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Valorisation des hémicelluloses de bois : synthèse de charges papetières / Hemicelluloses based fillers for papermaking industryBelmokaddem, Fatima-Zohra 19 December 2011 (has links)
Résumé confidentiel / Résumé confidentiel
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Polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée : le défi de l'éthylène / Controlled radical polymerization : the challenge of ethyleneDommanget, Cédric 12 November 2013 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur le contrôle de la polymérisation radicalaire de l'éthylène à basse pression (200 bar) et basse température (70 °C) et sur la synthèse de copolymères à blocs contenant au moins un segment de polyéthylène. Quatre techniques de polymérisation, couramment utilisées en ingénierie macromoléculaire, ont été étudiées : NMP, CMRP, RAFT/MADIX et ESCP. Nos études sur le nitroxyde SG1 (NMP) et le bis(acétylacétonate) de cobalt (CMRP) ont montré que ces composés sont inefficaces pour contrôler la polymérisation de l'éthylène. Un comportement inattendu du bis(acétylacétonate) de cobalt a cependant été mis en évidence. Il semblerait que ces complexes de cobalt favorisent les réactions de couplage entre les radicaux propagateurs. En revanche, la première polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée de l'éthylène a été atteinte grâce à l'utilisation de xanthates (RAFT/MADIX). Les polyéthylènes synthétisés possèdent des masses molaires qui augmentent linéairement avec la conversion et des dispersités faibles. Le caractère pseudo-vivant de la réaction a été démontré par la synthèse de copolymères à blocs poly(acétate de vinyle)-b-polyéthylène. L'utilisation de nitrones (ESCP) a également permis l'introduction d'une fonction réactive au centre des chaînes de polyéthylène et la synthèse de copolymères triblocs de type ABA, où les blocs latéraux A sont en polystyrène ou polyacrylate et le bloc central B est en Polyéthylène / The work presented in this thesis displays the controlled radical polymerization of ethylene at low temperature (70 °C) and low pressure (200 bar) and the synthesis of block copolymers featuring polyethylene segments. Four polymerization techniques, commonly used in macromolecular engineering, were studied: NMP, CMRP, RAFT/MADIX and ESCP. Our investigation of the use of SG1 nitroxide (NMP) and cobalt (II) acetylacetonate (CMRP) as controlling agents demonstrated their inability to control the polymerization of ethylene. Nonetheless, an unexpected reaction with cobalt (II) acetylacetonate was observed. The coupling reaction between propagating radicals appeared to be favored by the presence of this compound. On the other hand, the first controlled polymerization of ethylene was successfully achieved by using xanthate (RAFT/MADIX). A linear increase of molecular weight with conversion and low polydispersities were observed for the produced polyethylenes. The reaction was demonstrated to be a pseudo-living polymerization by the synthesis of block copolymers poly(vinyl acetate)-b-polyethylene. In addition, midchain-functionalized polyethylenes and ABA type block copolymers, with polystyrene or polyacrylate as the A block and polyethylene as the B block, were also prepared using nitrone based polymerization technique (ESCP)
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Morfogeneze a viskoelastické vlastnosti dimethakrylátových sítí / Morphogenesis and Viscoelastic Properties of Dimethacrylate NetworksBystřický, Zdeněk January 2019 (has links)
Tato dizertační práce se zabývá studiem morfogeneze dimethakrylátových sítí. V práci byly využity zjednodušené systémy založené na monomerech, které bývají typicky využívány jako složky matric pryskyřičných kompozitních materiálů využívaných v oblasti záchovné stomatologie. Kinetika a mechanismy formování polymerních sítí byly studovány především s ohledem na strukturu jednotlivých monomerů, jejich vzájemný molární poměr a koncentraci iniciačního systému využitého pro radikálovou polymeraci. Vypočtené profily konverze funkčních skupin a reakčních rychlostí byly využity jako základ pro pochopení a interpretaci mechanismů morfogeneze sítí a porovnání se známými modely. Dále byla studována kinetika termické degradace, která je s morfologií vytvrzených sítí přímo spjata. V rámci takto charakterizovaných systémů byla stanovena teplotní závislost dynamického modulu a byl popsán vztah mezi supra-molekulární strukturou dimethakrylátových sítí a jejich viskoelastickou odezvou v daném teplotním rozmezí. Kinetika polymerace byla studována pomocí diferenční kompenzační foto-kalorimetrie (DPC) a infračervené spektroskopie (FTIR). Proces termické degradace byl analyzován pomocí termo-gravimetrické analýzy (TGA). Viskoelastické parametry byly charakterizovány pomocí dynamicko-mechanické analýzy (DMA). Reaktivita jednotlivých systémů je přímo odvozena od molekulární struktury monomerů, která ovlivňuje mobilitu reagujících složek v průběhu polymerace. Kinetika polymerace je řízena především difúzí, přičemž její rychlost je dána tuhostí monomerní páteře, koncentrací funkčních skupin a vlivem fyzikálních interakcí. Omezená mobilita rostoucích řetězců, postranních funkčních skupin i samotných monomerů vede k monomolekulární terminaci makro-radikálů a omezení stupně konverze funkčních skupin. Vzhledem k tomu, že k zásadnímu omezení mobility dochází již v počáteční fázi polymerace, tj. v bodu gelace, je