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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La genèse d'une classe de mots : les conjonctions dans la tradition (pré-)grammaticale de l'Antiquité grecque

Émond, Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche porte sur la théorie des parties du discours dans l’Antiquité grecque et plus particulièrement sur la réflexion entourant les conjonctions. Le premier chapitre se concentre sur la définition de la conjonction trouvée dans la Poétique d’Aristote, de même que sur les autres passages du corpus aristotélicien qui permettent de mieux cerner les contours d’une entité grammaticale encore mal définie. Le second chapitre porte sur la conjonction dans les recherches logico-grammaticales de l’école stoïcienne. La définition stoïcienne de la conjonction, de même que les différentes catégories de conjonctions identifiées par les Stoïciens sont examinées. Le rôle central des conjonctions au sein de la théorie stoïcienne des propositions complexes est souligné et met en lumière l’interrelation étroite entre la logique et la grammaire à ce point du développement de la théorie grammaticale. Le chapitre final porte sur la définition et les catégories de conjonctions trouvées dans la Tekhnè grammatikè, un bref manuel de grammaire attribué au philologue alexandrin Denys le Thrace. L’influence de la théorie stoïcienne des propositions complexes sur cette première tentative de systématisation grammaticale est mise en lumière, de même que l’interférence de préoccupations philologiques. / This research is concerned with the theory of the parts of speech in Greek antiquity and more precisely with the topic of conjunctions. The first chapter examines the definition of the conjunction given in Aristotle’s Poetics, as well as the other texts of the Aristotelian corpus which allow us the get a better grasp on a still ill-defined grammatical entity. The second chapter deals with the conjunction within the logico-grammatical researches of the Stoic school. It examines the Stoic definition of the conjunction, as well as the various categories of conjunctions that were identified by the Stoics. The central role of conjunctions in the Stoic theory of complex assertions is emphasized, thus showing the close interrelation between logic and grammar at this point in the development of grammatical theory. The final chapter is concerned with the definition and the classes of conjunctions given in the Tekhnè grammatikè, a short grammatical treatise ascribed to the Alexandrian philologist Dionysius Thrax. It shows the influence of the Stoic theory of complex assertions on this first attempt at grammatical systematization, as well as the interference of philological concerns.

La genèse d'une classe de mots : les conjonctions dans la tradition (pré-)grammaticale de l'Antiquité grecque

Émond, Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche porte sur la théorie des parties du discours dans l’Antiquité grecque et plus particulièrement sur la réflexion entourant les conjonctions. Le premier chapitre se concentre sur la définition de la conjonction trouvée dans la Poétique d’Aristote, de même que sur les autres passages du corpus aristotélicien qui permettent de mieux cerner les contours d’une entité grammaticale encore mal définie. Le second chapitre porte sur la conjonction dans les recherches logico-grammaticales de l’école stoïcienne. La définition stoïcienne de la conjonction, de même que les différentes catégories de conjonctions identifiées par les Stoïciens sont examinées. Le rôle central des conjonctions au sein de la théorie stoïcienne des propositions complexes est souligné et met en lumière l’interrelation étroite entre la logique et la grammaire à ce point du développement de la théorie grammaticale. Le chapitre final porte sur la définition et les catégories de conjonctions trouvées dans la Tekhnè grammatikè, un bref manuel de grammaire attribué au philologue alexandrin Denys le Thrace. L’influence de la théorie stoïcienne des propositions complexes sur cette première tentative de systématisation grammaticale est mise en lumière, de même que l’interférence de préoccupations philologiques. / This research is concerned with the theory of the parts of speech in Greek antiquity and more precisely with the topic of conjunctions. The first chapter examines the definition of the conjunction given in Aristotle’s Poetics, as well as the other texts of the Aristotelian corpus which allow us the get a better grasp on a still ill-defined grammatical entity. The second chapter deals with the conjunction within the logico-grammatical researches of the Stoic school. It examines the Stoic definition of the conjunction, as well as the various categories of conjunctions that were identified by the Stoics. The central role of conjunctions in the Stoic theory of complex assertions is emphasized, thus showing the close interrelation between logic and grammar at this point in the development of grammatical theory. The final chapter is concerned with the definition and the classes of conjunctions given in the Tekhnè grammatikè, a short grammatical treatise ascribed to the Alexandrian philologist Dionysius Thrax. It shows the influence of the Stoic theory of complex assertions on this first attempt at grammatical systematization, as well as the interference of philological concerns.

