Spelling suggestions: "subject:"core""
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Fins de parties : identification dans le transfert et achoppement de cure psychothérapeutique / Endgames : identification inside transference and treatment abortionTregnier, Claude 10 October 2014 (has links)
La thèse traite des arrêts non éclairés de cure psychothérapeutique, c'est-à-dire des interruptions définitives à l'initiative exclusive du patient ou de la patiente, sans discussion avec le clinicien ou la clinicienne. Pour la première fois, une telle étude est basée sur des témoignages de patient(e)s, recueillis lors d'entretiens cliniques après consentement éclairé. Au plan théorique, l'étude s'appuie sur une approche métapsychologique informationnelle originale de la psyché comme organe de modélisation du monde par la réalité psychique, inspirée par un historique de l'évolution des notions de projection et d'identification projective en psychanalyse. Pour l'ensemble du panel clinique de l'étude, les arrêts non éclairés de cure résultent systématiquement de la perte de confiance du patient en raison d'un trait disqualifiant imputé au clinicien par transfert objectal ou par identification projective, avec une conviction remarquablement forte, inébranlable et durable que le trait en question appartient effectivement à la personne du clinicien. Au terme de l'étude, il apparaît que les personnes ayant traversé des expériences traumatiques relationnelles dans leur enfance (rupture de continuité relationnelle avec l'environnement parental) pourraient être particulièrement exposées aux risques d'arrêts non éclairés lorsqu'elles entreprennent une psychanalyse ou une psychothérapie. En conséquence, l'étude propose des mesures de métacommunication préventive et curative visant à réduire un tel risque. Ces conclusions nécessiteraient d'être affinées par une recherche ultérieure plus large incluant notamment une comparaison avec une population témoin de patient(e)s n'ayant pas connu d'arrêts non éclairés dans leur(s) cure(s), afin de préciser davantage les spécificités des patient(e)s qui en provoquent et de mieux caractériser les traumatismes relationnels précoces dont ces dernier(e)s ont pu faire l'expérience. / This work is about unilateral treatment abortions by the patient, occurring without preliminary discussion with the therapist. For the first time, such a research is based upon testimonies from patients collected during clinical interviews with their informed consent. Theoretically, the study relies on an original informational approach of the psyche as an organ which models the outside world by the psychical reality, approach inspired by an historical survey of projection and projective identification psychoanalytical concepts evolutions. For the entire study sample, unilateral treatment abortion by the patient always derives from loss of confidence in the therapist caused by the attribution to him or her of a disqualifying feature through object transference or projective identification channel, with a remarkably strong, unwavering and long-lasting conviction that the disqualifying feature truly belongs to the therapist. At the end of the study, it appears that the persons who have had relational traumatic experiences during childhood (breaks in the continuity of relations with parental environment) would be particularly prone to unilateral treatment abortions during a psychoanalysis or a psychotherapy. Consequently, the study proposes preventive and curatives measures of metacommunication in order to reduce risk of treatment abortion. The conclusions of this study would require further wider research, involving particularly a control population of patients who never experimented unilateral treatment abortion during their psychoanalysis/psychotherapy, in order to more clearly identify the specificities of the patients who provoke such treatment abortions and the exact nature of the relational trauma which they may have experimented during childhood.
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Antireflective Polyimide Based FilmsCao, Yuanmei 01 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Terrain Cure: New Approaches to Interpretive Trailmaking in the Historic Health Landscape of the Sadgeri PlateauColeman, Sarah E. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Variable Selection for High-Dimensional Data with Error ControlFu, Han 23 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Manufacture of and Environmental Effects on Carbon Fiber-Reinforced PhenylEthynyl-Terminated Poly(EtherImide)Bullions, Todd Aaron 18 September 2000 (has links)
The initial objective of this research project was to determine the feasibility of manufacturing carbon fiber-reinforced (CFR) composites with a matrix consisting of a phenylethynyl-terminated version of a thermoplastic poly(etherimide) termed PETU. Successful composite manufacture with 3,000 g/mol (3k) PETU led to a survey of CFR 3kPETU mechanical properties for comparison with other high-performance composites. Encouraging results led to a study of moisture sorption effects on CFR 3kPETU properties. The success of these initial studies spawned the large scale production of 2,500 g/mol (2.5k) PETU.
Thermal characterization of neat and CFR 2.5kPETU via differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, and parallel plate rheometry resulted in an understanding of the influence of cure time and temperature on reaction progress via both reaction kinetics and monitoring of the glass transition temperature. From the rheological characterization, a two-stage, dual-Arrhenius model was developed to successfully model isothermal complex viscosity over the range of processing temperatures.
