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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Kritiska framgångsfaktorer under postimplementeringsfasen av ett affärssystemsprojekt : En fallstudie inom företaget Two / Critical Success Factors during the PostImplementation phase of an Enterprise System Project : A Case Study within the company Two

Fredriksson, Sanna January 2023 (has links)
Affärssystem har blivit ett betydelsefullt verktyg för verksamheter som vill upprätthålla konkurrenskraft på marknaden. Affärssystem som stöd gör det möjligt att digitalisera och automatisera affärsprocesser, vilket ger utrymme att fokusera på mer ändamålsenliga processer och skapa tillväxt. Trots betydande investering i form av tid och pengar, är det ett utbrett problem att affärssystemet inte genererar de långsiktiga affärsnyttorna som förväntas. En vanlig missuppfattning är att affärssystemsprojektet är avslutat efter implementationen är slutförd. I själva verket är det är först när affärssystemet används i sin rätta miljö som dess brister går att identifiera, vilket gör förvaltningsarbetet mycket viktigt för att motverka lägre matchningsgrad mellan affärssystem och affärsprocesser. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats i informatik är att identifiera, beskriva och förklara kritiska framgångsfaktorer under post-implementeringsfasen i ett affärssystemsprojekt för att uppnå långsiktiga affärsnyttor genom användandet av ett affärssystem ur ett kund–systemimplementatörsperspektiv i en mellanprojektsrelation. I denna studie har fallstudiemetoden tillämpats och en litteraturstudie genomförts. Baserat på litteraturstudien har en analysmodell utformats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts för att samla in primära empiriska data. Vissa semistrukturerade intervjuer har varit personliga och vissa utförts via Teams. Fyra intervjuer med projektmedlemmar har genomförts, tre med företrädare från fallföretaget Two och en med företrädare från kundföretaget Grandpa. Studiens viktigaste slutsatser är; att systemimplementatörens projektgrupp har kompetensbredd, särskilt i form av teknisk kunskap och verksamhetskunskap. Att kommunikationen inom dyaden är ändamålsenlig, vilket är viktigt för att skapa förståelsemellan varandra. Dessutom är det viktigt att kundens projektgrupp arbetar med de interna affärsprocesserna: dels för att förbättra de processer som inte fungerar, dels för att uppnå en högre förståelse för vilka behov som finns och dels för att optimera passformen till affärssystemet. Slutligen är det viktigt att det finns utbildade superanvändare som stöttar och sprider kunskap till användarna av affärssystemet. Kunskapsbidraget från denna studie är två indikatorer som adderats i den modifierade analysmodellen, vilka är Grad av stöd från superanvändare och Ökad kontroll.


RENATA FRAGOSO ANTONIO MOREIRA 31 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] A pandemia da COVID-19 se espalhou rapidamente pelo mundo. No Brasil, várias organizações, como a Cruz Vermelha Brasileira (CVB), atuaram em diversas ações contra a disseminação do vírus e de apoio às populações mais vulneráveis. Em resposta às emergências de saúde pública, os suprimentos de socorro imediatos são essenciais para reduzir danos. Para assegurar a distribuição dos donativos aos beneficiários no tempo certo, é fundamental uma gestão adequada da cadeia de suprimentos (CS). Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal a revisão dos processos da CVB, à luz da literatura, visando promover condições reais de transformação nos referidos processos, com vistas à melhoria do desempenho organizacional e da eficiência e eficácia na distribuição dos itens de alívio. Baseando-se em uma Revisão de Escopo da literatura, identificar o estado da arte sobre os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso da Logística Humanitária em situações de crise epidemiológicas, como a COVID-19, e as melhores práticas para alcançá-los. Neste trabalho, é conduzido um Estudo de Caso sobre a cadeia logística da CVB em que, através de entrevistas com especialistas e análise documental de publicações oficiais, foi diagramado o fluxograma dos macroprocessos atuais (captação e recebimento de doações, distribuição das doações, recebimento nas filiais, distribuição de última milha). Em seguida, à luz da literatura, identificou-se 10 oportunidades de melhoria, resultando na revisão de seus processos, reformulando e validando os macroprocessos logísticos da CVB, onde foi possível concluir que as melhorias propostas são viáveis e apresentam um potencial significativo de impacto positivo nas atividades humanitárias da organização. / [en] The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly spread throughout the world. In Brazil, various organizations, such as the Brazilian Red Cross (CVB), have engaged in several actions against the spread of the virus and in support of the most vulnerable populations. In response to public health emergencies, immediate relief supplies are essential to reduce harm. To ensure the timely distribution of donations to beneficiaries, proper supply chain management (SCM) is fundamental. This dissertation aims to review CVB s processes in light of the literature, in order to promote real conditions for transformation in these processes, with a view to improving organizational performance and effectiveness in distributing relief items. Based on a Scoping Review of the literature, the state of the art on Critical Success Factors of Humanitarian Logistics in epidemiological crisis situations, such as COVID-19, and the best practices to achieve them were identified. In this work, a Case Study was conducted on CVB s logistics chain, in which, through interviews with experts and documentary analysis of official publications, the flowchart of current macro-processes (donation capture and receipt, donation distribution, branch receipt, last-mile distribution) was diagrammed. Next, in light of the literature, 10 opportunities for improvement were identified, resulting in the revision of its processes, reformulating and validating CVB s logistics macro-processes, where it was possible to conclude that the proposed improvements are feasible and present significant potential for positive impact on the organization s humanitarian activities.

