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Digital marketing and its effects on Start-up businessAkeel, Ali, Gubhaju, Manisha January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to research the value and influence of digital marketing on the competitive establishment of start-up companies. The research would further explore whether digital marketing can have a substantial effect on the growth of start-ups, enhance brand recognition, gain consumer loyalty, and strengthen customer relationships. This concept has not been previously researched and the only related study we find was the correlation between social media and innovation in start-ups, which indicates that social media has a positive effect on innovation in start-up companies. The research used a qualitative research approach in which 5 start-up firms were interviewed using a semi-structured interview as the primary data collection method. The research also used secondary data collected through peer-reviewed articles, journals, and websites. The study concludes that digital marketing is recognized as a creative and efficient way of obtaining, sustaining, and establishing customer relationships. Online channels and platforms, such as websites, industry-specific outlets, and forums, have been identified to be the most beneficial for start-ups. It also suggests that a fresh start-up can develop substantially through digital marketing by creating brand awareness, building trust, and building consumer awareness. However, most of the start-up companies hesitate implementing digital marketing strategies at the beginning of the company’s establishment. Our findings will assist other start-ups to consider digital marketing for their marketing strategies. Recommendations for further studies are a related but perhaps more detailed study in Sweden and UAE, together with a study in a country other than Sweden and UAE.
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A greener industry or just green marketing? : an exploratory study about how consumers experience green marketing in the fast fashion industryKällström, Emma, Brandin, Julia January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore how consumers experience green marketing within the fast fashion industry. The Theory of Planned Behavior was used as a foundation for a conceptual framework. A qualitative approach was used, and the empirical data was gathered through three semi-structured focus groups with a total of 17 participants. Participants were acquired through a convenience sampling method, influenced by purposive sampling. Firstly, we concluded that some consumers believe that green marketing within the fast fashion industry is a positive trend that contributes to a more sustainable industry, while some believe it is false, a facade and a sales ploy. Secondly, we found that important reference groups who influence consumers’ experience of green marketing within the fast fashion industry are social norms, trend, social media and influencers. Lastly, consumers sometimes choose to believe in green marketing campaigns since it is too time consuming to check the validity and it eliminates the search for further information. Due to the daily exposure of these campaigns, some consumers associate these with sustainable collections. However, some are more critical toward the use of green marketing within the fast fashion industry and believe that it contradicts sustainability. Previous scandals within the industry are also affecting consumers’ experience of fast fashion in relation to sustainability. The findings have contributed to understanding of how consumers experience green marketing within the fast fashion industry. Also, it provides useful insights that fast fashion companies can use to conduct a more trustworthy and genuine green marketing.
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Who Cares? : A Comparison of Consumer Perceptions of CSR Between Western and Eastern EuropeCelik, Rozelin, Persson, Josefine, Tkáč, Adam January 2018 (has links)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a topic that has been widely researched and is still a progressing and important subject to study. Many researchers have focused on the importance and risks of CSR but have been unsuccessful in conducting research that brings forth managerial implications regarding the challenges and complexity that comes from contextual differences. Furthermore, little attention has been assigned to consumer awareness, perception of CSR as well as analysing differences in related markets such as developed Western European countries (WECs) and emerging Post-Communist countries (PCCs) of Eastern Europe. This research is essential as theoretical ground and for managers to be able to successfully adapt and implement their CSR strategies to various markets, something that is beneficial for gaining a long-term competitive advantage. This study wishes to fill the existing research gap by gaining an insight into the differences in perceptions of CSR between consumers from WECs and PCCs. The outcomeof this study contributes to the existing frame of research regarding consumers’ perceptionson CSR and the importance of adapting a firm's CSR strategies to differentiating perceptions when operating in various international markets. The research was executed by using a qualitative method, carrying out three focus groups with participants originating from the two different regions respectively, and later mixed in a third group. The outcome from these focus groups was analysed using relatedtheoretical frameworks such as Carroll’s pyramid for corporate social responsibility (1991)and Dhanapal, Vashu, and Subramaniam (2015), who explores influencers affecting consumer perception. The findings conclude that CSR is gaining awareness among consumers across both regions, who agree that companies should be engaged in CSR, whereas members from PCCs desires a higher commitment than is currently done. Consumers are willing to pay a higher price when they know that the companies implement philanthropic projects. However, for WECs, this depends on the price of the product, and for PCCs, on whether the activities are locally implemented or not. Finally, this study concluded that companies can gain a competitive advantage by concentrating on social CSR in the PCC region and environmental CSR in the WEC region since the findings indicate that these are the most prioritised issues in each region. Furthermore, managers should adapt their CSR strategies based on these findings in order to relate to the consumer, create legitimacy, and gain trust.
