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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Career Compromise in Immigrant Professionals in Canada

Lau, Karen Gah-Ian 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study presents the investigation of the career transition experience of immigrant skilled workers with a focus on their experiences with career compromise and the coping strategies that they used. The grounded theory approach of qualitative analysis method was used to analyze 20 interview transcripts with participants who had received their education/training and had at least 1 year of work experience prior to immigrating to Canada. The interviews revealed that the career transition journeys of immigrant skilled workers were thwarted with acculturation and career-seeking barriers, which made their career transition experiences quite compromising. The findings support the notion of positive compromise whereby the participants utilized their human agency and open-mindedness to deal with their career compromise. An immigrant vocational theory and an immigrant career compromise theory are proposed. Practical implications and future research directions are discussed.

Moldovan, I. (2011). The fire that burns from within: Tales of legendary Swedish table tennis players

Istvan, Moldovan January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the dynamics of motivational forces in career stages in legendary table tennis players. Participants invited for this study were two highly recognized Swedish table tennis players who achieved major titles during their competitive career. The theoretical frameworks included the self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 1985, 2000), achievement goal theory (AGT; Nicholls, 1989), and the developmental model of transition faced by athletes (Wylleman & Lavallee, 2004). The study was based on in-depth narrative interviews on the field where the researcher stimulated participants to tell their stories in retrospect based on their perceptions of motivational drives across different stages. Results revealed that participants were (a) strongly driven by multiple personal goals (e.g., self-determined, winning major titles), (b) had high perception of ability (e.g., high task and high ego), (c) table tennis was central to their lives, and (d) they were surrounded by facilitative environment. Results are discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks and previous research. / Syftet med föreliggande studien var att undersöka dynamiken i motivationsprosessen genom olika karriärövergångar hos legendariska bordtennisspelare. Två välkända svenska bordtennisspelare deltog i studien som har vunnit stora titlar under sina professionella karriärer. De teoretiska ramverk som användes var self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 1985, 2000), achievement goal theory (AGT; Nicholls, 1989) och developmental model of transition faced by athletes (Wylleman & Lavallee, 2004). Studien var baserad på två djup-narrativa intervjuer där deltagarna stimulerades att i retrospekt berätta hur de upplevde dynamiken i deras motivation i olika karriärövergångar. Resultaten visade att deltagarna var (a) stärkt drivna av multipla personliga mål (själv-bestämd, vinna stora titlar), (b) hade hög upplevd förmåga (hög uppgift och hög prestationsmål), (c) bordtennis var central i deras liv, och (d) de var omringade av stödjande miljöer. De erhållna resultat diskuteras i relation till teoretiska ramverk och tidigare forskning.

The experiences of former UK military personnel re-entering the civilian world

Caddick, David John January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the experiences of former UK military personnel from all three armed services re-entering the civilian workplace. There is a distinct lack of research in this area with only limited studies carried out which tend to focus on the difficult transitions or the actual mechanics of engaging with the civilian labour market. This thesis provides a unique insight into the experiences of military personnel and their journey out of the military environment and into the civilian environment. This study uses a qualitative methodology based upon an interpretive approach to gain insights into the experiences of former military personnel who left the military for a variety of reasons. The study examined the stories of a main research cohorts of 16 individuals and a second cohort of 10 individuals were engaged to further challenge theoretical saturation. The research subjects were selected using a ‘snowball’ approach and selection filtered using a specific set of criteria. Their military experiences span a range of times since discharge and a range of civilian employment since leaving. Following a review of existing literature encompassing career theory, transition theory, narrative analysis and activity theory, open interviews were conducted with participants simply asked to “tell me your story”. The transcripts of the interviews were then analysed using three analytical frames: activity theory, storytelling and perceptions of the self. The participants mainly identified tensions in their relationships with new communities, mediated by the changed social rules and divisions of labour that they encountered in their transition. Those who identified the lowest levels of tension tended to tell their stories in a heroic mode and demonstrated multiple or mixed senses of the self, whilst those who identified the highest tensions tended to tell their stories in a tragic mode and privileged their military identity above their other identities. The data suggests that some of these experience may be connected to the concept of the unquestioned organisation that was expressed by all the research cohort and the unthinking transfer of agency that occurs on joining and leaving the military.

