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Étude des premiers stades d'oxydation d'alliages inoxydables dans l'eau à haute températureMachet, Alexandre 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Les tubes GV des centrales nucléaires REP (alliages 600, 690 et 800) sont protégés contre la corrosion par une couche d'oxyde. Le relâchement, dans le milieu primaire, de produits de corrosion qui, activés, augmentent la radioactivité, est limité par cette couche. La rupture localisée de la couche peut conduire à la corrosion sous contrainte de l'alliage. L'objectif de cette étude est de comprendre les phénomènes régissant les stades initiaux de la formation des couches d'oxydes sur ces alliages. Un système d'oxydation (micro-autoclave) a été développé, permettant de réaliser des essais d'oxydation dans l'eau à 325°C de quelques secondes à ~10 min. Les surfaces ont été caractérisées par XPS, NRA, STM et MEB, et un modèle de croissance a été proposé pour l'alliage 600. Des essais plus longs ont été effectués (400 h). Les cinétiques à temps longs ont pu être reliées à celles des temps courts, confirmant le rôle crucial des stades initiaux dans la croissance des couches d'oxyde.
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The Emergence of Carbon Capture and Storage Techniques in the Power Sector / L’émergence des techniques de Captage, transport et Stockage géologique du Carbone dans le secteur électriqueRenner, Marie 08 April 2015 (has links)
La problématique de cette thèse porte sur les conditions technico-économiques et sociales d’émergence des techniques de Captage, transport et Stockage géologique du Carbone (CSC) dans le secteur électrique. Il existe effectivement un hiatus entre le niveau actuel de déploiement du CSC et son rôle dans les scénarii climatique de long terme. Les travaux s’appuient sur deux approches complémentaires ; l’approche positive met en exergue les déterminants économiques et sociaux nécessaires à l’émergence du CSC et répond à deux interrogations : pour quel prix du CO2 devient-il intéressant d’investir dans des centrales CSC ? Quand l’usage du CSC est-il socialement optimal ? Sur le plan normatif, diverses recommandations relatives au déploiement optimal du CSC sont apportées. Elles concernent notamment le portefeuille optimal d’instruments de soutien au CSC. Cette thèse s’articule en quatre chapitres. Dans l’optique de minimiser les coûts de la transition énergétique, les deux premiers chapitres embrassent la vision investisseur et mettent en évidence les déterminants économiques indispensables au déploiement commercial du CSC. Les deux derniers chapitres adoptent la vision de la puissance publique. Bien que compétitive, une technologie peut ne pas se développer du fait de problèmes d’acceptabilité sociale ; c’est l’objet du modèle du Chapitre 3. Le Chapitre 4 élargit le propos et intègre la problématique de décision dans le CSC en univers ambigu, en s’appuyant sur des simulations numériques. / This thesis analyses the techno-economic and social conditions required for the emergence of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) techniques in the power sector, in compliance with CCS role in long-term mitigation scenarios. The research combines two complementary approaches: the positive one deals with the economic and social determinants necessary to trigger CCS investments, and addresses two significant issues: (1) for which CO2 price is it worth investing in CCS plants, and (2) when is CCS use socially optimal? The normative approach gives recommendations on how CCS can best be deployed as part of a least cost approach to climate change mitigation. Notably, recommendations are provided about the optimal combination of CCS policy supports that should be implemented. This Ph.D. dissertation is composed of four chapters. The first two chapters embrace the investor’s vision and highlight the determinants necessary for CCS commercial emergence. The last two chapters embrace the public decision-makers’ vision. Based on the fact that, although cost-effective, one technology may not be deployed because of social acceptance issues, Chapter 3 deals with CCS public acceptance and optimal pollution. Chapter 4 goes further and addresses the optimal CCS investment under ambiguity by providing a decision criterion with simulations on the European Union’s 2050 Energy Roadmap.
