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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Observation et modélisation de la croissance de Postia placenta : de l'échelle discrète de la colonie à l'échelle macroscopique / Observation and modeling of the growth of the wood-decay fungus Postia placenta : scaling from discrete mycelial networks to macroscopic fungal development

Du, Huan 28 March 2017 (has links)
L’utilisation de matériaux d’origine végétale dans les bâtiments thermiquement performants pose la question de la pérennité des ouvrages principalement à cause de la dégradation fongique. Postia placenta est une espèce des champignons provoquant la pourriture brune, qui est la plus destructrice pour les constructions en bois.Ce travail se concentre sur l’observation et la modélisation de la croissance de Postia placenta à trois échelles successives : l'arborescence du mycélium (échelle discrète), la croissance en milieu libre (échelle continue) et la croissance en milieu encombré (échelle macroscopique). L’observation expérimentale de la croissance de Postia placenta utilise un microscope confocal à balayage laser pour quantifier les différentes mécanismes et obtenir les paramètres de croissance. A partir de cette observation, un modèle discret capable de générer un mycélium de forme extrêmement similaire à celle observée a été imaginé, développé et validé. Ensuite, à partir des profils de biomasse moyennés selon le rayon des mycéliums simulés par le modèle discret, un modèle continu basé sur une équation de réaction diffusion a été identifié pour décrire l’évolution de la concentration de biomasse fongique. Ce modèle continu offre la possibilité de la transition de l’échelle locale vers l’échelle macroscopique. Pour cela, des simulations de la prolifération en environnement encombré sont obtenues à l'aide du modèle continu. Par prise de moyenne, les champs spatio-temporels obtenus permettent de déterminer les paramètres d'un modèle continu similaire, mais valable à l'échelle macroscopique, sur un milieu fictif qui prend en considération la morphologie des obstacles. / The use of bio-based materials in thermally efficient buildings raises the question of the sustainability mainly due to fungal degradation. Among the wood-decay fungi, Postia placenta is one of the most common brown rot fungi, which are the most destructive due to their rapid decaying mechanisms. This work focused on the experimental observation and the modeling of fungal growth at three successive scales: the mycelial network (discrete scale), mycelial growth in homogeneous media (continuous scale) and mycelial growth in porous media (macroscopic scale).The experimental observation of the growth of Postia placenta was performed using confocal laser scanning microscopy to quantify the different growth mechanisms and obtain the growth parameters. A discrete model has been derived from this observation and is capable of generating mycelial networks extremely similar to the observed ones. A continuous formulation based on a reaction diffusion equation was developed from the radial biomass density of a mycelial network obtained in the discrete model. This continuous formulation was then used to derive an equivalent macroscale model able to account for fungal development in porous media. Simulations were performed on various periodic porous media. The parameters of the macroscale model was identified on the macroscopic fields obtained by averaging the local field over one periodic unit cell.

Rörelsemönster hos öring (Salmo trutta) : En jämförelse mellan vilda och odlade individer i sjön Siljan / Movement patterns of brown trout (Salmo trutta) : A comparison of wild and hatchery fish in Lake Siljan

Kaiskog, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Many populations of salmonids are threatened by fragmentation and degradation of spawning habitats. Common remedial measures are habitat restoration and stocking of hatchery fish to support degraded wild populations. Many populations of brown trout in Sweden have been extirpated. The restoration plan for the endangered brown trout in Lake Siljan started decades ago and involves releases of hatchery produced trout. A decline of the spawning run of hatchery fish has been observed. In this study, wild and hatchery fish were tagged and monitored using hydroacustic telemetry during May-October, 2018. Movement patterns were studied to detect potential differences between wild and hatchery fish during lake and spawning migration. The results showed a difference of preferred territories between the groups. The wild trout stayed in the northern part of the lake and the hatchery trout were more evenly distributed over the lake, but with a preference for the southern part of the lake. During spawning migration a larger proportion of the wild trout (44 %) moved to potential spawning habitats as compared to hatchery trout (16 %). The wild fish migrated more or less direct to the potential spawning grounds in River Österdal as compared to the hatchery fish, which showed an erratic behavior and preferred to migrate to the tributaries in Lake Siljan. Differences in movement patterns and preferred habitats in the lake can be caused by differences in behavior between the groups. This should motivate more studies of behavior of wild and hatchery trout. The time for spawning and potential spawning habitats are also important to study for future management and restoration of the wild population of brown trout in Lake Siljan. / Många salmonider är idag hotade av habitatfragmentering och brist på lekplatser. För att främja kvarvarande bestånd är vanliga åtgärder habitatrestaurering och utsättning av odlad fisk. Många bestånd av sjövandrande öring i Sverige är idag försvunna. I sjön Siljan har man under årtionden satt ut odlad fisk då den vilda stammen av siljansöringen är starkt hotad. En minskning av återvändande uppströmsvandrande odlad lekfisk har uppmärksammats. Vild och odlad öring märktes med sändare och data samlades in med akustisk telemetri under maj till oktober, 2018. Eventuella skillnader i rörelsemönster mellan fisk av olika ursprung har studerats under tillväxtperiod och lekmigration. Resultatet visade att det finns skillnader i var fiskarna uppehåller sig i sjön beroende på ursprung. Den vilda öringen föredrog den norra delen av Siljan, den odlade var mer spridd i hela sjön men föredrog den södra delen av sjön. Under tid för lekmigration rörde sig en större andel av den vilda fisken (44 %) mot potentiella lekhabitat jämfört med den odlade (16 %). Den vilda fisken var mer fokuserad i sin vandring mot Österdalälven än den odlade som uppvisade ett erratiskt beteende och som i större utsträckning besökte biflöden som mynnar i Siljan. Skillnader i rörelsemönster och placering i sjön kan bero på beteendeskillnader och interaktioner mellan grupperna. Detta borde öka intresset för att studera detta vidare hos den vilda och odlade öringen. Önskvärt är också att öka kunskapen om lekperiod och potentiella lekhabitat för att kunna upprätta ett effektivt åtgärdsprogram som ger ökade möjligheter för en återhämtning av den vilda populationen.

