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Capabilities for inclusion in global supply chainBorges, Marco Antonio Viana 26 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-10-09T12:57:02Z
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MARCO ANTONIO VIANA BORGES_.pdf: 1694587 bytes, checksum: 95e65aed3d2d64c7560ccb296a60162b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-09T12:57:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-05-26 / Nenhuma / To operate in global supply chains, there is need for development of capabilities to integrate different companies, from different countries with diverse cultures, economic and technological level. The semiconductor industry fits into a scenario of global production with a supply chain spread worldwide, seeking cost efficiency, mass production and flexibility. Brazil stands out in the global economy as an emerging country and has promoted public policies and incentives for the competitiveness of semiconductor chain in the country. The guidelines are made by public policies for the development of national production and tax incentives in order to attract foreign companies that are able to produce and develop the capabilities needed to create competitiveness. Considering that Brazil intends to move from a high consumer of microelectronics items to a competitive player in the semiconductor industry, this research aims to analyze what capabilities are needed by companies to become players in a global supply chain. The theoretical framework proposed for this investigation is designed to evaluate capabilities in a global supply chain. It proposes that the upgrading level results from capabilities developed by the companies and also influenced by political and economic factors. Productive, relational and innovative elements compose the set of global supply chain capabilities of this study. The method is descriptive-exploratory, using multiple case studies carried out in four Brazilian design centers. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. NVivo® supported data coding and analyses. The results demonstrate that Brazilian industrial policy affects the development of global supply chain capabilities of the national design houses, especially in terms of organizational and R&D processes. As consequence, the companies developed productive and relational capabilities and most of them are still in a process upgrading level. The development of global market and strengthening of innovative capabilities can lead companies to other upgrading levels and move the design houses up in the semiconductor global chain.
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Motivações para o trabalho voluntário sob a perspectiva do indivíduo: um estudo de caso na ONG Junior AchievementGemelli, Cátia Eli 21 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-10-23T15:07:08Z
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Cátia Eli Gemelli_.pdf: 9903662 bytes, checksum: c5595fa76d22bc19dfdbb013972465f9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-23T15:07:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-05-21 / Nenhuma / O Terceiro Setor surgiu como resposta aos diversos tipos de problemas sociais decorrentes de crises, estruturais e conjunturais e busca atender às necessidades sociais não supridas pelo Estado e nem pelas empresas. As Organizações sem fins lucrativos (ONGs) que constituem esse setor dependem, em grande parte, do voluntariado para a realização das suas atividades. As mudanças nos contextos do mercado de trabalho vivenciadas nas últimas décadas atingem também essas organizações, aumentando a sua preocupação com a atração e a retenção desses voluntários. Para que consigam melhorar o seu processo de recrutamento e ter sucesso na permanência desses indivíduos em atividade, essas organizações precisam conhecer quais são as motivações que os levam à se voluntariarem. Percebeu-se que esses indivíduos se mostram mais satisfeitos e dispostos a permanecerem na atividade voluntária quanto maior a congruência entre as suas expectativas e as experiências reais no trabalho. Diversas ONGs
que possuem projetos de longa duração começaram a identificar em seu grupo de voluntários indivíduos que participaram do projeto como alunos e agora retornam ao mesmo para atuarem como voluntários. Com estas perspectivas, este estudo buscou investigar como as motivações para o trabalho voluntário podem variar entre indivíduos que foram beneficiados por um projeto de ação voluntária durante sua trajetória escolar, em comparação com indivíduos que não vivenciaram esta experiência. A partir da questão de pesquisa e à luz do referencial teórico propôs-se um framework integrando as categorias e considerando todas as dimensões de motivações existentes para a realização do trabalho voluntário: Pessoais, Sociais, Profissionais e Ideológicas. Definiu-se como objeto de estudo o projeto de maior duração desenvolvido no estado do Rio Grande do Sul por uma ONG atuante em todo o país. Para o estudo utilizou-se a metodologia quali-quanti, organizada em duas fases distintas e que alimentavam a etapa subsequente. Na primeira fase, qualitativa, composta por entrevistas e coleta de dados secundários, a pesquisadora procurou compreender o contexto do projeto e identificar o surgimento de novas categorias além daquelas propostas pelo framework. Os resultados serviram como subsídio para a elaboração do instrumento de pesquisa da segunda