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Miljömärkningar inom klädindustrin : En undersökning om kvinnliga modekonsumentens uppfattning av miljömärkningar inom klädindustrin / Environmental labels within the clothing retail industry : A study about the female consumer perception regarding environmental labels within the clothing retail industryEhrnberg, Sofia, Campos, Sandra, Sjökvist, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka kvinnliga modeintresserade konsumenters medvetenhet kring greenwashing i relation till miljömärkningar inom klädindustrin. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka hur kvinnliga modeintresserade konsumenter uppfattar ett plaggs hållbarhet utifrån miljömärkningar inom klädindustrin. För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod använts där insamling av empiriskt material genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Baserat på ett antal kriterier valdes tio modeintresserade kvinnor ut till att delta i intervjuerna som genomfördes via Zoom. Studiens resultat påvisar bristande kunskap om begreppet greenwashing vilket tyder på att respondenterna därmed inte är medvetna om greenwashing i relation till miljömärkningar inom klädindustrin. Vidare resulterade studien även i att kvinnliga modeintresserade konsumenter till stor del uppfattar plagg märkta med miljömärkningar som hållbara. Däremot varierar konsumenternas uppfattning om pålitligheten av de olika märkningarna. Vår studie visar att ungefär lika stor andel respondenter uppfattar plagg märkta med certifierade miljömärkningar, såväl som icke-certifierade miljömärkningar, som mer pålitliga. Oavsett märkningens upplevda pålitlighet uppfattade alla respondenter, trots detta, att märkningen bidrog med en känsla av hållbarhet. / The purpose of this study is to examine the awareness of greenwashing in relation toenvironmental labels in the clothing industry, among female fashion-interested consumers.Furthermore, the study aims to investigate how female fashion-interested consumers perceivethe environmental sustainability of a garment based on environmental labels in the clothingindustry. To answer the purpose of this study, a qualitative method was used where thecollection of empirical data was carried out by semi-structured interviews. Based on anumber of criteria, ten fashion-interested women were chosen to participate in interviewsconducted via Zoom.The result of the study demonstrates a lack of knowledge regarding the term greenwashing,which indicates that the respondents also lack awareness of greenwashing in relation toenvironmental labels within the clothing industry. Furthermore, the study demonstrates thatfashion-interested consumers perceive environmental labelled clothing as sustainable.However, the perception of reliability of the various labels varies among the respondents. Ourresult indicates that about half of our respondents perceive environmental labels certified bythird parties as the most trustworthy. Whereas the other half of the respondents perceivenon-certified environmental labels as more reliable. Irrespective of the perceived reliability ofthe environmental label, all respondents agreed that the environmental label in some waycontributed to a feeling of sustainability. This thesis is written in Swedish.
