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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Génétique de l'hyperplasie macronodulaire des surrénales : identification et caractérisation du gène ARMC5 / Genetic of primary bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia : identification and characterization of ARMC5 gene

Espiard, Stéphanie 03 November 2016 (has links)
L’hyperplasie bilatérale macronodulaire des surrénales (HBMS) conduit au développement de nodules corticosurrénaliens bilatéraux entraînant un syndrome de Cushing diagnostiqué souvent au cours de la cinquième décennie. L’étiologie de cette maladie n’était que partiellement connue mais le caractère bilatéral de l’atteinte surrénalienne et l’observation de cas familiaux suggéraient, au début de ce travail, une origine génétique. L’analyse de l’ADN tumoral et leucocytaire d’une série de 33 patients opérés a permis de mettre en évidence chez 25% des patients une perte d’hétérozygotie neutre en nombres de copies (LOH) de tout le bras court du chromosome 16 (16p) au niveau du tissu surrénalien. Un séquençage complet du génome de 5 patients (ADN germinal et tumoral) a permis de mettre en évidence une mutation du gène ARMC5 localisé en 16p pour 4 patients. Le séquençage direct des parties codantes d’ARMC5 à partir de l’ADN somatique et germinal de l’ensemble des patients opérés de la cohorte a montré qu’au total, 55% des patients avaient une mutation d’ARMC5. L’inactivation du gène se fait selon la théorie de Knudson (un événement germinal inactivant le premier allèle associé à un autre événement somatique inactivant le second allèle) ce qui laisse supposer qu’ARMC5 est un gène suppresseur de tumeur. L’analyse de la cohorte d’HBMS de nos collaborateurs américains au National Institute Health (laboratoire de CA. Stratakis, Bethesda, USA) a permis de confirmer que les mutations d’ARMC5 étaient un événement fréquent. Des variants de ce gène sont aussi associés à l’hypertension à rénine basse chez les patients noirs-américains. Afin de déterminer des corrélations génotype-phénotype, notre cohorte initiale a été élargie pour constituer une série consécutive de 98 cas index de patients présentant des formes légères à sévères de la maladie, opérées ou non. Vingt-quatre patients (25%) présentaient une altération d’ARMC5. Par ailleurs, 31 nodules surrénaliens de 19 patients ont été analysés en somatique. Le second événement était une mutation dans 68% des cas et une LOH du locus pour les 32% restant. Chez un même patient, le second événement était différent dans chaque nodule présenté. Les patients mutés avaient un syndrome de Cushing plus sévère cliniquement et biologiquement par rapport aux patients non mutés. La taille de leurs surrénales étaient plus grandes avec un plus grand nombre de nodules. Les patients mutés étaient aussi plus jeunes au diagnostic et plus souvent hypertendus. Ces patients étaient ainsi plus souvent opérés. La fonction de la protéine ARMC5 n’était pas connue lors de son identification comme gène de l’HBMS. In vitro, la surexpression du gène sauvage induit l’apoptose. La surexpression des mutants faux-sens et du mutant p.F700del retrouvés chez les patients entraîne moins d’apoptose qu’ARMC5 sauvage. La protéine ARMC5 contient des domaines Armadillo et BTB, connus pour être impliqués dans l’interaction protéine-protéine. En physiologie, l’ACTH stimule la production d’AMPc et la voie de la protéine kinase A (PKA) est impliquée dans différentes pathologies corticosurrénaliennes. Nous avons pu montrer qu’ARMC5 interagissait avec la sous-unité catalytique alpha de la PKA. L’invalidation d’ARMC5 conduit in vitro à une diminution de l’expression d’enzymes de la stéroïdogénèse, de la production de cortisol et une diminution de l’activité PKA. Ainsi, l’hypothèse pour expliquer les HBMS liées à une inactivation d’ARMC5 est que la perte d’apoptose conduit à une hyperplasie nodulaire du tissu corticosurrénalien et que, même si la production de cortisol est diminuée à l’échelle unicellulaire, l’effet de masse global conduit au total à un hypercortisolisme. Nos travaux ont donc identifié et caractérisé un premier gène causal, ARMC5, fréquemment impliqué dans l’HBMS et associé à des formes plus sévères de la maladie. Cette découverte ouvre des perspectives pour le diagnostic familial et la prise en charge des patients. (...) / Primary bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (PBMAH) is a rare cause of adrenal Cushing’s syndrome and bilateral adrenal tumors. We suspected a genetic origin of the disease on the basis of the report of some familial cases and the involvement of both adrenal glands. The aim of this study was to find a genetic cause of non syndromic PBMAH. To look at chromosomal abnormalities, we use single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays and microsatellite markers analysis in a first series of 33 patients all operated for PBMAH. We realize whole genome sequencing of 5 patients (blood and tumor DNAs matched). Then we genotyped by Sanger sequencing the gene Armadillo Repeat Containing 5 (ARMC5) in this first series and 66 additional patients. Clinical data were collected to establish genotype-phenotype correlation. In addition, the cohort of patients of our collaborators at the National Institute Health (Dr. Stratakis, Bethesda, USA) was studied. The effects of ARMC5 inactivation and overexpression and the partners of the protein were sought in cell-culture models. The most frequent somatic alteration was a loss of heterozygosity at 16p observed in tumors of 25% of the patients. The gene ARMC5, located at 16p11.2, was the most frequently mutated by whole genome sequencing: a mutation was found in 4/5 patients. 55% of the patients of the first cohort (33 patients treated by adrenalectomy for PBMAH) had ARMC5 alteration. One patient presented with germline microdeletion of the locus identified by SNP array. Every patient had two events: either a mutation or a deletion at the germline level, either a second mutation or a LOH at the somatic level. We showed that the two events were present on different alleles suggesting that ARMC5 is a tumor suppressor gene. In addition, we showed for several patients that the second hit was different in each adrenal nodules of a same patient. This first cohort included only operated patients with serious forms of the disease. The study of the American cohort and the analysis of the total cohort of our lab including non-operated patients and milder forms showed an alteration of ARMC5 in about 25% of the patients. Genotype-phenotype correlation showed that ARMC5 defects are associated with younger age at the diagnosis, higher hypercortisolism, bigger adrenals and higher number of nodules. In addition, a mutation of ARMC5 was shown in a patient with a PBMAH secreting both aldosterone and cortisol. Analysis of a series of patient affected by primary hyperaldosteronism suggested that ARMC5 may be associated with hypertension especially in African-American subjet. Overexpression of ARMC5 leads in vitro to cell apoptosis. We showed that this apoptosis was reduced when transfecting vector harboring missense mutations or single amino-acid deletion found in our cohort. Invalidation of ARMC5 leads to a decreased steroidogenic enzymes expression, cortisol production and reduced protein kinase A (PKA) activity. We showed that ARMC5 interacts with the calaytic subunit alpha of the PKA dissociated from the cAMP-bound regulatory subunits. More than one quarter of sporadic PBMAH patients present a pathogenic germline ARMC5 defect and these index cases present a more severe disease. Systematic genotyping of ARMC5 may help for early diagnosis of PBMAH, familial counseling, and patients’ management. ARMC5 appears to be a new regulator of PKA and might represent a new target for the development of pharmacological agents controlling PKA function and cortisol production.


