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Valoración de las necesidades de información de los médicos: publicaciones en el periodo 1990-1998 y estudio de un casoGonzalez Teruel, Aurora 23 May 2000 (has links)
Los estudios de necesidades de información aportan una metodología con lo cual investigar, de manera sistemática, las características de los usuarios con relación a la información que necesitan para el desarrollo de su trabajo. Igualmente proporcionan criterios objetivos para tomar decisiones a la hora de planificar nuevos sistemas de información o adecuar los ya existentes. Esta tesis ha profundizado en los estudios de necesidades de información en el entorno hospitalario desde dos puntos de vista. Por una parte, se ha establecido un marco teórico de referencia que guíe las investigaciones en este campo. Para ello se ha buscado exhaustivamente la información publicada sobre la materia aportando el procedimiento que se ha empleado. De los trabajos recuperados, se ha realizado el análisis tanto del modo de producción y consumo como de su contenido. En segundo lugar, se ha realizado el estudio de las necesidades de información de los médicos del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia utilizando como método de recogida de información la Técnica del Incidente Crítico. / Information needs studies provide a methodology to investigate, systematically, the characteristics of users in relation to the information they need to develop their work. Also it provides criteria for making decisions when planning new information systems or adapting the existing ones. This thesis focuses on information needs studies in hospital setting and has developed two complementary strategies. First, it has established a theoretical framework to guide research in this field. This has been an exhaustively searched of published information on the matter by providing the procedure to be used. Of retrieved papers, it has conducted the analysis of both production and contents. Secondly, a study has been made of the doctorâ s information needs in the Hospital Clinico Universitario in Valencia and the critical incident methodology has been used for data collection.
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Interprofessionella team i vården : En studie om samarbete mellan hälsoprofessionerKvarnström, Susanne January 2007 (has links)
There are great expectations that collaboration among professions and various sectors will further develop health care and thus lead to improved public health. In the World Health Organization’s declaration “Health 21” the designated goal for health professions in the member nations in Europe by the year 2010 is to have developed health promotional competence, including teamwork and cooperation based on mutual respect for the expertise of various professions. The challenges faced by the interprofessional teams are, however, multifaceted, and these challenges place demands upon society, which, in turn, determines the fundamental conditions for collaboration among the health professions within the health care organizations. This licentiate dissertation contains discourse and content analyses of interprofessional teamwork in health care. The major objective of this dissertation is to study and describe how the team members construct and create the content and significance of teams and teamwork among health professions. One specific goal has been to study how the members of a multi-professional health care team refer to their team, especially the discursive patterns that emerge and the function that these patterns has (I). The second specific goal has been to identify and describe the difficulties that the health professionals have experienced within their interprofessional teamwork. One purpose has been to enable discussions of the implications for interprofessional learning (II). Focused group interviews with team members (n=32) from six teams were studied using discursive social psychological research approach. The analysis concentrated on the use of the pronouns “I”, “we” and “them”. The results were then analyzed in relation to theories on discursive membership and discursive communities (I). Individual semi-structured interviews with team members (n=18) from four of the six teams were carried out using critical incident techniques. The interviews were analysed via latent qualitative content analysis and the results were interpreted in the light of theories on sociology of professions and learning at work (II). The findings showed that two discursive patterns emerged in the team members’ constructions of “we the team”. These patterns were designated knowledge synergy and trustful support (I). The following three themes that touched upon the difficulties of interprofessional teamwork were identified