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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les politiques de transport routier dans la Communauté économique et monétaire de l’Afrique centrale / Policies of road transport in the economic community and monetarist of central Africa

Robenate, Jean-Calvin 22 October 2009 (has links)
La Convention régissant l’Union économique de l’Afrique centrale (UEAC) renferme les dispositions particulières dont l’objet est d’harmoniser les politiques de transports. Cela passe par l’ouverture des marchés nationaux des Etats membres aux opérateurs économiques, la suppression des restrictions à la libre prestation des services et d’établissement, l’interconnexion des infrastructures, etc. A partir des critères de validité formelle, factuelle et axiologique du droit, cette thèse a pour objet d’analyser les contraintes qui handicapent ces politiques. Après avoir fait le constat des difficultés liées au choix de la technique d’harmonisation des droits, l’étude se penche sur les limites dues à la non-observation des procédures d’admission des conventions dans les ordres juridiques internes, à la faiblesse des institutions, aux risques économiques, financiers et politiques. Elle suggère qu’il est nécessaire de remettre de l’ordre dans les systèmes juridiques, grâce à une politique de codification et, à terme, de rechercher la sécurité juridique, par l’uniformisation des règles en présence. Enfin, face à la corruption, elle prend position pour un devoir d’ingérence de la Communauté internationale pour sécuriser les ressources destinées à la modernisation des infrastructures routières. / Convention governing the economic Union of central Africa (UEAC) contains the specific measures whose object is to harmonize the policies of transport. That passes by the opening of the national markets of the Member States to the economic operators, the suppression of the restrictions on freedom to provide services and of establishment, the interconnection of the infrastructures, etc From the criteria of formal, factual and axiologic validity of the right, this thesis has the aim of analyzing the constraints which handicap these policies. After having made the report of the difficulties related to the choice of the technique of harmonization of laws, the study considers the limits due to the nonobservance of the procedures of admission of conventions in the internal legal orders, with the weakness of the institutions, with the economic risks, financial and political. It suggests that it is necessary to give of the order in the legal systems, thanks to a policy of coding and, in the long term, seeking the legal security, by the standardization of the involved rules. Lastly, vis-a-vis corruption, it gives an opinion for a duty of interference of the International community to make safe the resources intended for the modernization of the road infrastructures.

La fragmentation du droit international public : l'oeuvre de codification à la lumière de la fragmentation du droit international / The fragmentation of international law : the codification of international law in the light of its fragmentation

Moundounga Ntsigou, Serge 25 January 2013 (has links)
Le phénomène de fragmentation reste assez complexe et se trouve mêlé à celui d’internormativité en ce sens qu’il englobe l’étude de la relation entre droit et société et, notamment, le droit international en tant que système juridique. La présente étude constitue, de manière générale, un essai sur l’œuvre de codification et de développement du droit international, en prenant en compte les récentes évolutions du droit international symbolisés dans ce que l’on qualifie, de plus en plus, de fragmentation du droit international. L’hypothèse gravite autour de l’extraordinaire expansion que connait cette discipline depuis près de cinquante ans et des changements survenus au niveau de ce qu’on appelle communément la « Communauté internationale ». L’intérêt est suscité par l’évolution des méthodes d’élaboration des normes du droit international, notamment du fait de la multiplication des organes compétents de l’ONU et le besoin de trouver des solutions pratiques au phénomène des conflits normatifs au niveau international. Ce sont là les deux conséquences (législative et institutionnelle) du phénomène de fragmentation qui menacent aujourd’hui l’ordre juridique international et l’unité du droit international. Il semble donc normal, compte tenu de cette situation, que se produise un nouvel essor de l’idée de codification du droit international. / The phenomenon of fragmentation is quite complex and is involved in the phenomenon of internormativity in so much as it includes the study of the relationship between law and society and, in particular, international law as a legal system. This study is, as a general, an essay on the work of codification and progressive development of international law as embodied in the practice of the International Law Commission, taking into account recent developments in international law symbolized in what is termed, increasingly, fragmentation of international law. The case revolves around the extraordinary expansion that this discipline has being knowing for nearly fifty years now and around the changes affecting what is commonly called the ‘international community’. The interest is generated by the evolution of methods for the development of international law, owing in particular to the multiplication of the competent organs of the UN and the need to find practical solutions to the phenomenon of normative conflicts at the international level. These are two consequences (legal and institutional) of the phenomenon of fragmentation that now has come to threaten the international legal order and the unity of international law. Therefore, given this situation, the need for a strengthening of the concept of codification of international.