případná termodynamická nestabilita vedoucí k fázové separaci polymerujícího systému potlačena a proces kopolymerace je ve své podstatě náhodný. To bylo prokázáno i prostřednictvím identifikace jedné teploty skelného přechodu u charakterizovaných kopolymerů. Heterogenní charakter morfogeneze je spjat s rozdílnou reaktivitou postranních funkčních skupin. V počátečních fázích polymerace dochází k propagaci reakcí postranní funkční skupiny s radikálem na stejném rostoucím řetězci, což vede ke vzniku tzv. primárního cyklu. Pravděpodobnost cyklizace souvisí především s flexibilitou monomerní páteře. Heterogenita polymerace je charakterizována vznikem vnitřně zesítěných struktur, tzv. mikrogelů, a jejich následným spojováním. Tuhost monomeru naopak přispívá k vyšší efektivitě zesítění a více homogenní morfologii vytvrzené sítě. Heterogenita dimethakrylátových sítí se odráží v mechanismu termické degradace, přičemž přítomnost strukturně odlišných domén vede k rozkladu ve dvou krocích. Průběh soufázového modulu a teplota skelného přechodu korelují s tuhostí polymerních sítí, efektivitou zesítění a přítomností fyzikálních interakcí, které vyztužují strukturu sítě nad rámec kovalentního zesítění. Heterogenní morfologie sítí se projevuje rozšiřováním spektra relaxačních časů. Experimentální data jsou v kvalitativní shodě s existujícími numerickými modely popisujícími kinetiku radikálové polymerace multifunkčních monomerů.
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Kartläggning av inherent flamskyddade textilier : hur påverkar dessa hälsa och miljö? / Identification of inherent flame retardants in textile materials : how do these affect health and the environment?Ell, Malin, Hult, Anna, Risberg, Josephine January 2021 (has links)
Flamskyddsmedel i textila material används för att förhindra eller fördröja brand. Lagar och standarder ställer krav på att textila varor i offentliga miljöer har ett flamskydd. Flamskyddade textilier används också av de yrkesgrupper som utsätts för brandrisk på arbetsplatsen. Användningen av flamskydd har ökat sedan 1970-talet. På 1980-talet började hälso- och miljöriskerna med användningen av dessa att uppmärksammas. Detta har lett till reglering för användning av de flamskydd som innehåller klor och brom. Utveckling av halogenfria flamskyddsmedel som hälso- och miljövänliga alternativ pågår. Även möjligheten att integrera flamskyddsmedlet i textilfibern ses som ett hälso- och miljövänligt alternativ. Integrering av ett inherent flamskydd sker antingen i form av sampolymerisation med den textila polymeren eller vid extrudering av garnet. Inherent flamskydd i textila material marknadsförs som hälso- och miljövänliga då det inte avges från det textila materialet vid tvätt och slitage. Dessa aspekter innefattar endast den del av det textila materialets livslängd som innebär användning av textilen. Information om påverkan på hälsa och miljö vid produktion och bortförskaffande av ett inherent flamskyddade textilier är bristfällig. Resultatet visar att ämnen och föreningar som ger det textila materialet ett inherent flamskydd kan vid dessa steg i materialets livscykel orsaka skada på både människa och natur. Vid framställning och hantering av dessa ämnen kan en felaktig sådan leda till utsläpp. Dessa utsläpp kan orsaka luftföroreningar och försurning i mark och vatten. Vid bortförskaffande av inherent flamskyddade textilier är deponi vanligt vilket i sin tur leder till förbränning av avfallet. Vid förbränning avges deponigaser som är toxiska för hälsa och miljö. / Flame retardants in textile material is used to prevent or delay fire. Laws and standards require that textile goods used in public environments are flame protected. Flame retardant textiles are also used by the occupational groups exposed to the risk of fire in the workplace. The use of flame retardants has increased since the 1970s. In the 1980s, the health and environmental risks associated with their use began to receive attention. This had led to regulations for the use of flame retardants containing chlorine and bromine. The development of halogen-free flame retardants as health and environmentally friendly alternatives is ongoing. The possibility of integrating the flame retardant into the textile fiber is also seen as a health and environmentally friendly alternative. Integration of an inherent flame retardant can be done either during copolymerization of the textile polymer or by adding an additive by the extrusion of the yarn. Inherent flame retardants in textile materials are marketed as health and environmentally friendly as they’re not emitted from the textile material during wash and wear. These aspects include only the part of the lifespan of the textile material that involves the use of the textile. Information of the impact on health and environment during the production and disposal stage of an inherently flame-retardant textile is insufficient. The results show that substances and compounds giving the textile material an inherent flame protection can at these stages in the material life cycle cause damage to both humans and nature. An incorrect handling in the production phase of these substances can lead to emissions. These emissions can cause air pollution and acidification in soil and water. Landfill is common at disposing of inherently flame-retardant textiles which later leads to combustion of the materials. During combustion toxic landfill gases are released into the environment.
