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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nonprofit Organizations: A New Method to Increase the Quality of Education in the United States

Hernandez, Julian, Jr 01 January 2019 (has links)
The United States has attempted to improve access to quality education for students. While the United States has seen access to higher quality of education as a solution to improving schools, this has not worked. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the methods created to improve access to quality education and their effectiveness. Methods that will be analyzed are acts passed by the United States and the charter school movement. In this paper I will look at the methods used in Germany and Colombia to help develop a new method of improving the quality of education in the United States through the use of nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit organizations have played a role in improving the education of Germany and Colombia. Nonprofit organizations could be a solution in improving the quality of education students receive through hands on experience, a standardized test, providing resources for students, and improving the quality of teaching in each school. The use of nonprofit organizations can help under-resourced districts improve, help create a test to accurately measure student success, and help districts understand how they can improve.

La promotion de la santé pour les populations d'Afrique subsaharienne en France / Health Promotion for the Sub-Saharan African population in France

Vieira, Gildas 15 December 2017 (has links)
Nous avons souhaité accompagner des populations d’Afrique subsaharienne en France, sur une démarche de santé communautaire, afin d’agir sur les inégalités de santé. Ce travail permet une mesure des effets et conséquences sur le comportement de promotion de la santé sous l’angle des rapports interculturels. Cette démarche repose sur une méthodologie exploratoire constituée à la fois d’outils de recherche en psychologique, de protocoles d’intervention en santé publique et d’une problématique psycho-sociale d’interculturalité. Les évolutions de comportement en faveur d’actions de promotion de la santé sont liées de manière significative à cette démarche qui allie focus groupe et application de la théorie du comportement planifié (TCP). Une telle approche permet une réflexion sur les inégalités sociales en santé des communautés migrantes, et l’accompagnement vers les soins, en favorisant les relations entre habitants et professionnels de santé dans une démarche interculturelle. Les objectifs de l’étude étaient (i) de mieux comprendre l’intention des immigrants africains d’adopter une approche personnelle pour les problèmes de santé communautaire et (ii) d’évaluer la sensibilisation et le développement des compétences des membres de la communauté sur leur comportement de promotion de la santé. / We wanted to accompany sub-Saharan African population in France, on a community health approach, to act on health inequalities. This work allows to measure the effects and consequences of health behavior promotion from an inter-cultural relations angle. This approach is based on an exploratory methodology made up of both psychological research tools, protocols for intervention in public health with the psycho-social problematic of inter-culturality. Behavioral changes in favor of health promotion actions are significantly related to this approach, which will combine group focus and the application of planned behavior theory (PBT). Such an approach allows a reflection on the social inequalities in health of the migrant communities, and the accompaniment towards care, favouring relations between inhabitants and health professionals on an intercultural approach. The objectives of the study were (i) to better understand the intention of African migrants to adopt a personal approach to community health problems and (ii) to assess the influence of developing members’ awareness and skills of the community on their health promotion behavior.

The political ecology of the Japanese paper industry

Penna, Ian Unknown Date (has links)
The Japanese paper and paperboard industry has grown to be one of the largest in the world. It manufactures a range of products for sale primarily within Japan, and consumes organic fibre for these products from dispersed domestic and foreign forests, plantations and cities. This dissertation examines the links between the development and structure of the industry and its use of papermaking fibre. It takes a political ecology perspective and uses an industrial structure/consumption-production chain approach to show how the industry’s development and structure continue to depend on company control over fibre flows and the restructuring of products, product distribution and manufacture, the fibre supply chain and fibre resources. As with the modern global paper/board industry, the recent growth of the Japanese industry has been characterised by cycles of capacity expansion, market collapse, excess capacity and low prices and profits. Manufacturers and general trading companies involved in the industry have tried to support growth in the use of paper/board and counter these cycles by restructuring production, distribution, ownership and fibre supply. This restructuring helps protect the flow of fibre through the industry and concentrated it in particular companies. Obtaining increasing quantities of suitably-priced fibre has been at the base of the industry’s development.

中小學教育公辦民營可行性之研究 / The Possibility of Private Management of Public Schools System in Junior High Schools and Elementary Schools