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An explorative study on the potential to establish a local value chain in the Swedish home textile industryMayinger, Lisa, Darkovska, Adrijana, Lin Yuen, Suet January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to examine the potential of the Swedish textile industry to achieve more sustainability in the home textile segment, through establishing a local value chain for local consumption. The aim is to explore the potential of both the supply and demand side of the local market. For the supply, or the industry perspective, the goal is to show companies the relevant aspects to consider when choosing to establish a local value chain in Sweden, with a focus on the home textile segment. For the demand, or the consumer perspective, the objective is to find out how they perceive locally produced sustainable products and whether there is interest for purchasing such products. Methodology: Existing literature and relevant results from researches have been collected and used as secondary sources, for forming and backing up the industry perspective of the thesis work. Face to face interviews have been conducted and analyzed, for getting primary information for the consumer perspective for the paper. This work is an explorative study, combining information for both the supply and demand sides of the home textiles segment in Sweden. Findings: After combining the findings from the literature review and the results from the analysis from the interviews, it can be concluded that there is a potential to establish a local value chain in Sweden. The situation is not ideal though, also potential risks and drawbacks related to the locality of the value chain of the home textiles segment that are presented have to be considered. The paper explores both the advantages and the disadvantages for producing locally in Sweden, to estimate the existing potential.
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[pt] Este estudo analisa os efeitos da educação nos hábitos de consumo de
adolescentes de baixa renda, com uma pesquisa qualitativa envolvendo 16 alunos.
Utilizamos a teoria pedagógica sociointeracionista, abordando conceitos como zona
de desenvolvimento proximal, mediação, linguagem, contexto social e cultural, e
desenvolvimento progressivo. Estudamos obras de Paulo Freire, destacando a
relação entre oprimido e opressor, diálogo, conscientização e contextualização
cultural. Investigamos a conexão entre sociointeracionismo e a teoria pedagógica
de Paulo Freire, seguida por reflexões sobre consumo na base da pirâmide,
conforme a perspectiva de C.K. Prahalad. Focamos no consumidor dessa camada e
no desenvolvimento econômico como meio de transformação social, explorando o
papel da educação do consumidor e sua aplicação no ensino formal. A análise dos
dados revela desafios na avaliação do consumo adolescente e o impacto da
influência familiar, de grandes marcas e da escola em seus hábitos.
Correlacionamos teorias com os dados, oferecendo uma visão ampla sobre
educação, consumo e desenvolvimento social, concluindo com considerações sobre
o engajamento dos estudantes, suas consequências na qualidade da educação,
medidas escolares e o papel da escola na formação de cidadãos conscientes sobre a
relação opressor-oprimido e o impacto da educação para um consumo consciente
na base da pirâmide. / [en] This study analyzes the effects of education on the consumption habits of low-income adolescents, with qualitative research involving 16 students. We use
sociointeractionist pedagogical theory, addressing concepts such as zone of
proximal development, mediation, language, social and cultural context, and
progressive development. We studied works by Paulo Freire, highlighting the
relationship between oppressed and oppressor, dialogue, awareness and cultural
contextualization. We investigated the connection between sociointeractionism and
Paulo Freire s pedagogical theory, followed by reflections on consumption at the
base of the pyramid, according to C.K. Prahalad s perspective. We focus on
consumers in this layer and on economic development as a means of social
transformation, exploring the role of consumer education and its application in
formal education. Data analysis reveals challenges in evaluating teenage
consumption and the impact of family influence, big brands and school on their
habits. We correlate theories with data, offering a broad view of education,
consumption and social development, concluding with considerations on student
engagement, its consequences on the quality of education, school measures and the
role of school in forming citizens aware of the oppressive relationship - oppressed
and the impact of education for conscious consumption at the base of the pyramid.