Longo Mazzuco, Tânia 05 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
L'expression anormale de récepteurs hormonaux couplés aux protéines Gs (RCPG) a été mise en évidence dans des tumeurs cortico-surrénaliennes. Ces récepteurs contrôlent la sécrétion du cortisol, mais leur rôle dans la formation tumorale n'a pas été démontré. Nous avons utilisé un modèle de tumorigenèse cortico-surrénalienne permettant l'expression des gènes de deux récepteurs, le GIPR et le LHR, dont l'implication dans les manifestations cliniques d'hypercortisolisme a été bien établie. La formation de tissus hyperprolifératifs et hyperfonctionnels, d'aspect tumoral bénin, démontre pour la première fois que l'expression ectopique d'un seul gène de RCPGs (le GIPR ou le LHR) a un rôle initiateur de la tumorigenèse cortico-surrénalienne. Nous avons également caractérisé in vivo et in vitro un cas clinique de syndrome de Cushing sensible aux catécholamines, secondaire à une hyperplasie surrénalienne où nous avons démontré la surexpression du récepteur β2-adrénergique. La sécrétion de cortisol était aussi dépendante d'autres médiateurs tels que la 5-HT, l'AVP et l'ACTH sécrété localement de façon ectopique. En conclusion, l'expression d'un RCPG suffit pour induire la formation d'une tumeur bénigne cortico-surrénalienne. Des anormalités mixtes peuvent être présentes dans ce type de tumeur. Ce modèle permettra d'étudier les étapes de progression tumorale cortico-surrénalienne ainsi que l'effet d'autres types de GPCR et les alternatives thérapeutiques dans ce type de pathologie.

Impacto de un programa educativo para el paciente con síndrome de Cushing: Estudio Multicéntrico