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Copolymerization and Characterization of Vinylaromatics with Fluorinated StyrenesTang, Chau N. 12 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Polymer-based additive manufacturing: optimization for high-performance degradable polymers / Polymerbaserad additiv tillverkning: optimering för högpresterande nedbrytbara polymererChen, Danjing January 2022 (has links)
I det här utvecklas en reproducerbar polymerisationsmetod för att uppnå en stabil produktion av poly(ε-caprolakton-co-p-dioxanon) (PCLDX), skala upp filamenttillverkningen för att producera 1.75 mm långa filament och optimera 3D-utskriftsprocessen för att tillverka ställningar/anordningar för mjukvävnadsteknik. PCLDX, med högre nedbrytningshastighet och bättre flexibilitet jämfört med poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), syntetiserades på ett reproducerbart sätt genom sampolymerisering. Den syntetiserade PCLDX uppvisade önskvärd sammansättning (85 mol% CL : 15 mol% DX), molmassa (cirka 40 kg∙mol-1), dispersitet (cirka 1.8) och relativt låg smältpunkt (cirka 45 ℃). För att tillverka tredimensionella matriser av PCLDX utformades och optimerades två processer, filamenttillverkning och 3D printning. För filamenttillverkningsprocessen användes låg extruderingstemperatur (65 och 80 ℃) och låg extruderingshastighet (100 cm∙min-1) för att spara energi och minimera nedbrytningen. PCLDX-filament med en jämn diameter på 1.75 mm tillverkades genom att använda en passande partikelstorlek (diameter på 3-4 mm) och en kylmetod (blandning av vatten och torris, 0 ℃). De erhållna filamenten uppvisade lägre Youngs modul (25 % lägre än PCL), PCLDX batch oberoende termiska egenskaper, god ytkvalitet och printbarhet. Den termiska nedbrytningen av PCLDX under processen var försumbar och molmassan var nästintill oförändrad. Processen har skalats upp för att producera stora mängder PCLDX-filament, vars produktivitet nådde upp till 140 g∙h-1. Tredimensionella matriser tillverkades genom att printa önskad design genom manuell matning och låg printhastighet (5 mm/s). En isplatta användes för att kyla ner maskinen under printningen för att undvika bucklingproblem. Det optimerade printprotokollet genererade ingen termisk nedbrytning av polymeren, påverkade inte polymerens molmassa eller dispersitet. De producerade matriserna hade samma termiska egenskaper oavsett polymerbatch och god ytkvalitet. Det optimerade printprotokollet användes också framgångsrikt för att skriva ut komplicerade prototyper, t.ex. menisk och knäprotes för potentiella biomedicinska tillämpningar. / In this project, we develop a reproducible polymerization method to achieve stable production of poly(ε-caprolactone-co-p-dioxanone) (PCLDX), scale-up the filament fabrication to produce 1.75 mm filaments and optimize 3D printing process to manufacture scaffolds/devices for soft tissue engineering. PCLDX, with a higher degradation rate and better pliability compared to poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), was successfully synthesized by reproducible copolymerization of ε-caprolactone (CL) and p-dioxanone (DX). The synthesized PCLDX exhibited a polymer composition of 85 mol% CL : 15 mol% DX, molar mass around 40 kg∙mol-1, dispersity around 1.8, and relatively low melting point around 45 ℃. From PCLDX particles to final scaffolds, two processes, including filament fabrication and scaffold manufacturing, were designed and optimized. For the filament fabrication process, low extrusion temperature (65 and 80 ℃) and low extrusion speed (100 cm∙min-1) were applied to save energy and minimize degradation. PCLDX filaments with an even diameter of 1.75 mm were fabricated using suitable particle sizes (diameter of 3-4 mm) and a cooling method (mixture of water and dry ice, 0℃). The obtained filaments exhibited lower young’s modulus (25% lower than PCL), consistent thermal properties, good surface quality, and printability. The thermal degradation of PCLDX during the process was negligible, and the molar mass was kept almost unchanged. The process has been scaled up to produce high amounts of PCLDX filaments, whose productivity rate reached up to 140 g∙h-1. For the scaffold manufacturing process, porous scaffolds were manufactured by feeding manually and printing slowly (5 mm/s). The printability was assessed and validated using produced PCL/PCLDX filaments and commercial PCL filaments. The optimized printing protocol maintained the molar mass and dispersity of the material. The produced scaffolds possessed consistent thermal properties independent on polymer batches and good surface quality. The optimized printing protocol was also successfully applied to print complicated prototypes, such as meniscus and knee prosthesis for potential biomedical applications.
