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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av sin egen hälsa i samband med covid-19 pandemin : En litteraturstudie

Pietola, Rebecca, Taha, Rozhan January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: I takt med smittspridningen av covid-19 ändrades läget snabbt och omfattande smittskyddsåtgärder vidtogs. Covid-19 påverkade samhället, vilket har lett till nya rutiner för hälso- och sjukvården. Förutom att vårdpersonal har arbetat nära med potentiellt smittade människor, har vårdpersonal behövt arbeta under extraordinära och extrema utmanade förhållanden. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av sin egen hälsa i samband med covid-19 pandemin. Metod: Studiens design var en allmän litteraturstudie och utgick från 13 vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna analyserades, där relevant information färgkodades och data grupperades därefter i under- och huvudkategorier. Resultat: Två huvudkategorier identifierades. Huvudkategorierna som identifierades var psykisk ohälsa och fysisk ohälsa. Psykisk ohälsa bestod av underkategorierna Stress, Ångest, Rädsla och PTSD samt Depression och Utmattning. I resultatet framkom det att sjuksköterskors hälsa har påverkats negativt under covid-19 pandemin. Konklusion: Litteraturstudiens resultat visar att covid-19 pandemin har påverkat sjuksköterskors psykiska och fysiska hälsa. Sjuksköterskor som arbetade på covid-19 enheter upplevde mer stress, ångest och depression. Utbrändheten ökade i takt med pandemins spridning och sjuksköterskor upplevde rädsla över att bli smittad av covid-19. / Background: As the spread of covid-19 spread, the situation changed quickly and extensive infection prevention measures were taken. Covid-19 affected society, which has led to new routines for healthcare. In addition to working closely with potentially infected people, healthcare professionals have had to work under extraordinary and extremely challenging conditions. Aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate nurses' experience of their own health during the covid-19 pandemic. Method: The design of the study was a general literature study and was based on 13 scientific articles. The articles were analyzed, relevant information was color coded, and the data was then grouped into sub- and main categories. Results: Two main categories were identified. The main categories identified were mental illness and physical illness. Mental illness consisted of the subcategories Stress, Anxiety, Fear and PTSD as well as Depression and Exhaustion. The results showed that nurses' health has been negatively affected during the covid-19 pandemic. Conclusion: The results of the literature study show that the covid-19 pandemic has affected nurses' mental and physical health. Nurses who worked with covid-19 patients experienced more stress, anxiety and depression. Burnout increased as the pandemic spread and nurses experienced fear of being infected by covid-19.

Med patienten i förarsätet : Patientens upplevelse av det prehospitala bemötandet vid hänvisning att kvarstanna i hemmet med egenvårdsråd vid COVID-19. En kvalitativ intervjustudie.

Norström, Elin, Hjelmstedt, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under pandemin har det varit vanligt förekommande att patienter med COVID-19 får en bedömning av en sjuksköterska i ambulansen och sedan hänvisas att kvarstanna i hemmet med egenvårdsråd. Det finns lite forskning om patienters upplevelse av ambulanssjukvården och ingen om hur den nya situationen som pandemin innebar påverkade hur patienter upplever bemötandet från ambulanspersonal. Ambulanspersonalens bemötande har stor påverkan på patienters upplevelse av vården, vilket gör ämnet viktigt att studera vidare i den nya kontext som COVID-19 innebar. Patientens grundläggande vårdbehov kan beskrivas med hjälp av ramverket Fundamentals of Care’s (FOC) andra dimension utifrån fysiska, psykosociala och relationella aspekter. Syfte: Att beskriva hur patienter med COVID-19 upplever bemötandetfrån sjuksköterska i ambulanssjukvården vid hänvisning till egenvårdsråd i hemmet. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med innehållsanalys. Deltagarna var sju kvinnor och tre män i åldrarna 38–81. Resultat: Aspekter av de psykosociala behoven som var betydelsefulla var att återfå kontroll över situationen, bli självständig i sin vård, förmedlas lugn och få hjälp med att hantera oroskänslor. Aspekter av de relationella behoven som var betydelsefulla var att få stöttning, bli lyssnad på och att bli förstådd. Den aspekt av de fysiska behoven som var viktig var att känna sig trygg i sin fysiska status. Upplevelsen försämrades när deltagarna inte blev lyssnade på och inte fick hjälp att ta kontroll över situationen. Slutsats: Patienter med COVID-19 som blir hänvisade till att kvarstanna i hemmet med egenvårdsråd upplever ett gott bemötande från ambulanspersonalen när de får sina psykosociala, relationella och fysiska behov tillgodosedda. / Background: During the ongoing pandemic, it’s been common for patients with COVID-19 to receive an assessment from a nurse in the ambulance and then be referred to remain at home with self-care advice. There is little research that sheds light on patients experience of ambulance care. The treatment from the ambulance staff has a great impact on how patients experience their care, which makes the subject important to study further in the new context of the pandemic. Patients basic care needs can be described using the Second Dimension Fundamentals of Care (FOC) framework. Objective: To describe how patients with COVID-19 experience treatment from a nurse in the ambulance service when referring to self-care advice at home. Method: A qualitative interview study with content analysis. The participants were seven women and three men aged 38-81. Results: Aspects of psychosocial needs were to regain control of the situation, become independent in their care, be calmed and get helped to deal with feelings of anxiety. Aspects of relational needs were to receive support, to be listened to and to be understood. The aspect of physical needs was to become reassured in their physical status. The experience deteriorated when the participants were not listened to, received poorly personalized information and did not receive help to take control of the situation. Conclusion: Patient with COVID-19 who are referred to remain at home with self-care advice experience a good response from the ambulance staff when they have their psychosocial, relational and physical needs met.