in the personal interviews: (A) difficulties concerning the teams’ dynamics that arose when the team members acted as representatives for their respective professions; (B) difficulties when the various contributions of knowledge interacted in the team; and (C) difficulties that were related to the surrounding organisation’s influence on the team (II). The conclusion was reached that the discursive pattern provided rhetorical resources for the team members, both in order to reaffirm membership in the team and to promote their views with other care providers, but also to deal with difficulties regarding, for example, lack of unity in outlook. The conclusion was also drawn that, in addition to the individual consequences, one outcome of the perceived difficulties was that they caused limitations of the use of collaborative resources to arrive at a holistic view of the patient’s problems. Thus the patients could not be met in the desired manner. The practical implications of the research project concern the development of teams in which various forms of interprofessional learning can influence the continued development of the team and the management of health care in regard to the importance of implementation processes and organisational learning. / Stora förväntningar ställs på att samarbete mellan yrkesgrupper och mellan sektorer ska utveckla hälso- och sjukvården och leda till en förbättrad folkhälsa. I Världshälsoorganisationens policydokument “Health21” anges exempelvis målsättningen att hälsoprofessionerna i de europeiska medlemsländerna till år 2010 ska ha utvecklat en hälsofrämjande kompetens som bland annat innefattar teamarbete och samarbete på basis av ömsesidig respekt för de olika professionernas expertis. Det interprofessionella teamets utmaningar är dock mångfacetterade och kräver uppmärksamhet från det samhälle som skapar villkoren för hälsoprofessionernas samarbete inom hälso- och sjukvårdens organisationer. Denna licentiatavhandling innehåller diskurs- och innehållsanalytiska studier om interprofessionellt teamarbete i vården. Avhandlingens övergripandet syfte var att undersöka och beskriva hur teammedlemmar konstruerar och skapar innebörder av team och teamarbete mellan flera hälsoprofessioner. Det ena specifika syftet var att undersöka hur medlemmar i multiprofessionella vårdteam talar om sitt team, särskilt avseende de diskursiva mönster som framträdde och vilken funktion dessa mönster hade (studie I). Det andra specifika syftet var att identifiera och beskriva svårigheter som hälsoprofessioner har uppfattat vid interprofessionellt teamarbete, där avsikten även var att möjliggöra en diskussion om implikationer för interprofessionellt lärande (studie II). Fokusgruppintervjuer med teammedlemmar (n=32) från sex team analyserades utifrån en diskursiv socialpsykologisk forskningsansats och fokuserade på användningen av pronomina ”jag”, ”vi” och ”de”. Fynden relaterades sedan till teorier om diskursivt medlemskap och diskursiva samhällen (studie I). Individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer med teammedlemmar (n=18) från fyra av de sex teamen genomfördes med critical incident-teknik. Intervjuerna analyserades via latent kvalitativ innehållsanalys och fynden tolkades utifrån teorier om professionssociologi och lärande i arbetet (studie II). Resultaten visade att två diskursiva mönster framträdde i teammedlemmarnas konstruktioner av ”vi-som-team”. Dessa mönster benämndes kunskapssynergi och tillitsfullt stöd (studie I). Vid individuella intervjuer med teammedlemmar identifierades följande tre teman som rörde svårigheter vid interprofessionellt teamarbete; (i) svårigheter som gällde den teamdynamik som uppstod när teammedlemmarna agerade som företrädare för sina professioner i relation till teamet, (ii) svårigheter när medlemmarnas olika kunskapsbidrag interagerade i teamet och (iii) svårigheter som rörde den omgivande organisationens påverkan på teamet (studie II). Konklusionen gjordes att de diskursiva mönstren utgjorde retoriska resurser för teammedlemmarna, både för att bekräfta medlemskapet i teamet, för att hävda sina åsikter i kontakter med andra vårdgivare (”de andra”) och även för att hantera uppfattade svårigheter beträffande exempelvis bristande samsyn. Vidare drogs slutsatsen att en konsekvens av de uppfattade svårigheterna var, förutom individuella konsekvenser, begränsningar i användandet av de gemensamma resurserna för att nå en helhetssyn på patientens problem och att patienterna inte kunde bemötas på det sätt som önskades. Forskningsprojektets praktiska implikationer rörde teamutveckling där olika former av interprofessionellt lärande påverkar teamets fortsatta utveckling, samt ledning av hälso- och sjukvården avseende betydelsen av imple-menteringsprocesser och organisatoriskt lärande.
