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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

運用民力協助警察勤務機構執行勤務之調查研究報告 / Using public power enhance the police duties

吳世偉, Shin-Wei Wu January 1900 (has links)
現今正面臨警界大退休潮,約有近1萬多名警察將於民國106年前退休,以警專及特考班、警大畢業生,自民國101年起,一年2700人左右遞補,亦恐緩不濟急,以本人所服務之芳苑分局為例,民國103年度總編制名額為280名員警,目前僅剩247員額,民國100至103年退休名額30餘人至今仍無法獲得補足,再以芳苑分局偏遠派出所為例,如漢寶、永安、路上派出所編制員額才10名,總而言之,就整整少掉3個派出所警力,必須抽調其它繁重派出所警力暫時補充,以利調度,長期以來,若無法迅速獲得補齊,將對治安形成相當大的隱憂,芳苑分局所轄含二林鎮、竹塘鄉、芳苑鄉、大城鄉(82村里分居於12個分駐(派出)所,轄區面積有294.15平方公里,人口數12萬4328人,如何在警力未補齊之際,運用現有民力,如義警、民防、社區巡守隊協助警察共同維護轄區治安,實為當務之急。常言道警力有限,民力無窮,隨著社會結構的變遷,警察機關必須重新設定與變革化的制度,以適應新的時代的潮流與社會環境需求,而協勤民力運用已是西方先進國家防治犯罪政策的趨勢。本研究為瞭解運用協勤民力協助警察機關之執勤成效,而針對協勤民力人員與警察人員對於協勤認知、相互間認知的差異及執行成效的成果來進行研討分析,藉以發現問題與提出解決策略,俾供政府部門今後運用民力的施政參考,有助警察機關高階領導人決策制定及整體策略前瞻性思維。且協勤民力參與警察勤務執行不但能協助警察處理各項煩瑣的問題,且有助於社會治安與秩序的改善移風易俗及提升擴大警察對民眾服務面向,同時也是人力資源的充分開發,就協勤民力個人而言,也是個人人生最意義的追求,能促使社會變遷的力量是一種善的循環,實現公平正義的社會理想,進而追求世界大同的終極目標。 / Recently, the police force is seeing a wave of retirement. More than 10,000 police officers are about to be retired before 2017. From 2012, about 2700 graduates from Taiwan Police College and Central Police University and special test class replenish into the police force each year. However, supply does not meet demands. Take the FangYuan precinct which I served in for example: there should be 280 policemen in 2012, however, there are only 247 policemen. The 30 retirees during 2011 to 2014 have yet to be replaced. Remote police stations such as HanBao, YongAn and RuShang police station each have only 10 policemen. In other words, a shortage of 30 policemen is equivalent to losing three police stations. This shortage of officers has forced the precinct to deploy police force from busier police stations to replenish those in remote areas. If these vacancies remain unfilled for a long time, it will cause difficulties in fighting crime. The jurisdiction of FangYuan precint includes Erlin, ZhuTang, FangYuan, DaCheng. 12 police stations are distributed in a total of 82 villages. The area of jurisdiction is 294.15km2 and the population is 124K. How to use the existing resources (Volunteered police, community patrol team, civil defence) to help maintain the public safety during the time of shortage in police force is a priority. Police force is limited, but the civil power is infinite. With the changes in the social structure, police need to reassess and fix their rigid system in order to adapt to new social needs and the trend of times. How to use the civil power is the trend of western advanced countries’ crime prevention policy. The purpose of this research is to understand the effect of using the civil power in helping police. The different views towards helping with police tasks posed by the civil power and police will be analyzed to find problems and develop solutions. The research will serve for future reference for the government and aid leaders of the government and leaders of the police to establish policies. The participation of civil power not only can help police handle the business but also contribute to the public safety maintenance and expand the service of police. It is also an effective use of human resources. For people contributing to civil power, it is the pursuit of the meaning of life, because to promote social change is a cycle of goodness and realization of ideals of social justice. It is a step towards the ultimate goal of universal brotherhood. / 摘要 i Subject ii 謝誌 iii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 6 第三節 研究的範圍與限制 8 第四節 研究章節安排與架構 9 第五節 研究流程 10 第二章 協勤民力理論基礎與文獻探討 11 第一節 志願服務 11 第二節 公民參與 17 第三節 公部門運用志願服務組織相關理論 19 第四節 國外協勤民力協勤現況 30 第五節 彰化縣警察局協勤民力組織概述及協勤成效 32 第三章 研究方法 46 第一節 研究架構 46 第二節 研究對象 49 第三節 研究工具 54 第四章 研究結果與分析 64 第一節 警察人員基本資料分析 64 第二節 協勤民力人員基本資料分析 68 第三節 警察人員對於協勤民力工作看法分析 74 第四節 協勤民力人員對於協勤工作的看法分析 79 第五節 警察人員及協勤民力人員特性差異分析 84 第六節 警察人員及協勤民力人員對民力協勤的認知差異分析 103 第五章 結論與建議 107 第一節 研究結論 107 第二節 建議 116 第三節 文獻回顧及研究貢獻 122 參考文獻 124