Théorie bidimensionnelle de l'argumentation: définition, présomption et argument à fortiori

Goltzberg, Stefan 20 June 2011 (has links)
La thèse propose une nouvelle théorie de l’argumentation – bidimensionnelle – reposant sur deux paramètres :la force et l’orientation. Quatre types de marqueurs sont identifiés, articulés autour de ces deux paramètres. <p>Le chapitre 1 porte sur le réductionnisme topique :la théorie selon laquelle tous les arguments sont défaisables, c’est-à-dire réfutables.<p>Le chapitre 2 retrace l’histoire du réductionnisme logique :la théorie selon laquelle tous les arguments valides sont indéfaisables. L’argument étudié est la définition.<p>Le chapitre 3 présente la théorie bidimensionnelle, qui explique à la fois les arguments défaisables et indéfaisables.<p>Les chapitre 3 et 4 sont une application de la théorie bidimensionnelle de l’argumentation.<p>Le chapitre 4 étudie l’argument appelé présomption. <p>Le chapitre 5 offre un traitement nouveau de l’argument a fortiori.<p> / Doctorat en Philosophie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Uma abordagem do tempo em A ostra e o vento de Walter Lima Júnior

Maciel, Sonia Maria Pereira 16 January 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:16:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 COS - Sonia Maria P Maciel.pdf: 444052 bytes, checksum: 92619906ebd1afc42b3941814b0c22e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-01-16 / Fundação Educacional de Ituiutaba / In this work, it was searched for the aspects of the process of codification in literature and cinema. The analyzed corpus was composed of the book An oyster and the wind, by the native writer of Ceará Moacir C. Lopes (1982) and the homonym film, an adaptation to the cinema, directed by the motion picture director Walter Lima Júnior (1997). The proposal of this dissertation emerged from the confirmation of a practice, particularly among students, of substituting the reading of a literary work for its corresponding adaptation for the cinema. That practice, which ignores the specifics of each of the languages, solve partially aspects of the content and ignores, totally, questions on the form and the structure, reducing the relevance of the object as an artistic creation. The process of codification in a specific language is done by means of the conventionality of the artistic model in general and of the (artistic) object in particular, which is constituted by the norm, by the norm deviations, by the predictability and the esthetical information. This way, compositional procedures were analyzed in the book and in the film, by having in mind the identification of the responsible elements to the signification of each of the art models. To study the adaptation of a language to the other one, it was started from the semiotic conception of modelization of Iuri M. Lotman, according to which a system of signs organizes itself as a secondary language, as it overcomes itself the natural linguistic level (primary language), getting a peculiar structure to transmit information, what would be impossible by means of an elementary structure strictly linguistic.The element considered responsible to give structure to the artistic language and, therefore, passed to be an information messenger, in the book and in the