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Häufig werden bei der Implementierung von QM-Modellen die damit verbundenen Lernsituationen und die Lernanforderungen der Mitarbeiter nicht berücksichtigt. Durch das Qualitätsmanagement werden jedoch neue Situationen im Arbeitsalltag definiert, die vom Mitarbeiter erfüllt oder geschaffen werden. Diese Veränderungen bzw. Ziele stellen besondere Lernanforderungen an die Tätigkeitsabläufe und individuellen Kompetenzen von Altenpflegekräften. Die vorliegende Untersuchung verhilft zu einer Aufklärung des Zusammenhangs von Lernen und Qualitätsmanagement, mit Blick auf spezifische Lernanforderungen und individuelle Kompetenzentwicklung von Mitarbeitern in Altenpflegeeinrichtungen. Diese Arbeit verfolgt die Zielstellung, Lernanforderungen und Lernbereiche durch Erweiterung und Entwicklung individueller Kompetenzen von Altenpflegekräften bei der Implementierung von Qualitätsmanagement und im Rahmen der Qualitätsentwicklung zu erheben und miteinander zu vergleichen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die Analyse der Bewältigung von Alltagsanforderungen von Altenpflegepersonal sowie die Untersuchung von Situationsbeschreibungen und kritischen Ereignissen (Critical Incidents) mittels der Critical Incident Technique sowie weiterhin Maßnahmen zur Veränderung von strukturellen und organisatorischen Abläufen und Handlungen in der Betreuung und Pflege von Bewohnern in Altenpflegeeinrichtungen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen auf, dass Qualitätsentwicklung auf der einen Seite Kompetenzentwicklung, aber andererseits auch eine Entwicklung von Defiziten und einen Kompetenzverlust der Mitarbeiter begünstigen kann, und Kompetenzentwicklung benötigt. Weiterhin werden organisatorische und strukturelle Einflüsse auf die Kompetenzentwicklung sowie die erforderlichen Veränderungen und Voraussetzungen erläutert, um überhaupt ein Lernen und die Entwicklung von Kompetenzen zu ermöglichen.
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Drivers of customers' service experiences : a customer perspective on co-creation of restaurant services, focusing on interactions, processes and activitiesWalter, Ute January 2011 (has links)
It is essential for service companies to understand how their customer service experiences are formed. This is especially important since service experiences are highly subjective and involve customers cognitively, emotionally and behaviorally. Although customer service experiences are a well recognised research topic in both, culinary arts and service research, dynamic interactions, activities and the customers’ active involvement have so far gained little attention. As a consequence the approach in previous research paints a rather static picture of customer service experiences. By introducing the principles of service dominant logic a first person view and the understanding of drivers of customer service experiences could be facilitated. The overall aim of the thesis is to extend and deepen the understandin of drivers of favourable and unfavourable customer service experiences.The context selected is the restaurant context. The overall aim is reflected in four intermediate aims. Two separate studies were conducted. First a two-stage questionnaire based study, describing the phone reservation encounter compared to dining satisfaction; second a critical incident technique study including 195 short narratives of customers’ favourable and unfavourable service experiences at restaurants. Interview data were analysed according to constant comparative analysis principles.The main empirical contributions of this thesis are the move from static descriptions of service to examining dynamic drivers of favourable and unfavourable customers’ service experiences, and especially the analysis of social interactions as a driver of service experiences and the categorisation of drivers. Theoretically the thesis introduces the experience driver constellation, reflecting the dynamic process of co-creation in specific situations,when favourable and unfavourable customer service experiences are formed. Suggestions are made to develop the Five Aspects Meal Model and the Experience Room Framework through the addition of actors, the exterior environment and organisational routines to the models.