Facing the Illusion Piece by Piece : Face Recognition for Persons with Learning Disability

Danielsson, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
Avhandlingens övergripande syfte var att undersöka ansiktsigenkänning för personer med och utan utvecklingsstörning. Tre specifika forskningsfrågor undersöktes: 1. Hur ser interaktionen ut mellan familjaritet med ansikten och familjaritet med miljöer när det gäller bildigenkänning för personer med utvecklingsstörning? 2. Kan någon av de 2 teoretiska ansatserna till förklaring av falska minnen (sammanblandning av olika minnen), bindingsansatsen och dubbelprocessansatsen, förklara prestationen för både personer med och utan utvecklingsstörning? 3. Hur förhåller sig arbetsminnesförmåga till prestation i studier av falska minnen? Resultaten i de 4 artiklarna som ingår i avhandlingen gav svar på frågorna: 1. Interaktionen mellan familjaritet med personer och miljöer kan förklaras med förhållandet mellan personen och miljön, som antingen kan vara frånvarande, närvarande eller osannolikt. Dessa semantiska relationer bestämmer prestationen och en ”lat” semantisk strategi föreslogs. 2. Beroende på uppgiftens svårighetsgrad framkom olika interaktionsmönster mellan grupp och typ av igenkänningsbild, och då särskilt olika antal sammanblandade bilder. Dessa mönster kunde inte förklaras av någon av de 2 teoretisk ansatserna. Därför föreslås ett nytt sätt att tolka resultaten som inkluderar arbetsminne. 3. Hög arbetsminneskapacitet gav 2 effekter: för det första, igenkänning av fler ansiktsdelar, och för det andra, igenkänning av fler ansiktskonfigurationer. Vid höga arbetsminneskrav så används den första effekten mer på bekostnad av den andra. Det visade sig också att prestationen för personer med utvecklingsstörning på uppgifter med låga arbetsminneskrav liknade prestationen för åldermatchade kontrollpersoner utan utvecklingsstörning på uppgifter med höga arbetsminneskrav. Detta indikerar att utvecklingsstörning kan ”simuleras” genom högre arbetsminneskrav, åtminstone på denna typ av igenkänningsuppgifter. Resultatens implikationer för vittnespsykologi och användandet av fotografier som kognitivt stöd diskuteras. / The general purpose of this thesis was to investigate face recognition for persons with or without learning disability. Three specific research questions were investigated: 1. How does familiarity of faces interact with familiarity of environments in pictures for persons with learning disability? 2. Which, if any, of the 2 theoretical approaches to memory conjunction errors, the binding approach and the dual-processing approach, can explain performance for both persons with and without learning disability? 3. How does working memory relate to performance in memory conjunction error studies? The results of the 4 papers included in this thesis provided answers to the questions: 1. A person by environment interaction was found and was explained by an absent, present or implausible association between the person and the environment in the picture. These semantic relations determined performance and a “lazy” semantic strategy was suggested. 2. Different group by recognition type interaction patterns, and specifically different amounts of conjunction errors, were found for different degrees of task difficulty. These patterns could neither be explained by the dual processing approach nor the binding approach. Hence, a new frame of interpretation which included working memory was suggested. 3. High working memory capacity was associated with 2 effects: firstly, recognition of more facial features and, secondly, recognition of more facial configurations. At high working memory demands, participants relied on the first effect to a higher degree, at the expense of the other. It was also found that, in a task with low working memory demands, the performance for persons with learning disability was similar to the performance of age-matched controls with higher working memory demands in the task. This indicates that learning disability, at least in this type of recognition task, can be “simulated” by higher working memory demands in a population without learning disability. This finding is discussed in relation to witness psychology and the use of photographs as cognitive assistance.