fase, de caráter quantitativo, na qual se buscou, por meio da análise de correlação bivariada e multivariada, identificar e compreender as possíveis relações entre as motivações do voluntário e a sua participação anterior como beneficiário do projeto. Os resultados demonstram que a participação como beneficiário do projeto não interfere significativamente nas motivações do indivíduo voluntário. Identificou-se porém que a escolaridade tem correlação significativa com direção negativa com algumas subcategorias de motivações. O fator de motivação mais destacado pelos voluntários participantes da pesquisa foi a Reciprocidade, subcategoria proposta pelo framework desenvolvido por esse estudo. / The third sector has emerged as an answer to different kinds of social problems caused by structural critical state and search to meet the social needs that the state doesn’t cover and not even the companies. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that are part of this sector depend on volunteering work to realize their activities. The labor market has suffered changes in its context in the past decades that somehow affected these organizations, increasing their worries with attraction and retention of volunteers. To make the recruiting process better, and to have success in maintaining these individuals in action, these organizations need to know what are the motivations and what was the main reason or reasons that made them to be volunteers. Results have shown that these individuals are more satisfied and willing to keep on their volunteering activities, when their expectations and real experiences are fulfilled. Many NGOs that have long duration projects start identifying in their peer group, individuals that have participated as students in their previous projects and now return as volunteers. With these perspectives, this study searched to investigate how volunteering work motivation can vary among beneficiaries who have participated in a volunteering project during the educational path, in comparison with individuals who have not gone through it. Based on researching and using theoretical background, a framework has been proposed, integrating categories and considering all the dimensions and their motivations to realize the volunteering work: Personal, Social, Professional and Ideology. A project of long duration was chosen as an object of study, developed in Rio Grande do Sul State by a NGO that operates in the whole country. In the study, it was used a qualitative-quantitative approach, organized in two distinct phases able to feed the subsequent phase. The first phase, qualitative, consisting of interviews and secondary data collection, the researcher tried to comprehend the project context and identify the appearance of new categories, besides the ones already proposed by the framework. The results served as subside to create an instrument of researching to the second phase of quantitative character that searched by bivariate and multivariate analysis correlation, identifying and comprehending possible relations between volunteering motivations and their prior participation as beneficiaries of the project. The results have shown that participation as beneficiary of the project doesn’t interfere significantly in the individual’s motivations as volunteer. It was identified that schooling has a significant correlation with negative direction in some subcategories of motivations. Motivation factor more considered by volunteering participants were reciprocation, subcategory proposed by the framework developed to this study.
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O coordenador de curso superior e a autopercepção do PsyCapSilva, Andreia Bonato da 25 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-10-26T11:06:38Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-25 / Nenhuma / Este estudo objetivou analisar a autopercepção de coordenadores de curso superior de IES privadas e comunitárias do RS acerca de seu Capital Psicológico e da capacidade de gera-lo em professores, pares ou alunos. A pesquisa, caracterizada como uma pesquisa de campo, de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, teve como amostra 309 respondentes. Nestes, foi aplicado o PCQ (24), através de survey eletrônica, enviada por e-mail, e realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 10 coordenadores. Como resultados pode-se notar que, a este gestor docente são atribuídas inúmeras atividades operacionais, que fazem com que ele tenha dificuldades em gerir integralmente o curso que coordena. Quanto ao Capital Psicológico, os resultados apontaram para uma média mais alta de autoeficácia nos homens, enquanto otimismo foi mais alto nas mulheres. O tempo de atuação como coordenador não pareceu influenciar nas quatro dimensões do PsyCap, mas o tempo de atuação no meio universitário sim, onde os coordenadores, que estão entre 5 a 10 anos neste, foram os que apresentaram as melhores médias nas quatro dimensões PsyCap. Quanto à capacidade de gerar Capital Psicológico nos professores, através do inventário de incidentes críticos, aplicado na segunda parte da entrevista, ficou claro que os coordenadores, mesmo com uma sobrecarga de envolvimento com processos burocráticos ainda conseguem estimular, além dos professores, também pares e alunos nas quatro dimensões do PsyCap. Estes resultados apontam para uma necessidade de revisão, por parte destas IES, sobre o papel do coordenador de curso