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Konsumentmedvetenhet och val av mensskydd : En studie om kemikalieinnehåll och produktinformation / Consumer awareness and choices of menstrual products : A study about chemical contents and product informationForsvall, Rebecka, Andreasson, Klara January 2024 (has links)
Studien behandlar den komplexa problematiken kring konsumentmedvetenhet och val av mensskydd, där bristande lagstiftning, företags marknadsföring och det kulturella tabut kring menstruation spelar en central roll. Genom att fokusera på svenska konsumenters medvetenhet om kemikalier i mensskydd och deras produktval undersöker studien vilken information konsumenter har tillgång till och hur detta påverkar deras val av mensskydd. Studien kombinerar en litteraturstudie och en enkätundersökning för att ge en djupare förståelse för ämnet. Enkäten besvarades av 79 menstruerande personer, och hade en blandning av fritextsvar och färdiga svarsalternativ. Det finns även indikationer på att menstrosor är en växande produktkategori, dock finns det potentiella problem med tillsatta ämnen i vissa av dessa produkter. En analys av produktbeskrivningar för menstrosor genomfördes för att se om dessa påverkar konsumenters val av produkt. Resultatet indikerade att konsumenter sällan jämför olika märken eller läser på om menstrosor före köp. Studien indikerar även på att konsumenternas medvetenhet om mensskydd generellt är låg, men att det finns en förväntan om säkra produkter och striktare krav på företag. Trots detta finner många respondenter det svårt att navigera bland vilseledande marknadsföring, samt tenderar att prioritera andra faktorer som komfort och absorptionsförmåga i valet av mensskydd. Tidigare forskning visar dock på exempel där påtryckningar från konsumenter om säkra mensskydd har lett till positiva förändringar. Konsumentmedvetenhet är därmed avgörande för utvecklingen av säkra mensskydd, med lagstiftning som stöd. Sammanfattningsvis betonar studien behovet av transparent produktinformation och framhåller vikten av fortsatt forskning och åtgärder för att öka medvetenheten och främja en informerad konsumtion. / This research addresses the complex issue of consumer awareness and choices of menstrual products, where inadequate legislation, corporate marketing, and the cultural taboo surrounding menstruation play a central role. By examining Swedish consumers' awareness of chemicals in menstrual products, as well as their product choices, the study also examines the information available to consumers and how it affects their preferred options of products. The study combines a literature review and a survey to provide a deeper understanding of the subject. The survey was answered by 79 menstruating individuals and included a mix of open-ended responses and predefined response options. There are indications that menstrual underwear is a growing product category; however, there are potential issues with added chemicals in some of these products. An analysis of product descriptions for menstrual underwear was conducted to determine if these descriptions influence consumers' product choices. The results indicated that consumers rarely compare different brands or research menstrual underwear before purchasing. The study also suggests that consumer awareness of menstrual products in general is low, but that there is an expectation of safe products and stricter requirements for companies. However, many respondents find it difficult to navigate through misleading marketing and tend to prioritize other factors, such as comfort and absorbency when choosing menstrual products. Previous research has shown examples where consumers have demanded safe menstrual products which have led to positive changes. Consumer awareness is thus crucial for the development of safe menstrual products, with regulated laws as support. In summary, the study emphasizes the need for transparent product information and highlights the importance of continued research and measures to increase consumer awareness.
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Internet of Things : The Potential Influence of Enterprise Buyers on the Security of IoTMozayani, John January 2018 (has links)
While IoT safety and security incidents continue to increase in frequency, scope and severity, there remains a gap in how the issue will be addressed. While the debate continues within academia, industry standards bodies, government and industry media, new entrants continue to rapidly enter the market with cheaper more powerful products with little incentive to address information security issues. In a free market economy, the supply and the demand would determine the product and services and the associated prices without intervention. Manufacturers are free to innovate, consumers drive choice and competition brings these opposing forces to an equilibrium of market price. But how does this economic system factor in the risk of an event that neither party may ever consider and, yet, it may impact not only impact those involved, but has the potential to have catastrophic harm to others? The downside, the system does not consider “external factors”, i.e. a compromise to accommodate what consumers need. Economists often urge governments to adopt