film, was time. The analysis, in the verbal text, was based on the borderline-table problem in the artistic work (Lotman and Boris A. Uspênski), to establish the modeling value of the categories of beginning and ending and to explain the configuration of time; in the film text, it was based on the binary oppositions (V. V. Ivanov), revealed by the chromatic explored effects. The study of the semiotic mechanisms, in the light of this comparison, makes the own procedures of each type of art more evident. This work, as it approaches the problem of the codification system, in literature and in cinema, delineated some specifics of every one of the systems of signs, making explicit the time element as the main messenger of signification / Neste trabalho, buscou-se explicitar aspectos do processo de codificação na literatura e no cinema. O corpus analisado foi composto pelo livro A ostra e o vento do escritor cearense Moacir C. Lopes (1982) e o filme homônimo, uma adaptação para o cinema, sob a direção do cineasta Walter Lima Júnior (1997). A proposta desta dissertação surgiu da constatação de uma prática, particularmente entre estudantes, de se substituir a leitura de uma obra literária pela sua correspondente adaptação fílmica. Essa prática, que ignora especificidades de cada linguagem, resolve parcialmente aspectos do conteúdo e ignora, totalmente, questões formais e estruturais, rebaixando a relevância do objeto enquanto criação artística. O processo de codificação em uma dada linguagem faz-se por meio do grau de convencionalidade do modelo artístico em geral e do objeto (artístico) em particular, que se constitui pela norma, pelos desvios da norma, pelo grau de previsibilidade e de informação estética. Assim foram analisados, tanto no livro quanto no filme, procedimentos composicionais utilizados, tendo em vista a identificação dos elementos responsáveis pela significação de cada um dos modelos de arte. Para o estudo da adaptação de uma linguagem à outra, partiu-se do conceito semiótico de modelização de Iuri M. Lotman, segundo o qual um sistema de signos organiza-se como linguagem secundária, ao sobreporse ao nível lingüístico natural (linguagem primária), adquirindo estruturalidade própria para a transmissão da informação, o que seria impossível com os meios de uma estrutura elementar propriamente lingüística. O elemento considerado responsável pela estruturação da linguagem artística e, portanto, portador de informação, tanto no livro quanto no filme, foi o tempo. A análise, no texto verbal, baseou-se no problema do quadro-fronteira na obra artística (Lotman e Boris A. Uspênski), para estabelecer o valor modelizante das categorias de princípio e de fim e explicar a configuração do tempo; no texto fílmico, baseouse nas oposições binárias (V. V. Ivanov), reveladas pelos efeitos cromáticos explorados. O estudo dos mecanismos semióticos, à luz da comparação, torna mais evidentes os procedimentos próprios para cada tipo de arte. Este trabalho, ao abordar a problemática do sistema de codificação, na literatura e no cinema, delineou especificidades de cada um dos sistemas de signos, ressaltando o elemento tempo como o principal portador de significação

Du texte à l’histoire : la question de la chronologie coranique / From text to history : the issue of qur’ānic chronology