Neat 2.5kPETU and CFR 2.5kPETU specimens were exposed separately to elevated temperature environments of different moisture and different oxygen concentrations to evaluate the effects of moisture absorption, moisture desorption, and thermal oxidation on material properties. Moisture absorption took place in a 90 °C / 85% relative humidity environment followed by moisture desorption in a 90 °C / 10% relative humidity environment. Thermal-oxidative aging for up to 5000 hours took place at 204 204 °C in environments of four different oxygen partial pressures: 0.0 kPa, 2.84 kPa, 20.2 kPa, and 40.4 kPa. Following exposure to the different aging environments, the specimens were tested for retention of mechanical properties. In addition, moisture sorption properties were measured.
Results from the moisture sorption studies on CFR 3kPETU and CFR 2.5kPETU suggest that fully cured composites will withstand moisture absorption and desorption with negligible effects on mechanical properties, whereas, lack of full cure allows moisture sorption to permanently damage the composites. Despite a lack of mass loss or visual evidence of degradation following thermal-oxidative aging, a decline in mechanical properties was observed with the reduction becoming greater with longer aging times and higher oxygen partial pressures. / Ph. D.
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[pt] Jesus é retratado no NT realizando inúmeros sinais e prodígios, dentre os quais, os exorcismos chamam a atenção. Eles estão presentes apenas nos sinóticos e indicam o confronto entre o Senhor da Vida contra aquelas forças que desumanizam e oprimem o homem. O objeto da presente pesquisa é a exegese de Mc 9,14-29, utilizando-se do Método Histórico-Crítico, buscando-se dimensionar a influência de culturas circundantes a Israel do AT e NT, quanto à crença na ação de demônios, como causadores de doenças/enfermidades (e morte), bem como quanto à prática de exorcismo/cura (e reanimação). A partir do texto marcano, é proposta a análise dos termos poder, fé e oração (e seus cognatos) nesse evangelho em sua relação com perícopes que tratam de exorcismos, missão, ensino, cura e reanimação. Tudo isso tem como escopo formar discípulos aptos para continuarem o projeto de Jesus. / [en] Jesus is portrayed in the New Testament performing numerous signs and wonders, among which exorcisms stand out. They are present only in the Synoptics and indicate the confrontation between the Lord of Life against those forces that dehumanize and oppress humanity. The object of the present research is the exegesis of Mark 9:14-29, using the Historical-Critical Method, seeking to assess the influence of cultures surrounding Israel in the Old and New Testaments regarding belief in the action of demons as causes of diseases/illnesses (and death), as well as the practice of exorcism/healing (and resuscitation). From the Markan text, the analysis of the terms power, faith, and prayer (and their cognates) is proposed in this Gospel in relation to pericopes dealing with exorcisms, mission, teaching, healing, and resuscitation. All of this aims to form disciples capable of continuing Jesus project.
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Den psykodynamiska psykoterapin : en behandling och/eller en moralisk etisk praxis? / The psychodynamic psychotherapy : a treatment and/or a moral ethical practice?Danielsson, Birgitta January 2013 (has links)
Inledning: Eftersom den psykodynamiska psykoterapin har kraftig konkurrens från andra terapiformer, samtidigt som kraven på effektivitet, snabbhet och evidens från hälso- och sjukvårdsetablissemanget är starka, är det viktigt att som psykodynamiker delta i diskursen kring den psykodynamiska psykoterapins vetenskapsteoretiska status. Hur kan man karakterisera den psykodynamiska psykoterapin om den dels inte är identisk med psykoanalys, dels heller inte automatiskt kan inordnas i det medicinsk-biologiska paradigmet? Uppsatsen har som syfte att definiera och undersöka om psykodynamisk psykoterapi kan betraktas som behandling och/eller en moralisk etisk praxis. Frågeställningar: Psykodynamisk psykoterapi – är den en egen humanvetenskap? Hur kan man definiera och se på behandling och behandlingsmål i den psykodynamiska psykoterapin? Metod: Litteraturstudie med en hermeneutisk ansats. Resultat: Det finns olika sätt att se på den psykodynamiska psykoterapin när det gäller dess vetenskaplighet. Frågan om psykodynamisk psykoterapi är behandling i gängse medicinsk bemärkelse, har heller inget enkelt entydigt svar. Till synen på behandling hör också målet med densamma. Hur man betraktar behandlingsfrågan blir också vägledande för hur man ser på behandlingsmålet. En skiljelinje går mellan uppfattningen om den psykodynamiska psykoterapin som vetenskap och/eller teknik. Diskussionen om psykodynamisk psykoterapi är en vetenskap eller flera, har betydelse för dess ställning i den vetenskapliga världen. Diskussion: Valet av litteraturstudie som metod avgjordes på grundval uppsatsens syfte och karaktär. Det är möjligt att se den psykodynamiska psykoterapin i annat vetenskapligt ljus än det positivistiska t.ex. fenomenologiskt och hermeneutiskt. Psykodynamisk psykoterapi kan ses både som en vetenskap och en teknik samt som en etisk verksamhetspraxis. Slutsatsen för uppsatsarbetet är att man kan se på den psykodynamiska psykoterapin som en moralisk, etisk behandlingsmetod som med både hermeneutiska och fenomenologiska metoder/tekniker söker uppnå inre frihet, självkännedom och ansvarstagande för medvetnare livsval hos subjektet. Behandlingsmålet blir då att minska neurotiskt och annat lidande hos subjektet samtidigt som lidandets omedvetna ursprung integreras.