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Strategic thinking during a period of turbulence : a case study of the BancABC ZimbabweMberi, Mary-Jane January 2015 (has links)
A review of strategic thinking literature indicates that research has tended to focus on experiences contributing to strategic thinking, the strategic thinking perspectives that executives are likely to follow based on the environments in which they have developed their strategic competencies, and examining executives’ cognitive maps within the context of strategic management (O’ Shannassy 2003; Kutschera, and Ryan, 2009; Meyer, 2007). As an expansion of these principles and foundations of strategic thinking, this research was a study of the extent to which strategic thinking perspectives are utilised during macro environmental turbulence. According to Cravens et al. (2009: 31) volatility, reinvention, and fundamental changes in markets present unprecedented challenges to researchers and executives. “Unfortunately, too often traditional conceptual models and theories fail to provide adequate insight for coping with this new and rapidly changing business environment. Traditional market perspectives and conceptual logic may even blind researchers and strategic decision makers to the real threats present in the changing competitive landscape and new market space, and to opportunities for added value which can be uncovered and exploited” Cravens et al. (2009: 31). Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe was a major problem from 2003 to April 2009, when the country suspended its own currency and for the next five years the country continued to struggle with various macro environmental challenges. It is this backdrop that makes this research intriguing, where the soundness of any organisation is said to be crucially linked to the soundness of the macro environment, including macroeconomic policies as well as internal governance, market discipline; regulation and supervision (Louw and Venter, 2010). The research was a case study of BancABC Zimbabwe and focused on the period 2009 to 2013. BancABC Zimbabwe is a subsidiary of ABC Holdings Limited which is listed on the Botswana and Zimbabwe stock exchanges (BancABC, 2012). The aim of the study as the first key activity was to explore and describe how the BancABC executives responded to the critical macro environmental incidents identified, at a management or executive team perspective, and secondly, whether the rational reasoning or generative reasoning perspective was dominant during the period of turbulence. The goal is to gain insights of the strategic thinking process followed by executives during a period of macro-environmental turbulence. Literature defines strategic thinking concept as the cognitive process undertaken by executives in relation to problem solving in the business context. Two main perspectives are discussed: Strategic thinking as a science (rational thinking) is the prescriptive, structured nature of strategic thinking; arguments are that it is a less complex perspective for executives to adopt. Strategic thinking as an art (generative thinking) is the perspective that allows the strategist to think outside the box and be more creative about solving strategic problems. The discussion presents how the two perspectives can be used to complement each other and provide a more robust strategic thinking framework. The multi-perspective approach to strategic thinking recommends the right balance between analysis, intuition and creativity can be used to create new frameworks and innovative solutions. The ability to balance these strategic thinking perspectives enables executives to solve strategic problems (Linkov, 1999). The research findings highlighted the effect of time and availability of information on the strategic thinking perspective adopted by executives during times of uncertainty. It was noted that when time and information were available, executives appeared to use the rational strategic thinking perspective, while if there was limited time and information to solve problems the generative thinking perspective was dominantly used. Further the importance of integrative strategic thinking which facilitates the use of both intuition and analysis when solving strategic problems in a turbulent macro environment was also highlighted. The research thesis adopted the structure of a case study, relying on the critical incident technique to create the context of the study; and can be used to explore and discuss strategic thinking for teaching purposes. The results of the study can be recognised as a contribution towards the development of strategic thinking particularly in times of turbulence. It can also form the basis for future studies in the context of strategic thinking.
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Att möta barn som far illa : Sjuksköterskans agerande och erfarenheterPeterson, Martina January 2017 (has links)
To encounter children who are being abused or neglected The nurse´s actions and experiences
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Häufig werden bei der Implementierung von QM-Modellen die damit verbundenen Lernsituationen und die Lernanforderungen der Mitarbeiter nicht berücksichtigt. Durch das Qualitätsmanagement werden jedoch neue Situationen im Arbeitsalltag definiert, die vom Mitarbeiter erfüllt oder geschaffen werden. Diese Veränderungen bzw. Ziele stellen besondere Lernanforderungen an die Tätigkeitsabläufe und individuellen Kompetenzen von Altenpflegekräften. Die vorliegende Untersuchung verhilft zu einer Aufklärung des Zusammenhangs von Lernen und Qualitätsmanagement, mit Blick auf spezifische Lernanforderungen und individuelle Kompetenzentwicklung von Mitarbeitern in Altenpflegeeinrichtungen. Diese Arbeit verfolgt die Zielstellung, Lernanforderungen und Lernbereiche durch Erweiterung und Entwicklung individueller Kompetenzen von Altenpflegekräften bei der Implementierung von Qualitätsmanagement und im Rahmen der Qualitätsentwicklung zu erheben und miteinander zu vergleichen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die Analyse der Bewältigung von Alltagsanforderungen von Altenpflegepersonal sowie die Untersuchung von Situationsbeschreibungen und kritischen Ereignissen (Critical Incidents) mittels der Critical Incident Technique sowie weiterhin Maßnahmen zur Veränderung von strukturellen und organisatorischen Abläufen und Handlungen in der Betreuung und Pflege von Bewohnern in Altenpflegeeinrichtungen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen auf, dass Qualitätsentwicklung auf der einen Seite Kompetenzentwicklung, aber andererseits auch eine Entwicklung von Defiziten und einen Kompetenzverlust der Mitarbeiter begünstigen kann, und Kompetenzentwicklung benötigt. Weiterhin werden organisatorische und strukturelle Einflüsse auf die Kompetenzentwicklung sowie die erforderlichen Veränderungen und Voraussetzungen erläutert, um überhaupt ein Lernen und die Entwicklung von Kompetenzen zu ermöglichen.