Ο λόγος της Ιστορίας και της Βιολογίας στα σχολικά εγχειρίδια του Γυμνασίου : κειμενικά είδη και συστημική λειτουργική ανάλυση

Παπαγιαννόπουλος, Ιωάννης 01 February 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι η διερεύνηση των γλωσσικών χαρακτηριστικών στα κειμενικά είδη που εμφανίζονται στα σχολικά εγχειρίδια της Ιστορίας και της Βιολογίας του γυμνασίου, με βάση το θεωρητικό πλαίσιο και τη μεθοδολογία της Συστημικής Λειτουργικής Γλωσσολογίας (ΣΛΓ). Συγκεκριμένα, αναλύονται οι λεξικoγραμματικοί πόροι και τα σημασιολογικά χαρακτηριστικά σε είκοσι τέσσερα συνολικά κείμενα από τα σχολικά εγχειρίδια. Η έρευνα εστιάζει στις διαδικασίες και τους μετέχοντες (σύστημα μεταβιβαστικότητας), στη λεξική πυκνότητα, στην τροπικότητα, στη γραμματική μεταφορά (ιδίως στην ονοματοποίηση), στην χρονικότητα και την αιτιότητα και στις συνδετικές σχέσεις. Οι διαφοροποιήσεις του λόγου των ανθρωπιστικών και φυσικών επιστημών, η αφαίρεση και η τεχνικότητα, και τα σύνδρομα χαρακτηριστικών που χαρακτηρίζουν τα κειμενικά είδη, εξετάζονται σε συσχέτιση και με τα ευρήματα συναφών ερευνών που έχουν γίνει τόσο στην Ελλάδα όσο και διεθνώς (κυρίως στην Αυστραλία). Όπως προκύπτει από την ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων, τα χαρακτηριστικά αυξάνονται από τη μία τάξη στην άλλη και εντοπίζονται διαφορές στα δύο αντικείμενα. Η ανασυγκρότηση της γνώσης απαιτεί από τα παιδιά του γυμνασίου εξοικείωση με τις γραμματικές μορφές της γραπτής γλώσσας και του τρόπου που αναπτύσσονται στα κειμενικά είδη στα διάφορα μαθήματα. Επιπλέον, προτείνεται η συστηματικότερη ανάλυση και προσαρμογή των εργαλείων της ΣΛΓ στην ελληνική γλώσσα, δεδομένου ότι έχει εφαρμοστεί κατά κύριο λόγο στην αγγλική, και, τέλος, γίνονται κάποιες προεκτάσεις στην εκπαίδευση και τον γραμματισμό με γνώμονα μια ισονομιστική και χειραφετητική γνώση. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the language of genres in History and Biology school textbooks in early secondary school (gymnasio), within the frame of systemic functional linguistics (SFL). More specifically, our aim is to analyze the lexicogrammar and semantics of twenty four texts from school textbooks. The study focuses on processes and participants (system of transitivity), lexical density, modality, grammatical metaphor (especially nominalization), temporality, causality and conjunctive relations. Differences in discourse of humanities and natural sciences, technicality and abstraction, and the co-occurrence (syndromes) of characteristics in different genres are considered in relation with the findings of relevant Greek and international researches. According to data analysis, there is an increasing tension from lower to higher grade and some differences between the two subject areas. The reconstruction of knowledge demands from early secondary pupils familiarization with grammatical forms of written language and with the way that they are deployed in school genres. Furthermore, it is suggested more specific analysis and adaptation of SFL tools in Greek language, given that they have implemented basically in English, and, finally, our remarks are extended to education and literacy under the rule of equal opportunities and emancipative knowledge.