I skuggan av extraversion : - En kvalitativ studie om introverta individers upplevelse av Covid-19 pandemin och en norm om extraversion / In the shadow of extraversion : - A qualitative study of introverted individuals' experience of the Covid-19 pandemic and a norm of extraversion.

Jacobsson, Carolin, Sidefalk Selmqvist, Susanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna sociologiska undersökning var att studera hur introverta individer har upplevt sin tillvaro innan och under Covid-19 pandemin i relation till en norm om extraversion. Studien har fokuserat på följande frågeställningar: Hur upplever introverta individer normen om extraversion? Hur upplever introverta individer att deras tillvaro har förändrats av Covid-19 pandemins utveckling? Hur upplever introverta individer att normen om extraversion har förändrats av Covid-19 pandemin? Ambitionen var att belysa problematiken med en extravert samhällsnorm vilket har genomförts utefter en hermeneutisk vetenskapsteoretisk ansats. Empiriinsamlingen baserades på åtta semi-strukturerade intervjuer med individer som identifierade sig som introverta. Studiens teoretiska ramverk bestod av Erving Goffmans (2014) dramaturgiska teori och Thomas J. Scheffs (1990) teori om sociala band vilka låg till grund för analysen av empirin.    Resultaten av studien påvisade att en norm om extraversion finns och påverkar introverta individers tillvaro negativt. Vidare kom studien fram till att introverta individer haft en övergripande positiv tillvaro under Covid-19 pandemin. Avslutningsvis visade studien på att normen om extraversion kvarstod efter det att Covid-19 pandemins restriktioner släppt. Detta innebar att en slutsats kunde dras om att normer har en stark inverkan på vårt samhälle och att förändring av dessa kan ta tid. / The aim of this study in sociology was to examine how introverted individuals have experienced their being before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in relation to a norm of extraversion. The study focused on the following questions: How do introverted individuals experience the norm of extraversion? How do introverted individuals experience that their being have been changed during the Covid-19 pandemic? How do introverted individuals experience that the norm of extraversion have changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic? The ambition was to illuminate the issue of an extraverted social norm, which have been done through a hermeneutic theoretical approach. The empirical collection are based on eight semi-structured interviews of individuals who identify themselves as introverts. The theoretical framework includes Erving Goffman´s (2014) dramaturgical theory and Thomas J. Scheff´s (1990) theory of social bonds.   The result indicated that a norm of extraversion exists and affects introverted individuals negatively. The study also shows that introverted individuals had an overall positive being during the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, a conclusion was made that norms have a strong impact on our society and that changing them takes time, which refers to the experience that the extraverted norm remains after the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions have been lifted.

Konsumenters upplevda servicekvalité på svenska nöjesparker : Medförde pandemin nöjdare kunder? / Consumers perceived service quality at amusement parks in Sweden : Did the pandemic result in more satisfied customers?

