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Groundwork for recruitment into nursing images of nursing among adolescents /Baer, Cheryl Miller. January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1980. / "A research report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ..."--T.p.
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Groundwork for recruitment into nursing images of nursing among adolescents /Baer, Cheryl Miller. January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1980. / "A research report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ..."--T.p.
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Perceptions of high school boys toward nursing as a career choiceAndrews, Kathleen E., Wilson, Thad. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--School of Nursing. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2005. / "A dissertation in nursing." Advisor: Thad Wilson. Typescript. Vita. Title from "catalog record" of the print edition Description based on contents viewed May 31, 2006. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 140-151). Online version of the print edition.
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An evaluation of a possible increase in self-knowledge through a career counselling intervention for grade 11 learners in previously disadvantaged schoolsDu Toit, Annette 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations are largely dependent on their workforce in order to be successful and competitive. In order to do accomplish this goal, employees need to be motivated and feel satisfaction in their jobs. Employees who are unhappy in their work will be unproductive and eventually become a cost to their employers. Employees who have made the wrong career choice are more likely to be unhappy in the workplace and it is therefore very important to make the correct career choice from the beginning.
In South Africa, the choice of a career usually occurs when one is still in Grade 11 or Grade 12. Unfortunately, career counselling is expensive and many learners’ parents do not have the financial capacity to afford career counselling, resulting in their children making a career choice based on the available information that they are able to access. These sources of information often are incorrect or incomplete, leading to a wrong career choice. At this stage, an adequate level of self-knowledge in order to make an informed career choice is not always present, either.
Self-knowledge, consisting of personality, aptitude and interests, is an important construct necessary for making an informed career choice. The aim of this research study was to develop a group-based, low cost career counselling intervention for Grade 11 learners in schools where the learners would not otherwise be able to access career counselling, with the intention of increasing their self-knowledge. Three subtests of the Differential Aptitude Test, the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire and the Meyers Interest Questionnaire were utilised in the intervention and self-knowledge was measured using a self-developed questionnaire based on the Career Development Questionnaire. The statistical results indicated that this intervention was successful in increasing self-knowledge, but it was also seen that the intervention led to an increase in career maturity.1 This group-based, relatively low-cost career-counselling intervention can therefore be offered to schools whose learners are not able to afford individual career counselling as it will assist learners, through increasing their self-knowledge and level of career maturity, in making a more informed career choice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ondernemings is grootliks afhanklik van hul werknemers om suksesvol en kompeterend te wees. Vir ondernemings om hierdie doelwit te bereik, is dit belangrik dat hul werknemers gemotiveerd en tevrede in hul posisies moet wees. Werknemers wat ongelukkig in hul werk is, sal onproduktief wees en sal uiteindelik ‘n koste vir hul werkgewers word. Werknemers wat die verkeerde loopbaankeuse gemaak het, is meer geneig daartoe om ongelukkig in die werkplek te wees and daarom is dit baie belangrik om die regte loopbaankeuse van die begin af te maak.
In Suid-Afrika is dit gewoonlik nodig om ‘n loopbaankeuse in Graad 11 of Graad 12 te maak. Loopbaanvoorligting is ongelukkig duur en baie leerders se ouers het nie die finansiële vermoë om loopbaanvoorligting vir hul kinders te bekostig nie. Dit lei daartoe dat hierdie leerders loopbaankeuses maak op grond van die inligting wat tot hulle beskikking is. Hierdie inligtingsbronne is in baie gevalle onvolledig of verkeerd, wat tot ‘n verkeerde keuse kan lei. Die voldoende vlak van selfkennis wat nodig is om ‘n ingeligte beroepskeuse te maak,is nie altyd op hierdie ouderdom teenwoording nie
Selfkennis, wat uit persoonlikheid, aanleg en belangstellings saamgestel is, is ‘n belangrike konstruk wat nodig is om ‘n ingeligte beroepskeuse te maak. Die doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om ‘n groepsgebaseerde, lae-koste loopbaanvoorligtingintervensie vir Graad 11-leerders te ontwikkel, met die doel om hul selfkennis te verhoog. Hierdie intervensie is gemik op skole waar leerders dit nie andersins sou kon bekostig om loopbaanvoorligting te bekom nie. Drie subtoetse van die Differensiële Aanlegtoets, die 16 Persoonlikheidsfaktor Vraelys, sowel as Meyer se Belangstellingsvraelys is in die intervensie gebruik. Selfkennis word gemeet deur die gebruik van ‘n self-ontwikkelde vraelys wat op die Loopbaanontwikkelingsvraelys gebaseer is.
