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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The supporters of the Emperor in Western society in the age of Theodosius

Matthews, John Frederick January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

Representations of the princesse de Lamballe (1749-1792) : the portraiture, patronage and politics of a royal favourite at the court of Marie-Antoinette

Grant, Sarah January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the portraiture and patronage of Marie Thérèse Louise de Savoie-Carignan, the princesse de Lamballe (1749-1792). It is the first comprehensive and detailed study to be undertaken of the princess's activities as patron. Lamballe was Marie-Antoinette's longest-serving confidante and Superintendent of the Queen's Household. Through close formal analysis of the portraits combined with careful consideration of the sitter's personal circumstances and the wider cultural and historical context, the thesis challenges scholarly assumptions that the princess had only negligible influence as a sitter and patron. As a case study of an independent, professionally ambitious and childless widow, it identifies a wider range of motives and cultural meanings than has previously been ascribed to female court patronage of this period. The first chapter demonstrates that the early depictions of Lamballe as a docile and grieving princess were largely dictated by her father-in-law, an identity the princess subsequently discarded when she assumed a professional role at court. Chapter two examines portraits executed during the princess's rise to political and social prominence and shows that her attachment to the queen and the length of time she spent in her company and service, together with her publicly visible roles as freemason and salonnière, made her a figure of considerable renown and influence and thereby a highly significant patron at the French court. This was enhanced by the princess's international reputation as a talented amateur artist in her own right and by her financial and social support of aspiring artists and art institutions. The princess's engagement with the cult of sentiment and advocacy of women artists is allied to the sorority encouraged by Marie-Antoinette within the women of her select circle. Complementary chapters on the princess's previously unknown anglophile inclinations (discussed in Chapter three) and her private collections, library, and musical and literary patronage (considered in Chapter four) further reveal that Lamballe was an informed and cultivated female patron who operated at the very centre of Marie-Antoinette's circle.

Société curiale et monarchie restaurée en France (1814-1830). La "nation des courtisans" / Courtly society and restored monarchy in France (1814-1830). The "nation of courtiers"

Trétout, Thibaut 12 December 2016 (has links)
Au prisme des caricatures que ses détracteurs en ont faites dès la Restauration, parées après les « Trois Glorieuses » des couleurs de la vérité, la cour des Bourbons de France serait à la fois nulle, anachronique et ridicule. Cette condamnation rétrospective empêche d'appréhender la centralité des institutions domestiques et de la société curiale dans la France de 1814 à 1830. Instrument de légitimation du principe héréditaire incarné par la dynastie régnante, vecteur d'exaltation de sa prééminence et de mise en scène d'une royauté sacrale, la cour de la Restauration se doit d'être étudiée d'un point de vue internaliste, qui en retrace la généalogie, les modalités de recréation et les logiques de structuration. Si elle reproduit les règles de fonctionnement identifiées par Norbert Elias comme caractéristiques de l'Ancien Régime, la société de cour restaurée s'en distingue par la prépondérance, dans l'intime familiarité des Bourbons, de fidèles purs. « Arche sainte de la légitimité » et sanctuaire des traditions royales, foyer d'oppositions anti-ministérielles et d'une résistance, couronnée de succès, à l'ordonnance de réforme du 1er novembre 1820, destinée à la « nationaliser », elle cristallise l'assimilation des courtisans à une coterie irrémédiablement étrangère au peuple de France et contraire à ses libertés. Désavouée, en 1844, par le prétendant légitimiste, la cour de la Restauration est liquidée dès 1830 par le roi des Français, rapidement contraint, cependant, de renouer avec certains de ses héritages en curialisant la monarchie de Juillet. / According to the caricatures its detractors produced from the time of the Restoration onwards, adorned with the colours of truth after "the Three Glorious" Days, the Bourbon Court of France would be nothing but anachronistic and ridiculous. This retrospective condemnation prevents from understanding the centrality of Royal Households and Court society in France between 1814 and 1830. As a means to legitimize the hereditary principle embodied by the ruling dynasty, glorify their prominence and stage the scenario of a sacred monarchy, the Restoration Court must be approached from an inner view which traces its roots, the terms of its recreation and its structuring logics. Although it replicates the rules defined by Norbert Elias as typical of the Old Regime, the restored Court society differs from them by the predominancy of courtiers depicted as pure followers within the close intimacy of the Bourbons. An « Ark of legitimacy », a sanctuary of royal traditions, and a center of oppositions to governments, the Court overcame its nationalization through the reform of November 1820, but hastened the assimilation of the courtiers into a coterie, irretrievably alien to the people of France and hostile to liberties. Disavowed by the legitimist pretender to the throne, the Restoration Court was liquidated as early as the year 1830 by the King of the French, who nevertheless had to quickly come to terms with some its legacies so as to create the national Court of the July Monarchy.

