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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Long-term unemployment scarring and the role of labour market policies : The case of Sweden in the 1990s

Nordlund, Madelene January 2010 (has links)
The experience of unemployment puts individuals at risk of long-term negative scarring and the longer the unemployment spell, the greater the risk of negative scarring. In Sweden, labour market policies aim at reducing such risks in the form of unemployment benefits, active matching and active labour market policy programmes (ALMPs). However, there is frequent discussion regarding the extent to which these kinds of policies actually reduce the risk of negative scarring. It is often argued that the programmes are of poor quality, particularly during economic downturns, and participants are often not motivated for the task. Likewise, it is claimed that unemployment insurance tends to counteract a quick return to the regular labour market. One problem related to labour market policies is that it has been difficult to examine the impact of such policies. Studies often present results that appear scattered due to differences in what is actually being measured and methodological problems. The uniqueness of this thesis is that it is based on a large-scale longitudinal register of data that has provided important empirical information regarding the long-term effects of labour market policy investments. The quality of data has also enabled the use of evaluation techniques which largely can help to reduce the uncertainty of the findings. More precisely, the research questions examine (1) in what way the level of unemployment benefit functions as protection against unemployment scarring, (2) in what way the ALMPs protect long-term unemployed people from long-term unemployment scarring, (3) at what point in a business cycle the ALMPs are efficient and finally, (4) for whom do the ALMPs function to reduce the risk of negative scarring. In this thesis, scarring effects are measured as the risk of labour market exit, the risk of labour market instability and the risk of future negative wage trajectories. The methods used in most studies are Cox regressions in combination with instrumental variable analysis (the Heckman two-step procedure). The empirical findings indicate that ALMPs worked well to reduce such negative effects both in times of booms (1999) and recessions (1993) and particularly among the youngest and oldest actors on the labour market. They also function particularly well for people with a low level of education. However, it is important not to exclude unemployed people who have a high level of education, in the belief that ALMPs have nothing to offer them, since such people are particularly helped by ALMPs as regards reducing the risk of future labour market instability. It was also found that generous unemployment benefit helped to reduce the risk of future negative wage scarring. In addition to these findings, some mechanisms were identified which proved to be important tools for transforming policies into valuable resources for the unemployed. In this thesis, the value of the findings of these mechanisms is discussed from the perspective of the capability approach. Even if the same investments were made in all unemployed persons, the participants would respond differently to the investment. Some reasons for the inequality in outcomes were found within the programmes and were due to heterogeneity in the unemployment group but some reasons can actually be explained by the converters (mechanisms) that were identified in the studies. Thus, the results emphasise the importance of investing in labour market policies, particularly during economic downturns. This is the time when cuts in unemployment benefit do not help the unemployed back to the labour market since there are very few available jobs to apply for. It is also the time when the long-term unemployed should participate in ALMP-training in order to be prepared for new challenges when the labour market improves again. As a matter of fact, the results show that skills from ALMP-training have a bridging effect which indicates that these skills will be valuable on the labour market for at least another five years after the year of investment. The findings in this thesis are controversial since they differ from most research findings from the beginning of the 1990s which point to poor micro level outcomes. However, the long-term approach of this thesis is the main explanation for these new and different results.  It is argued here that a long-term approach is needed to find out the long-term effects because ALMP participation, particularly ALMP-training, is meant to be a long-term investment in human capital. A long period of time needs to pass between ALMP-investment and evaluation before the effects can show. Reported effects from ALMP investments at the beginning of the 1990s have often been measured on a short-term basis. It is not suggested that short-term effects should be ignored but it is argued that a short-term analysis provides only a fragmental description of reality, and long-term effects should be given greater priority than is usually the case since they affect the labour market prospects of the individuals over a long period of time. This thesis dispels the “myth” about the negative effects generated from ALMPs during the 1990s.