Stefanidis, Emmanuelle 19 January 2019 (has links)
Parole sans contexte évident ni trame narrative, le texte fondateur de l’islam ne dévoile pas aisément ses origines. Cette thèse examine un code de lecture particulier qui a pour effet de contextualiser le texte sacré de l’islam dans ce qu’on imagine avoir été son contexte premier. La lecture chronologique consiste à déterminer l’inscription temporelle de chaque sourate ou énoncé coranique par rapport, d’une part, aux autres énoncés et, d’autre part, à la carrière prophétique de Muḥammad. En (ré-)introduisant une dimension temporelle et narrative, l’interprétation du Coran est facilitée. Ce dernier est ainsi en mesure de raconter, sinon son histoire, du moins une histoire. La chronologie coranique structure à la fois l’exégèse musulmane prémoderne et la recherche universitaire occidentale sur le Coran. Dans cette thèse, nous examinons ces deux domaines de production de savoir, non pas en opposition l’un avec l’autre mais comme deux moments de la réception du texte coranique. Cette approche inclusive permet, à travers l’étude d’une problématique spécifique, d’entamer une réflexion sur les convergences et les divergences entre l’érudition islamique et la recherche occidentale. Notre point de départ et fil conducteur est la liste chronologique des sourates, qui circule dans la Tradition musulmane avant d’être reprise et retravaillée par des universitaires occidentaux. La quête de la séquence originelle du Coran a engendré des débats autant parmi les exégètes que dans la recherche historico-critique. Nous retraçons ces débats et portons une attention particulière à la « textualité » du Coran, qui en fait un texte particulièrement difficile à ancrer dans un contexte. / Devoid of a clear context and a narrative frame, the founding text of Islam does not easily reveal its origins. This thesis examines a particular reading code that contextualises the Muslim scripture in what is imagined to have been its original context. A chronological reading aims at determining the temporal position of each sura or qur'ānic passage in relation to, on the one hand, the rest of the text and, on the other hand, the prophetic career of Muḥammad. By (re-)introducing a temporal and narrative frame, the interpretation of the Qur’ān is facilitated. The text is thus allowed to tell its own story or – in any case – a story. The issue of qur’ānic chronology structures both pre-modern Muslim exegesis and Western academic research on the Qur’ān. In this thesis, we examine these two fields of knowledge, not in opposition to one another but as representing two moments in the Qur’ān’s reception. This inclusive approach enables a reflection on the continuities and discontinuities between the Muslim scholarly tradition and Western research. The chronological list of suras, transmitted by Muslim tradition and examined by Western academics, provides the starting point and the connecting thread of the thesis. The search for the original sequence of the Qur’ān has generated debates, both in exegetical circles and in historical-critical research. We explore what is at stake in these debates and pay specific attention to the textuality of the Qur’ān, which, we argue, does not easily allow us to inscribe the Muslim Scripture in a clear context.

Vývoj kodifikace trestního práva hmotného na území českých zemí na vybraných trestných činech / The development of criminal law codification in Czech lands in the area of chosen criminal offences

Vojáček, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of codification of criminal law in Czech history. At first I described theory of comparative law, further follows the historical development of criminal law since the beginnings of the Czech state. After that I compared individual criminal codes based on division between general and special part. In special part I focused on the scheme of division of criminal offences into sections. At the end I compared adjustment of several criminal offenses in penal codes. This part contains four criminal offences (murder, theft, high treason and crime of witchcraft), which interfere with many areas of human life.

Implicit and explicit norm in contemporary Russian verbal stress

Marklund Sharapova, Elisabeth January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate norm in contemporary Russian verbal stress. In a first step the concept of norm is explored. It is shown that the criteria generally used in Russian for defining norm (correspondence to the language system, usage and authority/tradition/necessity) are not applied strictly. It is also concluded that any study of norms must take into account the distinction between the explicit norm, i.e. the codification, and the implicit norm, i.e. the usage and attitude of educated native speakers. In a second step the explicit norm is investigated. The analysis is based on the stress notation in two orthoepic dictionaries. This comparison shows that there is not, as is often suggested, one unanimous, "objectively existing", explicit stress norm. In a third step, the implicit norm is examined. This is done through a survey of reported and actual usage, carried out on 106 Russian speakers in Moscow. Subsequently, implicit norms are related to explicit norms. There is compliance between these in many cases, but the discrepancies are numerous. Furthermore, there is no direct or predictable relationship between the implicit stress norms and the labels these stresses are assigned in handbooks. A comparison with additional sources demonstrates that among the, in all, nine sources no two are perfectly alike in their notation. Sources that reflect the implicit norm better than others are identified. Finally, dictionary data and the survey results are compared with results from previous surveys (1956-1994). This shows that certain stress variants have apparently functioned as the implicit norm for several decades, but this has not yet been taken into account in codification. The general conclusions are that there is in theory an unclear definition of norm; there is in practice disagreement in codification; there is no official codex, although some sources might be considered more reliable; there is in many cases a discrepancy between explicit and implicit norms, which is most likely a result of arbitrariness or subjectivism and of conservatism. It is possible that these conclusions are valid for areas of language normativisation other than verbal stress.