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Dynamic Modelling and Optimization of Polymerization Processes in Batch and Semi-batch Reactors. Dynamic Modelling and Optimization of Bulk Polymerization of Styrene, Solution Polymerization of MMA and Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene and MMA in Batch and Semi-batch Reactors using Control Vector Parameterization Techniques.Ibrahim, W.H.B.W. January 2011 (has links)
Dynamic modelling and optimization of three different processes namely (a) bulk polymerization of styrene, (b) solution polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and (c) emulsion copolymerization of Styrene and MMA in batch and semi-batch reactors are the focus of this work. In this work, models are presented as sets of differential-algebraic equations describing the process. Different optimization problems such as (a) maximum conversion (Xn), (b) maximum number average molecular weight (Mn) and (c) minimum time to achieve the desired polymer molecular properties (defined as pre-specified values of monomer conversion and number average molecular weight) are formulated. Reactor temperature, jacket temperature, initial initiator concentration, monomer feed rate, initiator feed rate and surfactant feed rate are used as optimization variables in the optimization formulations. The dynamic optimization problems were converted into nonlinear programming problem using the CVP techniques which were solved using efficient SQP (Successive Quadratic Programming) method available within the gPROMS (general PROcess Modelling System) software.
The process model used for bulk polystyrene polymerization in batch reactors, using 2, 2 azobisisobutyronitrile catalyst (AIBN) as initiator was improved by including the gel and glass effects. The results obtained from this work when compared with the previous study by other researcher which disregarded the gel and glass effect in their study which show that the batch time operation are significantly reduced while the amount of the initial initiator concentration required increases. Also, the termination rate constant decreases as the concentration of the mixture increases, resulting rapid monomer conversion.
The process model used for solution polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) in batch reactors, using AIBN as the initiator and Toluene as the solvent was improved by including the free volume theory to calculate the initiator efficiency, f. The effects of different f was examined and compared with previous work which used a constant value of f 0.53. The results of these studies show that initiator efficiency, f is not constant but decreases with the increase of monomer conversion along the process.
The determination of optimal control trajectories for emulsion copolymerization of Styrene and MMA with the objective of maximizing the number average molecular weight (Mn) and overall conversion (Xn) were carried out in batch and semi-batch reactors. The initiator used in this work is Persulfate K2S2O8 and the surfactant is Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS). Reduction of the pre-batch time increases the Mn but decreases the conversion (Xn). The sooner the addition of monomer into the reactor, the earlier the growth of the polymer chain leading to higher Mn. Besides that, Mn also can be increased by decreasing the initial initiator concentration (Ci0). Less oligomeric radicals will be produced with low Ci0, leading to reduced polymerization loci thus lowering the overall conversion. On the other hand, increases of reaction temperature (Tr) will decrease the Mn since transfer coefficient is increased at higher Tr leading to increase of the monomeric radicals resulting in an increase in termination reaction.
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Catalytic copolymerization of ethylene with various olefins in solution and in emulsionSkupov, Kirill January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Terminierungskinetik radikalischer Homo- und Copolymerisationen bis zu hohen Monomerumsätzen / Termination kinetics of free-radical homo- and copolymerisations up to high degrees of monomer conversionFeldermann, Achim 03 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Kinetische und thermodynamische Untersuchungen der Hochdruck-Copolymerisation von Ethen mit (Meth)Acrylsäureestern / Kinetic and thermodynamic Studies of the High-Pressure Copolymerization of Ethene and (Meth)acrylic acidestersLatz, Henning 29 April 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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