superior, pois com o mercado educacional concorrido em virtude de uma oferta de cursos que está maior que a demanda, e as exigências de qualidade estrutural e organizacional requeridas pelo MEC, devem repensar competências, atribuições e poder para este profissional que além de gestor integral do curso que coordena também atua como docente. Sendo assim, a possibilidade de que este venha a atuar efetivamente como um líder, estimulando professores, pares e até mesmo alunos quanto às dimensões do Capital Psicológico, poderá se tornar uma realidade mais frequente, fazendo com que a instituição tenha um ganho em qualidade de gestão educacional e consequente melhoria do desempenho laboral deste profissional e também de seus docentes. / This study is characterized by being a field research of quantitative and qualitative approach, which was conducted with 309 coordinators of private higher education from RS. This research aimed to know the perception of these managers/professors about their Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and the ability to generate it in the professors whom they work with. Thus, the PCQ (24) was applied, through electronic survey sent to participants by email and semi-structured interviews conducted with 10 coordinators. The results show that several operational activities are assigned for the manager/professor that causes him/her to have difficulties to manage the course. As for the Psychological Capital, the results pointed to a higher average in efficacy for men, while optimism was higher in women. The time as coordinator did not appear to influence the four PsyCap dimensions, but the time from experience in the university environment showed that the coordinators, who are between 5-10 years into it, were those with the best average in the four dimensions PsyCap. Regarding the ability to generate Psychological Capital in professors, through the inventory of critical incidents, applied in the second part of the interview, it was clear that the coordinators, even with involvement overload with bureaucratic processes can still stimulate, in addition to teachers, peers and also students in the four dimensions of PsyCap. These results point to a need of review by these IES about the role of higher education coordinator, his/her power, activities and competencies because higher education market is competitive and also because, a provision of courses is greater than the demand and the requirements of structural quality and organizational required by the MEC are higher. Thus, the possibility that the coordinator will come effectively act as a leader, stimulating teachers, pupils and peers in the dimensions of Psychological Capital may become a more frequent occurrence, causing the institution to gain in quality educational management and consequent improvement in work performance of this professional as well as their professors.
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Networks na internacionalização das firmas brasileras de ti: o relacionamento certo, no momento certoTomedi, Afonso Curcio 17 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-11-04T14:42:18Z
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Afonso Curcio Tomedi_.pdf: 1207726 bytes, checksum: 51ea768d9404e9f53df1f211a51f0b15 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-04T14:42:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-17 / Nenhuma / Esta pesquisa analisou como os relacionamentos de negócios, os sociais e os institucionais, localizados no mercado doméstico e externo, influenciam o processo
de internacionalização das firmas de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) brasileiras, em
suas diferentes fases. Para tanto, adotou a tipologia exploratória, com abordagem
qualitativa, e ao fim examinou as firmas amostradas através de seis estudos de casos. Os principais resultados encontrados apuraram que as firmas necessitam dos relacionamentos - principalmente os institucionais no mercado doméstico, em sua fase inicial enquanto que os relacionamentos sociais e os de negócios frequentemente acontecem nas fases secundárias, tanto no mercado doméstico como no externo, quando a firma já experimentou pela primeira vez o movimento de
internacionalização. Os resultados detalham que há uma necessidade das firmas - principalmente as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) - utilizarem os relacionamentos para a internacionalização e sua contínua aplicação, no intuito de criar novas oportunidades de negócios. / This research examined how business relationships, social and institutional, located
in the domestic and foreign market, influence the process of internationalization of
Brazilian Information Technology (IT) firms, in its different phases. For this purpose, it was adopted an exploratory research with qualitative approach, and at the end examined the firms sampled through six case studies. The main findings ascertained
that firms need relationships - mainly institutional at the domestic market, in its initial
phase while social relationships and business often take place in the secondary phases, both domestically and externally when the firm already first experienced the
movement of internationalization. The results detail that there is a need of firms -
mainly Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) – to use relationships for internationalization and its continued application in order to create new business opportunities.