Martínez Momblán, Mª Antonia 04 March 2013 (has links)
INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome de Cushing (SC) representa una de esas enfermedades endocrinas raras, está caracterizada por una hipersecreción de cortisol; está causada por un tumor en la hipófisis (enfermedad de Cushing), o más raramente por un tumor adrenal o ectópico. La principal causa de morbilidad y mortalidad en el SC es la enfermedad cardiovascular, incluso si los pacientes han sido tratados de manera eficaz (es decir, se ha controlado el hipercortisolismo). A pesar de las múltiples complicaciones que pueden sufrir los pacientes con SC y de la presencia de numerosos factores de riesgo cardiovascular (obesidad central, diabetes, cardiopatía isquémica, hipertensión, dislipemia, etc.) potencialmente peligrosos, no existen en la actualidad programas educativos que den respuesta a este déficit formativo. Para el paciente con SC no existe hasta ahora una atención integral que permita afrontar la complejidad de esta enfermedad y conseguir una mejora de la Calidad de Vida, la disminución en la morbi-mortalidad, el aumento del confort, bienestar y autonomía en el autocuidado Dicho aspecto permite que enfermería se situé en primera línea de actuación frente a la educación en este grupo de pacientes, a través de la elaboración y el fomento de instrumentos educativos específicos que mejoren la Calidad de vida de estos pacientes. OBJETIVOS GENERALES: Evaluar la efectividad de las sesiones educativas para los pacientes con Síndrome de Cushing operados y con seguimiento ambulatorio en el HSCSP y Hospital Clínico de Barcelona, en términos de calidad de vida, indicadores de evaluación clínica, nivel de dolor y actividad física, patrones de descanso y consumo de recursos sanitarios (seguimiento realizado entre 2010 y 2011). DISEÑO,ÁMBITO Y SUJETOS DE ESTUDIO: Se realizo un ensayo clínico Multicentrico, prospectivo, con asignación aleatoria y estratificada por centros. El ámbito de estudio se desarrollo en dos centros de referencia de Cataluña donde atienden a pacientes afectados de Síndrome de Cushing (SC), uno es el Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) y el Hospital Clínico de Barcelona. La muestra final fue de 61 pacientes RECOGIDA Y ANÁLISIS DATOS: La recogida de datos se realizo a través de la Historia Clínica del paciente y analizamos variables sociodemográficas, antropométricas, analíticas y clínicas y relacionadas con el SC a lo largo de todas las sesiones educativa. Así mismo se pasaran cuestionarios al inicio y al finalizar las sesiones educativas y fueron: Calidad CushingQoL, Cuestionario Internacional Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Cuestionario Oviedo del sueño (COS), Fagerström Test for Nicotina Dependence (FTND), Cuestionario del dolor Español (CDE), Test Diagnóstico para la Disfunción Eréctil (IIDE 5), Cuestionario sobre la función sexual femenina (Spanish versión of FSFI) , Cuestionario breve perfil de la función sexual en la mujer (B-PFSF) y Cuestionario de hábitos de vida relacionados con el sobrepeso y obesidad. RESULTADOS: Se presentan mejorías significativas en el grupo intervención con respecto al grupo control en : nivel de dolor (p=0,0525), mejoría de la actividad física (p=0,0072) y hábitos de vida (p<0,0001). Así mismo se confirma asociaciones del CushingQoL con : CushingQoL basal-final (p=0,0085), mejoría del dolor (p=0,053), actividad física (p=0,0068) y nivel de descanso o sueño (p=0,0098).CONCLUSIONES: Las sesiones educativas interrumpen el deterioro de la calidad de vida, aumenta la actividad física moderada y vigoroso, favorece la adherencia al tratamiento analgésico provocando una disminución del dolor, mejora en los patrones de descanso y una disminución de los recursos consumidos en el grupo intervención. / INTRODUCTION: Cushing's syndrome (CS) is one of those rare endocrine diseases, is characterized by hypersecretion of cortisol, is caused by a pituitary tumor (Cushing's disease), or more rarely by an adrenal tumor or ectopic. The main cause of morbidity and mortality in the SC is cardiovascular disease, even if patients have been treated effectively (ie, has controlled the hypercortisolism). Despite the many complications that patients may suffer SC and the presence of several cardiovascular risk factors (central obesity, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, etc.). Potentially dangerous, there are currently no educational programs respond to this educational deficit. For the patient with SC so far no comprehensive care that will address the complexity of this disease and achieve an improved quality of life, decreased morbidity and mortality, increased comfort, convenience and independence in self-care Said aspect allows nursing site frontline action against education in this group of patients, through the development and promotion of specific educational tools that improve the quality of life of these patients. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of the educational sessions for patients with Cushing's syndrome and operated outpatient follow the HSCSP and Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, in terms of quality of life, clinical evaluation indicators, level of pain and physical activity, patterns of rest and use of health resources (monitoring conducted between 2010 and 2011). DESIGN, STUDY SCOPE AND SUBJECTS: We performed a multicenter, prospective, randomized, stratified by center. The field study was conducted in two reference centers in Catalonia where care for patients suffering from Cushing's syndrome (CS), one is the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) and the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. The final sample of 61 patients DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Data collection was performed through the patient's history and analyze sociodemographic, anthropometric, laboratory, and clinical and related SC over all educational sessions. So pass same questionnaires at the beginning and end of the educational sessions and were CushingQoL Quality, Questionnaire International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Oviedo Sleep Questionnaire (COS), Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND), Spanish Pain Questionnaire (CDE) Diagnostic Test for Erectile Dysfunction (IIEF 5), Questionnaire on female sexual function (Spanish version of FSFI) Questionnaire brief profile of female sexual function (B-PFSF) and lifestyle questionnaire related overweight and obesity. RESULTS: We present significant improvements in the intervention group compared to control group: pain level (p = 0.0525), improvement in physical activity (p = 0.0072) and lifestyle (p<0.0001). Also confirmed CushingQoL associations with: CushingQoL basal-end (p = 0.0085), improvement in pain (p = 0.053), physical activity (p = 0.0068) and level of rest or sleep (p = 0, 0098). CONCLUSIONS: The educational sessions disrupt the deteriorating quality of life, increasing moderate and vigorous physical activity, promotes adherence analgesic causing a decrease in pain, improved rest patterns and a decrease in the resources consumed in the intervention group.

Cushing’s Disease in a 7-Month-Old Girl due to a Tumor Producing Adrenocorticotropic Hormone and Thyreotropin-Secreting Hormone

List, Jörg V., Sobottka, Stephan B., Hübner, Angela, Bonk, Constanze, Koy, Jan, Pinzer, Thomas, Schackert, Gabriele 27 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
We present the case of a 7-month-old baby with Cushing’s disease due to an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-secreting pituitary adenoma combined with cells producing thyreotropin-secreting hormone (TSH). In MRI scans, a contrast-enhancing lesion was seen inside the pituitary fossa, and it extended into the suprasellar region. On the assumption of a pituitary adenoma, surgery was performed. Corresponding with biochemical findings, histopathological evaluation revealed an ACTH- and TSH-producing tumor. Genetic analysis did not demonstrate an alteration at codon 201 (Arg) and 227 (Glu). To our knowledge, this is the first case described in a child of this age. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Three Hounds of the Baskervilles / Baskervilles tre Hundar