En säker dricksvattenförsörjning : Vad krävs för att skapa en robust verksamhet? / Safe drinking water : What is needed to create a robust operation?

Room, Hannah January 2021 (has links)
Vatten är en av de viktigaste tillgångarna vi har och är en förutsättning för att samhället ska kunna fungera. Det moderna samhället lämnar oss sårbara på flera nivåer där dricksvattenproduktionen hotas av åtskilliga typer av risker såsom vattenbrist, klimatförändringar och krig. För att kunna säkerställa tillgången på dricksvatten måste området förstärkas för att kunna skapa en robust verksamhet samt implementera säkerhet i ett långsiktigt perspektiv. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad det innebär för kommuner att höja standarden inom dricksvattenförsörjningen och det civila försvaret, samt vad som förväntas uppnås av kommunen i arbetet med att säkra tillgången till dricksvatten utifrån regeringens målsättning. För att kunna besvara syftet har studien tagit avstamp utifrån tre frågeställningar som fokuserat på vad det innebär för kommunen att arbeta med att förstärka dricksvattenförsörjningen, vilka målsättningarna är samtriskuppfattningar kring dricksvattensverksamheten. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fallstudie som design. Under studien har åtta personer intervjuats som på olika nivåer arbetar med dricksvattenförsörjning och beredskap. Urvalet av deltagare är avsiktligt för att uppnå bredd och djup i material. Den insamlade datan har transkriberats och analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Deltagarna i studien uppfattar utmaningen och hoten mot dricksvattenförsörjningen på olika sätt. De upplever att detta påverkar arbetet med att nå en långsiktighet i arbetet med att trygga dricksvattenförsörjningen, samt att det är diffust vad som verkligen är målsättningen i kommunernas arbete. Kommunernas förutsättningar att kunna bygga upp det civila försvaret och skapa en säker dricksvattenverksamhet bygger på att regeringen förser dem med konkreta riktlinjer samt ekonomiska medel för att kunna ta fram beredskapsplaner och nödvattenberedskap. Att kommunerna ska kunna nå upp till vissa målbilder som skapats på högre nivåer är idag inte realistisktutifrån de olika förutsättningarna de har. Arbetet med att skapa ett starkt civilt försvar och en säker dricksvattenförsörjning kommer att kräva stora resursinvesteringar både när det kommer till infrastruktur, IT och kompentensutveckling. / Water is one of the most important resources we have and it is a prerequisite for society in order to function. Modern society leaves us vulnerable on several levels where drinking water production isthreatened by several types of risks such as water shortages, climate change and war. In order to ensure the supply of drinking water, the operation must be strengthened to create a robust operation and implement safety in a long-term perspective. The purpose of the study was to investigate what it means to raise the standard in drinking water supply and civil defense and also what is expected to be achieved by the municipality in the work to secure access to drinking water based on government goals. In order to be able to answer the purpose, the study has been based on three issues that have focused on what it means for the municipalities to work to strengthen the drinking water supply, what the objectives are and also the riskperceptions regarding the drinking water business. The study is a qualitative interview study with a case study as a design. During the study, eight people were interviewed who at different levels work with drinking water supply and emergency preparedness,the selection of participants is intentional to achieve width and depth in material. The collected data has been transcribed and analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The participants in the study perceive the challenge and threats to the drinking water supply in different ways. They feel that this affects the work of achieving a long-term perspective in the work of securing the drinking water supply and that it is unclear what the goal in the municipalities' work really is. The municipalities' ability to building civil defense and creating safe drinking water operations is based on the government providing them with concrete guidelines and financial means to be able to produce contingency plans and emergency water preparedness. That the municipalities should be able to reach certain target images that exist from higher levels is today not realistic based on the different conditions they have. The work of creating a strong civil defense and a secure drinking water supply will require large resource investments both when it comes to infrastructure, IT and skills development.

