. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka spänningsfältet mellan ICA och högskolestudenter i ett konsumtionssamhälle genom att granska varumärkeskommunikationens betydelse på digitala plattformar. Materialinsamlingen är genomförd i form av kvalitativa intervjuer, med medarbetare på ICA, samt fokusgrupper med studenter. Med studien vill vi ge en inblick i hur kommunikationsprocesser strategiskt utformas för att nå rätt målgrupp, hur relationer vårdas och vad en god dialog innebär och har för framtida betydelser. Studien har analyserat det spänningsfält som ligger i grund till valet av konsumtion gällande matvaruhandel som högskolestudent. Studiens slutsatser visar på att det är en rad olika faktorer som är bidragande till att bygga upp en stark relation med ett företag. / Today there is limited theories considering reasearch on the postmodern consumtion society from a media and communication perspective. The purpose with this thesis is to investigate the tension between ICA and Univeristy students in a consumption society through analysis brandbuilding communications meaning on digital platforms. The material to the thesis is collected by qualitative interviews, both with employees at ICA and focus groups with university students. With this thesis we want to give an insight of how communication processes strategically is designed to reach their target group, how relationships are nurtured and what a good dialogue means for future brand building. The study has analyzed the tension of what includes the choice of consumption when it comes to retail business from university students perspective. The conclusions indicate how there are a number of factors that are contributing to build a strong relationship with an organization.

The relationship between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotion spending in the marketing of South African products and services

Tustin, D. H. 11 1900 (has links)
The rapid increase in the expenditure on below-the-line promotions (consumer and trade promotions, direct marketing, sponsorship and public relations) relative to above-the-line advertising (television, radio, print, outdoor and cinema) in South Africa has earmarked a new era of integrated marketing communication strategies across all sectors. Ultimately, this strategic shift has brought about a need to better understand the relationship between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotions and to measure the impact of such changes on company sales/profits over the long-term. In the research undertaken amongst 250 senior marketing, brand and product managers of South African brand-owned companies, the relationship between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotions in the marketing of South African products and services was investigated across six different economic sectors. It was evident from the findings that most brand-owned companies currently integrate above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotion activities. The study shows that most brand-owned companies in South Africa combine press, radio and television (above-the-line) with consumer promotions (below-the-line). The most frequently used above-the-line advertising medium is television, which is also seen as the most important mode to support long-term brand building amongst consumers. In turn, print is regarded as the most important above-the-line mode to support trade franchise building. Most frequently used below-the-line modes include direct marketing and public relations. Direct mail and cooperative advertising are seen as the most important below-the-line consumer and trade franchise building modes respectively. Although marketing communication expenditure is positively skewed towards above-the-line adverstising, most recent trends show a gradual increase in the use of below-the-line promotions. To prevent a brand's sales/profits from decreasing over the long-term due to too high below-the-line promotional expenditure, the study encourages a sound balance between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotions. Although the ideal ratio of above-the-line advertising to below-the-line promotions is related to the nature of the product and service being marketed, the extent of competitive activity in the market and the frequency of purchase, amongst many other salient factors, the study regards a 60/40 ratio as the most ideal for building long-term brands. On the other hand, a ratio of 35/65 is regarded as the critical point at which company sales/profits may deteriorate because of too high below-the-line promotional spending. In conclusion it can be said that the marketing communication industry of South Africa has entered a period of integrated marketing communication practices which requires sound marketing communication budget strategies conducive to the long-term survival of South African products and services. / Business Management / D. Com. (Marketing Communication)

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