Néorépublicanisme et égalité : pour avoir les moyens de sa liberté

Boudreau, Francis January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Les bourses d'enseignement supérieur en France : politique, rôle et mécanisme d'attribution / Scholarships for higher education in France : policies, roles and granting mechanism

Chamseddine, Line 28 November 2013 (has links)
Les bourses d'enseignement supérieur constituent un dispositif clef de la politique d'enseignement en France. L'objectif de ces bourses est d'assurer l'égalité d'accès aux différentes formations de l'enseignement supérieur. Ces bourses se répartissent en plusieurs types et couvrent près de 38 % de la population étudiante. Elles sont essentiellement attribuées en fonction de la situation socio-économique de l'étudiant et de sa famille. Le budget des bourses de l'enseignement supérieur s'élève à environ 1,8 milliards d'euros en 2011 et s'inscrit dans un budget de l'État pour l'action sociale en faveur des étudiants de plus de 5.4 milliards d'euros. Cette recherche se propose d'analyser le système de bourses d'enseignement supérieur basées sur des critères sociaux en France, à travers une étude approfondie de la population des étudiants ayant déposé une demande de bourse entre 1999 et 2009. Dans un contexte européen tourné vers l'économie de la connaissance, dans un contexte national donnant la priorité à l'enseignement supérieur, et suite à la mise en place d'une importante réforme des bourses en 2008, ce travail de recherche analyse le fonctionnement du système des bourses et son évolution au cours des quinze dernières années. Cette recherche apporte une nouvelle approche de l'évaluation de la décision d'attribution de bourse. Elle analyse en détail les modifications survenues suite à la mise en œuvre de la réforme de 2008 et étudie leurs impacts sur la prise de décision et sur la population des boursiers. Elle propose, enfin, un cadre de pilotage de la politique des bourses en se basant sur un ensemble d'indicateurs construits dans le cadre de cette recherche. / Higher education grants constitute a key provision of the education policy in France intended to ensure equal student access to various fields in higher education. These scholarships are divided into several types, cover about 38 % of the student population enrolled in higher education, and are mainly allocated according to the socio-economic situation of the student and the student family. In 2011, the state budget for social action for students was more than 5.4 billion Euros, with approximately 1.8 billion Euros in funding directed to scholarships in higher education. Among the various funding components, financial aid has witnessed the most increase in its share in recent years. This research aims to analyze the system of higher education grants in France based on social criteria, through a detailed study of the population of students who applied for a grant between 1999 and 2009. With the European context moving towards the 'economy of knowledge', with the national context giving priority to higher education, and following the establishment of a fundamental reform of the higher education grants system in Fa1l2008. This research analyzes the evolution of the funding granting policy since 1999 vis-a-vis the stated objectives. The work introduces a new approach for evaluating the decision of granting a scholarship. It analyzes in detail the changes that occurred after the implementation of the 2008 reform and examines their impact on the above decision making, and on the population of students receiving a scholarship. Finally, it offers a framework to steer the granting mechanism based on a set of indicators constructed in the context of this research.

Francouzská univerzita jako zóna rovných šancí / French university as a zone of equal chances

Normarková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
This work freely follows the bachelor thesis Social predeterminations for studying in France. The content studies evolution of french educational system and experts opinions on problematics of equal chances in acces to the education. Pierre Bourdieu and Raymond Boudon reflect in their theories changes in society after 1968, student protests and crisis of universities, and ask how to solve them. Interviews with University of Avignon's students and teachers and questionnaire research brought many important ideas which helped to explore the difference of entering to two academic insitutions: university and grand école. KEY WORDS: education, predetermination, social status, french educational system, school reformes

La politique de communication de la Commission Européenne en matière d'emploi et de lutte contre la discrimination : une approche sémantico-énonciative et discursive / The communication policy of the European Commission on employment and the fight against discrimination : a semantic and discursive approach