Bacterial-fungal interactions within the endomicrobiota of brown algae : implication of quorum sensing in the metabolic crosstalk / Interactions entre bactéries et champignons endophytes d'algues brunes : implication du quorum sensing dans la communication chimique

Tourneroche, Anne 29 November 2018 (has links)
Les macroalgues hébergent de nombreux micro-organismes, collectivement désignés sous le terme de microbiote algal, qui ont un rôle essentiel dans le développement et l’état de santé de leur hôte. Dans ce travail, nous avons exploré le microbiote fongique et bactérien d’algues brunes, ainsi que l’impact des interactions bactérie-champignon sur la médiation chimique et, en particulier, sur le quorum sensing bactérien. Par des approches de metabarcoding ciblant l’ADNr 16S et l’ITS2, nous avons montré que les communautés fongiques et bactériennes associées à la macroalgue brune Saccharina latissima étaient très riches, principalement composées de quelques OTUs dominants, et d’une grande abondance d’OTUs « rares ». De manière intéressante, les communautés fongiques comme bactériennes différaient de celles de l’eau de mer environnante et paraissaient spécifiques des tissus algaux. Cependant, de grandes variations intra et interindividuelles de composition ont été observées au sein des échantillons de tissus d’algue. Ainsi, ce qui définit la spécificité des communautés microbiennes reste à préciser. En parallèle, nous avons exploré la médiation chimique au sein de l’endomicrobiote de quatre algues brunes : Saccharina latissima, Laminaria digitata, Pelvetia canaliculata et Ascophylum nodosum, et révélé que de nombreux endophytes fongiques et bactériens isolés synthétisaient des métabolites interférant avec les systèmes de quorum sensing bactériens, en les induisant ou les inhibant. De plus, les bioessais basés sur les biosenseurs, couplés à une approche métabolomique, effectués sur les co-cultures, ont mis en évidence en quoi les interactions bactéries-champignons au sein de l’endomicrobiote d’algues brunes pouvaient affecter la production de médiateurs chimiques, et notamment de molécules interférant avec le quorum sensing bactérien. Ensemble, ces résultats suggèrent que le quorum sensing pourrait jouer un rôle clé dans le réseau complexe d’interactions au sein du microbiote algal, et ainsi dans l’équilibre hôte-microbiote. / Macroalgae host various microorganisms, collectively referred as the algal microbiota, which play an essential role in the development and health status of their host. In this work, we explored the bacterial and fungal microbiota of brown algae, as well as the impact of bacterial fungal interactions on the chemical mediation and, in particular, on the bacterial quorum sensing. Using 16S rDNA-based and ITS2-based metabarcoding approaches we showed that the fungal and bacterial communities associated with the brown macroalgae Saccharina latissima were very rich, mainly composed of few dominant OTUs, and a large abundance of “rare” OTUs. Interestingly, both fungal and bacterial communities differed from the ones of the surrounding seawater and appeared specific to the algal tissues. However, high intra and interindividual variations of composition were observed among the algal tissue samples. Thus what define the specificity of the microbial communities remains to be clarified. In parallel, we explored the chemical mediation within the cultivable endomicrobiota of four brown algae: Saccharina latissima, Laminaria digitata, Pelvetia canaliculata and Ascophylum nodosum, and pointed out that many of the isolated bacterial and fungal endophytes could synthetize metabolites interfering with bacterial quorum sensing systems, either inducing or inhibiting them. Additionally, biosensor-based bioassays coupled with metabolomics approaches performed on co-culture experiments, highlighted how bacterial-fungal interactions within the endomicrobiota of brown algae could affect the production of chemical mediators, including those interfering with bacterial quorum sensing. Altogether, the results suggest that the quorum sensing could play a key role in the complex network of interactions within the algal microbiota, and thus in the host-microbiota equilibrium.

