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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propriétés d’usage et mécanismes d’hydratation du système ternaire [Ciment Alumineux – Sulfate de Calcium – Laitier de Haut Fourneau] à haute teneur en sulfate de calcium : De l’approche expérimentale à la modélisation / Usage properties and hydration mechanisms of ternary binder [Calcium Aluminate Cement – Calcium Sulfate – Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag] with high content of calcium sulfate : From experimental approach to modelling

Kedziora, Charlotte 02 June 2015 (has links)
L’étude menée s’attache à évaluer le potentiel d’activation du laitier de haut fourneau dans un liant ternaire constitué de ciment alumineux, de sulfate de calcium et de laitier. Dans ce système ternaire, le constituant majoritaire est le sulfate de calcium. Le potentiel d’un tel système n’est pas encore connu mais cette étude vise à renseigner sur les principaux avantages et limites d’utilisation. D’un point de vue des propriétés d’usage de ce liant, la prise, le durcissement rapide et la montée des résistances sont assurés par le liant ettringitique. Ensuite, et uniquement si la dessiccation est évitée, le laitier de haut fourneau réagit et dans ce cas, l’apport du laitier dans de tels systèmes est double. Il contribue à l’augmentation des performances mécaniques à moyen et long terme et à limiter l’expansion sous eau. D’un point de vue de la compréhension des mécanismes d’hydratation, une démarche expérimentale originale est mise en place et dévoile le potentiel du laitier. Elle est basée sur la comparaison des performances obtenues avec différentes cures. Le potentiel d’hydratation du laitier est amplifié lorsque le système subit un séchage puis une réhydratation. Cependant, les techniques utilisées (diffraction des rayons X et calorimétrie différentielle à balayage) ne sont pas adaptées au suivi et à la quantification de laitier consommé. Ainsi, la compréhension de l’hydratation s’appuie sur des techniques dites indirectes. Une semi-quantification par diffraction des rayons X est réalisée pour le suivi et l’évaluation de la mayénite, le sulfate de calcium (anhydre ou dihydraté), la syngénite et l’ettringite, l’analyse thermogravimétrique permet de mesurer le degré d’hydratation du système, et la porosimétrie mercure informe sur les changements microstructuraux. La plus grosse difficulté dans ces travaux a porté sur le suivi et la quantification des phases amorphes (anhydres ou hydratées), telles que le laitier, les gels de C-S-H et d’AH3, et c’est pour cette raison qu’une approche par modélisation a été mise en place afin d’identifier le rôle de chaque constituant du système ternaire [Ciment Alumineux – Sulfate de Calcium – Laitier] et particulièrement du laitier lors de l’essai de réhydratation. L’approche par modélisation permet de mieux identifier les phénomènes chimiques et physiques ayant lieu lors de l’hydratation du liant. Elle est utilisée pour expliquer les observations macroscopiques (comme les performances mécaniques) et aide à déterminer les cinétique d’hydratation dans le milieu poreux. Le modèle utilisé n’est pas encore parfaitement au point mais il a permis d’identifier les différentes séquences d’hydratation (à savoir que le liant ettringitique réagit dans les premiers instants et qu’ensuite, l’hydratation de l’anhydrite entraine la formation de gypse et l’hydratation du laitier est effective à long terme) et de confirmer que la réaction du laitier est lente. / The potential of activation of a Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag has been evaluated into a ternary system comprising of a Calcium Sulfate as major component and a Calcium Aluminate Cement. This system is not well known and the main goal of this study is to determine its main advantages and limitations. From the usage properties point of view, fast setting and initial strengths are governed by the ettringitic binder. Then, and only if the dehydration is avoided, slag reacts. In this case, slag contributes to the increase of mechanical performances at medium and long terms and to limit the expansion under water. From an understanding point of view, the original experimental approach reveals the potential of the slag. It is based on a comparison of performances with different types of curing methods. The potential of hydration of the slag is amplified when the system is dehydrated during a few days and then rehydrated. However, slag contribution is complex to establish because analytical methods to follow-up slag consumption (such as X-ray Diffraction and Differential Scanning Calorimetry analysis) are not well adapted. So, to understand the hydration mechanisms, indirect approaches are used. Semi-quantitative methods by X-ray Diffraction to follow-up the mayenite, calcium sulfate, syngenite and ettringite, ThermoGravimetric Analysis to measure degree of hydration and Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry to identify microstructural changes have been carried. The most important difficulty concerns the identification and quantification of amorphous phases such as slag, C-S-H and AH3. That is why a modelling approach is necessary to understand the role of each compound in the ternary mixture and in particular the obvious contribution of slag during rehydration test. This modelling approach increases knowledge of the physical and chemical phenomena in this ternary binder. It is useful to explain the observed macroscopic properties such as strength and helps to determine the kinetics of hydration in porous environment. Even if this model is still under development, it has allowed identifying the sequences of hydration (ettringitic binder reacts at very initial time, then anhydrite transforms into gypsum and slag reacts at long term) and confirms therefore that the reaction of slag is slow.