La cour et les animaux sous les Bourbons / Animals and the court under the Bourbons

Pieragnoli, Joan 05 December 2015 (has links)
Les animaux eux-mêmes font l’objet du chapitre liminaire. Mais, en en tant que tels, ils intéressent moins la présente étude que la façon dont leur utilisation par l’homme a été associée à l’essor de la vie de cour. La relation homme-animal en milieu de cour est abordée dans la première partie, sous l’angle des formes architecturales, des structures administratives ainsi que du cadre juridique et social au sein desquels elle s’épanouit à la charnière des XVIe et XVIIe siècles (chapitres I à III). Le chapitre IV aborde un dernier aspect de la relation entre l’homme et les animaux en décrivant la finalité alimentaire des seconds. La deuxième partie étudie la participation des animaux à la dynamique de cour, au moment où, à partir du règne de Louis XIII, la curialisation s’accélère. Il s’agit d’abord de préciser le rôle des animaux dans l’élaboration de modèles culturels véhiculés par la propagande et le mécénat princiers (chapitres V et chapitre VI). À l’échelle interne, la façon dont le développement des équipages et la codification des chasses royales participent à la curialisation fait l’objet des chapitres VII et VIII. L’impact de la sédentarisation de la cour sur les populations animales et sur le développement de l’architecture zoologique constitue la matière de la troisième partie. Le chapitre IX est consacré à la Ménagerie de Versailles et le suivant à l’institutionnalisation du mécénat scientifique qui lui a été associé. Les chapitres XI et XII étudient la répartition sélective des animaux en fonction des résidences de la cour et son incidence sur l’organisation de l’espace. / This study does not focus in on animals as much as it questions the way they have been used by men and the part they played in the development of court life. In the first part, I address the relation between man and animal in the court context, from the standpoint of the architectural forms, administrative structures as well as the social and legal framework, in which the relation blossomed during the transition of 16th to the 17th century (chapter I to III). Chapter IV deals with yet another aspect of the man-animal relation, describing the use of the latter for alimentary purposes. The second part questions the animals’ participation in the court dynamics, at a point when, beginning with Louis XIII’s reign, courtization accelerated. My first concern was to give a detailed account of the animal’s role in the conception of the cultural models conveyed by propaganda and sponsorship originating from princes (chapter V and chapter VI). On the internal level, chapter VII and VIII describe the way the development of hunting crews and the codification of royal hunts participate in courtization. In the third part, I examine the impact of the court’s settlement on animal populations and the development of zoological architecture. Chapter IX describes the Ménagerie of Versailles, while the next one addresses the joint process of institutionalization of scientific patronage. Finally, in chapter XI and XII, I argue that the selective distribution of animals depending on the court residencies had an impact on spatial organization.

Les organisations paysannes en République du Congo : émergence et signification des dynamiques organisationnelles dans le secteur agricole en zones péri-urbaines et rurales / Rural organizations in Republic of Congo : emergence and significance of the dynamic organizational in agricultural sector in peri-urban and rural areas