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Corrosion sous contrainte et fragilisation par l'hydrogène d'alliages d'aluminium de la série 7xxx (Al-Zn-Mg) : identification des paramètres microstructuraux critiques pilotant l'endommagement à l'échelle locale. / Stress Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Embrittlement of a 7xxx (Al-Zn-Mg) aluminium alloy : identification of microstructural parameters controlling the damage at a local scale.Oger, Loïc 23 November 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte normatif toujours plus sévère concernant les rejets automobiles polluants, la substitution des aciers par des alliages d’aluminium dans les structures des véhicules est en plein essor. Ce projet de thèse, qui s’inscrit dans un programme de développement de la société Constellium, cible plus précisément les alliages d’aluminium de la série 7xxx (Al-Zn-Mg) qui, malgré leurs propriétés mécaniques élevées, peuvent présenter une sensibilité à la corrosion sous contrainte (CSC) liée au phénomène de fragilisation par l’hydrogène (FPH). La compréhension des mécanismes mis en jeu dans ce type d’endommagement constitue donc une première étape vers une optimisation métallurgique en vue d’une industrialisation future de ces alliages dans le secteur automobile. La première partie de ces travaux est consacrée à l’étude de l’influence de l’état métallurgique de l’alliage 7046 sur son comportement en CSC et à l’identification des mécanismes de dégradation. Un lien direct a pu être mis en évidence entre l’abattement des propriétés mécaniques et les modes de rupture actifs et la quantité d’hydrogène dans l’alliage. Les deux modes d’endommagement observés, intergranulaire-fragile et transgranulaire-fragile, ont respectivement été attribués à un enrichissement en hydrogène aux joints de grains et au piégeage de l’hydrogène au niveau des précipités intragranulaires. Les interactions entre l’hydrogène et les précipités fins d’une part et les dislocations d’autre part, identifiés comme deux hétérogénéités microstructurales critiques vis-à-vis de la FPH, ont été étudiées à une échelle plus locale dans la seconde partie du travail de thèse. Les essais ont été réalisés sur des échantillons modèles, chargés en hydrogène en milieu H2SO4 sous polarisation cathodique et la profondeur de pénétration de l’hydrogène a été évaluée par SKPFM (Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy). L’ensemble des résultats obtenus met en évidence : 1/ un effet « barrière » des précipités fins et des dislocations sur la diffusion de l’hydrogène en relation avec un abattement des propriétés mécaniques moins important, 2/ un transport possible de l’hydrogène par les dislocations et 3/ l’efficacité du SKPFM pour déterminer précisément des coefficients de diffusion apparents de l’hydrogène. Ces résultats ouvrent ainsi de nouvelles pistes vers la compréhension des mécanismes de CSC dans les alliages Al-Zn-Mg. / Automotive industry is increasingly affected by standards requiring a major cut of polluting emissions, leading R&D policies to focus on replacing steel by aluminum alloys. This thesis project, initiated by the manufacturer Constellium, focuses on 7xxx (Al-Zn-Mg) aluminum alloys known to have high mechanical properties but also to be susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) partly attributed to hydrogen embrittlement (HE). Understanding the mechanisms involved would be a first step towards a metallurgical optimization and a future industrialization of these alloys. The first part focuses on the SCC behavior of the 7046 aluminum alloy, related to its microstructure, and the identification of degradation mechanisms involved. A hydrogen amount – loss of mechanical properties relationship was highlighted. The damage observed was explained by the presence of hydrogen in the grain boundaries and by a trapping effect of the intragranular hardening precipitates, limiting the hydrogen diffusion to the grain boundaries. Interactions between hydrogen and hardening precipitates and dislocations, both identified as critical microstructural heterogeneities for HE, are studied at a local scale in a second part. The hydrogen effect was characterized by penetration depth measurements made by SKPFM (Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy) on “model” samples cathodically charged in H2SO4. The whole results finally highlight: 1/ a “shielding” effect of fine precipitates and dislocations on hydrogen diffusivity related to a lower susceptibility to HE, 2/ hydrogen transport by dislocations and 3/ the efficiency of SKPFM to precisely measure effective diffusion coefficients of hydrogen. These results lead to new opportunities to understand SCC mechanisms in Al-Zn-Mg alloys.