Uma investigação discursivo-funcional das orações concessivas introduzidas por aunque em dados do espanhol peninsular / Una investigación discursivo-funcional de las oraciones concesivas introducidas por aunque en datos del español peninsular / A discursive-functional investigation of concessive clauses introduced by aunque in peninsular spanish data

Parra, Beatriz Goaveia Garcia [UNESP] 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Beatriz Goaveia Garcia Parra null (biagarcia.parra@hotmail.com) on 2016-03-08T17:04:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Beatriz Goaveia Garcia Parra - dissertação de mestrado - 2016.pdf: 1415040 bytes, checksum: 80e0e85e416b7a5c12566658f534e2f3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-03-09T17:17:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 parra_bgg_me_sjrp.pdf: 1415040 bytes, checksum: 80e0e85e416b7a5c12566658f534e2f3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-09T17:17:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 parra_bgg_me_sjrp.pdf: 1415040 bytes, checksum: 80e0e85e416b7a5c12566658f534e2f3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O presente trabalho investiga as propriedades pragmáticas e semânticas das orações concessivas introduzidas pela conjunção aunque e verifica se e como tais propriedades determinam a estrutura morfossintática dessas orações. Para tanto, descrevemos à luz da teoria da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional, de Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008), as orações concessivas iniciadas por aunque encontradas em textos orais e escritos do espanhol peninsular atual produzidos em contextos reais de comunicação. O córpus utilizado inclui as entrevistas semidirigidas das cidades de Alcalá de Henares, Granada, Madri e Valência, pertencentes ao projeto PRESEEA, como representantes da modalidade falada, e uma coletânea de editoriais publicados em meio on-line pelo jornal espanhol El País, como representante da modalidade escrita. Os fatores que nos guiaram na descrição e análise das orações introduzidas por aunque foram: (i) a camada da oração concessiva, considerando o modelo teórico da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional; (ii) a factualidade; (iii) a pressuposição; (iv) o modo verbal; (v) a referência temporal expressos pela concessiva; e (vi) a posição por ela ocupada, tendo por base o verbo da oração principal. Não compõem o objeto de estudo desta pesquisa as ocorrências sintagmáticas ou não-finitas iniciadas por aunque, visto que essas construções não permitem a descrição de alguns aspectos morfossintáticos, tais como a conjugação modo-temporal, de interesse para este trabalho. Como este estudo volta-se para o uso concessivo de aunque, também foram desconsideradas as ocorrências adversativas e as de condição mínima introduzidas por essa conjunção. Os resultados da análise comprovam a atuação das orações concessivas introduzidas por aunque na camada do Conteúdo Proposicional, pertencente ao Nível Representacional, e nas camadas do Ato Discursivo e do Movimento, pertencentes ao Nível Interpessoal, como já havia sido verificado por Garcia (2010) e por Garcia e Pezatti (2013) em orações concessivas do português. Além disso, observamos que a factualidade e a pressuposição da oração concessiva influenciam em sua codificação modo-temporal, e que todos esses fatores (factualidade, pressuposição, modo verbal e referência temporal) juntamente com a posição, correspondem a estratégias linguísticas condicionadas pela função que a oração introduzida por aunque desempenha. Outro fator semântico que pode determinar o modo verbal da oração concessiva é o grau de compromisso do falante com a verdade da proposição expressa. Além dos aspectos do uso linguístico que fazem parte do domínio da gramática propriamente dita, consideramos também o gênero textual. / The present study investigates the pragmatic and semantic properties of concessive clauses introduced by the aunque conjunction and seeks to find out if and how these properties determine the morphosyntactic structure of these clauses. In order to accomplish this goal, we use the theory of Functional Discourse Grammar (Hengeveld & Mackenzie 2008) for the description of concessive clauses introduced by aunque found in written and oral texts in current Peninsular Spanish, which were produced in actual communication contexts. The corpus includes the semi-structured interviews from the PRESEEA Project, conducted in the cities of Alcalá de Henares, Granada, Madrid and Valencia, representing the oral mode, and a collection of editorials published on-line by the