policies that "internalize" an externality, so that costs and benefits will affect mainly parties who choose to incur them. Such an intervention, however, often comes with many challenges and consequences. Even with the added urgency of growing risk to human safety, regulatory intervention takes time. Likewise, a self-regulating market would undoubtedly also take a significant amount of time to take the necessary actions to address such an externality, even if incentivized. While it continues to be all too easy to defer the blame and risk on consumer, like the industrial revolution, this industry must overcome its own safety challenges like the auto, transportation or energy industries before it. While, consumers must inevitably take some reasonable measures to protect their interests, clearly the accountability must reside elsewhere. There is a potentially increasingly significant influential subset of consumers in the IoT ecosystem, the Enterprise Buyer, specifically marketing and technology executives, who champion consumer needs within their organization’s broader products and services that incorporate IoT. In this thesis, we aim to investigate the following issue: What are the attitudes and potential role for Enterprise Buyers in influencing negative externalities, i.e. IoT security in the IoT market, specifically from the perspective of marketing and technology executives? We believe that this group is uniquely positioned to understand a consumer first mindset and how to articulate value in otherwise negatively perceived field of information security by examining context, business/technical challenges and opportunities and reveal awareness, attitude and accountability. The results of our survey show the majority of marketing and technology executives who responded believe information security awareness is increasingly an executive accountability and priority and Enterprise Buyers hold a highly influential position in their ability to influence the IoT market and its security development and maturation. / Medan IoT- säkerhetsincidenter fortsätter att öka i frekvens, omfattning och svårighetsgrad, finns det fortfarande ett gap i hur problemet ska hanteras. Samtidigt som debatten fortsätter inom akademin, branschstandardorganen, myndigheter i regeringen och industrin fortsätter nya aktörer att snabbt komma in på marknaden med billigare, kraftfullare produkter med få incitament att ta itu med informationssäkerhetsfrågor. I en öppen marknadsekonomi skulle utbud och efterfrågan avgöra produkt och tjänster och tillhörande priser utan intervention. Tillverkare kan obehindrat driva innovation, konsumenterna driver urval och konkurrens ger dessa motstridiga krafter jämvikt genom marknadspriset. Men hur påverkar detta ekonomiska system risken för en händelse som ingen av parterna någonsin kan överväga och som ändå kan påverka inte bara de inblandade som berörs utan även har potential att få katastrofala skador på andra? Nersidan är att systemet inte beaktar "yttre faktorer", det vill säga gör en kompromiss för att leverera vad konsumenterna behöver. Ekonomer uppmanar ofta regeringar att anta policies som "internaliserar" något externt, så att kostnader och fördelar kommer att påverka främst parter som väljer att ådra sig dem. Ett sådant ingrepp kommer emellertid ofta med många utmaningar och konsekvenser. Trots att förhöjda hot mot människors säkerhet ökar angelägenheten tar uppdatering av regelverken tid. På samma sätt skulle en självreglerande marknad utan tvivel också ta väldigt mycket tid på sig för att vidta nödvändiga åtgärder för att hantera en sådan extern faktor, även om det fanns incitament för att göra det. Medan det fortsätter att vara alltför lätt att överlåta ansvaret och risken till konsumenten, såsom under den industriella revolutionen, måste denna industri övervinna sina egna säkerhetsutmaningar såsom bil-, transport- eller energibranschen gjort före den. Samtidigt som konsumenter oundvikligen behöver vidta rimliga åtgärder för att skydda sina intressen, måste yttersta ansvaret ligga någon annanstans. Det finns en potentiellt allt större inflytelserik delmängd av konsumenter i IoT-ekosystemet; företagsköpare, specifikt ledare inom marknadsföring och teknologi, som driver konsumentbehov inom sin organisations bredare produkter och tjänster som innehåller IoT. I denna avhandling strävar vi efter att undersöka följande problem: Vad är företagsköparnas attityder och möjliga roll för att påverka negativa externa effekter, det vill säga IoT-säkerhet på IoT-marknaden, särskilt ur marknadsförings- och teknikledarens perspektiv? Vi tror att denna grupp är unik positionerad för att förstå en konsumenternas första tankegång och hur man kan uttrycka värdet i ett annars negativt uppfattat område för informationssäkerhet genom att undersöka kontext, affärs- / tekniska utmaningar och möjligheter och avslöja medvetenhet, attityd och ansvar. Resultaten av vår undersökning visar de flesta marknadsförings- och teknikchefer som svarade tror att informationssäkerhet blir del av ledningens ansvar och prioriteringar och att företagsköpare har en mycket inflytelserik position i deras förmåga att påverka IoT- marknaden och dess säkerhetsutveckling och mognad.
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