Imbou-Ngalamou, Annick Judicaëlle 25 September 2015 (has links)
L’émergence des organisations paysannes en milieu périurbain et rural en République du Congo en particulier à Brazzaville et dans les Plateaux, s’inscrit dans une dualité de logiques : des logiques paysannes propres aux paysans eux-mêmes et, en même temps, des logiques institutionnelles sous l’impulsion des acteurs extérieurs, l’Etat, les ONG, les agences de coopération bilatérales et multilatérales. On voit donc apparaître de nouvelles dynamiques organisationnelles, ouvrant de nouveaux espaces à l’éruption d’acteurs sociaux qui, à travers des stratégies de positionnement et de promotion s’improvisent comme intermédiaires entre les flux financiers circulant dans ces milieux. Ces nouveaux acteurs se distinguent par leurs charisme, leurs compétences, leur connaissance endogène du milieu, leur appartenance sociale, et leur position dans l’arène locale. Elite, jeune, femme, religieuse, notable du village, etc., acquièrent ainsi une légitimité dans leur milieu, deviennent de véritables courtiers contrôlant les canaux de communication entre les donateurs et les paysans. Positionnement ou promotion, ces nouveaux acteurs jouent un rôle central dans l’arène des possibles. Quelles que soient leur origine, ces dynamiques n’enrayent pas les clivages qui ont existé et apparaissent actuellement sous des nouvelles formes, responsables de conflits entre les acteurs. Par ailleurs, l’aide au développement dont bénéficient les paysans et leurs groupements n’est assurément pas neutre. Elle véhicule l’idéologie des donateurs, et créée inévitablement des comportements d’adaptation des paysans aux exigences des structures d’appui et peut entraîner une perte au moins partielle de leur autonomie. / The emergence of peasant organizations in peri-urban and rural areas in Republic of Congo in particular with Brazzaville and in the Plateau, has a dual logical understanding; peasant farmers view and at the same time, institutional view influenced by external actors, the state, NGOs, bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies. We see the emergence of new organizational dynamics, which lead to the creation of new spaces and the coming in of social actors who position themselves as intermediaries between financial flows circulating in these environments. These new players are distinguished by their charisma, their skills, their endogenous knowledge of the environment, social affiliation, and their position in the local arena. Elite, young, woman, religious, village elder, etc., they acquire legitimacy in their communities, become real brokers controlling the communication channels between donors and farmers. Whether self imposed or promoted, these new actors play a central role in the arena of possibilities. Whatever their origin, these dynamics do not wipe out the cleavages that have existed and still appear in new forms, the cause of conflicts between actors. In addition, development aid enjoyed by farmers and their associations is certainly not neutral. It conveys the ideology of donors, and influences the behavior of farmers to cope with the requirements of support structures and may result in different degrees of loss of their autonomy.

Culture and Self-Representation in the Este Court: Ercole Strozzi's Funeral Elegy of Eleonora of Aragon, a Text, Translation, and Commentary.

Cassella, Dean Marcel 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents a previously unedited text by one of the most distinguished- yet neglected-Latin writers of the Italian Renaissance, Ercole Strozzi (1471-1508), a poet and administrator in the court of Ferrara. Under the Este Dukes, Ferrara became a major center of literary and artistic patronage. The Latin literary output of the court, however, has received insufficient scholarly scrutiny. The text is a verse funeral elegy of Eleonora of Aragon (1450-1493), the first Duchess of Ferrara. Eleonora was a remarkable woman whose talents and indefatigable efforts on behalf of her husband, her children, and her state, won her accolades both at home and abroad. She also served as a prototype for the remarkable careers of her two daughters, Isabella d'Este, and Beatrice d'Este, who are celebrated for their erudition and patronage of arts and letters. The text is a mirror of the Estense court and reveals to us how its members no doubt saw themselves, at the very peak of its temporal power and the height of its prestige as a center of cultural creativity. It is also important for the striking portrait it presents of Eleonora. Ercole Strozzi chose to call his poem an epicedium, an ancient minor literary genre that had received attention in the two decades prior to its composition, due to the discovery and printing of the silver age Roman poet Statius, whose text includes several epicedia. Strozzi deftly adapts and transcends both his ancient and contemporary models (especially Poliziano), and in the process, creates a new Latin literary genre, the Renaissance epicedium. It is a fine poem, full of both erudition and creativity, and as such is the first fruits of what would be Ercole Strozzi's illustrious poetic career. The work is genuinely worthy of study on both esthetic and historical grounds.

La responsabilité de l'intermédiaire de marché et la protection du petit investisseur : à la recherche d'un certain équilibre