Spanish newspaper El País, representing the written mode. The factors which guided the description and analysis of clauses introduced by aunque were: (i) the layer of the concessive clause, according to the theoretical model of Functional Discourse Grammar; (ii) factuality; (iii) presupposition; (iv) verbal mood; (v) temporal reference expressed by the concessive; and (vi) the position occupied by the clause, considering the verb in the main clause. Phrasal or non-finite occurrences initiated by aunque were not considered objects of this study, since these constructions do not allow for the description of some morphosyntactic aspects, such as the mood-tense inflection, which is one of the factors to be taken into account, as stated before. As the present study concerns the concessive use of aunque, occurrences with this conjunction expressing adversative and minimal condition meanings were not taken into account either. The results of our analysis show that concessive clauses introduced by aunque operate at the layer of the Propositional Content, in the Representational Level, and at the Move and Discourse Act layers, in the Interpersonal Level, in the same way as do the concessive clauses in Portuguese, as described by Garcia (2010) and Garcia and Pezatti (2013). Furthermore, we observed that factuality and presupposition of concessive clauses influence their mood-tense codification, and that all these factors (factuality, presupposition, verbal mood and temporal reference), along with the position of the clause, correspond to linguistic strategies conditioned by the function performed by the clause introduce by aunque. An additional semantic factor that can influence the mood of the verb in the concessive clause is the speaker’s evaluation of the truth of the propositional content. Apart from the aspects of language use that belong to grammar proper, we will also consider the genre of the text. / El presente estudio investiga las propiedades pragmáticas y semánticas de las oraciones concesivas introducidas por la conjunción aunque y analiza si y cómo estas propiedades determinan la estructura morfosintáctica de estas oraciones. Para alcanzar nuestros objetivos, describimos, en base a la teoría de la Gramática Discursivo-Funcional de Hengeveld y Mackenzie (2008), las oraciones concesivas iniciadas por aunque encontradas en un corpus de textos orales y escritos del español peninsular actual producidos en contextos reales de comunicación. El corpus utilizado incluye las entrevistas sociolingüísticas de las ciudades de Alcalá de Henares, Granada, Madrid y Valencia, pertenecientes al proyecto PRESEEA, como representantes de la modalidad hablada, y una colección de editoriales publicados en línea por el periódico español El País, como representante de la modalidad escrita. Los siguientes factores guiaron la descripción y el análisis de las oraciones introducidas por aunque: (i) el estrato de la oración concesiva, considerando el modelo teórico de la Gramática DiscursivoFuncional; (ii) la factualidad; (iii) la presuposición; (iv) el modo verbal, (v) la referencia temporal expresados; y (vi) la posición que ocupan respecto al verbo de la oración principal. No forman parte del objeto de estudio las ocurrencias no finitas iniciadas por aunque, puesto que estas construcciones no permiten describir algunos aspectos morfosintácticos, como la conjugación modo-temporal, relevantes para este trabajo. Como este estudio trata el uso concesivo de aunque, tampoco consideramos las ocurrencias adversativas ni las de condición mínima introducidas por esta conjunción. Los resultados de nuestro análisis señalan la existencia de oraciones introducidas por aunque en el estrato del Contenido Proposicional, perteneciente al Nivel Representacional, y en los estratos del Acto Discursivo y del Movimiento, pertenecientes al Nivel Interpersonal, tal como queda descrita por Garcia (2010) y Garcia y Pezatti (2013) en las oraciones concesivas del portugués. Observamos además que la factualidad y la presuposición de la oración concesiva influyen en su codificación modotemporal, y que todos estos factores (factualidad, presuposición, modo verbal y referencia temporal), junto con su posición, configuran las estrategias lingüísticas condicionadas por la función que la oración introducida por aunque expresa. Otro factor semántico que puede determinar el modo verbal en la oración concesiva es el grado de compromiso del hablante con la verdad de la proposición. Aparte de los aspectos del uso lingüístico que forman parte del dominio de la gramática propiamente dicha, consideramos también el tipo de género textual.