Transvaginal mesh-augmented procedures in gynecology:outcomes after female urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse surgery

Nyyssönen, V. (Virva) 30 September 2014 (has links)
Abstract Problems of female urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse are common. Traditional operative techniques in the treatment of these conditions have unsatisfactory efficacy outcomes and involve complications. Attempts have been made to solve this problem with synthetic meshes, but with the use of meshes mesh-related complications have appeared. The situation is difficult because the number of different meshes, techniques and instrumentations is numerous. The present study was conducted to investigate the safety issues and complication rates of four structurally different polypropylene meshes used in transvaginal surgery when treating female urinary incontinence and apical or posterior vaginal prolapse. Vaginal mesh exposures were under special interest. Subjective outcome and patient satisfaction of tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) and transobturator tape (TOT) methods in the treatment of female urinary incontinence were reported. Objective and subjective cures of posterior intravaginal sling (PIVS) and Elevate®Posterior procedures were investigated. The incidence of vaginal mesh exposure varied between different meshes. The highest exposure incidence, 16–25%, was found with heavyweight microporous multifilament mesh. The lowest mesh exposure incidence, 0.9%, was seen with lightweight macroporous monofilament mesh. The subjective cures of the TVT and TOT procedures were 84% and 80%, and patient satisfaction rates were 79% and 74%, respectively. The objective cure of posterior IVS was only 69% and patient satisfaction rate 62%, while Elevate®Posterior reached 84–98% objective cure rate, depending on the definition used. Subjective efficacy of this procedure was 86%. According to this study, the use of heavyweight microporous multifilament should be abandoned because of the intolerably high vaginal mesh exposure incidence. The subjective efficacy and patient satisfaction of TVT and TOT procedures are satisfactory. Both objective and subjective cure rates of posterior IVS are poor, whereas the Elevate®Posterior technique with lightweight macroporous monofilament mesh presents promising results. / Tiivistelmä Virtsankarkailu ja emättimen monimuotoiset laskeumat ovat naisilla yleisiä. Näitä vaivoja perinteisillä leikkaustekniikoilla hoidettaessa leikkaustulokset ovat olleet epätyydyttäviä sekä tehon että komplikaatioiden ilmaantuvuuden osalta. Ongelmaa on yritetty ratkaista synteettisien verkkojen avulla, mutta verkkojen käytön myötä niihin on havaittu liittyvän myös ongelmia. Tilannetta hankaloittaa myös erilaisten verkkomateriaalien, tekniikoiden ja instrumentaatioiden runsaslukuisuus. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin neljän rakenteeltaan erilaisen polypropyleenistä valmistetun verkon turvallisuutta ja komplikaatioiden esiintyvyyttä hoidettaessa verkkoavusteisesti naisen virtsankarkailua ja emättimen pohjukan tai emättimen takaseinämän laskeumaa. Erityisenä kiinnostuksen kohteena olivat verkkoihin liittyvät eroosiot. Virtsankarkailun hoidon subjektiivinen teho ja potilastyytyväisyys selvitettiin käytettäessä tension-free vaginal tape- (TVT) ja transobturator tape (TOT) -tekniikoita. Laskeumien hoidon objektiivinen ja subjektiivinen teho arvioitiin käytettäessä posterior intravaginal sling- (PIVS) ja Elevate®Posterior -tekniikoita. Verkon eroosioiden ilmaantuvuus vaihteli rakenteeltaan erilaisten verkkojen välillä siten, että tiivistä mikroporoottista multifilamenttinauhaa käytettäessä eroosioiden ilmaantuvuus oli 16–25 %, kun taas kevyttä makroporoottista monofilamenttiverkkoa käytettäessä eroosioprosentti oli 0.9. TVT-menetelmällä saavutettiin 84 %:n ja TOT menetelmällä 80 %:n subjektiivinen teho. TVT-potilaista hoitoon tyytyväisiä oli 79 % ja TOT-potilaista 74 %. Posteriorinen IVS saavutti vain 69 %:n objektiivisen tehon pohjukan laskeuman hoidossa. Potilastyytyväisyys oli samaa luokkaa, 62 %. Sen sijaan Elevate®Posterior-menetelmää käytettäessä saavutettiin käytetystä tehon määritelmästä riippuen 84–98 %:n objektiivinen teho. Subjektiivinen teho tällä menetelmällä oli 86 %. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella tiiviin mikroporoottisen multifilamenttiverkon käyttöön liittyvä verkkoeroosioiden määrä on sietämättömän suuri. Vakiintuneiden TVT- ja TOT-menetelmien subjektiivinen teho ja potilastyytyväisyys ovat hyväksyttäviä. PIVS-metodia käytettäessä sekä objektiivinen että subjektiivinen tulos on huono, kun taas Elevate®Posterior-menetelmän ja siinä käytetyn kevyen verkon käytöstä saadut tulokset ovat lupaavia.