Oxenhall, Johan January 2018 (has links)
Sherlock Holmes har adapterats till film i över hundra år. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att genomföra en studie om adaptioner av Sherlock Holmes romanen The Hound of the Baskerville har anpassats för sin samtid mellan 1939 och 2012. Analysen utgår därmed ifrån Sidney Lanfields adaption ifrån 1939 med Basil Rathbone, Terence Fishers adaption ifrån 1959 med Peter Cushing. Slutligen TV-serien Sherlocks adaption ifrån 2012 med Benedict Cumberbatch i rollen som Holmes. Den grundläggande teorin för uppsatsen är adaptionsteori, för att få fram hur Sir Arthur Conan Doyles roman har ändrats och anpassats för att bli lämplig för sin samtida publik. Analysen är uppdelad i tre kapitel, i vilka olika delar av det som har adapterats analyseras. De olika kapitlen handlar om filmskaparna har omarbetat och tolkat Doyles roman för sin samtid? Har de tolkat och omarbetat de kvinnliga karaktärerna för sin samtids publik? Har Sherlock själv utvecklats mellan de tre adaptionerna? Slutsats omfattar sedan en diskussion om uppsatsens resultat, baserad på Linda Hutcheons teori om adaption. / Sherlock Holmes have been adapted to film for over a hundred years. The purpose with this essay is to conduct a study of how adaptations of the Sherlock Holmes novel The Hound of the Baskervilles have been adjusted between 1939 and 2012, to make the story more appropriate for their contemporary audience. The analysis is based on Sidney Lanfields 1939 adaptation with Basil Rathbone, the 1959 Terence Fisher adaptation with Peter Cushing and the 2012 adaptation for the TV series Sherlock. The Essay is based in adaption theory, to determine how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel has been changed and adjusted to make the story more appropriate for the contemporary audience of the adaptation in question. The analysis is divided into three chapters, which examines different aspects of what has been adapted. The different chapters analyze how the filmmakers have reworked and interpreted Doyle’s novel for their time, how they have interpreted and reworked the female characters and how Sherlock himself has evolved between the three adaptations.

Élucidation des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans l’expression aberrante du récepteur au peptide insulinotropique glucose-dépendant (GIP) dans les tumeurs du cortex de la glande surrénale

Lampron, Antoine 10 1900 (has links)
Les tumeurs du cortex surrénalien sont variées et fréquentes dans la population. Bien que des mutations aient été identifiées dans certains syndromes familiaux, les causes génétiques menant à la formation de tumeur du cortex surrénalien ne sont encore que peu connues. Un sous-type de ces tumeurs incluent les hyperplasies macronodulaires et sont pressenties comme la voie d’entrée de la tumorigenèse du cortex surrénalien. L’événement génétique le plus fréquemment observé dans ces tumeurs est l’expression aberrante d’un ou plusieurs récepteurs couplés aux protéines G qui contrôle la production de stéroïdes ainsi que la prolifération cellulaire. L’événement génétique menant à l’expression aberrante de ces récepteurs est encore inconnu. En utilisant le récepteur au peptide insulinotropique dépendant du glucose (GIP) comme modèle, cette étude se propose d’identifier les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans l’expression aberrante du récepteur au GIP (GIPR) dans les tumeurs du cortex surrénalien. Une partie clinique de cette étude se penchera sur l’identification de nouveaux cas de tumeurs surrénaliennes exprimant le GIPR de façon aberrante. Les patients étudiés seront soumis à un protocole d’investigation in vivo complet et les tumeurs prélevées seront étudiées extensivement in vitro par RT-PCR en temps réel, culture primaire des tumeurs, immunohistochimie et biopuces. Le lien entre le GIP et la physiologie normal sera également étudiée de cette façon. Une autre partie de l’étude utilisera les nouvelles techniques d’investigation à grande échelle en identifiant le transcriptome de différents cas de tumeurs exprimant le GIPR de façon aberrante. L’importance fonctionnelle des gènes identifiée par ces techniques sera confirmée dans des modèles cellulaires. Cette étude présente pour la première des cas de tumeurs productrices d’aldostérone présentant des réponses aberrantes, auparavant confinées aux tumeurs productrice de cortisol ou d’androgènes surrénaliens. Le cas probant présenté avait une production d’aldostérone sensible au GIP, le GIPR était surexprimé au niveau de l’ARNm et un fort marquage a été identifié dans la tumeur spécifiquement. Dans les surrénales normales, cette étude démontre que le GIP est impliqué dans le contrôle de la production d’aldostérone. Ces résultats ont été confirmés in vitro. Finalement, le profilage à grande échelle des niveaux d’expression de tous les gènes du génome a permis d’isoler une liste de gènes spécifiquement liés à la présence du GIPR dans des hyperplasies du cortex surrénalien. Cette liste inclus la périlipine, une protéine de stockage des lipides dans les adipocytes et la glande surrénale, dont l’expression est fortement réprimée dans les cas GIP-dépendant. Des études dans un modèle cellulaire démontrent que la répression de ce gène par siRNA est suffisante pour induire l’expression du récepteur au GIP et que cette protéine est impliquée dans la stimulation de la stéroïdogénèse par le GIP. En alliant des méthodes d’investigation in vivo de pointe à des techniques in vitro avancée, cette étude offre de nouveaux regards sur les liens entre le GIP et la physiologie de la glande surrénale, que ce soit dans des conditions normales ou pathologiques. / Tumors of the adrenal cortex are varied and frequently found in the population. Aside from rare family cases in which mutations have been identified, the genetic events leading to the formation of adrenocortical tumors remain obscure. A subtype of these tumors includes macronodular hyperplasias, now percieved as the entry point of adrenocortical tumorigenesis. The most commonly observed molecular event in these cases is the presence of aberrantly expressed G-protein coupled receptor that drive steroid production and cellular proliferation. The genetic events leading to these aberrant levels of expression are unknown. This study will use the Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (GIP) receptor as a model to identify the molecular mecanisms leading to the aberrant expression of the GIP receptor (GIPR) in adrenocortical tumors. The first part of the study will be a clinical investigation of new cases of adrenocortical tumors to screen for aberrant responses to GIP in various types of these tumors. The patients will be evaluated by a thorough clinical investigation protocol and the resected tumors will be extensively analysed in vitro, using real-time RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, microarray and primary cultures of the tumors. The link between GIP and the normal physiology of the adrenal cortex will also be assessed in normal subjects. The second part of the study will use novel large-scale investigation techniques to determine the transcriptome of different cases of adrenocortical tumors expressing aberrant levels of the GIPR. The functional importance of identified genes will be assessed in cellular models. This study presents the first cases of aldosterone-producing tumors with aberrant responses to hormones, previously confined to cortisol- or androgen producing tumors. The case presented showed an aldosterone production sensitive, among others, to GIP. The GIPR’s mRNA was strongly over expressed and a specific staining was observed in immunohistochemistry. The responses were confirmed in primary cultures of the tumor. In normal adrenals, a role for the control of aldosterone by GIP was also demonstrated. Finally, large-scale profiling of the transcriptome led to the identification of a list of genes with expression levels strictly related to the presence of the GIPR in adrenocortical hyperplasias. One of these genes, perilipin, was strongly repressed specifically in GIP-dependent cases. siRNA techniques were used in a cellular model and confirmed that the repression of perilipin is sufficient to induce the expression of GIPR and that this protein is implicated in the GIP induced steroidogenesis. Allying state-of-the-art in vivo investigation methods to advanced in vitro techniques, the present study identifies novel insights on the link between GIP and the normal adrenal physiology, in normal and pathological conditions.