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Responsabilidade social corporativa em redes de suprimentos: um estudo no setor calçadista gaúchoCapecchi, Fabio José 29 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-11-24T11:36:53Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-05-29 / Nenhuma / A presente Tese se propôs a discutir como que a estrutura de relacionamentos interorganizacionais em rede impacta a responsabilidade social corporativa da rede de suprimentos da organização Bibi Calçados LTDA, integrante do setor calçadista Gaúcho, que é situada na cidade de Parobé/RS. A pesquisa tem caráter descritivo, explicativo e exploratório pois, além de descrever como se comporta a estrutura de relacionamentos em rede das organizações do setor calçadista gaúcho a partir da organização Bibi Calçados LTDA, também explica os ponderados impactos que os construtos sintetizados pelo esquema conceitual-teórico proposto por esta Tese exercem sobre o modelo de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) da unidade de análise considerada. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório concomitantemente, pois o fenômeno problematizado que trata dos impactos da estrutura de relacionamentos em rede sobre a RSC ainda não se apresenta na literatura acadêmica com a devida clareza e solidez teórica nem empírica. A metodologia de pesquisa, inicialmente, utiliza-se da identificação e cálculo da métrica de redes centralidade obtidas através de coletas primárias e secundárias junto aos stakeholders fornecedores e clientes da rede produtiva em análise e, por fim, após a obtenção destes dados da rede e das variáveis independentes sintetizadas para este estudo no esquema conceitual-teórico (i.e stakeholders e isomorfismo), o conjunto acumulado de dados foi submetido ao tratamento estatístico de regressão multivariada para que as devidas análises confirmatórias e reflexivas fossem sintetizadas. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que os construtos constituintes da estrutura da rede analisada impactam a RSC de maneira ponderada e portanto, sugere-se que estes construtos sejam incluídos no modelo de RSC tornando-o um modelo teórico com foco além do corporativo intraorganizacional apenas, mas também com foco nas relações interorganizacionais em rede. Como desafio futuro desta linha de pesquisa, propõe-se que aos estudos sobre gestão da responsabilidade social corporativa em redes sejam incorporados a perspectiva da análise de redes sociais pois, a partir desta tipologia de redes, poder-se-á entender atributos qualitativos formais e informais de redes que também impactam a RSC e, por consequência, avançar no conhecimento teórico sobre responsabilidade social corporativa ainda mais. / This thesis proposes to discuss how the organizational network relationships structure impacts the corporate social responsibility of the supply network from the organization Bibi Shoes LTD which is located in the city of Parobé/RS and integrated of Gaucho´s footwear sector. The research is descriptive, explanatory and exploratory because in addition to describe how it behaves in the network relationships structure of the gaucho’s footwear industry organizations from Bibi Shoes LTDA also explains the weighted impact that the constructs synthesized by scheme conceptual-theoretical proposed by this thesis have on the model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) considered the unit of analysis. It is an exploratory study concurrently because the questioned phenomenon that deals with the impacts of networked relationships of structure on CSR still does not appear in the academic literature with proper clarity and theoretical soundness or empirical. The search methodology, initially, it uses the identification and calculation of centrality networks metric obtained by primary and secondary collections stakeholders with suppliers and customers of the production network analysis and finally, after obtaining these data from the network, and the independent variables for this study summarized in the conceptual-theoretical scheme (i.e. stakeholders and isomorphism), the accumulated data set was submitted to statistical analysis of multivariate regression for the necessary confirmatory and reflective analysis were synthesized. The results showed that the constituents constructs of network structure impact the CSR weighted manner and therefore it is suggested that these constructs are included in the CSR model making it a theoretical model focusing beyond the corporate intraorganizational only, but also focusing in network interorganizational relationships. As future chalenge of this line of research, it is proposed that the studies on management of corporate social responsibility in corporate networks inlcude the tipology of social network analysis because, from this perspective networks, will be able to be construed formal and informal qualitatives attributes networks that also impact CSR and therefore advance in the theoretical knowledge of corporate social responsibility even more.