A multifuncionalidade sintática e semântico-discursivo do sem em estruturas hipotáticas adverbiais: preposição ou conjunção?

Ramos, Marta Anaísa Bezerra 31 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-01-12T11:38:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2950569 bytes, checksum: fdcb47c13d14f4ee0af9b2223a6ea351 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-12T11:38:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2950569 bytes, checksum: fdcb47c13d14f4ee0af9b2223a6ea351 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-31 / This thesis analyzes the function of two grammatical forms which bring about the articulation of sentences through adverbial hypotaxis, a mechanism of textual connection characterized by the establishment of semantic-logical relationships, signaling the communicative intentions of the users of the language. These grammatical forms – sem(without) and the conjunctional periphrase semque (unless) - are placed in distinct grammatical classes: preposition and conjunction respectively, due to grammatical conventions. These conventions attribute to the first term, the function of transposing a nominal syntagm into an adnominal or adverbial adjunct within the sentence; and to the second, that of transposing an absolute sentence to a new structure, within which it occupies the position of a constituent, taking up, among other functions, that of the adverbial adjunct, under the form of a sentence. In this perspective, I address the syntactical and semantic re-categorization of the above mentioned preposition, defending the view that it figures as a conjunction not only when it is part of the conjunctional periphrase, but also in in the presence of the verb in the infinitive form, forming reduced infinitive sentences. Using Functional Theory, which analyzes the principles which govern the natural use of language, I discuss the cognitive and interactional motivations which cause the change.With specific reference to the treatment of the process of grammaticalization, I have used the North American branch of Functionalism to explain the fluctuation of category and semantic and discursive fluctuations experienced by this linguistic item. From the observation of data, I have deduced patterns of typical uses of reduced as well as highly evolved sentence structures, emphasizing that these two structures are not always interchangeable. The corpus from which I inventorythe syntactic, semantic and pragmatic properties of the transpositers under investigation, correlating textual and interpersonal functions, is constituted by texts from the argumentative sphere- articles of opinion, editorials and interviews from weekly magazines. I conclude that though the preposition sem does not introduce argumentative terms, it belongs to the listof prepositions which are moderately grammaticalized, and is susceptible to change, exhibiting a diversity of semantic nuances similar to conjunctions. / Esta tese analisa a função de duas formas gramaticais que promovem a articulação oracional via hipotaxe adverbial, mecanismo de conexão textual caracterizado por estabelecer relações lógico-semânticas, sinalizando as intenções comunicativas dos usuários da língua. Essas formas gramaticais – sem e a perífrase conjuntiva sem que – estão acomodadas em classes gramaticais distintas: preposição e conjunção respectivamente, devido a convenções da gramática, que atribui à primeira a função de transpor um sintagma nominal a adjunto adnominal ou adverbial, no nível da oração; e à segunda, de transpor uma oração absoluta para uma nova estrutura no interior da qual ocupa o lugar de constituinte, assumindo, dentre outras funções, a de adjunto adverbial, sob a forma de oração. Nessa perspectiva, abordo a recategorização sintática e semântica da preposição citada, defendendo que esta se configura como conjunção não só quando integra a perífrase conjuntiva, mas diante de verbo na forma infinitiva, formando orações reduzidas de infinitivo. Tomando como suporte a Teoria Funcionalista, que analisa os princípios que governam o uso natural da língua, discuto as motivações cognitivas e interacionais que pressionam a mudança; particularmente quando do tratamento do processo de gramaticalização, recorro à vertente do Funcionalismo Norte-americano, para explicar a flutuação categorial e semântico-discursiva experimentada por esse item linguístico. Da observação dos dados, depreendo padrões de uso típicos da estrutura oracional reduzida e da desenvolvida, ressalvando-se que nem sempre as duas estruturas são intercambiáveis. O corpus a partir do qual inventario as propriedades sintáticas e semântico-pragmáticas dos transpositores sob investigação, correlacionando às funções textual e interpessoal, constitui-se de textos da esfera argumentativa – artigos de opinião, editoriais e entrevistas de periódicos semanais. Concluo que, embora a preposição sem não introduza termos argumentais, daí integrar o rol das preposições medianamente gramaticalizadas, é suscetível à mudança, exibindo uma diversidade de matizes semânticos à semelhança das conjunções.

Avoiding the conjunction fallacy: Who can take a hint?