Biron, Julie 08 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise, option droit des affaires" / Le recours à diverses stratégies d'investissement ainsi qu'aux services des intermédiaires de marché a pris, dans les dernières années, une place importante dans la planification financière de la retraite des Canadiens. Toutefois, une question demeure: les marchés financiers contemporains sont-ils adaptés aux petits investisseurs? Cette question, étant réapparue à plusieurs reprises au fil des ans, nous frappe avec d'autant plus d'acuité à la lumière de la dégringolade qu'ont subie les marchés boursiers depuis mars 2000. Pour répondre à cette question, un examen du contexte dans lequel évolue la relation établie entre l'intermédiaire de marché et l'investisseur s'avère nécessaire. Tout d'abord, la mise en place d'un système réglementaire technique visant à encadrer les activités des intermédiaires de marché, complétée par les règles adoptées par les organismes professionnels auxquels ces derniers appartiennent, viennent d'emblée imposer un modèle de conduite visant à maintenir la confiance des investisseurs dans le marché de valeurs. De même, l'adoption de cet ensemble de règles fait en sorte que le comportement adopté par les intermédiaires de marché corresponde le plus possible aux attentes des investisseurs. En outre, ces règles viennent, avec le nouveau Code civil, établir l'ensemble des obligations imposées aux parties dans leur relation. Il va sans dire que l'assujettissement à un certain nombre de devoirs et d'obligations amène inévitablement des litiges en matière de responsabilité civile. Toutefois, la formulation d'une demande devant les tribunaux judiciaires afin d'obtenir une compensation pour les pertes subies amène un lot important d'inconvénients (poids financier des procédures, délais, technicité du fardeau de preuve). Par ailleurs, ce constat pourra, dans certains cas, entraîner un questionnement sur l'étendue réelle de la protection des droits du public investisseur. Dans ce cadre, l'apparition dans les demières années de modes alternatifs de règlement de litiges propose une solution intéressante en permettant d'envisager une nouvelle forme de justice plus adaptée aux litiges consuméristes pouvant survenir dans le cadre de la relation entre l'investisseur et l'intermédiaire de marché. / In the past few years, use of various investment strategies and intermediary market services has occupied an important place in the Canadians' retirement financial planning. However, one question remains unanswered: Are contemporary financial markets adapted to small investors? Asked many times over the years, this question is ail the more striking in light of the upheaval that stock exchanges have suffered since March 2000. To answer this question, it is necessary to examine the context in which the relationship between market intermediaries and investors is established. The application of a technical regulatory system that gives structure to market intermediaries' activities and which is further completed by the rules of organizations that these professionals belong to readily imposes a model of conduct that aims to maintain investors' confidence in securities markets. Similarly, by adopting this set of rules, market intermediaries also adopt behavior that corresponds as much as possible to investors' expectations. Moreover, these rules, along with the new Code Civil, establish a set of obligations for parties in contact. It goes without saying that restraining certain duties and obligations inevitably causes legal disputes over civil responsibility. However, drafting a claim before the court to obtain compensation for losses suffered causes major inconvenience (financial burden of the proceedings, the delays and hold-ups, and the technicality of the duty to produce evidence). In certain cases, this finding can put into question how long the protection of public investors' rights actually last. In this context, the appearance in the last years of alternative means of settling litigation presents an interesting solution. It allows us to envision a new form of justice that is more adapted to consumer disputes and may very weil arise in the relationship between investors and market intermediaries.

Entre le trône et l’autel : la grande aumônerie de France sous l’Empire et la Restauration (1804- 1830) / Between throne and altar : the “Grande Aumônerie de France” under the first Empire and the Bourbon Restauration (1804-1830)

Hême de Lacotte, Rémy 12 December 2012 (has links)
La grande aumônerie désigne traditionnellement, en France, le clergé chargé de l’exercice du culte auprès dusouverain et de ceux de ses sujets attachés à sa personne. Longtemps cantonné à la cour, ce service connaît, desa recréation par Napoléon au moment du passage à l’Empire jusqu’à sa suppression par la monarchie deJuillet, un développement sans précédent. L’amalgame de différentes composantes, à commencer, sous laRestauration, par l’aumônerie militaire, transforme le modeste département aulique en une institution présenteà l’échelle nationale, dont les effectifs équivalent à ceux d’un petit diocèse. Le présent travail s’interroge sur lamanière dont l’existence d’un tel clergé affecte concrètement le fonctionnement du système concordataire, àtravers l’étude de ses structures, de son personnel et de son activité pastorale. Il pose aussi la question du poidspolitique du clergé de cour dans la direction des Affaires religieuses en régime constitutionnel. Il conclut surun constat : celui de la marginalisation, avant même sa disparition, de la grande aumônerie, soulignant parcontrecoup la solidité des institutions de régulation des cultes mises en place par Bonaparte. L’antique alliancedu Trône et de l’Autel fait alors place, définitivement, à la relation purement administrative de l’Église et del’État. / The “Grande Aumônerie” traditionally refers, in France, to the clergy in charge of the exercise of the ministryto the sovereign and, among his subjects, to all those attached to his person. A long time confined to the court,this service knows, from its restoration by Napoleon until its removal by the July Monarchy, an unprecedentedgrowth. The incorporation of various components, which the most important is certainly, under theRestoration, the military chaplaincy, converts the modest aulic department into a national institution, whosenumbers equall to those of a small diocese. This work examines how the existence of such a clergy actuallyaffects the running of the Concordat System, through a detailed study of its structures, its staff and its pastoralactivity. It also raises the question of the political weight of the court clergy in the management of religiousaffairs in a constitutional government. Eventually a finding stands out : the marginalization, even before itsdisappearance, of the “Grande Aumônerie”, which, by contrast, underlines the soundness of the institutionsestablished by Bonaparte in order to regulate the religions. The ancient alliance of Throne and Altar then givesway, definitively, to the merely administrative relationship between Church and State.