Burman, Patrik, Gauffin, Theres January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Konsumenters upplevda servicekvalité på svenska nöjesparker – Medförde pandemin nöjdare kunder? Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Patrik Burman och Theres Gauffin Handledare: Peter Ek Datum: 2023 – juni Syfte: År 2020 stängde alla nöjesparker i Sverige för att minska risken för smittspridning av COVID-19. Studiens syfte är att analysera och jämföra den upplevda servicekvalitén vid införande av restriktioner för att minska smittspridningen av COVID-19 på nöjesparker i Sverige. Är besökare mer eller mindre nöjda efter pandemin jämfört med före? Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativ deduktiv studie. Det empiriska materialet utgjordes av recensioner av Sveriges två största nöjesparker publicerade på Tripadvisor.com åren 2019, 2021 och 2022. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Statistiska analyser utfördes för att generalisera resultaten till besökare på nöjesparker i Sverige. Resultat och slutsats: Den upplevda servicekvalitén på svenska nöjesparker var lägre efter pandemin jämfört med före, vilket resulterade i lägre kundnöjdhet. Bidragande orsaker var upplevelse av långa köer och trängsel vilket resulterade i lägre upplevt värde. Detta trots att nöjesparkerna begränsade det totala antalet besökare. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studiens bidrag är inom forskningsfältet för servicekvalité och kundnöjdhet. Studien bekräftar innehållsanalys av recensioner publicerade online som metod för att mäta upplevd servicekvalité. Studien visar vilka teman av servicekvalité som är viktiga för besökare på nöjesparker och hur bedömningen av dessa teman förändrats efter pandemin. Studien visar också på att upplevt värde förmedlar relationen mellan kundnöjdhet och servicekvalité. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Framtida studier kan undersöka om besökarnas upplevelse av väntetid och trängsel har förändrats efter pandemin. Metoden för denna studie skulle kunna kombineras med andra metoder för att stärka metodens validitet. / Title: Consumers perceived service quality at amusement parks in Sweden – Did the pandemic result in more satisfied customers? Level: Student thesis, final assignment for bachelor’s degree in business administration. Author: Patrik Burman and Theres Gauffin Supervisor: Peter Ek Date: 2023 - June Aim: Year 2020 the amusement parks in Sweden closed down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this thesis is to analyse and compare perceived service quality when restrictions are introduced in order to minimize the spread of COVID-19 at amusement parks in Sweden. Are visitors more or less satisfied after the pandemic compared with before? Method: The thesis is conducted as a quantitative deductive study. The empirical data was collected from reviews on the two largest amusement parks in Sweden published on Tripadvisor.com the years 2019, 2021 and 2022. The data was analysed using content analysis. Statistical analysis was performed in order to generalize the results to visitors at amusement parks in Sweden. Results and conclusions: The perceived service quality at amusement parks in Sweden was lower after the pandemic compared with before, which resulted in lower customer satisfaction. Contributing factors was the perception of long lines and crowding which resulted in less perceived value despite the restriction of the number of visitors. Contribution of the thesis: The contribution of the thesis is within the research field of service quality and customer satisfaction. The thesis confirms that content analysis of reviews published online is a suitable method for measuring perceived service quality. The thesis shows which themes of service quality are important to visitors at amusement parks and how their evaluation of these themes has changed after the pandemic. The thesis also shows that perceived value mediates the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality. Suggestions for future research: Future research can investigate if visitors’ perception of lines and crowding has changed after the pandemic. The method of this thesis can be combined with other methods in order to amplify the validity.

How restaurants used digital marketing to keep their customers during the Covid-19

Ceken, Sertan January 2023 (has links)
Covid-19 affected all industries worldwide and were affected differently, but one industry that faced many setbacks due to the Covid-19 pandemic is the restaurant industry. According to SCB (2021), cities between 50 000 – 99 999 inhabitants decreased by 18,9% in sales. My aim with the thesis is to examine the impact of digital marketing strategies on the sales and customer loyalty of restaurants during the Covid-19 pandemic in medium-sized cities. This thesis is intended to contribute information on how restaurants have worked to keep their customers during the pandemic with the help of digital tools such as social media marketing and online delivery services.  The usefulness of online delivery services and the shift toward digital and social media marketing because of covid-19 are the focus of this thesis research into the restaurant industry's marketing strategies. The thesis emphasizes how digital tools can help restaurants keep customers during the pandemic and speed up their recovery. Digital marketing was a cost-effective way to reach customers during the pandemic, according to the thesis conducted with six restaurant owners and managers in a medium-sized city. Despite the competitive advantage of online delivery services, maintaining customer loyalty was primarily driven by existing relationships. / Covid-19 påverkade alla branscher globalt och alla påverkades olika, men en bransch som ställdes inför många bakslag på grund av Covid-19-pandemin är restaurangbranschen. Enligt SCB (2021) minskade försäljningen 18% i städer med mellan 50 000 - 99 999 invånare.Mitt syfte med uppsatsen är att undersöka digitala marknadsföringsstrategiers påverkan på försäljning och kundlojalitet för restauranger under Covid-19-pandemin i medelstora städer. Denna uppsats är avsedd att bidra med information om hur restauranger har arbetat för att behålla sina kunder under pandemin med hjälp av digitala verktyg som sociala medier marknadsföring och online-leveranstjänster.Nytta av online-leveranstjänster och skiftet mot digitala och sociala medier-marknadsföring på grund av Covid-19 är fokus för denna uppsats om restaurangbranschens marknadsföringsstrategier. Uppsatsen betonar hur digitala verktyg kunde hjälpa restauranger att behålla kunder under pandemin och påskynda deras återhämtning. Digital marknadsföring var en kostnadseffektiv metod för att nå kunder under pandemin, enligt uppsatsen som genomförts med sex restaurangägare och chefer i en medelstor stad. Trots fördelen med online-leveranstjänster var bibehållandet av kundlojalitet främst av befintliga relationer.