Contributions des isolements pré-zygotiques et post-zygotiques dans la dynamique de l'introgression intra-spécifique chez la truite commune (Salmo trutta, L.) / Contribution of pre-zygotic and post-zygotic isolations in the dynamic of intra-specific introgression in brown trout (Salmo trutta, L.)

Gil, Jordi 07 July 2015 (has links)
Le réseau hydrographique français présente deux lignées de truite commune (Salmo trutta, L.) génétiquement et phénotypiquement distinctes : les lignées Atlantique (ATL) et Méditerranéenne (MED) qui occupent les bassins versant du même nom. Les repeuplements intensifs pratiqués de manière systématique depuis un siècle avec des souches domestiques ATL ont entrainé dans la zone méditerranéenne une introgression plus ou moins importante des populations naturelles. La persistance de populations peu introgressées amène les gestionnaires à prendre en compte dans leur démarche de conservation ces populations autochtones. La gestion de cette problématique d'hybridation passe par une meilleure connaissance de la dynamique de biodiversité intra-spécifique et donc des mécanismes évolutifs qui régulent les flux de gènes entre les lignées MED et ATL.Cette thèse s'appuie sur un travail collaboratif entre scientifiques et gestionnaires et comporte plusieurs objectifs. Sur le plan théorique nous avons testé deux barrières reproductives pré-zygotiques potentielles liées au comportement reproducteur (compétition intra-sexuelle mâle et préférence inter-sexuelle femelle) ainsi qu'une possible barrière post-zygotique correspondant à un différentiel de survie embryo-larvaire lié à la température. Un large jeu de données a également été analysé pour mettre en évidence un potentiel différentiel de survie entre lignée à l'âge adulte. Enfin, ces résultats ont été inclus dans un modèle démo-génétique (modèle Mediterranea, plate-forme CAPSIS-4). Cet outil informatique d'aide à la décision adapté aux besoins des gestionnaires permettra à terme l'évaluation des stratégies de gestion et de conservation.Les résultats montrent une préférence intersexuelle hétérogame qui tendrait à accélérer le mélange des deux lignées. L'étude de la survie embryo-larvaire montre un avantage sélectif pour les descendants de femelles MED, particulièrement dans des conditions de températures basses. Enfin, l'analyse de la distribution de l'âge chez les adultes montrent un avantage aux individus MED ce qui pourrait traduire une adaptation locale pour cette lignée au sein du territoire haut-savoyard. Les simulations préliminaires effectuées avec le modèle Mediterranea intègrent ces résultats et mettent en évidence le rôle de la structure du réseau hydrographique dans la variabilité spatiale de l'introgression. Ces résultats concordent avec les patrons d'introgression observés in situ et apportent de nouvelles connaissances pouvant se révéler utiles dans la gestion future de la biodiversité intra-spécifique de la truite commune. / The natural distribution area of brown trout (Salmo trutta, L.) in the French hydrographic landscape reveals the existence of two genetically and phenotypically distinct lineages: the Atlantic lineage (ATL) and the Mediterranean lineage (MED) that are initially respectively present in the Atlantic and Mediterranean drainage basins. Intensive and systematic stocking practices carried out over a century with ATL domestic strains have resulted, in the Mediterranean area, in heterogeneous patterns of introgression of native MED populations. The persistence of some low introgressed MED populations led managers to focus on these native populations in their conservation plans. To efficiently account for these introgression processes, a better understanding of intraspecific biodiversity dynamics is required, with a specific focus on how evolutionary mechanisms may regulate gene flow between MED and ATL lineages.The present manuscript is based on a collaborative work between scientists and managers in Haute-Savoie, France, and investigates several potential mechanisms for introgression. We explored two potential pre-zygotic reproductive barriers related to reproductive behavior (male intra-sexual competition and female inter-sexual preference) and also a possible post-zygotic barrier corresponding to a differential of embryo-larval survival linked to temperature. A large dataset was also analyzed to identify a potential differential survival between lineages at adult stage. Finally, these results were included into a demogenetic model (Mediterranea Model, CAPSIS-4 platform). This computer based aid for decision making will ultimately allow evaluating various management strategies.The results show a heterogamous intersexual female preference which should promote the genetic admixture between the two lineages. However, the study of embryo-larval survival shows a selective advantage for the offspring of MED females, especially in low temperature conditions. Finally, the analysis of the distribution of age in adults suggests a potential higher survival for MED individuals, which could indicate a local adaptation for this lineage in the territory of Haute-Savoie. The preliminary simulations performed with the Mediterranea model incorporate these results and highlight the role of hydrogeographic network structure in the spatial variability of introgression. Both results and simulations are consistent with the introgression patterns observed in situ and provide new knowledge that can be applied to the management of intraspecific biodiversity of brown trout.