A study of the critical success factors for sustainable TQM. A proposed assessment model for maturity and excellence.

Nasseef, Mohammed A. January 2009 (has links)
Study of the critical factors for TQM implementation throughout the years, and longitudinal analysis of secondary quality winners of prestigious awards such as the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA), is important. The longitudinal analysis in this research will enable verification that there are generic critical factors (CFs) for TQM implementation and generic critical areas of measurement (CAM) that if implemented fully and successfully will deliver excellence. Also, it will enable verification that these generic CFs help to ensure sustainable performance and this could help in answering how excellent organisations sustain their performance constantly. By studying what excellent organisations measure and what they place emphasis on throughout the year, the study will document measurements that have been used to sustain excellence and will consider empirically how these have led to tangible results over a period of twenty years; the study will examine MBNQA winners from 1988 until 2008. Finally, an excellence maturity assessment tool ¿assessment software¿ was developed as result of examining winning case studies over a long period of time, lists of critical factors of implementation (CFI) and critical areas of measurement (CAM) were extracted and used accompanied by the EFQM Excellence Model, and Zairi¿s two model ¿Index of Excellence¿ and ¿Ladder of Excellence¿. This formed the basis of the assessment tool developed; companies through this will be able to understand their level of excellence implementation and their position compared to world class organisations. / Government of Saudi Arabia represented by the Ministry of Higher Education