曹俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
國立政治大學八十七學年度第二學期碩士論文提要 系 所 別:教育系碩士班 指導教授:秦夢群博士 論文名稱:中小學教育實施公辦民營之研究 研 究 生:曹俊德 論文內容摘要: 本研究之目的在探討我國中小學實施公辦民營制度之可行性。其內容包括以下五部分: 一、探討公辦民營學校之相關理論。 二、瞭解美國公辦民營學校的特色及實施成效。 三、瞭解我國類似案例;並分析公辦民營學校相關法令。 四、透過調查瞭解我國實施公辦民營學校之相關意見。 五、結論與建議。 本研究以台灣地區國民中小學校長、主任、教師以及家長、教育行政機關人員為調查對象,在學校方面抽出45所學校,與教育部(廳)、北高兩市教育局、二十三縣市教育局等教育行政機關共計發出1000份問卷,回收678份,回收率67.3%,有效問卷628份。研究工具採自編之「中小學教育公辦民營可行性之研究意見調查」問卷,研究中所使用的統計方法包括次數分配、百分比統計以及卡方考驗等,問卷的處理則採用SPSS for Windows 統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 據此,本研究的研究結果如下: 一、 政府補助教育經費不足影響到國民中小學各項教育工作之推行。 二、 國民中小學由政府完全辦理的方式應予以檢討。 三、 國民中小學實施公辦民營學校符合教育選擇權的需求。 四、 國民中小學實施公辦民營學校已逐漸形成趨勢。 五、 特許學校與「B.O.T.」模式的公辦民營方式較適合在台灣實施。 六、 辦學績效不彰的學校應先實施公辦民營學校制度,不應無條件全面實施。 七、 公辦民營學校制度仍然有一些問題有待解決。例如: (一) 公辦民營學校制度的權責不易劃分清處。 (二) 公辦民營學校制度的績效評鑑標準難以建立。 (三) 公辦民營學校制度的誘因不多,難以吸引民間。 再者,綜合文獻探討、研究過程、暨時正調查之分析結果,僅針對實務及未來研究等二方面提出下列建議: 對於實務之建議是: 一、 政策的形成要多瞭解各類人員的看法與意見。 二、 儘速修訂相關法令。例如修改「國民教育法」與「私立學校法」,加強鼓勵民間興學之政策性宣示。 三、 具體鼓勵民間興辦小規模,且具實驗性質之公辦民營國民中小學,待成效良好再擴大辦理。 四、 公辦民營學校不應採「以價制量」的方式辦理。 五、 公辦民營學校應以學校本位的管理方式為配套措施。 六、 實施辦理期間應委託學術機構進行政策評估。 對於相關研究之建議是: 一、 本研究採取量化之研究法,未能再深入瞭解中小學公辦民營學校實施之狀況,建議可採行深度訪談、座談會或參與場地等直化研究方式。 二、 本研究可以擴展至其他學制部份,包括高中職及學前教育部份,甚至包括大專院校等的可行性與問題之研究。 三、 本研究所採外國文獻只限於美國地區,未討論其他世界先進諸國,未來可以擴展至英、法、德等國,或是大陸地區。 四、 本研究探討的重點在於尋求現有最合適之公辦民營模式,希望未來相關研究能建構出一套最佳之公辦民營模型,以為二十一世紀之學校經營之參考。 a / Abstract The main purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of private management of public schools system in junior high schools and elementary schools. The study contains five parts. First, this study explores the theory of private management of public schools. Second, this study wants to understand the characteristics and effects of private management of public schools in American. Third, this study wants to understand the condition of private management of public schools in Taiwan. Forth, this study wants to know the comments of the practice of private management of public schools in Taiwan. Fifth, this study wants to come to conclusions and gives some proposals. Objectives of this study include public junior high schools’ staff in Taiwan Province, and Education Administration staff in Taiwan Province, Taipei City and Kaohsiung City. The researcher compiles “Questionnaire for the possibility of private management of public schools system in junior high schools and elementary schools”. 45 schools have been sampled and 1000 copies of the questionnaire dispatched 687 copies of effective samples are actually acquired Data of questionnaire had been proceeding for statistic analysis under the statistic package software: SPSS for Windows” Based upon data of literature review and questionnaire, conclusions have been reached as follows: 1. The shortage of funds of government effects the work of junior high schools and elementary schools. 2. The way of public schools should be criticized. 3. The management way of private management of public schools in junior high schools and elementary schools is conformed to the need of schools choices. 4. It’s a trend to put the private management of public schools system into practice in Taiwan. 5. Charter schools and the model of B.O.T. are suitable in Taiwan. 6. It should have priority to put the system of private management of public schools into practice in the bad-achievement schools. 7. The system of private management of public schools has some weak points: (1) The evaluation of standard of private management of public schools is hard to establish. (2) It’s not easy to appeal the public to support the system of private management of public schools. According to the results of this study, following proposals about practice are offered: 1. It needs to know the opinions of all circles to form the polity. 2. It should revise laws and decrees as quickly as possible. 3. The government should urge the civil to adopt the system of private management of public schools to establish schools. 4. The private management of public schools shouldn’t adopt high price in tuition. 5. We should adopt the “S.B.M.”Way of management to caudate the private management of public schools. 6. It should have learned society to evaluate the effect of private management of public schools. According to the results of this study, following proposals about relative research are offered: 1. We can adopt qualitative methods to research this study. 2. The study can expand to discuss another schools systems. 3. The foreign literature is limited. The literature of this study includes only American data. We suggest that the future study can adopt more foreign literatures. 4. The main purpose of this study is to search the best model of private management of public schools system. And this system can be the model of 21-century schools.