Estudo da preferência de Scaptocoris Carvalhoi (Becker, 1967) entre cultivares de milho transgênico e não transgênico / Study of preference scaptocoris carvalhoi (Becker, 1967) between transgenic maize varieties and not transgenic

Gonçalves, Joelma Roberta 02 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Beatriz Vieira (mbeatriz.vieira@gmail.com) on 2017-04-25T14:06:01Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_joelma_roberta_goncalves.pdf: 1590020 bytes, checksum: 0e2f166f0a45431a2ae95210f70078f8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-04-25T17:17:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_joelma_roberta_goncalves.pdf: 1590020 bytes, checksum: 0e2f166f0a45431a2ae95210f70078f8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-04-25T17:18:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_joelma_roberta_goncalves.pdf: 1590020 bytes, checksum: 0e2f166f0a45431a2ae95210f70078f8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-25T17:18:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_joelma_roberta_goncalves.pdf: 1590020 bytes, checksum: 0e2f166f0a45431a2ae95210f70078f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-02 / Sem bolsa / No Brasil, a área cultivada com milho está em torno de 12 milhões de hectares. Apesar dessa cultura possuir um alto potencial de produtividade, é diretamente afetada pelo ataque de várias espécies de insetos desde a semeadura até o armazenamento. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo a comparação de cultivares de milho transgênico e não transgênico, com base nos níveis de migrações populacionais das ninfas do percevejo castanho-das-raízes S. carvalhoi em teste com oportunidade de escolha. Três variedades de plantas foram estabelecidas, em um conjunto formado por seis recipientes circulares de PVC, interligados simetricamente com livre comunicação a um recipiente central circular. O experimento foi organizado segundo o delineamento inteiramente casualizado e constou de três tratamentos e oito repetições. A avaliação do ensaio foi realizada no 60o dia após a liberação das ninfas, por meio da contagem de insetos que migraram para as raízes das diferentes plantas. Demonstrou-se que, das ninfas de 1o, 2o, 3o e 4o estádios, respectivamente, 17,5; 23,33; 34,16 e 19,16% optaram por alguma cultivar de milho em estudo. Constatou-se que, 22,5; 30,0 e 0,0% de ninfas de 1o estádio, optaram por, respectivamente, plantas da variedade Dekald 390 YG, Syngenta Impacto (convencional) e plantas da variedade Pioneer P30F53 YG; 37,5; 27,5 e 5,0% das ninfas de 2o estádio, optaram por, respectivamente, plantas da variedade Dekald 390 YG, plantas da variedade Syngenta Impacto (convencional) e plantas da variedade Pioneer P30F53 YG; 52,5%, 35,0% e 15,0% de ninfas 3o estádio, optaram por, respectivamente, convencional, Dekald 390 e Pioneer P30F53 YG e 27,5; 15,0 e 15,0% de ninfas de 4o estádio, optaram por, respectivamente, plantas da variedade Dekald 390 YG, plantas da variedade Syngenta Impacto (convencional) e plantas da variedade Pioneer P30F53 YG. As ninfas de primeiro, segundo, terceiro e quarto estádios se concentraram em maiores quantidades nas plantas de variedades convencionais e Dekald 390 YG e em menores concentrações nas plantas da variedade Pioneer P30F53 YG. Das três variedades de milho avaliadas, a cultivar Pioneer P30F53 YG foi a que obteve a menor preferência (IP) pelas ninfas de primeiro, segundo e terceiro estádios. Conclui-se que o hibrido de milho da variedade Pioneer F53YG demonstra não ser atrativo as ninfas do S. carvalhoi, apresentando potencial para uso em áreas infestadas. Os híbridos Dekalb390 YG e Syngenta Impacto (convencional) são atrativos ao percevejo castanho das raízes S. carvalhoi, não sendo recomendado o cultivo em áreas infestadas pelo inseto. / The area under maize is around 12 million hectares in Brazil. However, this crop has a high yield potential, it may be directly affected by the attack of several insects from planting to its storage. This study aimed to compare transgenic maize cultivars and non-GMO, based on the levels of population migration of the brown-roots bug (S. carvalhoi) nymphs in test with opportunity of choice. Three varieties of plants were established in a group of six circular container formed of PVC, symmetrically linked by an open communication with a free passage to a central circular container. The experiment was organized in a completely randomized design and consisted of three treatments and eight repetitions. Evaluation test was conducted on the 60th day after the release of nymphs, by counting insects that have migrated into the roots of different plants. It has been shown that the nymphs of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages, respectively, 17.5; 23.33; 34.16 and 19.16% choose for some cultivar studied. It was found that 22.5; 30.0 and 0.0% of nymphs of the first stage, chose respectively Dekald 390 YG, Syngenta Impact (conventional) and Pioneer P30F53 YG. About second stage nymphs 37.5; 27.5 and 5.0%, chose respectively Dekald 390 YG, Syngenta Impact (conventional) and Pioneer P30F53 YG, and 52.5%, 35.0% and 15.0% of third instar nymphs, choose, respectively, conventional, Dekald 390 and Pioneer P30F53 YG and 27.5; 15.0 and 15.0% of nymphs of fourth stage, choose respectively Dekald 390 YG, Syngenta Impact (conventional) and Pioneer P30F53 YG. Nymphs of the first, second, third and fourth stages were concentrated in larger quantities in conventional plant varieties and Dekald YG 390, in lower concentrations in Pioneer P30F53 YG. Pioneer P30F53 YG was the cultivar with the lowest preference (IP) by the nymphs of first, second and third stages. We conclude that corn hybrid variety Pioneer F53YG demonstrates not be attractive to S. carvalhoi nymphs, with potential for use in infested areas. Hybrid Dekalb390 YG and Syngenta Impact (conventional) are attractive to brown bug of roots (S. carvalhoi), not recommended cultivation in areas infested by the insect.