Från elitidrott till yrkeskarriär : En studie av elitidrottsutövares upplevelser av karriärövergång och ledarkvalitéer / From elite sport to professional career : A study of elite athletes´experiences of career transition and leadership qualities

Hellgren, Alfred, Hörnberg, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
There have been numerous of examples where former elite athletes have had a problem with adaptingto the life as a civilian. Research has shown that it is common among former athletes to experiencenegative emotions when ending an elite career in sports. What separated the ones who successfullymoved on to achieve greatness outside of the sports environment? This study was about female formerelite athletes which have a senior position and their views on what role the elite career had on theirfollowing career. The purpose of the study was to examine what generic traits, knowledges and skillsthat elite sports can help to develop and that is usable in a senior position. The study also aimed togain knowledge about how female former elite athletes from the county of Vasterbotten, Sweden,experienced and handled the transition from elite sports to the life as a civilian. To answer thesequestions eight interviews were conducted with female former elite athletes from a variety of sports.The main result showed that there were several factors that helped these former elite athletes tohandle the transitional phase in a good way. They all agreed that elite sports helped to develop goaldetermination, a will to continually evolve, manage both success and adversity and lastly teamworkand social skills. Regarding how their athletic career influenced the job opportunities following theircareer termination, the study found that their athletic career had either a direct or indirect influence.

Studentidrottares upplevelse av att studera vid ett riksidrottsuniversitet

Allmark, Jill, Thelin, Nathalie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka studentidrottares upplevelse av att kombinera studier påakademisk nivå med elitidrott på ett Riksidrottsuniversitet. Specifikt undersöktesstudentidrottare som inte hade någon koppling till en elitmiljö, det vill säga studentidrottaresom elitsatsade men vars idrottsförbund inte hade ett samverkansavtal med lärosätet. I studiendeltog 12 intervjupersoner, fördelat på sex kvinnor och sex män i åldrarna 19–30 (M=22.83,S=2.88). Studien använde en semistrukturerad intervjuguide baserad på den Holistiskakarriärutvecklingsmodellen (Wylleman, 2019) och Karriärövergångsmodellen (Stambulova,2003). Resultatet klassificerades in i fyra kategorier; studentidrottares upplevda krav,barriärer, resurser och copingstrategier. Resultatet påvisade att det största kravet somdeltagarna upplevde var att de måste försörja sig ekonomiskt i form av studielån eller attarbeta parallellt med kombinationen, detta kunde medföra en stor stress för deltagarna. Denfrämsta barriären deltagarna upplevde var bristande stöd från lärosätet samt att de upplevdeatt studierna och idrotten blev lidande då de inte kunde prestera lika framgångsrikt i båda,vilket kunde medföra en känsla av otillräcklighet. Vidare upplevde deltagarna att socialstöttning från tränare, familj och vänner var den främsta resursen för att underlätta ikombinationen. Planering var studentidrottarnas mest använda copingstrategi för att hanterakraven i en dubbel karriär. / The purpose of the study was to investigate student athlete's experiences of studying at aNational Sport University in Sweden. Specifically, student athletes who had no connection toan elite environment were investigated, that is, student athletes who are elite athletes butwhose sports associations did not have a collaboration agreement with the university. Thestudy included 12 interviewees, divided into six women and six men aged 19–30 (M = 22.83,S = 2.88). The study used a semi-structured interview guide based on The Holistic AthleticCareer Model (Wylleman, 2019) and The Athletic Career Transition Model (Stambulova,2003). The result was classified into four main categories; student athlete's perceiveddemands, barriers, resources and coping strategies. The result showed that the biggestdemand that the participants experienced was that they had to support themselves financiallyin terms of student loans or working in parallel with the combination, this could cause a greatdeal of stress for the participants. The main barrier the participants experienced was a lack ofsupport from the university and that they felt that the studies and the sport were suffering asthey could not perform equally successfully in both, which could cause a feeling ofinadequacy. Furthermore, the participants felt that social support from coaches, family andfriends was the primary resource for facilitating the combination. Planning was the studentathletes' most used coping strategy to handle the demands of a dual career.

Experiences of Music Therapy Junior Faculty Members: A Narrative Exploration

Olszewski, Carol A. 03 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Svenska herrelitfotbollsspelares karriärupplevelser och resor till elitfotbollen efter att de blivit bortselekterade från seniorkontrakt som juniorer / Football players in swedish mens elite club’s career experiencesand journeys to elite football after being de-selected from senior contract as junior academyplayers