Modélisation de la trajectoire des patients avec une insuffisance rénale chronique terminale / Modeling treatment trajectories of patients with end stage renal disease

Couchoud Heyer, Cécile Gabriella 28 March 2014 (has links)
Afin de mieux connaitre puis d'optimiser les trajectoires suivies par les patients arrivés au stade terminal de leur insuffisance rénale chronique, il a été nécessaire de mettre au point des outils permettant de modéliser ces trajectoires complexes. Les différentes modalités de traitement n'ont pas été comparées une à une mais une approche globale a été privilégiée tenant compte d'une vision intégrée où les modalités de traitement sont considérées comme complémentaires et non concurrentielles. Ce travail de modélisation a utilisé des modèles à compartiments avec prise en compte de risque concurrents et un modèle de mélange pour données de survie avec fraction non à risque. Les paramètres des modèles ont été estimés à partir des données du registre du Réseau Épidémiologie et Information en Néphrologie (REIN). L'outil de prédiction développé a également pu être alimenté par les données de remboursement de l'assurance maladie (SNIIRAM) sur l'année 2009. Cette première version de l'outil a permis d'évaluer les conséquences en termes d'espérance de vie restreinte à 15 ans et de coût moyen par mois de différentes stratégies simulées de prise en charge des patients en IRCT dans le cadre d'une analyse médico-économique, en partenariat avec la Haute Autorité de Santé. L'objectif final de ce travail sera de proposer des outils d'aide à la décision reposant sur des stratégies de prise en charge les mieux adaptées aux besoins des patients. A terme, les outils développés lors de ce travail pourraient également servir de base à une plateforme de simulation afin d'accompagner les décideurs publics lors de la réflexion sur les schémas d'organisation sanitaire / In order to better understand and then optimize the trajectories followed by end-stage renal disease patients, it was necessary to develop tools to model these complex trajectories. The different treatment modalities were not compared but a comprehensive approach was preferred taking into account an integrated vision where treatment modalities are considered complementary and non-competitive. We used compartments models which took into account competitive risk and a mixture model for survival with fraction not at risk. The model parameters were estimated from the data from the Renal Epidemiology and Information Network registry. Reimbursement data from the national health insurance (SNIIRAM) were also used. The prediction tool developed was used to evaluate the consequences in terms of expected 15- years restricted lifetime and average cost per month for different strategies in a medicoeconomic analysis, in partnership with the Haute Autorité de Santé. The final aim of this work is to offer decision support tools based on strategies best adapted to patients’ needs. The tools developed in this work could also serve as a basis for a simulation platform to accompany public decision-makers in their reflection on health organization

Νόσος και θεραπεία στην πεζογραφία του Αλέξανδρου Παπαδιαμάντη : Αποδελτίωση και σχόλια

Σακελλαρίου, Σταυρούλα 04 June 2013 (has links)
Στην εργασία διερευνάται η παρουσία και η πρόσληψης ιατρικών θεμάτων που αφορούν σε αρρώστιες και στη θεραπεία τους στο πρωτότυπο πεζογραφικό έργο του Αλέξανδρου Παπαδιαμάντη. Συγκεντρώνονται στοιχεία και καταγράφονται πρώτα συμπεράσματα, τα οποία θα μπορούσαν να οδηγήσουν στο μέλλον σε μια συστηματικότερη ανάλυση της σχέσης της λογοτεχνίας του Παπαδιαμάντη με την ιατρική. / This paper investigates the presence of medical issues relating to diseases and their treatment in the original prose of Alexander Papadiamantis. There are recorded first conclusions, which could lead to a more systematic analysis of the relationship of Papadiamantis'literature with medicine.