Le maréchal-duc de Luxembourg (1628-1695) et le commandement des armées : carrière des armes et pratique de la guerre sous Louis XIV / The Marshal-Duke of Luxembourg (1628-1695) and the Art of Command : Military Career and Warfare under Louis XIV

Fonck, Bertrand 19 November 2011 (has links)
François-Henri de Montmorency-Bouteville, maréchal-duc de Luxembourg (1628-1695), connut une longue carrière d’officier général, de la fin de la guerre de Trente Ans à celle de la Ligue d’Augsbourg, et un parcours contrasté, marqué par les inconstances de la faveur et de la fortune des armes. Engagé dans la Fronde auprès de son parent, le prince de Condé, qui lui obtint en 1661 la main de l’héritière de la pairie de Luxembourg, il revint au service lors de la guerre de Dévolution. Ayant acquis la protection de Louvois, il commanda en Hollande en 1672, puis devint capitaine des gardes du corps avant d’obtenir le bâton de maréchal de France en 1675. Impliqué dans l’affaire des Poisons, il fut écarté des commandements et dut attendre la campagne de 1690 pour retrouver la direction de l’armée de Flandre, qu’il commanda jusqu’en 1694. Ses victoires, pourtant peu exploitées, lui valurent une gloire inégalée en son temps et le surnom de Tapissier de Notre-Dame ; elles en firent également l’un des généraux les plus influents à la cour de Louis XIV, qui favorisa l’élévation de sa maison. L’étude de sa carrière apporte une contribution de premier plan à l’histoire de la collaboration intéressée entre la grande noblesse et la monarchie absolutiste, et de la place des généraux dans l’État et le gouvernement du royaume. L’analyse de ses campagnes et de son expérience du commandement dévoile l’évolution de la conduite de la guerre et des opérations, au temps de la stratégie de cabinet et des conflits limités, aussi bien que les transformations progressives des pratiques de la guerre et du combat. / François-Henri de Montmorency-Bouteville, marshal-duke of Luxembourg (1628-1695), followed a long career of general officer, from the end of the Thirty Years’ War till the Nine Years’ War, and had a contrasted life marked by the inconstancies of the favour and the fortune of war. Committed in the Fronde with his relative, the prince of Condé, who obtained for him in 1661 the hand of the heiress of the “pairie” of Luxembourg, he returned to the service during the War of Devolution. Having acquired the protection of Louvois, he commanded in Holland in 1672, then became captain of a company of “gardes du corps”, before becoming marshal of France in 1675. Involved in the Affair of the Poisons, he was pushed aside from commands and had to wait for the campaign of 1690 to find back the direction of the army of Flanders, which he commanded until 1694. His victories, although not totally exploited, were worth to him an unequalled glory at that time, and the nickname of “The Tapissier de Notre-Dame” ; they also made him one of the most powerful generals in the court of Louis XIV, which favored the rise of his family. The study of his career contributes remarkably to the history of the interested collaboration between the high nobility and the absolutist monarchy, and of the place of the generals in the State and the kingdom’s government. The analysis of his campaigns and his experience of command reveals the evolution of warfare, in the time of the “stratégie de cabinet” and the limited conflicts, as well as the progressive transformations of the practice of war and fighting.

The court and household of James I of Scotland, 1424-1437

Scott, Nicola R. January 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the importance of the royal court and household in Scotland during the reign of James I (1424-37). The medieval royal court and household has received little concentrated attention in recent Scottish studies. However, a significant body of published research exists elsewhere in Britain and Europe which shows the importance of this arena for other kingdoms at this time. These studies have emphasised how the court and household was an important centre for politics and culture in the medieval period, indicating how a similar study of the Scottish evidence is essential for a fuller understanding of James I’s reign. Through a variety of sources, the composition of James’s household and court affinity has been examined. It is evident from this that James lacked an appropriate body of companions and high-status administrative officers for a medieval ruler and this was to have significant consequences for his reign. Additionally, by looking at some of the cultural aspects of the royal court, in particular the architecture, literature and religion, a clearer picture of the socio-political dynamics and tensions of James I’s reign emerges. In contrast to the generally held view of James as a politically successful, strong and active monarch for much of his reign, this study instead indicates a king who failed to establish an attractive and useful court and household that could be exploited for royal political gain. With his failure to establish a suitable court and household, James was a king incomplete and it is the contention that this contributed significantly to the king’s assassination.

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