Klein, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Humans repeatedly commit the so called “conjunction fallacy”, erroneously judging the probability of two events occurring together as higher than the probability of one of the events. Certain hints have been shown to mitigate this tendency. The present thesis investigated the relations between three psychological factors and performance on conjunction tasks after reading such a hint. The factors represent the understanding of probability and statistics (statistical numeracy), the ability to resist intuitive but incorrect conclusions (cognitive reflection), and the willingness to engage in, and enjoyment of, analytical thinking (need-for-cognition). Participants (n = 50) answered 30 short conjunction tasks and three psychological scales. A bimodal response distribution motivated dichotomization of performance scores. Need-for-cognition was significantly, positively correlated with performance, while numeracy and cognitive reflection were not. The results suggest that the willingness to engage in, and enjoyment of, analytical thinking plays an important role for the capacity to avoid the conjunction fallacy after taking a hint. The hint further seems to neutralize differences in performance otherwise predicted by statistical numeracy and cognitive reflection. / Människor begår ofta det så kallade ”konjuktionsfelslutet”, genom att felaktigt bedöma sannolikheten för sammanträffandet av två händelser som större än sannolikheten för en av händelserna. Vissa typer av ledtrådar har visat sig mildra denna tendens. Denna uppsats undersökte relationerna mellan tre psykologiska faktorer och prestation på konjunktionsuppgifter efter att ha läst en sådan ledtråd. Faktorerna motsvarade förståelsen för sannolikhet och statistik (statistisk räknefärdighet, eng., statistical numeracy), förmågan att motstå intuitiva men felaktiga slutsatser, (kognitiv reflektion, eng., cognitive reflection), samt viljan och lusten till analytiskt tänkande (behov-av-tänkande, eng., need-for-cognition). Deltagare (n = 50) besvarade 30 korta konjunktionsuppgifter och tre psykologiska mätskalor. En bimodal svarsfördelning motiverade dikotomisering av resultaten. Behov-av-tänkande var signifikant, positivt korrelerat med prestation, vilket varken räknefärdighet eller kognitiv reflektion var. Resultaten tyder på att viljan och lusten till analytiskt tänkande spelar en viktig roll i förmågan att undvika konjunktionsfelslutet efter att ha fått en ledtråd. Ledtråden verkar också neutralisera skillnader i prestation som annars uppstår på grund av räknefärdighet och kognitiv reflektion.

Функционально-семантические особенности союза ХОТЯ : магистерская диссертация / Functional and semantic features of the conjunction HOTYA

Ноздрин, Ю. А., Nozdrin, Yu. A. January 2024 (has links)
The master's thesis is dedicated to the study of the functional-semantic potential of the concessive conjunction "хотя". The research attempts to describe the concessive conjunction "хотя" considering the functions performed by this linguistic unit in the text, as well as the meanings expressed by the conjunction. The linguistic material for the study consists of over 2000 statements from journalistic and poetic discourses containing the conjunction "хотя", conveying the semantics of concession. The inclusion of texts from different styles facilitates a comprehensive examination of the linguistic unit, demonstrating its functional capabilities. The dissertation employs several types of analyses – corpus, transformational, and componential. The thesis describes the meanings expressed by the use of the conjunction "хотя" in journalistic discourse (Chapter 2). Additionally, it examines the text-forming function of the conjunction in poetic texts (Chapter 3). The result of the work is a functional-semantic description of the conjunction "хотя", presented as a dictionary entry modeled after "The Dictionary of Function Words of the Russian Language," edited by A. F. Priyatkina. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена исследованию функционально-семантического потенциала уступительного союза хотя. В исследовании предпринята попытка описать уступительный союз хотя с учетом функций, которые выполняет языковая единица в тексте, а также – значения, выражаемые союзом. Языковым материалом для исследования послужили более 2000 высказываний публицистического и поэтического дискурсов с союзом хотя, транслирующих семантику уступки. Привлечение текстов разных стилей способствует «объемному» рассмотрению языковой единицы, поскольку демонстрирует возможности её функционирования. В диссертационном исследовании используются несколько видов анализов – корпусный, трансформационный, компонентный. В диссертации описываются значения, выражению которых способствует использование союза хотя в публицистическом дискурсе (глава 2). Кроме того, рассматривается текстообразующая функция союза в поэтическом тексте (глава 3). Результатом работы является функционально-семантическое описание союза хотя, которое представляет собой словарную статью, выполненную по модели «Словаря служебных слов русского языка» под ред. А. Ф. Прияткиной.