Det Omedvetnas återkomst : En tvärvetenskaplig litteraturstudie i fältet mellan psykoanalys och neurobiologi / The return of the Unconscious

Hallberg Äijä, Maria January 2011 (has links)
There are differences today amongst psychoanalysts regarding if psychoanalysis should limit itself to being exclusively a hermeneutic discipline or if psychoanalysis should find points of contact with neurobiology. The purpose of this essay is to touch upon the larger issue that creates the different points of view: Can psychoanalysis become enriched by finding points of contact with neurobiology, and should psychoanalysis be regarded as belonging to a broader scientific field than being exclusively a human science? The question at issue is: Can modern neurobiology contribute to a development of the psychoanalytic concepts; compulsion to repeat, transference/countertransference and talking cure? The method used is a literature study. The result shows that: Freud’s theories regarding traumatic compulsion to repeat can be linked with LeDoux’s theory of "emotional memory". Freud’s theory of the death instinct as an explanation to the compulsion to repeat can be replaced by a modern neurobiological theory of "emotional memory". The part of the countertransference that is an emotion transferred from the patient to the analyst can happen with the assistance of mirror neurons through "embodied simulation". This suggests that the phenomenon of the analyst being able to experience the patients emotion in himself does not have to imply that projection or intersubjective pressure have played a part in it. To be able to include this phenomenon in the concepts of transference and countertransference these need to be broadened or revised. It is possible to link and develop Freud’s theory of the talking cure with Deacon’s theory about symbolic communication. The results clinical implications are: Understanding of the traumatic compulsion to repeat as an expression of "emotional memory" demands work with this as an expression of memory processes. Understanding of the transference of emotion in transference/countertransference as possible through reflexive simulation processes, implies that projection or interpersonal pressure should not be preconceived in an emotion transference situation. It also implies that the emotional activation in the analyst should not by necessity be seen as an activation of the analyst’s internal objects together with emotions towards these. Deacon’s theory of symbolic communication implies that the talking cure should be used with awareness of its negative tendencies, visual thinking should not necessarily be considered non-symbolic and focus should be put on multiple ways of communication in the clinical situation.

The Effect of Pre-Cure Bracket Movement on the Shear Bond Strength of Metal Brackets

Roberts, Thomas Luther, IV 01 January 2007 (has links)
The effect on shear bond strength of bracket movement after seating the brackets and before light curing has not been reported. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of linear and rotational pre-cure bracket movement on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets. 100 extracted human maxillary premolars were divided into 5 groups of 20 teeth each. The control group was bonded with no pre-cure bracket movement, and test groups were bonded with pre-cure bracket movement of 2 mm, 4 mm, 45¢ª or 180¢ª. Debonding force was measured with an Instron universal testing machine. Results were analyzed by ANOVA. Weibull survival analysis was used to determine the force required to produce a 5% bracket failure rate. Differences in the Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI) were analyzed by chi-square. No significant differences between groups were found for the mean shear bond strength or Weibull estimates. ARI scores differed significantly.

Impairment of the Type I Interferon Response in HIV-Infected Macrophages Facilitates their Infection and Killing by the Oncolytic Virus, MG1