Attruia, Francesco 02 April 2013 (has links)
Notre thèse a pour objet une analyse sémantique des discours de la Commission européenne sur l'emploi et la lutte contre la discrimination. Le corpus est constitué par les publications de la Direction générale « Emploi, affaires sociales et inclusion » de la Commission et rassemble un matériau linguistique de 155 documents parus entre 2004 et 2011. En s'inscrivant dans la tradition de l'analyse du discours politique, cette étude prend appui sur les acquis de la linguistique de l'énonciation, de la pragmatique et des théories de l'argumentation afin de dégager, pour mieux les observer et théoriser, certaines propriétés inhérentes aux discours politiques et institutionnels. Il s'agira, plus exactement, de cerner les procédés linguistiques et discursifs à l'oeuvre dans notre corpus et, corollairement, d'observer comment ceux-ci participent à la construction et à la stabilisation du sens et de la référence en discours. Notre thèse est structurée en deux parties. La première (chapitres 1-2) est consacrée à la présentation du corpus et des cadres théorique et méthodologique. La deuxième (chapitres 3-5) portera sur l'analyse sémantico-énonciative et discursive du corpus / The purpose of this thesis is to analyse, from a semantic and enunciative point of view, the European Union's discourse on employment and the fight against discrimination. The Corpus is made up of 155 documents published between 2004 and 2011 by the European Commission's DG for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion. Our goal is to observe the way linguistic phenomena described in this work contribute to the construction and discourse stabilization of the linguistic sense and reference. The thesis is structured as follows: the first part will be dedicated to the presentation of the corpus and problematic. This section also contains the fundamental principles of enunciative semantics along with a description of the AntConc software we will employ in order to explore the reference corpus. The second part is focused on the corpus analysis and is divided into three chapters. The first one deals with the linguistic expression of subjectivity and will concentrate on the study of the enunciative modalities. The second one is dedicated to an analysis of the enunciative heterogeneity of the European Union's discourse, in particular from the Scandinavian Theory of Linguistic Polyphony's point of view. Finally, in the last chapter, we will observe the way a verbal sequence ? whether it be a collocation, a simple or complex syntagma, may create a speech event

Les politiques d'ouverture sociale des classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles : le cas d'un dispositif expérimental singulier, la C.P.E.S. (Classe Préparatoire aux Études Supérieures) / Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles social openness policies : the CPES (Classe Préparatoire aux Études Supérieures), the example of a singular experimental system

Zingraff-Vigouroux, Nadine 07 June 2017 (has links)
La mise en œuvre d'initiatives en faveur de la mixité sociale dans les classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles s'est largement développée depuis 2001. Des dispositifs expérimentaux d'ouverture sociale ont ainsi été lancés à l'initiative d'établissements prestigieux. Cette recherche présente dans un premier temps le système sélectif des classes préparatoires basé sur le principe de méritocratie, analyse les mécanismes de sélection sociale qui s'y opèrent et donne un éclairage sur le contexte national et international qui a contribué à mettre ce système en mouvement. Une réflexion est ensuite menée sur les enjeux de cette volonté récente d'ouverture sociale de l'accès aux filières élitistes puis sont examinés des dispositifs porteurs de solutions nouvelles en faveur de la diversité. Une enquête de terrain évalue la pertinence et l'efficacité de l'un d'entre eux créé en 2006 par le lycée Henri IV et repris depuis par d’autres établissements : la Classe Préparatoire aux Études Supérieures. Cette année de mise à niveau post-baccalauréat à destination d'élèves boursiers prometteurs souhaite remédier aux injustices sociales et culturelles produites en amont et lutter ainsi contre la forte reproduction sociale des classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles. Une analyse des données quantitatives et qualitatives recueillies auprès d'étudiants et de responsables de CPES est menée afin de vérifier si cette année de rattrapage a véritablement rempli sa mission en améliorant le parcours scolaire de jeunes boursiers à fort potentiel et s'il s'agit bien là d'une amorce de rétablissement de l'égalité des chances au sein du système éducatif. / The implementation of initiatives in favour of social mix in the Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles has significantly developed since 2001. Thus, experimental strategies for social openness have been launched by prestigious schools. This research aims at presenting the Classes Préparatoires selective system which is based on meritocracy values, it then analyses the social selection mechanisms occurring in these classes and it also highlights the national and international situation which has contributed to setting up this system. The research then focuses on the stakes of this recent social openness desire concerning the access to elitist courses and on the measures that convey new answers in favour of this diversity. This study next examines a field survey assessing the relevance and effectiveness of one of these measures known as the Classe Préparatoire aux Études Supérieures (CPES). The CPES was created in 2006 by Lycée Henri IV and has then been reproduced in other schools. This one-year post-baccalauréat bridging course targeting promising scholarship students is aimed at finding a solution to social and cultural injustices and thus at fighting the strong social reproduction noticed in the Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles. An analysis of quantitative and qualitative information collected from students and from teachers in charge of the CPES is being carried out in order to check whether this one-year catch-up course has really been successful in improving the academic path of high-potential young scholarship students. This same analysis also checks whether the CPES actually is the starting point of restoring equal opportunities within the educational system