Nurses' experiences of caring for Covid-19 patients during the Covid-19 pandemic : A qualitative review

Raheem, Mary, Laxenaire, Gaëlle January 2023 (has links)
Background: The Covid-19 pandemic came suddenly and despite our efforts to limit the spread of the virus many people lost their lives. Nurses, the largest group of health care workers, played a crucial role in the caretaking of patients. They cared, informed, screened, organized and managed teams, making them central to patients´ care in that crisis. Aim: The aim is to explore nurses´ experiences of caring for Covid-19 patients at hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: A qualitative review based on ten scientific articles. They were analyzed with a thematic inductive analysis following the Braun and Clarks model. Results: Two themes were identified: struggling with new challenges and coping with new challenges. With the respective subthemes: Personal Protective Equipment, fear of Covid-19, feeling lost, abandonment and growing as a nurse and finding strength within the team. Conclusion: This research shows that nurses faced many difficulties while caring for Covid-19 patients, whether it was the lack of PPE, the constant changes in protocols or the fear of being infected. More studies are needed to better prepare nurses if a similar situation occur, which would ensure good and safe nursing care for patients.

Learning the Lesson – A Comparative Analysis of Swedish and Chinese Strategies in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Their Impact on International Student Flow / En lärande läxa – en komparativ analys av Sveriges och Kinas strategier i respons till Covid-19 pandemin och dess påverkan på internationella studenters mobilitet

Tretiachenko, Olha January 2023 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in 2020 has brought many teaching and learning challenges into higher education, such as innovative learning technology issues, the quality of sudden remote studying, a significant drop in international student mobility, and the overall flow of international students, that made the learning environment uncertain. The pandemic outbreak has also brought an understanding that it is a collectively shared challenge. International students, while feeling homesick during the pandemic times, were largely involved in a new social and academic reality and had become a vulnerable population, whose adaptation and adjustment processes in any country were disrupted. This study is focused on international students in Sweden and China during a period of unique experiences in higher education. Under the influence of the pandemic, it is of great interest and importance to investigate and compare the different practices of COVID-19 response strategies and their outcomes at the academic level. Some countries imposed suppressive public health approaches to arrest transmission, while others chose mitigation approaches to slow virus spread and protect vulnerable population. Regarding contrasting political, cultural, and socio-academic contexts in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, this study took Sweden and China as examples to investigate and compare their approaches in a fight against such a global issue with further consequences on international students’ mobility. Thus, this research aims to investigate and compare COVID-19 strategies in Sweden and China and their impact on international students. This thesis intents to answer the following question: what challenges for international students arose as a result of socio-educational policies in Sweden and China during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in what ways did restricting mobility impact their academic studies?

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med Covid-19 : En litteraturstudie / Nurse´s experiences of caring for patients with Covid-19 : A litetature review