Epizootiologie et contribution à la caractérisation de l'agent infectieux de la maladie du muscle marron, une pathologie émergente de la palourde japonaise, Venerupis philippinarum / Epizootiology and contribution to the characterization of the infectious agent of the brown muscle disease, an emergent pathology of the Manila clam, Venerupis philippinarum

Binias, Cindy 06 December 2013 (has links)
Seconde espèce de mollusque bivalve la plus exploitée au monde, la palourde japonaise Venerupis philippinarum représente un intérêt économique majeur. A l’échelle du bassin d’Arcachon, la maladie du muscle marron ou BMD (pour Brown Muscle Disease), pathologie émergente découverte en 2005 inquiète tout particulièrement le secteur de la pêche. Cette pathologie affecte le muscle adducteur postérieur de la palourde et perturbe l’ouverture-fermeture des valves. Cette perturbation entraine la remontée des individus à la surface du sédiment et la mort.Ces travaux de thèse ont porté d’une part sur l’épizootiologie de la maladie et son impact sur l'hôte et d’autre part sur l’identification de l’agent responsable de la maladie.Une étude sur la distribution des palourdes dans le bassin d’Arcachon (littoral Atlantique français) montre que la prévalence de la BMD a diminué entre 2010 et 2012. Toutefois cette baisse ne concerne pas les individus ayant atteint la taille légale de pêche (> 35mm). De plus, la maladie semble apparaitre chez des individus de plus en plus petit et risque donc d’accroitre la mortalité aux plus jeunes stades. L’analyse des facteurs environnementaux impliqués dans la distribution de la maladie souligne la corrélation entre la prévalence de la BMD et un hydrodynamisme relativement « calme ».La BMD affecte tout particulièrement le métabolisme énergétique de l’hôte, les mécanismes de réponse au stress oxydant et également le système immunitaire. De nombreuses fonctions sont surexprimées chez les hôtes malades mais d’autres voies comme celle de l’apoptose sont régulées négativement par l’agent infectieux.Si l’origine virale est maintenant une hypothèse solide (microscopie électronique, transcriptomique), la nature exacte de l’agent étiologique (famille virale) ne peut à ce jour être déterminée avec certitude. Des particules virales ont bien été observées dans les tissus malades mais pas dans les tissus sains, et ont pu être purifiées sur gradient de sucrose. Toutefois, les essais pour provoquer la maladie chez des individus sains ont échoué. / The Manila clam Venerupis philippinarum is the second most exploited mollusk bivalve in the world and represents a major economic interest. At the scale of Arcachon bay, the Brown Muscle Disease or BMD, an emergent pathology discovered in 2005, concerns fishing activity. This pathology affects the posterior adductor muscle of the clam and disrupts the valve opening and closing process. It induces the migration of clams to the surface and their death.This thesis concerns on the one hand the epizootiology of the disease and its impact on host and on the other hand the identification of the causal agent of the disease. A study of the clam distribution in Arcachon bay (French Atlantic coast) shows that prevalence of BMD decreased between 2010 and 2012. However this decrease doesn't affect clams of the legal harvesting size (> 35mm). Furthermore, the disease seems to appear in individuals with increasingly smaller size and thus risks to increase mortality in the youngest stages. The analysis of the environmental factors that are involved in the disease distribution highlights the correlation between prevalence of the BMD and relatively "quiet" hydrodynamism.BMD particularly affects the energy metabolism of the host, the oxidative stress response mechanisms and the immune system.Many functions are up-regulated in the BMD-affected hosts but other ways, as the apoptosis, are down-regulated by the infectious agent.Although viral origin of BMD is now a convincing hypothesis (electronic microscopy, transcriptomic), the nature of the etiological agent (viral family) cannot so far be determined with certainty. Viral particles were observed in tissues of BMD-diseased hosts but not in tissues of healthy host. They have been purified on sucrose gradient. However, the attempt to provoke the disease in healthy individuals failed.