Frequência de anticorpos anti-Toxocara spp em escolares do município de Fernandópolis- SP, Brasil e análise da contaminação do solo por ovos do parasito / Frequency of anti-Toxocara spp antibody in school children from Fernandópolis-SP, Brazil and analysis of soil contamination by parasite eggs

Alex Jones Flores Cassenote 20 October 2010 (has links)
A toxocaríase é uma zoonose muito difundida em todo o mundo. Trata-se da infecção humana, em especial pelas larvas de Toxocara canis, um nematóide comum de cães. O objetivo do presente estudo foi levantar a soropositividade a anticorpos anti-Toxocara spp, identificar os fatores de risco em grupos de escolares da cidade de Fernandópolis/SP e avaliar a contaminação do solo por ovos desse e de outros geo-helmintos entre os anos de 2007 e 2008. Foi realizado um estudo transversal utilizando-se amostragem complexa e estratificada, por renda, para a avaliação da toxocaríase humana. O método diagnóstico empregado foi o teste de ELISA para detecção de anticorpos IgG anti-Toxocara spp. O estudo da contaminação do solo deu-se por meio da avaliação de amostras de solo de praças, parques públicos e escolas municipais e pela avaliação de amostras de fezes provenientes de 10 praças públicas. Foram avaliados 252 indivíduos em dois estratos, o primeiro representando baixa renda com 120 (47,6%) crianças e o segundo com 132 (52,4%) representando renda elevada. A frequência geral de positividade ao antígeno TES foi de 15,4% (39), sendo 28,3% (34) para o primeiro estrato contra 3,7% (5) do segundo (p<0,000). A exposição à geofagia (exposto OR ajustado 14,65 - IC95% = 2,14 a 89,25 e muito expostos OR ajustado 19,15 a IC95% = 2,96 a 123,94), o hábito de levar objetos à boca (exposto OR ajustado 9,31 - IC95% = 1,63 a 53,03 e muito expostos OR ajustado 42,29 a IC95% = 5,49 a 326,01) e a presença de mais de dois cães em domicílio (OR ajustado 21,25 = 1,7 a 264,87) foram variáveis associadas à positividade. O hábito de lavar as mãos antes das refeições (OR ajustado 0,01 - IC95% 0,00 a 0,05) representou importante fator de proteção. Foram avaliadas 225 amostras de solo, sendo 71% (160) provenientes de praças e parques públicos e 29% (65), de escolas municipais. Foi observado alto grau de contaminação de praças e parques públicos 28,4% (64), ao passo que nas escolas a positividade foi de 1,7% (6). Os parasitos encontrados com maior frequência foram de Toxocara spp 79,6% (47), Trichuris spp 13,5% (8) e ancilostomídeo 6,4% (4). Foram avaliadas ainda 400 amostras de fezes de cães, e observou-se uma positividade de 23,7% (95). Os parasitos observados com maior frequência nas amostras positivas foram ancilostomídeo símile 74,7% (71) e Toxocara canis, 53,6% (51). A positividade a anticorpos anti-Toxocara spp em indivíduos de 1 a 12 anos de idade, provenientes de cinco escolas do município de Fernandópolis/SP, foi relativamente baixa. Os principais fatores de risco/proteção dizem respeito às questões modificáveis como a geofagia, o hábito de levar objetos à boca, a existência de mais de dois cães em domicílio e o hábito de lavar as mãos antes das refeições. Os solos de praças e parques públicos de Fernandópolis/SP e amostras de fezes recolhidas em ambiente estavam altamente contaminados com geo-helmintos zoonóticos e representam fonte de infecção relevante para a população / Toxocariasis is a zoonosis of worldwide occurrence. It is defined as the human infection by larvae of nematodes, especially Toxocara canis, common intestinal parasite of dogs. The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of anti-Toxocara spp antibodies, identify risk factors in groups of school children from the city of Fernandópolis/SP and evaluate soil contamination by eggs of this and other geohelminths between 2007 and 2008. It was conducted a cross-sectional study using complex sampling for the assessment of human toxocariasis. The diagnostic method used was the ELISA test for detection of IgG anti-Toxocara spp antibodies. The study of soil contamination was done through evaluation of soil samples from public places, sand boxes of municipal schools and evaluation of dogs stool samples from 10 public places. Two hundred and fifty two children were evaluated in two strata, the first with 120 children (47.6%) from low income families and the second with 132 (52.4%) from high income ones. The overall frequency of antibodies anti-Toxocara spp was 15.4% (39), being 28.3% (34) for the first stratum compared with 3.7% (5) of the second (p <0.000). The exposure to geophagy (exposed: adjusted OR 14.65 - CI 95% = 2.14 to 89.25; very exposed: adjusted OR 19.15 - CI 95%= 2.96 to 123.94), the habit of rising objects up to the mouth (exposed: adjusted OR 9.31 1.63 to 53.03; very exposed: adjusted OR 42.29 - CI 95%= 5.49 to 326.01) and the presence of more than two dogs at home (adjusted OR 21.25 - 1.7 to 264.87) were variables associated with positivity. The habit of washing hands before meals (adjusted OR 0.01 - CI 95% = 0.00 to 0.05) represented an important protective factor. Were evaluated 225 samples of soil: 71% (160) from public places and 29% (65) of municipal schools. It was observed a high contamination of public places with 28.4% (64) being positive, while in school positivity was 1.7% (6). The most frequent parasites eggs found were Toxocara spp 79.6% (47), Trichuris spp 13.5% (8) and Ancylostomatidae 6.4% (4). They were also evaluated 400 fecal samples of dogs and observed a positivity of 23.7% (95). The most frequent parasites observed in positive samples were Ancylostoma simile 74.7% (71) and Toxocara canis 53.6% (51). The anti-Toxocara spp antibodies positivity in school children from Fernandópolis/SP was relatively low. The main factors of risk/protection concern to modifiable issues like geophagy, the habit of rising objects up to the mouth, the existence of more than two dogs at home and the habit of washing hands before meals. The soil of public places of Fernandópolis/SP and feces samples collected from the environment were highly contaminated with zoonotic helminths and represent important source of infection for the population