To be one step ahead: A survey of Swedish municipal food preparedness / Att vara ett steg i förväg: En undersökning av svenska kommuners livsmedelsberedskap

Andersson, Robin January 2022 (has links)
Officials of varying backgrounds from a sample of nine municipalities in Sweden were interviewed in a semi-structured format regarding the state of their work on food preparedness, challenges and opportunities for working on said topic, as well as the relation between municipalities and national actors related to civil defence. A vast majority of Swedish municipalities were contacted, and the final interviewees were hand-picked from a group of candidates that accepted a request for an interview. A selection process was used that favoured geographic dispersion throughout Sweden as well as diversity in population densities to capture experiences, perspectives and unique conditions from as diverse of a sample as possible. The results showed that, among other findings, unclear instructions exist regarding legal responsibilities for ensuring food preparedness exist, what level of food preparedness is expected and how municipalities can work on improving it, sometimes also limited by financial and personnel constraints. These governance issues in turn have an impact on overall societal resilience in the case of crises, threatening long-term sustainability through the ability to respond to and recuperate after sudden disruptive, societal events. The Swedish Government and its agencies are recognized, both by municipalities and other actors, as needing to give this field increased attention and take decisive policy steps in order to improve food preparedness nationwide and to fulfil the goals of the Swedish civil defence. Steps suggested by the interviewees include explicit and direct instructions to municipalities and other actors on what needs to be achieved, adequate levels of funding toward increasing food preparedness capacity at all levels of government, and reconsidering the national government’s own role in ensuring a sufficient supply of food during peacetime, heightened state of alert and wartime.

Active women within the "Passive Defence" : The renegotiation of women’s roles for the Civil defence during the national preparedness in Sweden, 1939-1945

Aloul Nord, Filistin January 2022 (has links)
During the national preparedness in Sweden, 1939-1945, the new dimensions of the “Total war” pushed for a build-up of a Civil defence that could help to reduce effects on the civil population if Sweden were put under attack. This thesis poses the question of how women’s roles in the Civil defence were motivated and driven by the state and women’s defence organisations. It aims to further give knowledge to how social and economic constraints have shaped renegotiation processes of women’s roles in times of national crisis. It finds that the state and women´s defence organisations both evoked and dismissed women’s engagement in the Civil defence. Women were expected to contribute to specific assignments but were not admitted and obliged to the duties on the same terms as men. Women’s roles in the Civil defence changed over time; this can be derived from the increased threat of war and the augmented pressure to provide reserve labour to industries and the defence.