Utilizing Cloud Computing : Critical Success Factors for Large Enterprises

Fogelberg, Sara, Almarstrand, Therese January 2023 (has links)
Cloud computing is one of the fastest expanding technologies and is being integrated into all sorts of industries worldwide. New cloud service updates occur multiple times per year compared to traditionally one, or less, times per year in on-premises solutions. The cloud allows for many benefits such as scalability and flexibility. Also, cloud computing is seen as an enabler for implementing other modern technologies. Despite its many benefits, organizations often struggle to adapt to the technology since it requires the business to make large adjustments to their previous ways of working. Failing to adapt the organization results in an underutilization of the technology’s benefits, which in turn can have negative effects on performance and cost effectiveness. To provide clarity to organizations in terms of how to make the changes needed and where to place focus, the aim of this study is therefore to identify Critical Success Factors for utilizing cloud computing. Succeeding within these factors intends to enhance the continuous maintenance of cloud computing. A qualitative approach was employed in this case study of a company which operates in the socially important agricultural industry. The primary data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews with IT employees from the case company’s different divisions. Complementing the primary data, a previous pilot study report was also analyzed. By conducting a thematic data analysis, a discussion of the themes, with regards to the dimensions within the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, resulted in four proposed Critical Success Factors: automated testing, Cloud Center of Excellence, cloud strategy, and trading partner support. The findings are expected to guide organizations to a successful utilization of cloud computing which enables them to further optimize their resources and thus better take advantage of the technology’s benefits. In an increasingly digital business landscape, the Critical Success Factors can aid in maintaining competitive advantage by increasing the organization’s adaptability. Lastly, this study also contributes to literature in the areas of Cloud Computing Adoption in large enterprises and extends previous research by adding a longer-term perspective beyond the initial adoption phase. / Molntjänster är en av de snabbast växande teknologierna och integreras i alla branscher världen över. Nya uppdateringar sker flera gånger per år jämfört med traditionellt sett en eller färre gånger per år när man använder fysiska lösningar (on-premises). Molntjänster möjliggör många fördelar såsom skalbarhet och flexibilitet. Det ses också som en möjliggörare för att implementera andra moderna teknologier. Trots dess många fördelar har organisationer ofta svårt att anpassa sig till teknologin eftersom det kräver att verksamheten anpassar sina tidigare sätt att arbeta på. Att misslyckas med att anpassa organisationen resulterar i ett underutnyttjande av teknikens fördelar, vilket i sin tur kan ha negativa effekter på prestanda och kostnadseffektivitet. För att ge organisationer klarhet i hur de ska genomföra de förändringar som behövs och var de ska lägga sitt fokus så är därför syftet med denna studie att identifiera kritiska framgångsfaktorer för att utnyttja molntjänster. Att lyckas inom dessa faktorer avser att förbättra det kontinuerliga underhållet av teknologin. Ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt användes i denna fallstudie av ett företag som är verksamt inom den samhällsviktiga jordbruksindustrin. Insamling av primärdata skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med IT-anställda från det studerade företagets olika divisioner. För att komplettera den primära datan analyserades även en förstudierapport. Genomförandet av en tematisk analys och den efterföljande diskussionen av identifierade teman, med avseende på ramverket Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE), resulterade i fyra föreslagna kritiska framgångsfaktorer: automatiserad testning, Cloud Center of Excellence, molnstrategi samt stöd från handelspartners. Resultaten förväntas vägleda organisationer till ett framgångsrikt utnyttjande av molntjänster som gör det möjligt för dem att ytterligare optimera sina resurser och därmed bättre dra nytta av teknologins fördelar. I ett allt mer digitalt affärslandskap kan framgångsfaktorerna hjälpa till att upprätthålla konkurrensfördelar genom att öka organisationens anpassningsförmåga. Slutligen bidrar denna studie också till litteraturen inom områdena kring anskaffning av molntjänster i stora företag, genom att tillföra ett långsiktigt perspektiv bortom den initiala anskaffningsfasen.

Artificiell Intelligens inom Offentlig Sektor : Kritiska Framgångsfaktorer för Implementering / Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector : Critical Success Factors for Implementation

Tollofsen, Jonas, Magami, Farah January 2023 (has links)
AI har fått en ökad betydelse för både privat och offentlig sektor och har potentialen till att revolutionera våra samhällen och liv i större utsträckning än både industriella och digitala revolutionen. Trots detta så finns det en svårighet att framgångsrikt implementera AI inom den offentliga sektorn där mängden forskning och framgångar ligger bakom den privata sektorn. Syftet med denna studie är att utforska kritiska framgångsfaktorer och utmaningar vid implementering av AI inom den administrativa delen av offentlig sektor och sammanställa detta till ett ramverk bestående av riktlinjer för att framgångsrikt implementera AI inom offentlig sektor. För att uppnå detta har en liten N-studie utförts bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer med offentliga verksamheter från Sverige, Finland, Danmark och Island som idag har framgångsrikt implementerat AI. Resultatet har identifierat framgångsfaktorer i form av samverkan, utforskning, kompetens & expertis, transparens, acceptans, juridik, data, och etik som alla har kopplats samman till ett föreslaget ramverk. Juridiska aspekter har identifierats som en stor utmaning för implementeringen av AI och är en aspekt som kan vara komplex att navigera. Verksamheter uttryckte stort intresse för generativa modeller, mer specifikt språkmodeller, men svårigheter finns att implementera dessa på grund av juridik och integritet. / AI has gained a lot of traction both in the private and public sector and has significant potential to revolutionize our societies and lives in more extensive ways than both the industrial and digital revolution. Despite the benefits, there are difficulties in successfully implementing AI within the public sector due to a lack of both research and success compared to the private sector. The purpose of this study is to explore the critical success factors and challenges when implementing AI within the administrative part of the public sector and compile this into a framework consisting of guidelines to successfully implement AI within the public sector. To achieve this goal, we performed a small N-study consisting of semi-structured interviews with public agencies in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland that have successfully implemented AI.  The results have identified the following success factors: collaboration, exploration, knowledge & expertise, transparency, acceptance, law, data, and ethics which have been summarized into a proposed framework. Laws have been identified as posing major challenges for the implementation of AI and is a complex aspect to navigate. Organizations showed big interest for generative models, more specifically large language models but found it difficult to implement due to laws and privacy.