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Caractérisation du couplage mécano-électrochimique en pointe de fissure lors de la fissuration assistée par corrosion sous contrainte : cas du Zircaloy-4 en milieu aqueux halogéné / Mecano-electrochemical study of stress corrosion crack tip area : Case of Zircaloy-4 in halide solutionDurif, Emilien 02 May 2012 (has links)
La corrosion sous contrainte (CSC) est un phénomène synergique d'endommagement qui résulte d'un processus de corrosion (dissolution, adsorption) et d'une rupture mécanique (fissuration). Les mécanismes de couplage mécano-électrochimique en pointe de fissure nécessaires à la compréhension du phénomène sont encore mal connus puisqu'ils dépendent du système d'étude (métal/milieu agressif) et font intervenir de nombreux facteurs mécaniques et électrochimiques. Dans cette thèse, nous nous proposons d'étudier les interactions réciproques entre la dissolution et l'état de contrainte mécanique en pointe de fissure (facteurs d'intensité des contraintes) pour le cas du Zircaloy-4 en milieu aqueux halogéné. Les éprouvettes sont d’abord pré-fissurées par fatigue à l’air avec la technique du Load-Shedding, ce qui permet alors de maîtriser le facteur d’intensité des contraintes résiduel de pré-fissuration par fatigue. Ensuite, une pré-oxydation thermique est réalisée pour produire une couche de film passif sur les surfaces de l’éprouvette. Les réactions électrochimiques sont alors concentrées en pointe de fissure qui induit également une concentration des effets mécaniques. Des techniques de corrélation d'images sont développées dans le but d'identifier les facteurs d'intensité des contraintes et d'estimer la longueur de fissure en temps réel. Ainsi des essais originaux de CSC, permettant d'imposer les facteurs d'intensité en pointe de fissure, sont conduits et les résultats montrent alors clairement les effets synergiques entre l'évolution des mesures mécaniques et des courants de dissolution. D'autre part, l'existence d'un facteur d'intensité des contraintes seuil de propagation en CSC, présentant une forte dépendance à l'histoire de chargement et à la variation de l'état de contrainte locale en pointe de fissure (variation des facteurs d'intensité des contraintes), est mise en évidence. Ceci montre alors que la plasticité doit évoluer pour que la dissolution se produise. Ainsi, le temps caractéristique d'arriver de nouvelles dislocations en pointe de fissure ne doit pas dépasser la durée caractéristique des réactions de passivation. Enfin sur la base des résultats expérimentaux, un modèle de loi de propagation phénoménologique de fissure en CSC est proposé et ses paramètres sont identifiés et validés à partir de différents essais de CSC. / Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a damage phenomenon which results from the synergy between corrosion process (dissolution, adsorption) and mechanical fracture (crack propagation). Although this phenomenon is well known, its modelling is still a challenging issue, especially concerning mechano-electrochemical coupling mechanisms at crack tip, because it depends on model system (metal/aggressive media) and large number of mechanical and electrochemical factors. In this thesis, mutual interactions between dissolution and the stress state around the crack tip (stress intensity factor) are studied in the case of Zircaloy-4 in aqueous halide solution. Samples are first pre-cracked in air by using fatigue load-shedding procedure to control the stress intensity factor. Then, pre-oxidization is used to produce a thin protective passive layer on their surface. The electro-chemical reactions are thus concentrated at the crack tip which also induces a concentration of the mechanical effect. During the test, digital images of the sample surface are acquired. Digital Image Correlation is performed a posteriori in order to obtain the evolution of the crack length and the stress intensity factors. Further, a specific procedure is developed in order to perform the DIC analysis while the test is running. This allows to control the load so that a given value of the stress intensity factor is prescribed. With this innovative experimental technique, we perform experimental tests that allow to discriminate the effects between different stress corrosion cracking mechanisms. It is suggested that once a critical anodic polarization is exceeded, the crack growth rate depends on the stress intensity factor but also on its time derivative. Indeed, a threshold effect is obtained on the stress intensity factor, meaning that plasticity must increase for the dissolution reaction to occur, but also on its rate meaning that time for plasticity to produce new dislocations must not exceed the characteristic duration of the passivation reaction. A phenomenological crack propagation model is proposed and its parameters are then identified and validated from the experimental measurements during SCC tests.