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O desenvolvimento de competências de liderança em mundos virtuais tridimensionais: o caso do metaverso second lifeFreitas Junior, José Carlos da Silva 20 June 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-12-23T15:17:52Z
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JOSÉ CARLOS DA SILVA FREITAS JUNIOR_.pdf: 1856112 bytes, checksum: 9fc67c12cc99a6274f5c973297732dcb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-23T15:17:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-20 / Nenhuma / O desenvolvimento da liderança nos administradores de empresas tem sido buscado desde sua formação profissional. Acredita-se que o metaverso, denominação para mundo digital virtual tridimensional, aparece como uma alternativa para tanto, pois ele possui recursos capazes de permitir que o indivíduo se depare com um contexto bem próximo à realidade, podendo desenvolver suas competências na ação (ZARIFIAN, 2001; LE BOTERF, 2003). Nesse sentido, a questão de pesquisa que a presente dissertação pretende responder é: “Como o metaverso pode ser utilizado como um ambiente para o desenvolvimento da competência de liderança no Ensino Superior em Administração?” O pesquisador buscou seguir proposições, que seriam possíveis respostas a esta questão tais como, o uso de metaversos colabora positivamente para o desenvolvimento da competência de liderança ao possibilitar a simulação de situações reais de trabalho, nas quais essa competência pode ser desenvolvida, experiências essas que não seriam possíveis em outros contextos presencial ou virtualmente; e, ao possibilitar um ambiente virtual com recursos ricos para interação entre líderes e liderados. O contexto desta pesquisa foi o Curso de Gestão para Inovação e Liderança (GIL) da Universidade do Vale dos Sinos (UNISINOS), e o método de pesquisa adotado foi a pesquisa baseada em design (Design Research), por meio da qual se buscou desenhar um método de capacitação para o desenvolvimento de liderança no metaverso Second Life. Inicialmente, o referencial teórico dá conta dos seguintes temas: competências, liderança e metaverso. Após o estudo teórico, foram realizados encontros virtuais com as discussões e aplicações do método desenvolvido. Chegando ao final desta trajetória pode-se responder a questão de pesquisa, ao se observar que as capacidades do metaverso trabalhado propiciam a interação, a comunicação, a colaboração, dentre outras percepções por parte dos alunos, chamadas affordances educacionais do metaverso utilizado, as quais oportunizaram o desenvolvimento de atributos de liderança como: a tomada de decisão, resiliência, dentre outras. Assim, tem-se como principais contribuições deste trabalho, o avanço no estudo teórico dos temas pesquisados e o próprio artefato, que se traduz em um método que pode vir a ser replicado e/ou aperfeiçoado por outros pesquisadores. / Managers´ leadership development has been targeted by them since their graduation. In this context, three dimensional (3D) Virtual Worlds, also known as metaverses, can be considered as an alternative that can contribute to this, because it has features that can allow users to live lifelike situations, which allows them to develop their competences in action (ZARIFIAN, 2001; LE BOTERF, 2003). In this sense, the research question that this dissertation aims to answer is: "How metaverses might be used as an environment for the development of leadership skills in business administration higher education?” The researcher followed some propositions that were possible answers to this question, such as the use of metaverses positively contributes to the development of leadership competency by enabling the simulation of real work situations, considering experiences that would not be possible to be lived in other contexts neither face to face nor virtually, and by enabling a virtual environment with rich resources for interaction between leaders and their followers. This research was developed in the Business Administration Graduation course named Management for Innovation and Leadership at Universidade do Vale dos Sinos (UNISINOS). The method used in this study was the Design Research that aimed to design an educational method for leadership development inside the metaverse Second Life. Initially, the following topics were studied in the literature: competency, leadership and metaverses. After this, we performed virtual meetings during the application of the Design Research method. After finishing research activicties, the research question can be answered by observing the affordances of the metaverse that provides interaction, communication, collaboration, among other perceptions by students. These affordances help to promote the development of leadership attributes, such as: decision-making, resilience, among others. Finally, the main contributions of this research was a deeper theoretical study of the issues of competency, leadership and metaverses, and the leadership educational method developed during this study that might be replicated and/or improved by other researchers or practioners.