Einarsdottir, Lovisa, Smajic, Ramona January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: SARS-CoV-2 är ett nytt coronavirus som har framkallat en pandemisk luftvägsinfektion. Infekrionssjukdomen heter Covid-19 och kan ha ett allvarligt förlopp som kräver omfattande och komplex omvårdnad. Sjuksköterskor är oftast de som arbetar närmast patienter och riskerar själva att bli smittade i vårdarbetet med Covid-19. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med Covid-19. Metod: Allmän strukturerad litteraturstudie som grundades på tio kvalitativa artiklar. Resultatartiklarna analyserades med inspiration av innehållsanalys. Resultat: Litteraturstudiens resultat utgjordes av sex kategorier som belyste sjuksköterskors upplevelser av omställningar i omvårdnadsarbete, samarbete i vårdteam, omvårdnad vid hög smittrisk, användning av skyddsutrustning, kunskap om sjukdomen och hur omvårdnad av patienter med Covid-19 skulle utföras samt hur relationen mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter med Covid-19 påverkades. Konklision: Sjuksköterskor upplevde akuta organisatoriska omställningar, rädsla för att smittas, samt brist på kunskaper om sjukdom och användning av skyddsutrustning. Nya kunskaper utvecklades under omvårdnadsarbete. Samarbete i vårdteam var viktigt för optimal omvårdnad och utgjorde ett psykologiskt stöd. Sjuksköterskor upplevde en ansvarskänsla och plikt för yrket trots medvetenheten om riskerna för den egna hälsan. / Background: SARS-CoV-2 is a new coronavirus that has caused a pandemic respiratory infection. The infectious disease is called Covid-19 and can have a serious course that requires extensive and complex care. Nurses who spend the time closest to the patients are at risk becoming infected while caring for patients with Covid-19. Aim: To explore nurse´s experiences of caring for patients with Covid-19. Method: A general structured literature study based on ten qualitative articles. The articles were analysed with inspiration of content analysis. Result: The result of literature study includes six categories exploring nurse´s experiences of changes in nursing work, teamwork, nursing at high risk of infection, use of protective equipment, knowledge about the disease and how nursing of patients with Covid-19 shoud be performed and how the relationship between nurses and patients with Covid-19 was affected. Conclusion: Nurses caring för patients with Covid-19 experienced acute organizational changes, fear of becoming infected and lack of knowledge about the disease and the use of protective equipment. New knowledge was developed during nursing work. Teamwork has been important for optimal nursing and provided psychological support. Nurses experienced a sense of responsability and duty for the profession despite the awareness of the risks to their own health.

Efecto a largo plazo de la infección por SARS-CoV-2: Síndrome neurológico post-Covid-19 / Long-term effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Post-Covid-19 neurological syndrome

Caballero-Alvarado, José, Camacho-Vargas, Edith, Rojas-Sánchez, Pedro 22 December 2021 (has links)
Introducción: La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha provocado aproximadamente 182 millones de casos y cerca de cuatro millones de muertes en todo el mundo, comprometiendo con mayor frecuencia a personas de 25 y 64 años de edad. Esta infección afecta principalmente al sistema respiratorio, pero otros órganos y sistemas pueden verse afectados a corto plazo como el neurológico. Una gran población de pacientes ha logrado superar la infección por el SARS-CoV-2, sin embargo, han comenzado a reportarse una serie de manifestaciones clínicas tardías, básicamente neuropsiquiátricas, dentro de ellas se ha referido a la ansiedad, depresión, deterioro del sueño, dolor muscular, mareos, cefaleas, fatiga, anosmia, entre otros; a este conjunto de manifestaciones tardías se le ha denominado síndrome neurológico post-Covid-19 y requiere por un lado, la atención de la comunidad médica para investigar las manifestaciones tardías o secuelas de esta enfermedad y por otro lado, una vigilancia médica ante la consulta de pacientes con estas manifestaciones.

Psychologické aspekty prožívání povinné práce z domova: Specifická situace koronavirové karantény v ČR / Psychological aspects of experiencing mandatory homeoffice: The specific situation of coronavirus quarantine in the Czech republic.

Nováková, Hana January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the work is to map the experience of employees who during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic found themselves compulsorily and at the same time for the first time at the home office, for at least 3 weeks. Differences in experience between men and women and personality dimensions of extraversion are also monitored. The first part of the thesis deals with the theoretical description of classical work from home, the basic concepts are introduced and various psychological aspects are discussed. The second part traces the time of the first wave of the pandemic in the Czech Republic, characterizes the Czech Republic's approach to home office and similarly discusses the experience of people in a mandatory HO in various aspects. The type of work is a mixed research. Data collection was performed with the help of a self- created questionnaire, which also contains two scales from the DOPEN questionnaire: extraversion and L-scale. The aim of the work was achieved in two ways. Qualitative analysis of written answers was performed using the method of grounded theory. In the quantitative analysis of the data, the Mann-Whitney U test method was used to compare overall satisfaction at mandatory HO by gender and Spearman's correlation coefficient to monitor the relationship between variables such as...

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