La clasificación de los conceptos de libertad : una revisión y crítica sobre "dos conceptos de libertad"

Sola Aylwin, Javier Ignacio January 2018 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / Autor no autoriza el acceso a texto completo de su documento / En el presente ensayo se realiza una exposición crítica de cinco aportes relacionados al concepto de libertad. Como texto base de la discusión moderna tal concepto, se analiza “Two Concepts of Liberty” de Isaiah Berlin. Se argumenta que la definición de libertad negativa de Berlin no atiende exclusivamente a la ausencia de interferencias, sino más bien a la existencia de un área de alternativas, y que la definición positiva, relacionada a la idea de “ser dueño de sí”, sólo cae en las consecuencias totalitarias que Berlin le atribuye producto de una diferencia en el nivel de análisis, mas no por la estructura propia del concepto. A continuación se revisan cuatro críticas a este texto. (1) “Negative and Positive Freedom”, de Gerald MacCallum, donde se presenta la tesis de un concepto unitario de libertad. Se argumentará que tal concepto sólo constituye una versión ampliada del concepto negativo de Berlin, no logrando incorporar el concepto positivo. (2) “A Third Concept of Liberty”, de Quentin Skinner, quien agrega a la discusión el concepto republicano de libertad. Se argumentará que para introducir tal concepto Skinner redujo el sentido del concepto positivo, no incorporando por tanto un concepto ajeno a los introducidos por Berlin. (3) “What’s Wrong with Negative Liberty”, de Charles Taylor, quien critica la libertad negativa Hobbesiano como un concepto insuficiente (crudo). Se argumenta que para llegar a las conclusiones que Taylor sostiene, no se requiere la introducción de la noción de autorrealización dentro del concepto negativo. (4) “Freedom as an Ideal”, de Raymond Geuss, quien junto con evidenciar la existencia de más conceptos de libertad, realiza la distinción de la libertad en sentidos interno y externo. En las conclusiones, esta distinción es tomada para sostener una clasificación de la libertad en seis variables (positiva, negativa; interna, externa; individual, colectiva). / 27/12/2019

Estudo da expressão do receptor da vasopressina (AVPR1B), do receptor do hormônio liberador de corticotrofina (CRHR1) e do receptor dos secretagogos de GH (GHSR-1a) em pacientes portadores de síndrome de Cushing ACTH-dependente: correlação clínico-molecular / Study of mRNA expression of the receptors for vasopressin (AVPR1B), corticotropin releasing hormone (CRHR1) and GH secretagogues (GHSR-1a) in patients with ACTH-dependent Cushing\'s syndrome: clinical-molecular correlation