Sandstrom, Teslin Stella 28 May 2019 (has links)
HIV remains an incurable viral infection and a significant global health concern. Despite the advent of antiretroviral therapy, there are 36.9 million recorded cases of HIV worldwide, with an additional 1.8 million new infections recorded in 2017 alone. An HIV cure is therefore one of several priorities within the field, and will require HIV “reservoir” cells—comprised of latently-HIV infected CD4+ T cells and productively-infected, tissue resident macrophages—to be selectively killed in vivo. HIV reservoir cells are rarely found within the peripheral circulation, residing instead within inaccessible tissue sanctuaries. Consequently, their characterization has been limited to in vitro laboratory models. To complicate matters further, a definitive cellular surface marker of HIV infected cells has yet to be identified. Impairment of the type I interferon (IFN1) response has been observed during HIV infection, however, making it a unique intracellular maker of HIV-infected cells. The recent development of oncolytic viruses (OV) designed to selectively kill IFN-defective cancer cells also suggests that these IFN1 defects possess therapeutic value. It was therefore hypothesized that the impairment of the IFN1 response in HIV-infected CD4+ cells and macrophages could serve as a target for oncolytic virus-mediated killing. The induction of several antiviral IFN-stimulated proteins, including PKR and ISG15, was inhibited in HIV-infected monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) following stimulation with IFNα or a synthetic RNA. Consequently, HIV-infected MDM were more susceptible to infection and killing by the oncolytic Maraba virus, MG1. Importantly, MG1-mediated killing required the presence of replication-competent OV, and could not be potentiated by UV-inactivated MG1 or supernatants from MG1-infected cells. The ability of MG1 to target the HIV reservoir was further confirmed using alveolar macrophages collected from the lungs of cART-suppressed individuals living with HIV. These findings indicate that IFN1 defects are a feature of HIV infected cells, which can be exploited for selective killing by OV. This project is therefore unique in that it demonstrates that HIV reservoir cells can be eradicated in a targeted manner by exploiting an intracellular marker of HIV infection. As MG1-based cancer therapies are currently being explored in Phase I/II clinical trials, there is potential for this approach to be adapted for use within the HIV cure field.

ASPECTOS PSICOLÓGICOS NA CURA RELIGIOSA PENTECOSTAL / ASPECTOS PSICOLÓGICOS NA CURA RELIGIOSA PENTECOSTAL / MOREIRA, Manoel Messias da Silva. Psychological aspects in religious pentecostal cure. Goiânia: Catholic University of Goiás, 2006. / MOREIRA, Manoel Messias da Silva. Psychological aspects in religious pentecostal cure. Goiânia: Catholic University of Goiás, 2006.

Moreira, Manoel Messias da Silva 25 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:49:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MANOEL MESSIAS DA SILVA MOREIRA.pdf: 974441 bytes, checksum: 067f13c7e450989ed222b6ef783956f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-25 / This research mainly discusses the psychological aspects in religious Pentecostal cure. It does not discuss if there is religious cure or not, it concentrates, however, on investigating the psychological elements present, or which contribute to the execution of religious Pentecostal cure. It intends to understand in some way the psychological apparatus and its elements which, starting from religious and psychological symbolism, turn themselves into participants in this discussion, through jungian vision. It questions to what point the religious pentecostal cures aren t also psychosomatic cures. To Jung, the symbol is the psychological mechanism which transforms the energy, and which can be considered as the individual expression of the archetype. The symbol is the means that provides the possibility of using the energy flow for some kind of production. Jung called the energy-transforming symbol the image of the libido , which would be the presentations that can give an equivalent expression to the libido, canalizing it to a form different from the original one. The research deals with: health, sickness and sick; religion, psychology and the efficience of both in the cure. It culminates in the field work with four case studies of religious pentecostal cure, where the psychological aspects are studied. / Esta pesquisa aborda, em caráter principal os aspectos psicológicos na cura religiosa pentecostal. Não discute se existe ou não cura religiosa, porém centra-se em investigar os elementos psicológicos presentes, ou que contribuam para a efetivação da cura religiosa pentecostal. Pretende entender de alguma forma o aparato psíquico e seus elementos que a partir da simbologia religiosa e psicológica se constituem participantes desta demanda, através da visão junguiana. Questiona até que ponto as curas religiosas pentecostais não são também curas psicossomáticas. Para Jung o símbolo é o mecanismo psicológico transformador da energia, podendo ser considerado como a expressão individual do arquétipo. O símbolo é o meio que fornece a possibilidade de ser utilizado o fluxo energético para alguma produção. Jung chamou o símbolo que transforma a energia de imagem da libido , que seriam as representações que podem dar à libido uma expressão equivalente, canalizando-a para uma forma diferente da original. A pesquisa trata de saúde, doença; religião, psicologia e a eficácia de ambas na cura. Culmina com o trabalho de campo com quatro estudos de casos de cura religiosa pentecostal onde são investigados os aspectos psicológicos.