När militarisering mötte välfärdsstat : Beredskapsplaneringen av svensk sjukvård 1950–1985 / When warfare met welfare : Swedish contingency planning of healthcare in war during the period 1950 to 1985

Skriveus, Gerhard January 2023 (has links)
This paper studies when warfare meets welfare in the Swedish contingency planning of healthcare in war during the period 1950 to 1985 with the aim of analysing how the planning changed, what caused these changes and how this can be linked to societal changes in the post-war Sweden. The analysis is carried out with the help of a self-adapted stakeholder model where first the change in planning and management is analysed and then seeks causal explanations for the key changes based on three military and three civilian drivers. The starting point for civilian contingency planning for health care in war was the Civil Air Protection investigation (SOU 1936:57). The investigation found that the need for civilian hospitalcare in war had changed because total war had blurred the boundaries between military and civilian health care. The report therefore proposed that a joint plan for hospital care in war should be established. The base of the new organization was the emergency hospitals, which were largely existing healthcare facilities, given that name in a war situation. To recreate wartime planning for health care, a Health Care Preparedness Board (Swe:Sjukvårdsberedskapsnämnden) was established in 1948 responsible for planning of health care in wartime. There were three major turning points in the planning. In 1950 based on experience from the conventional bombing wars of World War II, in 1959 based on the increasingly powerful nuclear weapons and in 1969 due to Sweden ceasing to plan total defence for a nuclear war. The consequences of the first two redesigns involved the wartime establishment of hundreds of small emergency hospitals outside the city centres, while from 1969 the large peacetime hospitals returned as the core of wartime health care. The 1970s and 1980s were characterized by a decentralization of responsibility of planning and wartime management from the state to the county councils (Swe: landstingen). The main causes for the turning points were the development of nuclear weapons and the expansion of the welfare state. The impact of nuclear weapons is demonstrated by the fact that there is a start and an end to the nuclear phase of planning. The expansion of the welfare state meant that the role of the county councils over 30 years went from carrying out orders from the state and the armed forces to controlling both management and planning and where the military's right toissue wartime directives was abolished. This can be explained by the expansion of health care during the same period and the increased power of the county councils that came with the expansion.The study shows that the militarization of Swedish civilian society was strong up until about 1970, but then rapidly declined and it was increasingly the armed forces that had to adapt to the structure and requirements of the peacetime health care rather than the other way around. Again,the reason for this shift is the significant expansion of the welfare state and the peacetime healthcare system, which shifted both economic and political power away from the military to the civilian health care system.

Private-Public Collaboration in Sweden’s Civil Preparedness

Heidenfors Armblad, Victor January 2024 (has links)
Recent developments in Sweden’s security policy have prompted the rearmament of the total defence. The total defence comprises both military and civil defence. The civil defence, in conjunction with crisis preparedmess, forms Sweden’s civil preparedness. However, the civil preparedness has been assessed as inadequate in meeting the requirements arising from recent developments in external security policy. Additionally, Sweden’s imminent NATO membership imposes further requirements on civil preparedness. The operational activities within civil preparedness are predominantly carried out by private entities, necessitating private-public collaboration. Nevertheless, existing regulations and competing interests pose substantial obstacles to sustained and iterative collaboration. This thesis employs a comparative nested case study, analysing two sectors of operations coordinated by the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority. These sectors demonstrate varying degrees of collaboration in civil preparedness. By utilizing Emerson & Nabatchi’s (2015) collaborative governance theory, this thesis identifies that drivers prompting collaboration play a significant role. Specifically, legal and policy frameworks are assessed to be the most crucial factor. The cases exhibit unique characteristics, thereby providing a reasonable test the of collaborative governance theory’s eligibility. This thesis acknowledges certain limitations in the theoretical assumptions due to technological advancements. Consequently, further assessment of the theory is encouraged, as it may require refinement to adequately address new forms of incentives for collaboration resulting from emerging threats.