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Influence du vent et de la cure sur le comportement des bétons au très jeune âgeMbemba-Kiele, Elanga-Poaty 13 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La maîtrise de la fissuration prématurée ne peut être garantie sans la prévision des retraits au très jeune âge. Ces déformations plastiques nécessitent d'être contrôlées à l'aide d'une cure. Les travaux réalisés présentent une étude expérimentale du comportement des bétons au très jeune âge. Trois bétons présentant un volume de pâte, un rapport G/S et une maniabilité identique mais trois rapports Eeff/C différents ont été étudiés. Les essais ont été réalisés dans un tunnel ventilé original permettant d'imposer un flux d'air uniforme pendant l'essai, en maintenant une température et une hygrométrie constante. Les essais ont montré que lorsqu'une cure n'est pas appliquée, les bétons fissuraient (avant le début de prise) dans des conditions sévères (dispositif de retrait empêché). Pour étudier le phénomène, des mesures d'évaporation, de dépression capillaire, des déformations longitudinales horizontales ont été effectuées pour les trois bétons, suivant deux conditions de séchage (avec et sans vent) et à différents modes de cure afin d'évaluer l'influence de la cure sur les déformations plastiques du matériau. Les résultats montrent que le comportement du matériau diffère selon le mode de cure mis en oeuvre. Deux étapes bien distinctes sont observées dans le comportement des bétons au très jeune âge, suivant les conditions de séchage : un premier domaine durant lequel les déformations sont importantes et le béton reste proche de la saturation, suivi d'un second domaine qui se traduit par de faibles déformations et une baisse du degré de saturation. Ces résultats sont similaires à ceux observés pour les sols fins soumis à la dessiccation.
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Modeling based on a reparameterized Birnbaum-Saunders distribution for analysis of survival data / Modelagem baseada na distribuição Birnbaum-Saunders reparametrizada para análise de dados sobrevivênciaLeão, Jeremias da Silva 09 January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we propose models based on a reparameterized Birnbaum-Saunder (BS) distribution introduced by Santos-Neto et al. (2012) and Santos-Neto et al. (2014), to analyze survival data. Initially we introduce the Birnbaum-Saunders frailty model where we analyze the cases (i) with (ii) without covariates. Survival models with frailty are used when further information is nonavailable to explain the occurrence time of a medical event. The random effect is the frailty, which is introduced on the baseline hazard rate to control the unobservable heterogeneity of the patients. We use the maximum likelihood method to estimate the model parameters. We evaluate the performance of the estimators under different percentage of censured observations by a Monte Carlo study. Furthermore, we introduce a Birnbaum-Saunders regression frailty model where the maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters with censored data as well as influence diagnostics for the new regression model are investigated. In the following we propose a cure rate Birnbaum-Saunders frailty model. An important advantage of this proposed model is the possibility to jointly consider the heterogeneity among patients by their frailties and the presence of a cured fraction of them. We consider likelihood-based methods to estimate the model parameters and to derive influence diagnostics for the model. In addition, we introduce a bivariate Birnbaum-Saunders distribution based on a parameterization of the Birnbaum-Saunders which has the mean as one of its parameters. We discuss the maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters and show that these estimators can be obtained by solving non-linear equations. We then derive a regression model based on the proposed bivariate Birnbaum-Saunders distribution, which permits us to model data in their original scale. A simulation study is carried out to evaluate the performance of the maximum likelihood estimators. Finally, examples with real-data are performed to illustrate all the models proposed here. / Nesta tese propomos modelos baseados na distribuição Birnbaum-Saunders reparametrizada introduzida por Santos-Neto et al. (2012) e Santos-Neto et al. (2014), para análise dados de sobrevivência. Inicialmente propomos o modelo de fragilidade Birnbaum-Saunders sem e com covariáveis observáveis. O modelo de fragilidade é caracterizado pela