Critical Success Factors of ERP Implementation

Swaminathan, Selvakumar January 2011 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] O sistema de medição de desempenho (SMD) é tido como uma ferramenta fundamental que colabora diretamente na avaliação e alcance dos objetivos estratégicos e excelência da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. No cenário de constantes mudanças nos ambientes de negócios, muitas empresas vêm direcionando esforços no desenvolvimento de novos projetos, revisões e adequações dos seus SMD, assim como no uso eficiente dessa ferramenta de gestão. No entanto, muitas organizações se deparam com dificuldades inesperadas durante esta tarefa. Aprimorar o entendimento dos fatores que afetam o sucesso do SMD pode permitir que os profissionais estejam melhor preparados e mais responsivos durante a aplicação do SMD, obtendo estratégias mais eficazes e melhor direcionamento de recursos. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo de caso múltiplo, a partir da análise de três iniciativas de medição de desempenho aplicadas à cadeia de suprimentos de petróleo e derivados de uma única empresa. É adotada uma abordagem do ciclo de vida completo – projeto, implementação e uso/revisão – na identificação dos fatores críticos que afetaram o sucesso desses SMD. Como resultado da pesquisa, uma lista de fatores críticos de sucesso e barreiras para a aplicação de um SMD foi obtida empiricamente e confrontada com achados anteriores da literatura. Desta lista, foi proposto um guia prático para avaliação dos SMD que se recomenda que seja utilizado pelas organizações a cada desenvolvimento ou revisão de um SMD, a fim de obter um melhor conhecimento dos desafios a serem superados em todo o ciclo de vida dos SMD das cadeias de suprimentos. O resultado do estudo de caso sugere que houve um aprendizado organizacional na maneira de lidar com os fatores críticos que afetam os SMD a cada iniciativa aplicada. / [en] The performance measurement system (PMS) is considered as a fundamental tool that collaborates directly in the evaluation and achievement of the strategic objectives and excellence of the supply chain management. In the scenario of constant changes in business environment, many companies has been directing efforts to develop new projects, reviews and adjustments of their PMSs, as well as in the efficient use of this management tool. However, many organizations are faced with unexpected difficulties during this task. Improving understanding of the factors that affect the success of PMS can enable practitioners to be better prepared and more responsive during their application, achieving more effective strategies and better resource allocation. This dissertation presents a multiple case study, from the analysis of three performance measurement initiatives applied to the petroleum and oil derivates supply chain of a single company. A complete lifecycle approach – design, implementation and use / review – is adopted to identify the critical factors that have affected the success of these PMS. As a result of the research, a list of critical success factors and barriers to the application of a PMS was obtained empirically and compared with previous findings from the literature. From this list, a practical guideline for evaluation of PMS has been proposed, which is recommended to be used by organizations for each PMS development or review, in order to gain a better understanding of the challenges to be overcome throughout the supply chain PMS life cycle. The outcome of the case study suggests that there has been organizational learning in dealing with the critical factors affecting the PMSs from each applied initiative.


PHILIPE DA SILVA SIMOES 22 September 2022 (has links)
[pt] O Lean Six Sigma (LSS) vem impulsionando diversas organizações ao redor do mundo, aprimorando seus negócios através da melhoria de qualidade e de desempenho. Diversos estudos apontam os resultados esperados pela abordagem LSS depende do sucesso do processo de implementação. Embora existam alguns frameworks que guiem as organizações no processo de implementação, poucos estudos consideram as especificidades dos sistemas produtivos Engineer-to-Order (ETO). Esta dissertação de mestrado se propõe a preencher essa lacuna desenvolvendo um framework de implementação desenvolvido em Pesquisa-Ação. Para isso, foi utilizado um modelo de maturidade híbrido cujos principais parâmetros são os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS). O modelo e os parâmetros foram levantados e explorados na literatura por meio de Revisões de Escopo. Para refletir e avaliar o contexto ETO, esses parâmetros foram validados, estruturados e ponderados por grupos focais de especialistas, através dos métodos Item-Objective Congruence (IOC), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) e a estatística Kappa de Fleiss. Em seguida, uma Pesquisa-Ação foi realizada junto a uma empresa do setor midiático, perseguindo ciclo checkaction-plan-do (CAPDo). Como resultado, a organização direcionou seus esforços de melhoria contínua, resultando no rápido aumento do nível de maturidade. Essa pesquisa exploratória deu origem um framework apresentado como um guia de implementação LSS para organizações ETO. Algumas oportunidades de melhoria e limitações, como a subjetividade da ferramenta de avaliação e a necessidade de novas aplicações práticas, que requerem tempo, são indagadas como sugestões de melhoria para pesquisas futuras. / [en] Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has been driving many organizations around the world, enhancing their business through quality and performance improvement. Several studies point out the results expected from the LSS approach depend on successful implementations. Although there are some frameworks that guide organizations through the implementation process, few studies consider the specifics of Engineer-to-Order (ETO) production systems. This master dissertation proposes to fill this gap by developing an implementation framework developed in Action Research. For this, a hybrid maturity model was used, whose main parameters are the Critical Success Factors (CSF). The model and parameters were identified and explored in the literature through Scoping Reviews. To reflect and evaluate the ETO context, these parameters were validated, structured and weighted by focus groups with experts using Item-Objective Congruence (IOC), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods and Fleiss Kappa statistic. Next, a Research-Action was conducted within a media sector company, pursuing the check-action-plan-do (CAPDo) cycle. As a result, the organization directed its continuous improvement efforts, resulting in a rapid increase in maturity level. This exploratory research gave rise to a framework presented as an LSS implementation guide for ETO organizations. Some opportunities for improvement and limitations, such as the subjectivity of the assessment tool and the need for further practical applications, which require time, are inquired as improvement suggestions for future research.