Die statistiese resultate het aangedui dat die intervensie suksesvol vir die verhoging van selfkennis aangewend kon word, maar daar is ook gevind dat die intervensie tot ‘n verhoging in loopbaanvolwassenheid gelei het.2 Hierdie groepsgebaseerde, loopbaanvoorligtingsintervensie kan daarom met redelik lae koste aan skole gebied word waar leerders nie loopbaanvoorligting kan bekostig nie, aangesien dit die leerders sal help om vanweë die verhoging van hul selfkennis en vlak van loopbaanvolwassenheid ‘n beter ingeligte beroepskeuse te maak.
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Yrkesprogram vs högskoleförberedande program : En studie om påverkansfaktorer och grundläggande högskolebehörighetLiljebäck, Johan, Wikström, Anneli January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka hur elever i år 9 har för uppfattning om valet av gymnasieprogram gällande högskoleförberedande program och yrkesprogram. Vidare ville vi få kunskap om påverkansfaktorer samt om 2011 års reform gällande grundläggande behörighet påverkar elevernas val. Frågeställningarna vi ville få besvarade är hur fördelningen ser ut mellan yrkesprogram och högskoleförberedande program, hur eleverna rangordnar påverkansfaktorer vid valet av yrkesprogram respektive högskoleförberedande program samt hur eleverna tänker kring den grundläggande högskolebehörigheten. För att få svar på våra frågor genomförde vi en kvantitativ studie i form av en webenkät som besvarades av 234 elever i år 9. I vår teoridel har vi lyft tidigare forskning inom detta område samt hur ämnet lyfts i media, av myndigheter och politiska sammanhang. Vi utgick från Gottfredsons teori Theory of circumscription, compromise and self-creation samt Hodkinsson & Sparks teori Careership theory som grundar sig på Bourdieus tankar. Centrala begrepp i arbetet är karriärval, påverkansfaktorer i form av genus, socialt arv samt grundläggande högskolebehörighet. Vårt resultat visar att eleverna i vår studie väljer yrkesprogram i större utsträckning än övriga landet. Studien visar att eleverna väljer program utifrån intresse och att de anser att de inte påverkas av sin omgivning. Vår studie visar också att det finns en relativt god medvetenhet om den grundläggande behörigheten. / The purpose of the study was to investigate what pupils in year 9 think about the choice of high school programs for university preparatory programs and vocational programs. In addition, we wanted to get knowledge of factors of influence, and if the 2011 reform of basic competences affects students' choices. The questions we wanted to get answered were the distribution of vocational programs and university preparatory programs, how the students rank factors of influence in the choice of vocational programs and university preparatory programs as well as how students think about the basic university degree. To answer our questions, we conducted a quantitative study in the form of a web survey answered by 234 students in year 9. In our theoretical part, we have raised previous research in this area and how the subject has been raised in the media, by authorities and in political contexts. The study was based on Gottfredson's theory Theory of circumscription, compromise and self-creation, as well as Hodkinsson & Spark's theory Careership theory, based on Bourdieu's thoughts. Key concepts in the work are career choices, impact factors in the form of gender, social heritage and basic university admission. Our results show that students in our study choose vocational programs to a greater extent than the rest of the country. It also shows that students choose programs based on interest. Furthermore, they do not feel affected by their surroundings. Our study also shows that there is a relatively good awareness of the basic competence.
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[pt] A adolescência é uma fase do ciclo de vida na qual o sujeito passa por uma
série de transformações corporais e psicológicas. Neste período, há a consolidação
da identidade e o jovem se depara com uma gama de escolhas que definirão o seu
futuro, dentre elas, a escolha da profissão. Diversos fatores exercem influência
nesta escolha e o adolescente a realizará baseado no contexto social, econômico,
cultural e psicológico em que se encontra. A decisão por uma carreira faz parte de
um processo contínuo que começa desde cedo, com uma grande participação da
história de vida familiar. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar a questão da
influência da família na escolha profissional, observando aspectos da transmissão
geracional. Foram entrevistadas duas famílias (pai, mãe e adolescente). Os
adolescentes cursavam o 3º ano do ensino médio e as famílias residiam na cidade
de Niterói/RJ e pertenciam à camada média-alta da população. As entrevistas
foram gravadas, transcritas e o conteúdo foi posteriormente analisado. Do
conteúdo emergiram três categorias de análise que configuraram os temas
primordiais dos relatos dos entrevistados. Constatou-se que a família exerce uma
grande influência no momento da escolha profissional, depositando expectativas,
fazendo exigências de forma direta ou indireta e passando valores sobre
determinadas ocupações. Concluiu-se que a escolha profissional não é feita ao
acaso, mas está ligada às profissões cujos valores são transmitidos desde gerações
anteriores e aos papéis que cada um deve desempenhar na dinâmica familiar. / [en] Adolescence is a phase in life cycle in which the individual goes through a
series of physical and psychological transformations. In this period there is the
consolidation of identity and the youngster faces a range of choices that will
define his future, including the professional choice. Many factors exert influence
in this choice and the adolescent will make it based on his social, cultural and
psychological context. The decision for a professional career is part of a
continuous process that starts early on, with a great participation of family life
history. This research had the goal to analyze family influence in professional
choice, observing aspects of generational transmission. Two families (composed
by father, mother, and one adolescent) were interviewed. The adolescents were
students in the third grade in middle school; families lived in the city of Niterói, in
Rio de Janeiro, and were from middle-class. Interviews were recorded,
transcribed, and their content was later analyzed. From interviews’ content three
categories of analysis emerged, which configured fundamental themes in
participants’ reports. It was observed that the family exerts a great influence in the
moment of professional choice, placing expectations, making demands in direct
and indirect ways, and transmitting values about certain occupations. It was
concluded that professional choice is not made by chance, but is related to
professions for which values are transmitted by prior generations and to the roles
that each person should play in the family dynamics.