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Gestão estratégica de marca em redes interorganizacionaisSeghesio, Eduardo Prolo 24 March 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-02-19T15:17:22Z
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Previous issue date: 2008-03-24 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O fato das empresas, sobretudo de pequeno e médio porte, estarem cada vez mais agindo de forma cooperada, torna a utilização de estratégias coletivas uma forma de transpor obstáculos impostos pelas hostilidades do mercado, tais como limitações de competitividade frente às grandes empresas. As redes interorganizacionais têm se apresentado como uma forma organizacional alternativa para as empresas na busca de uma maior competitividade. Nos últimos anos, diversas novas redes foram formadas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, bem como diversas novas marcas comerciais surgiram fruto dessa união de empresas. Assim sendo, o objetivo dessa pesquisa é analisar o papel da cooperação entre empresas no processo de gestão estratégica de marca em redes. No intuito de alcançar esse objetivo foram realizados dois estudos de caso em redes interorganizacionais, formadas por empresas de pequeno e médio porte, localizadas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e inseridas no setor do comércio varejista. Dessa forma, durante o ano de 2007 foram realizadas 12 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com pessoas-chave da Rede Construir (associação de empresas de materiais de construção) e da Redefort (associação de empresas supermercadistas). Os resultados foram analisados qualitativamente e entre as principais conclusões destacam-se que a gestão de marca coletiva pode gerar uma série de resultados positivos para as empresas participantes desse processo de cooperação, como por exemplo o aumento de visibilidade e credibilidade, além do alcance de uma instância competitiva mais forte. / The fact that enterprises, specially the small and medium ones, are acting more and more in the cooperated form, makes the use of collective strategies a way of transposing obstacles imposed by the hostilities of the market, such as limitations of competitiveness front big enterprises. The interorganizational networks have been presented as an alternative organizational form for the enterprises in search of a higher competitiveness. In the last years, several new networks were formed in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as several new brands appeared as a result of this union of enterprises. So, the objective of this inquiry is to analyze the role of the cooperation between enterprises in the process of strategic management of brands in networks. Aiming to reach this objective two case studies were carried out in interorganizational networks, formed by enterprises of small and medium size, located in the State of Rio Grande do Sul and inserted in the sector of the retail commerce. Therefore, during the year of 2007 there were carried out 12 semi-structured interviews were carried out with key persons from Rede Construir (building materials enterprises association) and from Redefort (grocer enterprises association). The results were analyzed qualitatively and among the main conclusions were detached that the management of collective brands can produce a series of positive results for the participant enterprises of this cooperation process, like for example the increase of visibility and credibility, not to mention the reach of a stronger competitive instance.
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Quem colocou sal na minha água?: compreendendo a formação do consumidor responsávelVarga, Gabrielle da Motta 31 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-04-25T17:15:00Z
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Gabrielle da Motta Varga_.pdf: 2301374 bytes, checksum: f116d643a4c013d95c4db6621d56ccf9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T17:15:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-31 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho tem como objetivo central buscar a compreensão do surgimento de um novo consumidor. Trata-se de um consumidor responsável que atua como agente ativo, articulando recursos e discursos culturais que impactam em mudanças no mercado. A compreensão deste fenômeno foi possível através de um contexto específico, onde consumidores do Rio Grande do Sul passaram a boicotar a marca de água mineral Crystal, que faz parte do portfólio da Coca Cola. Mais do que apenas resistir, este movimento de resistência emergido da própria sociedade implicou em mudanças no mercado, tais quais adoção de um novo critério para o processo de decisão de compra de água mineral, redução do domínio da Coca Cola nos canais de distribuição e criação de novo critério de diferenciação de marca dentro do mercado. Para estudar o fenômeno é seguida uma abordagem interpretativista. A estratégia de coleta de dados adotada pelo estudo foi multimétodo, buscando reunir informações oriundas de diferentes atores com o objetivo de ganhar uma compreensão mais ampla acerca do fenômeno. Foram realizadas entrevistas com quatro públicos diferentes: consumidores, canais de venda, engarrafadora e experts. A pesquisa documental utilizou fontes como jornal impresso, dados de rede social, televisão, websites, blogs, fotografias, entre outros. Todos os dados foram reunidos e analisados através da combinação de duas técnicas: análise de conteúdo e análise de discurso. Os resultados apontam evidências do surgimento de um consumidor responsável oriundo de um movimento de resistência que teve sua origem dentro da própria sociedade, em um movimento bottom-up. Foi identificado também o importante papel da moralidade na criação de um cenário propício para o surgimento de movimentos de resistência e como instrumento fundamental dentro da argumentação do sujeito consumidor. / This study aims to comprehend the emerging of a new consumer. The consumer concerned is a responsible one that acts as an active actor, articulating cultural resources and speeches that impact and cause changes in the market. The understanding of this phenomenon was possible due to a specific context, where consumers in Rio Grande do Sul started boycotting the mineral water brand Crystal, which is part of Coca Cola’s portfolio. More than simply resist, this resistance movement emerged from the society itself led to changes in the market, such as the adoption of new criteria to the purchase decision process of mineral water, reduction of Coca Cola’s dominance in the distribution channels and the establishment of new criteria to differentiate the brands in the market. In order to study this phenomenon it was follow an interpretative approach. The data collection strategy embraced by the study was the multi-method, seeking to gather information from different actors aiming to a broader comprehension concerning the phenomenon. Interviews were conducted with four different publics: consumers, sales channels, bottler and experts. The documental research was carried out using sources such as printed newspaper, data from social network, television, websites, blogs, photographs, among others. All data was pooled and analyzed by combining two techniques: content analysis and discourse analysis. The results point to evidence of the emerging of a responsible consumer coming from a resistance movement that had its origin inside the society itself, in a bottom-up movement. It has been also identified the important role of morality in the creation of a particularly suitable scenario for the emerging of resistance movements and as a fundamental argumentation instrument by the subject consumer.