Norma i variació sintàctiques: la concepció de Pompeu Fabra (1891-1948)

Costa Carreras, Joan 24 November 2005 (has links)
L'objectiu general de la tesi és analitzar els objectius i les hipòtesis de què Pompeu Fabra (1891-1948) va partir en la codificació de la sintaxi del català i la metodologia que va fer servir. Per fer-ho s'ha identificat, buidat i analitzat la terminologia de 995 textos de Fabra, classificats segons la seva importància. Com a resultat s'ha obtingut una descripció de les concepcions fabrianes de sintaxi i proposició, de canvi sintàctic, de variació sintàctica, de codificació sintàctica i de la relació que Fabra hi estableix. Els resultats d'aquesta descripció s'han contrastat amb els d'estudis anteriors de l'obra fabriana. Finalment, s'han establert les perspectives que aquest resultats obren a nous estudis sobre les fonts de l'obra de Fabra, les seves coincidències amb altres teòrics del món i la seva influència en obres catalanes posteriors. / The general purpose oh the thesis is to analyse the purposes and hypothesis assumed by Pompeu Fabra (1891-1948), and his methodology when codifying catalan syntax. To do that, the terminology of 995 fabrian texts (which have been classified according to its importance) has been identified, extracted, and classified. The result of these operations is that a description of Fabra's conceptions about syntax and sentence, syntactic change, syntactic variation, and syntactic codification, and of the relationship established by him between these conceptions, has been established. The results of this description have been compared with the results of previous studies on Fabra's works. Finally, we have established the fields of study that these results allow to undertake, on the sources of Fabra's work, the coincidencies of it with other scholars' works in the world and its influence on later catalan studies.

The indigenous law of contract with particular reference to the Swazi in the Kingdom of Swaziland

Van Schalkwyk, Adelle 30 November 2006 (has links)
This study was undertaken to establish whether the legal phenomenon known as a contract exist in indigenous legal systems and in particular, among the Swazi. As the underlying aims and consequences of indigenous contracts differ not only between indigenous peoples but is also affected by the degree of westernisation that has taken place, a micro study has been done in semi-rural areas in the Kingdom of Swaziland to establish if the existing value systems are altered or replaced when western legal institutions are introduced. Data was obtained by way of interviewing a panel of experts and compared with available literature. Through the process of gathering information, the legal principles were described and the functioning of social processes noted. Different indigenous contracts and general principles were identified. It must, however, be noted that a contract is more than a device for establishing the economic and legal implications of a transaction. Most contractual disputes are resolved outside the courts through negotiated settlements to restore harmony in the community. Although the Swazi law of contract is showing clear signs of adapting to new developments, there is proof that established legal principles and Swazi values are being retained. This study will not only be useful as a source of information for both Swazi courts and administration, but could also serve as a basis for codification intended by the Swazi Government. For that purpose, a memorandum has been compiled for consideration by the Swazi authorities. The compatibility of Swazi law and custom with a Bill of Rights was also evaluated and suggestions were made for possible law reform in the Kingdom of Swaziland. / Jurisprudence / LL.D.

A gender equality perspective on the non-recognition of Muslim marriages

Jivan, Usha Ashwin 11 1900 (has links)
Generally, traditional "marriages" according to Islamic custom are void in South African law because they are potentially polygynous and do not comply with the formalities prescribed by the Marriage Act 25 of 1961 . A valid concern for those who oppose polygyny is that it may enforce and promote gender inequality in that it is practised in patriarchal Muslim societies. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996 contains numerous provisions aimed at combating gender inequalities, and these could be used to justify the policy of non-recognition. On the other hand, the Constitution has ushered in an era of tolerance and empathy; and the equality and religion clauses could be used to ensure that polygynous marriages are no longer ignored. This study will examine the tensions between Muslim personal law and clauses in the Constitution which have led to calls for the reformation and codification of Muslim personal law. / Private Law / LL. M.

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