歐盟多語政策之研究:以保護區域與少數語言為例 / Multilingualism in the European Union:A study on the Protection of Regional and Minority Languages

黃綉雯, Huang, Hsiu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
語言是人類重要的溝通工具,其目的是用來傳達思想、交流觀念和意見等,故語言除可傳承各民族特有的文化、教育和藝術資產外,完善的多語政策,更有利於各民族互相尊重以減少紛爭。歐盟於1973年至2007年歷經了6次擴大,自2007年加入羅馬尼亞和保加利亞後,會員國從6國增加至27國,語言的多樣性不僅包含23種官方語言,亦包括60多種區域與少數語言;本研究除探討歐盟東擴後所產生60多種區域與少數語言對歐盟的重要性外,並以此為例,研究歐盟多語政策下,如何有效保護境內區域與少數語言,以達最終整合目標。 / Language is an important tool for human communication, which aims to covey concepts, exchange ideas and opinions. In addition to passing down unique cultures, education and art assets, language can educate people to show mutual respect so as to reduce conflicts differences. From 1973 to 2007, the European Union experienced six expansions. Ever since Romania and Bulgaria joined EU in 2007, Member States have increased from six countries to twenty-seven countries. Linguistic diversity includes not only twenty-three official languages, but also sixty kinds of regional and minority languages. This study is to pinpoint the important influences these sixty regional and minority languages have brought to EU since the expansion. Take EU multilingualism policy as an example to better understand the ways to protect regional and minority languages in order to reach the goal of final integration.

The political ecology of the Japanese paper industry

Penna, Ian Unknown Date (has links)
The Japanese paper and paperboard industry has grown to be one of the largest in the world. It manufactures a range of products for sale primarily within Japan, and consumes organic fibre for these products from dispersed domestic and foreign forests, plantations and cities. This dissertation examines the links between the development and structure of the industry and its use of papermaking fibre. It takes a political ecology perspective and uses an industrial structure/consumption-production chain approach to show how the industry’s development and structure continue to depend on company control over fibre flows and the restructuring of products, product distribution and manufacture, the fibre supply chain and fibre resources. As with the modern global paper/board industry, the recent growth of the Japanese industry has been characterised by cycles of capacity expansion, market collapse, excess capacity and low prices and profits. Manufacturers and general trading companies involved in the industry have tried to support growth in the use of paper/board and counter these cycles by restructuring production, distribution, ownership and fibre supply. This restructuring helps protect the flow of fibre through the industry and concentrated it in particular companies. Obtaining increasing quantities of suitably-priced fibre has been at the base of the industry’s development.

Between Activism and Restraint: Institutional Legitimacy, Strategic Decision Making and the Supreme Court of Canada

Radmilovic, Vuk 11 January 2012 (has links)
Over the last couple of decades or so, comparative public law scholars have been reporting a dramatic increase in the power and influence of judicial institutions worldwide. One obvious effect of this “judicialization of politics” is to highlight legitimacy concerns associated with the exercise of judicial power. Indeed, how do courts attain and retain their legitimacy particularly in the context of their increasing political relevance? To answer this question I develop a novel theory of strategic legitimacy cultivation. The theory is developed through an application of the institutionalist branch of the rational choice theory which suggests that institutional structures, rules, and imperatives provide behavioural incentives and disincentives for relevant actors who respond by acting strategically in order to attain favourable outcomes. The theory shows that courts cultivate legitimacy by exhibiting strategic sensitivities to factors operating in the external, political environment. In particular, legitimacy cultivation requires courts to devise decisions that are sensitive to the state of public opinion, that avoid overt clashes and entanglements with key political actors, that do not overextend the outreach of judicial activism, and that employ politically sensitive jurisprudence. The theory is tested in the context of the Supreme Court of Canada through a mixed-method research design that combines a quantitative analysis of a large number of cases, case-study approaches, and cross-policy comparisons. One of the central findings of the dissertation is that understanding judicial institutions and judicial policymaking influence requires taking close accounts of external contexts within which courts operate.