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Choix d'orientation, genre et télévision : devenir footballeuse ou maïeuticien grâce à la télévision ? / Becoming a female football player or a male midwife through televisionBigeon, Christine 29 June 2012 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif de tenter de répondre à la question : la télévision a-t-elle une influence sur la division sexuée de l’orientation, sur le fait que filles et garçons continuent à penser qu’il existe des métiers pour les femmes et des métiers pour les hommes ? Si tel est le cas, quelle est la nature de cette influence? Nous n’avons pas trouvé de lien direct entre télévision et choix de métier, même si une partie de ces choix, notamment chez les plus jeunes, concernent des métiers qui ne peuvent être connus que grâce à la télévision. On note par contre le rôle des modèles, des héros choisis qui influeraient sur la construction du genre, dont le choix de métier fait partie. Mais la télévision, grâce à son pouvoir d’attraction, peut aussi être utilisée comme outil pour faire évoluer certaines attitudes des adolescents à l’égard du genre des professions. / The aim of this survey is to answer the following question: Does television have any influence on the gender differences in career choices, on the fact that girls and boys still think that some jobs are fit for women and some jobs fit for men? If so, what is the nature of this influence? We haven’t found any direct link between television and career choices, though some of those choices, especially among the youngest, concern jobs that they get to know only through television. For instance, selected heroes may play the role of models and affect the way gender is constructed, and thus the type of career choice. But television, due to its power of attraction, may also be used as a medium to change the way the adolescents consider career gender.
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O magistério como opção de carreira: um estudo sobre os fatores contributivos para a escolha do curso de Pedagogia em uma universidade pública / Teaching as a career option: study of the contributory factors for choosing the pedagogy course in a public universityYada, Jackeline Kyoko [UNIFESP] 11 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Submitted by Diogo Misoguti (diogo.misoguti@gmail.com) on 2016-06-21T13:48:30Z
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jackeline-kyoko-yada.pdf: 1349408 bytes, checksum: 5e343aac438b00f3b643c142dda92849 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diogo Misoguti (diogo.misoguti@gmail.com) on 2016-06-21T13:48:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa tem por tema o exercício da docência com foco na escolha
profissional. O objetivo é investigar fatores sociais relacionados à escolha do curso de
Pedagogia por alunos de graduação. As questões que norteiam a pesquisa são: “quais
fatores relacionados à origem, trajetória e posição social contribuem para escolha do
magistério como profissão? Por que a opção pelo ingresso em uma universidade
pública? Qual o perfil dos ingressantes no curso de Pedagogia da universidade
pesquisada?”. A hipótese é que a escolha profissional dos agentes está relacionada ao
posicionamento social, que diz respeito às condições objetivas de vida, que se incorpora
aos indivíduos como um habitus, que por sua vez é em grande parte responsável pelas
escolhas realizadas nas trajetórias escolares. Para a fundamentação teórica recorre-se
aos conceitos de capital cultural, classe social e habitus de Pierre Bourdieu, por esses
contemplarem aspectos relacionados aos processos formativos aos quais o agente social
está submetido em seu trajeto social. Nesta pesquisa foram utilizadas duas fontes de
dados: Questionário socioeconômico respondido pelos alunos ingressantes no curso de
Pedagogia no ano de 2014 e entrevistas semiestruturadas com dez alunas do curso que
estudam nos turnos vespertino e noturno. Os resultados apontam para regularidades no
grupo de alunos no que diz respeito à origem social, ao estilo de vida e às condições de
vida e de existência, que contribuiriam com a escolha profissional por eles realizada. A
representação da docência, na dimensão simbólica, se expressa em determinadas
regularidades estruturantes no grupo de estudantes, como no amor e cuidado misturados
com o trabalho específico da docência, na disposição em se dedicar a um trabalho
socialmente desvalorizado e na crença na posse de determinado dom ou destinação para
ser professor. Trata-se de alunos com famílias que, assim como eles, valorizam o fato de
estudarem em uma universidade pública, mas que muitas vezes gostariam que seus
filhos estudassem em um curso de maior prestígio social, que propiciasse maior retorno
financeiro. / The subject of this research is the exercise of teaching focusing on career choice.