Compósitos cimentícios com polpa celulósica tratada por hornificação e curados por carbonatação acelerada / Cementitious composites with cellulose pulp treated by hornification and cured by accelerated carbonation

Mejia Ballesteros, Julian Eduardo 13 June 2018 (has links)
O aproveitamento de fibras naturais como materiais de reforço em compósitos cimentícios é uma alternativa que apresenta potencial técnico, econômico, social e ambiental. Porém seu uso é limitado pela baixa durabilidade e estabilidade dimensional, refletidas na perda da capacidade de reforço das fibras em consequência da sua rápida degradação dentro da matriz de cimento. Para abordar esta situação, estudos ao redor do mundo mostraram que é possível aplicar tratamentos sobre as fibras e/ou matriz, modificando seu comportamento e obtendo resultados positivos. Dentro deste contexto, o presente estudo teve por objetivo aplicar e avaliar o efeito do tratamento de hornificação sobre polpas vegetais de eucalipto e pinus (não branqueadas) e do tratamento de carbonatação acelerada ou uso de adições pozolânicas sobre a matriz de cimento, alterando sua alcalinidade, buscando assim, maior durabilidade do material de reforço e otimizando o desempenho geral do compósito. Para atingir os objetivos propostos foram determinadas e analisadas propriedades físicas, morfologias e microestruturais das polpas antes e após do processo de hornificação. Posteriormente, em uma segunda etapa do trabalho, foram produzidos compósitos cimentícios com vistas em determinar o teor de reforço ótimo (6%, 8% e 10%) de polpas celulósicas (tratadas e não tratadas), curados por cura térmica sendo avaliados por meio da determinação de propriedades físico-mecânicas, microestruturais e de durabilidade. Seguidamente, em uma terceira etapa do trabalho, foram produzidos compósitos cimentícios com polpas celulósicas (tratadas e não tratadas) curados por carbonatação acelerada, sendo avaliados por meio da determinação de propriedades físico-mecânicas, microestruturais e de durabilidade. Na última etapa, foram avaliadas formulações de compósitos cimentícios reforçados com a polpa celulósica (tratada e não tratada) de melhor desempenho com adição de cinzas de casca de arroz ou resíduo de carvão ativado como material pozolânico, sendo avaliadas suas propriedades físico-mecânicas, microestruturais e de durabilidade. Os resultados obtidos permitem identificar que a hornificação gera modificações na estrutura interna das polpas reduzindo sua capacidade de absorção de água, estabilidade dimensiona, colapso do lúmen e incremento da rugosidade superficial sem ocasionar deterioração da sua estrutura ou componentes. No que concerne à influência da porcentagem de polpa de reforço aplicada, o desempenho das propriedades físico-mecânicas caiu proporcionalmente com o incremento da porcentagem de reforço, sendo este fenômeno acompanhado pela formação de aglomerações de polpas. Assim, os compósitos com 6% de reforço de polpas de eucalipto ou pinus se destacaram pelo desempenho. Em relação ao reforço com fibras hornificadas, foram obtidas melhoras no desempenho do módulo de ruptura e energia específica, com destacável conservação após do material ser envelhecido. Ao ser aplicada a cura por carbonatação acelerada sobre as matrizes, se obtiveram melhoras destacáveis na durabilidade das fibras e no desempenho mecânico antes e após do envelhecimento acelerado em relação aos compósitos curados por cura térmica. Estas melhoras foram mais representativas com o reforço de polpas hornificadas. O uso de substituição parcial do cimento por CCA mostrou o pior desempenho físico-mecânico. Por sua vez, a substituição de 25% de RCA permitiu alcançar melhoras no comportamento das propriedades físico-mecânicas das matrizes, especialmente com o reforço com a polpa hornificada. / The use of natural fibers as reinforcement materials in cement composites is an alternative that offers technical, economic, social and environmental potential. But their use is limited by its low durability and dimensional stability, reflected in a building capacity loss as result of its rapid degradation within the cement matrix. To address this situation, studies around the world show that it is possible to apply treatments on the fibers and/or the matrix, thus, modifying their behavior and obtaining positive results. Within this context, this study aimed to implement and evaluate the effect an hornification treatment on eucalyptus and pine kraft pulps (unbleached); and an accelerated carbonation treatment or use pozzolanic additions on the cement matrix that changes its alkalinity, seeking thus, greater durability of the reinforcing material, optimizing the overall performance of the composite. To achieve the proposed objectives, the physical, and microstructural morphologies of the pulps were determined and analyzed before and after the hornification process. Then, in a second stage of the work, cementitious composites were produced with a view to determining the optimal reinforcement content (6%, 8% and 10%) of cellulosic pulps (treated and untreated), cured by thermal curing, being evaluated by the determination of its durability, physical-mechanical and microstructure properties. Subsequently, in a third stage of the work, cementitious composites were developed with cellulose pulps (treated and untreated) and cured by accelerated carbonation, being evaluated by the determination of its durability, physical-mechanical and microstructure properties. In the last stage, formulations of cementitious composites reinforced with cellulose pulps (treated and untreated) of better performance were evaluated with the addition of rice husk ash (CCA) or activated coal mining waste (RCA) as pozzolanic material, being evaluated their physicomechanical, microstructural and durability properties. Therefore, we expected to obtain a cement matrix of low alkalinity and a reinforcing fiber with lower capacity for water absorption and higher dimensional stability, which acting together would achieve a superior mechanical performance as well as a longer durability over time. The obtained results allow to identify that the hornification generates modifications in the internal structure of the pulps reducing its capacity of water absorption, stability, lumen collapse and increase surface roughness without causing deterioration of its structure or components. Regarding the influence of the percentage of reinforcing pulp applied, the performance of the physical-mechanical properties fell proportionally with the increment of the reinforcement percentage, being this phenomenon accompanied by formation of agglomerations of pulps. Thus, the composites with 6% reinforcement of pulps of eucalyptus or pinus stood out by the performance. In relation to the reinforcement with hornificated fibers, the performance of the modulus of rupture and specific energy were obtained, with detachable conservation after the material was aged. When accelerated carbonatation curing was applied to the matrices, the durability of the fibers and the mechanical performance before and after the accelerated aging were obtained in relation to the heat curing composites. These improvements were more representative with the reinforcement of hornified pulps. The use of partial cement substitution by CCA showed the worst physicomechanical performance. On the other hand, the substitution of 25% or RCA allowed to achieve improvements in the behavior of the physical-mechanical properties of the matrices, especially with the reinforcement with the hornified pulp.