Are normative probabilty judgments a "system two"-operation?

Carlberg, Joakim January 2017 (has links)
Previous research on human judgment and decision making has demonstrated systematic and predictable biases of judgment in experimental settings. One example of this is the tendency to intuitively violate the conjunction rule - a simple rule of probability. This was well illustrated in the famous Linda-problem. (Tversky & Kahneman, 1983). According to the dual-process theory of reasoning, (Kahneman, 2011) reasoning fallacies such as the conjunction fallacy occurs when people fail to use analytic reasoning and instead overly rely on their intuition. The dual process theory proposes that cognitive processes underlying our intuitive impulses and our conscious reasoning constitutes two different modes in the mind –system 1 and system 2- and that the intuitive system 1 are not able to compute probabilities. Furthermore, it is assumed that processes that are labeled system 1 are fast whereas system 2 are thought to be slow. We tested these time course assumptions of dual process theory in a within-subject design by comparing response time latencies between conjunction fallacy judgments and accurate probability judgments. The results showed that inducing accurate responding did not result in delayed response latency. This indicates that making accurate probability judgments does not require more processing time which goes against what would be expected by the dual-process framework. / Tidigare forskning om mänskligt beslutsfattande och bedömningar har i experiment påvisat systematiska och förutsägbara bias. Ett exempel på detta är tendensen att intuitivt gå emot konjuktionsregeln- en enkel regel gällande sannolikhet. Detta illustrerades väl i det berömda Linda- problemet (Tversky & Kahneman, 1983). Enligt två-systemsteorin (Kahneman, 2011) om problemlösning, uppstår bedömningsfel såsom konjuktionsfelet när människor inte använder sig av analytiskt tänkande och istället förlitar sig för mycket på sin intuition. Två-systemsteorin menar att de kognitiva processer som ligger till grund för våra intuitiva impulser och vårt medvetna resonerande utgör två olika aktörer i vårt tänkande- system 1 och system 2- och att det intuitiva system 1 inte kan beräkna sannolikheter. Processer som betecknas som tillhörande system 1 är enligt två-systemsteorin snabba medan system 2 föreställs vara ett långsamt system. I denna studie testades antagandet om tidsåtgång för de två systemen i en inomgruppsdesign genom att jämföra responstider mellan bedömningar där konjunktionsfelet begåtts och bedömningar där det inte begåtts. Resultaten visar att korrekta sannolikhetsbedömningar inte resulterar i långsammare responstider. Detta indikerar att det inte tycks vara mer tidskrävande att göra riktiga sannolikhetsbedömningar, vilket motsäger två-systemsteorins antagande om snabbt och långsamt processande.

Srovnávací studie překladu českého lexému "aby" do angličtiny v paralelních česko-anglických textech / A comparative study of the Czech lexeme "aby" and its English translations in parallel Czech-English texts

Vašková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The present study focuses on functions and English translation counterparts of the Czech lexeme aby. It is a relatively frequent word in the Czech language which is described as a subordinating conjunction expressing purpose, effect, manner, and also as a particle with a number of discourse functions. The current description, however, does not seem complete and this study therefore aims to analyse its use in more detail. Lexicographic and grammatical sources served as a basis for the classification of aby as a conjunction and as a particle. After an analysis of 200 examples it soon became evident that this listing is not complete and the use of aby is more complex than originally expected. The present paper thus treats all the functions of aby and also exemplifies each of them using extracted corpus data. In the study, aby in its conjunction and particle use is firstly treated separately to analyse each of them in more depth. This analysis, consequently, provides basis to point out their common features as well as their differences. The English translational counterparts are another point of interest in the study, in particular, their adequacy, regularity, and lexicalization.

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