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L’éducation carcérale postsecondaire en pénitenciers canadiens : entre réhabilitation, responsabilisation et coercitionDurocher, Ann-Julie 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Pohledy na současnou českou psychoterapii / Contemporary Czech Psychoterapy: Several PerspectivesANDRLOVÁ, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
The objectives of the submitted diploma work are to give an overview of the therapeutics{\crq} psychotherapy styles and their feelings about the psychotherapy in general. The work also shows the circumstances which directed them to be the therapeutics. In connection with that the work analyzes also the evolution and, above all, the present situation in the psychotherapy in the Czech Republic. Finally the work summarizes therapeutics{\crq} opinion about the integration in the psychotherapy according to the style they practicing. Theoretical part of the diploma work introduces twelve psychotherapy styles which are commonly use in the Czech Republic. All styles are presented by short historical development and the practical application in our country. Information for the practical part of the diploma work were obtained by interviewing the therapeutics, the interviews were recorded, consequently rewrote and authorized by the therapeutics. The main contribution of the diploma work is the comparison of the therapeutics{\crq} opinions, partly consistent but some time also very different, what is appeared in the interviews. The interviews it self were spitted to the four groups, according to the topics: Knowledge and experiences of the therapist, Common active factors and the efficiency in the psychotherapy, Integration in the psychotherapy and Critique of the psychotherapy.
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Inhibition of Cancer Stem Cells by Glycosaminoglycan MimeticsO'Hara, Connor P 01 January 2019 (has links)
Connor O’Hara July 29, 2019
Inhibition of Cancer Stem Cells by Glycosaminoglycan Mimetics
In the United States cancer is the second leading cause of death, with colorectal cancer (CRC) being the third deadliest cancer and expected to cause over 51,000 fatalities in 2019 alone.1 The current standard of care for CRC depends largely on the staging, location, and presence of metastasis.2 As the tumor grows and invades nearby lymph tissue and blood vessels, CRC has the opportunity to invade not only nearby tissue but also metastasize into the liver and lung (most commonly).3 The 5-year survival rate for metastasized CRC is <15%, and standard of care chemotherapy regimens utilizing combination treatments only marginally improve survival.3-5 Additionally, patients who have gone into remission from late-stage CRC have a high risk of recurrence despite advances in treatment.6-7
The Cancer Stem-like Cell (CSC) paradigm has grown over the last 20 years to become a unifying hypothesis to support the growth and relapse of tumors previously regressed from chemotherapy (Figure 1).8 The paradigm emphasizes the heterogeneity of a tumor and its microenvironment, proposing that a small subset of cells in the tumor are the source of tumorigenesis with features akin to normal stem cells.9 The CSCs normally in a quiescent state survive this chemotherapy and “seed” tumor redevelopment.10 First observed in acute myeloid lymphoma models, CSCs have since been identified in various other cancers (to include CRC) by their cell surface antigens and unique properties characterizing them from normal cancer cells.11-12 These include tumor initiation, limitless self-renewal capacity to generate clonal daughter cells, as well as phenotypically diverse, mature, and highly differentiated progeny.13-14
Previously our lab has identified a novel molecule called G2.2 (Figure 2) from a unique library of sulfated compounds showing selective and potent inhibition of colorectal CSCs in-vitro.15 G2.2 is a mimetic of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and belongs to a class of molecules called non-saccharide GAG mimetics (NSGMs). Using a novel dual-screening platform, comparisons were made on the potency of G2.2 in bulk monolayer cells, primary 3D tumor spheroids of the same cell line, and subsequent generations of tumor spheroids. This work has shown in-vitro the fold-enhancement of CSCs when culturing as 3D tumor spheroids. Spheroid culture serves as a more accurate model for the physiological conditions of a tumor, as well as the functional importance of upregulating CSCs. Evaluation of G2.2 and other NSGMs was performed in only a few cell lines, developing a need to better understand the ability of G2.2 to inhibit spheroids from a more diverse panel of cancer cells to better understand G2.2’s mechanism.