Produtividade da soja sob influência de ocorrência natural de Septoria glycines Hemmi e Cercospora kikuchii (Matsu. & Tomoyasu) Gardner com e sem controle químico. / Soybean yield under the effect of natural occurence of septoria glycines hemmi and cercospora kikuchii (matsu. & tomoyasu) gardner diseases with and without chemical control.

Mônica Cagnin Martins 19 August 2003 (has links)
A ocorrência das doenças de final de ciclo causadas pelos fungos Septoria glycines e Cercospora kikuchii é facilmente observada no campo. Entretanto, são necessárias informações precisas sobre a quantificação de danos e perdas na produtividade, bem como, a definição da melhor época para aplicação de fungicidas. A falta de um método padrão de quantificação visual pode levar a estimativas imprecisas da severidade das mesmas, induzindo a conclusões erradas. Com os objetivos de elaborar e validar uma escala diagramática para a quantificação das doenças de final de ciclo da soja, avaliar o efeito dessas doenças sobre a produtividade, identificar o melhor estádio fenológico da cultura para o controle dessas doenças, verificar a relação entre a severidade dessas doenças e a produtividade e avaliar os efeitos das mesmas sobre a duração e absorção da área foliar sadia das plantas de soja, foram instalados experimentos na Fazenda Areão (ESALQ/USP), localizada em Piracicaba - SP. Utilizou-se o cultivar de soja MG/BR - 46 (Conquista), considerado suscetível a essas doenças, adotando-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, no esquema fatorial 2 x 3 (dois fungicidas: benomyl e tebuconazole e três momentos fenológicos de pulverização: R4, R5.3 e R6) com três tratamentos adicionais (testemunha, pulverização quinzenal de benomyl e pulverização quinzenal de tebuconazole), repetidos três vezes. Determinou-se a severidade dessas doenças; o número de vagens e de sementes por planta; a massa de 1000 sementes e a produtividade. Para quantificação da severidade dessas doenças foi elaborada uma escala diagramática a partir de folhas coletadas em campo, apresentando diferentes níveis de severidade. A área de cada folha e sua correspondente severidade foram determinadas e, seguindo-se a “Lei do Estímulo de Weber-Fechner”, elaborou-se a escala com os níveis de severidade de doença: 2,4; 15,2; 25,9; 40,5 e 66,6%. A validação foi realizada por nove avaliadores, sem experiência na avaliação das doenças de final de ciclo, os quais estimaram a severidade de 30 folíolos de soja com sintomas destas doenças. A precisão das avaliações variou de acordo com o avaliador (0,84<R 2 <0,65), bem como a acurácia (0,00<a<3,40; 0,90<b<1,29), não ocorrendo erro sistemático na superestimativa ou subestimativa da doença entre os avaliadores. Com base nos resultados obtidos em três safras agrícolas consecutivas (1999/2000, 2000/2001 e 2001/2002), pôde-se concluir que: a) a escala diagramática desenvolvida é adequada para a quantificação da severidade das doenças de final de ciclo em soja; b) as doenças de final de ciclo, quando em severidade inferior a 10%, não afetam o número de vagens e sementes produzidos por planta mas, causam redução na produtividade da soja; c) os fungicidas benomyl e tebuconazole podem ser utilizados no controle dessas doenças; d) não foi possível determinar a época fenológica mais adequada para a pulverização de fungicidas, que proporcionasse aumentos na produtividade da soja; e) em severidade dessas doenças abaixo de 10%, não existe relação entre esta variável, a massa de 1000 sementes e a produtividade; f) a absorção da área foliar sadia é a variável que melhor expressa a relação entre a severidade dessas doenças e a produtividade da soja. / The occurrence of late season leaf diseases caused by the fungus Septoria glycines and Cercospora kikuchii is easily identified in field. However, there is a need of precise information to quantify the damage and yield losses as well as to define the best occasions for fungicide applications. The lack of a standardized visual method may lead to inaccurate estimates of their severity, inducing inexact conclusions. With the purposes: to elaborate and validate a diagrammatic scale to assess late season leaf soybean diseases; to evaluate the effect of theses diseases on yield; to identify the best soybean growth stages for chemical control; to verify the relation between severity of theses diseases and yield and to evaluate the effect of theses diseases on healthy leaf area duration and healthy leaf area absorption, were installed field experiments at Fazenda Areão (ESALQ/USP), in Piracicaba - SP. The soybean cultivar MG/BR - 46 (Conquista), susceptible to both diseases was sown in a complete randomized blocks design in factorial 2 x 3 (two fungicides: benomyl and tebuconazole and three application stages: R4, R5.3 e R6) and three extra treatments (control without application, fortnightly application of benomyl and fortnightly application of tebuconazole), at three replications. The severity, the pod number per plant, the seed number per pod, the mass of 1,000 seed and yield were determined. To quantify the severity of these diseases it was elaborated a diagrammatic scale, from leaves collected in the field presenting different levels of severity. The area of each leaf and its correspondent severity were determined, and following the “Stimulus Law by Weber-Fechner” a scale was elaborated with the severity levels: 2.4, 15.2, 25.9, 40.5 and 66.6%. The validation was carried out by nine appraisers, without previous practice in assessing late season leaf diseases, who estimate the severity on 30 leaflets of soybean with disease symptoms. The evaluation precision varied according to the appraiser (0.84<R 2 <0.65), as well as the accuracy (0.00<a<3.40; 0.90<b<1.29), do not occurring systematic mistakes in the super or underestimation of the disease among the appraisers. Based on the obtained results in three consecutive crop seasons (1999/2000, 2000/2001 e 2001/2002), it was possible to conclude that: a) the developed diagrammatic scale is appropriate to quantify the late season leaf diseases severity of soybean; b) the late season leaf diseases, when in severity below 10%, do not affect the number of pod and seeds per plant but cause reduction of yield; c) the fungicides benomyl and tebuconazole may be used to control these diseases; d) it was not possible to determine the most appropriate growth stage for fungicide application, which result in yield gain; e) under severity below 10% there are not relation between this variable and the mass of 1,000 seed and yield; f) the healthy leaf area absorption is the variable which most express the relation between the severity of this diseases and the soybean yield.