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Experiencing Workplace Inclusion: Critical Incidents that Create a Sense of Inclusion for Professional Staff in Higher EducationLampley, Katherine Penn 25 March 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the Career Advancement Experience of Black Women on Their Journey to Executive Levels in Large American CorporationsViscione, Pamela J. 01 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Anestesisjuksköterskans strategier vid hantering av en svår luftväg i en prehospital förstärkningsenhet / The nurse anesthetists strategies for dealing with a difficult airway in a pre-hospital critical care unitLennholm, Thomas January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Specialistsjuksköterskan i en prehospital miljö ställs inför utmaningar när en svår luftväg inte längre kan hanteras genom basal luftvägshantering. Denna situation kräver spetskompetens inom avancerad luftvägshantering och anestesi, samt särskilda hjälpmedel. Inom vissa regioner finns en prehospital förstärkningsenhet som har som uppgift att komplettera ordinarie verksamhet med spetskompetens när det finns behov av avancerad luftvägshantering. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att studera anestesisjuksköterskors strategier vid hantering av svår luftväg i en prehospital förstärkningsenhet. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med datainsamling via enkät tillämpades och analyserades med kritisk incident teknik (CIT). Sexton anestesisjuksköterskor i en prehospital förstärkningsenhet i Sverige besvarade enkäten. Resultat: Analysen ledde fram till fyra betydelsefulla strategier för att hantera en svår luftvägprehospitalt. Förberedelse i att ställas inför en svår luftväg, mental förberedelse på väg ut på larm, möjligheten att lägga upp en primär samt en sekundär plan tillsammans med kollegan och att våga agera direkt var strategier som identifierades för att hantera en svår luftvägprehospitalt. Detsamma gällde att ta beslut i tid, att flytta patienten så att omhändertagandet inte behövde anpassas i onödan av omständigheter som kanske gick att undvika, att skapa åtkomst och insyn till patientens luftväg och ha närhet till egen utrustning vid hantering av en svår luftväg. Kollegan, teamkänsla, kommunikation, igenkännande, förståelse för varandras uppdrag och kännedom om varandras arbetssätt och utrustning var framgångsfaktorer för att få ett bra och effektivt teamarbete runt den svårt sjuka patienten. Utrustning som normalt inte fanns i en akutambulans som videolaryngoskop, endotrakealtub förberedd med ledare, kapnograf och en bra sug var framgångsfaktorer för att hantera en svår luftväg prehospitalt. Slutsats: Resultatet kan komplettera specialistutbildningar och introduktionsutbildningar för att göra specialistsjuksköterskan bättre förberedd på luftvägshantering i en prehospital miljö. Kunskapen kan bidra till en större förståelse för hur den svåra luftvägen på olika sätt kan undvikas eller hanteras. Basal luftvägshantering skall ambulanssjuksköterskan behärska i sin akutambulans men för hantering av den svåra luftvägen behövs särskild spetskompetens, hjälpmedel och förmåga.
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