The last few decades have seen the advancement in fundamental biological and biochemical knowledge of tumor cell biology and genetics.16 CRC, in particular, has served as a useful preclinical model in recapitulating patient tumor heterogeneity in-vitro.17 Recent work has characterized the molecular phenotypes of CRC cell lines in a multi-omics analysis, stratifying them into 4 clinically robust and relevant consensus molecular subtypes (CMS).18-19 Our work was directed to screen a panel of cells from each of the molecular subtypes and characterize the action of G2.2 and 2nd generation lipid-modified analogs, synthesized to improve the pharmacokinetic properties of the parent compound. Four NSGMs, namely G2.2, G2C, G5C, and G8C (Figure 2) were studied for their ability to inhibit the growth of primary spheroids across a phenotypically diverse panel.
HT-29 IC50 (μM)
Panel Average IC50 (μM)
28 ± 1
185 ± 55
5 ± 2
16 ± 15
8 ± 2
63 ± 19
0.7 ± 0.2
6 ± 3
Primary spheroid inhibition assays were performed comparing the potency of new NSGMs to G2.2. Fifteen cell lines were evaluated in a panel of colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines with several cell lines representing each CMS. Primary spheroid inhibition assays revealed 3 distinct response with regard to G2.2’s ability to inhibit spheroid growth. Cells from CMS 3 and 4, which display poor clinical prognosis, metabolic dysregulation, and enhanced activation of CSC pathways, showed the most sensitivity to G2.2 (mean IC50 = 89 ± 55 μM). Mesenchymal CMS 4 cell lines were over 3-fold more sensitive to treatment with G2.2 when compared to CMS 1 cell lines. Resistant cell lines were composed entirely of CMS 1 and 2 (mean IC50 = 267 ± 105 μM). In contrast, all lipid-modified analogs showed greater potency than the parent NSGM in almost every CRC cell line. Of the three analogs, G8C showed the greatest potency with a mean IC50 of less than 15 μM. Of the CRC spheroids studied, HT-29 (CMS 3) was most sensitive to G8C (IC50 = 0.73 μM).
To evaluate the selectivity of NSGMs for CSC spheroid inhibition, MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium) cytotoxicity assays were performed on monolayer cell culture, and the fold-selectivity of NSGM for spheroids was analyzed. Data shows that NSGMs preferentially target CSC-rich spheroids compared with monolayer cellular growth, with G2.2 having over 7-fold selectivity for spheroid conditions. This fold selectivity was enhanced in CMS 3/4, supporting the idea that G2.2 targets a mesenchymal and stem-like phenotype. To further validate this selectivity, limiting dilution assays were performed across the panel to determine the tumor-initiating capacity of each cell line. Cell lines which showed a sensitive response to G2.2 were over 2-fold more likely to develop into spheroids, validating the previous hypothesis. Further characterization was performed analyzing the changes G2.2 induced on CSC markers, as well as the basal expression of a unique pair of cancer cells. Western blots showed a reduction in self-renewal marker across all CMS after treatment with G2.2, and that cell lines sensitive to G2.2-treatment overexpress mesenchymal and stem-like markers. G2.2-resistant cell lines show an epithelial phenotype, lacking this expression.