Simbolismo y Tema de la Personalidad en el Gran Dios Brown de Eugene O’Neill. Investigación Teórica y Reflexión Sobre una Experiencia de Montaje

Sanhueza Tohá, Jaime January 2006 (has links)
El presente trabajo es el resultado de una investigación teórica y de una experiencia de montaje en torno a El gran Dios Brown de Eugene O’Neill. Esta obra, una de las favoritas del autor, fue escrita en 1925, y suele ser considerada como una de las más interesantes y polémicas de su producción. Esquemáticamente la pieza trata del conflicto que sostienen por más de treinta años el convencional y materialista Billy Brown, con el idealista, sufrido y creativo Dion Anthony. Ambos compiten a nivel profesional y luchan por el amor de Margarita (que se transformaría en esposa de Dion) y por la posesión de Sibila (una prostituta amante de Dion que simboliza a la Tierra Madre). La tragedia se agudiza cuando al morir Dion, Billy hereda la personalidad de su rival (simbolizada en la obra original por una máscara) y se transforma en una suerte de esquizofrénico, que alternativamente vivencia las identidades de ambos protagonistas. Gracias a su nueva personalidad, Brown logra usurpar el talento creativo y los amores de Dion, pero sufre la desintegración de su antigua identidad. Finalmente, Billy muere en brazos de Sibila, tras recibir un balazo de la policía. En ese momento se acaba de comprender que los protagonistas simbolizan dos aspectos en pugna dentro del hombre actual, que según el autor está escindido, y que en la obra, metafóricamente, se reintegra y se encuentra a sí mismo en la agonía

Ecologia reprodutiva de Catharacta Lonnbergi na ilha Elefante, arquipélago das Shetlands do Sul - Antártica