Machado, Marcio Carlos 25 August 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O diagnóstico diferencial da síndrome de Cushing (SC) ACTH-dependente é um dos maiores desafios da endocrinologia, devido ao comportamento clínico e laboratorial semelhante de alguns tumores carcinóides com a doença de Cushing (DC). Assim, testes dinâmicos de secreção de ACTH e cortisol têm sido utilizados com o objetivo de identificar respostas que sejam preditivas e específicas no diagnóstico diferencial. O padrão dessas respostas é atribuído à superexpressão de receptores; entretanto, poucos estudos foram realizados para comprovar tal associação. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a secreção de ACTH e cortisol em resposta aos testes do CRH humano (hCRH), da desmopressina, e do peptídeo liberador do GH (GHRP-6) é dependente da magnitude de expressão dos seus respectivos receptores (CRHR1, AVPR1B e GHSR-1a) em amostras de tumores de pacientes portadores da SC ACTH-dependente. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Entre 2002 e 2004, foram avaliados 22 pacientes (20 com DC e dois com Secreção Ectópica de ACTH [SEA], carcinóide de pulmão e timo), idade mediana de 32 anos (15-54 anos), sendo 18 do sexo feminino e quatro do sexo masculino, provenientes da Disciplina de Endocrinologia e Metabologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Os pacientes foram submetidos aos testes do hCRH (100 µg), desmopressina (10 µg) e GHRP-6 (1 µg/kg) com dosagens de ACTH e cortisol e também de GH no caso do GHRP-6. Vinte e um indivíduos controles, pareados por sexo e idade, foram submetidos ao teste do GHRP-6. Durante o ato operatório, fragmentos de tumor foram coletados para posterior extração do RNA total. O estudo da expressão foi feito por meio de PCR quantitativo em tempo real dos genes CRHR1, AVPR1B e GHSR-1a em relação ao GAPDH. Fragmentos de tecidos normais (hipófise, pulmão e timo) procedentes de necropsias foram utilizados como controles. RESULTADOS: Observamos maior expressão de GHSR-1a nos pacientes responsivos ao GHRP-6, tanto naqueles com DC quanto no paciente com carcinóide pulmonar. Não houve maior expressão dos receptores CRHR1 e AVPR1B nos pacientes com DC responsivos aos respectivos testes, observando-se, no entanto, uma forte associação entre respostas in vivo e a expressão desses receptores nos pacientes com SEA. As concentrações de ACTH e cortisol induzidas pela administração de GHRP-6 foram mais elevadas nos pacientes com DC quando comparados aos controles, havendo, no entanto, superposição entre as respostas. Observamos também elevação dos níveis séricos de GH nos indivíduos controles e, em menor intensidade, nos pacientes com DC. CONCLUSÕES: Houve maior expressão do receptor GHSR-1a em pacientes com SC ACTH-dependente responsivos ao GHRP-6, estabelecendo-se uma relação direta entre a expressão do receptor e a resposta in vivo ao secretagogo, tanto em pacientes com DC quanto nos portadores de SEA. Uma associação entre a expressão dos receptores CRHR1 e AVPR1B com a resposta in vivo aos respectivos secretagogos foi observada nos pacientes com SEA e não nos pacientes com DC. Tendo em vista a resposta ao GHRP-6 em paciente com SEA, limita-se o uso desse peptídeo no diagnóstico diferencial da SC ACTH-dependente. / INTRODUCTION: The differential diagnosis of ACTH-dependent Cushing\'s syndrome (CS) is one of the major challenges in endocrinology, especially in view of the similar clinical and laboratorial behavior between some carcinoid tumors and Cushing\'s disease (CD). Hence, dynamic tests of ACTH and cortisol release have been carried out with the aim to identify predictive and specific responses for this differential diagnosis. The pattern of the responses has been attributed to receptors overexpression, yet few studies have been undertaken to confirm such association. The aim of the present study was to verify whether ACTH and cortisol release in response to human CRH (hCRH), desmopressin, and GH releasing peptide (GHRP-6) depends on the magnitude of expression of their respective receptors (CRHR1, AVPR1B e GHSR-1a) in samples of tumors from patients with ACTH-dependent CS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty two patients (20 with CD and 2 with Ectopic ACTH Syndrome [EAS], lung and thymus carcinoid tumors) from the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism of University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, median age of 32 years (15-54 years), being 18 females and 4 males, were evaluated between 2002 and 2004. The patients were submitted to dynamic tests with hCRH (100 µg), desmopressin (10 µg) and GHRP-6 (1 µg/kg), with measurement of ACTH and cortisol levels, and also of GH in the case of GHRP-6 stimulation. Twenty one age and sex-matched controls were submitted to the GHRP-6 test. During surgery, tumor fragments were collected and subsequently processed for total mRNA extraction. Gene expression of CRHR1, AVPR1B and GHSR-1a relative to GAPDH was quantitated by real-time qPCR. Tissue samples of normal pituitary, lung and thymus from necropsy were used as controls. RESULTS: Greater expression of GHSR-1a was observed in patients responsive to the GHRP-6 test, both in those with CD and in the one with pulmonary carcinoid tumor. No enhanced expression of receptors CRHR1 and AVPR1B was found in CD patients responsive to the respective dynamic tests, yet there was a strong association between the in vivo responses and the expression of those receptors in the two patients with EAS. GHRP-6 -induced ACTH and cortisol release was more marked in patients with CD as compared with control individuals, but there was overlap of the responses. GH stimulation was observed in control individuals and, to a lesser extent, in patients with CD. CONCLUSIONS: There was greater expression of GHSR-1a in patients with ACTH-dependent CS who responded to GHRP-6, establishing a direct association between receptor gene expression and the in vivo response to the secretagogue in both CD patients and those with EAS. An association between expression of CRHR1 and AVPR1B and the in vivo response to the respective secretagogues was found in patients with EAS but not in those with CD. In view of the response to GHRP-6 in a patient with EAS, we considered the use of this peptide in the differential diagnosis of ACTH-dependent CS of limited value.

Élucidation des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans l’expression aberrante du récepteur au peptide insulinotropique glucose-dépendant (GIP) dans les tumeurs du cortex de la glande surrénale