Kommunernas roll, funktion och ansvar i det svenska totalförsvaret : En studie ur ett resiliensperspektiv / The role, function, and responsibility of municipalities in the Swedish total defence : A study from a resilience perspective

Gulbransgård, Annie January 2024 (has links)
This thesis aims to study the role, function, and responsibility of municipalities in the Swedish total defence during periods of heightened preparedness. The method used in this thesis is a qualitative text analysis, and the material consists of public documents from state actors. The research question formulated is as follows: What role, function, and responsibility are municipalities expected to have within the future total defence during periods of heightened preparedness? To answer the research question, resilience has been used as a theoretical framework. The results show that municipalities are expected to take on a proactive role by working with anticipation and identification, as well as by preventing, mitigating, and preparing for crises. Additionally, municipalities are expected to have an adaptive capability and act reactively by implementing measures and restoring society to normalcy. Furthermore, although the concept of resilience is not explicitly mentioned in the analyzed documents, it is evident that municipalities are expected to have a role, function, and responsibility characterized by resilience within the framework of future total defence. By contributing new knowledge and insights in this area, the study aims to fill the knowledge gaps that previous research has not addressed, while also aspiring to provide ideas for further research and development in the field of total defence and municipal resilience.

Vem tar hand om barnen vid höjd beredskap? En kvalitativ undersökning om förskollärares syn på sin roll inom totalförsvaret och deras försvarsvilja / Who is taking care of the children at heightened state of alert? A qualitative study on preschool teachers view of their role in the total defence and their willingness to defend one’s own country

Lahti, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att studera hur förskollärare upplever sin roll inom totalförsvaret och hur deras försvarsvilja ser ut. Totalt har tio förskollärare intervjuats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och en tematisk analys utfördes på intervjumaterialet. Detta resulterade i två teman och sju subteman som redogör för gynnsamma samt ogynnsamma aspekter för förskollärares syn på sin roll inom totalförsvaret och deras försvarsvilja. Slutsatserna från denna studie var att förskollärare anser att de har en viktig roll inom totalförsvaret och att det finns en hög försvarsvilja. Studien visar dock att kunskapen och informationen om vad deras roll innebär är bristande, inte bara internt utan även stort i samhället och att ledare utgör en viktig roll i att sprida den kunskapen. Slutligen visadestudien på att den mest ogynnsamma aspekten är det som står oss närmast - familjen. Behovet att skydda sin egen familj och veta att den är trygg är det viktigaste och det visar i sig hur viktig förskolan är som aktör inom det civila försvaret för att tillgodose det behovet. / The aim of this study was to study how preschool teachers perceive their role within the total defence and what their willingness to defend one’s own country looks like. A total of tenpreschool teachers have been interviewed through semi-structured interviews and the interview material has been data-processed through a thematic analysis. This resulted in two themes and seven subthemes that included favorable and unfavorable aspects of preschool teachers view of their role in total defence and their willingness to defend. The conclusions of this study were that preschool teachers think that they have an important role in the total defence and that there is a high willingness to defend, but that the knowledge and information about what their role entails is lacking, not only internally but also widely in society and that leaders plays an important role to spread this knowledge. Finally this study shows that the most unfavorable aspect, for the willingness to defend one’s country, is what we have closestto us - the family. The need to protect the own family is the most important thing and that itself shows how important preschool is as an actor in the civil defence.

Drivmedelsförsörjning – En interorganisatorisk möjlighet eller utmaning : ”Det är det som är i tanken som räknas”