Between Activism and Restraint: Institutional Legitimacy, Strategic Decision Making and the Supreme Court of Canada

Radmilovic, Vuk 11 January 2012 (has links)
Over the last couple of decades or so, comparative public law scholars have been reporting a dramatic increase in the power and influence of judicial institutions worldwide. One obvious effect of this “judicialization of politics” is to highlight legitimacy concerns associated with the exercise of judicial power. Indeed, how do courts attain and retain their legitimacy particularly in the context of their increasing political relevance? To answer this question I develop a novel theory of strategic legitimacy cultivation. The theory is developed through an application of the institutionalist branch of the rational choice theory which suggests that institutional structures, rules, and imperatives provide behavioural incentives and disincentives for relevant actors who respond by acting strategically in order to attain favourable outcomes. The theory shows that courts cultivate legitimacy by exhibiting strategic sensitivities to factors operating in the external, political environment. In particular, legitimacy cultivation requires courts to devise decisions that are sensitive to the state of public opinion, that avoid overt clashes and entanglements with key political actors, that do not overextend the outreach of judicial activism, and that employ politically sensitive jurisprudence. The theory is tested in the context of the Supreme Court of Canada through a mixed-method research design that combines a quantitative analysis of a large number of cases, case-study approaches, and cross-policy comparisons. One of the central findings of the dissertation is that understanding judicial institutions and judicial policymaking influence requires taking close accounts of external contexts within which courts operate.

EU-stadgans tillämplighet på skattetillägg och skattebrott : En fråga om rättssäkerhet? / The EU Charters's applicability on tax surcharge and taxcrime  : A question of legal certainty?

Yeldham, Casey January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Uppsatsen behandlar EU-stadgans tillämplighet på det svenska dubbelförfarandet, påförande av skattetillägg och utdömande av straffrättsliga påföljder vid oriktig uppgift. Framställningen baseras på gällande lagtext vid 1 december 2011, men hänsyn har även tagits till lagförslaget avseende den nya skatteförfarandelagen, SFL, som avses träda i kraft den 1 januari 2012.  Besvarandet av syftet sker ur ett svenskt perspektiv med beaktande av rättssäkerheten för den enskilde. Det klargörs att EU-stadgans ställning innebär att den skall ha företräde framför motstridig nationell rätt. Vidare kan kravet på klart stöd som HD har uppställt för att underkänna det svenska dubbelförfarandet med stöd av Europakonventionen, inte upprätthållas vid EU-stadgans tillämpning. Ett sådant krav skulle strida mot rättssäkerhetskravet på en bestämd rättskällehierarki, och därmed inte tillförsäkra den enskildes rättssäkerhet. Kravet på likabehandling vid rättstillämpningen för att tillförsäkra den enskildes rättssäkerhet innebär dock inte att det föreligger ett krav på EU-stadgans tillämpning i alla mål avseende det svenska dubbelförfarandet vid oriktig uppgift. Detta eftersom det inte finns anledning att anta att HD eller HFD gör en annan bedömning än den HD nyligen har gjort i NJA 2011 s. 444, trots de konkreta unionsrättsliga anknytningarna i målet. Slutligen klargör uppsatsen även att det emellertid finns skäl att anta att EU-domstolen skulle kunna komma att göra en annan bedömning än HD. Mot bakgrund av EU-domstolens uttalande i praxis om medlemstaternas skyldighet att även inom området för direkt beskattning iaktta unionsrätten vid utförande av olika sanktioner, samt medlemsstaternas lojalitetsplikt, anförs det att artikel 50 i EU-stadgan därför bör tillämpas på det svenska dubbelförfarandet vid oriktig uppgift. Likväl föreligger det inget krav på EU-stadgans tillämpning på det svenska dubbelförandet, med hänsyn till den enskildes rättsäkerhet, ur ett svenskt perspektiv. / Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the EU Charter’s applicability on the Swedish double parallel system regarding tax crime and tax surcharge, from a Swedish viewpoint, with consideration for the individual’s requirement for legal certainty. The thesis is based on current law as of the 1st of December 2011, however due account is taken to the new law proposal for the Swedish Tax Assessment/Payment Act, which is expected to be in force on the 1st of January 2012. Also, the thesis clarifies the EU Charter’s supremacy over national law. Furthermore, it is shown that the Swedish Supreme Court’s (HD) requirement for “clear support” in the European Convention to bypass national Swedish law cannot be upheld in respect to the EU Charter, as this would conflict with the requirement for a set legal hierarchy to fulfill the individual’s adequate legal certainty. The Swedish Supreme Court has found that the EU Charter can not be applied to the Swedish double punishment system, regardless of concrete facts in the case being related to EU-law. However, the condition of equal treatment with regards to legal certainty does not result in an absolute requirement for the EU Charter’s applicability on the Swedish system, as there is no evidence that the Swedish Supreme Court will change its assessment of the matter at hand. Nevertheless, it is argued that there is ample reason to believe that the Court of Justice would make a different assessment of the issue, considering the Court’s previous statements with respect to the member states responsibility to regard EU Law even within the field of direct taxation. Therefore, the thesis concludes that although there can be no absolute requirement to apply the EU Charter to the Swedish system, with regards to legal certainty, the EU Charter should nonetheless be applicable.

Creating an elementary charter school: power, negotiations, and an emerging culture of care

Treviño, Ramona Sullivan 28 August 2008 (has links)
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