Artificiell Intelligens för riskhantering : En studie om användningen av ny teknologi på de svenska bankernas kreditbedömningar

Salloum, Alexander, Yousef, Johan January 2024 (has links)
Background: Managing credit risks is an integral part of the banking sector and is crucial for banks’ success. Effective risk management ensures stable and profitable operations, addressing challenges like information asymmetry between lenders and borrowers. To combat these challenges, banks are shifting from manual methods to automated processes in credit assessment and credit risk management.Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate how the use of AI has contributed to credit risk management and the handling of risk assessments within Swedish banks. Additionally, the study explored the factors driving the use of AI in this area.  Methodology: An abductive research approach was employed within the framework of a qualitative research method. Four banks were included in the study: two major banks and two niche banks. Semi structured interviews provided the primary data for the study, while secondary data, such as articles and literature, were used to support and explain the findings during the analysis and discussion.  Theory: The study was based on two models and the theory of information asymmetry. The first model focuses on the credit assessment process, while the second addresses critical success factors for the implementation of AI. The theory of information asymmetry consists of moral hazard and adverse selection. Conclusions: The study’s conclusion indicated that AI has contributed to increased efficiency and precision in credit risk management. Furthermore, AI supports addressing information asymmetry by automating data collection, analysis, and fraud detection. The study concludes that effective AI usage necessitates a balanced combination of management support, strategic vision, organizational culture, and structure.

Critical factors for the financial success of South African short-term insurers

Sandrock, Gerrit Johann 12 1900 (has links)
This study shows that managers of short-term insurers may improve their financial results if they can identify and manage the factors that are critical to their financial results. The development and application of the concept of critical success factors are therefore used as a basis for this study. The study reviews the functions performed by short-term insurers, focusing on the effect these functions have on their cash flows. Selection and pricing of risk are discussed in detail. The underwriting cycle in South Africa, and several possible causes of the cycle are investigated. Reinsurance, claims handling and rilanagement expenses are important components of the cash flows of short-term insurers and are therefore examined in detail. The optimum risk level at various combinations of underwriting and investment income is empirically tested, using the financial results of several insurers. The study investigates different approaches to the measurement of financial success of insurers, and the return on shareholders' funds is found to provide the fairest and most reliable method. Empirical comparisons are made on the financial results of the insurers that participated in the study to distinguish between those that are financially successful and those that are not. To discover what the industry consider to be their critical financial success factors, a postal survey was done of key decision makers in the South African short-term insurance industry. Respondents identified several success factors, but did not include some success factors discovered during the review of the literature. Respondents apparently experienced difficulty in separating strategic issues from operational ones. The survey revealed that the pricing of risk is problematic for short-term insurers. The importance of the investment function is also underestimated by the industry. The study concludes that the combined systematic risk of the investment and underwriting portfolios is a critical success factor, along with the capital base of the insurer, the ability of the insurer to use the leverage provided by using policyholders' funds as free reserves and the size and direction of an insurer's cash flows. / Business Management / D. Com (Business Management)

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