Lampron, Antoine 10 1900 (has links)
Les tumeurs du cortex surrénalien sont variées et fréquentes dans la population. Bien que des mutations aient été identifiées dans certains syndromes familiaux, les causes génétiques menant à la formation de tumeur du cortex surrénalien ne sont encore que peu connues. Un sous-type de ces tumeurs incluent les hyperplasies macronodulaires et sont pressenties comme la voie d’entrée de la tumorigenèse du cortex surrénalien. L’événement génétique le plus fréquemment observé dans ces tumeurs est l’expression aberrante d’un ou plusieurs récepteurs couplés aux protéines G qui contrôle la production de stéroïdes ainsi que la prolifération cellulaire. L’événement génétique menant à l’expression aberrante de ces récepteurs est encore inconnu. En utilisant le récepteur au peptide insulinotropique dépendant du glucose (GIP) comme modèle, cette étude se propose d’identifier les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans l’expression aberrante du récepteur au GIP (GIPR) dans les tumeurs du cortex surrénalien. Une partie clinique de cette étude se penchera sur l’identification de nouveaux cas de tumeurs surrénaliennes exprimant le GIPR de façon aberrante. Les patients étudiés seront soumis à un protocole d’investigation in vivo complet et les tumeurs prélevées seront étudiées extensivement in vitro par RT-PCR en temps réel, culture primaire des tumeurs, immunohistochimie et biopuces. Le lien entre le GIP et la physiologie normal sera également étudiée de cette façon. Une autre partie de l’étude utilisera les nouvelles techniques d’investigation à grande échelle en identifiant le transcriptome de différents cas de tumeurs exprimant le GIPR de façon aberrante. L’importance fonctionnelle des gènes identifiée par ces techniques sera confirmée dans des modèles cellulaires. Cette étude présente pour la première des cas de tumeurs productrices d’aldostérone présentant des réponses aberrantes, auparavant confinées aux tumeurs productrice de cortisol ou d’androgènes surrénaliens. Le cas probant présenté avait une production d’aldostérone sensible au GIP, le GIPR était surexprimé au niveau de l’ARNm et un fort marquage a été identifié dans la tumeur spécifiquement. Dans les surrénales normales, cette étude démontre que le GIP est impliqué dans le contrôle de la production d’aldostérone. Ces résultats ont été confirmés in vitro. Finalement, le profilage à grande échelle des niveaux d’expression de tous les gènes du génome a permis d’isoler une liste de gènes spécifiquement liés à la présence du GIPR dans des hyperplasies du cortex surrénalien. Cette liste inclus la périlipine, une protéine de stockage des lipides dans les adipocytes et la glande surrénale, dont l’expression est fortement réprimée dans les cas GIP-dépendant. Des études dans un modèle cellulaire démontrent que la répression de ce gène par siRNA est suffisante pour induire l’expression du récepteur au GIP et que cette protéine est impliquée dans la stimulation de la stéroïdogénèse par le GIP. En alliant des méthodes d’investigation in vivo de pointe à des techniques in vitro avancée, cette étude offre de nouveaux regards sur les liens entre le GIP et la physiologie de la glande surrénale, que ce soit dans des conditions normales ou pathologiques. / Tumors of the adrenal cortex are varied and frequently found in the population. Aside from rare family cases in which mutations have been identified, the genetic events leading to the formation of adrenocortical tumors remain obscure. A subtype of these tumors includes macronodular hyperplasias, now percieved as the entry point of adrenocortical tumorigenesis. The most commonly observed molecular event in these cases is the presence of aberrantly expressed G-protein coupled receptor that drive steroid production and cellular proliferation. The genetic events leading to these aberrant levels of expression are unknown. This study will use the Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (GIP) receptor as a model to identify the molecular mecanisms leading to the aberrant expression of the GIP receptor (GIPR) in adrenocortical tumors. The first part of the study will be a clinical investigation of new cases of adrenocortical tumors to screen for aberrant responses to GIP in various types of these tumors. The patients will be evaluated by a thorough clinical investigation protocol and the resected tumors will be extensively analysed in vitro, using real-time RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, microarray and primary cultures of the tumors. The link between GIP and the normal physiology of the adrenal cortex will also be assessed in normal subjects. The second part of the study will use novel large-scale investigation techniques to determine the transcriptome of different cases of adrenocortical tumors expressing aberrant levels of the GIPR. The functional importance of identified genes will be assessed in cellular models. This study presents the first cases of aldosterone-producing tumors with aberrant responses to hormones, previously confined to cortisol- or androgen producing tumors. The case presented showed an aldosterone production sensitive, among others, to GIP. The GIPR’s mRNA was strongly over expressed and a specific staining was observed in immunohistochemistry. The responses were confirmed in primary cultures of the tumor. In normal adrenals, a role for the control of aldosterone by GIP was also demonstrated. Finally, large-scale profiling of the transcriptome led to the identification of a list of genes with expression levels strictly related to the presence of the GIPR in adrenocortical hyperplasias. One of these genes, perilipin, was strongly repressed specifically in GIP-dependent cases. siRNA techniques were used in a cellular model and confirmed that the repression of perilipin is sufficient to induce the expression of GIPR and that this protein is implicated in the GIP induced steroidogenesis. Allying state-of-the-art in vivo investigation methods to advanced in vitro techniques, the present study identifies novel insights on the link between GIP and the normal adrenal physiology, in normal and pathological conditions.

Estudo da expressão do receptor da vasopressina (AVPR1B), do receptor do hormônio liberador de corticotrofina (CRHR1) e do receptor dos secretagogos de GH (GHSR-1a) em pacientes portadores de síndrome de Cushing ACTH-dependente: correlação clínico-molecular / Study of mRNA expression of the receptors for vasopressin (AVPR1B), corticotropin releasing hormone (CRHR1) and GH secretagogues (GHSR-1a) in patients with ACTH-dependent Cushing\'s syndrome: clinical-molecular correlation