L’invention philosophique de l’enseignement secondaire. Réformes et controverses dans les États-providence au XXe siècle / The philosophical invention of secondary education. Reforms and controversies in welfare states in the twentieth century

Barratault, Marion 12 December 2016 (has links)
Notre réflexion postule une invention conceptuelle de l'enseignement secondaire qui se distingue d'une invention historique. À travers l'étude des débats suscités par l'élaboration de réformes ou de lois sur l'enseignement secondaire dans les États-providence, nous souhaitons démontrer que le XXe siècle est celui de l’invention philosophique de l’enseignement secondaire. Cette invention se concrétise par la constitution de modèles nationaux d’enseignement secondaire. Nous comparons le modèle républicain français aux modèles libéral anglais, nationaliste allemand, idéaliste italien, libéral états-unien et social-démocrate finlandais. Ces modèles nationaux, aux traditions culturelles et idéologiques différentes, sont confrontés, tout au long du XXe siècle, à des enjeux communs quant à l’accueil et à l’éducation de l’adolescence. Notre réflexion s’étend jusqu’à l’entrée dans le XXIe siècle, par la mise en évidence d’un modèle international d’enseignement secondaire, qui tend à influencer – voire à dissoudre – les modèles nationaux. Nous proposons d’interpréter les processus successifs de démocratisation et de modernisation, de féminisation et de mixité, d'égalité des chances et de mise en place de l'école unique, comme trois phases d'une invention philosophique du secondaire et comme trois moments constitutifs des modèles nationaux d'enseignement secondaire ; modèles qui se trouvent mis en danger à l’entrée dans le XXIe siècle. / This reflexion postulates a conceptual invention of secondary education which differs from a historical invention. The study of the debates which followed the development of reforms or laws on secondary education in welfare states, demonstrates that the twentieth century is the century of the philosophical invention of secondary education. This invention materializes in the formation of national models of secondary education. This work proposes to compare the French Republican model to the English liberal model, the nationalist German model, the idealistic italian model, the liberal model of the United States of America and the social democratic Finnish model. Throughout the twentieth century, these national models, with different cultural and ideological traditions, face,with common issues regarding the reception and education of adolescence. This reflexion extends to the entry into the twenty-first century, highlighting an international model of secondary education, which tends to influence – or even to dissolve – the national models. The successive processes of democratization and modernization, feminization and coeducation, equal opportunities and implementation of the comprehensive school, are interpreted as three phases of a philosophical invention of the secondary education and as three moments constituting national models of secondary education ; models which are in danger at entry into the twenty-first century.