Seibert, Suzana 20 July 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-05-04T14:37:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ecologia_reprodutiva.pdf: 5894767 bytes, checksum: fbc8661025167b9eb4559c7b3bbbb661 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-04T14:37:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ecologia_reprodutiva.pdf: 5894767 bytes, checksum: fbc8661025167b9eb4559c7b3bbbb661 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Nenhuma / A variação nos padrões de larga escala, como o clima e a disponibilidade de recursos, podem influenciar a fenologia e o sucesso reprodutivo dos indivíduos. Em menor escala, características como qualidade do adulto, composição e localização dos ninhos são cruciais para o sucesso reprodutivo. O objetivo do estudo é descrever a fenologia e avaliar o sucesso reprodutivo de Skua Marrom na Ilha Elefante, Arquipélago das Shetlands do Sul, além de avaliar algumas características dos ninhos que podem influenciar a variação destes fatores. Os dados foram coletados em 2009/10 e 2010/11, em Stinker Point, Ilha Elefante, sendo monitorados periodicamente 37 e 40 pares reprodutivos, respectivamente. A cada visita foram registradas as datas de postura, de nascimento, o número de ovos e filhotes nos ninhos. A posição geográfica dos ninhos e das colônias de aves reprodutivas (recursos) foi registrada com receptor de GPS. As distâncias dos ninhos para os recursos e para o vizinho mais próximo (DVProx) foram calculadas no software Arcgis. A proporção dos componentes dos ninhos (musgos, líquens e rochas) foi obtida através do processamento das fotografias dos ninhos no software Envi. Nenhum padrão, que relacione estes componentes às datas de postura e ao sucesso reprodutivo, foi constatado. A postura dos ovos ocorreu, em média, na primeira quinzena de dezembro. O sucesso reprodutivo variou significativamente entre estações (χ2=20,25 P<0,001) e a probabilidade de sobrevivência dos filhotes em relação a data de postura dos ovos (Nagelkerke R²=0.137 P=0,01), sendo maior nos meses de dezembro, independente do período (Nagelkerke R²= 0.137 P= 0,01). Observou-se uma relação significativa entre o sucesso reprodutivo e a distância da colônia de Pygoscelis antarctica em 2009/10 (Nagelkerke R2=0,20 P=0,03) e em 2010/11 (Nagelkerke R²=0.177 P=0,02). A DVProx influenciou negativamente na sobrevivência dos filhotes (Nagelkerke R2=0,30 P=0,02). As distâncias dos recursos e DVProx não variaram em relação às datas de postura. A menor probabilidade de sobrevivência dos filhotes mais próximos aos recursos não corrobora com o descrito na literatura, porém, dois fatores observados podem justificar tal padrão: ninhos próximos aos recursos estão mais agregados, aumentando a competição e predação intraespecífica; e o acesso à informação social, observado através da diferença nas datas de postura, resulta na maior concentração de indivíduos nestes locais, e consequentemente em diferentes probabilidades de sobrevivência dos filhotes. / Large scale patterns, as climate and resources show time fluctuations, what can influence individuals phenology and reproductive success. On a smaller scale, factors like adult quality, nest composition and location are also important to reproductive success. We aim to describe and evaluate Brown Skua phenology and reproductive success at Elephant Island, South Shetlands, and to evaluate how some nests characteristics can influence those factors fluctuations. Data were collected at 2009/10 and 2010/11 reproductive seasons at Stinker Point, Elephant Island, where 37 and 40 reproductive pairs were monitored each season. Laying and hatching date, number of chicks and eggs were recorded each nest visit. Nests and other seabird colonies (resources) location were recorded using a handheld GPS receiver. Distances of the nests to resources and to the nearest neighbor (NND) were calculated by means of Arcgis software. Nest components proportion (mosses, lichens and rocks) were obtained through photo classification at Envi software. There is no pattern on egg laying date and reproductive success in relation to nest components. Mean egg laying date were at early December. Reproductive success differed between seasons (χ2=20,25 P<0,001) and chick survival probability varied according to laying order (Nagelkerke R²=0.137 P=0,01), being higher at December both seasons (Nagelkerke R²= 0.137 P= 0,01). Reproductive success was related to the distance from nests to Pygoscelis antarctica breeding colonies at 2009/10 (Nagelkerke R2=0,20 P=0,03) and 2010/11 (Nagelkerke R²=0.177 P=0,02). NND were negatively correlated to chick survival (Nagelkerke R2=0,30 P=0,02). Egg laying date did not differ according to NND neither according to nest distance from other seabirds breeding colonies. We found a lower chick survival probability at nests closer to recourses, what differ from what is described at literature, nevertheless, two factors observed could explain this pattern, which are: nests located near to resources are found to be densely distributed, what increases competition and conspecific predation; social information access, based on egg laying date, results on a higher nests concentration and consequently on different chick survival probabilities.

Chaos in Clinton.

Flood, Heather 15 December 2007 (has links)
The integration of Clinton High School, located in Clinton, Tennessee captivated the nation in the fall of 1956. This paper depicts the events that occurred during that period. Also included are the events that occurred prior to the desegregation of the high school, the understanding of which is necessary to fully appreciate the events that unfolded in Clinton.

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