The positive results observed in these studies enhance the understanding of G2.2 and analogs, and further evaluation with additional cell lines of various tissues would improve the knowledge thus far gained. However, all experiments described take valuable time to perform and analyze. Thus, there became a need to develop a high-throughput screening (HTS) platform for our assays that standardized analysis and enhanced productivity. Initial development of the method for this assay are underway, and recent evidence from these evaluations of breast cancer spheroids suggests that G2.2 and analogs may be tissue-specific compounds for the treatment of cancer. Future work entails refining the application of this method for evaluation of the NCI-60 (National Cancer Institute) tumor cell panel.
Overall, these results make several suggestions concerning the NSGMs evaluated against the panel. First, G2.2 selectively targets CSCs with limited toxicity to monolayer cells of the same cell line. Further, G2.2 has the greatest potency with CMS 3/4, whose mesenchymal phenotypes are associated with poor clinical prognosis and enrichment of CSCs. Supporting evidence include that sensitive cell lines are highly tumorigenic and show enhanced expression of mesenchymal/CSC markers compared to resistant cell lines. Lipid-modification of G2.2 enhances in-vitro potency against spheroid growth, with nM potency reached in the most sensitive cell lines. Evidence in the development of a HTS platform also suggests these NSGMs show tissue specificity to cancers of the intestine. Further work characterizing the mechanism of NSGMs in a broader multi-tissue panel will enhance our understanding of the compounds as a potential therapy to dramatically improve patient survival through specific targeting of tumorigenesis.
1. Colorectal Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2019. American Cancer Society 2017.
2. Compton, C. C.; Byrd, D. R.; Garcia-Aguilar, J.; Kurtzman, S. H.; Olawaiye, A.; Washington, M. K. Colon and rectum. In AJCC Cancer Staging Atlas, 2nd ed.; Ed. Springer Science: New York, 2012; pp 185–201.
3. Van Cutsem, E.; Cervantes, A.; Adam, R.; Sobrero, A.; Van Krieken, J. H.; Aderka, D.; Aranda Aguilar, E.; Bardelli, A.; Benson, A.; Bodoky, G.; et al. ESMO consensus guidelines for the management of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Ann. Oncol. 2016, 27, 1386–422.
4. Siegel, R. L.; Miller, K. D.; Fedewa, S. A.; Ahnen, D. J.; Meester, R. G. S.; Barzi, A.; Jemal, A. Colorectal cancer statistics, 2017. CA Cancer J. Clin. 2017, 67, 177–193.
5. Moriarity, A.; O'Sullivan, J.; Kennedy, J.; Mehigan, B.; McCormick, P. Current targeted therapies in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer: a review. Ther. Adv. Med. Oncol. 2016, 8, 276–293.
6. Seidel, J.; Farber, E.; Baumbach, R.; Cordruwisch, W.; Bohmler, U.; Feyerabend, B.; Faiss, S. Complication and local recurrence rate after endoscopic resection of large high-risk colorectal adenomas of >/=3 cm in size.
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7. Pugh, S. A.; Shinkins, B.; Fuller, A.; Mellor, J.; Mant, D.; Primrose, J. N. Site and stage of colorectal cancer influence the likelihood and distribution of disease recurrence and postrecurrence survival: data from the FACS randomized controlled trial. Ann. Surg. 2016, 263, 1143–1147.
8. Batlle, E.; Clevers, H. Cancer stem cells revisited. Nat. Med. 2017, 23, 1124–1134.
9. Hanahan, D.; Weinberg, R. A. Hallmarks of cancer: the next generation. Cell 2011, 144, 646–674.
10. Tirino, V.; Desiderio, V.; Paino, F.; De Rosa, A.; Papaccio, F.; La Noce, M.; Laino, L.; De Francesco, F.; Papaccio, G. Cancer stem cells in solid tumors: an overview and new approaches for their isolation and characterization. FASEB J. 2013, 27, 13–24.
11. Bonnet, D.; Dick, J. E. Human acute myeloid leukemia is organized as a hierarchy that originates from a primitive hematopoietic cell. Nat. Med. 1997, 3, 730–737.