Modelagens estatística para dados de sobrevivência bivariados: uma abordagem bayesiana / Statistical modeling to bivariate survival data: a bayesian approacn

Ribeiro, Taís Roberta 31 March 2017 (has links)
Os modelos de fragilidade são utilizados para modelar as possíveis associações entre os tempos de sobrevivência. Uma outra alternativa desenvolvida para modelar a dependência entre dados multivariados é o uso dos modelos baseados em funções cópulas. Neste trabalho propusemos dois modelos de sobrevivência derivados das cópulas de Ali- Mikhail-Haq (AMH) e de Frank para modelar a dependência de dados bivariados na presença de covariáveis e observações censuradas. Para fins inferenciais, realizamos uma abordagem bayesiana usando métodos Monte Carlo em Cadeias de Markov (MCMC). Algumas discussões sobre os critérios de seleção de modelos são apresentadas. Com o objetivo de detectar observações influentes utilizamos o método bayesiano de análise de influência de deleção de casos baseado na divergência ψ. Por fim, mostramos a aplicabilidade dos modelos propostos a conjuntos de dados simulados e reais. Apresentamos, também, um novo modelo de sobrevivência bivariado com fração de cura, que leva em consideração três configurações para o mecanismo de ativação latente: ativação aleatória, primeira ativação é última ativação. Aplicamos este modelo a um conjunto de dados de empréstimo de Crédito Direto ao modo do Consumidor (DCC) e comparamos os ajustes por meio dos critérios bayesianos de seleção de modelos para verificar qual dos três modelos melhor se ajustou. Por fim, mostramos nossa proposta futura para a continuação da pesquisa. / The frailty models are used to model the possible associations between survival times. Another alternative developed for modeling the dependence between multivariate data is the use of models based on copulas functions. In this paper we propose two derived survival models of copula of the Ali-Mikhail-Haq (AMH) and of the Frank to model the dependence of bivariate data in the presence of covariates and censored observations. For inferential purposes, we conducted a Bayesian approach using Monte Carlo methods in Markov Chain (MCMC). Some discussions on the model selection criteria were presented. In order to detect influential observations we use the Bayesian method of cases of deletion of influence analysis based on the difference ψ. Finally, we show the applicability of the proposed models to sets of simulated and real data. We present, too, a new survival model with bivariate fraction of healing, which takes into account three settings for the latent activation mechanism: random activation, first activation and final activation. We apply this model to a set of Direct Credit loan data to the Consumer mode (DCC) and compare the settings, through Bayesian criteria for selection of models, which of the three models best fit. Finally, we show our future proposal for further research.

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