utilização de um efeito aleatório, ou seja, de uma variável aleatória não observável, que representa as informações que não podem ou não foram observadas tais como fatores ambientais ou genéticos, como também, informações que, por algum motivo, não foram consideradas no planejamento do estudo. O efeito aleatório (a fragilidade) é introduzido na função de risco de base para controlar a heterogeneidade não observável. Usamos o método de máxima verossimilhança para estimar os parâmetros do modelo. Avaliamos o desempenho dos estimadores sob diferentes percentuais de censura via estudo de simulações de Monte Carlo. Considerando variáveis regressoras, derivamos medidas de diagnóstico de influência. Os métodos de diagnóstico têm sido ferramentas importantes na análise de regressão para detectar anomalias, tais como quebra das pressuposições nos erros, presença de outliers e observações influentes. Em seguida propomos o modelo de fração de cura com fragilidade Birnbaum-Saunders. Os modelos para dados de sobrevivência com proporção de curados (também conhecidos como modelos de taxa de cura ou modelos de sobrevivência com longa duração) têm sido amplamente estudados. Uma vantagem importante do modelo proposto é a possibilidade de considerar conjuntamente a heterogeneidade entre os pacientes por suas fragilidades e a presença de uma fração curada. As estimativas dos parâmetros do modelo foram obtidas via máxima verossimilhança, medidas de influência e diagnóstico foram desenvolvidas para o modelo proposto. Por fim, avaliamos a distribuição bivariada Birnbaum-Saunders baseada na média, como também introduzimos um modelo de regressão para o modelo proposto. Utilizamos os métodos de máxima verossimilhança e método dos momentos modificados, para estimar os parâmetros do modelo. Avaliamos o desempenho dos estimadores via estudo de simulações de Monte Carlo. Aplicações a conjuntos de dados reais ilustram as potencialidades dos modelos abordados.
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Estudo do fosqueamento de tintas em pó, sistema poliéster/TGIC / Matting study for powder coatings, polyester/TGIC systemWakim, William 07 July 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho propôs-se a estudar o fenômeno de fosqueamento em filmes de tinta em pó feitos a partir de resinas poliésteres sólidas pelo sistema conhecido como Triglicidilisocianutato (TGIC). Este fenômeno é indesejado e ocorre na ocasião de mistura de lotes de tintas produzidos independentemente com resinas poliésteres sólidas que compartilham as mesmas fórmulas, especificações e processo industrial. Amostras de uma tríade de resinas poliéster, que apresenta uma particular relação de fosqueamento, foram estudadas por termogravimetria/ termogravimetria derivada (TG/DTG), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear de Hidrogênio (1H-RMN), cromatografia de permeação em gel (GPC), análise térmica diferencial (DTA) e espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR). A partir da análise minuciosa dos resultados obtidos em cada técnica escolhida, não se notou diferenças significativas que pudessem vir a justificar o fosqueamento indesejado para os lotes estudados. Estas avaliações nos permitiram concluir que o fenômeno não ocorre por contaminação industrial dos materiais e que alguma relação latente de fosqueamento por blenda seca deve ainda ser revelada por estudo subsequente. / The present work endeavored to study the matting phenomenon of powder coatings films made of solid polyester resins through a system known as Triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC). This phenomenon is an undesired result and occurs when at the time of blending paint batches produced independently with polyester resins that share the same formula, specifications e industrial process. Samples of a polyester resin triad, that shared a particular matting relation, were studied by thermogravimetry/ thermogravimetry derivative (TG/DTG), differential scanning calorimetry nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR), gel permeation chromatog r(aDpShCy), proton (GPC), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Through in-depth analyses of all results obtained from each chosen method, no accountable differences, that could justify the undesired matting phenomenon, were noticed. These evaluations paved us the way to conclude that the studied phenomenon was not occurring due to industrial contamination, and that some latent dry blend matting relation is still to be revealed by an ensuing study.
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