Hedlöf, Jonas, Lenngren, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka förutsättningarna för det militära försvaret att kunna försörjas med drivmedel från näringslivet under ett väpnat angrepp. Vi har genomfört undersökningen utifrån dagens totalförsvarsförmåga som är under uppbyggnad sedan ett antal år tillbaka.Genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie med representanter från Försvarsmakten, utvalda bevakningsansvariga myndigheter och näringslivet undersökte vi om det finns en vilja och förutsättningar hos de aktörer vi identifierat som avgörande.Vi tillämpade en analysmetod inspirerad av grundad teori och identifierade de förhållanden som råder inom och mellan våra undersökningsenheter. Analysen leder till ett resultat som vi bekräftar med flera befintliga organisatoriska och interorganisatoriska teorier.Våra slutsatser är att det trots stora skillnader mellan undersökningsenheternas egenskaper, ändå finns goda förutsättningar inom och mellan dem, för att uppnå ett gemensamt mål. Däremot saknas andra yttre förutsättningar främst i form av mandat och regelverk som skulle reglera ansvar och uppgifter inom totalförsvaret. / The aim of this thesis, is to investigate the conditions for the Swedish Military Defence Force to incorporate support from the Business sector. The study focusses on the provision of fuel from business sector in the event of an armed attack.Our thesis is conducted from current military and civil defence capabilities, which have been under reconstruction for a couple of years.By conducting a qualitative interview study with representatives from the Swedish Armed Forces, selected Public Agencies and the Business sector, we investigated if there is a will and identified preconditions and factors that we deem crucial for success.We applied a method of the analysis inspired by Grounded Theory and search for factors that can affect the different actors in this study. Results lead to different theories that are supported by existing organisational and inter organisational theories.Our conclusions are that in spite of great differences between the different actors’ properties, there are still good expectations within and between the actors to reach a common goal. However, at present there are limiting factors preventing exploring the position, such as the requirement for mandates and regulations to regulate responsibilities and tasks within, and between the military and the civilian defence.


FIORELLI, ALESSANDRA 23 June 2015 (has links)
L’interesse a realizzare un approfondimento delle responsabilità penali connesse al fallimento delle attività di protezione civile sorge in connessione all’incremento di procedimenti penali a carico di operatori della Protezione Civile. Collocato l’obiettivo primario nella individuazione delle condizioni di dichiarazione della responsabilità, inquadrato il fenomeno di flessibilizzazione delle categorie penalistiche emerso nella prassi giudiziaria in risposta al bisogno sociale di sicurezza, l’indagine si snoda attraverso due aree tematiche idealmente suddivise, volte alla ricostruzione della disciplina dedicata alla P.C. e alla descrizione dei criteri di affermazione della responsabilità, secondo un approccio per problematiche che segue l’incedere dell’accertamento. Quale trait d’union il rischio, elemento trasversale dell’intera analisi, è oggetto delle attività di protezione civile da un lato, fattore di distorsione delle categorie penalistiche in funzione espansiva della responsabilità dall’altro, manifestazione della necessità di scindere la visuale prospettica della funzione di valutazione e gestione del rischio da quella di giudizio sul fallimento dell’attività previsionale. Le soluzioni prospettate, calate nella realtà giudiziaria attraverso l’analisi critica del procedimento sul terremoto dell’Aquila, si muovono in un’ottica di equilibrio tra opposti valori di sicurezza e libertà, in vista di una tutela penale che, se non può a priori essere esclusa, deve situarsi entro confini imposti dalle garanzie penalistiche. / The interest in realizing an in-depth analysis of the criminal responsibilities related to the failure of the activities of civil defence arises from the increase in criminal proceedings against workers of the Civil Defence. Given the phenomenon of versatility of the elements of crime risen from the social need for safety, the main purpose of the investigation is the identification of the conditions of statement of responsibility. The investigation is divided in two thematic areas intended to remodel the legislation of Civil Defence and describe the criteria of statement of responsibility. As a joining link, the risk, cross element of the whole analysis, is both the subject of the activities of civil defence and a factor of distorsion of the elements of crime and expression of the necessity to distinguish the perspectival view of the management of risk from that of judgement on the failure of previsional activity. The proposed solutions, placed in the legal reality of the criminal procedure of Aquila earthquake, have a perfect balance between the opposite values of safety and freedom, in order to grant a legal protection which cannot be excluded and must be placed within the borders of the guarantees of the criminal procedure.

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