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Sourcing decision: a behavioral perspective, a replication of david hall tesesWeber, Deisi Luana Diel 10 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-05-02T17:58:26Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-12-10 / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / This research presents an investigation about the decision-making process regarding Make or Buy, trying to understand which variables most influence this decision to insource some activities, to outsource others, or to better estimate a percentage to combine both. The dependent variable on our research is the behavioral decision-making process, measuring the influence received by cost, quality, and monitoring. Trying to understand if differences between these independent variables influence how managers make their decision in the context of insource or outsource production. In order to test this model empirically, an experiment research was conducted, on the basis of eight different scenarios, which simulate a purchasing decision situation ranging the variables costs, quality, and monitoring of suppliers between High and Low, to understand the relationship of these constructs with the decision-making process of Brazilian managers. It was performed with a sample of 211 students from the Production Engineer course at Universidade do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos). The data was analyzed using statistical technique ANOVA. The results demonstrate that managers consider cost variation to decide about how much to internalize and how much to outsource. They change their choices when quality is higher in their suppliers than inside the company. They also evaluate manager capability to control costs over their suppliers and on their process inside the company. However, they do not change their sourcing decision due to supplier’s monitoring variation, neither when quality monitoring is considered. This issue was already addressed in Hall’s study (2012) conducted in the United States. Thus, we decided to replicate his in Brazil in order to check if in a different environment, with other economic, politic, social, and regulatory situation, the manager will change their decisions. Nevertheless, after comparing both studies, we realize that the same hypothesis was supported in both studies, what means that even in another context the same variables are considered to base managers sourcing decision.
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Validation of a survey instrument for measurement of institutional and psychological drivers that influence manager outsourcing decisionMachado, Giovanni Bohn 10 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-05-02T18:26:38Z
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Giovanni Bohn Machado_.pdf: 709884 bytes, checksum: 158aa78cbb0c4777d402b3995177f6a6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-02T18:26:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-12-10 / Nenhuma / Outsourcing is a reality in the globalized world. In Brazil, it was recently approved by the National Congress the so-called "law of outsourcing," which in practice defines more flexible rules for organizations to outsource their core activity – something that used to be prohibited. This flexibility can lead organizations to obtain competitive advantage due to the costs associated with the outsourcing tending to be lower. However, there are issues relating to the products quality and services that must be taken when the decision is taken by managers. The outsourcing decision is still less explored in the academic environment. The majority of studies related to decision-making tend to analyze institutional and cognitive issues differently. However, there are few studies correlating the two areas, when taking into consideration the behavioral aspects of the individual and the institutional structure of their organizations. The present research aims to validate a research instrument that aims to measure the institutional and behavioral variables that influence outsourcing decision. A survey was performed through a questionnaire composed of 75 questions capable of measuring five major constructs: locus of control, monitoring practices, bandwagon effect for outsourcing, cost and quality dynamics and perception of cost and quality mandate. The instrument was created by Ph.D. David Caleb Hall from Wright State University in the United States. A sample of 204 respondents was collected. Statistical tests were performed to validate the scale, among them, convergent validity tests such as the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), composite reliability (CR), Cronbach's alpha (CA), average variance extracted (AVE). Also, tests were performed to check the discriminant validity. The general results partially achieved the goal of this work. More than 50% of the questions had to be eliminated, as a result of sampling error, little experience of the participants in the situations described, problems in understanding of the issues, institutional issues, and personality trait of the respondents.
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