Vzdělávání romských dětí v České republice / Education of Roma children in the Czech Republic

Zarzycká, Andrea January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Education of Roma children in the Czech Republic" deals with the issue of the status quo in education of Roma children. The aim is to analyze the situation in the education of Roma children in the Czech Republic and to compare it with other European countries and find examples of good practice. The educational situation of Roma pupils remains unsatisfactory, not only in the Czech Republic but also in other European countries. Roma pupils continue to be subject to exclusion in quality education resulting from variety of many interrelated factors including poor living conditions of parents, especially high unemployment, low education level and living in social exclusion. It is necessary to make systemic changes in order to increase the quality education chances of Roma children, because the Roma population belongs among the most socially vulnerable groups affected by a variety of risk factors that often result in cumulative disadvantages and often bring the Roma into the spiral of mechanisms leading to social exclusion.

Skill formation and transition to productive livelihood in Vietnam / Formation des compétences et transition vers des emplois productifs au Vietnam

Tran, Ngo Thi Minh Tam 13 December 2017 (has links)
L’éducation a connu des progrès remarquables au Vietnam au cours des deux dernières décennies. Cependant, l'inégalité des chances en matière d'éducation aggrave les disparités chez les enfants et menace les progrès en termes de productivité du travail. Pourtant, les mécanismes de transmission des inégalités et le rôle des compétences dans ce processus restent encore largement méconnus. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’apporter un nouvel éclairage sur ces questions. Plus précisément, elle vise à étudier comment les compétences interagissent avec les facteurs environnementaux dans l’atteinte des résultats scolaires et l’insertion sur le marché du travail au Vietnam. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse examine dans quelle mesure les compétences prédisent l'abandon scolaire. Le chapitre 2 analyse l’effet du passage au temps complet d’enseignement au primaire sur les inégalités scolaires. Enfin, le chapitre 3 étudie l'importance relative des compétences dans l’insertion des jeunes sur le marché du travail. À cette fin, diverses approches quantitatives sont menées à partir des données de Young Lives. Les contributions de la thèse à la littérature existante sont de prendre en compte les compétences non cognitives dans l’analyse, de considérer l'interaction entre le milieu social et l'environnement scolaire et enfin de traiter les erreurs de mesures des compétences au Vietnam. La thèse montre que les efforts en vue de plus d’égalité d’opportunités scolaires doivent être poursuivis. Elle montre également l’importance d'améliorer les compétences non cognitives pour améliorer le bien-être individuel et la croissance économique. / Vietnam has attained outstanding performance in education during the past two decades. However, inequality in educational opportunities aggravates disparities among children and threaten the improvement of labour productivity. The underlying mechanism for transmitting inequality and role of skills in the process remaining unclear motivates this thesis. It aims to study how skills interact with environmental factors to determine outcomes on education and livelihoods in Vietnam. Firstly, Chapter 1 examines how skills predict dropping out Then Chapter 2 inspects whether full-day schooling reduces educational inequality. Finally, Chapter 3 investigates the relative importance of skills in determining labour market outcomes. To this end, the research applies diversified quantitative approaches using data from the Young Lives in Vietnam. The contributions of the thesis are threefold, namely taking into consideration the non-cognitive skill in the analysis, addressing the interaction between social background and school environment, and the measurement errors accompanied poor proxies for skills in Vietnam. The thesis hints at further levelling educational opportunities of children and enhancement of non-cognitive skills for greater outcomes in life and economic growth

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