The purpose is to investigate social factors related to the choice of Pedagogy course by
undergraduate students. The questions that guide the research are: "What factors related
to the origin, history and social standing contribute to the choice of teaching as a
profession? Why the choice of entering in a public university? What is the profile of
entrants in the Pedagogy course of the surveyed college? ". The hypothesis is that the
professional choice of social workers is related to the social position as regards the
objective conditions of life, which is incorporated to individuals as a habitus, which in
turn is largely responsible for the choices made in school history. The theoretical
foundation was based on concepts of cultural capital, social class and habitus of Pierre
Bourdieu, aspects related to educational processes to which the social worker is subject
in his social path. This research used two data resources: socioeconomic questionnaire
answered by students entering the Pedagogy course in 2014 and semi-structured
interviews with ten course students studying in the afternoon and night shifts. The
results point to regularities between group of students with regard to social origin,
lifestyle, living conditions and existence that contribute to career choices they made.
The representation of teaching, in the symbolic dimension, is expressed in certain
structural regularities in the group of students, as in the love and care mixed with the
specific job of teaching, the willingness to engage in socially undervalued work and
belief in possession of given gift or disposition to be a teacher. These are students with
families who, like them, value the fact of studying at a public university, but would
often like to study or their children to study in a course of greater social prestige, which
would provide higher financial return.
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O que eu vou ser quando eu crescer? Identidade e escolha profissional entre jovens vestibulandos / What will I be when I grow up? Identity and career choice among young vestibulandosFernanda Sansão Ramos Mattos 20 September 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar de que forma os alunos que se preparam para ingressar na universidade através do vestibular, repensam e reconstroem suas próprias identidades durante este processo de elaboração de uma identidade profissional, fortemente marcada pela escolha de carreira. Para tanto, foi utilizado como referencial teórico a proposta analítica de construção de projetos de vida, apresentada por Gilberto Velho (2003; 2004; 2009), bem como as contribuição de Anthony Giddens (2002) a respeito do papel da escolha na sociedade ocidental moderna. Destaca-se também o interesse em comparar as motivações e critérios de escolha de carreira entre alunos das redes pública e privada de ensino, para apontar semelhanças e distinções ao longo da escolha. / This study aims to analyze how students preparing to enter university through the vestibular, rethink and reconstruct their own identities during the process of developing a professional identity, strongly marked by career choice. Therefore, it was used the theoretical proposal of life projects, presented by Gilberto Velho (2003, 2004, 2009) as well as the contribution of Anthony Giddens (2002) concerning the role of choice in the modern Western society. Also noteworthy is the interest of this study in comparing the motivations and criteria for career choice among students from public and private schools, to point out similarities and distinctions over the choice.
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Formação profissional no Brasil: o SENAI e os jovens no mercado de trabalho / Vocational training in Brazil: the SENAI and the youth in the labour marketCristiane Zumpichiati dos Santos 04 July 2005 (has links)
O tema central da dissertação é a formação profissional no Brasil. Para enfrentar tão extensa área de investigação, dois objetivos foram tratados: traçar a trajetória de uma das instituições mais identificadas, no Brasil e na América Latina, com a formação profissional Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI) e analisar o perfil dos jovens que fazem os cursos profissionalizantes no SENAI. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto neste estudo, foi realizada uma análise histórica do processo de instauração das iniciativas voltadas para a formação profissional no Brasil, para, em seguida, retratar a instituição pesquisada. Com base nesta análise, destacou-se o posicionamento do SENAI desde sua criação, em 1942, até os dias atuais frente às mudanças ocorridas no mercado de trabalho. Face a essas considerações, no último capítulo é apresentada uma breve discussão sobre o contexto atual com o qual os jovens se deparam, ou seja, a questão do desemprego juvenil. / The central theme of the dissertation is vocational training in Brazil. To tackle such an extensive area of research, two objectives were addressed: to trace the trajectory of one of the institutions most identified in Brazil and Latin America, with professional training - National Service of Industrial Learning (SENAI) and analyze the profile of young people in the professional courses in SENAI. To achieve the proposed objective in this study, we performed a historical analysis of the process of introduction of initiatives aimed at training in Brazil to then portray the researched institution. Based on this analysis, the highlight was the positioning of SENAI - since its inception in 1942 until today - in the face of changes in the labor market. Given these considerations, the last chapter is a brief discussion on the current context in which young people face, ie the issue of youth unemployment.
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