Marcio Carlos Machado 25 August 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O diagnóstico diferencial da síndrome de Cushing (SC) ACTH-dependente é um dos maiores desafios da endocrinologia, devido ao comportamento clínico e laboratorial semelhante de alguns tumores carcinóides com a doença de Cushing (DC). Assim, testes dinâmicos de secreção de ACTH e cortisol têm sido utilizados com o objetivo de identificar respostas que sejam preditivas e específicas no diagnóstico diferencial. O padrão dessas respostas é atribuído à superexpressão de receptores; entretanto, poucos estudos foram realizados para comprovar tal associação. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a secreção de ACTH e cortisol em resposta aos testes do CRH humano (hCRH), da desmopressina, e do peptídeo liberador do GH (GHRP-6) é dependente da magnitude de expressão dos seus respectivos receptores (CRHR1, AVPR1B e GHSR-1a) em amostras de tumores de pacientes portadores da SC ACTH-dependente. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Entre 2002 e 2004, foram avaliados 22 pacientes (20 com DC e dois com Secreção Ectópica de ACTH [SEA], carcinóide de pulmão e timo), idade mediana de 32 anos (15-54 anos), sendo 18 do sexo feminino e quatro do sexo masculino, provenientes da Disciplina de Endocrinologia e Metabologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Os pacientes foram submetidos aos testes do hCRH (100 µg), desmopressina (10 µg) e GHRP-6 (1 µg/kg) com dosagens de ACTH e cortisol e também de GH no caso do GHRP-6. Vinte e um indivíduos controles, pareados por sexo e idade, foram submetidos ao teste do GHRP-6. Durante o ato operatório, fragmentos de tumor foram coletados para posterior extração do RNA total. O estudo da expressão foi feito por meio de PCR quantitativo em tempo real dos genes CRHR1, AVPR1B e GHSR-1a em relação ao GAPDH. Fragmentos de tecidos normais (hipófise, pulmão e timo) procedentes de necropsias foram utilizados como controles. RESULTADOS: Observamos maior expressão de GHSR-1a nos pacientes responsivos ao GHRP-6, tanto naqueles com DC quanto no paciente com carcinóide pulmonar. Não houve maior expressão dos receptores CRHR1 e AVPR1B nos pacientes com DC responsivos aos respectivos testes, observando-se, no entanto, uma forte associação entre respostas in vivo e a expressão desses receptores nos pacientes com SEA. As concentrações de ACTH e cortisol induzidas pela administração de GHRP-6 foram mais elevadas nos pacientes com DC quando comparados aos controles, havendo, no entanto, superposição entre as respostas. Observamos também elevação dos níveis séricos de GH nos indivíduos controles e, em menor intensidade, nos pacientes com DC. CONCLUSÕES: Houve maior expressão do receptor GHSR-1a em pacientes com SC ACTH-dependente responsivos ao GHRP-6, estabelecendo-se uma relação direta entre a expressão do receptor e a resposta in vivo ao secretagogo, tanto em pacientes com DC quanto nos portadores de SEA. Uma associação entre a expressão dos receptores CRHR1 e AVPR1B com a resposta in vivo aos respectivos secretagogos foi observada nos pacientes com SEA e não nos pacientes com DC. Tendo em vista a resposta ao GHRP-6 em paciente com SEA, limita-se o uso desse peptídeo no diagnóstico diferencial da SC ACTH-dependente. / INTRODUCTION: The differential diagnosis of ACTH-dependent Cushing\'s syndrome (CS) is one of the major challenges in endocrinology, especially in view of the similar clinical and laboratorial behavior between some carcinoid tumors and Cushing\'s disease (CD). Hence, dynamic tests of ACTH and cortisol release have been carried out with the aim to identify predictive and specific responses for this differential diagnosis. The pattern of the responses has been attributed to receptors overexpression, yet few studies have been undertaken to confirm such association. The aim of the present study was to verify whether ACTH and cortisol release in response to human CRH (hCRH), desmopressin, and GH releasing peptide (GHRP-6) depends on the magnitude of expression of their respective receptors (CRHR1, AVPR1B e GHSR-1a) in samples of tumors from patients with ACTH-dependent CS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty two patients (20 with CD and 2 with Ectopic ACTH Syndrome [EAS], lung and thymus carcinoid tumors) from the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism of University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, median age of 32 years (15-54 years), being 18 females and 4 males, were evaluated between 2002 and 2004. The patients were submitted to dynamic tests with hCRH (100 µg), desmopressin (10 µg) and GHRP-6 (1 µg/kg), with measurement of ACTH and cortisol levels, and also of GH in the case of GHRP-6 stimulation. Twenty one age and sex-matched controls were submitted to the GHRP-6 test. During surgery, tumor fragments were collected and subsequently processed for total mRNA extraction. Gene expression of CRHR1, AVPR1B and GHSR-1a relative to GAPDH was quantitated by real-time qPCR. Tissue samples of normal pituitary, lung and thymus from necropsy were used as controls. RESULTS: Greater expression of GHSR-1a was observed in patients responsive to the GHRP-6 test, both in those with CD and in the one with pulmonary carcinoid tumor. No enhanced expression of receptors CRHR1 and AVPR1B was found in CD patients responsive to the respective dynamic tests, yet there was a strong association between the in vivo responses and the expression of those receptors in the two patients with EAS. GHRP-6 -induced ACTH and cortisol release was more marked in patients with CD as compared with control individuals, but there was overlap of the responses. GH stimulation was observed in control individuals and, to a lesser extent, in patients with CD. CONCLUSIONS: There was greater expression of GHSR-1a in patients with ACTH-dependent CS who responded to GHRP-6, establishing a direct association between receptor gene expression and the in vivo response to the secretagogue in both CD patients and those with EAS. An association between expression of CRHR1 and AVPR1B and the in vivo response to the respective secretagogues was found in patients with EAS but not in those with CD. In view of the response to GHRP-6 in a patient with EAS, we considered the use of this peptide in the differential diagnosis of ACTH-dependent CS of limited value.

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