12. Desai, A.; Yan, Y.; Gerson, S. L. Concise reviews: cancer stem cell targeted therapies: toward clinical success. Stem Cells Transl. Med. 2019, 8, 75–81.
13. Munro, M. J.; Wickremesekera, S. K.; Peng, L.; Tan, S. T.; Itinteang, T. Cancer stem cells in colorectal cancer: a review. J. Clin. Pathol. 2018, 71, 110–116.
14. Zhou, Y.; Xia, L.; Wang, H.; Oyang, L.; Su, M.; Liu, Q.; Lin, J.; Tan, S.; Tian, Y.; Liao, Q.; Cao, D. Cancer stem cells in progression of colorectal cancer. Oncotarget 2018, 9, 33403–33415.
15. Patel, N. J.; Karuturi, R.; Al-Horani, R. A.; Baranwal, S.; Patel, J.; Desai, U. R.; Patel, B. B. Synthetic, non-saccharide, glycosaminoglycan mimetics selectively target colon cancer stem cells. ACS Chem. Biol. 2014, 9, 1826–1833.
16. Punt, C. J.; Koopman, M.; Vermeulen, L. From tumour heterogeneity to advances in precision treatment of colorectal cancer. Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 2017, 14, 235–246.
17. Mouradov, D.; Sloggett, C.; Jorissen, R. N.; Love, C. G.; Li, S.; Burgess, A. W.; Arango, D.; Strausberg, R. L.; Buchanan, D.; Wormald, S.; et al. Colorectal cancer cell lines are representative models of the main molecular subtypes of primary cancer. Cancer Res. 2014, 74, 3238–3247.
18. Guinney, J.; Dienstmann, R.; Wang, X.; de Reynies, A.; Schlicker, A.; Soneson, C.; Marisa, L.; Roepman, P.; Nyamundanda, G.; Angelino, P.; et al. The consensus molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer. Nat. Med. 2015, 21, 1350–1356.
19. Berg, K. C. G.; Eide, P. W.; Eilertsen, I. A.; Johannessen, B.; Bruun, J.; Danielsen, S. A.; Bjornslett, M.; Meza-Zepeda, L. A.; Eknaes, M.; Lind, G. E.; et al. Multi-omics of 34 colorectal cancer cell lines - a resource for biomedical studies. Mol. Cancer 2017, 16, 116–132.
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Lutter contre les discriminations ethno-raciales et/ou promouvoir la diversité dans le domaine de l'emploi ?le développement d'une action publique ambiguë en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, 1997-2012Tande, Alexandre 20 December 2013 (has links)
A Bruxelles comme dans d’autres contextes régionaux et nationaux, de nombreux professionnels et spécialistes présentent les notions de discrimination et de diversité dans le domaine de l’emploi comme « les deux faces d’une même pièce » :au dépassement de la première répondrait l’avènement de la seconde. Considérant ce discours comme problématique, nous retraçons dans notre thèse l’émergence et le développement de l’action publique bruxelloise de lutte contre les discriminations ethno-raciales et de promotion de la diversité en matière d’emploi, depuis la fin des années 1990. Dans une perspective qualitative, nous analysons les conditions d’élaboration et de mise en œuvre de cette action publique régionale, en prêtant une attention particulière aux pratiques des acteurs et aux effets concrets des dispositifs (en particulier le « Plan de diversité »). Au-delà du caractère séduisant et consensuel de la notion de diversité, nous montrons que les interventions qui s’en réclament tendent à perdre de vue le problème des discriminations ethno-raciales en matière d’emploi, qu’elles devaient pourtant contribuer à réduire. Les entreprises privées peuvent ne pas voir l’utilité ni la pertinence des « bonnes pratiques » de gestion des ressources humaines promues dans ce cadre. Et même lorsque les pratiques managériales évoluent, cela n’a pas forcément d’effet en matière de recrutement ou de reconnaissance symbolique des minorités ethno-raciales. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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