Perem, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Majoriteten av alla akademifotbollsspelare i Sverige idag blir nekade ett seniorkontraktoch får därmed söka sig till ett nytt lag. Ett sådant besked är tufft att få, men behöver inte betydaatt eliten inte kan nås genom alternativa vägar utanför eliten. Därav är syftet med denna studie attundersöka svenska herrelitfotbollsspelares karriärupplevelser och resor till elitfotbollen efter attde blivit bortselekterade från seniorkontrakt som juniorer. Denna studie undersökerupplevelserna hos sju manliga fotbollsspelare som idag spelar i Superettan eller Allsvenskan.Genom arbete som bestått av intervjuer och reflexiv tematisk analys har två tematiska kartorutifrån respektive frågeställning tagits fram. Den första kartan hänvisar till tiden från attinformanterna blivit bortselekterade till att de fått sin första kontakt med elitfotbollen ochinnefattar två huvudteman, medan den andra kartan berör tiden från den första kontakten medelitfotbollen och framåt vilket innefattar tre huvudteman. Samtliga övergripande teman följer enkronologisk ordning och redogör bland annat för erfarenheter såsom utmaningar, resurser ochstrategier. Vidare anses fortsatt forskning inom området i form av att studera idrottaresupplevelser av en bortselektering vara av värde. / Today, the majority of all academy football players in Sweden become rejected to receivea senior contract and are thus forced to find a new team. Such a message is tough to receive butdoes not have to mean that the elite is not reachable through alternative paths outside of the elite.Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine Football players in swedish mens elite club’scareer experiences and journeys to elite football after being de-selected from senior contract asjunior academy players. Present study reviewed the experiences from seven male football playerswho are currently playing in Superettan or Allsvenskan. Through the process containing ofinterviews two reflexive thematic analyzes were created grounded in each of two main researchquestions. three overall themes are created: The first thematic analysis aimed touched the periodfrom when the informants were deselected from their junior academy clubs to when the firstcontact with senior elite football took place. The second one aimed towards the period fromwhen the first contact took place and forward. These overall themes are presented inchronological order and cover experiences as, for example, challenges, resources, and strategies.Lastly, further investigations in the area in terms of studying athletes’ experiences of beingrejected to receive a senior contract, is claimed to of value.

Swedish student-athletes’ within-career transitions

Fryklund, Sverker January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande forskningsprojekt var att undersöka upplevelser av karriärövergångar hos elitidrottande studenter, på högsta nationella nivå, som strävar efter att etablera sig även på internationellt högsta nivå inom sin idrott, samtidigt som de börjar studera vid universitet/högskola och så småningom tillägnar sig en examen. Semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för att kartlägga och undersöka de elitidrottande studenternas upplevelser. De kategorier som identifierades genom tematisk innehållsanalys var upplevda förändringar i övergången, karriärstöd, resurser för att anpassa sig till den nya nivån i idrotten, upplevd tillfredsställelse med situationen, strategier för att anpassa sig till den nya nivån i idrotten, upplevda förändringar under en dubbel karriär (studier och idrott), upplevelsen av att kombinera studier, idrott och ett “vanligt” liv, och strategier för att hantera detsamma. De elitidrottande studenterna lyfte fram kontinuerligt karriärstöd, interpersonligt stöd och betonade behovet av att utveckla coping strategier som stresshantering och time- management. Åtgärder för att underlätta framgångsrika karriärövergångar för elitidrottande studenter diskuteras. / The main purpose of this research project was to examine perceptions of within-career transition, as experienced by student-athletes striving to reach the international level. Interviews were used to examine the perceptions of student-athletes practicing individual sports at the national elite level. Eight categories were identified through thematic content analysis: changes experienced in the transition, career assistance, resources for adjusting to the new level in sport, satisfaction with their current situation, strategies for adjusting to the new level in sport, changes during a dual career, combining studies and everyday life, and strategies for adjusting to a dual career. The student-athletes emphasised prolonged career assistance, interpersonal support, dedication, and commitment, and recognised the need for coping strategies such as stress and time management. Suggestions for promoting successful within-career transitions for student-athletes are discussed.

"En glad och harmonisk spelare har ju större chans att göra resultat också" : Akademichefers syn på skyddsfaktorer i idrottsmiljön som främjar psykisk hälsa hos unga elitsatsande fotbollsspelare / "A happy and harmonious player has the greater chance to make results too” : Academy managers' perspectives on protective factors in the sports environment that promote mental health among young aspiring football players

Culjak, Ivica, Engström, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate academy managers' perception and experience of which preventive organizational and environmental protective factors they think are important for the short- and long-term mental health of male elite-aspiring football players in Swedish elite football. Furthermore, the study intends to better understand how football clubs can work to facilitate different types of transitions in players' careers in Sweden. The study is based on a qualitative method, where six male academy managers, around the country, five from the Swedish top league and one from the second league were interviewed. The results indicate that key protective factors within a club are linked to the team coach, who, with a holistic view of individuals and the ability to create a sports environment, can promote an open and trusting climate that enhances mental health. Other protective factors include the availability of support resources, awareness among staff and players regarding risk factors, early interventions promoting mental health, and collaboration with others to strengthen the player and to facilitate career transitions. Based on the study's findings in relation to our theoretical frame works‘Psychological Safety’ and ‘The Holistic Athlete Career model’ as well asprevious research, the conclusion can be drawn that academy managerscan develop an educational plan based on a holistic view of individuals and a psychologically safe sports environment that permeates all levels of the football academy, as well as recruit coaches who are able to implement it. Additionally, academy managers are in a position to allocate resources in the best way to promote mental health and support young individuals during various career transitions while considering different stages of their lives.

Navigating Multiple Liminalities: An Exploration of How First-Year Faculty Construct Relationships of Support

Myers, Meredith H. 13 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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